HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-08-18, Page 10PAGE 10---CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1$, 1977
Pioneer Park Association.
pledge $1,000 to arena
The annual meeting of the
Pioneer Park Association
took place recently in the
Park which is looking par-
ticularly lovely this year; the
Historical Societyhears
grass, trees and shrubs are
growing well.
It continues to be a popular
spot with people visiting there
' regularly for a quiet and
peaceful view of the lake or to
watch the many small craft
on the water and ther
renowned sun.sets.
Mrs. Gail Grant was
thanked for her work as
convenor of the very suc-
cessful Rumruage Sale. also
all the many people who
turned out to help that day
and clean-up day.
A new member appointed
to the Board of. s
Directors i
The sog erosion of the bank Mr,. Armand Manners. Mr.
"` Co .ir e IS .1it� �c • i btr" ' .I ik. i d2;t%. ido.IVC�c:.: f tet
done to .prevent this loss of Baker were reappointed to
'land. Five groynes ha'ebeen,, three. 'year terns, Other
built out. into the lake by thedirectors' are Mrs. :Given
Park Association and neigh- Pemberton, Mrs. Q1Wen
bouring Y "property owners, Chapman', and r John Cook,'
;, hoping -this will help to build ' Brig. Morgan Smith, Prof.
up sand banks and beach. Walter Thompson and Mrs,
this year at a cost of $720.
Another groyne ''was added , Marilyn Gregory.
At the Directors meeting
immediately following the
annual, Prof. Thompson was
appointed Chairman. The
retiring chairman, Brig.
Morgan Smith has held the
office for five years.
Bayfield Historical Society 3n the 19th Century." Admiral Bayfield a few years
was 'favoured last. Monday.• Relevant portions were agoby Mrs. Leroy Poth.
. evening • with two excellent' copied by hex and are also The next speaker Mr.
spekers. Firstly Mrs, Muriel now in the Archives. Armand Manners reminisced'
Althoff,,, Oxford, M.A. Fellow Mrs, Altlioff's,inquiry as to of his experiences in Bayfield,
,of the 'Royal Geographical where she might possibly find as a young boy.
He began by
Society, London, England, the charts of Lake Huron led telling of finding his grand -
told of research she had done her to writing to the father's, Samuel Richard
on Admiral Bayfield while Hydrographic Office of the Manness, a Ittpndon, Ontario
wintering last year in Lon- Ministry of Defense (Navy) Cigar Manufacturer,
don, England at her family in Taunton in the S.W. of signature in the Albion Hotel
home in Blackheath which is England, where a few weeks records in 1897. From that
near the National Maritime ago she received ' the time on the Manners family
Museum in Greenwich. Admiral's charts of this area have holidayed in Bayfield.
She began by telling a little published Sept. 8, 1828; On July 16, 1913, Armand's
of the history of that part of compliments of the name along with his parents'
London which for many Hydrographer of the Navy. signature appears in the
hundreds of years was closely Mrs. Althoff has also Albion Hotel register and that
9pnnected with the Navy in written to a contact in the was the start of his annual
which service Admiral Public Records Office in visits. The family did not
Bayfield had such a London, England where it is always stay at the Albion, one
distinguished career. For understood by her, that the year they stayed above John
well over a thousand years it Admiral's original birth Tippits, at Bishop Town -
was through this general area certificate and other papers shend's and in the Shannon
that people travelled exist. This was a most in- Cottage. Mr. Manness also
overland and up and down the teresting paper given by Mrs. noted that. Mr. W.H. Robin -
Thames to London, par- .Althoff and is a follow-up of continued on page 11
ticularly armies going to and an excellent paper given on .
returning from the war in senior citizensgather,
Franceand was la ed
ti , me and agaipgun by various
raiders such as the Danes. • • •
' It was on February 7, 1874 visited by Lieutenant-gov.'
that Admiral Bayfield was
awarded a Greenwich -Zone 8 of Huron County
Hospital pension of 150 Seniors gathered together for
pounds per annum. The Royal a picnic at St. Christopher's
Naval College is known Beach in Goderich last
throughout the world now as Sunday with an attendance of
the University of the Navy, approximately 125 seniors.
for every officer has to un- Zone 8 is comprised of
dergo training there at some eleven clubs'from Brussels to
point in his career, quite a Grand Bend, including
difference from the days of Bayfield.
Admiral Bayfield, for he went In the 'absence'"' of ° Zone
straight to sea at the age of 11
years. ' It was on Lord
Collingwood's flagship
"Queen" that Admiral
Bayfield served very early in
his career.
To do her research on the
Admiral, for whom the
Village of Bayfield is named,
Mrs. Althoff went through the
first building of the National
Maritime Museum where her,
handbag and another bag
were thoroughly searched
(this was a frequent hap-
pening so you just got used to
it interjected Mrs. Althoff)
and walked along a colonnade
and entered the main part of
the Museum noted as the
world's largest and most
comprehensive Maritime
Museum and an international
centre of Maritime historical
research. The Library con-
tains 60,000 books and its
collection of historical
manuscripts fills nearly a
mile of shelving.
Mrs. Althoff was taken by
the 'chief librarian into the
hushed silence of ,the library,
seated at a large table and
started looking up references
for her. Mrs._' Althoff found
one book "Memoirs of
„Hydrography" by Com-
mander Dawson, which gave
a very comprehensive
coverage of Admiral Bayfield
which she had xeroxed in full
and is now in the Archives of
the Bayfield Society. It
contained a long list of the.
Admiral's charts and after a
phone call, Mrs. Althoff was
allowed to go to the
Navigation Room, where she
handled and searched
through the Admiral's charts
but was not able to find the
one,on Lake Huron.
On returning to the
Library, Mrs. Althoff found
further information con-
cerning the career of the
Admiral in a book called
"The Admiralty Chart,
British Naval Hydrography
TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of
Tho Liquor Licence Board of Marto will be
On THURSDAY, AUGUST 25th, 1977, at the
hour of 2.30 o'clock in the afternoon, at
which time the Board wilt hear applications
for new licences in accordance with The
Liquor Licence Act, 1975 and Regulations
The following establishment has applied
for a licence of the class indicated, and the
application will be entertained al the
aforementioned location and time
The Little Inn Hotel
P.O. Box 102, Bayfield
Coining Lounge Licence
son who is resident in the municipality and
° objepts to any application may file the
grounds of objection in person at the time
and plate of the meeting or in writing (co les
b� whidh will be forwarded to applicant) tol
Executive Director,
Liquor Licence Board of Ontario.
56 Lakeshore Boulevard East,
TORONTO, Ontario, M5( 1A4.
president, Mary Gregg of
Clinton, the chair was ably
filled by first vice Harry
Baker of Bayfield. Rose
Harris, Hensall was
secretary, Mr. Martini of
Dashwood was treasurer and
registered the guests.
Each club president was
ashed to make a few remark
on the working of their clubs.
Mrs. Zurback of Stratford,
who is on the executive for the
Ontario Seniors, gave a very
impressive report.
Gifts were given to the
eldest male present namely
Mr. Norman Ball of Clinton.
The eldest female prize went
to Mrs. , Edith Logan of
Blyth. The couple married
the longest were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Snyder of Goderich. The
couple married the shortest
time were Ida and Ed Godkin
of • Clinton. The couple
travelling the longest
distance were Helen and Red
Howe of Arizona. The prize'
for the closest birthday went
to Mr. Ed. Johns of Clinton. A
Get well card was circulated
and signed by all to be sent to
Mary Gregg, who is confined
to Clinton Hospital.
A short program was en-
joyed by all.
The gathering had the
honour of a surprise visit
from the Lieutenant
Governor of Ontario, who is
also Honorary President of
the ' Senior Citizens of
Ontario, in the person of Mrs.
Pauline McGibbon. She ex-
tended greetings to all the
clubs in Huron County. The
Mayor of Goderich welcomed
the groups to the Town.
A delicious smorgasbord'
supper was enjoyed by all.
Everyone is looking forward
to meeting again and en-
joying each others friendship.
A very successful dance-a-thon was held last Saturday night at Bayfield to raise money
for the new arena. Here a group of _youthful dancers demonstrate the bump. (photo by
Mlivena Erickson)
ound about the village
Don't forget the Bayfield
Ratepayers Association
Annual ,.meeting this
Saturday morning, August 20
at 10:30 am in the Old Town
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Deller,
Kerry and Scott of Brampton
were the weekend guests of
her mother., Mrs. Nina Haw
and also her brother, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Haw and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cook of
Fort Thomas DKentucky and
two .children, Mandy and
Chrisreturned to their home
after spending the past two
weeks with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Cook.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Parker returned home
Sunday after accompanying
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Parker of
London on a trip to Manitolin
Islands, Sault Ste. Marie and
Mackinac Islands.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Mason of Detroit, Mich.,
visited during the weekefid
with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lynn
and also with Caroland Bruce
Lynn on River Terrace.
Mr. and . Mrs. Lawrence
Crich and son Ken of Sarnia
were recent visitors in the
Haw home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Overboe, Scott and Theresa
of Watford, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Barnes of London and
Mrs. Annie Lang ,of Detroit,
Bayfield Village
Shop at
Main Street -
Bayfield, Ont. Ph: 565-4650
• Fresh Produce • Groceries
• Fresh Meats • Toys
*Patent Medicine • Greeting Cards
• Ice
"Shop in Air -Conditioned
Store Hours:
• Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Sunday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m
Take the scenic route
to Bayfield this Summer
Mich., were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald R. 'McLeod and
John on Sunday to mark the
occasion of John's 17th bir-
thday. .
Mrs. Lucy Desjardine,
Detroit, Mich. has returned to'
her home after spending the
past week with her family,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Martin,
Glen and Lucy at their cot,
Congratulations to Doug
and Pat Gemeinhardt who on
Saturday celebrated their
42 wedding anniversary with
a family party at their home.
Little Miss Cathy., Haw on
Friday August ' 12 was
honoured at a birthday party
by her family and 13 little
friends on the occasion of her
7 birthday.
Mrs. Annie Lang of Detroit,
Mich., was a guest of „•Miss
Dorothy McLeod for �the
weekend and also visited her
brother Donald R. McLeod
and family.
Miss Anne Haw returned
home Thursday after spen-
ding the past two weeks with
her grandpa and grandma
Riddell in Dundalk.
Mrs. Norma Stewart, RR 2
Ripley and her sister Mrs.
Milvena Erickson spent from
Monday to Wednesday in
Michigan visiting friends.
Pee Wee All Star
Soccer team managed by
Fred Gale and coached by
Dave Silcock played on
Sunday in Sarnia for the Ohio
Cup, and won their game 15 to
The Mosquito All Stars go
to Sarnia Friday night to play
against Sarnia and on Sunday
afternoon they meet Cam-
bridge (Galt) in ,Cambridge
to play for the Border Cup.
During the business, it was
voted to pledge $1,000 to the
Bayfield Arena Building
Fund: $500. to be given this
year and the other $500 in
Dancers stay,up
After dancing for 12 hours,
nine couples remained on the
dance floor Sunday morning
in the Lioness arranged
Dance-a-thon held in the
The dancers started at 8 pm
Saturday night and danced
through the night. They were
allowed a five minute rest on
the even hours.
Music was provided by
D.J.'s Unlimited who had
Anglican chu
Morning Prayer was held
at the Trinity Anglican
Church in Bayfield at 10 am
on Sunday Morning. The
lesson was read by Greta Du
Boulay and the Rev. Wm.
Bennett gave a short Homily
before leaving to attend the
Galilean Service in Mid-
dleton. Philip Du Boulay took
over the remainder of the
service in the absence of the
The Church extended its
best, wishes to Donald
Menzies of RR 3, Bayfield and
Huella Jean Stanger of
London who were married on
Saturday, August 13. Mr. and
Mrs. Kirk MacDonald were
the . witnesses at the
ceremony and the couple
more than 700 records ready
to play. The Lioness' were
very grateful to the Tequila
Association for their donation
of $140 and to the D.J.'s who
not only sponsored some of
the dancers, but also donated
Final count of the proceeds
to go to the Arena Fund. will
be reported at a later .date
when all pledges are
rch news
were piped out of the church
by Eric Mathers.
The Church also wishes*
well to Kay Gemeinhardt,
who is a patient in Goderich
Hospital and Viola Cadger
who is a patient in Clinton
Visitors at the Rectory (last
week were: Mr. and' Mrs.
Frank Hill, London; Mr. .and
Mrs. Allen Ure, Krista and
Karen, Ridgetown; Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Bennett, Gareth
and Maron, London; Dr. anajl
Mrs. George Jenkins, Lon-
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