HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-06-09, Page 22PAGE 4A--CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1977 Clinton Women's Institute meets A pleasant and learned meeting of the Clinton Women's Institute took place in the Board room of the Agriculture office on Thur- sday afternoon May 26. With a new president, Mrs. W. Colclough in the chair, the meeting opened with repeating the Mary Stewart Collect in unison, after which one minutes silence was observed in memory of a member Mrs. Bert Gibbings who passed away during the past month. Mrs. Colclough then read the "Ten Commandments of Human Relations." The secretary -treasurer gave her reports which were approved as read. Mrs. Colclough then called the past president Mrs. Cecil Elliott to come forward, and in a few well chosen words, thanked her on behalf of the members for her good leadership during the past four years, and presented her with a gift from the W.I. Mrs. Elliott capably responded. The . Roll Call, "a farm experience" was humorously- responded umorouslyresponded to by almost all members 'present. Mrs. M. Batkin gave a concise partial report of the 29 Officers Conference of the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario which she attended as a Branch Delegate at Waterloo College early in May. Over 500 women from all walks of life attended this Conference, and as well as learning new 'techniques in women's in- stitute work, were brought up to date on consumer buying, saving energy, beating the con -artist, false advertising and many things that homemakers should be aware of today. It was a real treat to listen to the Hon. R. Gordon Bennett Deputy Minister, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, as many remember him when he was Agriculture representative of Huron County 1948-1951. Hismain concern was for the retainance of good farm land. He explained growing of grains and marketing, and how difficult it was to govern the food supply both at home and in the Common Market. We have a surplus in many areas he said, while in many countries there is starvation. We have to work out a plan whereby there has to be more unity between the production boards, the Dept., of Agriculture and the Nations of the World, Mr. Bennett declared. Mrs. John Grigg, leader m the course on "Quilts" reported on the summary day on quilts which was held in the OntaFi.o.' Street United Church Recreation Hall on Wednesday May 25. Over 15 club's participated in this event, and - displayed beautiful quilts, cushions, wall hangings, place mats, pot holders and many other articles too numerous to mention. Each Club con- tributed varied numbers to the excellent program. The hall was filled to capacity showing the success and interest in the course. Ms. Layn-e Alvear, instructor, of Toronto presented ribbon badges to all the leaders and their assistants. Mrs. W. Colclough, Mrs. C. Elliott, Mrs. C. Holland and Mrs. C. Nelson were chosen as delegates to attend the District Annual W.I. meeting which will be held in the Wesley -Willis United Church in Clinton on Monday,May 30. Mrs. E. Radford, convenor of agriculture and Canadian industries introduced Len MacGregor, Extension Assistant, ministry of Agriculture and Food for Huron County who showed an interesting film on the "the Musical Ride" a production by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Mrs. Radford then com- pleted her part of the program by reading a splendid paper on "Agriculture", entitled "Living close to the Soil". She said, "living close to the soil will kindle a man's soul as nothing else will, so keep on hoeing. Since soil is so im- portant in helping to provide us with food, clothing, and shelter, everything possible should be done to conserve it for future generations. The Women's Institute Grace was sung, and tasty refreshments served by Mrs. Norman Holland and her committee. Mr. Dick Roorda led the Christian Reformed . Song Service at Huronview on* Sunday evening with vocal duet numbers by Sharon and Carol Van Den Berg and instrumentals by Cathy and Steven DeBoer. Mrs. Elsie Henderson was pianist for the service with devotions by Rev. Van Den Berg. Mrs. Marion Sholdice was welcomed to Huronview at Monday afternoon's program. Old Tyme music was provided by Marie Flynn, Lorne Lawson, Norman Speir and Cecil Skinner. The Clinton Christian Reformed volun- teers assisted with activities. The residents , were en- tertained on Family Night with a puppet show, "No Strings Attached". The theme of the show was the story of Jack and The Bean Stalk and was directed by Cheryl Smith assisted by Richard Keelan and Denny Garcia. The Huronview Auxiliary had a very successful spring tea and bake sale on Wed- nesday afternoon. Senior Citizen's week will be from June 19 - June 26 this year and the residents are counting on seeing a number of their friends and relatives. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Davi Robb PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY Weddings - Anniversaries Portraits - Industrial Team & Group Pictures SEAFORTH 527-0064 MEMORIALS MARKERS - Bronze Plaques - Cemetery Lettering For expert counsel and a fair price rely on a firm you can trust. T. PRYDE 8 SON LTD. Serving Huron and surrounding area since 1920. DISTRICT SHOWROOM 75 Hamilton St. Goderich DON DENOMME Full time representative - Appointment any time. Phone Goderich: 524-2373 or 524-6621 Members of the Monument Builders Association of North America Last year's Fair Queen, Cheryl Jefferson, left, pins the ribbon on this year's winner, Jan Divok of Clinton. Miss Divok beat out eight other candidates for the honor. (News -Record photo) Local obituary MR. NORMAN FULLER Norman Fuller died at his residence in Goderich on Monday, May 30 after a nine month illness. He was 66. He was born in Goderich Township on September 15, 1910 to Clara (McCullough) and William Fuller. He attended Union school and farmed in Goderich Township until his retirement in 1964. He was a life long resident of Goderich Township until moving to Goderich three years ago. He was predeceased by two brothers, Harvey and Russell. He is survived by one brother, Austin of Goderich. Funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home on Wednesday, June 1 at 2 p.m. Rev. John D. M. Wood con- ducted the service: Interment was in the Maitland cemetery. Pallbearers were all nephews Doug Fuller, Charles Fuller, Ray Fuller, Ron Fuller, Don Fuller and Lloyd Fuller,. Flower bearers were also nephews, Ray McClinchey, Eric Speiran, Norm Hamilton and Tom Lovett. JOIN US THIS SUNDAY, JUNE 12th AT 8:00 P.M. "The Inspirationals" a former country and western group will be singing and giving their testimonies. "EVIL PREVAILS WHEN GOOD MEN DO NOTHING" Huron Men's Chapel AUBURN EVERYONE WELCOME I VISIT TORONTO Home of the CN Tower and the Blue Jays Enjoy the LORD SIMCOE'S GTAVIYIICIAL 2 littt for two includes: • Free admission to the CN Tower • Modern guest room for 2 nights • Dinner one evening at the famous Captain's Table • Continental breakfast one morning, full American breakfast one morning. • Free overnight parking (From 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. only each day) $990 subject to advance re• $2300 'gisiration and you can stay an extra nighd tor double only See your travel agent or reserve direct. Inquiry for Blue Jay tickets can be made through our transportation desk. Lord Simcoe Hotel 150 King St. West, Toronto Tel: (416) 362.1848 Hullett Happenings Grade'8 field trip On May 26, the grade 8 class of Hullett Central School went to Toronto for an overnight stay 'till the 27th. While in Toronto they visited many sites including the Toronto International Airport, the Hockey Hall of Fame, Fort York,- Ontario Place, The Metro Toronto Zoo, Queen's Park, The Bank of Montreal Tower, the Royal Ontario Museum and tlte McLaughlin Planetarium. Supervising the trip were Mrs. Hallam, Mr. Millson and Mr. MacLennan. The trip proved to be very enjoyable and educational. Grade 7 trip At 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 28, the grade 7 class left Londesboro for Toronto's Exhibition Stadium to see the Toronto Blue Jays professional baseball club play the California Angels. The Blue Jays, paced by a four -run inning, defeated the Angels 6-4. The students were accompanied by Mr. Talbot, his wife, the bus driver Mr. Redpath and his wife. The group returned about 8 p.m. and everyone had an extremely enjoyable day. Water safety films On Tuesday May 31, three water safety films were shown to the students of Hullett Central. The first film dealt with boat. safety and equipment which should be used while in a boat. The next film was called "the ABC's of Swimming" and showed the basics of swimming plus life saving techniques. The final film was a cartoon entitled "I'm No Fool In Water". This film showed various safety rules for swimming. The three films were en- joyed by all and their in- formation will be useful this summer. Grade 7 trip The Grade 7 class went on a field trip to Hensall on Wednesday, June 1, to tour the Bendix plant there. On this trip, they saw a production line in operation and the ways that various materials are assembled into a final product. This first hand experienc'g related closely to several topics they have studied in Geography. The trip was a very educational experience and all etnjoyed it thoroughly. Eggs hatched Recently, there have been some baby chicks in Mrs. Jamieson's grade 2 classroom. The eggs were hatched in the classroom. The eggs, started hatching Wednesday, May 25 and were finished hatching by Friday. There were 18'chicks out of 30 eggs: The chicks are a cross of Bantees and another unknown species. The chicks will be given to Mr. Millson. Wingham Memorials +Guaranteed Granite +Cemetery Lettering +Buy Direct and save Commissions. BUS. PHONE 357-1910 RES. 357-1015 Business and Professional Directory OPTOMETRY 9 amonanummainssums JOHN LONGSTAFF, OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 - 5:30 Wednesday, Saturday 9:00 :12:00 Clinton 482-7010 Monday 9:00 - 5:30 BY APPOINTMENT R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524-7661 NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER & APPRAISER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ANY SIZE, ANYWHERE , We give complete sale service PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Phone Collect 235-1964 EXETER DIESEL Pumps and injectors Repaired For All Popular Makes Huron Fuel injection Equipment Bayfield Rd Clinton 482-7971 YOU'RE WHISTLING IN THE DARK... Cit4elf) JPSP IF YCU THINK THAT HEART ATTACK AND STROKE HIT ONLY THE OTHER FELLOW'S FAMILY. 524-2011 INSURANCE GAISER - KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance -Real Estate Investments Formerly K.W. COLQUHOUN LTD. Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Buruma 482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE GUARANTEED IN VESTMENTS Clinton Office: 482-9644 Res: 482-7265 BRYAN LAVIS INSURANCE General and Life Office: 10 King St. 482-9310 Residence: 308 High St. 482-774.7 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS JERVIS ALUMINUM Sales and Service of Aluminum Doors, Windows, and screens. Ornamental Railing and Signs. Glass cut to size. 84 ALBERT ST., CLINTON: 482-9390 TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Complete Business Service - - quarterly, half -yearly, yearly. Also Farm and Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE Brucefield Phone 482-9260 Available year round l/0dd BEIWIET CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 3? West Street Goderich, Ontario P.O. Box 307 YAMAHA Amor We believe we have the finest selection of MOTORCYCLES in the area. We GUARANTEE our SERVICE AFTER SALE! UN't'RY Co"NER STORES MT. CARMEL 237-3456 OPEN 10 -10 MON. - SAT. NOON • 6 SUNDAY CNURcN SERVICES` ALL SERVICES ON DAYLIGHT SAVING ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH THE FRIENDLY CHURCH MINISTER LAWRENCE S. LEWIS B.A. B. Th. ORGANIST AND CHOIR DIRECTOR r MRS DORIS McKINLEY A. MUS. Iy SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 11:00 a.m. Worship Service and Nursery 11:00 a.m. Sunday School ''SERMON: "THE MOST PRECIOUS FELLOWSHIP" Reception of members by profession of faith. Everyone Welcome WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH THE CHURCH THAT CARES PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER JOHN S. OESTREICHER B.A. B.R.E. ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN - Any one wishing a ride to church. Phone 482-9696. SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 INFANT BAPTISM COFFEE HOUR 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School and Nursery SERMON: "A MUDDY OLD RIVER" HOLMESVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 A.M. WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL SERMON: "A MUDDY OLD RIVER" CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 243 Princess St. E. REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 10 a.m. Worship Service Sermon: "COMMUNE WITH HIM" 7:30 p.m. Worship Service Sermon: "THE BEST IS YET TO COME" EVERYONE WELCOME BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD — ROM 1412 PASTOR: BRIAN HARRISON 10:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00a.m.MORNING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY 8 p.m. PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 10:00 MATTINS FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE STREET 482-9379 (1 street west of Community Centre) SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 .9:30 a.m. Worship Service 10:40 a.m. Family Bible Hour 11:30 a.m. Sunday School 7:30 p.m. at the Chapel Speaker: Fred Munnings. CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastor Wayne Lester 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship 166 Victoria Street 9 45 a.m. Sunday School 7 00 p.m. Prayer Service and Evangelistic Service 7.00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. EDWIN G. NELSON CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 Guest Minister: Rev. Dr. Douglas Fox Faculty of Huron College, London, Ont. 10:00 a.m. Sunday School for all ages 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Madeleine Lane Auxiliary, June 14, 6:30 p.m. Potluck Supper - Mrs. Peggy Gibb, Bayfield Rd. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH CLINTON SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 10 00 a.m. Sunday School Classes for all ages 11 00 a.m. Morning Worship SPEAKER: KELVIN MUTTER Everyone Welcome SAINT JOSEPH'S Catholic Church James St. Clinton Phone 4$2.N6$ SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 1977 CORPUIS CHRISTI Mass Saturday 8:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. Confession Saturday 7:15 p.m. ALL WELCOME