HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-1-27, Page 8SURANOB, r.4111NEST 1LL1OIt, 404,N`li FOR THE WESTERN ASSI1114110E 0011 ?ANY. of Toronto : itiso for, thePRIENIX FIRE INSUFANCE COI‘IPA N'Y 1.40/141114 Rog/acid, the ROYAL CANADIAN. of Merlitreal, aril the 1.1MpI1tE L1J ASSITRANCE 1,)Or- ANY, of 1 iondon, England, established 1317. Aeseta over $5,000,000 ; claims and bonuses paid, over. 310,000,000, Pomixat We su,pport Mr. Sharp because he has independence of mind, and will not be led about by his party, as Mr. Trow was during the debate on the Riel question. Mr. Trow voted that it was absolutely wrong to hang Riel. Electors, is he a man in whom you can confide? The Presbyterians hold their Anniversary tieeviees next Sunday and Monday. On • MOMItly; a tea will be served, after which glo addresses will be given by several rev: • gentlemen, A social for the young people will be held on February lst A good prti- TERT118D AY, JAN, 27t1i; 1887. gam has been prepared. Further partic- LOP/IL 3VS.-1Ve, shall bc happy to re- ..tve at all tones, front any part of the County, items of local news, suelt as ac- cidents,or any interesting incident what ever, front any of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public- ation. PEXCENTS per line or tirstinsertto n , an .013It ONNTS per Elle for emelt, subsequent in tertian will he charged fo notices tip pearim a this oolunin, LOCAL HAPPENINGS, • ^ A large stock of Fancy Goods, suitable for Xmas presents for young or old at Cen- tral Drug Store, C. Mtn. A full assortment of Christmas and New Years eards,-latest design and at low rices, at the Central Drug Store, C. LuTz, rep. "Adieu,' she said sweetly, as he kissed her good night. "He's adien'il, aiut he," sung out her little brother as he vanished up stairs. You may well say this poor fel- `ow's corns were sadly trampled upon. However, he should have need Scarlett' Sure Cure for corns, sold only at Scarlet* :Orug Store, Exeter. Giving up Business, Mr. Chas. Southcott having decided to move to Toronto about lst March next, now offers his business for sale The premises also for sale or to rent. All accounts Must be paid. by lst February next, otherwisethey will be put into court for collection. Great bargains will be offered in ordered clothing. 25 per cent, discount will be allowed for the next 30 days. Jan'y 6th, '87. -The Thaw. Last week mention was made of there being three feet of snow on the level, in and around Exeter, while this week we -might . say there is scarcely three inches. On Fri day last, the atmosphere became Warm, and a soft wind New, which caused the snow t disappear rapitlly ; Saturday it commenced to rain, and continued until Monday, reduc ing the quantity of snow to about thre inches. Some places the roads are bare. tilers can be gleaned from the posters. The date of the elections is fixed, and it is necessary that the electors were abont conelnding for, whom they are going to vote. Messrs: T. Coughlin, of McGillivray, and Mr. H. F. Sharp, of $t. Marys, are respec- tively the c mdidates. in the Conservative interest for North ISfiddlesex and South Perth, They are both believers in National Policy, and °consequently we support them. s a1.1 who tire in favor of our Bible know what r they have a right to expect from me I am n soongly in favor of prohibition, and bolievel n that it should come in the near future, and I scarcely,be found on our markets. Canadian cottons are substituted. Mr. Sharp_is a believer in the We - tonal Policy. The Conservatives of Wrest Huron, held their convention on Friday last, and chose as their standard-beerer, Mr, Robert Pot ter, of Simeoe, formerly of Kirkton ; he contested the Riding with M. C. Cameron last year, and was defeated only by Some- thing over twenty votes. His prospects in this election are more promising, and the news of lus election will be received here on -the everting of the 22nd with little surprise. Are our Canadian laws against criminals to be respected, or are they to become defeasible? Mr. Jas. Trow, by a vote on the Riel question, demonstrated that he did not believe in Canadian laws. Vote for H. F. Sharp, who is a loyal Canadian. an upright and straightforward gentleman, and a person who will make a first ola,ss Legislator. There ca,n be nothing more cer- tain than that if our industries are killed off 13y the bne-sided free trade policy of a Government, other manufa,oturers will have us completely at their mercy, and will be able to exact from us any price they may demand. There is a preventative in returning to power the Government of Sir. - John Macdonald. Vote for Sharp , and Coughlin. 1 ° The Christmas number of the Montreal Star was a gigantic success, being now in - great demand at $1 a copy, four times the e publishers' price, but it is to be eclipsed by the corning Christmas number of the Star. This, the Queen's Jubilee year, will not be soon forgotten by Canadians. The Carnival number of the Star will fix it indelibly on the mind of everybody. The Carnival Star is to be some forty odd mammoth pages, with five plate supplements, each worthy of a frame, and each good value for the cost of the whole peeler. Before the National Policy wa inaugurated the windows of ou merchants were full of America cottons, while now the goods ea TO THE ELECTORS OF THE SOUTH RIDING. OF HURON. GE.N`),IJENTU 7,-.1 mit to pone before you as a candidate in tho coming Dominion eleetien, on the following :,,rounds, t I believe we aro in danger of siteriAcilig Protestantism for polities, 1 etu a Reformer, but the Bible should be before, politics with every Protest- ant, SS it is with me. I- believe there are a great many Boman Catholics who would gladly leave the antral of Rome if it were pot for tile inconsieteney of Protestants:1 They are already saying that our Bible mew, net be much when wa have to leave a part of it out of our schools. I dislike the tench. 1 ings of the Roman Catholic Church, but love every Roman Catholic, and brolly believe it I to be every Protestant's duty to do eli he ma to help to bring them out from under the iron yoke el :Rome. 1 am a member of a Protestant church, and. Dare 0001100`1 all he positions at One tnne that eau he occupied by a man in that deumnination. I am not mentioning this to praise myself, hut to let Jarevities. Drew's Hall, Dorner's Lyeeaum Dramatic Co., "Three Stars" ; Th urstlay night, "Divorce" ; Friday night, "Our Boys." Tickets at Captain Kemps. January thaw. Grain has been marketed in large quanti- ties of late. -Owing to the thaw, the Water in the river had risen several feet on Sunday last. Read T. De.aring's chance ofadv. He has removed to Ferguson's old stand. A couple of gentlemen from Iowa, shipped Eve entire from here on Monday last. Vote against secession, by vot- ing for H. F. Sharp, the Conserva- tive candidate for South Perth. Day -light continues until six o'clo ck, p. at the present season. Mr. H. F. Sharp, the Conservative Can- didate for South Perth, has been in towns for a couple of days.. In the evening, service will commence in Presbyterian Church at 7 o'clock, instead of 6:30, as heretofore. Mr. James Halls was elected Deputy - Reeve of Usborne, by the Council on Satur- day last. Messrs. Oke and Prior, respectively, ship. ped several car -loads of cattle from this sstation on Friday last. The firemen intend giving a grand concert in Drew's Hall, on the evening of February 4th. A good programme has been prepared. Mane -ST. METH. Cr on. ---Next Sunday serrn.ons : Morning, "Crucified with,Christ' Evening "The sprinkled blood." W. S. PASCOE, Pastor. A valuable young entire horse, belonging to Messrs. Snell and White, died of inflam- mation, last week He was sired by "Ton- tine." Mr. John Stephenson of the Goshen line, 81anley, recently sold to Messrs. Snell & White, of Exeter, a three year old gelding for $195. It is reported that Mr. W. Southcott, of Blyth, will remove to Exeter and open a tailoring shop He is a former reeident of this place. He will be welcomed back. A horse, which was being driven along Main-st., by a farmer, on Friday last, step- ped into a hole in the road, caused by the thaw, a.nd fell head -foremost to the ground. The shafts were slightly damaged. Hon. Thos. White, Minister of the In - Aerie; and Hon. John Carling, Minister of Agriculture, will address a meeting in Exe- ter at an early date, in the interests of Mt. 1'. Coughlin and Mr, H. Fred. Sharp. Are we to have our country glutted with :American manufactured goods? If not, vote for Mr. Coughlin and Mn Sharp, sup- porters of Sir John Macdonald, who built this countiy to its present prosperous eon.- -dition. A meeting of the Huron Farmers' Insti- tute will be held in Samwell's Hall, Exeter, on the lst and 2nd of February. A grand free concert will be given on February let, at .7:30 p no., in Drew's Hail. Seats reserv- ed for ladies. All are invited. A.:letter to hand from Mr. W. C. Man- ning, tof Emporia, Kans., formerly of Exeter, impolite to as the imformation that he has purchased a barbering business in that city ; and tAtitt he is doing well. His many friends here will be pleased to hear the news. The vigage of Myth was supported by a newspaper for about S years, and the time had come when the paper demanded a fair share of support from the town ; but failing to receive it was conqselled to close. The merchants now say they must have a paper. It is to be remembered that it costs money to run a newspaper, and. if support is not accorded it, the journal cannot exist. This important matter is too often overlooked by the public. But let a town be without a. paper for a few weeks, and the matter will present itself in quite a different light. There is nothing that assists the progress of a town More than a newspaper, aud the fact shoulhi be bourne in mind. To the Editor of the Times. DEAD. Sm. -During the past week some cards of an immoral and indecent character, with our advertisement and name on the back, have been circulated among the public. In the interest of ourselves and also of our friends and patrons this matter reqnires some explanation. Those cards were never circulated by ns nor with our authority. Last fall we ordered our advertising cerds by sample, frolll a publishing house, in Weodstock, but when the cards arrived here, we rejected them, as they did not correspond with the sample, and returned them to the publishing house, (per express.) We after- wards effected a settlement with the house on their replaciug the objectionable cards with cards of which we approved, When they sent us our cards, they also returned the rejected ones, as they could make no use of them. A few weeks ago the traveller for the house, called on us and we shewed the cards to him, and he instantly said they were not the cards we had ordered from him. We desired him to take them away with him as we would not haye them get into the hands of the public, under any consideratkon. He promised to do this and took the cards with him. By some means, unknown to us, the cards have been eitculated. It may have been neglect, on the part of the agent, or it may have been done wilfully, we are not prepared to say. All we desire is to set our- selves tight in the eyes of the public, and we trust that this explanation will fully exoner- ate us. Your truly, . 11013EUTS & CLARKE. • Shooting Match. -- A. very interesting snow bird shooting match took place at Mr. John Ileywood's on Saturday last. Sides were chosen by Mr. John Heywood and James Bissett. The match was keenly contested, the shoot- ers being all from Usborne. The result was as fo?llows:- BISSETT'S SIDE. SCORE. James Bissett 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1--8 Caleb Heywood 1 0 1 1 0 11 10 1-7 Thos. Biseett 1010011011-6 tan say that I never drank a glass of whihkey in my life: I will support whichever ?forty wad° mostto aid Protestantism and Pro- hibition, and nse'its influence in defence) of our Bibi;:. 1 Will state my views more fully at the nomination, if I am nominated. I want Reformers. and Conservatives to unite in this el ection. JOHN REITH. Hay, January 19tn, 1886. Interesting Letter from Manitoba. TO the Editor of the Exeter Times. Six. -1. will begin by saying the weather is all that the most fastidious could desire, about 2i to 3 inches of snow, yet, reason- ably good sleighing, sufficient to enable fanners to bring to market from 50 to 60 bushels of whevA to a load. This is all the snow we have had this winter, and we don't have thaws here in winter. Markets are reasonably good, wheat is now bring- ing 58 to 63 cents per bushel; oats, 35u.; barley, 35c.; pork, .$4.25 to $4.50 ; butter, 20c.; eggs, 25d.• hay, $7. And thus it goes. 1 just attendetethis week (as a delegate) the Conservative convention held at Bosse- vaine for the purpose of choosing a candi- date to run in oer interest for the Com- mons at the coming election for the electoral division of Selkirk. The ehoice was unani- mous; 50 delegates returned 49 ballots for T. A.1. Daly, of Brandon. (One delegate was chairman.) 1V.Ir Daly, is, no doubt, well known to many of your readers; he is the son of the late T. M. Daly, of Strat- ford. 1 might say I met that convention delegates from various parts of the Province and formerly from almost all parts of the Dominion, Huron and Bruce being well re- presented. Some of those delegates drove byterun and sleighs as far as 80 miles to be preseit. This is the enthusiasm exhibited tor our Chieftain, notwithstanding the Grit Bulldosers and the Farmers' Union Anti - Emigration resolutions to the contrary. Now Mr. Editor, I must say that the people are fairly prosperous and just becoming content and happy in our adopted home which is destine in the near future to be- come the banner province of the confeder- ation. To those who anticipate a change, I would here say, come to us ; there is lots of room for you in this South-western por- tion of the Province ; there never was yet a better time to tome, land is eheap. Oue year's rent in Ontario will pay for a free deed of the same quantity of land here, and we can make as much money per acre with our newly acquired railway accommodation as you can there, hence the tenants of your Prownee (if industrious) could in a year or two be their own land owners, and in the county of Turtle Mountain, and par- ticularly at Killarney we would l*old out a cordial welcome to all respectable and in- dustrious Huronites and others. Killarney is a town on the line of South-western R. R, in the county of Turtle Mountain, just out side the borders of Rock Lake county ; it is now about ten months old, and comprises two as fine and well kept hotels as you have in Exeter, three very large general stores, one or two hardware stores, one groaery & liquor dere, three grain warehouses with keen competi- tion in buyers, one pork packing-hease and butcher shop, blacksmith & waggon shop, two livery, sale and feed stables, boarding houses and private residences to accomodate about three or four hundred people, one public school house, two resident ministers, contemplating the building of two churches in the early spring ; and negotiations are now going on for the erection of a patent process roller flour mill. There are also two law offices and several comtnissioners' offices, (and polititions, 0 my) and our town only about ten months ago. This was a stretch of prairie surrounded_ by. poplar bluffs and on the bank of that beantiful lake Killarney. Now Mr. Editor, for the sake Of these honest men who are Aruggling on rented farms in Ontario and these Who are desirous of bettering their condition by perseverance and industry, I would say; try *hat Manitoba wil do for you in this Play. There is lots of room and we will be glad to see you. There are yet homesteads to be had, and land can be bought at from $2.50 0110 per acre around bete, and some improved farms can be bought at from $400 to $1000 for 160 acres of as geed land as ever lay out of door, with good,termeof payment. lioping you will find room in your widely cireulated paper for the above, ' • I remain; yours truly, A. J. ROLLEts, Eillarney, Manitoba: January 15th, 1887. MONEY TO BE MADE. Cut this out andreturn to us, and we will send you free, something of groat value and importance to you, that will start you in busi- ness which. will Vol ag you in more money right away than anything else in this world. Any one can do the woik and live at borne. Either sex ; all ages. Something new, that i tut col. ea money for an vrorkers. We will start you ; capital not needed. This is one' of the genuine, A CRUEL, WICKED LIE, BLANKVIISBLANKETS BLANKETS t -J DASTAILDIN ATTACK ON' SDI ttACDOIALD The brutal attack of the Ottawa eel'. respondent of the Crlobe of Saturday upon Sit' John Maedonald, suggesting that his mind is giving way and that MS Condition is 0, source of great anxiety to his friends, has eaused great indignation among all parties in Ottawa. Sir John has been engaged with his secretaries at work on the necessary cor- respondence connected with the elections with all his usual vigor, his intellect never having been brighter. He has been receiv- ing depntatiens and transacting the business of his department as Well; end his wonder- ful capacity for sustained labor has never been more remarkable than at this moment, The statement that Sir Charles Tupper has been sent for in consequence of the failing powers of the Premier, and that pending his arrival Mr. White's principal duty has been to watch Sir John, is without a particle of truth., Sir Charles Tupper is coming to Canada at his own suggeStion to confer with the Government on the subject of the Ln - period and Woe ial jubilee Memorial, and in connection with negotiations now pend- ing for treaties of comtneree with Spain and the Hafted States. As for the statement that Hon. Mr. White's.principal dirty is to watch Sir John, it is simply abstird. White has only- seen Sir John twice in ten days, except at Council, and Sir John never' needed watching lose than he (lees at the present time. The whole story. Of there be- ing the slightest Mental failing. in Sir John is a creel, wicked lie from beginning to end, without the faintest or Slightest shadow Of foundation. NOTICE. The annual meeting of the lisherne it Mb- bert Mutual Fire Insurance Coy, will be held at the Heed. 0 dice, Farquhar, on MOIMAX. FEB. 7th, at one o'clock p.m. The business of the pleat- ing will be for the purpose of hearing the Directors' and Auditors' Reports, electing of Directors, and taking into consideration the laws respecting steam threshers • also any other imainess usually transacted' at annual meeting. J. GILLESPIE, Secy. VARM FOR SA14E.-The uuder- 1. offers for sale his farm, Lot 7, Concession 0, Usborne.11oWnship, containing 50 acres of excellent land, and which is situat- ed miles from Exeter. There are upon the Premises a comfortable' bouSe an d goo a bank barn -80x00 -and first class stabling. Also two good well s of water. The property is well un- derdratned. There will also be sold two acres of the North -half. Good orchards on both places: Terms, Easy. (4 --ins) ROBT.COOPER. T70IING MEN Suffering from the ellects of early evil habits, the resolt of ignorance or folly, who flnd themselves 'weak, nervous, and exhausted; also MIDDLE AGED mid Onn Max, who are broken clown from the effects of abuse or over --work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and IrEaD V:Lubon's 'Treatise on Diseases of Men. The hook will he sent sealed to any ad- dress on receipt of two stamps. Address M. V. LTIBON,47 Wellingtan St. E. Toronto. Jan.13th, 1887. 1-y. TO ADVERTISERS For a check for 520 we will print a ten -line advertisement in One Million issues of leading American Newspapers, 'Phis is rtt the rate of only one-flf th of it oen t a line, for 1,000 Circu- lation I The advertisement will be. placed before One million different newspaper put - chasers :-or Frvis 211x.cmiori EnAnnns Ten hues will accomodate about 75 words. Ad- dress with copy of A d v. and check, or send 30 cents for Book of 150 pages. GEO.P. RO wELL CO., 10 SPRUCE IT.. NEW YOSE. 1. Y017 CAN LIVE AT HOME AND MAKE MONEY. You can live at home, and make more mnney at work for us, than at anything else in this world. Capital not needed; you are started free. Both sexes; all ages. Any ono can do the work. Large earnings save from first start Costly outfit and terms free . Better not delay. Costs you nothing to send us your address and find out ; if you are wise you will do so at once. IL HALLETT St CO., YOrtlaaa, The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over SO years in thousands of cases, Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions. Impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. [SEronEj indiscretion, or over-exertion. fLes.ca] The Great English Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Epareiti.oriAptsitny,otuarkeDruggist for no substitute, One package St. Six S.5, layman, Write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Mich. Sold in Exeter, by Dr. j, W. Browning and O. Lutz. 461.2. RetYPE'S STOTE See how they head off in Low Prices for 1887. 18 lbs. Bright Sugar, - $1.00 10, lbs. Tea, 1.00 Plugs Chewing*, Tobacco, 25 1 Large Navy Plug, - 15 . . All Wool Cotton, per yard, 15 Grey Cotton, yet - A. Few Lady's Jackets at half- price. Lathes' Fur Caps. at your own PriCeS; and deal you.forgeta. EXETER WOOLLEN MILLS 250 pAans. 1250 All kinds. of Yarns, Tweeds, Flannels, Shirtings, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE PRICES. Manufacturing these goods ourselves, we aro enabled to sell at Lowest Figures, PA.RTIES REQUIRING A GOOD BLANKET Would do well to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We have a Full Assort - men On Hand. 210 pairs of all weighte,and sizes. 100 pairs Horse Blankets, different patterns, selling cheap, 00 "sAr 0 073 -.VT_EI.1•TTMD. R MUIR Prop. _Subscrib for The "Ilipies." 40 FPLEN tat.2• osv.tr mi. nor _et. Nsny, To any one sending in TWO New Subscriptions to the WEEKLY f\lek:L be sColnotfornetig. at One Dollar Each, ht and no duty to pay. We have the Books on hind ready tu tle9 POPULA113, NOVELS BY THE BEST AUTHORS ... Jasper Dane's Secret. A Novel. By IVEss M. E. BlIADDON. Illustrated. 2. John Bowerbank's wife. A Novel. By Miss MuLoos. Illustrated, 2. eket mei:roams. A Christ- mas story. By OnaRtals Drumm. faits - 4. INt teBay7tYliset eat ofhtheoro tPD°olritYtt 1rTr eh °ern eA, " 5. Gabriel's Marriage. A. Novel. By Winusim Counrs. /l/ustrated. 0. The Grey Woman. A Novel. By Mrs. GASKELL. Illustrated. 7. Reaping the Whirlwind. A. Novel. By MARY Ozon, HAY. Mrs8.- 11111,nertni ive krV ot LA. ELicrr. 9. Amos Barton. .A. Novel. By GEORGE slbley. A Novel. By 10. Henry Arltell. A. Novel. By Mrs. HENRY WOOD. 11. The 1LaurelBusit. A. Novel. By Miss MuLootc. T1211.EitirilludorrmedssT.F.evanion. .A. Novel. By 13. I‘C.14iylled Back. A Novel. By HUGE Coy14. Back to the Old Nome. .A. Novel. By Maier Onext HAT. _Illustrated. LI The Frozen Deep. A. Novel. By WILNin OoLialvs. /l/ustrated. 16. 'Red Court Farm. A Novel. By Mrs. Woon. Illustrated. 17. A Golden Dawn, A. Novel. By the author of "Dora Thorne." Illustrated. 13. Dudley Carleon. A NoveL By Miss M. E. BBADO,Olf. ar,Sixthler Mose. A Novel. By WILRIE 20. 511 the nolidays. A Novel. By MARY Caen - HAY. 21. The eiorwlek Farm Mystery. A Novel. By lgirarn Couture. ntastrated. 22. A Bride from the Sea. A Novel. By the author et "Dora Thorne." Illustrated. 2.1. A Vail une 'Minter. .A. Novel. By ANNIE TIMAIAS. Illustrated. 21. Blatehford Bequest. A. NoveL IlY [Wan CONWAY. Rillatrafed. A Queen Amongst Women. _A, Novel. By the author of "Dore. Thorne." 21. The Fatal Marriage. A Novel. By Miss AL E. IlizADDON. 27. The anbilitsbridge Mystery. A Novel. 13y o'neamus READE. Illustrated. 24. .iniong the Ruins. A Novel. By MARY CEOlf, MAY. Illustrated. 211. Tire Mystery at Blackwood Grange. A. Novel. By Mrs. MAY AGNES FLEDIING. BOOKS OIP X4EVRECO:11 . 32. The Cities of the New IV 1 -ti• description of all points of intere-it role ti in( to every important city of Annirita, tr- trated with bird's-eye views of eaell described., 93. Vsefid Knowledge for the 11. a handy book of useful inferelation upon many and various subjects. 11limtrittect. MISCEILL A.NEOUS. 30. Thellistoryantillyst erS C,ITO,i),41011 Things. This work tells all alio it the inani. facture of the common and familiar things which we see every day about It like- ly -ISO describes the culture of all of foreignfruits, nuts, spices, ate- llinscrulek ' „ 31. Manners /Wu ellSlonte In rar Away lands, a very interesting and leAtruetive book of travels, describing the wettii.ii. habitsinanners, and customs of Lilo pconio of foreign countries. Illustrated. FOR THE LAME 34. Fancy Work for Moine Ad orn en*, containing instructions for Making fancy baskots,wall-pockets,brackets,necdre.work, embroidery, etc., etc.; profusely illtiStriltod. 35. The lionie Cook Book and IF410,1j1.y Physician, ocintaininghimdreds of excellent cooking receipts and hints to hriuselniepers, also telling how to cure all manner of coin mon ailments by simple home remedies. FOR THE YOUNG PEOPL1:. 36. Famous Deteet.ive Stories. A col- lection of thril ratives of Detective experience,many o em written by. actual members of the prof salon. We believe it to be the best collee on of Detective stories over published. 37. Sixteen Complete Stories by Popular Authors, embracing love, humorous, and Detective stories, stories of society life of adventure, of railway life, etc.; all very*. teresting. •e- 38. School Dialogues, Recitations tra,li Readings. alarge and choice collection but..., school exhibitions, and public and prMiii entertainments. Al11US .111ENTS. 39. Parlor Amus monis, anew and. large collection of Acting Charades, Parlor Dramas, Shadow Pantomimes, Games, Puzzles, etc., for social gatherings, public and private entertainments, and evenings at home. Illustrated. 40. Yankee wit and Humor. .A. collec- tion of humorous stories, sketches, poems, and paragraphs, by the leading funny men of the Ainerican press. Illustrated. The above 40 Books will be sent postpaid to any addttess for 51.20. Address The WOMAN'S WORK COMPANY, Toronto, Canada. T.T 'ILTZT ql) ILTA.1.17-..M CD 3En' 27130 DEL We have arranged with the Publishers of these Books to present the whole Forty, postage prepaid, to any address in Canada or the United Stated, as a premium for sending Two New Subscribers to "The Weekly MaH" at One Dollar Each. fLLJNCEJ OF THIS YM.A.R. FaRME Address. "THE MAIL." Toronto. Canada. LIN -THE PLACE FOR- CHEAP/VE88, VARIETY AND EXTENT, ova as ac s 500 TIME • One of the Largest, Butter 'Wanted J. lielatheson, EXETER NoriT1-1, Our Stock is Well Assorted FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED 1 HEYWOOD'S SIDE. GROCERIES 1 1 John Heywood 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0-7 Esli Heywood 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1-8 important chances of a lifetuale. Thotie who Close observers amongst the old settlers Josh He wood 1 1 1 0 1 0 11 1 0-7 of this country assert that winters in which The above shows MrHeywood's side to there is a heavy snowbe victorious by one bird. fall are followed by WORKING CLASSES ATTENTION. , large crops of grain a,ncl other farm products predicting a good harvest for 1887. They A very tender little tale is going th.e u We Me now prepared. to furnish all elassee are ambitious and. enterprising Will not delay Ortnd frAttlt free. Address TIME d• Co., Au• gusts., 1\1.411m. an some of the knowing ones are alread; say that snow acts as a fertilizer. rounds of how the other clay Cole, the err- ftb imoloyment home the whole of the V1110 or foi their snare moments. Business IVI • H. Fred. Sharp, the Conservative cue man, determined to kill a perforining new:light and profitable. Persons or either ca,ndidate for South Perth, and others will horse that had become too aged to be use- earn fro :1 50 cents to 85.00 par even, - address a pablio oleo mg of the electors at ful ; how he had surgeon ready to admini- school house S. 8, No. 1 Usborite Thurs day 27th hist, at 7:30 o'clock, p. and }al town hall, Elimville, on Friday the 28th inst., at 7:30, p. m. Everybody invited. , The Blake Government favor se- ; 06ession of the Provinces from the boniirlion and Free Trade -two Very dangerOtts policies -which, if carried into„ effect, will ruin the ' country. To help prevent such MI order of things, vote for H. F, Sharp for Baal% Perth. ster chloroform ; how he gathered the peitri‘v Kg Muth as men. That all Vh10 ROO this om ain round to b 11 goon -b e to the may gencl their address, and test the liminess, 11 • I; Yh gc ois , ow he called tbe hor e bi 1 th we giallo till; °lot'. To Such SS are not Well 8 e satiefted we will seed OHO dOltitr tO pay for the company good-bye, and it responded mo in- trouble of Writing. Full eartletilare and out- telligently that he relented and vOwed the tifr‘ie. Adaress STISSON Se Co., Port. horse should live, but Should never again "Id' " Work. That is areal le etty, touchingstoey, els and will no doubt find its way into anecdote A cones ond nt at Hi h ff * p e g ,Manitoba, 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs, white sugar, Si We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c. to 75eper lb. Boots & noes (All gtyles) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of El A R, DWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (Cheep.) Best Machine Oil 60e per Gab COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST, 1.:" A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75, A good snit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered shits got up in Good Style. Our Dress Goods are Marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. Works for boys, The rall'fatA is that Cole v. rites sayiont Hutt OWN has been 80 996 A House an& Lot, also a ifarm for Sale, hal gone into partnership with Barifutn, who htrihols of wheat. 2,9o1 balay anti 23 0 lE1 Apply hag in his cranlov a number gentlemen of btillhels of oats or a totaf of 106 903 bnehele 'eady wit, and facile pea who eau ilivept. grain. pnlehased and 61404 from High yernii t1.4% War StObtiOn IWO #04,021. JOHNMATHESON. MT P. 0. Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest Stocks in Exetcr. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths French Dress Materials, in all the Newest Makes and Colors at Cloths, Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS COODS.-All the Very Latest Novelties in Fi ey Black Dress Materand Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Linis.Jack Goods. Colored Plashes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress and Mantle Silks. MI es GOOD ASSORTMENT ANI)ENTA CHEAP. Blattle Clothe, grand range, Flannels, Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Shlrtings, ch., all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at in LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, come to LIN C.3,5S. orap1etet. Out Crocery It is aoknowbaleted BUTT} '..1A CALL 1. CAtiL3: go tor the money.. 1.4