HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-08-18, Page 13Galilean Picnic Church members and guests were greeted by sunny skies as they were welcomed to the 6th annual Galilean Service and Picnic by Murray East and Gordon Yeo who piped gay highland tunes. With the theme of the. 0 Rector's sermon being Amazing Grace, the Rector asked the pipers to play that song at the beginning of the service..The 'lesson was re by Mrs. Lyn .a Steenstra wit :Stewart Wisb and'iJam Mid- 'leton receiving the offering, Stewart Middleton placed flowers at the pulpit in. memory of his wife Grace. The 'Rector welcomed everyone to the service and ta. enjoy the picnic pot lunch that followed, Canon Harold Paull said the blessing. Rev. Bennett offered his thanks to CKNX's Roy and Margaret Bennett for their sound equipment; Huron Church 'Camp with Rev. Ken Anderson; Stewart Middleton 0% for the use of his park ; The Greensleeves, James Miller, Beatrice Thomson and John Newell; the pipers; Gerda Brand for playing her ac- " cordian; the picnic com- mittee of Blanche Deeves, Vera Miller and Mabel Middleton for their time and efforts and Bill and Lynda Steenstra, who were thanked for their time spent with the small fry and to so many i others who have assisted in organizing yet another out- door service. Did you leave anything at the picnic? A knife and fork - and one green cup can be recovered at Blanche Deeves, ca11482-3383. IF' It may be interesting u to know that some of our guests at the Galilean Service picnic M were from England, Hon- ' duras, Dawson Creek, home on the eleventh. Marion Powell and Ann Colclough had everyone join in a game ofintroduction with clothespins and also a game of barnyard bingo and agame of knowing Huron County. Bob Elliott gave greetings as only Bob can do with both Bill and Lynda opening their gifts and thanking everyone, for the .gifts and the lovely. evening. Lunch ' was then served by Marion .Qowell', Ann Colclough and Blanche Deeves, and social time was had by all. Our best wishes go to oAui Rector, >tev. 'Win. Bennett and his wife Jean on their wedding anniversary. The community would like to say best wishes to Muriel and Bob Glenn on their 29th wedding anniversary. Dennis and Sandra Kelly and Cindy of Woodstock were recent guests with Grandpa and Gramma Wise to celebrate Cindy's and Dennis' birthdays. J It's nice to see that Bob and Pat Hodgins of Mississauga came home for a weekend to attend the church service and picnic and to visit with" Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wise. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross, Heather and . Tanya of Scarboro have been visiting with the Deeves. Jason Hulls of Lucan has been visiting with . grandpa and gramma Dutot. Edward and Lois Wise have been camping at Point Farms Provincial Park where the Clinton Square and Round Dance Club was camping as a group. They enjoyed a campfire at night, where they tell us they just sat about. Many of the men left on Saturday to go home and help with the harvest. The clubs put on the en- rtainment and a dance with her campers at the Barn on turday evening and llowing the dance, they turned to their camp__ ounds were they lit a mpfire and had coffee, nuts, toasted mar - mallows and a sing song. A oup of teenagers from the to Jamaica and Prince George. of We do hop.e that they enjoyed Sa their stay with us. fo re Personals Thursday ' evening 45 Fiends - and neighbours gathered for a chivaree of Lynda and ' Bill Steenstra's gr ca do sh gr 124. Anstett Jewellers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-3901 OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience. HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6p.m.; Friday nights 'till 9 p.m. ' Dashwood Does It I at Counter Cash 8t Carry..... * CLASSIC ENTRANCE DOORS FROM 980. * TRIMLITE WOOD GLIDERS FROM $69• 4s ,h A * BREEZEWAY PATIO DOORS No. 60.68 $451. All In stock, along with many other window units at comparable savings. PANELLING $4.49 $4.98 AND UP TO $16.65 rismamimma COLOURLOK SIDING . 12" WHITE $65 100 SQ. FT. P. COUNTER CASH & CARRY Building Supplies ,'4t f ,r VVI 482-9612 opposite side of the bush came and joined the dance and the group taught them how to sing, after the good lesson they had, in dancing. Sunday morning, a com- munity breakfast of pan- cakes, maple syrup, bacon and eggs were all cooked on a ' camp .fir".e: .They joined the, other campers at the church service in the Barn ,with the Christian Reformed •Churei in charge. Pastor Van- staajdu n n of LUcknow gave the sermon, 'Dian Bruinsma played -the piano and sang Many numbers and Mrs.. Chris Bylsrna"- played the. guitar • and' sang ' rnahy numbers; An.enjoyable weekendwas had by the Clinton Dance groups. They stopped in Goderich and watched the Algosoo a laker from Sault St. Marie, and listened to the band concert in the park before returning to their homes after a good weekend: CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THLJRSDAY, ACUG ,1ST 18,1977-.».P.AdjE,i3 Bookw�rms Christine Johnston and Tracey Dinel are engrossed with the selection of books that are now available at the new Bayfield Public Library that was opened last Saturday. (photc by Milvena Erickson) YOUNG ONTARIO END & CENTRE CHOPS MIXED FRESH LOIN' PORK CHOPS S FRESHLY MINCED REGULAR GROUND BEEF 4 - fib. r FSH & CHJ $1 RUPERT FROZEN 30 oz. .5 SUNLIGHT LAUNDRY DETERGENT 10 Ib. $4. REGULAR PRE -PRICED 55' EA. 40,FL OZ. SIZE RETURNABLES COCA- -COLA _ PLUS DEPOSIT PRODUCE ONTARIO CABBAGE 28c ONTARIO NO. 1 GREEN PEPPERS ---------8J1 ONTARIO' NO.,1 CRISP RED RADISHES 1 Ib. PKG. 39c ONTARIO NO. 1 MILD GREEN ONIONS4 FOR59 ONTARIO GROWN NO. 1 FREE STONE REDHAVEN PEACHES 6 QT. BASKET WE WILL DE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: Local police Two break and enters were, reported from Vanastra over the weekend to the Goderich OPP. The incidents which occurred early Sunday morning involved entrance at the arena, though a small hole in, the back door. Some $60 and a number of chocolate bars were stolen out of the building. Following hat, the thieves entered the fr anastra Rec Centre where $70 was taken and some chocolate bars were left behind. Investigating . Constable John Wray , said that the thieves were probably young and small and were familiar with the dark huildings. They Clinton Police had a quiet week with only one accident investigated. The . incident which occurred on August 12 left a total of $325 in damages to the two vehicles involved. A car driven by Norman Dupee of 210 King St., Clinton sustained $200 in damages to the left rear fender and bumper after it was in a report' collision with a car driven by Brenda. Galachiuki of 344 James St., Clinton. The Dupee vehicle was travelling south on Issac Street when' it travelled through a stop sign at the intersection of Mary Street and met the Galachiuki vehicle. The Galachiuki car was damaged' at the left re -art fender and repair's will °cost' $12,5. independent'Shipper . to • United Coroperative of .Ontario'. Livestock Dept. • Toronto Ship Your Livestock with Roy Scotchmer Monda Is Shipping Day Fro area Stockyard CALL B FIELD565-2636 By 7: 0 a.m. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up tf 1 II/14/11% r/ DEVILLED PORK CHOPS Imperial Measure 111111 6 pork chops 1 finely chopped omont, 3 ibis lemon juice Det. 1 tsp dry mustard al1 tbls brown sugar 6 ibis chili sce or 'catsup - 2 tsp Worcestershire Sauce Metric Measure 6 pork chops 1 finely chopped onion 45 ml lemon juke 5 ml dry mustard 15 ml brown sugar 90 ml sce or catsup 10 ml Worcestershire sauce 111.1 ---_ Remove most of the fat from the chops. Marinate the chops for IIIIII Mi 1 hour in the remaining ingredients. • Melt and brown the fat in a frying pan. Drain the chops and brown; in the melted fat. When browned, add the marinating mixture. r, ■ , ■ / Cover the frying pan and simmer over low heat 1 hour. The chops 7111 /cooked in this manner are delicious with spinach and mashedill / potatoes. tillI 111 FRESH MEATY SCHNEIDERS BEEF WIENERS OR POUK HOCKS 48cRED HOTS 1 Ib PKG 89C SCHNEIDERS FARMERS MARKET SCHNEIDERS BREADED COUNTRY SAUSAGE_ 1.39 VEAL CUTLETTESIb._. 1.49 SCHNEIDERS LARGE FRESHSCHNEIDERS RING BOLOGNA_ __:_t 1.-1V SKILLET STRIPS PKG $1.1 9 KITCHENER PACKERS COTTON CHUB BURNS PURE PORK 'SUMMER SAUSAGE _ Jb_$1.89 SMOKED SAUSAGE._ Ib` $1.29 MAPLE LEAF ENGLISH STYLE MAPLE LEAF FULLY COOKED t/2'S . 6 oz. PKG . $1136 PARTY HAMS Ib. BACK BACON Ib• '1.98 LOW PRICES ON GRADE `Ar BEEF ... EVERYDAY! TENDER YOUNG 'A' GRADE C BONELESS ROUND BLADE STEAKS Ib' 88. STEAK ROASTS lb. $CHUCK BLADEOR 1.78 SHORT ,ROAST__,_t,_88cGRADE 'p' TENDER RIB ROUND STEAK lb.$1.1'8 BONELESS �E'�{El�'TENDER BQNELESS STEAK CiOSr CUY STEAK _Ib' $1.29 SIRLOIN TIP Ib. 1 98 X BONELESS CHUCK NO WASTE -BONELESS FABRIC POT ROAST Ib X1.08 STEWING BEEF 1 .09 SOFTENER BURNS FULLY COOKED SMOKED COTTAGE ROLL--. 5 Ib. PRIME GOURMET RIB ROAST TENDER PRIME Ib. RIB STEAKS BONELESS PRIME ROAST Ib, ROLLED RIB BRAISAI6 RIBS Ib. Ib. BONELESS LEAN 1.68 RUMP ROAST STEAKLEAN TENDERIZED i.18CuBE1�� BONELESSROLLED POT ROAST BRISK 69cBONE BEEF IN FOR SOUPBRISKET, OR STEW 10 s�.782 LITRE ,, 1.89 CRISPYFLAKE DOWNY X1 .89 COOKED IN TOMATOE SAUCE ZEHRS SPAGHETTI 19 oz. TINS FOR 1e 68 Ib. Ib. 68 T � ,b 38c 1 -Ib. PKGS. 2 FOR 1 C SCHNEIDERS SHORTENING C SCHNEIDERS SHORTENING GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON 7.75 oz. TIN 111 IN TOMATOE SAUCE zEHRs BEANS 1PORK 3191TINFO SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WED. 9 A.M. TILL CLOSING SAT. AUG. 20 SCHNEIDERS BRICK FARMERS OR WE RESERVE THE RIGHT•TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY .FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. PURE VEGETABLE ' MAZOLA OIL =_° ROYALE -4 COLOURS FACIAL TISSUE_ SALAD' OLIVES 1=a• 4:1 AA v SWEETHEART LIQUID • DETERGENT 32 oz. MACLARENS - 4 VARIETIES 59c p 1uo's RELISHES MONARCH DELUXE ,3 VARIETIES SNACK CAKE McCORNMICKS - 3 VARIETIES COOKIES 12.3 oz, TIN MOTHER POKERS O.P. SPECIAL OFFER TEA BAGS 60's 1.69 300 ,t. TOOTHPASTE - 2 VARIETIES • Y HANDL WRAP 1 CLOSES UP BONUS PACK Si 1 NON=AEROSOL ANTIPERSPIRANT 59` 12 oz. TASTY DONUTS C ZEHRS - 4 VARIETIES WITTICHS SUGAR & CINNAMON TLE . 89CHlPS25ogPOTATO _ 69CCOFFEE SZECAKE _ _ _ _ _59 WESTONS TASTY DONUTS 13 oz. COLBYCHEESE21 .49 SCHNEIDERS CHEESE 89c 'MOZZARELLA _ 2 �_. _ 1.59 C NORDICA 30 OZ. FRESH 59 COTTAGE CHEESr1.45 VALUPLUSENRICHED 79cWHITE BREAD 246z. 33 ZEHRS FROZEN CONCENTRATED oRANGE 121/2oz, TINS , JUICE FOR 1 .39 CRULLERSG S_OF 10_2FOR 1 1�1 RIGIIT��GU�RD'fim$1 ■Z9 iNERFINEST PRIVATE LABEL EXTRAFBAMIN63 12 or 13 oz. DEEP 'N' DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE 011 VANILLA McCAIN CAKES 9 BUY ONE GET ONE FREE! 1 LITRE CARTON NEILSONS SUPER QUALITY 'VENETIAN VANILLA' ICE CREAM ZEHRS REG. S1.29 fit, 2 CTNS. FOR 9 OUR MANAGER 15: DALE McDONALD GODERICH.NURON RD. 41:1.'8*- OPEN WED.THUR.FRI. EVENINGS Ag: 1' 9