HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-1-20, Page 5The 01.013h1 Council 'Or 1887. Met in theastoh, Jae, nth. All ineelbere preeent,
After eigetteg, the papers required by Stetunee
took their eeseectlee elite%) tee, tho couneil
beerd, Atter yeadinit'ettiothee of leo ewe,at,
Inge the following 'oestnees WAR transitelett,
flOPte,503403" tte feel,
The litiiey sleet' fall •tiiie teeek bee had the,
afoot Of ittapeelizee reihytty ereillit ()wielders
A. DUCKY 1180A,Ple.
Mee. °Yew) Beainev1110, Out,
heti tyliat wee theeight eo ho esheer 01% leer
403e, ettd Wee eleett otOthlett to a cancer
(The 11,10eSsOr end tretteerer, Eames as heat dootore; tmertion, Whet) Btif400k
year, and saltines the elm°. M. Fielthther, Blood Ditteep wheel) effected a radical
care•takee, at 018) MOYett by 9, gli4r, mettioteie etereel ell bleed dieeattee.
• .
by P. Gauguin), twit tondors ts) reosivsa tip Far Jettn efeeenuald spoilt )ii a tievenne titt-
le noon of boxmit meeting for 10 coedit coud birI hyit Eingeten On TeeedeV; 4n4
'pad greea Inteeh etr Maple weed ea in. long, left for Toronto in the evetilitg. N
split and piled iu town 1a11 hed, Dfeeleel by A Liver Curt,.
U, eeo, by D. Ihelnell, that tee teea- Ott eiogle triel o Dr„Chtneee Lever Cure
surer take ou t of thehetfend Of the will cotleinte nitIdoc6Pilt$1 sn4 c4)11finn
township $819.59.4(.14 ele the sinking Attie better ellen tholisatids of testimonials thee it
now anounsttlatOd, teeSk loen according to a set e dere. Mettieltte eted Recipe Beek Ol.
Stettuteet ThOtellnwieg oraees were mut- Seta by Ot tAi.r.z. Central Drug Store,
'After eightyear sufferitift fiefee aettfuess
so bs4,1 that I wits futtli)iNS eteend to ntY
beelines% 1 wak tAroa 1‘7 the use of lloK-
yard'a Yellow Oil, With gratitude I make
this kno n for the benefit of others afflicted."
Harry Riearde, 'reroute.
Mr. Barnes Nolele, J, P., of Strathroy, Les
been aepointed Police lefagietrate metier the
Scott Aot for Middleeex county, eo report
Be on Your Guard.
nliow a cold in the head to slowly
and surely develope into Catarrh when you
t— 'is, non tog. ten charged to
hhn,t?0,4 ; John Lowi,o, G. i. Interest en
6011.1i, 4300 ; MOUS. White and 53q, laver.
tieing, 03 ; Staulake Brea, 'Weber, t/87,S7 ;
charite, ;11.lielleman, Bellies, 80 oente;
k. Tetreau, repairin /Indeed, 01,50 ; P,
13eker, lumber, $20.3 ; Blank, $2,69 ; W.
Cunningham ft Coeo p. bridge, 16 coo., $3;
V. Bernhard, seaein tow e hall, $1.50 ;
• Deitrich and Stody, rep bridge, 12 eon, 04 ;
John Yong, lamp'
s 028.26 ; G. lelrown,
error in roll, $6 • T. Sweet coua„ L. Bowl,
$2.60 ; C. Oriole', error in school tax, Ite.
Council to meet again first Monday in Feb.
C. PROUTY, Clerk. can be cured for 25 (melte, A few applies. -
Bone will cure incipient Catarrh. One to
A sad eteldent osionrred Monday in the two boxes will mire ordinary Catarrh. One
sellthern part of Elnaa, elm to the village
of Moncton, by which in old woman named
arc Fritchly lost her life, She lived in a.
arteellhouee alone, near herdemgliter. Setae
was eoeu issuing from her dem, whet; a man
rushed in and found her clothing and bed ou
fire. She was immediately taken out and
the flames extinguished. elle died during
the afternoon, her body being fearfully brim
tOtit ftnitillAitv opens weeh Mr. Powell's
Seventh Beef from his most interesting life,
dealing with Charles Dickens socially, oritie
catty, and anecdotioally. Several amiro-
print° illustrations acoompany the article,
including two portraits of Diekene at diner.,
ent 'periods of his life. Au article entitled
"The Charitable Side of New York life," is
era illustrated, and gives many facts con-
temning the numerous charities of the great
'atty. "Indian Babice" will be tonne vefy
Interesting, as are also the pictures that go
'with the text, Babies are babies everywhere.
The reader may make an inexpensive trip to
the Indiana of ,Tersey in the article of that
title, and the illustrations show the (thief
points of iuterest on the island. The new
sto, y, "His Bauuer Over 'tele," begins to bo
excitieg already, and there are matt' short
articles and poems of merit. The colored
engraving that' accompeniee the number is a
gem of art. The whole numbs is as usual,
full of fine piotares and a colkectiou of read-
ing matter suited to the arying taste of
every member nf the 'farniTy.
••••••••=••••,- 'mob
to five boxes will , once chrome Catarrh.
Said by all dealers at 25e. per box. Try
Dr. Chses Citterrh Cure--,talte, no other -it
eure,yetn. C. Lute sole agent for .Efteter
Azetee Sarsaparilla is the most 'potent
blood purilier, and a fountain of health and
strength. Be wise in time, All baneful in.
fectiOne are protoptly removed by this un-
equalled alterative.
Some say, "Conetunetitin ea,11't bo cured."
Cherry Peototel proeitte hirty years' ex-
perience; a Cure foe this disease, when not als
ready beyond the reach of medical aid. Even
then its use affords great relief, nud inenees
refreshing sleep,
Mrs. Torrance efmeelsh• of Smith's Valls,
Ont., after four years of intense suffering
with serofula, from which her head became
• bald, was cured by Burduek t3lood Bitters
after the best medical aid had fueled.
The Standard says Britith military oper-
ations iu 13urnaaLt will be virtually finished
within a mouth, When Gen. Roberts will
return to Calcutta.
MeneesoN. n ET: North., ea the 15th
inst., the wtfe o Alex. McPherson, of
et son.
GRN. -In temeter, on' the 17tb inst., the
wife of otin W. Grant, of a son.
Doevee.ellteneen--In Hibbert, at the residence
tff tbe bride's tether, on the 5th inst., by
;the Rev. Peter Scott, Mr. Alex. Dow, to
Maggie, eldest daughter of A.rchie Graham,
Esq.., of Hibbert.
*iileefire.Ate-Atrittesox.. -At the Windsor
'Hotel, St. Marys, by the Rev. A. M.
Phillips, 13, D., on the 5th inst., Mr
Dongald elcelinau, to Miss Emma Atkin-
son, both of Lucian'.
SS/kFE• CljEl Ed At l'oropte. Every Hertel feuerenteed l'his Oil wee toted on all machinery durteig
• Axbpaition, boo boon nworaed $.1x GOLD MEDAL during laet three years.
Sold to Dec.27 1886 rErse. thet you, get eeriest). t te gni, Adel&
Other Lieraedy in the World Can Produce s'f‘l'irtrEz' Ict('('1113 A CC1'' c)RC)NTC)..
$11(11 a• It eCOrd 8AL V4 1', $48. r1011,D.
'hiS Witoderiul sticeetes of "Warner's SAPS Gere410 dee wheelie; te the eeat vault, -
the liemedy. Por a Beg time it hat) been REGALVDED 11Y Ma e
NEY, LIVER, anti. I.7Ri.NARY DLSEA8,11118 arta, VEIVLALE
Thousenas of people OWE Sheir life and healeh to " ,Witrnertel SAPS Cure" and we can
Produce 100,000 TESTIMONIALS to that efidet.
Reed the following and note the large namber of bottles distrilintecl, We guarantee
hese figures to be correct, as our alee-books wile prove.
BOSTON, - - 1,149,122. Pennsylvania, - 1,821,218.
• MRS.* DRICleIE1 N. (131ack Point N B.,)
writes, June 19th, 1884, that about year
ago she was very low, with what two doe•
tors prononneed Kidney and Liver
Disease. Had no hopes of gettiug bet-
ter. Commenced taking Warner's Sere
Cure,, and from its effects is to -day well
and SprOng,
JOHN WILLIAMS, P. C, (Hamilton, Ont.)
say. his wife was suffering with indiges-
tion, pains in the back, shoelder and right
Fide, the shoulder at this time being quite
iamb, and she was Rarely Free from
Headache. A physician stated that it
was Handl:03E1B of the Liver. After
doctoring for twelve years, with no effect,
she began using "Warner's SAFE Cure"
and after he had taken six bottles, ihe
was in better health titan fill0 has had for
niftily years,
( D.
To all who are Shaering from the e rs and
indiscretiope sit youth, nervous weakness,
early decey, toes a manhood, &o, I will send a
receipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE.
Thisl/reat remedy was discovered by a mis-
sionary iu South America. Send a self -ad.
dressed envelope to My. Tosnra T. IntAN
Station D. New xork,Cit
If the system is properly cleansed by some
medicine that acts upon the Dowels. kidneys
end. skin, such as Burdock Blood Bitters, and
the sufferer will nse Hagyard's Yellow Oil ac-
cording to dirctions, there are few cases of
rheumatism, hnwever ba3, but will yield
promptly to the treatment.
The report of the weather in Toronto for
December, prepared by the Meteorological
Department, shows that he mean tempera-
ture was 21,55, or 4.36 lower than the aver
age of 46 years, and 6.61 colder than Decem-
ber, 188e.
Have you Sick Headache, bad taste In your
mouth in the morning 9 Do you suffer from
Dyspeueia, Indigestion or Bilioueuess ? If so
Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. 'Try it.
Your Druggist will !deuce money if not sat-
In the fall of '84, Randal Miller, of Mait-
land, N. S., was prostrated to his bed with
an attack of incipient consumption, and
friends despaired. of his recovery. He tried
Burdock Blood Bitters, with immediate re-
lief, followed by a speedy cure.
Reports come from the eastern portion of
Tenneeeee that elormon missionaries are
gaining many converts.
Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the beauty of
the hair and promotes its growth. It Im-
parts an attractive nppearance, a delightf el
and lasting perfume. It stiMIllates the roots,
cleanses the scalp, and proves etself to be the
best and cheapest article for toilet use,
Against sudden colds, irritating coughs
and sorenese of the timoat. Keep Hagyard's
Pectoral 13itlsain et hand for these prevalent
troubles of Fall or Wtnter.
The reduction of internal revenue and the
taking off of reyetme stamps from Proprie-
tary Medicines, no doubt has largely benefit-
ted the consumers, as well as relieving the
burden of home manufacturers. Especially
ie Vale tile ease with Green's elugust Flower
and Boschee's &Pizzazz Syrup, as the reduc-
tion of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been
added to in =muse the size of the bottle a con-
taining these remedies, thereby giving one-
fifth more medicine in the 75 cent size.
The August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver
Cemplaint, and the Gernzaa Syrup for Cough
and Lung troubles-, have perhaps, the largest
sale of any medioittes in the world. The
advantage of increased siee of the bottles
will be'greatly appretiated by the sick 1/n d
aftlicted in every town aud villago iu
civilized eountries. Sample bottles for 10
ceuts remain the same size.
undersigned offers for sale, his property
on Simcoo-st., being Lots 43 and 44, containing
two-thirds of au acre. There aro erected upon
the premises, a frame house with kitchen, auil
a frame stable 18x90. Also a good well. This
property is suitable for a retired farmer, and
will be sold cheap. For further particulars
apply to
(t -f) Exeter, P. O.
Cut this out and return to us, and we will
send you freo, something of great value and
importance to you, that will start you in busi-
ness which will briog you in more money right
away them anything else iu this world. Any
ono can do the work and live at home, F.,ither
sex ; all ages. Something new, that just coins
motley for all workers. We will start you ;
capital not needed. This 38 0110 of the genuine,
important chances of a lifetime. Those who
are ambitious and enterprising will not dislay.
Granc1 outfit free, Address Tann d Co., "Au-
gusts., Meine.
— -
We are now prepared to furnish all classes
with imployment at home, the whole of the
titne or for their snare moments. Business
new:light and profitable. Persons or either
sex easily earn from 50 cents to S3.00 per even-
ing, anti a proportional sum by devoting all
their time to the business. Boys and girls,earn
nearly as mueli as men. That all who see this
may send their address, and test the business,
we make this offer, To Such as are not well
satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the
trouble of Writing. Full particulars and out -
tit free. Address GEORGE STINsoN & Ccr.;Port.-
1131 d, Maine. .
J01-111 BRAWN,
Walnutdo-'1%! osewood Caskets
PROVIDtNCE - 171 929.
aommeirl,letanOramponsamas, 1.1Mo.
Mt GILBERT, (Utlington, Ont„) writes
that in the year 1891 he was stricken with
severe pains and high fever. The doctor
pronounced it "rheumatic feVer'' end
claimed that he could nut save him, as it
• would affect his heart. Ho Went to tho
hospital in Toronto, and they said that he
could not be cured. Ilia Sufferings
were Intense. Mis lege ;began to
swell and in a short lime his body was
swollen to an enormous size.
He counnenced taking "Wiener's SAFE
Cure" and began to improve. He says he
is new up and ttround, and is well, and is
sure that "Warner's SAFE Cure" was the
A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings
Always on hand.
Chicago, f 80t8 693
W, 14. FOSTER, (Thernbary, , Ont.,) writes,
Jane let, 1885, that Int was perfectly and
entirely Cured of Bright's Disease,
by the use of "Warner's SAFE Cure," and
never since that time has there been 'any
return ef the symptouie,
- 846,946.
REV. C. HAMILTON, (Milburton, Ont.,)
Pays lie considers Warner's SAFE Cure"
has no equal in the world for Kid-
ney Trouble. Says he could not get
along without it, and can say without hesi-
tation that it has been of untold benefit to
him and neat only a fair trial to
prove its virtues to relieve the suffering.
Milwaukee, - - 458,894,
weaelietedegamommommmo T. CeDEITRICH., (Galt, Ont„) says that
summer before last he was taken with
PORTLAND, ME./ 441,105.
severe Nervous Prostration. and
Inflammation of the Liver. and
that his blood was full of uric amd, and his
liver did not properly perform its func-
tions. He has taken a number of bottles
of Warner's SAFE Cure" and is to -clay
confident that it has secured for himself
a surprising physical gaip.
My Stock of Furniture is un-
M, LEVY (Port Hope, Ont.,) says that ten
years ago he was afflicted with 0 very
lame back, white, would be so bad et times
that he could °ivy with great difficulty
rise from his chair, and then only with the
most agonising pain. He triad all
sorts of remedies without any effect, and
finally he commenced using "Warner's
• SAFE Cure". After taking uine bottles
be felt like a new man. The pains had
all left him and he was cured.
A. farmer named Nichols, of1 u laden, went
to Mitchell lust week. While standing at a
stove warming himself, he fell to the floor
and expired in a few minutes. Heart rt -
Reese is supposed to have been the calm of
Scott's Emulsion 01 Pttre
Cod Liver 011, with .flypoplkospiiites,
Possesses in the failed degree the tonic and
stimulating properties of the Hypophosphites
combined with the healing, strengthening
and fattening qualities of the Cod Liver Oil
le a perfectly agreeable form, of wonderful
value in Consumption, Debility and Wasting
BAL. ofNewENG., 441,753
JOHN ASKWIT Et, (Ottawa, Ont..) writes
under date :tray 25311, 1881, that previous
to October he was takenevery ili. He was
very nervous and could not sleep.
and suffered greatly from Passing Gall
Stones. He continued in t.,is sate un-
til the following March, and. began taking
"Warner's Sunt Cure." By the middle of
9.pril, he was completely restored to health.
NEW York State, 3,870,773.
•snit';WILL OiJE' OR!.ht,
' R
vanrivgAs,..72/9'Es SALT RHEUM, THE TO ACH
- b
,..., .-------
Av.d.pitittv//1,13/ take, tIontele ilteir own
teurgative. IS A. I, fr,, p• -r., 1031
'1 le 11 or Acraltie
460ift0Witi e
And eVerlr species of dkeaSv ztrisin,e,
trout disenTered E1717111EYS,
t to
T, MILD0 Prb"'.1,011,..317To.
Minnesota, - 643.017.
SolonaVilM. .01011•Maipinr/MilearmiscingimiffilialWa
J. H. HARRIS, (13rooklyu P, O., County On-
tario, Ont.) writes, Nov, 4th, 18S5, that
since prior to the year 1870 he was troubl-
ed with Catarrh and Bronchitis,
and experienced no relief from the innum-
erable remedies which were at times pre-
scribed for him. He was induced to try
"Warner's SAFE Cure" and at the end of
three weeks' use of it was enabled to bid
farewell to his bronchitis, and in another
week to catarrh, mil afterwards ail the
irregularities of the kidneys disappeared.
He has never had any return of
' the disease.
(Bal. N. W. States, 1,767,149.
Cleveland, . - - 682,632.
WM. R, PRESTON, (Lindsay, Oat., says
that eleven year', ago he, suffered with
Liver and Kidney disorder, and
Ids friends thought lie was about to die.
The physicians gave him no encourage-
ment, but finally he began taking "Warn
er's SAFE (jure," He says that tho disease
has now entirely disappeared, nue he feels
like a new person,
ems......... .............. 6:=0•13..IMIMII....•
—CS. 873,667..
.., ..,...... . .. .. - Insamanommol ammo*
MOSES, FURLONG, (296 McNab St, N.,
Hamilton, Can .) writee, Nov. 2nd, 1886,
that he hag been Suffering for over 20
years ilia) pain in the beck and. one side
of the head and indigestion Everything
he ate disagreed with him. He had En-
largement of tho Liver. which the
plush:lens said it was impossible to cure.
He commenced taking "Warner's SASE
Cure" and took 36 bottles, and has slime
had the best of health.
,..zma=osarrtsuffs=sargralsomotsammor .......garreaztems
Bal. Ohio, (State,) - 633,1,58.
C. W. CONOVetit. (Toronto Townshipe
Credit, Can„) writes. Sept. 16th., 1886, 'that
for many years lie was a nervous and bili-
ous subject, awl had a combination of die-
easttei Deta,ngeMent of the laiVer,
Stoinach, BoWels, end -Kidneys.
He bad ten or twelve physielane, and blis-
tered and dosed ttnil tortured without any
relief. lewdly he begnn taking "Warneret
SAFE Cure,"mnd.after a few weeks, he is
almost entirely recovered.
ttpftmrrat 'Isounammiiiiti17e4Inrans ,......n....-orno.-wwtauvanumers.
Southern States, - 3,534017.
ATJO It° OORNELL, (Brockton, Ont.e efay
1511, 1885, writes that eighterm months
age..he %vas nbspaii•ed of,rbY 'his
His weight wits reduced
to 00 Ills., and when he Nilsen taitifne
"Warner's SAFE CUM." ill tveb menthe 'hie
weight' nicreneed to 176 lbe., end lee -le
now well'and hoilchy.
C'aua,d'a - '.- - 1 '467 824
. , , , —
t. Louis, — —
avagemoiamoussozetsmo,.. airINEMI•024.
H. (JALLA.:4HAN, elarkham, Ont„)
wrote, Suite 21st, 1883, that in the pre•
vions November he was troubled with ter-
rible Pains across the Kidney's
and Bladder, ceased from overstrain
and lifting. fie tried "Warner's &se
Cute" and the pains entirely left him, and
he has not been troubled siuee,—..121.11.44141.24.=1•11 ,...,•••••11:,=1.4113m•••••Miy1.....
Kansas City, - - 717,860.
rralanc 211.211m "SIMOIN
Dortorio Condition Po
Scarlett's Drug Store,
' • „ : i rs.d. ... , . ,1/4 . , •>, .
• C 4 - or ,e, .,, ,b. ,4, „...t, , Al.• _,.e.,4
'S\. b'• • e c, * b 1/4
, •icc' '4?:,
`4" .ces5o ee.0 •ee •es• eee.
•e•C' y 0 et'• g,
t. se, Ԥ' c.'ci
6,,ver c.1•1' 00-
c) e* e
4t+ 1:1°
•f oP°•6
0 c''). 4 CP
.0" e CeS' sen eee
V 4
cel•c 'tees eel'
CY 4,53C .„•4,
.scv• .4* dc S4P eq.
ee ess' 'Se
Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street,
late 533, Oxford Street, London.
20" Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots.
If the address is not na, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
Six Button Kid Gloves for 50o., Worth $1.00
28 Inch. Fine All Wool Grey Flannel for 25c.
28 Inch. Union Flannel for 15c.
Line of Cloth Dress Goods for 10c., 12c., 15c.,
[worth a great deal more.]
Good Overcoat for $5.00.
Better Goods at Hard Time Prices.
WILLIS 13. (JOOK, (E. Williamsburg. Ont ,)
writes that three years ago he bad an
Attack with the Kidneys and also
affections of the liver. He consulted Every
phy,,ician3 with no relief. He purchased
a bottle .•1 "Waruer's SAFE Cure," and
felt himself grow stronger befure ho had
finished it eonteuts, He used eight bot-
tles and his health was entirely restored.
Bal, S. W. States, - 746,789, NO
MRS. LIZ= 810TH, ',(Piquette, Ave.,
Detroit, MICH.,) disposed to kidney des•
ease from scarlet fever had when yontg,
was troubled with severe :pain ilt the
top of the head, followed by bon.vul-
gitins, itt which her life was ';:esettired of.
Her back distreesed her terribly. After a
thorough course of treatment with "Wern-
er's Sere Onre" site says the doctors nee -
flounce her "periebtly healthy."
San Francisco - 1,242,946.
SAMUEL W. NIXON. (Rieblande, N. Be)
%Mite, July I3th, 1884, that his wife had
been troubled with bad feelings in, her
:hoed. and 'Weakness across 'her
back for a number of years. She eould
not stand ou her feet, nor eat anything,
end her ease wee considered hlmeless.
She began using "Warner's SASE 'Cure,"
and by the time elle had taken eleven 'bet-
ties she was perfectly- cured.
Bal. Paciffio Coast, - 732,3'16,
Every. reStinionial We publish is genuine, Write lb
testators, encinsing stamp for reply, and learn tor yenrsel veg.
hoviOlo To BL:ThtIns,..-,Are you disturbed at
niget and broken o! your rest by a sick ehild from tire
An eld physicn,e,yed,nee etiee, hay.
suffering and ming With pain of Cotten:1 lig hal pin,,,,ea in hie ben& by Fin matt nidinn
Teeth e It et-, sena at once ,att.1 get a 1) " 41 0 0 f tnIssionitry tb e formula Of a Simple vegesable
"Mre, Windows Soothingeyrup" for Children ,„4„14(.11, 103, the 51100(10 ttual30,11,1f,nou aro of
eteethi ,g. Its vein() is otertIonlebte, .te will Conseinption, tronchitin, thietterb, Aethme
sseneee the peer 113110 50111140i nee eilte.telef. ems ell threat and Itog affectiolls, aiSo alfoiii-
,, 0 Den d iipoli 13 ,Illether *. t'3"" 18 00.intetkke tive itne eadien.1 cure for NevymieleobitIty ilea
about 11, tbartros 1)3'Ho'ito.Y 51) 1""''I'mr', 01,11orvous Compieines, after living:tested its
tetetleaeS the Sennacti ;tea nowise), cures Wind weinseesiii eereseve pewee, in • 111.4,4mmth, 41
Celle, settees tue Omni; reduce ft tutleet inettote ne,s0s, bini. reit it hie (14ty /4 tm,k4.11 , kbei.„4 56
!.1ittlt hit,izjisnts?ii,tgat413,,geil, ,,,,,,, 1,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,1.4,-.17.A.,,,,,,,;
, 11111.4U ffert.11 g relieves.' Actuated try tete metier()
mud a desn•e to relieve Inineam eurforine. wed
t_etlisleiringiluloretter,olitttenttiltetilintaolt4831131 31333111 'ihosti.liesend tree of eh argoe_to all .whe desire 1t, 1;1118'
yi,„.,,,,i4,11,,016.,,,,, bond 11(15805 it, the/iia*, ci rectee, in Germ ftreerreteth' ordertelithe.weth ttrie,
Steteseeed is (or male by all druffaist, th r0 igh. directions ter peeperitig arid ts)ng, 'matt by
Out the werld. Preto tweetsedive ?lentil it bet intut OY,,,,,11 040 resgiUg With, stamp naming this
tie, pc, 505(3 anI41
d 05); bus Nt,, eeteenow;e1 lirle'ele W. Noirr48;140`Potoees BroOkilteciredet,
soofening giber "aid fake no other Heil,
Good All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices.
Department Complete and Goods
to suit the times.
Away Down
xtt.LL1r 17NI)!!
Furniture Dealer and lYnaletta,
I have just received a Car Load of New Stylf8h r urn ifIr
For the n6xt SIXTY DAIS. It will be .to your advaut
to call on me before going elsewhere,
" _
P1)1E1411E11 THE PIAOE ONE DOOTt 1`4 114.0011is
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