HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-2-17, Page 7RIFT. °.-ffits/10s OR, LOVB AND VENCTEANCE AMONG TKZ SMUGGIMRS. THU MoST FAscp•TA'Mce 001r.AN RO1uAigen SiNot rue Deys Coo ren AND TvlAvr. CHAPTEte XXV. —(Ceenie yen. ) Where ie my child? Women do not kill nte by delay, now. Where is my ahikl ?" The beY looked debiouely at the cepteln, " Wait here for one hour and you shell as though he scarcely own pieliended what he meaut, and then siatod off with a puzzled expreseloa ne if he rather fele sorry that he had whietl'ed than not. There wau tfine, frank, open look about the buy'e brow, and Captain Morton paused toed bechoeed to him. The boy inerched up to him at mese, on beo,rd wine outward ,bound vessel for What is your nem r their track well," " " leut—leet—" --eve you a mother ?" " What more? Whet ie it?" te Tears eta ted to the boy' e eyes, whieh he "How do I know—you linty get me on board your yeeht and then you may land me dashed Q with the beck of hie hand, and anywhere and nut give me the thew:land pound*, Hoyt do I know ?" " Mier cen I assure you ? Stay. I will do one thing with you. See here ! Captain Morton took from his breast pocket a small folded pereel, and upon open- ing it, it was found to be a flag. "1 will give you this," he eeicl, "and I will write on it, " Captain Morton owes Mrs. Wagner ene thousand pounds." You shall send this were you please, so that you may return it to me when I give yon the thousand pounds, which I will do so soon as 1 place you on bomel of any vessel bound for Canada and my clear tesilcl is with nue" "Very well—wait here. No oue will in- terrupt you. I will bring the girl to you." "Be quick—quick as you can. I will. pay you fifty pound for every five minutes you are here within the hour." have her in your urine. " An lour ? "eS ; rather Illere than less, Ilove em 1 o get to Airanice ?" " To British Ainerica—Cenatla ?" " Well, I know." " 1 wilt teke youin my yaoht and put you • then seic "Dew " Afat er?" Tho boy turned and. looked toward the sea, " Yes, Thereeway fishing. I don't see im often. " , bastily I" " Charlie, I have a little girl—my own little child. I am looking for her. Have you seen here sUCh a one' She is tall, re» her—has auburn hair—darker than auburn, and she moves so lightly." " Auburn !" said the by, with & puzzled look, what's that? Grace has such beau- tiful heir ; it is like the sea -weed right away down at the bottom of the bay—the sea -weed that won't ever come up—you may see it in the water, waling all about like Grace's hair ; but that which comes up is so different." "Grace—Grace ! You—come, boy, you will tell me? Hush ! husk! one moment." There was a short, quick respiration on the .part of Captain Morton, and he pressed his hands upon his heart for a moment or two before he could till the emotion that had come overhim, Then he spoke again : "You have seen her here, boy? You have seen such a young creature here ?" "Oh, yes, I know Grace ! She is Grace Dolan." " No, no 1" " Oh, yes ! she is, indeed. You don't know, but I do. She and Gerald used, often to come here; but they don't now so much, and Grace was crying when she came last." " When was •that?" The boy shook his head. "1 don't seem to recollect just *hen, it was. Pm coming—well, I'm coming." The boy's eyes were directed to the cot- tage of Dolan and Captain Morton now, by following the their gaze, saw that some one at the window was shaking an arm threat- eningly at the boy. The captain thee nod - clod and smiled to Charlie and leisorely walked up to the cottage door. and the aroma of the eweet ftowere seemed to float about hie seesee. Dolan crept out into the passage again. The pistol wee new in hie hand. "h ! A man. Ah He had no difileulty now in looking through the keyhole of the door. There at the bereaved father. A sharp, cold current of air mine through the keyhole of the door. and Dolan's eyes emu ted ae he shifted his position SO the!, hrst aim and then the other glared into the room, " A num, he muttered. " Who and whet is he?" How much does he know? Too inuele of couree, There muet be an end of him. I have gone toe far to care about a kb eow. He has come here, end thie piece will be his grave." Dolan covered carefully the lock of the pistol with the corner of the rough sort of coatee that he wore, 1.1e wanted to place it eu f,,11 ceek, and he was afraid .thOt the AY ONTARIO ligED TEEM very benefieial, but general ones would be ,o ia a miech greater proportion I should BY R. W. ,11114"PSPC - Xorestr,Y report any euegeetione ae to how slieulcl 105.e this OCOosion to atiggeet gled to receive and enibody in the next thie eould be practically set about, to your readers some coneideratione con- -- cermr,g the influence of adjeoent woods, or wa----- sufficient height arel density to retard and break the force of ranid wiude, oil the A fire ;in Braeeb--iidge early the other $3 and kieked me before they walked off be- wth of in fields within the morning destroYed buildings aud property to g°4111.111sei,,Tvittholiain:teilhetYtieonllYrdei'fiwit sg:gtotn.3,Y I (. 16fhen to fitioot There 'wee 'wee a fernier in Toronto the other hey to ibid.oitt just when the etatuce woeld juetify him in eleoetieg at tremp. Said "1 went to the barn the other morning to even, in some eases'elugle lines et trees of LA.TR DON[INION came down off tho haw-rnow held me up for mNEWS. take care of the. stools, and three big tramps „ influence of tvegetationheir protection. in all the the value of ibout $14,090. A Younganen at .ohurell 111 Halifax steuek zegsst a, big teamyeeekerito neighbor who refused to keen (Inlet, and on us and demanded food ud a bed. a got W4,1,2f1 i!vintd1u0fortioit tiletloaen yp7r'y o so to ,or 0 ot a, as 1 didn't keow the law $3,000 barreeke in Brampton, and bave iti. Yes." readrraised $1,000 for the purpose, "'Pother day my wife was coming froM At Guelph the ether dey a mad,dog wee a neighbor's and e tramp met her and kissed looked in 4 room, then lassoed through a her smack on the mouth. I heard her yell window, tied to an apple tree, ,and hot, and got down my gtm, but 1 didn't remem» range the various writers on these sub jests, 1 have not foend may who had hit Q11 the explauetion of the proeees of growth (or if they had, had not thought it worth illus. tration) width 1 em abont to endeavor to deseribe. Yet it is, of ell others, the most important and interesting in connection with this matter ; and, by following certain facts we know to their direct sequence, we shall find that it must be eorrect, In the sack of the sprier, tvoeld reach the ears of first place we know that the solemn and irielencholy looking man who ALL PLANTS AND 'rar,ES sat, all unconeelous of his clanger, in the next derive whet food the earth gives them Arnorican sttaes. U. S. Senator Inealls new wants to set- tle the fitheriee question off hand by annex- ing Canada, and with it the entire Central ber the statues before he got away. /New, then, there ought to be a line drawn some- where." " Yes there is." It was a very light sound that the lock of . e , . . • e , e 1 that i• e • " Where can I legally pepper a profeseion. al tramp Nitth bircl-shot '+" neon) of the cottage. through openings in what are called the It is spongioies of their roots, But the eourish- r P I e(t le mperial Govern - it. ment close to these soon becomee exhausted. ment has consented to send out gimboets "\V1 . • , ee if you order him off your farm the nietol =de, and. Captain Morton did not How does the root receive the food which next season to assist the Dominion cruisers , I "Now," said Dolan.protecting our ' ane oe won't beo and you feerena aesaule alai s, He thought he could fit the barrel of the great carrier of plant food- water in motion lies a little way from it ? By means of h 3 in r hal-wiles, ,, , The holm and contents of Mr. 3. Jenkine, " And the law will back me ?" at his legs and pull the trigger," pistol in such a manner to the keyhole of There are two movements of water through the reivivalist who reeid es about three miles the door that the bullet could be made to the soil which chiefly effe.ct. this, namely, south-west of Aylmer, has been totally de. "Gosh all fish-hooks 1 but what a fool that ofgravity, by which it is attracted to- stroyed by fire. Air. Jenkins and les wife Pee been ! Why, I was licked regularly speed Ori its passage and rea.ch the heart or" braius of Captain Morton without the ne- wards he of the earth, or rather barely escaped with their clothing. There every two weeks all summer on my own cessity of his (Dolan's) giving any alarm by . . opening the door even a crevice in width. But he found that this would not do. The keyhole was too small, and besides, he lost all perception of aim when he placed the barrel of the pistol to it, "No. That was a failure." Then Dolan plumed his hand on the lock of the door and slowly—oh, so slowly—turned the handle. He know that it had an infirm] ity of creaking and he feared each moment that it would make some of its accustomed, noises and startle the stranger. No—all was still, Dolan had the latch free. He lta,d nothing now to po but to push the door gently and it would open inwards. Then Dolan nearly cried out aloud, for a to ,6 certain depth within the crest; and was no inturence on the budding. farm by .tramps,, and every cote of them got Ayoung man who was to marry a Brock-- away with e haliehide Teat's the law, eh? that of heat, which draws it.up to the stir-• face and into the eir, There are other move- Ville lady recentlY found, when he reached ' Then here goes fur a dollar's wurth of pow - celebrate the first anniversary in the the rivar. Avoued him were gathered his behind the clouds soon telle us. These two , s°°T1 , second century of his existence. 1 -le es sew children and brethren, ministering as far as I hale d heart able to oat a ood square tecould to his every want. Re lay silent upward and downward movements of water gong_ 11 Driscoll came from Baltimore Ireland over e is going soon. ears were flowing possess. This is the principal cause, 50 years ago. ' ' freely from many eyes. He roused a little, will be rid. of Dolan ttow, once toed for all, I i shrill voice na the front passage of the A e eutly, why growth is so rapid aud vigorous 1 murmuring a•omethirtee Bone could under- " High time," she said ; " high time. I don't know anything about Quebec and Can -i cottage called out: after a. shower, an assisting hut lesser cause john j. Veitch was charged at the Police stand " His mina wanders in the last being also the cleansing of the leaves and . Court,. Toronto.the other morning, for coast- ' time for the sermon? The lights. are burn - do with what I have got already from Dolan 117Vagner ! some sojers coming down the the .ig &ter is passing through the ^earth' •I right of the policepman to, interfere svith him, and the sone eeems to have (hoc' away." and with what I know pretty well where to 1 lane." downwards and upwards (for, if watched I claming that as lone at, Le kept off the side- ing . e With, and it is they which chiefly do the ; .t . train that the railway wee,honelessly block - where he expected to take the elder an, shot . ments ; but theile two all are ecquaanted , Franktowii, work And it is to be noticed that the pro- 1 ee with snow, vision of nature is that water will seldom n., },dt b . end in, coneequence the cere- ony la o e postponed lentil the follow- Bis Last Samoa - carry plant food too deep, for most soils fil. , big aey. Burdened with years and labor, the old . . . . ter it too quickly. On the other hand, Ya" 1 Cornoline Driscoll, of Lower Cove, N. s. preacher lay upon 111S COOCII, waitmg the par does carry it upwards, as the aroma of a has passed his one hundredth year and 'will summons of the messenger to call him across damp rich field when the hot sun comes from CHAPTER XXVI.—Tnel PIRATE CAI, TAM through the soil carry the plant food within an g • "Now, calm, calm calm !" he said to himself. "1 must not let myself be oppress- ed by too much feeling or those who have none will use it as a weapon against me that will soon wound my ohart." • i)eir He tap d atthe door and it was instant- ly opened.. y no other than Mrs. Wagner herself, who ha,d a defiant, "well, what - now ?" sort of look about her that let the captain see she was prepared for resistance. Mrs. Wagner," said Captain Morton. " Well, sir 17' "1 want to speak to you." "You have yovr tongue, then, I fancy." "Out of my way, woman 1" said the cap- tain, with a sudden fierceness, that alarmed Airs. Wagner. "]» wonder I have pa- tience with your insolence and don't call my men and lock you up .at once. Out of the way—a chai ! Be quick ! Insolent, indeed! ella, Will you h. nick? I said a chair 1 Oh, duet it! Place it, thern—that will do." Airs. Wagnerobeyed Captain Morton s or- ders by a sort of instinct. He i ad cowed " What ?"eihe said, "who—" " Silence 1" She was silent ou the moment. "Shut the door." " Yes, sir !" .. "Where's the girl you call Grace? Be quick I" "Grace ?" "Now dare you repeat my -words without answering me ? Be quick—where is she ?" The voice in which Captain Morton spoke was such a roar that it filled the little cot- tage and terrified Mrs. Wagner. h. meal and do odd jobs about the house. Mr. f•"a time, when one of the watchers said: AT Bay. reach of the attracting infinenee w ich roots ett • • ,, T ada but they are somewhere away from) Mrs. Wagner 1 Mrs. Wagner 1 Here be 4 hour," said one. He seems to revive a England. A thousand pounds 1 That will some sojers a -coming clown the lane Mrs. tion will at suchtunes—while as remarked or tied to stop him but he denied the opeiung of their pores by the ram. Vegeta- mg on Gerrard street hill. s crescent Gre- little " liaise iny head," he said. "Is it All voices were hushed. as he continued: aat further hope. He means to betray the kneeling. be, the door of the room. both these processes can be see'n proeeeding walk he had a right to coast. The Police Magistrate sustained his contention and die - lay my hands upon. That will do. He is Dolan started to his feet, for he had been " Wello my text ie from Jesus. 'In my ift. I am certain of it, though he won't Captain Morton too started to his feet. at one time and during the longer succeed- i , • . Father's house are many mansions'—blessed woras et promise. You poor, lowly onee tell me. Oh, I hate him now 1 I hate him! " What is it—what ni it ?" lie cried. ' ing period when the first process chiefly missecl the ease. Veitch now intends to , cwho dwell in cabins, remember it is a man - Let this father of the girl have the girl. Opening the door of the room in which he . concluded the second, of va or rising from bring civil action against Sergeant Gregory, sion awaits you, and you poor waiting ones That will spite Dolan—lia, ! ha Then, if I was he found himself face to face with the the surface under the influence o t sun's gs arrest f heclaimin damages for fal e t ; r can manage ebout the boy, too 1 Dear me. boy he had met cu the beach. heateis still continuine—malte very rapi p . "Grace Dolan?' "No 1" said Captain Morton. "Yon know that's a lie Where his tete ? Quick By the Heaven above us !" He rose from his chair and laying hold of it dashed it to pieces against the floor of the cottage. " She is not here—I declare, sir, she is not here," said Mrs. Wagner. "Not here. Fire and fury, woman ! If you dun' 't feteh her at once—" "1 can't, sir—Oh I caul I" " Why ? Why ?" roared the captain. "Because she is dead 3" - "Dead 1 Dead Dead 1 Oh, Heaven I Too late—too late I Grace—my child—my OW11—my darling—dead ! Oh, God 1 Oh, God I" Re sank to his knees on the brick flooring of the cottage and sobbed bitterly. "Ah !" said Mrs. Wagner. " thought - so. Now, sis ss you lutve anything to Say to me, you wieel perhaps teller your tone. Grace is not dead and I alone can restore her to you if you ere her father." "Not—not dead 9" " Certainly not. Get up, sir Sit down! Do you hem.' me ? Sit clueva, I say." Captain Morton looked calmly at Mrs. Wagner. et:eyoman," he mid, " if you think to as. sumo No power over me on account of what you inti know of my long lost child, you are mistaken. 1 know -1 can pass the feelings and objects of such as you. I will bey of you the information 1 liseek. and you must sell it civilly or I 'will manage to get it elsewhere, and, in that- oath; I will at, once take year into custody." remember there are many of them. pro - progress indeed, so that' it is eommon to say I The residence of Wm. Smith,. of Smith's raise my children to come home—but that I wee quite forgetting the boy. Now, we What is A ?" that the crops can then almost be seen to , Cove, N. S., caught fire at midnight. The mansion my home. Pin too weary to will see, Miss Grace, whether you can be " Sojers, sir. Where is Mrs. Wagner, grow. The facts above-mentiored form a old people were asleep in the lower part of preach long to -night, .brethren. What is found in the --------4- . I suppose you aro sir link in the chain of reasoning eoncerning the the house aid barely escaped with their that I hear ? The music should not beein Two 'boys slept upstairs, the eldest of whom too—no, not strange, 'tis the wife of my hung—yes, I should like him and Martin to " Oh there he is 1" WHEN A SHOWER FALLS there elong with your great fa.vorites, Gerald " She has gone—gone—I hardle:, know valne of shelter to fields. lives with nothing on bet their nit Iteclothes. youth leading the choir --yes, and be hung, and Dolan. It would be a great , Wlio—what ?'' in summer, as noticed. above, all can see the when amused found condition. While endeavoring to get his his brother in dazed eedy znother, too. I can't preach ; let ate lay relief to my mind to hang Dolan—in chains, 1 Round from the back of the cottage there effect in Mcreased growth. This effect is brother out of the building the floor gave down, and rest 1" He opened his eyes. In too—e. gibbet—I should like to do that." derted Mau and with extraordinary speed as said, largely owing to the passage tei way and the boy was precipitated into the them was a far -away look, but what he saw "Would you?" said Dolan, as he put his he ran down to the beach. water through the soil, both iu separating flames end perished, while the other with iaone of the watchers could tell. Raising his head in at the door of the room. 'Would " Who is that ?" said Captain lelorton. and preparing the atoms of plant food in the you, really ?" and that olcl Joseph! I hope he will be where, hut it is on an errand for me. before the preaching is over—strange voices, much difficulty reached the window and hand solemnly he said • "Let us pronomace 1 "Captain Dolan." earth for nourishment to the growing plant, the lienedictio. fa'. May. grace, mercy and Mrs. Wagner did not scream—she was too "Ah I Hold—stop., villain I" and in carrying them within reach of its , i also cut and bruised. jumped out, being very severely burned and peace abide—" An unintelligible murmur, horrified for that—but she stood like a sta- ' Dolan, with astonishing speed, reached roots. It is now to be Ooticed that where tue, with her bonnet -strings in her hand, the marein of the sea. The tide had risen fields possess the shelter given by woods I A cablegram received from Glasgow. at and the hush of silence earae, to be broken glaring at Dolan. still keeping Ids eyes upon her—fascinated oars, pulled off. in an open country it probably would not , as yet ascertained. Mr. Williamson was • as people are said. to be by the eyes of a ser. 1 Captain Morton reached his own boat last one.fourth of the time. We veinrnany years the leading merchant of pent, and Dolan's movements as he crept up and, dashing into the surf, he boarded. it clerstand this better if we consider how it is Guelph, and was universally liked and re - to her were reptile like. and called out: 1 that the rapid passage of currents of air spected. He leaves a large family, nearly " That man in the galley—overtake him ! across a country. wanes off its moisture. 1 all grown tip; three of his sons manage his She had to speak. Give me an Oar I Pull—pull ! We shall One stratum of air passes across the lound, : large dryegoods business, which has made "You would, would you ?" and oneof the boats, that we have remem- this valuable process will last much longer, Guelph recently announced to his sorrowing by the sighing and sobbing of the watchers. She was certainly fascinated by Dolan's berecl beiner on the beach, was afloat. He for this reason, that the moisture will re- family the death of J. D. Williamson of The old preacher had preached his last as look, as he very slowly came into the room sprang into in a moment and, seizing the main in the land, drying out slowly, while that place. The cause of 'his death is not sermon. "You wool like to see me hung ?" hare him yet." ! and receives from contact a certain ropor- 1 itself famous in Western Ontario under the A gurgling sound only came from the "Ay, ay, sir," said the sailor and the tion of the moisture in the soil. But that name of The Lion" boat of the Nautilus shot through the water stratum does not continue to pass next to An amusing incident occurred in Port in pursuit of Dolan. the ound for the vapor of water which it . Arthur the other afternoon. Two young (To lie colerie.nienn throat of Mrs. Wagner. "Gibbeted—eh 3" "No—I—no. Mercy on mci" Ah It was with something between a howl and a yell that Dolan sprang upon her ancl caueht her lay the throat. Slu3 fell to Gigantic Giants. The existeuce of whole nations of gigantic growth. But waen they are not it proceeds vertisement of various goods w with unnecessary rapidity, so as, especially with chalk. When he .finished hit lunch the floor in a swoon. persons may well be questioned; but there " What is that ?" cried Captain Morton, eau be no reasonable doubt of the reality of in a dry time when every shower is valuable, and proceeded up the street his black coat as he opened the door of the room in which certain individuals, whose height has greatly I to deprive the agriculturist of much benefit bore an inscription of fresh eggs, good butter, he was waiting. " What is that 1" , exceeded that dram in general. The giant his crops might have obtained from the por- cabbages 5e, potatoes 85e per bushel, choice There was no reply. 1115 0 curiosity has been seen by nearly every tion of rain which fell. A sheltered field confectionery, peanuts, bannanas, canned ' s The room opened in the direction of the Canadian boy in the museum and in the is dried by a slow upwoad movement of goods, etc. t l'ttl circus The stories of great giants of the vapor An unsheltered one is dried by the has received being much lighter than air 1 men entered a grocery store and purchase cansesitimmediately to rise and he replaced I, biscuits, cheese, etc., for lunch. One of the by a drier one, which ite its turn, carrios off party sat down on a box at the door to eat its share. This process goes on, of course, 1 his share, and leaned contentedly back wh,n. fields are sheltered, and is valuable to against a bulletin board on which an ad- ' • " A truce, sir, ' seed Mrs, Wagner. " I know all about the girl. She was wrecked from an American ship. Old Hutchins knows all about her, too, for she lived with him end his -wife for a lenstime." "1 know that, Hutchme told me so and that Dolan took her 'from him. He is dead 3" " littOins dead ?" . " Yes.', I was With him in his last ene. merits eyed he teld me all he knew. 1 now want my daughter, Who is this Grace Dolan, as she has been called so long, 11 you aid, me in gottieg at (Mee possession of her you nifty almost mote year own reward." • Mrs. Wagner:reflected. " Ameriea," the eaid, "and a thousand prantele,'' irP se. Agreed. be iny child betel" riNo." ' " Vlecre—wherfs then? In any of these ootbeges ? Speak to me I Toll 1115; where the is I Or can yott galley at once for me?" " The money—• ' "Is here—here this pocketbook. tenong the majestic trece 03 Ins native weeds and in very light m tomplemon. sound that Dolan had 3 ,. ) dark passage, and it was from that again past ages aee more than tnteresting. The rapid, half circular, or elliptic movement that the door of the apartment where Dolan exact height of Og, the King of Bashan, has of successive waves of air—a natural drying ancl Mrs. Wagner were opened, and through been frequently given; some siipposinghim machine, in fact. Front the above any one which Dolan heel appeared, to the surprise to .have been .more than twelvef.eet in height, • will see the reason, so far as at present un - and the consternation of hie polite, associate. , while others think his stature did not exceed derstood, why crops of all kinds do better, Dolan hardly Permitted himself to breathe. ' eleven feet. In like. manner the giant Go. other things being equal, where sheltered "I thought I heard a cry," said Captain. liath, of the Bthle. Is g.enerally computed to Morton. sh. • but , : by woods or rows of trees. The passage of All was profoundly still now, ancl Captain commentators suppose that he miglit 'have been nine feet nine inches hie :nage rater through the soil, downwards by gravity; upwards•by the sun's attraction, is Morten returned to the room. lEre thoueht been fully elevenfeet he might be mistaken, and the natural gis- . The Emperor Maiciminius was nine of equal I to the thots. That movement is much and like he had to intrusle into the other depart- in height, and, Bei/end other Romans feet THE GREAT MEANS 07' liBilirS0 'PLANT 700D. ments of the cottage deterred him from stature are said to have lived during the I injuriously shortened. where currents of air prosecuting a search. ;reign of Augustus. Accounts are contained 1 sweep uninterruptedly over the soil. We • He sat down quietly to wait for Mrs. lin the philosophical transactions. of the I will carry the deseription of the -process of Wagner and Grace—as quietly as he could, . Royal Society, of hu -man skeletons dug up growth a little further, so as to give a,fuller. with his feelings in such a tumult of expec- in England, measuring eight and nine feet • idea of the moVement of moisture through tation. • • lin length. These were probably the re- 1 earth .and air. The plant or tree receiving Then Dolan opened the door leading into mains of Romans. Many fabulous and con- , nourishment by its roots receives also, much the passage, and listened very attentively. 1 tradictory stories have been tokrat one time , water, which is the vehiele carrying it. By " .Whoes here ?" he said. " What is it of the Patagonians who, according to travel- : this it is carried to the leaves, and there ex - that can be here? Some one spoke—who lers, have been a race of giants. An English ' posed to the actioe of the air, which gives can it be ?" . official once declared that he had measured it • all that portion—a very considerable " IN'retch !" he said. • " Wretch, tell me i . h T Ametica, between eleven and twelve feet ' sphere. Thence e obtaiued from the soil, but from the atm,- ' He went and shook Mrs. Wagner. who is in the cottage ?" 1 ug . Turner, ie n i , , tl at nalist decl•tres that ' Ti th food is sent to all parts worso for 'whoever it is " of gigantic sae -ages, one of whom was with it. Most of this has passed in vepor i twelve feet in head t The deeleretion of . ' '- Dolan crept out into, the little passage, e 1 • , ,, away from the leaves. How, great the and crouched down close to the door of the Turner is all the more credible, by the state-' quantity of water thus passing into the at - room in which Captain Morton was. Tbe 311°11t of M. Thevet. of Franco, who, in his raostihere may be imagined from the fact key wag in the lock on the beside, and it description of Americtopublished in Pairs irt that a sunflower has by experiment been WELS accidentally so turned that it stopped 1575, asserts that he saw and measured the found to emit three half pints, and a cab - the keyhole. Through the lock, though, on skeleton of is South American which evaz bage 25 lipid ounces daily. Forests transpire, the other side of the entrancf3 end, the key :eleven feet five inches in length. To these I mi lions ofgallons daily, andthis greattrans- projected about the eighth of ati inch. I remarkable instances may be added &well. • piration of cool vapor ascending, meetine proportion educing Mall, whoinDieraerbtoek elotals charged with warmer vapor, ,effeces . this slight projection and turn the key. .° inches. Dr. Becamus, an ancient scholar, rain, forests beiug thus the cause of the de. could bones of men, in sepulthres in, South quantity—of plant -food, which can not be "Bah I I must sec for myself. It will be he once saw, upon the coast of Brazil, a race of the plant, but the water' does not remain Dolan tried with ilia nails to get holcIlf saw at Utrecht, measuring eight feet six precipitation as it is called, that is to say, could not. reports having seen a youth of nine feet, a scent of much more moisture than they cause "Pincers," he muttered. f T "1- had men of ton feet and a -woman nine feet in , to arise, These movements of hectt and pincers. Ah, yes I this will de it—this will height. ' I inoieture actin.. en our earth, create and ) . nouriSh all vegetable life. do it 3" 1 Walter Ppeesons, who aeted as porter to He took from his pocket a pistol -bullet King james'Of of England, was seven feet six I wo GREATLY LNTORRERE . . thmr tw° e°neave 1.1°r'' inches in stature. But the Chinese claim mold. By openine d • tions, he had a lind of 'pincers, and he to have 111C11 among them in the last century with and cheek their beneheud course when clutched the end ef the keywith them. , who were fifteen feet higb. However, this eve deprive a land of too great a portion of ' " That will do," he whispered faintly. report may have no more foundetion than its forest protection. It ts not at all too The key turned. . . the chronological fables of the sons of much to say that now in threesfourths of A slight noise which it made amused Cap- chins, , I, settled Ontario, it is time to make the rule tain Morton to spring to his feet. ' hero as it is in Norwasr, that for every tree What is that?" cut down two shell be planted. The woods Dolan aashed away into the °thee room Nils Haugere the Norwegian who has been semen ehelter a country aro as much a income in a moment and closed the door noiselessly, , nomineted for Congress to succeed the late of cultivation, in their way, as are the He then took from his breast a pistol, and , W. T. Price of Wiseonsin, will be ono of the ploughs Ilse& to turn up the soil, and the ex - held it in his hand, with the mtzzle pointed great men of the Fiftieth Congress, so far as. perience of other lands shows us thatif the toward the door. size g00% He is eix feet four inches, and foreste be destroyed, a time will come when But Captain Morton did itot seek him. weights 30,) pounds, He oWes his groatnesS the plough may be used in vain, 1 have de- eie contented himself by merely opening the mainly to America, as he is not much of voted this, letter principally to one point in room door and looking mit into the little a Norwegittn. Like meet of the proirtinent ioreetry, namely, the desirability of so Seanclinaviens he curie to America when he shelteriug fields AZ to prevent toe rapid. dry - was a beby, and was educated to be an Amer- ing of the eoil after rein, and thus giving the jean in speech and habite. Haagen is a crops foi, a 10,3get space of time the benefit eraduitte of the law school et Aim Arbor, of the chief natnrel essistasit of growth— Far away, then, flew his thoughte to bis once i 'kiele, chin of '74. He is a, fine steno- the pe,seage of water and the vapor of wiitei, A Peterboro' curler who has just played a closely contested "thirteen point"game gave the following figures to prove that it was hard work. In following and sweep- ing the stones, which was done with the most thorough fidelity, he travelled similes; a large part of it being on the rue. and sweep- ing with all a curler's e.nergy. The playing of his stones represented the moving Of over 2i tons, and the length of the rink 42 yards, equivalent to moving over 99 tons 1 yard. Allowing that the stone be raised on an average two feet at each shot, he raised tons elle foot. In the district of Gatepereaux, N. S., set- tled by 200 families, 71 persons average 77 years of age. In the adjoining polling sect - don of Harborville, on the 13ay of Fundy, there are living 90 persone aged from 70 to 90 years. Of these no less than twenty couples have been married and living togeth- er 50 years and upwards, beside 25 widows and widowers who were first married half O century ago. Probably no other settle- ment Oil the continent can boast of such a re- cord of longevity, Of the twenty couples who have enjoyed 50 years of wedded life five of the husbands are brothers, viz. Joseph. James, Daniel, Bradford a,nd William Ogil- vie, passage. "Nothing„" he said. The wind, I sup:, 0310 3" He closed the door again and Sidi down. happy?' bete now desolate—oh I so desolate— grapher and made his living at court re- one downwara mid the other urns -mei -- home in the 1\10Vr WOrld--t1Mt hatto pOttillg 'fOr several years. He has been in through the eoil. It woeld be very deeirable he yet hoped to bring' the ennshine 3o 10 St:ttt :Legislature several terms, and that county or township authorities conk' into by the presence of his long lost child. since 1882 hag been State :Railroad Commis- move in this matter sons to inelso the pec- an imegiliatiori, he Walk'', hear theebreeze sioner. Ho has a, big, round, moon face, servation of sheltev galore]. ovet considerable • • etretelies of country. Individual efforte are .American papers have the following de- spateh ;—The Boadey gang of counterfeiters and a St. Paid detective by the name of Frank S. Deere, who had been employed sonse months ago by the Canadian Govern- ment to capture this gang dead or alive, offering him $2,000 and all his expenses, had a terrible fight last Monday. Deere came upon the outlaws, end in the fight with them Janees Pearson, Thomas Matth- ews and Thomas Doyle were killed. The rest of the band -were ceptured by the mount- ed police. Dacte, the police say, displeyed. wonderful strength in the fight, fairly lift- ing one of the band in his arms and bringing him down with each. Is force as to kill him4 nacre is. only twenty-six years old, was once on the Montredepolice detective force, and was for five years a United States officer. TILE TIMM " PO Vitkill."—Tho use of "horse power as a measure of an engine's work came naturally from the fact that the first engines were built to do the work pre- viously done by horses. John Smeaton the builder of atmospherie engines before Baton and Watt had introduced their more impor- tant machine, bad ah•eady set the working power of mho/ S.e. equal to lifting a weight, of 22,000 poinids one foot high in a infinite. 13,olton and Watt agreed to place their en- gines " for the value of one-third part of the coals which are saved by its use," 'they also incremsed the horee power to 33,000 patinas per minete, so that their engines were half -again aS powerful according to their rate as those of their competitors. In this way they' established the " hotee power" as 33,000 foot pounds per minute or 560 foot pounds per hand. The Romance of a Bank Note. In the year 170 one of the directors of the Bank of England, a man of imimpeach- able honor, lost a banknote for thirty thou- sand pounds, under peculiar circumstances. It seems he had leought an estate for that sum of money, and for convenience sake ob- tained a note for that amount. As he was about to put it under lock and key, after he reached home, he was called out of the room, whereupon, as he thought, he placed it on the mantelpiece. Upon returning, a few minutes later, the note had disappeared. It could not have been stolen, for no one had entered the room, whereupon he concluded that it had been blown into the fire and had been consumed. He laid the matter before the officers of the bank, and they reissued a note for the same amount, he giving bonds to reimburse the bank if the note shcfuld ever be presented for -payment. Thirty years after, when he had long been dead, and leis estate distributed among his heirs, the supposed non-existent note turned up at the bank counter for payment As the bank could not afford to dishonor the obligation, the money was paid out, and the heirs of the dead man were asked to make good the lose; this they refused to do, nor could the bank employ any legal machinery to force them to do so. The person who profited by the matter was supposed to be a builder, em- ployed to pull down the dead. man's house and build another in its site._ He found the missing thirty thousand pound note in a crevice ba the chimney, in which it somehow got lodged after being laid on the mantel- piece. It must have been kept many years, and its presentation to the bank was so ar ranged, that the builder became a rich man by a sudden stroke of blind fortune. 001.a. Weather, Rules. In frosty weather when it snows, For breathing you must use your nows, • And not your mouth, which you must clews. For through the space thatholds your tongue The cold air rushing on the longue Pneumonia makes for old and yongue. When warm avoid a sudden draught Or you,, in spite of doctors' eraught, May sleep beneath ft marble sbatiglit. • • k Use all -wool underwear. You'll sweat Sometimes, but then you'll never geat A cold, for wool stays warm when went. Don't hug the store and make your:blood , Inactive and as thick as mood, Or you'll be nipped off in the hood. Always your feet keep warm and dry, Unless, insured, you want to fly And Seek a better 1101.11C on hy. When winds are tutting as a knife' And whistle 'round you like a ktife, Dutton your coat, and save yoorldde. Don't take hot drinks to loosen phlegm; it's better to dispense with thegin And thus the tide of drinking stove. If 0535 03 nose or hands are numb, Rub snow on till they tingle sumb, Or else they froeil may hecumh» eaSe the Nventlier gets too rough, Just orawt wane, large,sized. mough And sleep nee lie.rs till spring you smell ch. The Princess of Wales plays the zithern well, and now her husband has taken up the banjo. A custom with P. T. 13arntOn is to advise every man who has a wife to give her a signed temPeraime pledge as it New Year's gift. „„,a , 'Jke plenty of out -door exercise, Cod's sunlight ausi the fresli air Of Heaven are two of the best preventives of sickness known to inanjeadd tie theee the healthy state of the eirenlation intlueed by exereise and the en. livening effect oil the mind, and disease won% have umeh of a foothold,