HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-07-14, Page 14` PA.GE 14.,,,CLINTON NFWS-RECORT), THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1977 ~ '^ ',,m1t Dr and MNigel . go\ Harradine of London, England ondhia parents, Dr. ,,and Mrs, Eric I4arradine of Sandy. , Bedfordshire; visited last Thursday with .Mr. and Mrs. ,Thomas Johnston and Miss ...^° Phillips. Dr. and M8qs. Eric have been visiting the1r son and his "vi%*for �the ptImt three weeks in, London, Ontario. Dr. Eric is udentist. Dr. Nigel has been in London. Ont. fothe past yearand has been on a medical e) -change working in University and Victoria hospitals, Dr. and return 'to England where.fae will begin ,practise next A bridal luncheon was held in honour of Margaret Dauphin, future wife of B1 kin Craig of Auburn, It was held on July 2' at the home of Mrs. Darlene Empoy. The 15—, guests included Margaret's closest friends and ,,}ub,ea. Following the luncheon, Murgurot was presented with a bride's book and a personal. gift from all who had at- tended, Bud Cbumnoy.' Wilfred • Collinson and g*p\Gnvie,oy Goderich returned home last Wednesday after a trip to RookG\oh. Saskatchewan on the occasion of 30th an- niversary of the tOwn. n'nivorauryoCthotown. ''�^ Mrs. Myrtle Munro visited last week with her son, Mr Robert Youn8b\ut. Mrs, youngb|ut. Susan, Bruce and Kristen of Toronto, who are holidaying at Homestead Heights. Mr. and Mrs, Fred, Ban- croft of Mount un'croYtoYKoount Forest visited last Friday with Mrs. Albert McFarlane. Recent visitors with and Mrs. Major Youngblut woro:Murruy. Lynn and Miss Betty YounAb|ut of Toronto and Miss Anne Muclnnos of. Toronto. Mr,. and.Mry. BudChumney and Mr. and Mrs.. Stewart Chamney visited last weekend in Niagara Falls with Mrs. Verna Doerr and other relatives. TRUSTEE BOARD Mrs. Harold Nicholson, th, Mrs. Hugh Bennett, . The Auburn Town, Trastee Port A|btft, Mrs. Frances Board met' in the Town Boll Clark and Mrs. Eleanor last Monday evening with the Bradnock attended the chairman, Warner Andrews funeral Mrs. Clara Wilson in charge. The minutes were of Londbn last Monday. She accepted as read by the clerk, was the widow of the late Frank Raithby. Shearer Wilsoti who was born Adiscussion followed onthe in the Auburn community. widening of the big hill at the inKenneth.and Ross of ,London, Street. Drainage pipes have iS survived by two sons continuation of installedGoderich uuon and the street has been widened. It is hoped to have it paved next year. Gulf Oil Co. have fixed the pipe on the street in front of T,u,nmura and plans are underway for new street fiverandebUdr*o'and three great-grandchildren. Visiting with.Mr. and lArs,. Thomas Jardin recently we& ly)r. arid Mrs. Paul Jardin, Melissa and Kyla of Kit- chener, Mr. Earl Knox of vVinghunn. Mrs. Bonnie „Tillie Waterloo. Miss . Julie remaincid for holidays with her grandparents Mr. and' Mrs. Thomas Jardin. Ths annual Children's Day will be observed at .the July Meeting of the Auburn Women's .Institute`. children are welcome and a children's program will 4e held. The members are a'sked for donations fbr treats, for everyone. Many from here attended Goderich Jubilee 3 celebrations last' week and above alt the good parade1ast Saturday. Mrs. vivion. Pentland of North Bay visited last week with her cousin Mrs. Eleanor Brudnook, her aunt, Mrs` Elva Straughan and cousin, Mrs. Thomas Jardin and Mr. Jardin as well as other'Cr\ondo. . RecentMrs.�imitoro with �o. Elva Straughan were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kitchen of Hamilton, her niece, Mrs. Vivian Pentland of North Bay, a nephew Mr. Bob Oswald of Waterloo and Mr. Thomas Anderson of North Buy. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Doran of Meaford called oh friendS in the village last week. Mr. and D8ry. W.H. Mutch Miss London and Dornthy 1Vlutob of Clinton viaitol last Saturday with Mrs. Albert McFarlane. M. and Mrs. Louis Holtby o` of Belmont visited last Friday with his uncle Mr. Ed Davies and Mrs. Duviou., Visitors with Mrs. Bell Allen and Mr. William'J. Craig were Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Coates of Florida and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Macltrnurray of Flint, Mich. ~ Independent Shiwr to United Co-operative of Ontario Livestock Dept. Toronto Ship sxipYooruvemocx with N� Scotchmer Roy ~a Monday Is Shipping Day FroV/Arna StockYard By 7:30 ami. Monday For Prompt Service No Charges on Pick-up tf STOP -BOTH DIRECTIONS FOR ASCHOOL BUS I���p�� ~e -'-'Secretariat~~~~'-' -r III =�' °N»��mm� mvu avwwmnx� d'Etat so. '1 DATE CANADIAN CITIZENSHIP APPLICATIONS �I�����.MONDAY,' ^�U�1K `� ����� ' MANPeWER OFFICE FEDERAL ° TIME: REQ«iREa8ENTS' YOUR PASSPORT (Landing Card) 2 Pictures: °13/4" ov3/4" p°oo`2= SIGNATURE STRIP" Phone: London 67#43341 PERSONAL IN-rERvigvis ONLY ~~ ~ ' _ and be tied up. By-laws to govern the control of dogs are being drafted. It was stated that Thomas Johnston had donated a flag to the village arid it flow+oo July |. Net mnddng wUl'bo held August 13. wxY.KEIRBORN CLUB Th�VVu|korburn Club held their Monthly 'meeting at tbe� home Of MrsJoseph Verwey' meeting:on June 30. Co -president Mrs. with [\' inCanada, ld r. , The minute were adopted by Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey as read by Mrs. Thomas Cun- ningham. The treasurer's report was read by Mrs. Garth McClinchey. the paymen of fees ancl..a Roll call yanswered by donation to the Foster child. A picnic will be held at the home of Mrs. Ted Hunking on July 21st with the program to be in charge of Mrs- Lloyd McClinchey and 'Mrs. Ted Bunking and the lunch committee will be Mrs. Stewart Ball and Mrs. Thomas Cunningham. Mrs. Ted Bunkingreported for the absent committee on the decorating a float for the Blyth Centennial parade on July 30th. The election of offic€rs took place. Co -presidents were Mrs. Joe Flunking and ,Mrs. Lloyd McClinchey; secretary, Mrs. Lloyd Pen - found ; on'yound; treasurer, Mrs. Garth McClinchey; oaeikut. Mrs. James Schneider. Wednesday., July 13 was' announced astbo day for the Huronview picnic and anyone wishing ' to help iransport people please contact Mrs. Ted Hunking. The draw prize donated by Mrs. ElliottLapp was won by Mrs. Jerry Huizinga. Mrs. Elliott Lapp asked each one to give their own ideas about 4,.'Wbatwould you do if you were Prime Miniator, Pierre Elliott Trudeau?" Mrs, Joe Verwey read a poem and Mrs. Lapp had a contest of Prime Ministers and closed with a poen. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ted -thinking,'Mrs. Lloyd McC|ihcbuy and Mrs. Ver- ederal„ agricultural minister Eugene Whelan, second fron,-; right, was in Clinton last friuuy night to give area Liberals upep talk. Talking with,Whelanarv John 0roadYuOt ° Mrs. Jim Preszcator held a shower a her home on VYednes day evening, July -fith oucdmmPreszcator relativmSto honour Diane Preszcator prior to'her marriage on July 30thtoSteven Lee of.Loodnn. A number of contests were conducted. Nancy Preszcator read the add rss nd the gifts were presnted to Diane, who thanked everyone and lunch was served.. VYe are sorryto reportthat Mr. Reg Lawson had tbp misfortune to bk his foot. Miss Rita Down of London is sponding two weeks holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George Cnunter, 'Richard Kassandra and,Vicky. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods of Ganonoque are holidaying Vanastra presses for c ommunity action on Mery}Thoruao Resource Centre . The -Vonuytra Resource Centre opened its doors on Thurodoy. May 5, 1977. The Centre is open every Thur- sday morning from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. In the time the Centre has been operating,' issues concerning the com- munity have been discussed and someaction initiated. A bulletin board has been erected at the grocery store for posting of community notices. Plans are uu6erway. for the establishing of a Comrnunity Library. Funding for summer recreation programs is being pursued with the ministry of culture and recreation. Questions of landtord-tenant problems and rent reviews have been looked into with the Rent Review Board. Contact has been made with the local Lions Club by the Centre, and issues regarding the new school in Vanastra have been looked at. A prnpoaa\iabo|n0writ6nn up for submission to the Federal Government for a Canada Works Grant. This 'program would --p-rovide tunding for five full time employees for 52 weeks. 8o[ne- recreation prograrn- »`hnQ is underway using v^}untbero from the con munity. It is hoped that the Centre will grow and expand in the future. The Centre .provides an opportunity for all Vanastra roaidents'to rnoet, discuss and act on issues relevant to their community. ^ That Engaging ��� �mDiamond�� '``` ^ ' From Anstett Jewellers, If you're oonfuopu about diamond prices, we can help. A diamond's value is based on specific qualities of cut, cotour, clarity and carat weight. At ANSTETT JEvvELcEmS, we careftlly explain,and show you these factors through the microscope. We carry in stock, a large selection of traditional and cOnteinporary diamond rings. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LIMITED Ul7ED diamond exsince 1950 YlALBERT STREET, CLINTON 482'390l SEAFORTH 2111r.tiff 2: ' 4'--~^ The Centre will continue to onorato. ehrougbuut the summer months at the Vanastra Christian Church. Babysitting serv|oos are provided free of charge when the Centre is open. `umm,nerrecreadun program The Vanastra Resource Centre is offering a summer program of youth activities. For further' information please . contact the helpers concerned for each activity: arts and crafts, Monday and Friday, 10 a.m. 11 a.m. for boys and girls of all ages, contact Mrs. Hardy 482'3513 or Mrs. 27723 contact Mrs. Coalr1482-3108, Mrs, Riley /482-3571 or Mrs. Devine *82-3737; crochet.' Ttiwsday!U:80-1!;3Ud.no.for girls, contact Mr. Bezzo 482- '4)27. Cooking, 9-11 for boys and girls, contact Mrs. Burgess 482-7770, or Mrs. Bradley 482-9140; story ,eoding. Wednesday 0:30']0 a.m. for boys and gils. aged5 and 0 years, contact Mrs. Evans 482-7846; story reading, - Wednesday 10:30 - 11:,30 u.m.Yorboys and girls 7-10 years, contact Mrs. Embling 482-7563; knitting, Thursday - 11:30 'a.m. yOr girls, contact Mts. Gale 48219380: sewing, ` Tuesday and 1. . 8b -la of all ages, contact Mrs. Mc, Lachlan 482'8581. Mrs. Jeacock 482-9790 or Mrs,. Ryan 482'9000; poster poindng, for boys and girls, contact Mrs. Shepherd 482- 3780. We are seeking additional hetp with knitting and poster painting and are in need of persons to teach macrame ,and string art. If you are interested in "helping -with these activities please call Mry.Bridgss at 482-7910. One or two hours of your time each week will greatfy benefit the youth through the summer Vacation. All these activities have been planned yoi.yuur children on why not seek more information NOW! ' Penny carnival The Penny Carnival held last Friday was a 'great success. The chiidren enjoyed themselves tremendously and approximately $70 was raised to help buy equipment for the prks in Vanastra. Winners of the raffle were Adam Shepherd -free swim; 'Kathy Riley -dinner for two at the Sandpiper Inn; Marilyn Bradley -$5 food gift voueher; ',Raymond Beaushaw-fruit basket; Timmy Gale - jar of candy. 400 with her parents, Mr. and IN. ank .1_uuud 88illy. pxaxdk vam der Molan and Margie Oakville spent the weekend with Mrs. W.L. Whyte, and Mr. Harold Whyte. Miss lt,Margie Whyte returned- to '3dP\pb for a short summer I~ course. Miss Elizabeth Romaniuk of Seaforth spent the weekend visiting with David, Darren and Luanne Stevens�n. Bill Preszcator spent the past week on holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Scott and Dwayne of Parkhill. Debbie 'P.re,szcmtor spent freo vvednesduy till .Sund Mr, andMAllan Pfaff and Dennis nyCroditop. Edwina and Hdrr(ottMyerm of LaGrange. Illinois, Ruth Kuckonbocker of Ashland Ohio, her daughet Elizabeth 4nd grandsons David and Eric visited on Saturdy with. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomnp` son, Sharon and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson and Leisa and Mrs.. Mary Scott, 'Brenda, John and David, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey attended the Norris Reunion held onSunday utthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Store,y of RR 2, SoaY?r b. ��. Between the titne an ocean- going vessel enters the St. if Lawrence Seaway and climbs Thunder Bay, it. imbs U00 feet. That ioone- third of the way up. the CN Tower. IT'S PETER F.RAMP1ON WEEK At the Seaforth Record Shoppe ottrosritt ,���mp~' � With every Peter Frampton L.P. record, or 8- Irack tape purchase between 2 p.m. Friday, July 15 and 6 p.m. Saturday, July 23. SEAFORTH Always an excellent selection of LP's, Tapes, . 45's, accessories, . ..~.~,~..~. SHOPPE 35 MAIN ST. SOUTN SEAFORTH 527-1335 ' . . ° SALE: Sale ������������ ������������������������ Our ��������h0���mN- ,�0Nm�� stock of SUITS �� SPORT COATS' CO-ORDINATES &LEISIJRE SUITS ' 0N ��»��������� Reduced�� �.������� . 2O% �� '50 %, * Over 200 Garments to choose from_. * Alterations at Clothingcost ��Smlm *All Sales Cash & Final Now! Saveon. . . . . , Sumrner Sportswear *,Swim' SuiVs * Knit Shirts * Walking shorts * Summer Slacks ALL 2O% 0!! ' Special 0 �0m��N� �����0�|m��m m�m�m°�� Suits, �@N���/ Leisure Sports & Co-ordinqtes ��no mmwmmmn mmn^w ' N��� «� ` N�«� �~��",���~,�� � �� mw,�m������ �*~ 'REDUCED I �J� . . �� ^� • . wu