HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-1-27, Page 1*r't eter,.. Soil, otter offi,tfirome Conrli,NotitryPahl Le Oouve,yanoer, 'onlw,lesienee. ke. Meney tq' Lorin. oM <(1i i' xeen e.13leek,43xetei', MoFADDiI±7N 'Barrister, Solioiter, Conveyancer, Fto,, lhi'.ETE>t, - OWE, Oilioesie,nywel1'HBlgek flail sold oflloo,) F' JIPW TO TRE I,TN , LFIT r. HHE 0EtP$ 141414 TIIu DENTAL. VOL. XIV, NO, 24. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY CARTWRIGRT' & SOL Dentists, flaying furnished tine Dente — come on JAMES -ST, 2 Doors t. b t t. Q1� +ast of Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont.. we Mice pleasure hi intern -dug the public •tliat`we aro prepared to execute all blanches of the dental profession with Ease and Skill. Charges Mo aerate au6. !Teraris Cash. uK1NSMAN,DENTIST. p.A.S ✓ lel „Y" a`atxacte Teeth without pain, I 1•ffiviiig Vitalized Air, or y .41rggthe New Local Ausist l 'on the gurus; malice Gold Oiling; and all other dental work the best possible. Rooms Upstairs in Snnlwxnn's. BLOOI<, East side of Main-Street,Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL [M. oI TANTNOTICES, TRUSSES ! DREW'S V HALL JJ' Imo! ,p�q �^y t , �q�.,�py tAr M- dw�L, ,�rV ,8 q S:.e at' z n Capacity, 00. -APPLY 1'0— CAPTAIN E ICE MP. O. I�>JMP. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTiVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION LUoeat NI. D., 0113` CANADA.• Ofiioeathisresidence Exeter. W. B11OWNINCx M. 'D., M. !� • I',t3 ciraduazeViotoriaUuiversity.Otllee &ndll'e61dBnef,b rion ' L aboratoty, Exeter on_.r C HEAD OFFICE, — HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLIsmm 1884. sauA ssoa,ation of bis sit ess and � nc ro fesssi on• T p J. 1Ln men, haying object G4r.- ,L C - TION OP DEBTS ; and to prevent its members from making bad debts by fiurniuhing them with lists of parties who do tot pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become mem mrs,byremitting $7,00 to our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will rec,ive by re- turn mail full particulars, certificate and mem- bership, Ste, Send fur testimonials, J. BIDWELL MILLS & CO., Managers, Hamilton. WARNING—Aillparties are warned against having anything to do with R. Faulltner,hailing from St. Marys, he having been discharged, T R. �l RYNDMAN, coroner for the 3J Countyof Huron. Office opposite Mr. I Carling's sfrn,Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. O. P. 0. Ofltoe Main St.Eseter,Ont ,Residen ce•.liouserecently oeoupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No, 185 Queen's elvouue, London, a few doors east of post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, au d the pree- orvation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- liseuses of thired e Throat, chronic inflammats from the ion being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common oatise of iupai-ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. ENHY EILBE.R, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Flay, Stephen, and McCrilli- Tray:Townships. Sales conducted at moderate !aces. Olftce-At Post -office, Crediton, Out, !� OHN '3iLL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of .Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. TET?NENT & THNNENT Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Torun. to ,have op forthe tree Domestic 141ninstreet from a distante prompt'y attendedto:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c alway on hand: cued an office tniest of all Anneals, • On Exeter. Calls MONEY TO LOAN. iR /IfONEY TO LO.A.N ON REALES L tate forth° Huron&ErieLoanSam. angsaociety. Low rates ofinteresi. Appiyto Bolin Spackman ;Exeter • APNEY PO LOAN AT 6 AND 61- percent.accorcling toterms. Private Funds. Apply to B. V.LLLIOT, Augustl5, '85' y Solicitor. Exetel , ATTUNE/ TO `%( x N A.T 6 AND 6 Dor cent, : '?,ems";R J:Privato Funds. Best Loaning Compunieiirepresented. L.E DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, 1�ONEY TO LOAN. --Persons 1 wishing to borrow money will take no- tice that I am now leaning County Funds at 0 per cent. WM. HOLMES, Co. Treasurer, Treasurer's Office, Godoricri,) September 27tb„1880,) INSURANCE. J. SUTHERLAND, Hensall, • Ont., Conveyaucer,Commissioner, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. All business transacted strict- ly confidential. A call solicited. Office; at the Post Office. THE WATERLOO 'MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This comi:anv has been over Eighteen gears in successful operation in Western On- terio,andoontinues to insure agafnst',oss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,Mercnaudise,l an- ufactories,and all other descriptions ofiinsur- ableproperty. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or 0 ash System .- Luring -Tur3ng the past ton years this Company has issued 57,056 Policies. covering;property to the amount of $40,872,038 ; and paid in loss- es alones709,752,00 .AssetS, 4176,100.00, consisting Of Cash n spank, GovornmcntDeposit,and the unass- essed Premium Notes on handandin force. J, W WAnnoN Al D. Prosidet t. C. 11. TAYLOR, Secretary. 3. f3. Huaxms,fnepector. CHAS. SNELL Agoutfor Exeter and vicinity, THE afty . s `N The Royal Mail, Passenger and .e'reight Route between Canada and Great Britain and direct route between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawi'enoo and Bale des Cha- leur, also New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, wfound 'and 9 Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Gay Caro run on through trains. rassetigersfor Great Britain or, the Conti• tient by loavihd Toronto at8,30 a., ni, Thurs. die will join outward Mad steamer at Hall - fax a, en. Saturday. Superior: Elevator Warehouse and Dock ae•' ootnttnodation ett Halifax for shipment of grain and general moreha.ndise. of o>tn orionee have Yours e proved the 'HITE- COLONIAL ticlipt)STATi to connection wits etoamslip 11. Ca 'r' to aria from London. Livorl,00l ,tad C+Iasaaw to Hatifitz, tc be the quickest freight route rietvreen Codeda an l Great Britain. reformation tae to Passenger and Freight. fates can be had on i4plrltaation to lCf~ifi4I:t't B,: At is)Ipt , t _.. . - t IJRIE t Our stools of, roceries are ` _ btdi'PaMnen or Agent gR00 ._. S g Wt:iislii lousg _,.., . g Toronto 3+rbd iitTfuuso ttlnat„Yorlcst. Fresh and Nbw for Chris!..4 B. LA:C x..6.1\ CE'S Spectacles & Eye -glasses ' Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above louses. They are the only ones recommended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the age. They have a world -wide -reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as they are na the market, B. Laurance's Spec. tacles and Eye -glasses aro marked 13.L,, with- out which none are genuino,—andpebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not be,deceived by any goods stamped Pebble-glass—or by any simil• lathy in name,—DR, BRC WNINu, SOLE AoxNT Fon EXETER, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM —FOR OUR— Spring -:-Importations, We are offering the Balance of Our Fail and- -Winter Goods, --AT-- Grat Pedalo tion.. TRICK & CURRELLEY, MARKET SQUARE, EXETER. January 10th, 1896. CLEdAINILE —F011 TEE-- NEXT T J t DAYS �1�J j J Sam��Il&Pickard Have decided to reduce the following lines for the next 30 days, in order that every person inay have extra value for the Christ- mas and New Years' holidays ; Dress Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Shawls,' Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, Ties, Scarfs, Small -wares [of every deseripticn. --ALSO A -- CHOICE LOT OF FURS ! —IN= Ladies' Jackets Fur Setts ' Fur CaCollarettes Caps, p Fur Trimmings, &c. We have constantly on hand a first-class assortment of Scotch, English, French, end Canadian v, in Which we arel? p re pared to give extra Value. UNDERCLOTHING A SPECIALTY A No. i` Snit for 70 cents. Overcoats and Beady -made Clothing at reekbottom prides. Uttirray' Ci HRISTIAN LAWYER, mite No. I tt• r rte ilte, iltv,'w ofllusses;,Rosidunco: last Rwnn?e's iVtills, Hay, wnore hewtll attend tothe nietwith a fatal LC d t l MORNING, �A ZTARX 2�, ] S87'. >�xt z° i rb nd P l ; �'t re Blansl ard. Lewis* of Btinnoek, Montana. are visiting' oi�ell`:BY STALLxotls,---Qat Priday r, Wm.. Sansburp, of thistowtrship, wants of any who may'reeuiee his eorviaes, ` i t eiset whiles attanding to h)e.11orses, He is the owner of two' tido which vhhc h is AS good if not bettor and wwtriantocl I thed h h 'Why pay from $15,00 to 25 00 forth() same ar- he can furnish you for sS,Qti, and stallions, one. of wh'icli he was exeroisingin to fit with comfort?. ltemoi.uber Double!;ynr ,went e uthet'broke loose and ('rnssas. $5.00 � Single Trusses; ?2.$0. All com- munications gUt crit of tl 1 t d addressed to xr ' mditC,ecl figlltitig. NI, Srrltsburlh got be - matt led, killing hint instantly. Deeeas lestable, and the two conn - CHRISTIAN 14.1.W TE ch i'. O., Ont tween, thern ni some way and was horribly ed was,i highly respected member of the * ! ? if �� � � Methodist chtreh, and a' prominent I2e- former. He owned -a' splendid. 200 acre farm about six miles front St, Marys, on Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of the A0itchell road, Thethe new's pf sad Exeter and vicinity, tbat he has opened out afaiv'Spread rapidly and everybodyseem- Foot aid Shoe !hp in the corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. Jots, Lots, Lots. 500 Va.!'9 � e Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, FARM LAND FOR SALE, Parties (desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, :perms to suit purchaser. i.' CARLING-, EXETER. J ®MCN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAHER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- - excelled. GIVE MEA CALL lSTRAY--Came into the premises J of the undersigned, lot 6, con.14, township 01' Hay, on or about 1st December, one yearlin heifer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses, and take the animal away. JOHN CLYNFFTELD, 1—m Leash wood P.O. HIJRRAH FOR Ary rel HE P. R. T. DEARING begs to inform the people of Exeter and surrounding country that he has again OPENED OUT IN 73IS OLD STAND, Fanson's Block, Where can be found ALL KINDS OF GOODS, At the Lowest Possible Living Prices. Ready-made Clothing, l ess Goods,. Shirt- ings, Tweeds, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Boots and Shoes of all kinds, Rubbeas and Over- shoes in endless variety. Also Choice Family groceries. We still keep a Waon-load' of Tea on hoed, d, i and intend selling t a very small margin on cost, for dash. Teas a Specialty. Cense and try them. Coal 00 always oft hand, Highest price paid for, Butter and 1Jggs. Five Organs rot Sale, of the Barn and Dominion manufacture. Don't forget thep lace to fled T. D1A RI1 (: , Chlof':3uporintdndbnt, - . .. ,. �,. and Get :...uotatio is. ;J in IC38i Cali � i � ' , fd rl.r+., bfaw � � � �so� � Old Sttl. Clinton. BRIEFS.—Mr, Cooper, : of the marble works, neat with a serious accident one day last :week.—We are told that Mr. 0. F. Oaks, -Esq., who was barn and raised on the Maitland concession of Coderfch township, is about to start an organ factory in Clinton. We wish hint success ; but he has strong opposition to work against. --We believe W. J. paisley is to be License Inspector. Bill is a.good man, and no doubthe is well able to de the work in that situation, -Two men got"into a fightlast Wednesday, in Swartz's• stable; over some horse business. No. 1 succeeded lin getting No. 2 down on the floor ; then he began to strike "'him fearful blows With his fist in the face. The most pleasing part of the aflhir was that eyery time Na. 1 struck No. 2 in the face he hit the floor. It is needless to say No. 2 arose breathless but uninjured. Elimieille. BRIEFS.—Course tickets have been is- sued at 50 eta. each, fur the concert to be held Feb. 2nd, anti the three popular lectures to be given• during the next few months.—Tho water has been very high forafey v days.—Tho annual sleeting of the Elias -11,111e Bible Society will be held in the Elimville Church on Monday even- ing, Jan. 31st, when addresses will be de- livered by the .agent and resident minis- e ters.—PJissionary sermons were preached at all the appointments un the Circuit last iI Sunday. The pulpit of the Elimville Church was occupied by Mr. Beatty, of Kirkton, in the morning, and by Rev. J. Graham, of Exeter, in the evening. On Monday evening the annual missionary T meeting was held, when addresses were f delivered by Rev. J. Graham and Rev. I 1 Mr•. Cosford, of London. Proceeds nc Rambler. iv Same time ago while Mr. W. Kerslake, of Lumley, was at work in Inc shop, a piece steel flew into his eye slightly injuring it but nothing serious occurred till some time afterwards, when NIr'. Kerslake Bl found that his sight was gradually grow- ing worse. He consequently consulted a se leading oculist of Toronto, who advised re him to have it taken out. He ultimately 1.l had the eye taken out and an artificial so one replaced. He is progressing favor- in ably under the circumstances and will M soon be able to resume his work. in It is our painful duty to record the o death of Mrs. Rundle, wife of Mr. Henry of Rundle, who passed away at 2 o'clock on AI the morning of 22nd of January, after an Jo illness of some 3 or 4 months. See had 17etib by her amiable disposition won the affec- tie tion of all who knew her. Her remains mo were taken to St. Marys, to take train me for the place of interment, which is in the Ke township of Darlington. There she lies Hu waiting for the ressurection morn. au fxiends' ii tow 1. Owiai to the ^ eeetlt storms business liar been very quiet in townr Zurich. 13izxnvs.•--Thr recenthard frost has made excellent ice apposite the woolen inial, anti the skaters are making good nae Of is brightening up a bit, but the ,roads are sti l very bad,—What has become of our annntil ouncert ; are we not going' to have one evening's enjoyment title winter. IIoisa I ianko.--After the atoriu, while 1Ir. P. Geiger, with a nuinber of others, was breaking the roads of the Bronson line, One of his horses Was fatally injured. It ap. pears he was breaking the snow in a spot Where it was somewhat deeper, when his horse gave a sudden plunge, receiving iu_ ternal injuries, from which it has sincedied. ALMOST osT SUBIIGICGEA —NIr.hu Jo Hou val a was in rather a sad predicament last Satin., day ; he was taking out timber from the marsh np in Stanley. He had a shanty such Rs lumbermen have, and else had his wife and little girl to keep house for hint. He. had occasion to go for provisions or some- thing of the sort, but as the storm benaine so severe, he was unable to return until Sat- urday, and when he got in sight of his shanty, he was rather surprised to find that the show had melted so much as to surround his but with water. As his wife and child were there all the whsle, he managed to get theist out all safe°without injury to himself or them. Hay Council. The council met• according to Statute on Monday, Jan. 17th. After tits usual state. tory obligations were taken and subscribed. the minutes of the previous meeting were .read and approved. The following appoint,- nnents were made :—R. R. Johnston, and 0. S. Fast, auditors ; S. Foster, clerk ; M. Zeller, treasurer ; .T. Bouthrou, assessor ; II, Lipphardt, collector ; Mrs. TCemhardt, hall keeper. At tete same salaries as last year with the exception of the collector who gets $10 less. On motion N. Freid, Dr. Me- Dermid, D. Steinbach, together with th' reeve and clerk were constituted the Board of Health for 1887. H. Grab was reappoiut- d sanitary inspector and Dr, Snchaoan, of Zurich, .Medical Health Officer, Mover hy Ir. Hcyrock, sec. by ;4ir. Ealbfleisch, that the auditors prepare an abstrent of the re- ceipts and expenditures, assets and liabilities of this corporation together with a detailed statement of the same in duplicate, and lay it before this council at its next meetiitg he cleric was instructed to call for tenders 01' township printing atitl lay the same be - ore the council at its next meeting. The tuned then adjourned to meet on Friday, lia,rch 19th, when path -masters, fence ieWers and d.ouud.koepers will be appoiute:i, S. FOSTER, CIerk. Blanshard Council. Council Hall, January 12th, 1587. The council elect for the township of anshard met to -day, and, after taking the th of office, the following gentlemen took ats at the Board :—Thomas Lawton, Esq., eve ; George Hudson, Esq., dep-rceve ; essrs. McVanneil, Johnston, and Dicken- s, councillors. Minutes of previous uheet- g read and approved. The forever clerk, r. Samuel Clark, having announced his tention of not being a candidate for the Slice, applications were react from a number aspirants for the position. On motion of essrs. Johnston and Dickenson, Mr. Wm. lnhston was the unanimous appointee of e Board. Messrs. Hudson and MeVan- 11 moved Mr. Lourie as treasurer.—Car- d. Messrs. Dickenson and MeVannell ved Mr. Anderson as coIlector,—Carried. ssrs. Johnston and Dickenson moved Mr. needy as assessor.—Carried. Messrs. dson and MCVannell moved Mr. Ford as Bitot•.—Carried. The reeve appointed , William Roger as the other auditor,— rried. Council resolved in committee of whole on officer's salaries, committee re- tell as follows :—clerk's salary, $100.00 ; asurer, $40.00 ; assess )r, $50.00 ; col - tor, $90.00 ; auditors, $10.00 each. Re- adopted. :lir. MOVannell and Mr. dson moved that tenders for printing be ed from the two Exeter papers and the St. Marys papers, tenders to be opened the 1st Monday in February, at 2 o'clock m., at the council hall. On emotion the r of Abray & Edwards for plank, $11.50 mill and $12.50 delivered at Mcintyres accepted.—Carried. Mr. McVannel and Johnson moved that the clerk attend at Windsor hotel, St. Marys, every Satnr- exeept the Saturday preceeding the in of the council and the Saturday g b ay , nn- diately after, to transact municipal bust- -Carried. The Reeve issued orders the following amounts, Ret. Officers, 09 ; Samuel Clarke, $7.00, registration; larke, $L00, extras, 1836 ; C. Young - $48.92, gravel ; John Moore, $4, house election ; James Dinsmore, $1, house for tion ; Thomas Pearson, $l 92 bal. sal. ISSG caretaker of town hall ; Ruth hie, $7.00, George Wilkinson, $3, char - Board then adjourned to meet. on the Monday in Feb., at the hour of 10 o'clock, Wet. JolnNsov, CIerk. Usborne Council. $47. • "w �.... lir Dashwood. ` ` Ca _ 'the BRIEFS. —Our thriving little village is per over -flowing with activity. We are hav- ing just the kind of winter this woodland Dor wants. One Would wonder where all the I e teams come from so heavily laden with ask lumber, logs, wood, grain, &c.—The two Literary Society is at present in a pros- on perous condition, at their last meeting P. 12 new members were added to their offs already large membership.—On account at of the great snow storm last week, we be ler. were without any mail fur two days.— Mr. Sanders, of Exeter, '`delivered a ler- day ture'Monda evening in Wiil el t' s Hall Y b sits on the 'Prophetic Stone," to a very me large audien ee.—Mr. Isaac Master, 1 i. ness P. P., for Waterloo county, is visiting at for Mr. N. Freid's. —A sleigh -load of Dash- $47. woodites drove to Sarepta, Friday even- S. C ling , to attend a birthday party. We sen, believe they had a pleasant tine.—Mr. for Jno. Yaget,:who for some time has been ry`ec sick with a lingering disease, died, San. Rite 1411s. His remains were interred in the hies Exeter cemetery. --Mr. A. Steitz and jet wife, of Berlin, who were visiting rela- tives here, returned home on Monday. 111-44114-41 Lucan. BRIEFS—Mr. T. Coughlin, the Liberal Conservative candidate for North Middle- sex, was in town on Tuesday last. ---Mr. .Alex. Hayes, of London, was in town on Tuesday last. Alex. looks hale and hearty.—Mr. J. Quigley left for his hone in Clinton on Saturday last.—Mr. W. B. McDonald, of Forest, was in town on Saturday.—Mr, Jas. Brownlee, of the Stratford Herald, returned homon 'Mon - clay last after a short visit in town. -The Masonic ball on Thursday last was a grand success, Nothwithstanding the b -i 1 weather about sixty eanples attended.— An assembly will be hold in the town hall on Monday the, 71b, Feb. A largo crowd xs expected. ---Mr. W. McLeot.l, of this place, secured quite a monber of priyo at the St `Thomas poultry show fast Week, Mt McLeod h >t u ,,,,,rt t- , 11;if . c t) 1 acMllOrtic,ts.-- !�1r. W. 11'IcDet'iiiid, ilarr, .,torp of time pbtee1 *ha has been 'ir e ncrnut, hitt holltdava, xi - terlicd ih3�tt'i Z',1 `'+tc f v r , l t rit 1'ti+ • tt tit.41 i rteft•e•lit.f dba it , l.. ,,,,--qtr, ;Lel MU T The elect shed tok Tito Conn conn „couu 0On1r Shier be :antes l587. Fly J flop ed in liytic rry that 1' Coates be treasurer ata Safari, of T d l t th pp y t f th d $ihO lry'T :teaser until ,the y '.report ot the pit atriendnieut by J. %ills, 'ace, by' J, 8hier1 Analysis has' been received.. that Heyweod be assessor +!t, Il ene appolntea MO Vied lay T. Ceettroil, see. by. two; f400 yr 4040' 7t,11att pAa4axap:'Syl°01)f 0aal;d', ¥ vedleie3'• aniendineut by J, Shier, lite, by J, halls, that Wm. Botitly'b Celleetor, ata salary of 400, and that he furnish bends to this eouuuil eligied by;lrinie01f and two good and d sufficient ee(.mrrties in the sura, of $12,009 dor the frtltlnful p9dornxan0e of ,his duties. Iglu Botitly appointed, .Moved hy� 0„ Cameron; see, by J. ,Shier, that . J'. Hallefor' lwndt0ntW .l9 :[ i'ts ydd, be a committee to kadv9rtiee far, tine erection of a:.i ew bridge over the Saub1e river opposite Mr. Daniel Moir's, on concessions Ana in the tp, of Lrehorppe,Dian." and speoitioation to 'be 80911 M vv. Kydd's Carrierd ,Mnyed' by Shier, sec. by VV. Kydd, that the 'follu)ytng, be appointed fence viewers for the h@ou t yyar, viz :—Messes. Copeland, A., Cole,P. Aorpr, C. Coates, J, ,D011prrtlge, r and (i:' s. Switzer...Carried. *wed by W, Kydd, 9c by J; Balls, that �aS: ;Jones be ': aurin for the currentyear, a • a: Salary nod'' ti 1 la oI, at Y and the anditore meet to audit the treasnrop`'s accounts, :;on Saturday, the 201 3 l day of January, 1887. Moved in' athtend t ] T. t1)Qpt � , Cameron, see. by J. Shier, that Mae AS. 1� ife he auditor ata salary of Jones appointed, The r a5 °'Jas, John Be edit appointed Beatty, as the oilier auditor, - Moved by T. Cameron, see. by J. Shier, the Board of Health be composed of the reeve; clerk,• L. Hunter, D. McInnis, and Chas. Man- teith—Carried, Moved by J. Shier,` sec, by T. Cameron, .that Dr. Irving be Medical Health Officer, and R. Kydd, sanitary Inspector, for the currant year -Carried; Moved by J. Shier, sec. by T. Cameron, thathet members of the Board of' 13 Health r be3 pa a at the rate of $1.50 Dor clay, and Dr. Irving, $3 per day as tvledical Health Officer•—i.,arriecl. Moved by Jas. Halls, sec, by W. Kydd, that the treasurer renew his bonds to this council signed by ;himself and two sureties to the amount of twelve thousand dollars—Carried. .proved by J. Shier, sec. by W. Kycl'd, that the offer of Abray k Edwards to supply rock elm and oak plank for the municipality be accepted —Carried. Moved by W. Kydd, sec. by T. Cameron, that E. Stone, be paid $7. 0, for keep of"1',' Bennet --Carried. Movecl by J. Shier, sec. by W. Kydd, that W. Kirk be refunded $1 dog tax, as it has been satis- factorily proved that he had no dog at time assessed—Carried. . Moved by W. Kydd, sec. by J. Shier, that by-law No. 1, 1887, appointing municipal officers and fixing their salaries, as now read be passed—Car- ried. Moved by J. Halls, sec. by W. Kydd, and resolved, that orders be issued for the following accounts, viz :—S. S. No. 10, special grant $20 ; J. Gardiner, jr., for gravel $14 ;• J. Ryck:nan, for underdrain, etc., $3 ; J. Swan, for gravel $5.75 ; A. Carmichael, charity $5 ; Al. Samwell, keep of J. Hewitt and wife, to Dec. 31st, 1886, $13 ; L. McLean, ditch, 82.02 ; White & :Som, for printing, 836 ; L. Bennett, care of hall $3.50 ; Jas. Pickard, for spikes, &c., $25.95 ; E. Stone, $7.20 ; G. W. Holman, election expenses, $27 ; Andrew Stewart, for gravel, $5.28 Ou notion the council adjourned to meet Saturday, 5th Feb., at 1 o'clock p. m, G. W. HOL3rAN, Clerk. The Granton. Poisoning Case. A.ddltional particulars have .reached us of the melancholy poisoning of the two chil- dren ot Mr. Thomas Rigney, a farmer who resides in the township of Biddulph, on the town line of Blanshard,about two miles from. Granton, a brief resume of which appeared in these columns last week. It appears that Mrs. Rigney fancied her two children, one a girl ten years of age, and the other alittle - boy, four years old, were troubled with worms, and in pursuance of her wish sent her husband to Dr. Lang's drug store is the village to secure powders for them,. and also half a pound of salts. The doctor asked his clerk to inix some santonins and gray pow- ders for the children, and stocd by while his ass stint prepared four powders. On ar- riving home Mr. Rigney handed the medi- cines to his wife, and shortly afterwards retired to bed, taking the little f.J ow' alo•'g with him, a few minutes after 1• 1- d tak- en the medicine which hi:; is -el' par had prepared for him. The girl z. ea -Tao giv- en her share of the medicire 1 l sent to bed in another portion of 5'-a house, Scarcely five minutes elapsed 1..iore the boy alarmed his father by screaming from the pain he suffered, and acting as if the contortions he was undergoing were the result of poisoning by some pronounced poisonous drug. The screams of the youth brought the mother to the bedside, and Mr. Rigney enquired what she had given him. She replied that she had given him the pow- der in a cup, and had mixed it with warm water, which she had taken out of thekettle. Mr. Wrigney saw his boy writhing in ter- rible agony, and set off immediately for Dr. Lang. Before he returned the lad had se- cumbed to the poison. While gone for the dcctor, the girl experienced similar symp- toms, which lasted an hour and a half before ending fatally. .l)r. Lang enquired of Mrs. Rigney what site had given the children, and she replied that she had administered one powder to each and had also given a q nantity of epsom salts, The doctor enquir- ed if she kept arsenic or strychnine in the house, and was told that a bottle containing strychnine, which had been used to kill rats, had been in the cupboard for two or three years. This was produced and taken in charge. Dr. Hossack, of Lucian, Coroner, was interviewed regarding the affair, and after consulting Mr. Charles Hutchinson, an inquest was decided upon, and subse- quently a post ntortent examination. Dr. Sutton, who assisted in the latter, ascertain- ed that the remainder of the salts and two of the four powders had been takenin charge by Squire Moo -bray, and sealed in an en- velope, to he used at the inquest. These he secured and examined, demonstrating that there was no poisonous substance in the powders, by partaking of each one. He asked VIr. Rigney what had become of the other powder', and was informedthat he had given it to a cat, about an hour and a half previously, and had locked the "tabby' 'in a room to ascertain is at effect the powder would have on `pussy.' The doctor deman- ded. to see the cat, andon Mr. Wrigneyopen- TI new council for 1887, met Jan. 22nd. ing the door, the animal came running to - following gentlemen having been duly wards him, apparently none the worse.' ed, and Ttaving made and subscribed to This was eonclucive.proof, if anything fur echteations of qualification and office then had been required, that the powders their seats at the council board, viz received from Dr. Lang did not contain a nas vI. Kay, reeve ; Janies Halls, poisonous iuere:bent, and them it dawned cillos, 5. W. Ward; William Kydcl, upon all in the house at the time that the elite'', N. W. Ward ; Jonathan Shier, strychnine hadbeenused, whether deli-- culler, S. E. Ward ; Thomas Cameron, nerdy or by accident, it was indeed a cli h- th oilier, 1Q, E. Ward. Moved by J. milt natter to determine. At the ltn(laleet sec, by W. Kydd, that James Halls Dr, Sutton {narrated all this, and gave it as deputy reeve for 1887. Moved' in his opinion that Mrs. Rigney was suffering dment hy Jas. Halls, sec. by T. Cann- from mental abbe ration, and'poisoned the that W. Kydd be deputy,reeve for children with strychnine, He based his Jail. Halls declared ele,.tod. Moved opinion on what bad elicited `. Y p uttorl during his visit 1-Ldls, see. by J. heir, that O. W, to the house, and also Prem her eonduet. at ratan be cleric at a salary of $100, Mev the in' nest'at l elsewhere Tj � q . ; . e stoin.clis amendment by '1 Camerons, deo, by W of the child •ein and the, two powdera and 1 that Duncan Flay he e'erlt, at a sal- salts were despatched t ' b 1'lofessor Ellis, at f : 0 W. p. 7 . C. Holman, it outtedi Toronto,to beanal zed Ca.y r • and o xng to the Move b1? I. Shier, see. by C. Contemn, non -arrival of that gentleman s ro ort ,cit u ari, Tuesday es' 0 1n nest was !Miller a - C413,1(1410 btevod 1p W. K d Sec. td q y yd lonlrne. i The affnlr has tensed a teat deal �'1r",alnoroti,that Alex. Duncan be tis- of ez:itomentiii” g ", 'h he wine neighborhood, r for t Ag7 at iw satttrl of alit/. St *ill rot be allayed n