HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-2-3, Page 5INIU TiOrn :0011l11OTb;,D., I ooftt x0vttios, oolt;yiNaaAlo VF401110i, ,' olt oi. no A, very:llrtrge number et eleeters will Vote enema irre t entete in the ;eenstithem les hereabatite, and many theillianda thi'Pughont the ptin}iuion, To the Headers of tho 2'imes, for the first time, eu Ilio 2244 Wet,, In oowmou with anany Alters enc: pain I he newly enfalanchisea electors slaoulcf bear fishers, we leave been 600116 utnea to- funk lin mirth the faot. dant they' pro indebted to.. upon certain statolnent8 lvhieh we hove seen :the lxoteriatneuttfor that privilege. p in our cohnnns as merely admit advertielne, JOYFUL, NEWS.. ° ffie. intakingthey I i Consequently we feel lus.i • d t ra certainly glad tidings to the poor n - liberty of printing a few pouxts from a pri- valid to be informed of aremedy that will vete letter recently received from one of Oar give prompt and sure, relief in case et pain ww AST largest patrons, as a sort of eonfesslorr of faith to our readers. We quo.to, : "We have conviueod ourselves that by tolling what we know to bo true, we have produced at last a permanent conviction in the public Mimi. Seven years ago we stated what the national diseaso of this country was, and that it was rapidly increasing. Three years ago we stated that a marked check had been given it, ' "The statistics o one of the largest life insur.'anee Dom le`of this country shows that in 1883 an .t rs,44,'tlie mortality from kidney disorders • not 'increase over the previous years tiler compauiee stated the same thing. It is not presumptuous for us to claim credit for checking thee° ravages. "Seven years ago we stated that the con- dition of the kidneys was the key to the con • dition of health : within the past five years ail careful life insurance companies have conceded the truth of this statement, for, whereas, ten years ago, chemical analysis to determine the condition of the kidneys was not required, to -day, millions of dollars in risks are refused,because chemical examin- ations discovers teasuspected diseases of the kidneys, 'Seven years ago we stated that the ravages of Bright's Disease were insignificant compared with other uusupeeted disorders of the kidneys of many misleading names ; that ninety-three per cent. of human ailments are attributable to deranged kidneys, which fills the blood with uric acrd, or kidney poison, which causes these many fatal diseases. "The uric acid, or,kiduey poison, is th real cause of.the majority of cases of paral- ysis, apoplexy, heart disease, convulsions, pneumonia, oonsutuption, and insanity ; over half the victims of consumption are first the victims of diseased kidneys. "When the recent death of au honored ex•oifieial of the United States was annoano- ed, his physician said that although he was suffering from Bright's Disease, that was not the cause of death. He was not frank enough to admit that the apoplexy which over took him in his bed, was the fatal effect of the kidney poison in the blood, which bad eaten away the substance of the arteries and brain ; nor was Logan's physician honest enough to state that his fatal rheumatism was caused by kidney acid in the blooa, "If the doctors would state in official re- ports the original cause of death, the peo- ple of this country would be alarmed, yea, nearly panic stricken, at the fearful mortality froto kidney discreere." fnl suffering. Suoh a remedy is Flagyard'0 Yellow Oil, adapted for external and internal use in all aches, llama, lameness and sore - nese, It cures rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, oroup and all inflammatory pains. The writers of the above letter give these feats to the public simply to justify the clatnts that they have n ode, that!"if the kineys and liver are kept h healthy condition by tho use of Warner's se e cure which hundreds of thousands have proved to be a specific, when all other remedies failed,and that has receiv- the endorsement of the highest medical talent in Eh -trope, Australia and America, many a fife would bo prolonged and the happiness of the people preserved. It is saocessfUl with so many different deseases because it and it alone, can remove the uric acid from the blood through the kidneys." Onr readers are familiar with tho prepar- ation named. Commendation thereof has often appeared in our columns. ' We believe it toklivue of the best, if not the best ever manufactured. We know the proprietors are inen of charaeter and influ- ence. We are certain they have awakened a wide -spread interest in the public mind con- cerning the importance of tue kidneys. We believe with them that they are the key to health, and that for their restoration from disease and maintenance in health, there is nothing to equal this great remedy. The proprietors say they "do not glory in this universal prshalence of disease, but hav- ing started out with the purpose of spread- ing the merits of Warner's sale cure before - the world, because it cured our senior pro- prietor, who was given op by doctors as in- curable, we feel it our duty to state the facts and leave the public to its own inferences. We point to our claims, and to their public and universal verification with pride, and if the public does not believe what wo say, we tell them to ask their friends and neighbors what they think about our preparations." As stated above, we most cordially com- mend the perusal of this correspondence by our readers, believing that in so doing, we are fulfilling a simple public obligation. Can the loyal people sup- port and vote for Mr. Trow ? We think not, Vote for Sharp, and thus display your loyalty. ..,.1 HE SHOOK IT "1 was subjeot to ague for two or three carious, which nothing would eradicate until I tried Burdock Blood Bitters, eines which time, four years, I have had no return of the Belfountain, Ont. disease." \V J. Jordan, Strange, Ont. A OAR R D. A fatal accident occurred in McGillivray To all who are suffering from the o rs and the other day by which a little child of Mr. Samuel Soott, of the 13th eon., aged five years, lost its life. Mr. Soott was dra eiug a load of poles and had his ohildren with him for a ride when the little oue in question fell from the load and the roar rumor of a sleigh dressed envelope to Bev, Tosnen 'i', bout; Station D, New YorkClit Intorestllig401 8, Mr. 0, Waker,aaf A.11aa'Uraig Jetts reoeivgd tiro appalntreent of Returning Officer far thle, riding atthe apptoaohingDomirafon election. A f, iv0r S tire. One single trial of Dr, Ohaso's 1<Iivfr Cure will 004Yukee the moat sceptical and coiulrl better than thousands of testimonials that it is a mite ourQ,. Medicine and Reel a Book O'1. Hold by C. LU'f Z t p ,, , Central Drug Store, Ata meeting of the Huron Medieai Asso- Groceries,'i r .its, lc. elation, held in Seaforth recently, the follow RIM —AICD LOOK Alia,- CAPTAIN lia- hit LARGE STOOK Sir' .i ffleers, were oho g P o . sen fort ° year ie -De. — h y a , x .-._ Graham, f a Brussels, , rues rl President � Dr, 0 n 1. r a neat , .. . S u , 1 have a full line of Family oroeories Lorrdesboro', Yips -President ; Dr. Smith, Seaforth, Secretary, Or'arigeIl igs, 13asket REISMS, Iuruts, °ands $e on Your Guard leaofall kinds assorted, Peanuts roasted, Don't allow a acid in she tread to slowly TP aocoes, Cigars, Belfast Aromatic ginger and rarely devolope into 'Catarrh when you can be cured for 25 cents. A few applies- Try a cake of Compressed Yeast, and you tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to will use no other. two boxes will Duro ordinary Catarrh. Ono ^�� to fiye boxes will erre thioate Catarrh. R 'Great lted"eaen in 1.'repaid'Tielcets to Sold by all dealers at 26c. per box. Try artier send n for their friends from Bp Dr, Chases Catarrh Cure—tette no other—it p 8Eng" pure you, C. Litz, sole agent for Exeter land, Troland, Scotland or Germany, At Toronto, Every; 'Barrel Quarantes cl. T'hfs, Oil was need on ell machinery during Exhibition. It hos been award"d SIX (I 01,1) MF,DAL duriug the last three years,. IrR'Soethat you get Peerless, It is only adeb tl ,.. $M/d`:T rl : ,OC "., c% `x'O Q�"":1Q. ;. FOR SALE 133Y JAS. PICKARD. Ale. »k o. -r. - .-..:--.�.•..aee,-ate.,.-.�.—: QUICK Ii 1LIEF, "One bottle of Idagyard's Pectoral Balsam cured trioof a sore throat and lossof voioe. CE31E3Il1ER THE ADDRESS, One trialrelieved me when all other med- Drew's Block, South Store ioines failed," Says Miss J, 1V1oLeod of Apply : CAPT. GEO. KEMP lncliseretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, 8cc, 1 will send a reoeipe tlrst will cure you, FREE OP CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America, Senda self -ad. .passed oyer it's body injuring it so severely as to cause death in a couple of hours. AN OBSTINATE (:ASE. "In the sprit of '83 I was nearly dead, as everybody aroupd•my neighborhood knows. My trouble was caused by obstinate consti- pation. Ono bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cured me entirely." This statement is made by Walter Stinson, of Gerrie, Ont. In five years the Reform party added $40,000,000 to our public debt, or an average of $8,000,000 a year ; the Conservative party added $50,000,000, but it took four- teen years an average of $3,- 142,867 per year. Whioh party is entitled to the con_ fidene.e of the people ? Vote for Sharp and Coughlin. Stephen. The following is a correct report of the pupils of S. S. No. 3, for the month of Janu- ary. The marks are based on gold conduct and general proficiency during the month. SENIOR EouccTI.--Cllar•lie Sanders, 551 ; Frank Shepton, 425 ; WilIiam Bagshaw, 364; Nora Bagshaw, 244. JUNIOR FOURTH—Wm, Morrison, 605 ; Eleury Penhale, 511 ; Lucre- tia Jory, 496 ; Albert Ford, 463 ; Jobe Sanders, 432 ; Arabella Morish. 201 ; John Morfse, 1.96. Tram, CLAss—Emily Jory, 625 ; Minnie Sweet, 609 ; Edmund Shapton, 600 ; Lucy Jory, 509 ; Elia Shapton, 593 ; Clara Sanders, 586 ; James Sanders, 509 Minnie Morrison, 494 ; Ellen Dearing, 335. SECOND CLAss—Jamas i3agehaw, 729 ; Jas, Dearing, 582 ; IF'rauk Sanders, 560 ; Eliza- beth Dearing j03 ; Thomas Hadden, 502 ; Robert Sandee ,, ,468 ; Ida Sweet, 421. ; Geo, Harness, 343: Wei3[ey Dearing, 342 ; Wal- ter Dearing. 326. FIRST CLASS, PART 1I— James Sanders, 451 ; Martha Ford, 386 Alex, Box. 680 ; Victoria Dagsbaw, 384 ; Thomas Willis, 334 ; Edgar Harness 279. FIRST CLAss—Flonry Deari.rg, 133 ; Ivlatttl Harness, 125 ; Ed. Sauclers, 120 ; William Sweet, 118 ; Charlotte Dearing,' 112 ; May Dnnsford, 98 ; Samuel Sanders, 97 ; Ellen Stanlake, 94 ; Emma Penhale, 88 ; Wesley Nestle, 54. Tho average attendance for the month was 36, SAAB, J. I,ATTA, Teacher. rieury. o 4 A FAIR PROPOSITION. There could be no offer more fair than that of the proprietors of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, who Kaye long offered to refund every cent expended for that remedy if it fails to tie. Be sure and ask for "MRS. WViesaow's give satisfaction on fair trial for rheumatism, SOOTRING SPB1rP "and take no other grind, neuralgia, sore throat and all painful corn- CONSUMPTION CURED. plaiute. Mr. Richard Sellars' barn was entered on Monday night and four hags of wheat, two of peas and two of oats were carried off. The thief drove one horse'und sleigh into the barnyard loaded his plunder and drove out on the eighth concession to the nine- teenth, thence northward into Stephen. It is to be regretted that sneh scoundrels are not caught and proper pueieltrnent meted out to them. e-44-4 -4 TELE BEST TAKEN. "I had dyspepsia for a long time, Was entirely oared by two bottles Burdock Bloc'Bittera. The best medicine for regulating', rind invigoratingthesystein I luta ever taken."' P. P. Tanner, Neebing'f'. 0;, Ont. Children Starving to Death. On account of their inability to digest food, will find a most marvelous food and remedy in Scott's Emulsion. Very palatable and easily digested. Dr. S. W. Cohen, of Waco, Texas, says ; "I have used your Emulsion in Idfantile wasting. It not only restores wast- ed tissues, but gives strength and increases the appetite." Mr. Cleverclon, of Strathroy, has been elected warden of Middlesex county. We do not sound a needless alarm when we toll you that the taint of scrofula is in your blood. Inherited or acquired, it is there, and Ayer's Sarsaparilla alone will effectually eracUcate it. AovcON To MoTnEus.—Aro you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and Drying with pain of Cutting Tenth? if so Send at once and get abottle of " Mrs• Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething, Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Amend upon it, mothers ; thorn is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diavrbcea, regulates tbo Stomacn and :Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens tee Gums,reducesIntlamination, and gives tong and energy to the whole system. "Airs. liiinslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the proscription of one of the oldest and best tenialophysiciansand nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists through- out tho world, Price twenty-five cents a bot - I:lall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer imparts fine gloss and freshness to the hair, and his highly recommended by physicians, scientists. It removes dandruff, makes the scalp white and clean, and restores gray hair to its youthful color. ASTONISHING SUCCESS. It is the duty of every person who has used Boschee's German Syrup to let its wondorfnl qualities be known to their friends in curing Cousumptiou, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Pneumonia, and lu fact all throat and lung diseases. No person . can use it without immediate relief. Three doses will relieve any ease, and we consider it the duty of all Druggists to recommend it to the poor, dying consumptive, at least to try one bottle, as 80,000 dozzen bottles wore sold last year, and no one case wirers it failed was reported. Such a medicine as the German Syrup can- not be too widely known. Ask your drug- gists about it. Sample bottles to try, sold at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers, in the United States and Canada. DIED. SxINNxR.—In Osborne, on the 31st alt„ Emma Skinner, aged 25 years, 10 months and 14 days. DCEW.—In Exeter, on the 1st inst., John Drew, aged 23 years and 8 mos. (Funeral on Tuesday a t two o'clock, for Exeter cemetery,) MARRIED. Tnoatvsoe—FULTON—At the residence of the bride's father, on Jan. llth, 1887, by Rev. S. Carriers, Mr. Edward Thompson, of Dakota, to Miss Jessie Fulton, eldest daughter of Mr. William Fulton, of Port Blake. (The happy young couple are new visiting their friends on their way to their new home in Dakota, our best wishes go with them.) SALE REGISTER. WEDNESDAY, FEB. - 9th.—Dashwood mill property, the Property of Mr. Noah Fried. Sale at tee'c'1ock. MARKET REPORTS. (Corroetedn•t5o'clockp.m, Wednesday. f i''allW has 1 .,. ... .•. ••. 0 78 to 8o ..........00010080spring .... 0 00 to 080 Barley ... ... . 0 40 to '50 Oats028 to 80 GloverSeed .. ... . 4 00 to 4 50 Timothy " ••• 1 50 to 200 Peas.... 050to050 Corn ... -. u 58 to 0 60 it gs ... • 0,17 to 0 17 ttei ... .. 37 to 5 77 ur urpert,bl. ,,, •. •. 00 to 5 65 P tatoee,per bushel .. .., 85 to 0 50 :l.pples,porbag40 to 0 50 OriedAppieepr b ... ,. 0 04 to 0 00 UOeee per lb. .. 0 00 to 0 04 Turkey per lb . . 0 08 to 08 Ducks pot pr . ... .. . 0 2010 0 30 Chickens per pl•0, 20 to 0 10 Fiogs,lrossedper100 5 40 to 5 60 (3001 . '4 00 to 0 00 Hidostoubg, .., .,. 6 00 to 6 00 dressed . G 00 to 7 00 Sheepskins each . 0 40 to C 75 Caltskine . 0 60 to 0 70 Wool per lb 4..,. ,., 0' )6 to 0 17 Hay porton . 800 to 10 00 lrnionsperbush� ... . '0 50 to 0 75 Woodt)or cord..........2•50$0 8 00 A CARD. SNELL, Ins. Agent, Exeter. DEAR lint. We this undersigned desire to ox press to you ancltho Citizens los. 00•, our sin- cere thanks, for the vo?y pronipt and setiefae- tory Settlement of our c aims forlosslauetaieed by the fire in lixeter, on Sall 9th,and for which we received our Blaney through you on thonst inst. CHAS. SOIIyndoTT, Joan SMALLAer't bit. Fetor, Jan. 24111,1887. DistiitutieN OF PARTN -SHIP` Notice is hereby given that the' bu merle spoolheretntore nontleeted, udder the na of d.t boon doselve h da' t has is I os.il mutual 11r os. !irnebusttoriswill bo oar'rigd, on by Mr, 1,1. Spackman,and all accounts duo the late' Arm In0st be pant to hioi et once. 11 lirAaxttix. E. 5YAbrtItAI, 'xeter, Jdlt.7thr1887 tS -11;14 Au old.physiciftn, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his hands oy en fast Indian missionary the formula. of a simple vegetable remedy for tho spoedv and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and radical cure for NervousDebit ityand all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of eases, has felt it his duty tom,ke it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tl::s re:ntfve and a desire to relieve human suffering, zv 1 send free of charge, to all who desire .t, this recipe, in Gorman,Fronch or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Seat by mail by addrossingwith stamp, naming this paper, W. Novas, 1.49 Power's Block,lfcchester, N. 7 LOOK HERE AND SEE THAT 1. W. BROWNING IS SELLING X-mas Presents, Toys, Etc., AT COST. ALSO A FULL LINE OF IMPORTED SPONGES AND CHAMOIS. Drugs and Patent Medicines ALWAYS ON HAND. Don't Fail to Call at The Dominion Laboratory, if you want anything in the above lines. J. W. BROWNING, Prop. E -- CANADIAN ACIFIC RAILWAY. THE GREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTH. TAE MOST DIRECT - -AND BEST EQIIIPPED I309TE —nT:.'Pwieasc— MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &c. 2,001 x S,OOS I I Excursion to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, and SAN FRANCLSCO, for $90.00, tick- ets good for Seven Months. ate Before purchasing your tickets else- where, call on W. J. CARLING, C. P. R. AGENT. CARLING'S SPORE. EXETER. CENTRAL P1c2. EIKAIT S WORM Po wDE s. Aro pleasant to t lu• Contr.i:, their own. Purgative. Is n a -.f e. r,•, t-ntd effectual lieliVarer of worm; is t,:.U,lren or A dulta WiLL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKiN, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, KmNEYs, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. 'MILBURRN & CO., FroprTORONTO. THE E BOOKPublished by the A. B. S. tiNEMBROIMIZM ( New York. OF WOIWERS • eanommensweeremszom CONTAINING xnARL7' 300 PAGES. RICH, RARE and RACY. i STARTLING. REVELATIONS, Over 1,00O,0000 Sold, in the ;'the ted States; Every Sporting, Gambier and Actor in Can- ada ahould have Sr copy of this work. IT e :on, sons Tnnfo; IT TELLS Att., ANI) is Too Goon 7,'o 'Btwmorer. Sent oy mail, postage peril, on receipt of p+•t, o, 50e,, or throe hooka for 1. M. J. COLLINS.Wollaud, Out. LOVELLI'S GAZETT ;R AND HIS , C `"•Y OL' Tabs CSTOERE IA full stock of all kinds of DOUNION of CMIA0 . Isi Ninc Vblu•,ri61, lloyat 80o, iTb 3470 CO11Mk•NC6110 Gnenover rt sol loieet tL ilOnrber of subscribers is obtainurl to cover cost of publication Subscription to the viur Volumes 510 00, to the 1lrnviuee pt Ontario nr to Qsebee i3V2,60,to Near iit'twswick or to Nova SeOtfja $11..50, 10 Manitoba or British Columbia 59.50,te Prince Edward Island or to North westpTorriteries 50,50. Each Provinoo ttr have a&ta. Pease Semi for Prost)eottlg. ,10t1N 1,0VD1ht,, Afonitiral, 4111 Atigust,i88�'laddi' Idhurg8ct&ri Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C _iU.11Z. The Gireat li lii"IIsh Prescription. A successful tedicine used over •ter , 80 years in thousands of cases: 1 ! t _r Cures Sperm atorrhea, Nervous'' Weakness, Emissions, impotency '\ and all diseases caused by abuse. IUEFORr] indiscretion, or over-exertion. rumen] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fait. k Druggist 1'1Great English X reeeriptton,Asyour take no substitute.for'e One package Sl. Six 35, by mail. Write forPamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and 0, Letz. —AT— HERSEY'S Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Also .,carmates Celebrated Halms, Bacon and Bolognas, SELF-ItiSIlIG BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. ZURICH ROiLfii FLOUR, BRAN, SSORTS and CHOP •-•A11' Kinds of--- Gtoeeries Cheaper Than Ewer 7 iiia. 50c. "I" EA. for $1.00. Patin Produce Taken in Exchange for Cf o a S. 0, HERSE'. lEvery Department Complete and Goods Away D'owla to suit the times. Dexter: Condition Powders SOLD ONLY AT Searlett's Drug Store., t J fi� ft°t .1a' moi• ti35> , titefite •C•, °� r G��fi fir, '`°� � y°� �x>ee 49, °"C° ° OiclO tae go ,o() •tiga t • •4 ti s t.soleta. �tio`� .0. (343.4'). . 9' :co ,1.> i --4e' r„\cc' p ' N�Cti ef' 2 � 0 `D ° 95, 09 0 c 4� G° 0�9' fi,D9 Q44 °tt��5, SC 4°ot`ae Vy� bo oa �� `` a cite 0.1s�` sew q 'N 1 tee o to JY„ 43 tiff q es ,yC�,4+ �e`.'�o°" roe9 0 0� w�9• se eelt q S CP).S. NO. O' Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 75, New Oxford Street, late 533, Oxford Street, London. :Or Purchasers; should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. WILL OFFER AS LONG AS THEY LAST Six Button Kid. Gloves for 50c., Worth $1.00. 28 Inch. Fine All Wool Grey Flannel for 25c. - 2f3 Inch. Union Flannel - for 15c. Line of Cloth Dress Goods for 10c,, 12c., 15c., [worth a great deal more.] Cood. Overcoat for $5.00. ALSO A LAPGE STOOK OF Better Goods at Hard Time Prices. Good All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. NO DAMAGED OR SHELF - WORN GOODS Ir 'ii'&flE ABOVE OFF ERLNG. WILLIAM W YI fc.✓• r `e1 til o' Furniture Dealer and Undertake I have hist received a Car Load, of New Stylibh rurnitt and I arr. For the next SIXTY :.)AIS. It will be toa "�' tr•i �b 1' tLC� rrza to call Dia me before going elsewhere. ItnuENti3ruix 1,0t PLACl:I Orrld DOOR opNokm M 1 �OI�rSO�T l�A%T Vor IL tito ', "°” .