HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-1-27, Page 5h,00ril Brevities. The ladies of the Methodist chinch, St, Marys, cont a large box of *thingi to. the SIXA!1IEFUJ1i Ali USE: I1+Al'111t UL'Q} A. NOTED eeetaeU.L N VOI OVEN ILONt:41:. Indians of the Nortli•lvest, last week , The stools of D, A, Il'tosor, of Pai Phil', wee Wm, k11), Rounisoe, Al. 1r, L. R. C, 5 1., sold to Long do Son, of St. Map. who in. M. E. Q. 0, 1'. 1., late. of the "loyal Nayy, of ittend'n Parkhill along with another England, has got ittto professional trouble Immense to eestt i ve atel ur- • c whsch the lin 1. Y p fot•vitiui; the following orett letter to the iininense 6te k y closed, editor of the Loudon Family Doctor ; The council of $t, D'feeys, have at Last t,I behove it to be the duty of every physi. asset), a motion ordering a oot'poration snow elan to make known auy Mearns or remedy ploy to be ooustrueted, Before the winter whereby Fichness eai be proveetod, arab it is p for this perpoec I write to give my experi• ea have Passed, the tgitizens will realize lett the $25 were profitably spent. ono both hero and abroad, I ask the pub -- Mrs. rs. Mathews, who attempted suicido at lication of the statement that people may he 'xilsouburg 0 few days ago by cutting her warned before it ie too late, to say to them throat with a razor, is rapidly recovtain;;, teat there is et Banta means by which they and it is expected that with careful treatment laity be restored to perfect health. It is well elle will be as well as ever in a tow days. Paean to the medical world, and indeed, to A rural storekeeper in Middlesex county the laity, that a certain disease is snaking a advertises in a local paper the followhtg terrible havoc, ; that next to consumption it curious combination —"If you want a loadIS bile most fatal, and that when fully de - of cedar posts, a good warm quilt at $1, or veloped there is .nothing to be done for the some good West India molasses gall et the stil'ferer." Boston House: l'lt ''ysiciaus and scientists have long been There has ivtt been it winter like this tier trying to throw light upon the cause, and if many years. It is a true specimen of the possible, find iu natal.° a medicine for this Canadian ioe-boundj t . ico.clad season, cone corning which ,peel a foreign, country, Breed so much, wilfulin at which they rarely ex• fatal malady. They have shown, abs,tlutely, that the blood -purifying organs of vital int. portanee, aro the kidneys and that when. perience ween at b me., they once fail, the poison which they should Tho other enornut ' the caretaker of the take out of the blood is carried by the Piosbyteriau Churen in Cliuto.u, Mr. James blond into every pact oftlte body, devolopntg Ross. had some aiffioult,Y in getting the far• disease" nace fire to go, and he ifttereStlneeltonte. Mi G. 1. Creswell, of Teckorstnith, whole now stayint, with his faintly in Southern Gail - fowls., is delighted with the cli;Yinto titer(. J•Le attended an outdoor picnic en Nov Year's; day. A r uaiS1' C''i;, Mrs. Cyrus I%ilbonrno,LSo(13A1eauisvllle, O!1L had What lyes thought to be a canner on 'tor twee, anti was, about to submit to a cancer doctor's,opertion, when. she triad Burdock) 13lood isittors which effected a radical mire. 'Phis medicine cures all blood distmees. Jrtoob FL finch, a farmer living near 5cbuit„villePerth, slotiro,bc{ belonging o:. John Davis, of the BMW,' place. The Shot will cost Mr. Esoh;0130, A Liver Cure. One single trial of Dr. Chase's Giber Gera will convince the most sceptical and confirm better than thousands of testimonials that it is a sine cure. Medicine and Recipe Book $1, Sold by C. LUTZ, Central Drug Store,, THE DEAD' IrADE TO HEAR. "After eight yours eutfering from deafness so bad that I was unable to Attend to my bnsinees. I was cured by tho use ot flag- yard'.3 Yellow Oil,With gratitude I matte this kno;Nu for the beuetit of othersafficted,” Harry Ricardo, Toronto. (Dr, Trow, sou of Mr, Jas. 'Prow, M. P., of South Pertly, has passed as a tumbler of the College of Physicians and Sutgeoue, of Lon - 1 don. Be On Your Guard. Don't allow a cold iu the head to slowly and sorely develops into Catarrh when you ( eau be cured for 25 cents. A. few aPplioa- 4 tions will sure incipient Catarrh. Ono to 11 two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. Ono j to five boxes wrn cure chronic Catarrh.. potirect coal oil in. "In my hospital practice in England, India. His whiskers were all burned off and his and S mtlt Amsrica, and also a surgeon 10 bands scorched. Mr, Vaiivalkenburg, who has been working Mr. McTaggart's farm in Hallett, during the past year, has rented the Proctor farts on the Huron Read, just west of Holmesvillo, for a term,of six years ; it contains 135 floras, and he gets it for $200 for the first year. A disease resembling pneumonia is very prevalent among horses in some parts of the country, and many deaths are reported from it. The first symptoms are a refusal of food, the animal soon becoming feverish and ex- cited, and breaking out into sweat. Death generally remits in a day or two. Mr. John Yagei', lumber merchant, of the Hay and Stephen townline, died a few days ago, aged about 30 years. Ms remaius were interred in Exeter cemetery last Tuesday, and were followed to the grave by a large camber of friends and acquaiutances. He was a man much respected by all who knew him. Life insurance men remind us We can make our wives sublime. Aud departing leave behind us Widows worthy of our time. -We will give them such a send off On the life insurance plau, That when we dopartiug end off, They can scoop some other man. Dir. ]:liohaacl Campbell, of the 10th con- cession, West Williams, while cutting a maple tree, which measured 2ft. at the butt, into wood. one day last week, when sawing a cat about 30 ft. from the large end, streak shard stone, rather larger than a hickory nut, int- oecidcd jii the solid The ood ais,i how inches from the outside.mystery atone got there. Toboggauiug fs l:alled by ?,rhos names in other lands, bat its snovemeut is allinosame; lu Switzerland they call it avalanching. In Colorado they call it snowsliding and snow. Shoeing Out thele in.Senator Tabor's pariah it is no unoommog to slide down an entire mountain. Affidavits o4 file iu' Judge David Day's office iu Ouray show that men have slid clown an entire mountain slope fir. the Royal Navy of Great Britain, I gave a great deal of attention to the study of dis- eases of the kidneys and urinary organs, and. w ie Onl'e o a r Bright's Disease hopeless, but that kidney. disease' was remarkably prevalent wucb more o than generally knowu, and was the wise et the majority of eases of Biomass, and further, that the medical profession has no remedy which exerts any absolute control over these organs in disease." "Sotos time ago when I had a ease which resisted all regular treatment, --which is very limited,—complicated with the passing of stones from the ky idneys, much against m will I permitted my patient to use Warner's Safe Cure, of which I had heard. }marvelous results. Iu his ease the result was simply marvelous, as the attack was a severe ono; and developement a very grave one, for an. analysis showed per cent, of albumen and granular tube casts." "The aetion of the medicine was singular and incomprehensible to rue. 1 had never seen anything like it. The patient recover- ed promptly, and is today a well and healthy man. This stimulated my inquiry into the merits of the remedy, and after analysis 1 found it to be of purely vegetable character, harmless to take under all eireumatascos" "Casting aside all professional prejudice 1 gave it a thorough trial, as 1 +vas auxivas that my p'ttienls should b.l restored to found that not only as tl f tl )uta Sold by all dealers at 25o. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure -take no other -it will crura you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter Ayer's Sarsaparilla wonderfully improves the complexibn,,and brings to old and young the bloom of health. As a purifier' of the blood it has unequal, The ioe bridge on Lake Huron broke last night. The ice is blockading St. Clair River up into the foot of the lake, The Sarnia ferries and the Grand Trunk ear boats are. tied up, and a channel is being cut. FOUR YEARS OF SUFFERING. Mrs. Torrance bleNish' of Smith's Falls, Out., after four yams 'of intense suffering with scrofula, from which her head became bald, was cured by Burd.;ok Blood Bitters after the beet medical aid had felled. Donald Galbraith, aged 40, an influential farmer, was killed by a falling tree at Dutton on Thursday. A O A R D. To all who areautlerlug from the a rs and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early daaay, lose of manhood., &c,I will send a receipe thnt willcure you, FREE OP CHARGE. Phis. great remedy was disoov©red by a mis- sionary in South America, Send a self-ad- dressedenYelQ2'e to AIM, T08EYi3 T, IHnieet MITE E —AND LOOK AT_ CAPTAIN 1E?'S LARGE STOOK 01?. Groceries, Fruits, &e. I have a full line of Family Groceries Oranges, Figs, basket 14aisins, Nuts, Cand- ies of all knobs assorted, Peanuts roasted, Tobaccoes, Cleave, Belfast Aromatic Ginger Ale. Try a cake of Compressed Yeast, and you will use no other. inlr'Great Reduction in Prepaid Tickets to, parties sending for their friends from Eng- land, Ireland, Scotland or Germany, Apply : CAPT. GEO. KEIVIP. )SEIIEIWIIR TEE ADDISESS, Drew's Block, South Store health, no matter by what niedioiue• 1 pea- diatdonD.ttl'ew Yorkait scribed it in a great variety of oases, Acute, SURE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM. Ohrouie, Bright's Disease, Congestion of the If the system is properly cleansed by some Kidneys, Uatarrll of the Bladder, and in medicine that trots upon the vowels. kidneys every instance did it speedily effect a cure." and skin, such as Burdock Blood Bitters, and 'Fol this reason I deem it my duty to the sufferer will nse Hagyard's Yellow Oil ae- give to tits world this statement regarding cording to dirctious, theca are few cases of the value of Warner's Safe Cure I make rheumatism, however bad, but will yield this statement on facts I am prepared to pro- promptly to the treatment. duce and substantiate. I appeal to the pay- Mr. J. R. Turner, of Srucefield, sold on sieiaas of large practice who know how 00m- Thursday a two year old filly to Mr. 0, Fe, neon and deceptive diseases of the kfdueys are, to lay aside professional prejudice, give 'their patients. Warner's Safe Cure, restore them to perfect health, earn their g tudse and thus be true`pllysiclttuo„' LOOK HERE AND SEE THAT J. W. BROWNING IS SELLING X -mss :Presents, Toys, Etc., AT COST. ALSO A FULL LINE Of QUEEN CITY OIL O. .,.A,. I L' At Toronto. _Every Barrel Guaranbeetl. Thin Oil was used on ell machinery during t) Exhibition. It bus been awarded SIX GOLD Ml•:DAXe during the last three years, "Seo that you get Peerless. It is only deb IMPORTED SPONGES AND CHAMOIS. Drugs and Patent Medicines ALWAYS ON HAND. teen miles iu six mfuutes, leaving bears an •'I am satisfied that more than 011e-13alf of avelangiles in the rear to be forwarded bythe l the deaths which occur iii I gland are he *Mend eepre€8, Early Tuesday Yd.o't iii lack, it chimney of r __Utile residencrlof,W: : Langford, V. S., of `t+. autos, to ti's, and being allowed to burn nhnbticed, soon ignited the house. Before the fire was discovered it had gained much headway, and despi a all effor.8 1) stay the flames, the built ashes. The foss iss barely' escaped the abont saving the oo_ eympethy of the commanity as he 1,113 generally well thought of. The following are the officers for the Hay Agricultural Society, for the year 1887 t Dr. Buchanan, dent Both president rwee re-elected, Diir president. A. McEwen, Robert McAllister, Wm. Bu- chanan, J. B3roderick, Heury Lippert, John Voelker, John Schnell, Aaron Karcher, and D. \'Peisutiller. This closed the annual meeting. The new board of directors then. met and re-elected D. S. Faust, secretary .and treasurer, and Fred. Hess and John Williams, auditors.. Examination papers will be sat in Litera- tore from the following lessons in the new Ontario Readers, the only series now author- ized for use at the July, 1887 examinations —(1) The Vision of Mirza, pp, 63-66 and 68-71 ; (2) The Death of Little Nell, pp. 100-104 ; (3) The Bell of Atri, pp, 111- 114 ; (4) Dora,- pp. 137-141 ; (5) The Changeling, pp. 205-206 ; (6) A Forced. Re- cruit at Solferiuo, pp. 287-288.; (7) Nation- al Morality. pp. 295-297 ; (8) The Two Breaths, p0, 314.319. . • The following officers and directors were appointed for the South Huron Agricultural Society for the ensuing year :--john Mur- doch, Stanley. president ; Wm. Dixon, Brncefield, 1st vice-president ; Thomas Russell, Usborne, 2nd vice-president. Di- rectors—Thos., Welsh, Goderich townshii, ; Alexander Thompson, Stanley ; Robert McAllister, flay ; John. Willis, Stephen ; James Pickard, Exeter ; Leonard Hunter, Usborne ; Alex. Forsythe. Tucker- smith ; Dr. Coleman, Seaforth, and Alex. Grauger, Bayfield. Messrs. George E. Jack- son and W. C. Charters, auditors. Mr. W. ltobiusou, of the Huron Road, last week sold a gelding to Mr. Sharp, of Sea - forth, for the sum of 6185. lir- W. Steep, teamster, lost a good horse. last week ; it was kinked by its mate while standing in the .stable, and bad its leg es broken that nothing odd bedu .but shoot it. Four entire colts were`q.lid to an American buyer in Clinton ittfOtie, ,:—One raised by Mr. Thos. Fear, Bullet ; 'tine by Mr. John Mason, Hul- ..lett ; one by t'ir. Tilos. Fowler, Hallett, and oueltyMr. John CYminus, Hullett. The prices page for each were in the neighbor. hoed of $225; Mr. Ournings got $235 for his, making the third entire colt he has sold, netting hits $685 altogether. ENJOY LITE. Ing was soon reduced to severe, as the inmates es, saying nothing y;tte. W. E. has the caused, primarily, by ilbparetl lee ion. of t kidneys, and the conseguout retention in the blood of the poisonous tido and Kidney acid. Warner's Sate lure tenses the kidneys to expel this pa:�td'd:t checks the escape of albu- men, reliet'et t e inflammation and prevents ilhtess teem impaled and impoverished bleed, fraying had more than seventeen years' experience in sty' profession, I con. acientiously and emphatically state that I has e been able to give more relief and effect more cures by the use of Warner's Safe Care than by all the other medicines ascer- tainable to the. profession, the majority of I to say, are very uncertain !Mason far ts22O. This fine ani "al wetabed Don't Fail to Call at The Dominion Laboratory, if you want anything in the above lines. J. W. BROWNING, Prop. —TH E-- RAILWAY. A UzX aocr tti c'�c CO,, TO1 'TO. FOR SALE a3Y JAS, PICKARD, ANA.DIAN PAcIFIC\ THE GrREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTH. THE lirosT DIREOT— —Alm BEST EQBIPPE1 Rowris —3ETA*UEx— MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &o. ,tlOills• MOO= 1 SaOQIC f 1 I-Iava you Kok l eacjairjie, bad taste id ,-your edri ith lathe morning?' Do you suffer hem, Dyspepsia, Indigestion 01 Biliousness ? If go Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try it. Excursion to VANCOi7' B) VICTORIA, And SAN FRANCISCO, for $90.00, tick- ets good for Seven Months. Your Druggist will refaud money if not sat• isfaetory. THREATENING DANGER, In the fall of '84, Randal Miller, of Mait- land, N. S., was prostrated to his bed with an attack of incipient consumption, and friends despaired of his recovery. Be tried. Burdock Blood Bitters, with, immediate re- lief, followed by a speedyawe, ruse of Ayer'8 Stop that cough, by all Cherry Pectoral —the best. specific by a dis- eases of the throat and lungs. It will soothe the rough feeling in your throat, aid respira- tion, and give the vocal organs flexibility and vitality. which, am sorry BE ON YOUR GUARD. in their action." , Against sudden colds, irritating coughs "Istt't that a straightforward. manly let• land soreness of the throat. Keep Hagyard's ter T." Pectoral Balsam at hand. for these prevalent "Indeed it is," troubles of Fall or Winter, "Well, but d7 you know the author Iles geOtt's Enittlston ot Pure been dreadfully persecuted for writing it . "Done ? He has epokeu the truth, 'out of school' and his fellow physicians who want the public to think they have a meiosis iu curing diseases, are terribly argry with him for admitting professional inability to reach curtain disorders. "That letter created a wonderful sensation among the titled classes and the public. This jarred the doetor•s terribly, The o - lege of Surgeons and Queen's .) illego, from night and broken of your rest by suffe1'iug and crying with nain of Cuttinit which institution he was graduated, asked •poegh4 If so send at once and get a bottle of for .an explanation of his unprofessional ' Teething. .WI si w's Soos value hingiSrl Syrup" for eChildren i conduct, and notified him that unless he ieiieve the poor little sufferer immediately. d retration they would disoipiiue him. errand upou'il mothers ; there is uo mistake patients to make use of Warucr's Safe Cure only era w cd, and when huthat there- was � s tViuslotv's Scorning Syrup" for children hopef them. Upon their re- teething is pleasant to the taste anti fs having used warner'e Safe Cure, .prescription of one of the oldest and best le ilhysicians and nurses in the Hutted b surprised that a States, as Cod Liver Oil, with Iltypop1u,Si) iter' Possesses in the fullest degree the tonic and stimulating properties of'the Hypophospbitos combined' with the healing, strengthening and fattening qualities of the. Cod Liver Oil in a perfectly agreeable form, of wonderful rful value in Consumption, Debility and Wasting Diseases. AVViOE Eo MOTHER$.—Are, you disturbed at Dexter's i i P Condition SOLD ONLY AT ' Scarlett's Drug Store, EXE'ER, it'Before purchasing your tickets else- where,"call on W. J. CARLING, C. P. R. AGENT.. CAELIPIG'S STORE, EXETER. made a re ra inn to "Tho doctor replied that he allowed his ebn ie.testhe 0108 Dn and 21owtisdaures W Hari p Colic. sottona rue Stontaou ,reducesinflammation, 1 ft 11 the regular methods had fall nd gives tone and energy to th'e whole system, was satisfieda I the nopossible or e covert, after .emit he watt se laic s p ' l t h' wrote the • d is forsalo by all druggists through- above letter to the Family Doctor. He re- out the sorld.anitcttskwfurty- inncetgttbi 1105- eretted that the faculties found fault with his action in the matter, but he could sot con S scientiouslyretract the facts as written to the Family Doctor. the faculties 'of both colleges replied thatt unless Ise retracted they should cat him off, which would naturally debar him from again practicing his profession, and also prevent t the his securing another, nppointmont in Royal Navy 1" The illustroms doctor's dilemma is certain- ly an nupieasauc one, empasiziug. as it does, both his owo'honesty, and the contemptible prejudice and bigotry of English. medical mea. The masses, however, having no sympathy with their uoneenst>, keep ole using. ther•etnedy he so highly reccunneuds and get well, while the rich sod able depend upon the prejudiced doctors and die 1 ooTHiSo SYRUP " and. take no other Inuit. • coxsulurTION CIIRED:. DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition Powd- ers - the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. LOVELL'S GAZETTED, ANIS HIF TCR Ob' 'PIIS% DOMINION OF CANADA,, Li Nine Volumes, Boyai 816. A .-- t,l, O Br.CClI1tIi:NC11? tvhonover tt sufIieiuct Ynhor of qub9oribers is obtainedto cover Wliat truly beautiful world we live n 1• 1 im •t of nublication Snbacription to tin' Nine. Nature gib es us grandeur of mountains, glens and ocere4s, and thousands of Menne of en- joyineit, Wenn desire no better in perfect health ;but bow often do the ma. I ie.5o to 1 1 I'i g` `gdig if up s- tsoatTO:Vitt/008 PAN Each Province to have Anold physician, retired from practice, hav- inghad pi -aced in his hands oy an VALES Indian 'o dry the formula of a simple vegeeable remen remedy for speedy and permanent =roof Corin -mi and all throat and lung affections, also a posi- tive and radical cure for el ervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, actor having tested its wonderful curative powers- in tbousatlds of cases, has feltit his duty to alai e it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by c u,9 a .tic& and a desire to relieve human m.01511116. t send freoofcharge, to all who desire .t, this redo°, in Goiman,French or English w'.th hill directions far preparing and using Sent by mail by tiddreSSt1tgwith stamp, naming this gp00 r,`,,A:NoyEs,149Power's Block, ltcchestea•, t ,tion Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma ccs , yoluntos"7a00,tothtt i'rovinho of Ontitrtn or.. to Qnobeo „1'2,50, to Now 13ruoswielc or to Nova , Scotia tu1l.,0, 10 lvhtnitoba orIiritit h Coltunbi 'risco ludward Island or to Nertlb jority of 00„1„ fee 1 co tvi Ansae Send for Prosuectus. heartened, discouraged and worn out with sites' JOINN eottl LL, disease, when there is no oeceslon for this efattagei• antiIsabtishea feeling, tis every sufferer can easily obtaini tlfobtrotil, 4th Aug,tst,.IHNL'. augSdilioi satisfactory proof, that Green's August I Pewee, will make thou free front disease as when bath. Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, are rho direct aatweo of seventy-five Ter cent. of swill maladies 'as llilioueuess; Incli- f;eslinu, Siek headache; CostivonosA, Nee•voua- Proatr1 lou, Dizziness of the FIuad, Palpita- •ti0el of the Heart, and other distressing :symptoms. Three dosses of August Flower will move its wontlot lel effeet. Sample ottfo1, 10 cents. ';Cry it. ROPEE1'Y .!FOR 'SALE --Tip ttndersig it.d offers for t;'t.le,1118 vtioperty ori 9intcoe-at , being Lots 43 and 44,ontitaini¢tt two -bards of ab ache. 'There are erect°d nlrot' the premises, n frame hone° with icitolien,and a frame stable isx2cl. Also tt good_ well. Thi property is suitable for a retired farmer, abet will be sold Cheap-, I'or farther particulars THE KEY TO HEALTH. i Jnlocks alltho clogged avenues of the Bowole, i idneys and Liver, carry ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities , and foul humors of tho secretions • at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizzi Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy`, jDimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt 'Ii.heum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, fluttering of the Heart, Nervotisiiess, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happ y influence of ,'$t1RD OCK BLOOD 11l'1 valmilsmolenalmimmor �z, c, �, Se °,02« b 5 4.5.¢,tie s i',S 9 fi G �?, • i 2 t �1 Or pe'O. `S 5 icor eco ° t a °�titi sey�° IP Sy NC 41 p ti° {$755o e' w6o t �\^o "Oz" 0•o- . t 40 iess 09am,ggooy� e0:0,0*;, so0, ti4o c` 4a twro :o ;, e4„ t.0 ,,0 9. tido toew' cox" b 1 ,e �ti a dyG o e ole ti�4"y>. Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, B New Oxford Street, late 588, Oxford Street, London. Zig Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. te° �t ��° JAMES PICKARD WILL OFFER AS LONG AS THEY LAST. Six Button Kid Gloves for 50c., Worth $1.00 28 Inch. Fine All Wool G-rey Flannel for 25c. 28 Inch. Union Flannel — for 15c. Line of Cloth Dress Goods for IOc., 12c., 15c., [worth a great deal more.] Cocci. Overcoat for $5.00. OP , (`}i ALSO A LARGE STOOK Better Goods at Hard- Time Prices. Good All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. Y pEver De artment Complete and Goods Away Down to suit the. times. Es.LL.7 ODND t! NO DAMAGED 01? - SHELF WORN GOODS IN THE ABOVE OFFERING. HE RSEY'S Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Also Fcttrinatai's Celebrated Hams, Bacon and Bolognas. SELF -RISING BUCK WX-IEA.T FLOUR. ZUI'RICEH ROLL OR FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS and CHOP —All Muds of --- Groceries Cheaper Than Ever 7 lbs. 50e. TINA for $1.00. Varna Produce 'Taken in Exftaope for (, s S.' C..H E RSEY, applyto IIIC11AI1L1 YOUNcle (t -f) Exeter PCgSl$1Uf1l'CO.,O.I'ro rlatare, 'toroidal IIRESI.CdtS i5 COLDS. i !t'{ opiri SE N ESS , ETG.= WILLIAM sit i rdi listsethalt Furniture Dealer and Undertake Just t received a Car Load of New Stylish Farad! 117avP 1 s 5 and 1 am " .A—T1 �) r '` A �1.: COSI: I. For the next SIXTY DA' S. It will be to your adval to , to call on me before going elsewhere. o + VIP, ONE DOOR NoRri' le' MOLs0Ns BANK E14[IIDIB1�1t TI1 PLACE D WII 7tteas , ' lLEW.