HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-07-07, Page 23 -DOWN 1 1 2-ACROS5 1 • PAGE 2—CLINTONNEWS,RECORD, THURSDAY, JULY 79 1977 A women`"`libber 1 am not; and by .the same token I am not at the other end of the pendulum either , - but the following r quotation by Shannon Fife brings a smile: '"Man once subscribed to the theory of male superiority - then woman cancelled his subscription, + -1- -1- Mrs. Elsie Sullivan of Port • Huron visited for the long weeke.h4Lwith her' ,sister-in- law, Mrs. Mae McLeod-. of Frederick Street, *Clinton. They also attended the wedding reception , for Mr. and Mrs. Charles "Chuck" Nw� Pruss. at the White Carnation �on Saturday evening, July 2. +++ The family of Joe and Rose Ryan celebrated , their parents' 40th wedding an- niversary on Friday, June 24 at 1~ amily Paradise Park, Walton. A Mass was 'celebrated on June 18 at St. Jseph's.Px ish ,,,•,hand ' Church, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Ryan were + + + married June 19 at St. Columban church. They have The will to work is well in a family of four sons and one • evidence among 65 grade 12 daughter, all of whom_ -at tended the anniversary. Ken of Delta, B.C.; Don, RR 4, Brussels, Cyril of Calgary, -Rosemar.y of Surrey, B.C. and Neil of Calgary. The bridesmaid, Clestia Nicholson of Mitchell and the flowergirl Stella Beninger of Welland attended but the groomsman, Gordon Ryan of Montreal was unable to be present. The reception was attended by guests from Montreal, Kitchener, Stratford, Kin- cardine,, Waterloo, Welland, Lon, Seaforth, Brussels, Walt n, Dublin, Bayfield and 'Clinton. + + Last weekend .Mary and. Jack Mustar.d..:.of Brucefield, accompanied by son, Jeffrey and daughter, ,„,-Catherine, motored =to:Timmins,Ontario to visit their son, Neil, who is employed there with the ,Looby Construction~' Com- pany. They' found it in- teresting to view the project, a giant underpass, at first qr ztG r.f4 i� WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To On ow Michael Tait Clinton July 10 t1' Sandra Lynn Postma RR'5, Clinton 7th • Joanne Layton A. ' Scott McAsh ec Joanne Hayter ' Barrie Bell ..Bryan..,Beattie.................... 4' .Bayfield - .Varna I Varna Clinton Clinton a July 10 July -11 July 11 July 11 July -11 July 12 ' To'Join - just, come into the News -Record office, ' 53 Albert St. Clinton or phone 482-3443, and have your name entered lathe Birthday Book and get your FREE button. ' ti 1r1/• 2-kti . • qtr, lot wtAi' i �G students w --ho are, Faking the six week summer session at Wilfrjd -Laurier University which commenced -,July 4. It is possible, for students who' take the summer course, intercession and "regular courses, to complete the requirements 'for a „ degree in two years instead of the, usual three. Miss Nancy Clynick, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ken Clynick of Rat- tenbury Street is one of those attending this summer. The. r=esidents, and staff of Heather Gardens wish to thank the ladies , from thhe• Clinton Christian Reformed Church " and Rev. Carl Boersrna - who took the residents on a picnic at Hidden Valley. Also ap- preciation to the singing group, ' The Rising Sun -Singers, Joan Dykstra, Tru=ly • Nykarnp, Debbie , Postma, and Chris Valkenberg. A very enjoyable day was had by all. The + + + Clinton Pipe Band attended \ Canada Day celeb,ratio .. at North Bay on July '1St. They also played in Goderich on Saturday, July 2 and again on Sunday July 3 for the Drumhead service. On -'Saturday July 9 they will take part in the giant parade. Fine work by these ambassadors of goodwill for Clinton. + 1- -I- A ' • reminder that tonight; July 7 is the firs.t night for Infant Swimming at the Clinton Pool from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. +y+ + At the Huron Fish and Game ”" Conservation Association Bingo last Tuesday night, the Club President, Dave l3each, made the announcernent''that $250 from the profit of Bingo games had been donated to' Clinton Minor . Baseball. ,; tinder new, regulations 'Fr1, overning bingos, 80 percent o4such profits must'be, given 15P'to ''charity or similar wor- t� thwhile causes. . 7.04-., . , -� -1- + • *Clinton lost -another of her public figures with the qtr passing last week of Doug .6 Kennedy, Town Foreman. We 4% like to remember Doug, as we �' • 10 "often , saw him, about town business. Many a.time, while arriving at work, we would set, him up thea° ladder watering the hanging- flow"er baskets. To Mrs. Kennedy and the family goes the collective sympathy of an appreciative community. i CHILDRENS. CORNER LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE . 8 -ACROSS CROSS -ACROSS 6 -DOWN 1 -DAWN 11 Yti( cSiebaiee 4 -DOW 46, 7 -ACROSS 4-44.ek- 0;17, umsed Fea,dre Syndicale. Inc. 'NOadtl 9 '-1lyNs 'v '9n-10 E 'HVA '3 133d ' l -- uMoG 'NMOlO '6 'Skein '9 'VNnl `1 "INN :9 gild ssoJDbl :SEI3MSNd MIX-UPS ROM blanks -one letter on each blank root of an animal ----• If, it hurts say Whar you do with a song Clothing worn on the head own mar 400s mom WINO OWN OMNI Mita MOM MOO MN. Finally, there's nothing like wishing ourselves a Happy Birthday - but -this we intend to do: Italy 1st .was the tenth anniversary of the purchase of the News -Record by the Goder"l h Signal -Star Publishing Company - when President -Publisher R.G. "Bob" Slider took over the reins from the late Ad, "Laurie" Colquhoun, who had been associated with the newspaper for 35 years. r' {G+ From u.p here -. by Shelley McPhee w- I've never been -against progress oto-chanr,. and I'm cei'tuin that it's a i.:. •.essary part -of life but it seeCns that Many people ignore and mu=se the.pest in order to. make way for the future. I came up with this astounding revelation over the past weekend when I watched part -of ' Ontario's heritage receive its death sentence. 71t a Lake Erie -cottage area, just south of Dunnville, a lighthouse sits on a small uninhabited island about one mile from shore. ... The stone lighthouse, built' in 1848, has offered com- pany and tradition to the many' cottagers and area residents over the years. It has withstood the most in- credible storms and has a vividhistory. The, story has it that theabandoned lighthouse is haunted 'since its last keeper froze to death there in 1931 while trying to -reach shore for Christmas. Although for many years the lighthouse has had no keeper,,_its light still gave gi. idance for passing ships by batteries, until it recently quit. The old toweeand island have, not been' abandoned and for many years the people picnicked -and climbed to the top of -the, lighthouse. The island is also a prime nesting spot for seagulls and their eggs and youngsters cover the island, Yet with all its history and importance to the people of the area, and the wildlife, .plans have been finalized. to blow up the old lighthouse sometime this month. I had no real personal attachment to the,ligh'thouse since I had only seen it Once before, but as a part of our past and as an innocuous. structure, I cannot see the purpose of its destruction. The executioners,, the Canadian Coast Guard, a section of the Federal Department of Transport, said in a Hamilton newspaper report that blowing up the structure will cause the least disturbancesto the nesting gulls. - I wonder why the gulls or the . lighthouse must be disturbed at all. As far as I'm, concerned, the lighthouse is hardly a menace, for no one goes.near it now and it is far enough out in the lake to cause little damage if it does collapse. ., Despite rescue attempts by a .nufnber'of cottagers who have known and lived with the lighthouse for years, it is unlikely that it will be saved from the clutches of those who just refuse to leact well enough alone. Perhaps my opinion may have been different if Stich an old structure was situated in a populated area where it would be a danger to people, like some unsightly con- demned buildings thatare in our area. However, I cannot abide by the thoughtless and reckless attitude's of,today that allow such architecturally and legendary buildings tobe'snuffed out. Because this incident is occurring _some 100 miles from Clinton does' not make it irrelevent. Look at the once lovely, old houses that are left abandoned throughout our countryside, , perhaps they may not be in the best , of condition, but it has only been through., neglect un- concerned attention that this has occurred. Such recent issues as the restoration of Clinton's'Town Hall, or my Personal wish to restore the entire downtown Clinton area, should not be left unattentive. For they too may literally sink into the sunset like the defenseless little lighthouse on Lake Erie. , .. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ham injured, fortunately there and daughter Martha visited were no broken bods. on the weekend with Mr. m ,. Ham's mother, Mrs. Alice Hain and Miss M.E. Swan. Mr, and 7 Mrs: Elgin Thompson left this weekend for the western provinces on a vacation. Rev. and Mrs. E.S. Stephen' visited relatives in the U.S. for a few days last week. Brucefield.'and the vicinity wishes to congratulate Sharon , Brodie, , who ;graduated ---from Fanshawe School of Nursing in London. Mr. and Mrs: Roy Herman of London visited with their parents, Mr., and Mrs. "Wallace Jackson on Satur- day. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Lorne Wilson is improving 'in Seaforth Hospital. What might have been more serious was luckily not when Gordon Hende son oveiturned his tr. ctor. Although his two ar ' s were STOCK REDUCT N OF Top -Q uer I i ty PITTSBURGH PAINTS AND Painting Accessories 1 %-ro5 DISCOUNT .r on aII Merchandise in Stock Unscramble the first letter of each answer to spell. -- (Where we buythings) Answer next .week s ANSWER TCS L 1S V E'EKW 1U1f JU!1LY. t gratin DRAPERI E5. PAINTS WALLCOV 33 harm SCairaten Co INGS 412-9542 • s fay Marian Doucette In the good old sum- mertime what could be better than .learning how to make some really great craftsoou: of the IMPORTANT JUNK that most people, but not Librarians would , throw away F '.Today, and on future ,Thursdays .at 2.:30 p.rn. the 8- 13 year-olds visiting the Clinton Library will be doing just, that - learning to make some really fantastic crafts out of valuable trash! Today's craft is a wall flanging used to chase evil spirits from, your house; .while in the near future we will pe learning how to make attractive summer jewelry from materials found on any beach.;.., Socko Puppetry is coming to the .library next week. A two day workshop for ages 8 and up will be held July 14 and 15, at 2:30 p.inm At this .,workshop we will be learning how to turn old socks into new and ,fant,astic puppet creatures, and also how to use these new creations in an original puppetplay;'` Monday will once more see the pre-schoolers and 6,7,8 year-olds corning to the library at 2:30 to find an answer to our weekly question "What do people do all day " This week the emphasis will be placed on what sort of duties policemen perform.; and as an added feature, a trip to Clinton's Police Station has been plapned in addition to the t usual stories and crafts. 1. Summertime series starts Summertime Motocross starts this Sunday July 10th at Hully Gully with the first event of the • Good Time Motocross Series. The "Good Time" Series features seniors, experts, • juniors and schoolboy racers competing for individual and team awards as well as a special intermission class called the Old -Timers. The team competition will find Sarnia defending its last year's victories to ,retain the London Dealers Ass'n Trophy, carnia will be hard pressed by Simcoe, London, Burlington and the 1975 - winners; the Maitland Dirt Riders from Walton. Senior and experts, 'team competition, and the old timers, stack -up to make the." "Good "Time" Motocross, Series, A. Hully Gully good times. . Full , camping , and recreation facilities will round out a weekend of Family Fun. 4 • ioNPAl:ie' by ',catty Hamilton "Mall your problems to "s - pact-"-c-o.-.this-.paper.41 let- ters will be answered provided„ a stamPedaddressed envelope is enclosed..$ome of -general interest will be' published. Letters must be signed but.we will NOT rev,eat your Identity "T.hese Questions' and . An- swers based bn Ontario Law, • are published to inform and not to advise. No one should try to apply ,er,interpret the law without the aid•and advice of a trained exNert who knows the facts, 4Ince the facts of • each case may change the application of the law." NO PHONE .CALLS PLEASE ,FRED J. HU:DI:E LIM EWA 230 BAYFIELDRD:CLINTON 1TED LUMBER BLDG. HDW, PAINT - WALLPAPER CARPETS HOME eul�aNc � RASPBERRY TIME! Pick� Your Own at BILL DYKSTRA'S.. (Concessions 4, Goderich Twp.) 75c a quart Please' bring containers Phone' 524-8048 Save electricity, save money. there are two ways saving electricity can save money. First, the obvious one:.... -- .The less you use, the less - you have to pay for, And to- day, electricity is simply too valuable to waste. Second, something nOt so obvious. Ontario uses more and .more power every year. This means an ever increasing investment in plant and equipment.' .and their cost is rising rapidly, The cost 'of fuels is also increasing rapidly. These costs inevitably 'show up M. the price you pay for electricity. You can help to slow down the growing demand by usink electricity wisely. Don't waste,=.- .-.•.. - b Cpnservv enefgS, The future depends on r a „ LIGHTING I am a new mother and recently had a man at my door., who said he had an embossed {thoto alb}m for me. for FREE. The' catch is, that I have to sign up with a photo studio for 12, 8x10" pictures, two to be taken each` year for six years. ' The complete ,price is only 5120, but is it on the "up and We are surprised why anyone has to pay' for something in full, _and then have to wait for six years order, to reap the full bene However that's your decision to make and we do not want to influence you in any way. • We'll be glad to check out this firm if you'll forward us their name and address. R MOBILE SERVICE HAUGH Alignment 8, TIRE SUPPLY Balancing 482-9796 482-3752 267 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 4 i was offered some land in Florida. The deal sounds very attractive but -I'm rather hesitant to jump into anything done on the telephone. 1 told the caller this and he agreed to, mail me some literature. This has just arrived but now I'm wondering it it's quite legal to purchase land •in another country. . Yes, it's quite legal to own* property in a country other, than Canada. You. have no problem in that. i'egard; `h 'vvever the land .}),as to be registered first, before it can be offered for sale outside of Ontario. Before making a deal you may later regret, contact The Foreign Lands Office, 555. Yonge Street, Toronto 9r. phone 365-2504. • • n T.Pryae & LtS5d: District Representative Don Denomme 75 HAMILTON MONUMENT, LETTERING 524- 23'73 or 6 6 21 appointments _anytime GODERICH MARKERS I signed an offer to pur- chase, not a contract to buy on a car, with the understanding that I could take it home for the weekend. / I decided not to keep it, and returned it on the Monday morning to be told it was now mine, and that the contract signed was binding. What can I do? "IMPACT" IMPACT reminds "its readers that an offer ' to purchase, ff accepted, ,is ii - deed a legally binding den - tract. m The dealer in question has been in the car business a " ft time, and he tells us tha trick is as old as the hil weekend's free driving ate he expense of the car dealer!; Furthermore he claims t t you have already done this same thing successfully r»ith another dealer, by stopping payment on a cheque you had issued.• ,i Ball & Match 7 LTD. IN HOME FURNISHINGS FLOOR COVERINGS CARPETING NOMI FURNISHINGS. 71 ALBERT ST 482-9505