HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-07-07, Page 14PAGE•14—,C ,I TONN .W..$41KORP. Ta ui3SPAY., ' 7,1977 The children from the Clinton Nursery School had a picture taking session last week to finish the year of classes before summer vacation. The children are, front row, left to right: Kerry Cox, Shane Taylor, Chrils....Hoggarth. Middle . row: Jennifer Tremeer, Charlene Dykstra, -Jacqueline Westerhout. Back row: Julie Ann Baker, Craig Caldwell, Laura Allen, Chris Bircham. cKillop Council agrees to rebuild sideroad By Wilma Oke McK,i;llop Township Council will rebuild sideroad 10, concession 13.14 and at the council session Monday night it was decided the first step would be to determine the road allowance. Engineer Chris Kair of Goderich will be engaged to make the. measurements for this. .. Council will advertise for the supplying and hauling of approximately 20,000 cu. yards of and cushion or 18',Q00 cu. yards of B gravel to cover the road and ap- proximately 4 Q00 cu. yards of A gravel for .a top dressing. Engineer. Rudy Engel was at the meeting to consider the ,Givli.ri'.Drain report. Onoy one assessed owner, , .'Willard Benrlewis, attended out of interest 'but had no com- plaints: Court of Revision for the drain will be held at the next general meeting ' on Tuesday, August 2, at 2 p.m. Charles Corbett .of Lucan was named engineer for repairs to the Elligson Drain, and council authorized the payment of $50 to the Brussels Fall Fair Board. • No action was taken on a request from Mrs: Mary Carroll writing for financial help . on behalf of 'the new Seaforth Co-operative Day Nurtery School to be started-, in the basement of the Seaforth Library. Road superintendent William Campbell was awarded the fourth year certificate seal a for com-,. pletion of another term at the roads school conducted by the Ontario Good Roads Association at ° Guelph, University last May. Approval was given for a request for a tile drain loan for $3,500. The Leonhardt drain has been compLeted at a Children can whi bikes in. Eimer's. SaIety Contest Elmer's Six Traffic Safety. Rules fare; Look Ali- ways before you cross the road; Keep away from all parked cars; Ride your bike safely and obey all signs and signals; Play your games in a safe place away from traffic; Walk don't run when you cross the road; Where there are no sidewalks, walk off the road on the .left and face oncoming traffic. There's some good advice from Elmer the Safety Elephant, and the Ontario Safety League! The News- Record.^urges. you to get all, the kids on your block to learn Elmer's Six Traffic .Safety Rules, and get your pencils, crayons, and paints , ready. You'll be needing them to enter Elmer's 1977 Summer Safety Contest. Sixteen lucky Ontario children, between -the ages of 6 and 14, will receive great Farm accident statistics ` More farm -related injuries occurred in Haldimand- Norfold county last year than in any other county in Ontario. Statistics recently released by the Farm Safety Association of. Ontario reported T1.7 percent of the total 1936 lost -time injuries in agriculture occurred in Haldimand-Norfold county. . Larry Swinn, senior, safety consultant for the Association, ,says the main reason for the large number of injuries is, the con- ,pentration of' tobacco, fruit and vegetable operations in the county: These operations which employ large numbers of seasonal unskilled workers Hi Kids! I'M GIVING AWAY gree ames and other prizes "Watch for. illy Safet}'"Contest • in thi:c newspaper" STARTING/NEXT WEEK have traditionally reported high numbers of agricultural injuries. The statistics showed most of the accidents in Haldimand-Norfolk occurred. in August and September, corresponding to the harvest season. York county ranked second in agricultural lost -time injuries. A total of 194 or 10 percent of Ontario's agricultural injuries oc- curred in thatcounty. The intensity of hor ticulture, landscape and fruit and, vegetable operations is part of the reason for the number of inj ries in that county, according to Mr.Swinn. "Horticulture and land- scape industries accounted for 22 percent of agricultural lost -time injuries in 1976," says Mr. Swinn. Elgin county, part of Ontario's tobacco belt, ranked third in agricultural injuries. More than 6 percent or 125 of the total injuries occurred. there. Niagara county, famed for fruit and vegetable production, accounted for 5.7 percent or HO of Ontario's agricultural injuries. Although there is a relationship between com- modities and the number of accidents, Mr. Swinn says most of the injuries, occurred in intensive,farming counties. new C.C.M. coaster bikes. Two -hundred runners-up will receive exciting second prizes. But most important of all, knowing Elmer's six rules could save your life. So you know you'll bea winner! Summer is the time when it is easiest to forget Elmer's rules. It's also a time when you should be most careful. There are lots of cars on the road, and you have more hours every day to play outdoors. That means more opportunities to 'become involved in traffic accidents. But take heart! Elmer never takes a holiday from safety. He says, "We don't stop teaching safety just because it is vacation time". And Elmer, as usual, is right cin! Elmer feels so strongly about the importance of his Summer Safety Contest, that he has asked all Ontario newspapers to donatethe space 'for his four week long safety. spree. The Royal Canadian Legion, Ontario Command, is sponsoring the contest and C.C.-M. is donating all prizes. This will be Elmer's 15th Summer Safety Contest, and we want it to be the best yet. So please help Elmer and the Ontario • Safety League by watching this newspaper for his exciting new contest, and by learning his six traffic safety rules. Good luck to you a1U total cost of $5,852.40. The estimated cost was $6,700. Applications for building permits were approved as follows; Francis Hicknell, RR. $,-...Seaforth, renovations to house .;• -Don Dalton, Seaforth, . steel granary; William Shortreed, RR -1, Walton, steel granary; Lavern_.- Godkin, RR 1, Walton, renovations tohouse; James I. Henderson, RR 5, Seaforth, swine barn, silo and manure storage tank; Joseph Van Dooren RR 5, Seaforth, ,repairs to exterior of house.;, James Axtmann, RR 5,. Walton' below *the ground swm.xning pool;k William • :Pepper, RR 1, Seaforth, alterations and 'extension ofd' existing, poultry barn; Keith-. Wilbee, RR L, dal on, steer' p granary; Murray Drinis; RR' , Walton,' moving :barn and alterationsJames ,F: Maldney, RR 5, ,`Seaforth, • steel granary; James Nash RR 5, Seaforth, mobile home; David A. Petrie, Walton, new garage; Harry -Rapson, RR4;:. -Walton, steel granary. Passed .for payment vera road accounts of $29,062.39. The road superintendent reportedthat the roadside grass had been cut once and they' ' were now making the second cutting, and weed ,,. spraying has been carried The meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Councillor William Leeming was absent from the meeting. A► R. K. PECK APPLIANCES. "In The' Heart of Down Town'Varna' • Vacuum Cleaners - Sales and Service of most Makes • C B Radios and Accessories • Speed Queen Appliances • Moffat Appl.iances • Smoke Sensors 4 lased, . Lights and Fly Killing Units • Handcrafted G4fts Varna, Ont. r Phone 482.7103 y`k5 These youngsters from the Clinton Nursery School seem to be saying cheese for picture taking. The Children are, front row, left to right: Krista Dalzell, Vanessa 'Coulter, Scott Vodden. Middle row: Johnny, Moskh ,. Bart Postma, Jason Wilson. Back row: Dillon Fremlin, Angela Postma, LEND AN EAR TO THIS SPECIAL PRICED SOUND PACKAGE BUY AS A PACKAGE - SAVE 75 GDPIONEER SA 5500 11 RECEIVER' • Continuous power output is .15 watts per channel, min. RMS, at 8 ohms • from 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz • no more than ' 0.5% total Harmonic disiu mon 24 Karat (999.9 fine) Gold ingots a • Designed for economy and overall record reproduction satisfaction s • S-shaped pipe arm for precision tracing capability -and improved tonal quality • Vibration -free 4 -pole synchronous motor • Anti -skating device, lateral balancer, arm elevation . - and direct-readout.stylus pressure counterweight WITH `ES-70SH DIAMOND CONICAL STYLUS AUDIO SHERE RESEARCH SPEAKERS • 3 Way Speaker System • 10" woofer, r5" midrange, 31/2" tweeter • 35 watts R.M.S. • from 35.11z to 20,000 Hz lir • e 221/2" High, 121/2" Wide, 11'' Deep RM" *PIONEER -15 WATTS S ' now atAnstett Jewellers 24 Karat means that the gold content is at least 995 fine: out of each 1,000 grains, at least, 995 are pure gold. Our Swiss 'Credit Bank ingotsare not,, only 24 karat, but are 999.9 -fine, the purest 24 karat available anywhere in the world! Your Gold ingot it certified and registered Each ingot we sell tomes with an assay certificate from the Swiss Credit Bank of Zurich, Switzerland. This certificate"is a guarantee that ,the ingdl" is genuine. Every cer- tificate has the following in- formation. ^ • the registration number of the ingot. • the purity of the gold in the ingot, always 999.9 . • the weight of the ingot, in grams or ounces • the date the ingot was manufactured (All ingots are fabricated by a wholly owned. subsidiary of the Swiss Credit ' Bank Valcambi, Switzerland.) • - Quarter Mile Race - Trail Class - English & Western Pleasure Clay$ - Junior Stake, Race - Texas Speed & Action • IZeyholl Race - Costume Class , Pole Bending Class • Junior Pleasure Class '' Parade Class - Flag Race - Western Riding Each ingot bears the hallmark of the Swiss Credit Bank on front and back, has a registration number and a corresponding assay certificate; is stamped with its weight and bears the hallmark of Valcambi, SA at the bottom of the front of the bar. - Ingots are in 5, 10, and 20 gram weights, as well as quarter -ounce, half -ounce, and one ounce weights. All are complete with a 14 karat gold frame,' and chain. ANSTETT JELIMITED WELLERS Renowned 'for Qualify Since 1950 11 ALBERT STREET, CLINTON 482-3901 SX -550011 RECER PL-1i2D1URNTABLEFIV E Ex�E� ES -7091 CONICAL STYLUS AR 110RSPEAKERS RMS LIST 135.95 CHISHOLM'S JUBILEE 3 PRICE X449, 00" IF YOU WISH TOTAKk ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL PRICE, YET HAVEN'T THE READY CASH.... NO PROBLEM • Your package will beset aside with no interest charges Take advantage of our price today...for tomorrow! LEND AN EAR TO THE COMPLETE PIONEER LINE AT... 29 Kingsfon St, ,` Goderich Your- NowAutheirtzed Monitor Dealer'