HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-07-21, Page 10PAGE10--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY', JULY 21 1977
Village personal notes
Maii hon�red on
Jake Reder was honoured
at a birthday party in the
Senior Citizens Apartments in
Bayfield where he resides on
Friday afternoon. ,
Mr. Reder was born in
Austria on July 16, 1896 and as
a young Married man with
four sons,..' emigrated to
Canada in 1929 and
homesteaded at, North Bat-
tleford, Saskatchewan, where
'he remained for seven years.
.1 -le and his family then went
to Leamington where he
entered into the Market
gardening business and
where he was blessed with
two daughters.
Fifteen years later they
came ,to settle i -n Exeter
where Mr. Reder owned and
operated a flourishing Florist
business. He retired to the
farm of his son .Jake in
Goderich Township two years
agp and then into the Senior
Citizens Apartment in
Bayfield where he is now
Mr, Reder says he enjoys
the family atmosphere in the
Apartments, because
everyone is so, friendly and
thoughtful and, they, all get
along so well in the building.
Mr. Reder himself is a very
friendly, happy, healthy
person and enjoys walking
and meeting people.
Mr. ,Reder has four sons,
Jake in Goderich Township,
who is well-known for his
Market gardening in this
area ; ,George, Pete and John
in the Leamington area and
two daughters, Elizabeth in
Whitehorse, Yukon' and
Barbarain Calgary, Alberta.
Many, many friends
gathered to honour Jake and
enjoy a delicious lunch and
birthdaycake with him.
It . Dis our wish that Jake
continues to enjoy excellent -
health for many more "happy
Pillage social note
River Cottage Colony is
host to the casts of the Victoria
Playhouse, Petrolia Theatre,
playing in Blyth for the next
two weeks. '
It seems that interest in the
construction of.the new Arena
is gaining in momentum.
Four Iittle girls, who are
vacationing in Jowett's
Grove, Daena, Heather,
Shelagh and Jody Allen,
'staged a puppet, show last
week and charged five cents
The profits of $2.50 earned
by the little girls was turned
over to the Village Clerk,
Gordon Graham to be added
to the Arena Fund. A fine
• effort on their part.
M. and Mrs. Bretney
Peters of Garden City, Mich.
spent the day Wednesday
with his sister Mrs. Dorothy
Friends and acquaintances
will be sorry to learn of the
sudden passing of Dr. Allan
Farris of Toronto. He and his
wife had been vacationing at
their. cottage in Muskoka
when he suffered ,a massive
Dr. Farris was the eighth
President of Knox College in
Toronto and had been guest
preacher at the Anniversary
Service in Knox Presbyterian
Church in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Armstrong attended the
Memorial Service in Knox
College, Toronto on Monday
evening last.
"In The Heart of Down Town Varna"
• Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of most makes
• C B Radios and Accessories
• Speed Queen Appliances
• Moffat Appliances
• Smoke Sensors
• Insect Lights and Fly...Killing Units.
• Handcrafted Gifts •
• Varna, Ont.
Phone 482-7103
lake Reder, centre, is surrounded by friends, among them Bert I)unn.left, and Winnifred
Harcourt, as a group of friends gathered to celebrate his birthday last, week. (photo by
Milvena Erickson)
Historical Society sees
� photos
by Nina Haw
Recently 90 members and
visitors attended the Bayfield
Historical society 'meeting in
'the Town Hall.
The evening's program was
presented by Mr. Howey
Langon of Vanastra, who is a
photographer of rare ex-
cellence. His slides of some of
Bayfield's oldest homes were
most interesting and those of
local wildflowers, old barns
and farm equipment are
lovely to see.
After a short interval, Mr.
Langon showed a series of
unusual pictures taken in the
near east while he was on
winkle, farm on the Varna
Road. It had the texture of an
oil painting and it was raffled
with the proceeds going to the
Historical Society.•The lucky
winner was the young
daughter of Mr. A. Isaacs of
duty with the Canadian {Toronto.
Forces as a United ''Nations' Mrs. F.A. Clift and her
Military Observer. 'committee served refresh -
Mr. Langon presented a ments. The next meeting, will
fine photograph of the Ald-• he held August 8th.
Many summer guest here
By the Bag or by the Box...
You will certainly want
to buy a lot at
cVillage guild
Our Annual
tale Days
onday, Tuesday,Wednesday,
July 23.26-27 10 a.rsl. w 9
Miss Mary W idcombe .and
Mrs. Joan Pye of Windsor
enjoyed a holiday at their
summer cottage here.
Mr. and Mrs. Evan
Cameron of Toronto visited
friends in the village on the
weekend and -were callers on
Mrs. A. Cameron.
The Cubs had a "Kool Aid
Stand" in the park during -the
Orange Celebration in the
village on Saturday.
From their proceeds they
made a donation of $30.00 to
the Arena Fund. They wish to
extend their thanks to all who
helped and to those who
patronized their stand.
Mary • Frank from Buffalo
was ' winner of the cake
donated by Bobby Deinn.
The Annual Congregaticllml
Picnic dinner sponsored by
the 3 M's Club was held in the
church basement following
church service on Sunday.
It was previously planned
to eat in Glen Gregor Square,
but due to a shower this was
not possible. However, the
sun shone shortly and the
children enjoyed games
outside beside the church
following their picnic dinner.
Through the kind efforts of
Miss Ruby Conri, we are
enjoying the pretty flower
beds -in' front of St. Andrews
United Church. These were.
planted by her ,and also have
been cared for by her daily.
Robbie Siertsema and
Trevor -Scotchmer are
spending a week at
Menesetung Camp. John
Garrett ,and Leonard Healey
are also at the same camp.
Mrs. -Garrett„ John and
Diane attended a wedding of
her step sister, Brenda Handy
of Elgin on July 9. They
stayed the weekend with
another sister, Mrs. Eddie
Weeks of Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pye
and two children of Windsor
returned home after spending
a holiday at their cottage. -
Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon I know you believe you
Mason' of Detroit, Mr. and understand What you think I
Mrs. Arthur Ludlow, Mr, and said, but I am not sure you
Mrs. Douglas Lynn, Jinh, realize that what you heard is
Jennifer and .Michael of not what I meant.
Mississauga visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Lynn on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lynn
were at their home - at the
River Terrace •on the,
Mr;. and Mrs. Arthur
Latimer and Christine of
Weston visited with Mrs.
Ethel Knight on the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert
Latimer, Downsview were at
their home here over the
kIrs, Robert McCoaughy,
her son Robert and daughter
Stisanne of Cincinnati, ,Ohio
, are spending two weeks with
the former's parents, Mr. and
-Mrs'Claire Meiiier.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Scotchmer and three children
were in Toronto over the'
weekend where they visited
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Owens.
They also attended an in
teresting ball game.
Mrs. Beulah Smith, Mrs.
Bill Reid, Margaret Larson
accompanied Mr. and Mrs.
W. Parker to London where '
they attended , a shower
recently in honour of Pamela
Parker at the home of Mrs.
Mildred Parker. Pamela is a
granddaughter of Mr. and
Mrs. W. Parker.
Bicycle enthusiast, Ross
Merrill, spent Sunday on a 45
mile cross country tour
sponsored by the London
Cycling Club, from London to
St. Marys and back to Lon-
don. Lunch and a refreshing
swim in the St. Marys Quarry
was enjoyed at the half way
Mr. and Mrs. Bret'ney'' A`
Peters . from Garden City,
Michigan visited with the
formers sister, Mrs. Dorothy
Weston last week.
Mr. and Mrs.. Cyril Cox of
Detroit are occupying one of
the Ronethroy cottages.
Seventy-six , babies were
entered in the 3 month and
'under class at the baby show
during the celebration " at
Goderich recently.
We are proud of the fact
that one of our Bayfield
babies, William Martin, little
son of Mr: and Mgrs. Ron
Whetstone received first
prize. We extend our
congratulations. Mr. and
Mrs. Whetstone live in the
home previously occupied by
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Rachich and family,Ingersoll
are visiting Mrs. Lulu Smith.
Mr. Frank MacDonald,
Goderich, was a dinner guest
on Sunday at the home of Mr.
qty Janet Talbot
Miss Leanne Jones and
Scott Barta spent several
days with their grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs ..Norm Talbot.
Bob and Brian Berta stayed
a few days with Mr. and Mrs.
Doug Talbot at the
Homestead Trailer Park, and
also visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Les Talbot in
the village.
Mr. Ray Schell and Mr. and
Mrs. Norm Talbot, Scott
Baptist churc n news
Barta and Leanne Jones R'
attended. the funeral" of Mrs.
Florence Schell in Wood,.
stock,last Saturday. Mrs.
Schell was a sister -in -Taw. of -
Ray Schell.
Congratulations to Pastor
• Brian Harrison and his wife
on the arrival of their second
son, Stephen Fred at the
Wingham Hospital, Friday u
July 15th. A playmate for
and Mrs.'Roy Fitzsimons and
Holiday visitors with Mrs.
Susie Pollock were Mrs..Doug
Curran, Christine and `Rat-
bara of W illowdale, Mrs.
Bertha Turner, Bayfield, Mr.,
and Mrs. Robert Burrows,
Mr. E, Elliott* of Vancouver,
Miss Jane Pollock of Hensall,
and • Mrs. Hugh Pollock of
Saturday a »:;� g, the.
members and f � s of the
Baptist Church gathered at
the home of Mir. and Mrs. Joe
Chapman for a barbeque and
social time to honour, Miss
Wendy Greer, the Church
or aniht, and Mr. John
Cullen, whose marriage will
take place next month.
The large crowd and the
lovely gifts showed the high
regard felt for this couple. It
was a very satisfying evening
and enjoyed by all that at-
The regular services were
held in the Bayfield Baptist
Church, Sunday, with the
Pastor, Rev. Brian Harrison
in charge .both morning and
evening. r
The Sunday School and
morning worship service
were very welt attended in
spite of .the very warm
weather conditions. - -
Miss Shirley Keys plhyed
the piano in the absence of
Mrs. Muriel Snider, and Miss
Wendy Greer was lat the
In the service
the Pastor continuedevening with the
study of the book of Daniel,
which is now in the tenth
chapter. These verse by verse
studies are very` interesting
and inspiring, proving the
truth of God's Holy' word, as
many of the prophecies of
Daniel have already taken
place exactly as he saw them
Pretty wedding held
The Bayfield Baptist
Church was the setting for the
wedding of Nancy Jane
Barta, and Larry Jones' both
from the Woodstock area.
The bride, is the only
daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs.
Norm Talbot, Bayfield and
the grooms parents are Mr.
and Mrs. William Jones of
Innerkip. The Ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Brian
Harrison, • Pastor of the
The bride, given in marriage
by hereldest son, Robert
Barta, wore a floor -length"
gown of soft green krait and
carried a bouquet of 'pink
roses and babies breath. The
matron of honour, Mrs.
Sandra Talbot of Bayfield,
sister-in-law of'the bride, was
attired in a gown of white and
blue and her bouquet was of
shasta' daisies and babies
The reception was held at
the home of the bride's
parents Among the guests
Girl honored at shower
The`.., basement of St.
Andrews United Church was
prettily decorated with pink
and white streamers, bells
and baskets -of summer
flowers for the bridal shower
held in honour of Dawn
Emma McLeod on Wed-
nesday evening. N -,
.The decorating"w'•a5"•'i"one by
Dorothy Cox and Elaine
Brandon. Mrs. Anna Scot-
chmer presided at, the piano
fora sing -song.
An addrdss was read by
Independent Shipper -
United Co-operative
of Ontario
Livestock Dept.
Ship Your Livestock
Roy Scotchmer
Monday Is Shipping
Day From arna Stockyard
CALL$ FIELD565.2636
By 7:30 Monday
For Prompt Service
No Charges do Pick-up
Dawn's sister, Penny, Mrs.
Overhoe, who also assisted
her sister in opening her gifts.
Also assisting were Cathy
DeJong and Diane Shielbe.
Kelly Brandon, Jody
Merner and Rayanne Scot-
chmer were happy to carry
the gifts to the bride elect.
Dawn expressed her thanks
to the ladies for having the
shower for her and also for
her many beautiful' gifts. 'A
delicious lunch was served; s.
attending were Robert, Scott
and Brian Barta, sons of the
bride and Leanne Jones,
daughter of the groom, also
Mr. Ray Schell' of Bayfield,
grandfather of the bride.
After a honeymoon to the
Thousand- Islands and points
east, the couple will reside at
the Forest Estates Trailer
Park near Woodstock.
Mrs. Marilyn Rumneyf of
`'ictoria Harbor, Ontario, the
for"mer -Marilyn I)owson of
"arna, graduated recently
from Wilfrid Laurier
Iniversity in Kitchener With
a ,^ 1;achelor of Arts in
psychology, religion and
'vulture. She is also a
graduate of . Central Huron
,econdary School, and
'tratfordTeacher's College.
An average family uses
about 675 litre's (150 gallons)
of water daily for bathing,
washing clothes, cars,
cooking and waste removal.
Wingham 1
Memorials i
t -' Granite
i +Cemetery I 0
j Lettering
1 +Buy Direct and
, save Commissions.
e BUS. PHONE 357-1910 1
Live From England
FridayAug-ust 5
At Seaforth Arena,,
Seaforth Record Shoppe
Seaforth Recreation Office
OPEN: TUES. thru SAT. 12 noon -1 a.m.
Sun. 12 noon - 10 p.m.
Take the scenic route
to Bayfield
IMO in
,A4t. 4:‘7;-
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Shop of
Mahn Strout
Rayfield. Ont, Ph: 565-211511
• Fresh Produce •'Groceries
• Fresh Meats • Toys
•Patent Medicine • Greeting Cards
"Shop in Air -Conditioned.
Store Hours: -
Monday to Saturday t a.m. tot p.m.
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