HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-06-02, Page 13[CLIPANO
AVE,. 1 "�_�
Also if you cut out this coution and bring it to
HuIIy Gully You will receive. ...
i 0 %
i� erred i
In effect from
F Chrome,
F Accessories >r
that are in stock.
by Hilda M. Payne
The second layer of
blacktop has now been ap"
plied to all the roads in
Hensall, completing the
sewage work undertaken l:ikt
Church news
New stained-glass windows
are being installed i"n Hensall
United Church. The two front
windows were .installed last
year in the south side of the
church and now the
remaining windows, in the
east and west sides are being
It is hoped that many cold
draughts will he eliminated
and that they will preserve
the beauty of an already
beautiful church. Individual
donations and joint efforts of
the congregation have raised
the necessary. funds.
Pentecost Sunday was
observed at the Hensall
United C'hui ch during the
service conducted by Rev.
Don Beck with Mrs. John
• Turkheim ut the organ.
The choir sang the anthem,
"0 Mighty God, when I
behold the Wonder" and the
sermon was entitled, "It is to
your advantage" when Rev.
Beck pointed out that the
corning of the Holy Spirit is
for all, makes all things
possible, is the spirit of unity
and equity and is in all ways
to our advantage.
Next Sunday, Holy Com-
munion will be observed at
the morning service.
The Hensall Women's
Institute will sleet at ti:30
p.m. on Wednesday June 8 at
,,the Legion Hall and move to
the Hensall Bean Pot at, 7:30
p.m. for supper. Members
please take note of the change
• in time for this meeting.
1-H meets
The seventh meeting of the
Bedtime Beauties was held on
Tuesday, May 24 and • was
opened with the 4-H Pledge.
Roll call was, "Something I
have learned in this project.
During the business period,
the minutes were read and a
Fashion Show to be given at
the United. Church on June 7
was arranged. The exhibit for
Achievement Day was
discussed. Horne assignment
is to complete record hooks.
A very successful beef
barbecue was held at the
Hensall United Church on
• Wednesday, May 25. Three
sittings were served with
,epproximately 200 at a sitting
and many compliments were
received about the ureal.
Many thanks to all who
helped in any way to make it
such a success. See you all
next year.
gi 'Miss Joan Forrest,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edison Forrest, R R2 Hensall,
has graduated from Wilfrid
Laurier University, Waterloo
with a Bachelor of Science
degree in chemistry
She has accepted a position
with the Syncrude Oil
Company at Dort McMurray,
Alberta as a laboratory
Hensall Sales Barn. Prices
were steady last week with an
active demand. Supply
consisted mainly of heifers
and steers.
Fat cattle: heifers $37.50 -
-40.50, top to $42.75; steers,
$:19 - $41.50, top to $44.75.
Pigs: weanlings "$33 - $43;
chunks $45 - $56.
Miss Ruthanne Flaxhard of
London visited with her
grandparents Mr. and Mrs.
Stn Oesch on Wednesday.
Mrs. Oesch's hrother, Mr.
Oliver Bedard of Sarnia
visited on Thursday and on
the weekend their nephew
and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Russall Smith of Detroit and
their grandson and wife, Mr.
and Nit's. Gary Flaxhard of
Kitchener visited.
Mr. Richard McCullough of
Burr and Miss Margaret
Reaves of Mitchell visited
with the former's grand-
mother, Mrs. Robert Mid-
dleton 00 Sunday.
Hensall Kinettes Elect
New Executive
The May meeting of the
Hensall and District Kinettes
was held on Wednesday, May
25 at the home of Marion Heil.
Two guests were welcomed to
the meeting, Donna St. John
and Linda Roldan.
It was reported that the
rummage sale held earlier in
May showed a profit of $423.
This will he donated to the
Hensall Arena Building Fund,
and the Kinettes would like to
thank all those who .par-
ticipa.ted in any way in
making this such a success.
The Kinettes are now busy
planning` for the Fiddler's
Contest where they will
operate a food booth on June
17 and 18 and also for the
Spring Fair to he held on June
The election of the new
executive was held with the
following results President,
Marion Heil; vice-president
Pat Brown : treasurer Sherrie
Bonthron ; secretary, Sharon
Fink: registrar, Linda
Foldan; bulletin editors, Pat
Brown and Lincfa Foldan.
A Chinese auction was held
and then material was cut out
for each member ---to sew an
apron for the Fiddler's
Contest. The next meeting
will he held June 23 at the
home of Sharon Fink.
5�` 77-7
Svveo isle Glass
Specially Presented
for. Giving
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Clinton Legion were treated to
an extra special dinner last Saturday night to mark the
auxiliary's 15th anniversary when the men of the Legion
cooked and served a very delicious meal. Working on the
meal that featured Cornish Hen stuffed with wild rice are,
left to right, Stan Batt, Fred Hill, Ed Porter, and Lyn
Bosworth. Not in the picture was master chef Ken Schmidt.
(News Record photo)
Local NDP candidate stresses common sense
The following statement
was issued by Shirley Weary
recently at the Goderich
headquarters of the New
Democratic Party A group of
party workers had gathered
to Continue a(tiV'(' ('anl-
paigning and finish printing
sign stock for the election.
"Our theme in this election
campaign will stress
"common sense It is tinge
that the residents of Ontario
had a government which
would respond to prohlenls
with "c'on)01on .entie
solutions. Too often we have
seen vain attempts by the
Conservative Government to
sleet irnport;>11t prohlenls
with impractical and
unrealistic solutions.
"The major case -in point
hits to be the issue of health
care CU t C k and the
resulting fiasco which closed
the Goderich Psychiatric
Hospital and continues to
threaten the Clinton Public
It is clear that not a
penny was saved: in fact. the
taxpayers of Ontario were
burdened with addit ion;:l
costs. including the vain legal
effort of the government to
defend its legality. And let's
not forget for one minute that
!his government bungling
\vati supported hy a waffling
Liberal caucus!
'Surely the "common
sense approach to rising
health erre costs is an in-
t ensi\ e and objective
analysis of the health
delivery system in this
province with the full par-
ticipation of all members of'
the health care team..
' second area of gover-
nment ineptitude has been the
issue of finding an •effective
buttress for the agricultural
e( I>IIO111y The "C»0101011
sense answer is sitting down
with the farm organizations
Inti \\ orking out details for 0
volunt ry. negotiated farm
income stabilization plan to
provide farmers with the
security of having a fair rate
of return on their labour and
investment. The scare tactics
adopted by the Conservatives
and the I.iberals. both in this
"Families in Conflict"
The Huron County Board of
Education will sponsor the
annual- meeting of the Ontario
Association for Counselling
and Attendance Services this
week at Centralia College in
Huron Park.
The theme of the sleeting is
Families in Conflict and will
run from Sunday through
Wednesday. Dr. Benjamin
Schlesinger, a member of the
faculty of education in
Toronto, will hi the keynote
speaker and his topics will be
Sexuality and the Student and
Children "Through a
This is the first time that
the Huron board has hosted
thy conferi'nce and over 100
,attendance' councillors have
registered. There will be
ar•ious workshops conducted
throughout the conference
and the annual meeting \vill
he held Tuesday morning.
On Wednesday the; coun-
sellors will tour the Old Mill
and the Huron County
Pioneer ,Museum in Goderich.
riding and provincially, are
so much clap -trap = another
vain attempt to mask their
inability to keep farmers in
Ontario on the land.
"A third area of
mismanagement is the
question of rising property
subject has been studied to
death. Yet the government
lacks the courage to come to
grips with this crucial
The property tax is an
unfair- tax and it's an ex-
tremely poor way to fund
services -to -people. Municipal
tax rates soar - Queen's Park
continues to study. The
"common sense" approach is
to eliminate the rhetoric and
get right down to the business
of working out a fair system
of property taxation by
putting this form of tax into
its proper perspective and
relating it to all other sources
of revenue. It only makes
"common sense" govern-
ment. New Democrats can
provide it."
Stanley Twp.. rec. news
Attention, residents of
Stanley Township: we need
your help! There are 87 of our
children and teenagers who
want to play hall., We need
coaches for our junior boys,
senior boys, junior girls.,
senior girls, 'and tykes
baseball teams. We are
particularly short of coaches
for the boys. Also, on nights
when there are out-of-town
games, could the parents
please help by driving a
carload of players, if
If we don't get volunteers
for help now, we may have to
refund the registration fee,
and There will he no ball
season this year for some of
our youngsters. So won't you
please come out•and help?
Contact Ross Whittaker • -
-182-11171 - by this weekend,
preferably, as organizational
meetings begin next week.
Stanley Twp. ball co-
ordinator is Ross Whittaker.
In other recreation
husiness discussed Wed-
nesday evening, May 25th, it
Save electricity,
save natural resources...
About a third of
Ontario's electricity is gener-
ated hy burning fossil fuels...
coal, oil, natural gas. The price
of all these natural resources
is increasing rapidly. The price
of coal. for exaillple, has
tripled over the last five years.
1 iighcr fuel costs inevitably
show up in the price -you pay
.d for electricity..
Save electricity, and
you'll save money. You'll also
he helping to conserve dwin-
dling natural resources for
other important usCS...
transportation, agriculture,
Conserve energy. L
The future depends on it.
was decided to have a work -
bee at the ball park on
Monday afternoon to build
new bleachers, grade the ball
diamond infield, and level the
parking lot.
Inter -township softball
games are scheduled to begin
the week of June, 27th -
provided we get the coaches.
The first game in the men's
slow pitch campers' league is
to be played Saturday
evening, June 4 against Blue
Anchor, Bayfield, at the
Varna Ball Park at 8 p.m.
Keep the date of Sunday,
July 24th open for the
township picnic to he held at
Stanley Park. There will be
more details on this next
It was decided to proceed
with plans for a fall dance the
first part of October - more on
that in future columns, too.
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• C B Radios and Accessories
• Speed Queen Appliances
• Moffat Appliances
• Smoke Sensors
• Insect Lights and Fly 'Killing Units
• Handcrafted Gifts
Varna, Ont.
Phone 482-7103
Want to Save Gas & Money?
Then ride a motorcycle!!
Right now the selection of street bikes, dirt bikes and
dual purpose bikes is at its greatest at Hully Gully.
Check out this week's SPECIALS!
uzukji: 80 •
Suzuki : 100
Suzuki: 185
Kawaski: 650
Varna Ontario Dial 519-262-5809
A feeding program
that makes sense
Horse Sense
Horses vary in nutrient requirements according to age and activity. MASTER FEED
has the right kind of Horse Feed for your horse.
MASTER HORSE KRUNCH CUBES - primarily for breeding
and growing stock.
oats and hay.
MASTER SWEET HORSE FEED - formulated to meet the
nutritional requirements of mature horses when fed with hay
as recommended.
growing foal at its most critical period.
balanced substitute for hay or grain.
For More Information See:
Hummel's Feed Mill
35 Mary Street, Clinton 48 21.9792
OPEN: Mon. - Friday 8:00 - .6:00 p.m.
Saturday - 8:00-12 noon