HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-06-09, Page 10
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Clinton, Ontario , 25 cents
1977 1976
w/ L. 0 HI !,.0
TisIews-Record ,,"31 E�MAY""~
58 43
64 46 73 57
2 56 42 71 43
. ' 3 63 33 777
. ' - .`
_�' -
5 75 51
78 45
6 61 46
79 47
' Thursday, June SW97 .ii2*h year No. 23 . Raiol'7H^ mo'oyb-^
- ----
~ 441. . _•
Nearperfect weather
8 000 see 197 7 Nng i
The 123rd Clinton Spring Fair drew
more than 8,000 people over itthree-day
span last weekend, leaving officials of
the Huron Central -Agricultural Society
very pleased.
DsinA some new Yooi\idos, including
the new 1.500 seat grundotand, corn-
_ p\euad in time for the Fair, the Society
gave a record ~22+000 away ^ prize
In the Ontario Spring Jersey show on
Friday, Grant Butcher of Princeton had
the junior champion female and the
reserve junior female went to Bell City
Jerseys, as did the reserve champion
Jack Van Egmond of RR 1, Clinton,
won the breeders herd thy
In the Huron County Holstein Show,
also held on Friday, Hol -Den Farms of
RR 1, Clinton, wen the Bank of Montreal
trophy for being the premier breeder
and the Raiston Purina Trophy for being
the premier exhibitor. _ RR
Cliff McNeil and Sona of o.
-_ -
u -
~ ~-
• Musical saddles?
"Where do 1 sit?" the horse seems to be asking arider nd opponent fight for
mchair |nthe nuumiva\chairs race. The race was one ox the roaoyemoniu,
at the horse show on Sunday afternoon at the Spring Fair. (News -Record photo)
m . Prospect Farms also="" thenin�on � \Xestoli�' � iiow
Lucknow, had the best cow.
Goderich. awept a hoot oC awords. in'c\uding thm ��Uictt znsuruncetrophyfor
tbe bmot broedcrs herd. dheFoir Bnard
�dphy Yor cba grand cbun`pionohip
foma\o. omd the Royo) Bunk oward for
tboreaerve dchumpionouw.
8nbnun Fornoo oC 8|yth roceivnd tho
Oay Loo Food u*urd Yor being tbo
runner'up promier oxhibitur und tbn
Corter'yVVest EndGoruAotrophyDordze
]uniur cb iun Coma)e went to Con
ln thoboeYehowonSuturduy. Bodn`in
Formyn[ RR S. Bruxso|s. hudd`egranu
h ionohorthornbuUundcuw.whi\e
AndrowOuunthudd`eb,ouderyherd.lnthe BnrcYord duxo. Cu\,e,t Furnos
of Lnndon hud both thc champ�n oow
und d`e bruednra hord. whUe Bhun
n."""",, �",,"` "v�,vn pw,nooU txe^ `^~p~~^' ~'-- - ''- -'�-' - �������l��Abordoen xnQuo c\aaspe. wid` the b�et mu' ~=-�"^~`�=~���=^=`~���n�*��mm*�u�n^���^����cow.bootbuU.undbreoderoherd.
CrawYord oy D�ineoing won tbo Beiuton
LinoitpdAwardYurhaving tbeobomnpioo
Geru\d ComYort oY Gt. Anna wun tbe
O\d ��U\ uword Yor'cnUpctiogthe nnont
pninto. wbi\oJinn SnpUnyCUnton won d,e
BuUeu Foderadon prize fur ooCeotiug
the rnoat po|nto [or u r,sidont fromuBu|\ou.
in dhe ewinc ybow. BiU Turnbu|l oY
8ruoye|u wun d`u &8o}yun'o Award yor
onlbcdng tbp n`osc pu|ntm. whUe 8ugb
8urt oC DB ) GadnhUl had tbo beet
ln thc heuvy horne ohnw. Sbontz
mutohcdteam inhornooa.whi|eRumyeUTocp\p oy puia|ey bad d`e boet dressed
8ank oy 88outroal tropby yor tbc bmmx
beavy nY 000umoorcial boroe oo tbm
ln dze purodoonSuturduyafteroomm.
wbicb wum d`eb i Yivoyearo.tbe
CUnton Juoior Farn`orn wun tbn bemt
buo\oosu and cb'h�outaward.yoUowed
by tbe Legion Ladien,uod dze }{innrneo
Tbe CUnton]�uroeryScbuo}�outwam
judgod tbe beut ncboo\ �oat. and tbm
K\omy Fa,nUy �out oy Brucofio\d wao
p�bed tbebeytpubUo ocbno\obUdreo'm
88orgie \�iyo. Rayo`oud Greidunuo
und Cindy Evano bad tbe tupdecoratmd
bicyc\eo in tbe over ten y*aro cluao.
wbi\eDavon Bunter.JobnKootatruaod
��oliaoa VVba}en bad tbebeetbikeo in tbe
��������Nj������J��� ���J�J�J�J� ���������~����^Chur\oiy buU. und (�ory Rintou\oYRR z.
*nn cnn�onCredit Dninn tyor'd,a Arand���k�h�y�u chumpion bocy^~'^�. whUe xndrnw �������~����' � �� � � �
Gaunt won
the Royal Bank of Clinton ~'
Councilsays clean-up or else
awardfor collecting the most points.
The boalshowman iuthe under Nyear
- Town Council has begun to after the repairs and council received a streets is too dangerous. Beexplained class 'was Brian Falconer of RR 4,
Clintonok duwn on the poor state of town letter in 1975 asking permission Ynnoothe that people can't use the roadways, Sea�ydn, while the best oho of a
properties. This decision waoreuchedon club to do thisHowever for annnereason driveways are blocked and children are feeder calf over )4years was Les Cunmiu
Monday night�at thecouncil's regular �hiswasn't done. running amongst the vehicles parked on of .
"You mean that last year's council Mill, Beech and \�bitnhoudStreets. Vanda Storey of Dublin won the Jack
4, The, cra«»�
crack nCoUovvaogenero)unur knew that the- fountain was to be Mayor Harold Lobb noted that the Van Egmond trophy for being the best 4-
o,the `^`` made dm by a committee of replaced and did nothing about it." 'Chiey of Police saw this problem and H showman, while Les Falconerof RR 5,
council. ~~'
B e Royce Macaulay McKay asked. McKay went on to add said there were times when they couldn't Clinton, won the Anstett award for being
ey saw general refuse that many people who come to Clinton have gotten afire truck uP��iUStreet. the best 4'Bbeef «hn*rn6n.
^^e ~ tha^ ~
and untidiness on many properties. Ten look forward to a cold drink from the Council decided to appoint Reeve In the sheep show,DaveStanley of
letters were sentput to several residents kmaajn, __ . .-~~' - Macaulay, Deputy Reeve Frank .Cook l�u\to/ Cou/uy was the champion sheep
regarding this an on June 10, the Councillor Frank Van Altena noted and G,aron to •a committee to look into showman under 21 years, while W. E.•~mm-itteowill makeanother
tourcnyee that on Saturday, "I
s onu
possibilities of b
ing lots ^��-�
n th
area -
if the properties have been improved. dozens of people coming over to the c»boused aap«rking[acuiueo
Macaulay explained that if no im-fountain anooking aThe .,'^,,,bi~ thought
council put
,° ~� t
• provementscheckwith the Lionsinto d`e issue of participating in the
police will beadvised and fines will be Clubto see if they have any p!ans fQr the Gouer|oo'Juuuee3's parade on Jun,.
sued. The fine for the first offence is fountain and if they don't, council agreed The invitation was received from
not less than *20 and not to exceed $500. that a new fountain is still needed: Goderich Chief of Police, pbt King and
01 For offences thoreaftor, fines cannot Water is also a problem for Fleming council all voted infavour tuattend.
will be closing its -doo
rs this week
. T
June 9 move is the result oYafailure to
recover from a major fire which burned
the plant to the ground on Jan. 27.
The company will now bemoving tu a
new location in Weston, near Toronto.
This announcement was made last week
by Wilfred Schneider, part owner of the
company. The move should be com-
pleted by this Friday.
After the fire which caused about
$450,000 damage and employed about 40
to the former radar ochoo\, also in n
Vanastra, and continued to manufacture
Schneider said that the comy could
not keep up tptbo brdero'and deliveries
after the fire, and lost quite a bit of
business. So it was decided that Huron
Acoustics would start again.
The company did not have a suitable
to retbnate to, and high
overhead costs of inaurance, and taxes
prompted the move, he added.
n ar_�
•.. •,
•: •
Councillor Ron McKay brought to the with the UC and the ndustries involved the old fire truck but Councillor Roy
council's attention the questionable in this problem of p - water Wheeler id that one fireman would
future of the drinking fountain near the Fleming } has heearter inch have to be designated to be in charge of .
town hall. The fountain was condemned pipe and is receiving no pressure from it. it.
bythe Board u«Health because uneeded uchas considered drilling unew well but °
m new mouthpiece and tap to turn it off council thought this would be useless Ramn does come
and on.
Originally, the Lions Club were to look main. They felt it would be cheaper to
, put in a line rather than dig uwell.
since he is situated so close toawater
frost does tooTim St. Louis received approval from
,no council ^"^� ^""= change 5o millimeters �^�v in -
x|hnrSco�.�hichS�� Louieintndn»n ches)
^_- �
^. ~
using as a studio.
in the past week, giving needed
i • �'w• �x��/�i �n
./s -
Like Ball and Mutch Funeral Home to noa,dou8htatrickenCnopo. farmers �
Boyce Transport and the Chiropratic have -faced another threat, June frosts.
Centre, the old manse on Albert Street Frost hit some low lying fields last• "tr~ Fitzgerald ��
y Jim
.�~' ^^ issued a spot zone change ''''"�x""^^'s. and again on .~.
What a weethishas beenas you ^Iv,
apl of its application to the Ontario but no read ,
will see by all the stories and pictures of
Municipal damage was caused. ='''...,-;,-
Udsyear'obigh)yxvnceyayu| Spring Fair '
St- Louis plans tn set uoustudio here, Peter Roy of Clinton, the local Crop .0
e�owhareinthis odiuo».vehere ucthe
rather than usuo , so he can displayhis Insurance agentreported that he hadkeeping up with eve'rything, and
although we have published a good deal,
we can't possibly print everything. The
Fair board, the Kinsmen and all the
merchandise in a
dozens~" setting. The 'opcouncil, "I plan to have nto....drastic ar-
living quarters.
St. Louis explained his plans to the
council, "I plan to have nto....drastic ar-
living quarters.
St. Louis explained his plans to the tsmall claims for rost damageMike Miller, associate agricultural
representativeand-had to be replanted.
where farmers reported corn was killed
0.0,,-, - , •t "1,, ' "
5 ,r"f ' L ; , �
~I� �z`^
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News -Record sure had
our hands- full
changes ..."'`~"' , "° not . agriculture and food, said that the rain
praised for all the work they did tuoukeneod the use of extreme parking was very welcome by yormers,
facilities, since we're only «»o block especially the cosh croppers, after o 'tthe best Fair =~",",a*""~"~'
A\dnouQh the g"randat».nd w
ao in
use uring the Fair, there is a lot of work When questioned on signs,St' Louis
Bay. sprig grain, and crop
, had
.^"x~h~^h"^~~",/-',"n/"n^,er,r,.no suffered .==worst from the dry weather,
yet to bedone onitbefore the races open
neon signs but instead may have a and farmers had delayedthe $12
0 in a mere two weeks.There will be ucunony on the porch displaying his million white bean crop because of d:e
work bee next Thursday night tomake onome'• dry ground.
final clean-up of the site in .preparation
The of parking for the Spring If the weather pattern improves,and
for the qualifying races on June 19' ~
^ ++ -I- ' Fair and the horse racing was also warm sunny days along with periodic
brought uptocnun«il rainfall`continues,Huron farmers
There sure has been some mad noted that parking on the yhou)dba'vo an uveranexear.
scrambling around these parts, twice in
the last: week, as local gardeners ran fight
injures two
around�ry|nQ tn cuver up susceptible
crops •
as. the weather has taken an
abrupt about Ya``e` and instead of hot dry _
weather, it's been cold with frost severai ' `
* nights. We don't seem to be able to reach Two Vanastra men were taken to .weapon.
hospital and a number of criminal Mrs.Patricia Josh was also charged
ahappy medium.
ff+ charges were laidafter ascuffleoutuide with common assault in connection with
the Vanastra apartments last Saturday an incident involving \7'yoar�ldBrendu
An observer in noted during Laws.
the tor en that the new fangled Josh, 47 of J'} is in satisfactory All three will appear in court on June,
sewage system in that village isn't all in University Hospital in 27.
it's cracked up be.Just notice theLondonyuyyoringyronheadwnundo.and The O9Pwere back atthe apurmenm
number oybrown back lawns lately.
f+f Clarence Garfield LoDoc'31, oy0'4v-am• on Sundaynightvhnnthoy»eret»\dt«o
treated and released from Clinton Public men were fighting,one with a knifs,the
In fairness to the parties involved, theBnun|ta) aft& being shot with a pellet other with a broken in the parking
News -Record won't take a otandonthegun. lot..
election being held today, but~ you're readingu-.0The OPP Goderich Detachment, who When the police arrived, the knife and
before 9 pm Thursdaynight, you will investigated the incident,reported that broken bottle had disappeared
have either voted, orintend »ndoing so. an argument erupted at the compiex and Dennis Dempsey Midland has been
+ff during the qne\em.LeIucwas shot with a charged with creudnQa disturbance in
Today marks the fifth anniversary of pellet gun,while Josh was hit, with a connection with the |nc|dent, and was
yours truly's start at the News -Record, henn*r sentenced to 40 days in jail when he
and all we can say is, "where did allthe Both men were charged with bodily appeared in Goderich Court on Monday
time go." We've had our ups and downs injury with the attempt to harm, whileWayne LloydWagner-"was charged
during the 8ve years,but all and aU'it's Josh was also charged with dangerous with obstructin���r/connection
been enjoyable,and we're looking use of a firearm,and Le Doe was with the same incident, ao- apparoio
�»��m�dtm�fm�mu6rm�marm�mt. ��argmdwith pmm---m�n of an offensive courte 20
40 . 1.^
��� early risers .
"'"'"'^=^""'"^~"^x '''~--'-----p-'
pening wasn't too early for many and they arrived to look
covers tm�odma�wm�cra��was aUava�a6�at�m at the BurbidgeGreenhouse in
was '
first Farmer's Market mmSaturday morning. The G: 30.a,m. one of the vendors. (News -Record photo)
er s market opens a success
Some may think that 6:30 in the was one of the local vendors. She To add a festive air to the
morning comes early but this hour was brought plants, pickies, baking and hand Murray Draper arrived with his band
the prime time for many Clinton andcrnfto. organ and played it until the noonhour
area people to buy u\\ the freshly made "I was here ut8:\5.'' she noted, ''butl closing.
baking utSaturday's ��armer`uMarket. never expected such a big crowd this The market will be run each Saturday ..
"All the baking was gone by 7
early inthe rnorninB.'' d morning at the intersection of King
i B �ber�ooauo Allwere ofth* vpnd«ryerogu\t e ent6 uaeo until � cxnoar, and as the sea
o'clock," said organznr�h«a produce and over the response atthe Drmcrnorketand continues more people will be arriving
she wandered amongst
many intend to bring more baking and with their produc,. T:., r-ar;,,A, has '
the people "` the King Street location.
vegetables when they come in season. accommodation for 25 booths.
"This should bring out oromter
quantities for next week when people are
more sure." she added.
have unwait long for cuoton\�roueSybil
pa|rnernCCUnmon arrivd on the scene
to look over the variety of p\amty, han-
wood crafts.
For the vendors it was a busy day,
"We got at 20 to four this morning,"
noted the couple from Gorrie who run
Burbidge Greenhouses.
"We'll be coming until October," they
Mrs. Marilyn Lazet of R.R. 5, Clinton
e /� venouro who "^^.,"",
�����w�� ������������� p011 turnoutgood
Some 546 voters in Huron -Middlesex
made their final decision bn the
rhvinc|al election last Saturday and
Monday when they cast their ballots at
the advance polis throughout the area.
Returning officer Eldrid Simmons
noted that the 546 voting number was
down slightly from 1975 when 687 people
voted" at the advance polls. He added
however that the polis Vrere open for that
election over a three day period
Exeter saw the most advance pollers
out with 172 votes cast,.Goderioh had 150,
Clinton had 96, Seaforth had 76 and 52
votes were cast in Parkhill.
In the Huron Bruce riding, --^ votearrived at the polls. Fifty-seven went to
Brussels, 153 to Wingharn, 219 to Kin-
cardine and 191 to Port Elgin.
Returning officer George McCutOhe9n
nbted the 1975 figure of voters to be VS,
,p1,4„ again this was over a three day
petiod compared to this year's tWo daYsi