HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-1-13, Page 8is
I' E y t r
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Za r+: n^ f he F
. s I FIRE,
, ,opt al 4 t inti, . � l,.
Y ct�,or
IN SUPANCbt'COMPANY;ot',London, llil(;<ht
the ROYAL (3ANADIAN of ArQntreal, w' cl the
i'AN11,ot London, klrrglaiicl, established 184'4
Assails ever S6.040.000�; claims awl bonuses
Patti,, ov0r $10,009,090.
(Exeter giute5..
TER.1116DAY, JAN, 1$th, 1$87.
LOCAL NEWS.. ---ire shall be happy to 're-
•evveatall titnera,frotn any pail of the
County, items of local angles, such ds ac-
cidettts,ot' any interesting incident what
ever, from any of our stebserf beers or reed-
en's generally for the purpose of public-
TE,NGENTS per limo for first insertion , ani
OUR CL:IXTS per line for each subsequentin
iartioo will be ehargeclto notices appeariui
a this.eolumii.
A large stock of Fancy Goods, suitable
for Xmas presents for young or old at Cen-
tred Drtrg Store, C. Linz.
A full assortment of Christmas and New
Years cards, -latest design and at low
prices, at the Central Drug Store, C. Lutz,
"Adieu,' she said sweetly, as he kissed
her good night. "He's adieu'd, mint he,"
,sting out her little brother as he vanished
up stairs. You may well say this poor fel-
low's corns were sadly trampled upon.
However, he should have used Scarlett's
Sure Cure for corns, sold only at Scarlett's
Drug Store, Exeter.
Without exception the best and cheapest
Lincs in Boots and Shoes we have as yet
seen, can now be had at C. Eacrett's, Chil-
drens Carriages, Express Wagons, Men
and Women's Felt Boots, Men's Hand -Made
Boots, also a good assortment of men and
women's Over -Shoes and Rubbers of every
description, also Harness, Trunks, Valises,
and Whips constantly on hand. Call and
be oonviuced. Butter and eggs taken iu
exchange for goods. Also a first class Brock
House for sale or to rent.
Giving up Business.
Chas. Southeott having decided to move
to Toroneo about 1st March, next, now of-
fers his business for sale. The premises are
also for sale or to rent. A11 accounts must
be paid by lst February next, otherwise
they will be put into court for collection.
Great bargains will be offered in ordered
clothing. 25 per cent. discount will be al-
lowed for the next 30 days.
Jau'y 6th, '87.
Church Anniversary.
The Main -et Meth. church anniversary
services were held on Sunday and Monday
last, On Sunday -morning and evening-
veninbeloquent, impressive and lengthy sermons
were preached by the Rev. A. M. Phillips,
B. D., of St. Marys, in the morning to a fair
• audience, in the evening to a much larger
one. In the afternoon a mass meeting of
the scholars was held at which addresses
were given by several Rev'd gentlemen.
Monday evening Rev. Mr. Pascoe delivered
.an interesting lecture, subject: "The Merry
Monarch." The attendance was not aslarge
as it (night have been, had the roads and
walks been in good condition and the wea-
ther fayorable.
Mr. Will. Senior and wife, of Toronto,
spent a few days in town, last week, visit-
ing his friends. -W. B. Manning left last
week, for Cleveland. -Miss Aggie Millar, of
Petrolia, is visiting friends here. -Miss G.
McConnell, is spending a few weeks with
friends here. -Mr. A. Holland, who was
taken suddenly ill a few days ago, with a
complication of diseases, is mending. rapidly,
and ere long will be convalescent. -Mr T.
Carling, of Clinton, spent Sunday and Mon-
day in town. -Mr. Hugh Spackman, of
Spackman Bros., has purchased the half -
interest of his brother, in the stove and
tinware business, and will in future conduct,
the business in his own name • E. H. goes
to Toronto. -Mr. G. B. Hoskin, who has
managed Jas. Pickard's stove and tin im-
porium during the past year, leaves for his
home in Strathroy, this evening. Mr. H.
will he missed by the young folks, among
whom he was a favorite.- c
The majority of our citizens were aroused
from their peaceful slumbers on Sunday
morning last, about 5.30 o'clock, by the
sound of the bell, (not the alarm) -the
person who went to ring the fire alarm be-
ing unable to find it rung the regular bell
instead People could not understand it -
Messrs. W604. gall Oke sliiptled easret'al
car loads of cattle from, this station, on
Monday, for the eastern markets,
Skating at the Roller num ever 'Thee•
,i I.
G 1
• e i von.
>, Baud t a. .
n Saturday,. l ill i tt r
tc a tr 1. r .r a r t
tiny and . t r ? y, �
',)'ueaday, evenings.
Read the elrauge of ads. sof Messrs. S, G,
Hersey, 0, A. klyndman, Geo. Kemp, and
others. Get a great big treat ! !
' tbexat fP110n
ast rt .ve llolit lige
been on foot of t. 1 . iraatlonof t rig
M rl a �,,� r, r4
ror it few•wee1l1�s:. pt . a, ro t Ol
e o Ili '. t n Ycu
e s" Iaiberal 011ila in ' :ete • end: bollt;ti
Week o'a cononiittee •as appointed to.
'securei r r u
i 1 r3... �tlt. w s. Q J
le oe who,. v ld
ta. o lir
� � s. 1
tonne members,, friday .night the first.
meeting wcalled irz S.auitvell'a` hall'for
the purpose of organizing, Mr.: Stanwell„
president of the RiefOrnt Assoeiation, was.
's lathe place for dwell celled to the chair, and Mz•, J, .1.. Campbell
S. C, ETerao
Y pla g ro. was appointed secretary for the. evening,
cet•ies. S.ocure sonic• of the bargains at The oolnteittee fol secur'rxig inelzrbtirs was
once ; a11 goods elreaper than ever, called upon, and reported having secured
Miss Ruth Graham, of Talbotville, who 64 names as the result of a week's work,
has been visiting Miss liuekinglunn. for the It was proved anti seeondecl that in order to
past two weeks, returned home on. Saturday prepare. a constitution and get the society in,
last, Jim feels bad, wor'kin order the following Officers he ap.
1 in
Railway matters are tonging excitement 1 i
the rural districts. A meeting of the resi-
dents of Zurich and vicinity was held in
that village on tlonday hist.
S. C. Hersey has fitted a neat and tidy
room in the rear of his store and intends
using it this winter for oysters. Next srun-
Inier he will put in a soda water fountain.
Snow fell on Sunday last to a depth of 1 k
feet The prognostfgators, who predicted
an open winter, bad better Drawl ander a draft a constitution and submit it to the
snow -bank and remain there during the next meeting, A committee, consisting of
Mr. H. Saulwell, Mr. R. Pickard, Mr.
James Millan', Mr. Geo. Banton and Mr.
Seldon, was. appointed to provide entertain-
ment. Several short addresses were de-
livered and the meeting was adjourned to
meet on Friday, Jan. 14, 3S87. We wish
the society success, as an institution that
will entertain the young has been a long
felt want in Exeter. The Conservatives
did speak of forming one and we trust they
have not allowed the matter to drop.
Fire Notes.
Mr. C. Willis, while ascending a ladder
which was perched in front of Southcott's
tailoring establishment, slipped and fell to
the ground, slightly spraining his right
A chimney, of E. H. Fish's residence ankle. -Mr. Wynn. Snell, while assisting to
caught fire on Sunday morning last, about ,remove embers received and ugly wonllel 011
2 o'clock. Results might have been serious his right hand, caused by the penetration
had the fire not been noticed in time tet of a red hot nail, to a considerable depth, -
As is customary, the usual amount of delf-
ware was fired froin the windows, while
bed -clothes and other unbreakable articles
were carried carefully downstairs ; an indi-
vidual evoked disgust by carrying a clothes -
basket full of china and glassware from an
upper story to the street, and then dropping
the loadlike a thousand of briek,breaking the
articles to smithereens. -Almost everything
.saved from the fire, was more or Less injured
some other local improvement occupy the
by the carelessness and excitement of those
spare time for discussion. True we require
fire protection first of all. who rendered assistance. -Parties who lived
Mr. Chas. Southoott has moved his tailor in the ill-fated buildings narrowly eseaped
shop to the building across the way a severe scorching.; the fire lead made such
ly occupied by Mr. John Southcott, as a erecent-
progress comp lied to flag cin ca aemiluncletstate
leaving their garments behind. -While we
compliment the firemen upon the good
work performed, we have no hesitancy in
All persons who were kind enough to saying that the citizens generally worked
take home goods for safe keeping during like trojans, which is proved by the fact
Sunday morning's fire will please return that the offices of John Spaekman and Dr.
them, or notify the owner of she whereabouts
of any. There were articles saved that have
not yet been heard of. A. E. ROSENBERGER.
A meeting of the Huron County Scott
Act Association will be held in the Rotten -
bury street church, Ciinton, • on Friday,
Jan'y 21st inst. One of the principle mat-
ppointe( , yiz ; A president,. 1st vine -presi-
dent, 2nd vice,president, secretary gout
treasurer pro. tent. -Curried. The follow-
ing officers were then appointed ; President,
Mr. R. H. Collins; first vice-president, Mr.
D. A. Ross ; second vice-president, Mr.
J, J. Campbell ; secretary, Mr, W. E.
Gundy ; treasurer, Mr. Charles Perkins.
A committee was also appointed consisting
of Mr. R. H. Collins, Dr. Browning. Mr.
J. J. Campbell and. Mi•. 1), A. Ross, to
W. Murchison, who was employed by C.
Lutz, some time ago, has succeeded in pass-
ing his final examruation, and cones out a
full-fledged druggist.
Messrs. Snell Bros., have purchased the
store and residence of Mr. Chas, Southcott,
paying therefor, a reasonable sum.
Mr. Southcott will shortly leave for Tor-
onto, and take up his abode.
A number of young men hitve formed
themselves into a snowshoeing and tobogan
club. If pursued properly, it is an enjoyment
as well as a healthful exercise. A number
of young ladies attest their intention of
A meeting of the James-st. Meth. S. S.
Bancl of Hope was held in the basement of
the church on Tuesday evg. last. The
meeting was largely attended, and at long
and interesting program rendered.
Town hall maters are a secondary -if not
a third or fourth -consideration at present.
More efficient fire protection, a railway or
floor and feed store, where he will continue
business until such time as matters are
otherwise arranged.
Rollins (frame building) which were alunost
connected with the destroyed buildings, 'ire
saved with but slight defacing. -"Rescue"
engine, from the forth End arrived at the
scene, anul after nompletiug arrangements,
the suction hose gave way, rendering her
assistance useless. "Rescue" has lost her
ters to be discussed will be the question of good name. -Had not the firemen and citi-
a paid Police Magistrate. zens worked vigorously at the start, and
A horse belonging to Mr. James Willis i succeeded m controlling the flames, matters
ran away the other morning. Mr. Willis the tanks andtp pumps s neve ii the \ vicinn ity bel
was drivingleisurely. along, when the ani- P p y
y g: come exhausted. -Such articles as pokers,
mal made a sudden jump, jerking the rlriv- flat -irons, griddles, &c., were saved, While
er froin the rig. thus freeing itself from his more valuable movable articles were des -
grasp. It was captured before running far. troyed.--There are always too many in -
The anniversary services of Caven Pres- structors at fires ; one good one is worth
byterian church, will be held on Sunday forty.
and Monday, Jan. 30 and 31. Also Sab-
bath school social wial he held on Tues Brief Bits,
day evg., Feb. 1st. Further particulars School opened last Friday, with a fair at
of both occurrauces will be given in due tendance.-The horse which drew the
time. North End engine to the fire, is ill ; the
A Sabbath school entertainment in con- load proyed to be too heavy for one animal,
nection with the Bethesda Methodist and it is no small task to draw a wheeled
church, was held on Thursday evg., last. vehicle of some 1,800 along a heavy road. -
The attendance was large and the program Business has been slightly duller since
which embraced readings, recitations, dig- Christmas. -County council of Huron will
lognes, music, &c., was woll rendered. A convene on Tuesday, 22th inst., at the town
large number of Exeter people were present. of Goderich.-The village council meets
While a little boy was standing on the next Tuesday evg., as also do the rural
street in Clmton, on New Year's day, he boards ; they are required to do so by sloe
was struck on the breast by the shaft of a tete.-People whose buildings have flat
cutter that was being driven leisurely past, roofs will do well to clear them of the heavy
and while a foot of the shaft was broken off burden of snow collected thereon during
as clean as a pipe stem the boy was not hurt. recent contin ued snow falls. -Several of our
citizens attended the anniversary tea of the
At the annual meeting for S. S. No. 4 Elimville church, Monday evg.-A subscrp-
(Summerhill) a motion wass passed unani- tion is being taken up in aid of widow Tay,
mously, instructing the teacher to use the lor, who suffered loss by the recent fire.-
Bible in the school instead of the "Scripture It is reported that several pieces of land and
Readings." A similar action has been other property will change hands before
taken by the trustees of a couple of schools long. -Owing to the great depth of snow,
in the township. The book is meeting its rabbit hunting is quiet at present. -
just clues. -_
The Tuckerstnith Farmers' club at No. 6, Farmers' Instituto.
last Monday night, discussed the subject of A meeting of the Farmers' Institue for S.
fencing. A good many different kinds of Huron, will be held .in Samwell's Hall,
fences were advocated, but they finally de- Exeter, on Tuesday and Wednesday the
18th and 19th of January, commencing at
10 a. in., iscussion of subjects in
connection with agriculture. Several pro-
minent agriculturists from a distance have
Tues -
Some suspicion as to the genuineness of Pay eyes ng romised to vocal sands e instum ntallnmusic
the new twenty-five cent pieces now circu- I and recitations, also an address from Mr.
lating having been caused by the want of
the letter H on the reverse side, just below culturalist) on Fruits, Flowers and .Home
some thought the bell ringer had awoke in ; aided that a barbed wire fence, well banked
a trance, while others thought he had mis- up and without a pole on top, was the neat-
takea the day and was ringing for six est, cheapest, and on the whole the best
. o'clock -and turned over to again repose. fence for use in this vicinity.
But a continuation of the ringing aroused
their suspicion, and upon an investigation
discovered that a fire was raging in the
body of the town. .It was subsequently
learned .that the fire was imbosomed in the
stores occupied by Messrs. Rosenberger &
Snell, the former a bakeand confectroraer,
:and the latter a.bntcher. The fire is sup-
posed to have -originated in the furnace un-
der the oven of the bakery, in which fire
had been used the"night previous, and
which was attached to the main building.
However the furious element had prosecut-
ed a
rosecuteed-a considerable portion of its work before
noticed ; it had swept through the back of
the building and was enveloping the front
of the premises when the occupant, Mr.
Rosenberger, awoke. And it was with the
greatest of inconvenience that he and his
family escaped; they had not time even to
dress. In. a few minutes the flames had
reached the butcher stall of Snell Bros.,
and a residence above occupied by a Mrs.
Taylor- Nearly all the goods in these"
apartments, were saved, some time hav-
ing elapsed since the fire was noticed before
Both fire
.13o h
't hold
on. this building.
t laid
time to t hand -not in i
`brigades were d
der assistance to the already burning 'build-
iligs, but to prevent devastation to those
i:djorning. The firemen and citizens work-
ed unceasingly to prevent the'buildings
almost attached, from being ignited, and'
their efforts ' were successful, for they
were but slightly :defaced -caused by
' intense heat, ` Mr, Rosenberger, saved but
little, while Snell Bars., and. Mrs, Tay.
lor, who resided above their stall saved
almost, everything, The buildings were
t and Mr.
owned by Mr:` Chas.: Sbutheo t
Johr1 Sniallaconibe, and were,' insured fur
$800. The loss to Mr. Rosenberger is es-
timated at', $600 while that of Snell Bros.,
and Mrs. Taylor is comparatively small.
The buildings. were frame bat answered
well the purposes for which they were used,
A meeting of the Sonet Httton F4ttlners'
Institute Will hell. in Exeter, 00 Tuesday
„gird Wednesday next
for the d
MacD.Allen, of Goderich, (a noted lord -
the wreath of maple leaves, it is announced
that none of the coinage of 1886, either
twenty-five, ten, or five cent pieces, has the
letter H. -
Miss Jannie Madge, whose parents reside
in Usborne, and who has shown signs of de-
liriousness during the past two months, was
taken to the asylum last week. Every-
thing possible was done to check the mania,
but to no purpose ; she became worse until
her case was considered a severe one, and
would require proper treatment. The
cause of derangement is said to be con-
sequent of the death of her sister, which
sad event occurred some time ago.
Lovers of the beautiful in art and flori-
-eulture have in store a rich treat in the
perusal of Vrou's FLORAL GUIDE for the
year 1887. Each succeeding year brings
great improvement in this popular annual,
and the present c
n edition is far in advance of
previous issues in beauty of exterior, num-
ber and elegance of floral and vegetable
illustrations, and the large variety of sub-
jects thoroughly and practically treated.
Send for one, JAs. Vier, Rochester N. Y.
(land of Hope,
A meeting of the Main-st, 1leth. 5. S.
Band of Hope was held in the basement of
the church, on Friday evening last. The
attendance Was large, and the interest
taken in the proceedings is evidence that the
Soeiety not only amuses the young, but
benefits and excites a keener interest in
those older, for things of a higher and nob-
ler aspiration. The programme, (lengthy as
it was,) did credit to the participants, and
was, apparently, enjoyed by all present.
Rev. Mr. Pascoe gave a second. address on
"the house that Jack built," dealing with
"the malt that lay therein" his next will
be on rats. The officers for the ensuing
year were elected. A collection was taken,
up in aidof the poor.
ornamentation. The committee hope to
make this a most interesting meeting. All
are cordially invited to attend. Admission
DAVIDSON.-In Dieter, on the 9th inst.,the
wife of John Davidson, of a daughter.
STEVENS -STEVENS.-In Blanshsrd, on the
29th ult., at the residence of the bride's
father, by the Rey. A. M. Phillips, • 13. U.,.
William Stevens, Veterinary :SurSaon,
St. Marys, to Alice Phoebe, daughter of
Mr. Harding Stevens.
Chien -Noir -At theresideuceof the bride's
father, 'Tuckersmith, on the 5th . inst., by
the Rev. W. W. Sperling, Ma. Louis' Crich,
to Miss Sarah E, Nott, eldest daughter of
Mr. Geo. Nott, all of Puekersmitlr.,,
HANDFoan--RoBIIisoN--In the Methodist
chureh. Grand Bend, on the 4th inst., by
the Rev. D. M. Kennedy, Mr. Thomas Ed
win Handford, of Centralia, to Miss Millie
Robinson, of Grand Bend.
LUREB-MOAaaisTEn.-At the residence of
the bride's fattier, on the fifth inst,, by
the Rev. W. Torrance, Mr. 13. T. Luker, to
Mips Mary McAllister, all of the township
of Ha,y.
lllnk--Tows-On the 29th eft,. by the Rav4
W. H. Gane, at the residence of thebride's
talker, Mr. Wm. Kirk, of Blanshard to
Mies Elizabeth'A. eldest daughter OE Mr.
John Towe, of Reborn°.
Oss1s1-SAwYttm-Ott the 5t1 inst., by the
Ttev, W. H, (Tana, Mr. Charles Camm, of
tlsbot ne, to Mise Sarah M, Sawyer, of
Bavca--Fitton,--On the 5th ills,, at the
residence of the bride's father; p the Itev.
W. 11; Gane, Mr. Anth'ely Woo. jr., to
Miss Naval) Attest'laughter of 11Mr, Jahn
. %'Alcott. All of H%bb01t:
To ;tiller of Times, j 1 1.
Q o, ms
1 * leaso..jlo�vlx>fas a.Qau your
S a f , tt p R y ilii � ,��1 t�f�l!4 !� !'�.1
to attest gratofnlno s ar d _hearty thanks1
to the firemen and citisei s, wllo, 00 5411411y
morning last, worked ea nobly and Woes•
sautl}', amid ipeonveiliortee and exposure, to.
save MY 1.081d6PPQQ and place of business from
destr'tiotrou by Are, It 11 a marvel to me
that the efforts pnt forth were so wonderfully
blessed by a kind Providence, for my good.
Yours trrily,
CuAs, SOu'rnoo!rr.
To the Z'ditot of the Baeter Times.
Drat $irt.-=allow us, through you, to
thank, very (totdiaity, the fireman of the vil-
lage, also the pablie, who so energetically
aseieted i11 saving onr premises and pi'op erty
at Sunday morning's fire. It wee only by
immense efforts that the premises were
saved, while the contents were removed by
eager hands with only slight damage.
Yonrs :truly,
JOHN Srdoxtt'AN & J. A. BoLLtss.
The Donned of the corporation of the eau my
of Huron, will meet in the
Town of G-oderich,
Co, Clerk
Jany. 100.1,1687. 2 -ins.
TRAYED from the prd'misea of
the uundorsiR ned, lot 6, co0.14 Hay town-
ship, on or about the nick le of September
last, two yearling steers -cue rod and one
light -grey. Any person giving {such informa-
tion as will lend to their recovery, or returning
thein to me, will be suitable rewarded.
2-t Dashwood P. O:
N"S'PIt?,Y--Caine intci the prenli»os
, of the undersigned, lot G, cou.14, township
of Fray, on or about 1st ]nocemeer, one yearling
iieder. The owner is requested to prove
property, pay expenses, and take the animal
1 -un
Dashwood P.O.
The annual meeting of the Usborne & Hib-
bortllintnal1''re Insurance Co'y, will beheld at
the Head 0,lice,Fur miller, onMONDAY. FEB. 71.11,
at one o'clock p. m Tho business of the meet-
ing will be for the purpose of hearing the
Directors' and Auditors' ltenorts,electing of
Directors, and tatting into eon.sidoration the
laws respecting steam threshers; also any
other business usually transacted at annual
u eeting.
J. GCLr,EaPIE, Secy.
FARM FOR SALE. -The under-
sign i.i offers for sale his farm, Lot 7,
Concession 0, ilsborne `12•ownship, containing
50 n.c"es of excellent land, and which is situat-
ed 5} miles from Exeter. There are upon the
premises a comfortable house and good bank
barn -301813 -incl first class stabling. Also two
good well s of water. The property is well un-
derdralued. There will also be sold two acres
of the North -half. Goad orchards on botn
places. Terms, Easy.
(4 --ins) ROST.0001'ER.
Fora check for $20 we will print a ten -line
advertisement in Ono Million issues of leadin g
American Newspapers, '['his is at tho rate of
only one-fifth of a conga lino, for 1,000 Circu-
lation! The advertisee-ent will be placed
hofore One ?.Iillion different newspaper put -
chasers: -or Flvr liiLLroN READER;. Ten
lines will accomodate about 75 words. Ad-
dress with copy of Adv. and check, or seed 30
cents for Book of 150 pages.
GEO.P.Ito WELL& 00.,
The Great Enolish Prescription.
A successful aMedicine used over
30 years in thousands of cases. tr
c a' Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous' -f
,�a. Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
and all diseases caused by abuse.
Sssonei indiscretion. or over-exertion. feam$a]
ix packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others
Fail. Ask your Druggist for The Greet Enlrlish
Prescription, take no substitute. One package
Eureka Chemical Co., Pamphlet,
Detroit, lith
Sold in Exeter by Dr. J, W. Browning and
0. Lutz.
See how they head off in Low Prices for
18 lbs. Bright Sugar, - $1.00
10 lbs. Tea, - 1.00
8 Plugs Chewing Tobacco, 25
1 Large Navy Plug, - 15
All Wool Cotton, per yard, 15
Grey Cotton, yll wide, - 5
A. Few Lady's Jackets at half-,
Latices'' Fur Caps at your own
prices, and don't you forget it.
500 71713E3
Butter Wanted
Our Stock is Well Assorted
16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1
Flannels, Sllirtingst &c r
All hinds of Yarns; Tweeds,
blanufaotnring these goods ourselves, we ate enabled to sell at Lowest, Figures.
Would clo well to inspect our stook before purchasing elsewhere. We have a Full Assort.
men On Maud. 250 pairs of all weights and sizes, 100 pairs Horse 13Iauhets, different
patterns, selling cheap,
R. MUIR, Prop.
CQPG77WO0=T. W A 7TEa_
Subscribe for The "Times."
col) 4'' NDIDa03 ail+ O .i•"• t
To any one sending in TWO New Subscriptions to the WEEKLY MA±:..
at One Dollar Each.
No freight and no duty to pay. We have the Books on hand ready •n
be, sent out.
Jasper Dane's Secret. ANovel. 13y
miss M. B. BRADDON. Illustrated.
2, lohra Ilowerba nies Wife. A Novel.
By Miss MULOOK. Illustrated.
3. The Cricket on the llearth. A Christ-
tnllas story. By CHARLES DIOIKENs. Mao.
No vol. By the author of "Dora Thorne.'
Illus4.trated.olllystery of the Molly Tree. A
5. Gabriel's Marriage. A Novel. By
RrILIiIE CoLLINS. Illustrated.
G. The Grey `Vonaan. A Novel. By
Mrs. GASSELL. Illustrated
7. M1ent:capingCaom the
HAY,OVILLrlwind. A. Novel.
S. 31•I'lae H8NRYeliWoonto A.
shley. A Novel. By
9. Amos Barton. A Novel. By GEORGE
RY teloryoon: Arkell. A Novel. By Mrs.
11. The Laurel Bush. A Novel. By Miss
12. Mildred Trevanlon. A Novel. By
13. Called Back. A Novel. By HUGn
CONw;tY. -
14. lack to the Old Monne. A Novel.
By P.•IARY CECIL HAY. Illustrated.
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