HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-08-11, Page 17'1 ta'1�tlni RIy� • 1,77 tLINTQN T i $DA e. AtT4tIST 1977,. PAG'g. 7 Q: 4,1• - rn'$2' 55, tthklNA fa Al`s xbal, ...miff" A* Suieq, lour x'441 pkg. fURNI 'OW DAI Av. Ri •ediate Occ 961-1200 tion & Inform ' 9. Accommodation to Fent TWO bedroom house, on Regina Phone 482-3005.----32tf 1,200 SQ, F�"I'.or friction thereof, ideal location, will renovate to suit tenant: Phone, 481.9727; .-32ar 4. FOUit. bedroom house for rent, in Clinton, available. immediately, Rent $215'. Phone 1-658-9879. -32tf • THREE bedroom house - kitchen, dining room, double living room, centrally located. Available Sept. 1, 1977 Phone 482-9431. -32-35 HOUSE for rent in. Kinburn, Available immediately. Phone 482-9'206. -32 APARTMENT for rent. 482-7833. -31tf ar FOUR BEDROOM house for rent, in Clinton, available im- mediately. Rent $215. Phone 1- 658-9879.-32tf HALF DUPLEX in Clinton, 2 bedrooms, gas heat, close to uptown, quiet street. References required, available August 1, 1977, Phone 523-9338.-29tf-ar S . Ads. Big Results! ROOM. 49004 FOREST HIIIS 4RMS ROSLYN GA6OFNS•225 w0. i•!rnr +^'. Ir " 9drm 49 s 'r 5:69 s Avs. North 4 SPACIOUS 3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE Ample parking, near recreation facilities, utilities included. $194.40 per month. VANASTRA CALL NOW! 482-7606 ' t' OR - 482 -7335 R•'482-7335 11. Room and board ] HOLIDAY Home - for retired people. Private bed sitting rooms, spacious living room, 3 meals served daily $10 a day..Not '-' a nursing home. Phone 482-3685. -3ltfar 12. Help wanted 16. Mortgages EXPANSION has made it necessary for us to employ' several\ new people who are neat and want to get ahead in life. High earnings based on bonus 112 and incentive plans. Call 524-9024. -32,33 44 OUNTT N, rn Mortgages • ADVANCED REALTY FUNDING. MORTGAG.E''F'UNDS :AVAILABLE PRIME RATES 1ST.2ND. MORTGAGES • For More Information or Appointment Plea .;e Contact GODERICH `. WALKERTON Paul Kuenemaq 881-0476 Don Denomme ' 524-2747 Member Of "Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association" and • "The Better Business Bureau" WE HAVE immediate jobs for - those who. qualify. For details call 524-9024. -32,33 PERSON for pressing and general , laundry duties..,. Per- manent position. Apply in person to Huron Laundry, 154 Beech St. 0 Clinton. -32ar WANTED IMMEDIATELY person to do light housekeeping with meals for one 'and sleep in. Laundry sent out and cleaner comes in twice a" week. Phone 482=3881. -32tf 14. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT week days in my home, commencing September, Marlene Hart, Phone 482-7183. -32,33,34 17. Auction sales 1st - 2nd - 3rd. MORTGAGES 24 Hour Prompt Service for: • BRIEF FINANCING HOME IMPROVEMENTS • NEW CARS OR TRUCKS • LOW RATES FOR RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Arrangements made in the privacy of your own home or office We also have Money for down payments ROBERTSON MORTGAGE BROKERS Call Kitchener 519=744-7336 At night call Waterloo 519-886-0684 tf 17. Auction sales WARRINGTON Lt 1251>n', Ni •,n, - s 0 a 1V. Auction sales ,t. AC'TIONEERS 9.L1QU I DArtORS APPRAISERS Specializing ,in all types o auction sales * Business •* Farm * Estates Free Verbal Appraisals Professional Sales Assistance PHONE 482-3120 or 527-1336 16 tfn 18. Services available KEN'S CARPENTRY - Remodelling, renovations, ,cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt -Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482-7676 - Ken McNairn. -1AR and tf ALL KINDS of renovations, additions, patios, sun -decks, recreation' rooms,orches, carports, siding, etc. Free estimates. Call 482-3609. J.B. Colquhoun, General Contractor, Clinton after 6 p.m. -ar BYERS UPHOLSTERY- We will rebuild, re-cover or re -style 17. Auction sales your old furniture, Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939,• 71 Princess St. W., Clinton.-tfn Large Consignment, AUCTION SALE of Farm TRACTORS 8► MACHINERY On SATURDAY, AUGUST 13th LAKEVIEW SALES & SERVICE 7 miles Northeast of Goderich or 11/2 miles North, 1 mile East of Carlow Phone 524-6451 TWILIGHT AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Antiques at the Auction Rooms, Hwy 21, one mile South of Goderich on Friday, August 12 at 7 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; 6 pc. dinette suite with china cabinet;'4 pc. bedroom , suite; commode; 2 upholstered tub chairs, hall tree; hall 'mirror with shelf; end tables; coffee table;' studio couch with matching ' chair; buffet; 2 single beds; continental bed; chests of drawers; 4 wooden kitchen chairs; odd chairs; filing cabinet; dishes; crocks; iron pump; electric sewing machine; Frigidaire, dish- asher; Viking Dehumidifier; as space -heater; large oil pace heater; hand tools; 201' ut power lawn mower, etc. etc. Terms - cash 'Auctioneers - Marie Salm, Seaforth 527-0494 and Mike Cummings,Goderich 524-906,4 r ACLTHWELL'S AU =1.7 NEW TRUCK BODIES TO BeAUCTIONED We have been instructed by the Mortgagee to sell by public auction repossessed riew truck bodies from Tri -County Farm Equipment to the highest bidder without reserve to be held at Rath Sales, 401 at Putnam Rd. 5., 2 miles on Wed. Aug. 17 at 1:00 PrM• - Consisting of Machinery Float: Little Huskey-Low Bed 45 ft. fully Hyd. float with .Beaver tail,side extensions; michelin tires. •New Parkhurst Truck Bodies, Livestock and Grain Bodies: One -21'; Three -19'; Two -17'; Two - 1.5'; Two -12'; Five -10'; Three -8'. All bodies 'are new and complete with various- extensions. Truck racks [No Flat Beds]: 5-18' Racks. 1-12', Rack . 4-15'' Racks. Extra truck racks and parts. Small 8' .Electric Dump Tandem Trailer [New] Also selling for Rath Sales: 1970 Ford 9000 Tandem tractor; 335 Cummings (Turbo) .cab over with sleeper -safety checked; 24' steel dump trailer with tarp; 1967 Ford 1000 single axle 250 Cummings, cab over and sleeper, new tires (safety checked); 1961, Diamond T Stake 14' grain box (new tires); 1961 white tandem tractor 220 Cummings, wet line and air lift tag. • Recreation Vehicles: 1973-24' Banner Motor Home, Air Cond.; Cruise, sleeps 8 (safety checked); 1975 - Sea Star 16' boat, ( Bowrider)-120 H.P. fully equipped with trailer; 1964 Plymouth, Sport Fury Convertible &pint condition; On view -Now 1111 sale time. 1973 Mercury Montago hard -top - two door. Ex- cellent condition. Safety checked. Terms -- Bank reference Necessary RATHWELL'S AUCTION SERVICE Auctioneers, Liquidators, " Appraiser Clinton -482-3120 "Business Liquidation Specialists" Lobb & Gethke AUCTION CALENDAR Auctioneers & Appraisers Clfntbn Monkton 482-7898 347-2465 Saturday, August 27 Gordner Estate, Mitchell - House, contents 'and car. 18. Services available FOAMED -IN-PLACE INSULATION • Saves heating, cooling costs!. • Stops drafts and cold walls! • Lowers noise level! • Easy, fast application NEW HOMES, OLDER HOMES, * " COMMERCIAL STRUCTURES For free estimate. call BLUEWATER INSULATION LTD. 565-2633 Insulspray is a registered trademark o1 Borden. Inc. JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING • Farm Buildings • Roofing • Additions PHONE 4$2-3063 tf TV & Appliance REPAIR • Ail Makes • Speedy Service • In-home repairs ,J i m Broadfoot 482-7032 Clinton Colours INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR DECORATING PHONE: GORDC•N CHARTER 482.-9654 GEN" - ADMrN-SECY'Ef 1 " • ^P M OR" -C r r .•1P', 4. '1 60' '( 18. Services ,available JACK GERRITS CONST, LTD. • Interkor and Exterior Home Renovations • All types of home siding • Additions • Farm Buildings PHONE 482-7290 16eow SCREENED TOP- SOIL GRAVEL and 3/4 STONE BACJCHOEINGM and EXCAVATING Phone LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 tf/ar PAUL WHEELER'S LIGHT HAULING • Furniture Moving • Light Demolition • Brush Removal • Light Hauling PHONE 482- BETWEEN9415 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. (MUTER PLUMilING HEATING & ELECTRIC Furnace Installgitions DELAVAL MILKER SUPPLIES Appliance SarVlce 46 King St. 482-7862 c-18tfn' BO.-JEN CARPENTRY For + CUSTOM BUILT HOMES + RENOVATIONS +' ADDITIONS SEE BOB LANGENDOEN R.R. 2 CLINTON Phone 524-8029 to No'• BOQkKEEP BLDG ce'•s6p1: ,+s 5tnrla r • • w.4, tMo, 304 4•82$F rA ut 18. Services available ,"SPE"CIALIZING IN. • ROOFING" S. SPROUL &SON Building Construction Kitchener, Ont. Phone: 519-578-8935 or Local 482-3387 We offer:- • Free Estimates on Your Roofing Needs • Quality C.G.C. Materials • 5, Year Written Guarantee TOWN and COUNTRY GARDEN SERVICE • • Lawn Rolling • Plowing and Tilling •• Grass cutting • New Lawns Prepared . Hourly Rate or Job Price J. POTTER RR 3, CLINTON PHONE 482-9290 t 1 • ■ 1 AU.ctionSaIe of Antiques and Primitives. To be held 11/4 miles west of Egmondville on Saturday, August -20th at 1:00 p.m. • Consisting of antiques and collectibles - Pandora Cook stove; ] pot -belly wood stove; steam engine parts; clocks; crocks; cast iron; brass; copper; wood wheels of all sizes; tractor and engine parts; 'antique furniture; quantity ,oFglass and 1 china. 1111 This is a very interesting auction. Plan to attend. Full listing • next week. - JOE McLEOD Proprietor RATHWELL'S AUCTION -SERVICE Auctioneers ; Liquidators- Appraisers' BRUCEF1ELD 482-31.20 or 527-1336 WATER WELL DRILLING W. D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 • D U R L : 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 tfn LET MIKE 'LUCAS help you with your DECORATING PROBLEMS for FR -EE ESTIMATES on PAINTING and WALLPAPERING Phone 482-3536 tf Irh 140 Alt 21 hr Ihpt 111.2117 st es r trio 2fite u1d RFP t 21 II +l hL� 30drs I NAM Et°" 049. Lea Av/25 19. Notice to creditors' 27. Deaths • HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 LAWNMOWERS TILLER 'ETC. REPAIRS AND tfar IN THE ESTATE OF GER- TRUDE 'AMELIA PICKARP,, late ,. of the Township' ' of Tuckersmith i•n the County of Huron, Widow. deceased. ALL. persons hawing claims agairl$t•the Estate, of the aboye- na'rned who died ors -the 9th day of June,_ 1977, are required to file full particulars thereof - with the under -signed on or before the.20th day of August, 1977, after which date the assets • will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which the un-. dersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 20th day of July, 1977. MENZIES, ROSS Clinton, Ontario, -"' • S Solicitors for the Executor 30,31,32 BUTLER BROS. CONSTRUCTION - trimming - renovations - siding - ceramic tile - roofing Phone: Clinton 482-9515 Any Time' Or Dashwood 237-3693 After 6:00 pm tfar IN THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM JACOB WAGNER. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of Wiliam Jacob Wagner late of Hu-ronview = Nursing Horne, Clinton, Ontario deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of February, 1977, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned Personal Representative of the said deceased on or before the 10th day of September, 1977, full particulars of their claims., Immediately after the said date the said Personal Representative will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which it shall then have notice. DATED at Goderich Ontario this 5th day of August, 1977. • VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST COMPANY 1 Ontario Street; Stratford, Ontario (Executor or Administrator) Bye Donnelly & Murphy Their Solicitors herein 32,33,34 21. Personal TAKING A MOTOR TRIP? Join Ontario Motor League for "TRIPTIK" Routing, Emergency Road Service, Bonded Repair Service, Personal Accident Insurance. Dict: Atkey 482-7380.-31-35 22. Lost and found TAKEN from 97 Rattenbury St.W. Wednesday, August 3 at 10 to 10, red Sekine, 10 speed, black handlebars, no license plate, serial No. 297771. If the young man seen taking it will return` it, no charges will be laid. Reward to anyone finding it. Phone Susan Fletcher 482-9423. -32 25. To give away MURPHY - At Clintbn Public Hospitat-on Tuesday, • August 2nd, 1977, Joseph Hilbert Murphy, In his Gist ,year. Beloved husband of Mary (Howard) Murphy and dear lather of Diane of London, • (Linda) Mrs. Dean Reid elf Clinton, (Ruth) °Mrs. Christopher Percy of Lond send (Kathryn) Mrs. Brian Westbrook of Clinton and William at home. Also •sur- vived by 4 grandchildren and 1 brother Thomas of London. The late Mr. Murphy rested at the Ball Funeral Horne, 153 High Street, Clinton. Funeral service was held from St. Paul's Anglican. Church, Clinton, on Friday, August 5th. Interment in Clinton Cemetery. A Canadian Legion., service was held at the funeral home on Thursday at 9:30 p.m. -32 TO GIVE AWAY to a good home, four pups part terrier and part water spaniel. • Phone 482- 7942.-32 ' 4.KITTENS to give away„ Phone 482-9219. -32-34 26. Births CUMMINGS - Harry and Marion Cummings of Ujung Pandang, Sulawesi, Indonesia, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Jeremy Roger, on July 13, 1977 in R.B.S. Catherine Booth. -32nc KYLE - Mr. and Mrs. Al Kyle of RR 5, Clinton are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter on August 5, 1977. at Clinton Public Hospital. -32nc / Feeling tired? Rundown? Take a walk. naanunarrionJ 11'Alk a Mock:Dula•. 8 DARK - At Victoria Hospital, on Thursday, August , 4, 1977, William Roy Dark, of 217 Maitland St., in his 57th year. Beloved husband of Dorothy (Hall) Dark. Dear father of Mrs. Joe (Linda) Van Horne, Mrs. Ruth Harvy, and Bill Dark, all of London. Son of Alex Dark, Clinton. Brother of Mrs. Brian (Wilma) Young, London, Lloyd Dark Stratford, and Mrs. Jack (Eileen) Clark, Auburn. Also survived by three grand- daughters. Friends were received at the Evans Funeral Home, 648 Hamilton Rd., where complete funeral and committal service was held in the chapel on Saturday, August 6, at 11 a.m. Rev. Murdo Pollock, Hamilton Road Presbyterian Church, of- ficiating. Interment Forest Lawn Memorial Gardens. -32 TWYFORD - George Albert - At Scarborough Centenary Hospital on Friday, August 5, 19,77. George Twyford beloved husband of Christina, dear sister° of Mrs. Jean Warnock of London, predeceased by one sister Harriet of Toronto, brothers Jack, Toronto, and Joe of Dor- ,, chester, Tom of Clinton. Mr. Twyford rested at the Scarboro Chapel of McDougall and Brown Ltd. 2900 Kingston Road. The service was in the chapel on Tuesday at 1 p.m. Interment Pine Hills Cemetery. -32nc 28. Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snell, RR 1, Londesboro are pleased to,, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, ,Jo- Anne Marguerite, to William Reid Cantelon, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cantelon, RR 4, Clinton. The wedding will take place on Friday, August 26, 1977 at 4 p.m. in Londesboro United Church, Londesboro, Ont. -32x Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Westlake, RR 3, Bayfield, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Barbara Mae, to Mr. Wayne Paul Martin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Menno Martin of RR 1, Clinton. The wedding will take place on August 2`7, 1977 at 12, noon in Calvary Baptist Church, Goderich, Onto -32x SAVE MONEY: On Your • EXCAVATING • ELECTRICAL • GENERAL CONSTRUCTION • SEPTIC TANK AND AQUAROBIC SEWAGE SYSTEM • TRENCHER AND BACKHOE SERVICE _ HURON PINES Moron pines CONSTRUCTION LTD. Agents for G.N.C. Homes 86'KING.ST., CLINTON 482-7901 Mr. and Mrs. Glen Carter, Londesboro are pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Catharine Beryl (Cathy) to Mr. Thomas William Johnston, London, son of Mrs. Donna Ke11j, Windsor. The wedding will take place in Londesboro United Church on Saturday, August 27, 1977 at 4 p.m. -32x JEWITT-FALCONER Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. Falconer are happy to announce , the forthcoming marriage of . their youngest • daughter, Jean Frances, to Brian Douglas • Jewitt, the youngest son of Mrs. Elma Jewitt and the late Wilbur Jewitt. The wedding will take place on, Saturday, August 20, 1977 at 4 p.m. in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, Ont. -32nc 30. In memoriam PROCTOR: In loving memory of a "dear son -and brother who passed away suddenly one year ago July 15, 1976: When evening shades are falling And we sit in quiet alone To our hearts there comes longing If he only could come home Friends may think we have forgotten 2,7 When at times they see us smile. But they little know the heartache ,400 Our smiles hie all the while. Always 'remembered by Mom, Dad, brothers and sisters. -32 a „