The Exeter Times, 1887-2-10, Page 5'PP r .Ti FAMPTPAP Pr' Tg. SQ u.'1DI q PF wJr o . f 4N` D Mli1N e--4 atilt. in .once before you as a caudidato in the tapwiug ' Detninion eleetiort, en the feltewieg grounds , I believe we:Grein danger of saerrftoieg'Peotesti;ntrsrri for POlitios, I Sm' 4 Iteforwer, but the. Bible should be befeec'polittes with every Protest, ant, as, it it's .with mo. 1 boiie.vo there are a great many. Homan • Qatholies who would gladly leave the Church of Rogue if it were not for the inconeleteney of Protectants, They aro al'r'eady saying that our Bible must, not be uuue i wlteu we have to betty() a part of itout of our wheels. 1 dislike the twit, impof the Roman Qietholio Church, but love every Roman Oatholie, and firmly believe it to be everyPeotestaut'e duty to clic al' he can to help to bring them out from Boder the iron yoke of Rome. I ara a member of a Protestant ()hunt', and havo occupied all the positions at one time that can be occupied by a mau in that denomination. I am not mentioning this to praise myself, but to let all who are in(11"•or of our Bible know what they have a rit to expect from me. 1 nun sorongly in far of prohibition, and believe that it, should Lento in the near future, and I can say that I never drank a glass of whiskey in my life. I will support whichever party wade most to aid Protestantism and Pro- hibition,ancl use its influence in defence of our Bible. 1 will state my views more fully at the nomination, if I am nominated. I waut Reformers and Couservatiyes to unite in this election` N. JOHN RElTH. Hay, January 19th, 1866. .•.- Usborne. To the, Editor of the Times. SIR,—Kindly allow ate a small space in your columns while 1 briefly refer to a mat- ter of grave importance, especially to the ratepayers of the township of USborno—a matter not only reflecting dishonorably upon the commit and officers past and present, but also tending to belittle the financial management and stauding of this township, which hitherto has eujoyel an enviable reputation for the wise aud judicious admin- istration of its affairs Last nomination day at the Town Hall, Emimville, a certain individual having been notnivatod for the reeveship, and seeking to nkake a damaging point against the olcl officialei, made an ab- surd and utterly unfounded charge against' the commit management of the township's finances, The emerge was that some $1050 of Rail ay Sinking Fund Money had been raisecl.,aud unaccounted for in the Treasurer's accounts, hinted very strongly of course, that this amount had been seuauderee, or pocket- edbythe council. This, of coarse, naturally enough, created quite a sensation, some thinking possibly there might be some truth in the assertion, while others more thought• fol, considered where it cane from and dis- missed the matter from their mind. , Yet like all stories of that nature, it quickly found congenial soil iu which it soon took Flte$4 1J1tlitalt'1 i'Q1tWZAl1 MftliT114.X• ',TWA oapitalof the United states leas not a very'anoieut instoz,y,, bat ltd early • days aro worth reeedling When done ;as inteiteetfngly Its \Y, kalgar McGann, bas done in the •G`ebr, nary number of 1"'riAe it L140414'8 Porur.,art' h'L+tiNa,"4;r x, As it in contrast; we me then taken from pioteres of old Wasbiegton to, the;. ""Doenesday,book,"' that monument' pf thp. pfllitioaleagaoity of William the Conqueror,: Dr, Joseph Sinlms, it1 au article on "'rite Forehead," combats porno popular " idose.,. an", shows that genius has often lurked un- der a receding brow, and tdieey, or crime tin- ders ndera welldeveloped one. "A Dash through the Creme Iola," by Noel Ituthven, is eharm ingly i1iuetrated,and told whit life and brtghteeee. "' U1d New Orleans," ie a well told story of what,remaius of the city of otheir days "Lord :Lytton's:Plays" will inter- est all who know liultver's "Richelieu," "Lady of Lyons" and "loeeyt. " "Chantilly gives the :reader a; vivid, picture of the great gift of the Dec d'Aumale to the Freneh na- tion, who have just exiled him. The great scientific authority, Richard A, Preetor, ex plains hisitheory of the "Origin of Comets and Meteors;" and U. F. Holder tells of the monster sea -serpents that existed :here in the days of the teretaceou . Seas. The story— especially the continued novel, ""The Man Outside"—"An Incident of the San Gabriel Valley" and "Our Sweetheart," are all worth reading, and the illustrations unusually good. root and spread. At the first Meeting of the new council, when the auditors were appointed, two good men were selected and were instructed, in addition to the usual duties, to go cylly over the whole railway account from nception to the pieseut time, in ordeot at rest the feeling of uncertainty that' existed in some people's minds' as to the eorreetuess of those accounts. The atelitors met ae usual and performed their duties. and the following iv what they ., say abont the railway sinking fund account f, —"hawing examined all the Railway act - comets front the yea: 1575 to the present, we ere pleased to state we find them correct:" Jas. G. JoNi.s, Auditors ,TORN BsA'rTr,� opereStfXlt ,"it4'sn f,;' In'a letter reeeivetl (rein 1•Iou, 'fir,. Onniit+ Bala he reports the prNNpeote of the Goer merit very bright, THE ;BEST TAT�EN,:" ""I itad dyspepsfit for a long time. Wap entirely oared by two bottles 1311rdpe1t Blood Bitters,' Tho hest' reedieino for regulating find it;yigorating the system 1 hadev'er taken. 't F..P. Tanner. Neeleittg P. O. Ont. Mr. Kennedy, formerly A P. P. for MO.. gantio, has accepted the: Mipiaterial candi- dature in the county of Lotbinitire•. Be toll Your (Bard. l A full stock of all kinds of Den't allow a, Cold in the bread' to slowly and surely dovelope into Catarrh when you can be mired for 25 cents, A few applies- tipus will cure insipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will euro ordinary Uatarrb. One• to five boxes will cure (throttle Catarrh. sold by all dealers at 2,5e. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure --take no other --it Will pure you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter , QUICK RELIEF. "One bottle. of Hagyard's Pectoral l3alsem cured me of a sore throat and loss of voice. One trialrelieved me when all other med- icines failed." Says Miss J. McLeod of I3elfouutain, Ont._ Sir Adolphe Caron in Quebec county, and Mr. Velin, Conservative, in Montmorency, are certain of success. Edi Ci A 1:-t D . To allwho are suffering from the e re and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, ENGLAND AND HER COLONIES OF ONE early decay, loss of Manhood, &a, I will send a MIND. recetpe inti t will euro you, L'ItEE 05' CHAI (1E, This great remedy Web discovered by a mis- It is wonderful with what celerity and cer- sionary in South America. Send a self -ad- tainty the benefits of a great, discovery or• r dressed envet'ope to IREV, TOefPH L' Ixatnx iginateu in England are oonrmuuioated to StetionD,New YorCOit our possessions inall parts of the world'. . AR A FAIR P1ROPOSITION. the uulsatious of the heart send the etream There could be uo offer more fair than of life through every fibre of the frame, so that of the proprietors of Hagyarcl's Yellow does each beneficial development in science, Oil, wire have long offered to refund every emanating from Engtisll genius and skill, ceut expended for that remedy if it fails to disseminate its blessings throughoutthe give satisfaction on fair trial for rheumatism, whole British Empire. The general USG in neuralgia, sore throat aud all painful corn. all our colonies of Hor owAY's celebrated pltuuts, medicines is a striking illustration of this If a well be poisoned, woe be to,those who fact. Starting, forty years ago, from the drink thereat. It is worse to poison the groat oentre, with the sanction of the ]tonne funntain of life, for one's soil and for poster millions as their credentials, they halve found ity. Often by carelessness, ur misfortune, or their way auto the remotest sections of that inheritance, this has been done. Ayor's vast colonial centre upon which the sun neves Sarsaparilla cleanses tho blood, and restores sets. The exoim that greatness does not re. health, ceire due honor in its own country, fails in S. Ff. Rieke has been campaigning OD the case of Tnottas HoLLowAr. His new and half of his br other in West Durham. simple, yet rapid and effective remedies, ware A. Free Girt. thoroughly appreciated at the outset by the Around each bottle of Dr. C.has°'s L[yer people of England of every class, and foreign experience has merely confirmed tho verdict Cure is a Medical Guido and ReeeipeBook of the British public. containing useful iuformatinn, over 200 00 re - The aauadas, the least remote of our iui eeipes, and prououuced by Doctors and portent transatlantic Druggists as worth ten times the cost of the ic pos+esslons, were the shier to echo the laudations bestowed upon medicine. Medici'*e and Book $1, Sold by the preparations here. They appear to have 0. Ltltz, Exeter. displayed the ivaffeetive ilre cription of, AN OBSTINATE (ASE. the provincial pharmacopoeia with singe- Iii the spring of '83 1 was nearly dead, as lar despatch. The stereotyped preparations everybody around my neighborhood knows. for fever and ague, dyspepsia, scrofula, &a. My trouble was caused by obstinate eonsti- woro at once superseded by theta, and the pation. One bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters pre00 announced their cures as the commen- I cured me entirely.' This statement is made cement of a new era in the sanitary history by Walter Stinson, of Gerrie, Ont. of British America, The Salvation Army barracks at Parkhill To suppose that the colonial popularity of is about completed, and the "opening" is the preparations is the mere rcfleetiou of her to occ_r on Thursday, February 10th, by a Eurcpettu fame, would be to undervalue both grand banquet and jubilee. the sagacity and the iuderendonce of olir HE SHOOK IT brethren beyond the sea. They may receive "I was subject to ague for two or three our Opinions with respect, but they test them seasons. which nothing would eradicate until in the crucible of experiment before adopting I tried Burdock-Blnod Bitters, since which them. Then try oar remedies for the, disor- time, four years, I have bad no return of the dors of the body politic, and of the buniau I disease." W. J. Jordan, Strange, Ont. frame by the same rule. When oar system 1 The Bishop of Huron preached in St. of jurisprudence fits their necessities, they tames' cli:ureh, St, Marys, on Sunday last. apply it, and when our medicines prove to be and confirmed 40 candidates. be - Dated this 3rd day of Feb., 1987. • A mere repetition of the testimony of all ;previous auditor t . This should be sufficient to satisfy all co a rsrel, as it clearly shows the utter falsity :.of the charge. Here I should be glad to stop, but justice to the council and past 'auditors require further comment. After the appointment of the auditors at the first council meeting, another individual, the Elimville correspondent of the TIMES, a youug mau considerably too fast for bis years, rushed the charge into print, thus giving, it a pnblieity It never should have has and which together with his .1 Gorrie. Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly On hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C.:LUTZ. TO ADVERTISERS Per a cheek for 820 we will print a ten -line aclvel•tisoment iu One Million issues of leading American Newspapers, 'Chis is at the rate of only one-fifth of a eenta Line, for 1,000 Clien- ,dation 1 The advertisement will be placed before Oue Million different newspaper put- chasers:—or PIVE AIILLtoN READERS. Ten lines will accomodate about 75 words. Ad- dress with copy of Adty. and check, or send 30 cents for Book of 150 pages. CEO, P.BOWELL "t CO., 10 SPRUCE ST., NEW Yoni, specifics for the leading diseases of the -soil - JOYFUL N3IWS. and climate, they joyfully accept and employ It is certainly glad tidings to the prop them. Henn Are consider the popularity of valid to be informed of a remedy that will Holloway's remedies in the colonies as direct give prompt and sure relief in ease of pain - a compliment to the inventor as the encom fol suffering. Such a remedy is Hagyard'e irons passed upon them here.. -Lancashire Yellow Oil, adapted for external and internal Pioneer. use in all aches, pains, lameness and sore- . _a. 4 The Returning Officers for the holding of ness. It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore the Dominion elections in this county have throat, croup and all inflammatory pains. been appointed as follows : Mr. James Diek- Children Starving to Death. sou, Registrar, for South Huron ; Mr. E. On accouut of their inability to •digest food, Corbett, Clinton, for West Huron, and Mr. will find a most marvelous food and remedy E. K. Bodcly for East Huron. The nomin- 1 n Scott's Emulsion. Very palatable and ations for tine South will be held at Seafortli; easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, for the West at Gedericb, and for the East at Texas,' says : "I havo used your Emulsion in Idfantile wasting. It not only restores wast- ed tissues, but gives strength and increases the appetite:" ADVICE TO Mo•rwERe.—Aro you distnrbocl nt night and broken of your rest by it sick child sulfuring and crying with pain of Cu ttNin Teeth? if so soud at once and get a bottle of 'Mrs. Wins low's Sootbing.Syrnp�' for Children Teething. Its vaino is incalculable. It will xulieve the poor Ilttle sufferer immediately. 1011800 upon it, mothers there is no mistake BORN. about it. Ttcures Dysoutery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stoinaeu and )30w018, euros Wind 14IoNctia.—In Exeter, on the 19th alt., the I colic. softens toe Gutns,reduceslnilaunnation, wife of W. R. Moneur of a daughter. aud gives tone and energy to the whole system. "t,irs Ninsiow'r Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to tiro taste and is the prescription of one 'af the oldest and host female physicians and mimes in the United States, and is forsale by all druggists through- out the world. Ptiee twenty-five cents a bot- tle. Be sure and ask for "Alas. WiNsnow's •SooTurxo SYRUP "and take uo other kind. No other medicine is st reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for the cure of colds, coughs, and all derangements of the respiratory 00 - gain tending toward consumption. It af- fords sure relief for the asthmatic and con- sumptive, even in advanced stages of disease. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his bands by an East Indian missionary the formula of simple vegetable remedj•for the speech and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all•throitt and lung affections, 0180 a posi- tive and .radical cure for Noryou s Debi l icy and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty to tare it known to his Suffering fel TOWS. Aotuatodbv t12:9 u tiyo and a " nesire to relieve human sulieri:Ig. comment thereon is the chief cause of this, explanation comini from me. This cor-' res ondent speaks of the auditors receiving extra pay to audit the accounts of the past; four years, and that the councillors who are' personally responsible col such errors should pay the extra tae, Now with reference to the first of these assertions I can with au- thority positively deny that any such propo- sition as auditingthe accounts of the past -four years was ever tuade;nntl therefore :asusthave originated in the fit -tile imagivatioit of the young man. The auditors last year were paid $5 each for auditing the acooants of 10 mouths, this year tney receive $7 each for auditing the accounts of twelve months and all the railway accouut ; bnt it seems that it is not so truth the increase of pay that haunts our young man as who shall payittand here is whore theyoungtnan goes astray again, and }'easons from a false basis. I always understood that the party preferring the charge pays the piper, the burden of proof rest with the accuser not with the accused. But aside from this the council from year to year appoint good responsible men to audit the accounts, who before entering upon their important duties tape a solemn obligatiett to discharge their duties faithfully and honestly and it is to say tee least rather barefaced for any individual to thus stagmatil e the integ. rity of such an array of auditors as the coun- cil of Usborne has bad the honor of appoint- ing from time to time, and this without the slightest, attempt to prove these base asser• tions. In oonol1sion lett me say to these fault finders, earners, and false accusers, that it is no rustier for jest to accuse lin ronol able counetk,the majority of whom have pos- sessed the'Nerwhelmiug confidence of the eleeto•a for the jk1et 10 mild 12 Tear's, with squandering $$1650 of public motley, 'vitheut supporting the chat g0 with the slightest tit- tle of proof. Itdoes demand at least an unqualified apology from these parties, if they have the rnaeliness'to acknowledge the falsity of it 'charge, prompted on the one hand by a too great desire for titbits, and on the other by au over zealous disposition to sari at anything and everything without the elightest disposition to rtonsider the injury inflicted, Thanking you for space allowed Iremain, yours truly, G. V. T3otefax, Tp. Clerk, Usborne. tteborno, Feb. 7111, 1587. At the election for mayor held at Mit- last lv1r. James Douglieltyt shell, Ibursday , who was elected at the former election. but resigned on account of his having been at, the time a tenant of the corporation, was re•cleeted by a majority of 65 over Mr. McCay e Coutit At the aut11051 meeting of , tel `. y Oratgr Lodge Of So uth ,Pettit held in Oralige Hall, St. Maryson Tuesday atter. no on,' the following were elected officers for 1887Comity faster, Berry ; Deputy C. M., Wm. White p Treasurer, John Robin. son ,Rec. See., John Somerville l"'tn, See., D, W: t ultnagc ; ,Leeturets,, ef. Lancaster and G' Murphy , Ititteetoe of Ceremonies, tytu, Dunseith i Chaplain, Reuben Switzer, SALE REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 16th, 3.886. --Farm stock and implements, the property nt John Pedler, Lot 10, Concession 10, Us - borne, at 1 o'clock, p. m. Harry Brown Auctioneer. The Great Ew'iis)!1 Prescription. A successful En, used over .Q Yl 30 years in thousands of cases. f Cures Sperratorrhea, Nervous? j Weakness, .emissions, Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse, t. [DBFORE) indiscretion, or over-exertion. AFTER) Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when a others Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Great English Prescription, take no substitute. One package $1. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet, Address Eureka Ciiemmnical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0. Lutz. MARRIED. PLcit—Dinur,,—At the residence of the bride's father, on the 2nd inst., by Rev. A. E. Smith, Mr. Richard Peek. to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. Jacob Diehl, all of Stanley. ' SIxANit—UNDE•uw0OD.—At the manse, Grand Bend, on the 13th Jan„ by Rev. 5. A. Camera, Mr. I1 Shank, to Miss Janet Underwood, both of Stanley. RrouARDsoet—Scor'-Bose Line, BIansharci, on Dec. 29th, by the Rev. E. A.. Fear, in the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. James Richardson, of Kiri:toe, to Miss Maggie Scott. • Rowenirjuc-1.IAR•rticL'L—Ill Blitnsllard, on. Dee. 31st, by the Rev. E. A. Fear, at the bride's sister's, Blanshard, Mr. Geo, Rowoliffe, of Usborne, to Miss Martha Hartnell, of the city of London. DIIOD. Oims.- In Exeter, ou the 8111 iust,, 'Phomas send free of charga,to all who oasile :t, this Oke,aged 79 r recipe, inGet German French or Euslish, w'_th i'nO b Y y It ] ,I 6 6 s 5 rues aril 71 clays. directions preparing such nein . Went by ey add"ossingwith stain -1r, naming this 11Ia.RKET REPORTS. paper, NV, .4 Nosrss,1413Power's Blockc,Ittotester, N.Y (Corrected at5 o'clock p.m. CVedneoday, 111 hos t ... 0 78 to 80 Spring ,\Yneet ., , 1100 so 0 HO Harley Oats Clover Seed Timothy •" Peat Corr* (Eggs Butte] ••• Glourporbbl , t'otatoeR,porlrushol Apples,perbag ... Dried Apples pr traseo rater ib. Turkey porlb Ducks pot pr Chickens per ler flo s lrosseclpel•f00 ' i1eOf fiirlcsrouh8, dressed .. Sheopakiuseach CaltR `kips: 0 10 to 50 . 02sto 30 ,.400to4881) i 60 to 2.00 U130to(150 U58to000 016to0.Jr, ▪ )6 to 0 16 OOG0555 36 to 050 4010000 0010o000 000to000 • 0 08 to 03 ... 020to030 At Toronto, Every Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was ns ed On all m?4e13iuer ;ci44xzn t:# Exhibition, It bas been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during1aark :E1Ethree o s. the last 'See that you get Peerless, It in only. acteh Can the 'loyal people sup- port and tiote for Mr. Trow ? We think not. Vote for Sharp, and thus display your loyalty. ENJOY LIFE: ▪ 0 10 tl 40 .: What a truly beautiful world we live in 1 0 40'10 t 00 Nature'gives UM pendent. of mountains, glens 4 00 to rr 00 and oceans, and thcl tsands of menus (In- ge We can desire no batter vvlteof ti iu 1 lO to' 0 76 perfec health t w otter) do the me- ... 0)00toll 501 t I Ith • but 600 to 700 0 00 to 0 70 wool peril) , 0 16 to 0 i7 800 to to 00 ttay 14porton• tit)' to 0 78 (Idiot d,'er etreh "• 2 50 to 8 coo Wood,' curd aftneidill.e.d...141.4mil...iogiiiiiissrimms,sliai404410i*,so to' to Diase�ti J-e,I LUTIDN OV PAR EfSffP i otiee is hereby divert that the bttetuesh lrerotntorc cobduetedunder the halite of • Sleieeman flees, bus bees desnlved this c ay n Will betcarried the late firh1 ;r ttatbe pale to him at Otta°. nnrtnalconse,ht• $ltobusnlea ottby Mr. li. Spachtman, aunt ti 11 itechniite due e4yeeptenie. .1‘ roe doses of ,dtrrytter Pioteer jo4 ty of People feel' lhko giving it Up dote lydnrtenecl,• discom'aged and worn out with disenso, when there is • no occasion for this foe'1%ng, its every atilierer can easily obtain malefactor's,' proof; that Green',c rintrqust Flower, will make thele free from disease, as tylion born:, .Dyspepsia and Liter Complaint are the direst ()sate,+ of soventy.five per Dont. of such: maladies s ns „i3 liousttess, Inds. gestiett, Sitik heatia hta, bostivciness, C srv• otis= Prostration, Oiliness of •"the Read; 'Palpita- titin of the Heart, and other distressing; —AT— s $�a v2z1 2 Q x,(Q1i HERSEY'S Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Also Fearivan's Celebrated Hams, Bacon and Bolognas. 10.Pixolc>1t141v. will prove Its Wonderful '-effect SaMple •'1'AOI(11140' Iii h 1887 la -lb 1 bottles,10`cents Try SELF -RISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. ZURICH ROLLER FLOUR, • BRAN, SHORTS and CHOP —All Binds of— Groceries Cheaper Than Ever 7 lbs. 50e. TEA for $1.60. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange for Go s S. C. HERSEY. THE BOOK (Published by the A. B. S. �® New York. OF WONDERS. SALE 13'I JAS. PTCKAAD. Dexter's GQnt U on Powders, SOLD ONLY AT Searlett's Drug Store, EMEMZEMOMEMBEREB CONTAINING NEARLY 1 300 PAGES. Every' RICH, RA.RE and RACY.) i STARTLING REVELATIONS, , ) a ...7>0 '4,6c: a wi i st .4 I S ;V OS . .' '` • C' : c. c, z 5 1 Sc.? 1 41> 6e'� ',O • 4 to `Cve '46y 1 4 �� ts' • c� w ob o 5e I? fi�C .Sjtio 0. Ofi 2 C2 .c,, iC 'J• SC rC ~C nr c., .te2� .c,a t 4 2 G k( A >e ti� .,e, 0 .c,5 e5 {e;c55 ,O tiff •1,p4 C�,ti2 `; 3P 44' o \O o Cel C t `ec,`t m•° eve fie+0 to 9 °0 e o hpv wr° ~P`' o ��1. w O 0P °4 oa 1� g ti V e •.,a ofr ,y1 , .4,:,;(9. jw b� • 6, ,o�o Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 503, Oxford Street, London. SZ" Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious WILL OFFEP, AS LONG AS THEY LAST Six Button Kid Gloves for 50c., Worth SLOG 28 Inch. Fine All Wool Grey Flannel for 25c. 28 Inch. Union Flannel for 15c. Line of Cloth Dress Goods for 10c., 12c., 15c., [worth a great deal more.] Coad, Overt©at for $5.00. ALSO A LARGE STOOK OF Better Goods at Hard Time Prices. Over 1,000,000, 6010 in the United States. t Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Can- ada should have a copy of this work. Ire s JUST THE THHING ; IT TELLS ALL, AND IS '1.00 GOOD TO DE WITHOUT. Sent by mail, postage Haid, on receipt of pl i c0, 50c., or tbreo books for $1. M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Ont. YOUNG ItIIN Suffering fr°m the effects of early evtl hab'ts, the result of ignorance or folly, who find themselves weak, nervous, and exhausted ;, also Atmos AGED ind. OJ,11 ,lOul, who are broken down front trio effects of abuse or f over-work,nod in advancedadvancedIn e feel the consequences of youthful excess. send for and READ P.1. V. Lubon's Treatise on itisea es of Men. The book will be sent scaled to any ad- dress of receipt of two lc. stamps. Address 10. V.LUBOW,t17 Welling t,,u St E. Toronto, Jan. 131h,1887. 1—y. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Good All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. Department Cornplete and Goods Away Dowfa: to suit the times. 11..LLY RolTN l 1 NO DAMAGED OR SHELF WORN GOODS IN 4rRId A.IiOVE OFFERING. WILLI e 7.7ntodlcs all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Iaidneys and Liver,, carry., ingoff gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul htuhors_d tho secretions., at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heel tbt1T1t, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, 9yD�rbpsy' Dimalees of 'Vision Jtt�Ylee, 'Salt rthetlin, Erysipelas, ,Scrofula, Fluttering of the Hearts 1tTervousness, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and meny e1tT tb rho cin faints untlai C Vl ... other s . 1? uta py. .i n1 1st1?ee of EN-6DCie LltI1 Btlitlf S Cil+, troprreters, Tor'oatd. tjnd,ert DealerFurnitureFurnitureand aka. I have Just 1ieeived• aCar Load of New Stylish Pulnitt and T am . twill be t y T �A� Si a au;� f7, h hest SIXTY Fox' the�' r goingels wh' 1 on me befo ee ere to ea l 11aReMaEt TrnPLAdC" da0R n Cl1� , ��zz�O vrtizizAtitg