HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1887-1-13, Page 5Local' Brevities. The days aro lengthening daily. The CMlyth..4vocatt /tee collapsed, after to existence of uearl}' three yeas, Over 100 names have been added to the metnherahip of the Seafortit Methodist church as a result of the recent revival. The Wingitarn Advance came to Land last week considerably improved. Bro. Newton is ineking a telling itupreseion upon that, journal. Elsie Groff, the famous trotter, Is in her Goderioh stable, The old mare is being fit- ted for the ice raees, and is in pretty good condition. She is admired as she steps around tlio square. Owing to a disarrangement of the gas. otneter,caused by the extremely cold weather, the light in the Methodist Church, St. Marys, was very defective on Sunday, 2nd iat, Mr. David Ferguson, of St. Marys, haat rented his farm on the 9t11. ennoession of Tuckersmith to Mr. John McLellan, of flib bort, for eight years 7e/en annual rectal of $300. , Three worthy pi -tot of Huron died re- cently. Robert Smiths of Manioc) boundary, aged 74 years; Wm. Charters, of Tncke• InterestinglAemts, It is stated that President Cleveland and Secretary 3r.:l Ara pre uuwlliins to conclude -AND LOOTS AT— AIT t lteeiprooity treaties at the present tiwe. • A Liver cure. One single trial Qf Dr, Cltsse'i Livor Cure will convince the most sceptical and oouflrm better share tltonsands of testimonials that it is a sure cure, Medicine and Recipe Book $1.. field by 0. LUTZ, Central Drug Store, The Extradition Treaty with Great Briiain-roceries Fx'urtS (�CC .. is likely to be ratified by Conerese, with some t , modifications. No sufferer from any eerofulus disease who will fairly try Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, need de I "hevc a full line of Family Groceries, Fenny of a cute. lt.will purge the bleed of all Oranges, Figs, Basket Raisins, Nuts, Cand. imuuruies, thereby destroying the germs of ies of all kinds aesorterl, Peanuts roasted, (+crofula, and win infuse new life and vigor Tobaccoes, Cigars, Belfast Aromatic Ginger throughout the whole physical organization. Ale. HIS LAST RESORT MRichReof [eerie Outwas Try a cake of Compressed Yeast and you LARGE STOCK OF r. ard ow , y, ., CP/PT AIN KEMP'S afflicted for fon'. years with dyspepsia. Two will use no other. expeiienced doctors treated frim. Getting discouraged, he tried Burdook Blood Bitters. MerGreat Reduction in Prepaid Tickets to He states teat two bottles cured him. he ie, parties sending for their friends from Eng• now doing heavy work and as well as ever. land, Ireland, Scotland or Germany. The post office at Brandon, which it was expected would bo closed cit, may poasibly be Apply ; CAPT. GEO. KEMP. continued as usual, Mr. Stewart haying made smith, at the age of 83, and Hugh Robb, of application for the position of postmaster Seaforth, aged 64 ears. Be on dYin tr e head y 'Don't anew a cold in the head to slowly Saturday morning Harry Ilawkins, of eon, and surely dovelope into Catarrh when you 4, of London township, was fined $1Q and can be cured for 25 cents.' A few applioa costs for indecent as,ault upon Miss nogg. t tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to two boxes will euro ordinary catarrh. One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh. Sold by all dealers at 25e. per box. Try Dr. Chases. Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure you. C. Lutz. sole agent for Exeter Some say, "Cousnmptiou can't be cured." young lady who resides iu the same neigh borhood. The libel suit preferred against the Argus office, St. Marys, by oue Hogg, which came before the assize court, at London Monday, has been postponed. On the evening of last Thursday. a large Cherry Pectoral proves, by forty years' ex - number of young folks gathered at the taxi• perienoe, a cure for this, disease, when not al - deuce of Mr, Rowe, Stephen, and after enjoy- ready beyond the reecho! medical aid. Even I ing themselves ,with numerous plays and then its use affords great relief, and insures games returned home at a very late hour feel- refreshing sleep. ing benefitted by the evening's enjoyment. The Quebec St. George'a Club heti resolved The Observer, a religiouseeewapaper, which to take immediate steps for the organization issued its first number the other week, has of some celebration to commemorate the been enlarged to an 8 page 40 col- paper. It Queen's Jubilee. is well filled with Methodistohuroh news and • CANNOT' BE EXCELLED, ohoiee reading for the family. The Observer "I have pleasure in saying that Elagyard's and Tares for $1.70 Pectoral Balsam' cannot be excelled for our - Mr, Toeeph Nichols, an old and respected fig colds, coughsand loss of voice. Is cured resident of Fullerton toeinship, dropped my brother completely," So says Ira Mo - dead in the Hicks House, Mitchell, on satur- ,Need, of Poplar Hill, out„ regarding this re - day last.' ',Heart disease is supposed to have liable remedy. been the cauee. Deceased was about 60 years of age A 0 A. R An attempt was made in Halton county To all who are suffering from the e rs and council last week to pass a resolution favor- inaiseretions of youth, nervous weakness,. ing the introductiou of a measure to allow early decay,1088 of manhood, duel will send a wine and beer to be sold in Scott Act con- receipe that wineure you, FREE Or CHARGE. stitneneies but after a spirited disoussiou a This great remedy was discovered by a mis- motion of confidence in the Scott Act was sionary in Soutil America. Send e. self -ad carried, only five voting agaiust`it. dressed envelope to REv. JosEPH T. hNMM The agitation is now brewing as to who Station D, New Yorkait . will occupy theW ard ensh ip of Huron, , Mid- WELL SPOKEN OF. . Huron the selection will be made of a north- very highly. It cured me of rheumatism 'in REMEMBER THE ADDRESS, Drew'Block, South Store AT-- HERSEY'S Oysters, Oranges, Lemons, Also,'earman's Celebrated Hares,, Bacon and Bolognas. dlesee and Perth counties for this year.as In el n recommend Hagyard's Yellow Oil I ern mail, the south having received the my fin gers when I could not bend them." SELF -RISING BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. ZURICH ROLLER FLOUR, BRAN, SHORTS and CHOP. —All Kinds of Groceries Cheaper Than Ever 7 lbs. 50c. TEA for $1.00. Farm Produce Taken in Exchange for Goods, S. C. HERSEY. JOZT1' BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-MAKER honor last year: As to who he will beat is a Ida Plank, Strathroy, Out. A. medicine for hard platter to say. - Internal and external use in all painful oom- Mr. J. McLaughlin, who hails from Lucan, plaints. Walnut & Rosewood Caskets possessing a First A certificate, has been en. Thomas Milligan, a chopper in McMiilan's gagedte take the Principalship of theeVellaud shanty.iu Marurora Township, was instantly schools, recently made vacant by the resig• killed by a falling tree. nation of Mt. Gran , Ur, McLaughlin is to. TO OUR READERS, reoeive e660 4 year ,' and enters upon his 11 you suffer from head ache, dizziness, duties at once. ""re" Bach ache, billioasness or humors of the Ready Kennedy, formerly of Diddulph. has blood, try Burdock Blood Bitters. It is a y guaranteed cure for all irregularities of the sworn out a warraut at Tawas, Mich., charg• blood, liver and kidneys ing Thomas Murphy with the murder of his brother, Joseph, in September V,m C.Dalzielhas bean committed for trial 1a1, Kennedy was killed in Murphy's house. at Torouto on three charges of forgery on nnedy claims to have evideneethatMurpby tae Central Bank. His aunt, Annie Dalziel, sealie as an accomplice of Harvey and his wife in was discharged.. , lie crime. Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your On Thursday last several of the sportsmen mouth in the.meirning ? Do yon suffer from of Grantou engaged iu a pigeon -shooting Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness ? If so match. They fired at eleven birds each, and Dr. Carson's Bitters will Dore you. Try it. ;laugh Beck killed every one. D. Crosbie got Your Druggist will refund money if not sat - 10, J. Lawton and J. Bk 9, J. Elliot and C, isfactory. tth and M. Fla- FAITHFUL. • Culbert 8, S, Barnard, J. 11. Faithful of• Stroud, Ont., says he suf- fered J.The from quinsy for several years, until cured cold and nufttvorable for good scoring. by tiagyard's Y leew Oil, wh h medicine is a While some young people were toboxan- "specific for all painful complaints, ningnear the corner of James' and Station streets St., Marys, on Wednesday last, a seri.- Seott'S Emulsion. Of Pure ons accident happened to Miss ;lalbreatn, Cod Liver 011, with Hypophosphites' daughter of Mr. J. Galbreath, Going down Possesses in the fullest degree the tonin and the steep bank of the creek the front of the stimulating properties of the Hypophosphites toboggan stuck in the snow and those . on it combiued. with the healing, strengthening were thrown high into the air. Miss Gat- and fattening qualities of the Cod Liver Oil in a perfectly agreeable form,.oi wonderful breath received very severe injuries. A correspoudent writing from Prospect 1 value in Consumption, Debility and Wasting Hill, says t—" At the annual school meetings Diseases. of Revere, Diusmore's and several other ad- • John Carrot, a notorious burglar and jniuing school sections, very spirited discus- cracksman, was Friday sentenced at Toronto sions took place on the Ross Bible question, to five years in Kingston Penitentiary for in which Mr. Ross was strongly censured for burglary.- CONSU14IPTION CURED. attempting to currupt the Holy Bible for An old physician, retired from practIce, hav- poliolitical capital. Resolutions were unani• ink had pluoedinbis hands by an Mast Indian mously passed excluding the Ross Bible misetannry thefovmula of a simple vegetable from these schools and forbidding its future remedy for the speedv and permanent cure'of. us P, on the bouudary between Hibbert ------y a having w ars in and Usborne, about 7 o'clock oil Saturday cnwoseaeh slfeltit hila duty to make it known to night last. Mr. Webb is the tenant. He and his suffering fellows. Actuatedby tl all the family were from home, and had heeu seitcl lrve of elialwa to rill avinio toes iee.r ti is { about noon on reciue, in G ' Consumption, Bronchitis," Catarrh, Ast ma e• and r11 throat and lung affections, also a posi- A fire broke out iu the house of Mr. Wm. live dud radical lame atter e tested its rola aSaturday. Mr. Webb eriui n I roach or Euslieh, �v::th fttIl lost all. the contents, 011 which there was no dtreetio0sfer prepnriug and ulsing. SenSt by insurance There is a small insurance 'on mail by d d cess ng with Ser I31 k Rc heshis tbe house in the Ribbert and Usborne Insur- env, A SEVERE TRIAL. anoe Co. There is uo cause assigned for the fire. "I tried all the doctors 1n this locality for From the annual report of the Missionary liver and kidney troubles (which I had for Society of the Methodist church, for 1885-86, years) with no benefit. Four bottles of Bar- e% learn thatthe following amounts were dock Blood Bitters cured me," says Lemuel contributed for missionary purposes, by the Allan, Lisle, Out. . churches367;named : G treat, North Clinton,nigtreet, ht and'b VICE MOTHERS.—Are en of your rest by a 1 sici b child $369:75 Victoria Street, $25. ' suffering and crying with nein of Cutting Rattencry b ;Street §480,22. Ontario street $156.82‘ Seaford $137.97; liolmesville, $239.04; Bayfield, '$76.98; Varna, 16143,33 ; Henson north, $116,20 ; Hensall South, $46- 80; Loudesboro, $191.80 ; Dunganuou, $219,- 43 ; 249,-43; Auburn, $101.98 ; Reumiller, $85.96, total, $2.521,78- It will be noticed that al- though there are 14 churches within the die.. trier, Ilattenbnt: street church, Clinton, ton ch lane, a/pewit than ally of the l gives a mit $ femalephys.eiacs mod nnrsoy to rho Uutted rest and neat lyone-fifth of the whole am omit. Statos,aud is fors'ale by all druggists through - ALSO COFFINS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED AND 'CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My Stock of Furniture is un- excelled. 1GIVE MEA CALL —THE— CANAIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. THE. GREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTH.., THE MOST DIRECT- -AND BEST EQUIPPED= ROUTE —BETWEEN— MONTREAL, QUEBEC; TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT,. BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, &c. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM -FOR OUB-- 8p'in, -.-Importations , rn ons p moo= I 2 tenDem I I Excursion to VANCOUVER, „VICTORIA, and SAN FRANCISCO, for $90.00, tick- ets good for Seven Months. We; are offering the Balanee of Our Fall and -Winter Goods, A Great Redo tion. TRICK & CURRELLEY, MARKET SQUARE, EXETER. January 10th, 1886. DREW'S HALL TO RENT. Seating Capacity,' 700. —APPLY TO— CAPTAIN GEO. KEMP.' Canvaessrs Wanted ! IMMEDIATELY IN THIS COUNTY TO SELL ITS �J �' LDP A PURELY CANADIAN BOOK, describing the wonders of our own country with thrilling incidents of travel and adven- ture.. This is by far the most salaaule sub- scription book ever published in Canada. Not a book of scraps and clippings, but an original oopywrightwork, richly at. profusely illustrat- ed. To energetic men who will promise to can- vass'at least one township, we" will offer the most liberal inducements. dna s. .As we manufacture the book ourselves upon our own premises, we can afford to place it in the hands of canvsea ere at a very low figure, while the retail prices places the work witch the reach of all classes,. Applications for Territory received at once. We want at least one man in every county in Canada. • Also the "New Home Parallel Bibles," and Photograph Albums in oyer 300 varvar..lades.` C..BLACKETT ROBINSON, 5 JORDAN ST., TORONTO Publisher SOP -Before purchasing your tickets else- f where, call on W. J. CARLING, C. P. R. AGENT. CARLING'S STORE.. EXETER. THE BOOK (Published by the A. B. S. l New York. OF WONDERS, CONTAINING NEARLY` 300 PAGES. Teeth? If to sttndat once land get a bottle of Syrup" for Children s Soothing9 "Mrs.thilg.sits c 1 RICH RARE and RACY. 1'aetlti•rg. its value is :incalculable, It will 1 sulieve the pour little sufferer immediately. enetid upon it, mothers • there is no mistake , cheat it. It cures 1) sontaiv anti Diatrheea, STARTLING REVELATIONS �� y , regulates tbe Stomach and'1kowels, cures Wind I --- Colic, softens the Gums,reducesinftamulation, Over 1,000,000, Sold in the United States. glut gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children ; Every Sporting, Gambler and Actor in Ono - axle 15 pleasant to the taste and'is the j axle should have a 'copy of this work. Ira ,rescript of one of the oldest and best p There is an interesting and decisive; Seo Act case now going on through the instiga tion of a Woodstock hotel -keeper. Lost summer Mi. Kennedy, of the North Ameri- can IIot el, was tried before the Police Magit. trate for violating the Solt Act, and. was fined $50 end costs. He refused to pay the line, so under a warrant of the Magistrate chattels were seized anti sold to the amount of the fine. 11r, Keunedy replovined for the goods on grounds that Mr. Oliver Mowat had net the power to appoint ivlagistrates under the Scott Ant, and that 'therefore, the Police i t' te's sentettce was illegal and of no out the world, Price twenty five cents a bot - tie. Tie sura It11d ask for ''NIRS. eensseeive S0orsrlNe4 SYRUP "and take' no other kind. No other medicine has mon such universal approbation in its own city, state or country, and among all people, as Ayer'e Sarsaparilla. It is the best combination of vegetable blood purifiers, with the Iodide of Potassium and Iron'. ever offered to the Public. The winter service between Charlottetown P. E. I., and the mainland has had to be abandoned, owing to the thickness of the lee. WHAT TRUE MERIT WILL DO. mag s in y The unprecedented sale of Boschees Ger effect. The ease WETS triad on Tuosds, he w fins 'astonished fore JudgeFirikle, and the Police lfagistrst +,cin, S'jrtrn with a 10 years, jurisdictiolt sustained, 'l'lie, case will be Orn- the world, It iswithout doubt, the safetl l p y and best 'enmity ever discovered for the ,.led from const to court until it will robabl vena effectual euro of Coughs. Colds h the Privy Connell. where the 188ne will speedy and be finally settled. AK some'jedges in Prince ;nuc. rho acveresE Inmg troubles. Ii oats oil d Island have - c t eido that 1 a If'etrLt n,-, nninln front tltra nvtial i Ec writ �•,�c� - ovineial Government have 110 execu• . prescriptions given by l'Ityeiofans, as it (1008 file Pr the resell of cough and leave the &sail is authority nailer the Act, '�o et y tt will t ] the vesicas aitpcnls ie rho Ii;'etlnody case be watched with much interest by botlr the Mende and aconites of theScott Act. TIM members of the Salvetioli Ailey in the North -Host, will shortly cominetice JEST TUE THING ; IT TELLS AOL, AND I8 TOO GOOD TO BE WETHOU'r, Setlt sty mail, postage 'paid, on receipt of e, ,50c., or three books for ;fit, M. J. COLLINS, Welland, Out. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Jnlocks allthe clogged avenues; of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of tho secretions at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Storaadh, curing Biliousness, Dye- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, not d the ten t t I Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness 1001001 in tit,, cause 01 but on to contrary hi of the Skin, Dropsy', Dimness of palLke t c crulr01 of 1 tv tthemei 'heals tete' vision, Jaundice, Salt B.hetlin, pal affected and leaves. them in a p101110 t3 Scrofula fluttering of healthy eundttiert, A bottle kept in the hoose Erysipela ' ' the Heart, Nervousness,, and. Gen. - for use will when todoctor's diseases I alesR11c their appear- 0000,spera1 Debility; alt these and many will saes doctor's bills Anda long spell other similar Complaints .'otTl?DbOCS of soriuus it Mese, A trial will oonvtuae you ha py influence of B of tlrese fade, It is positively sold by all n oPvem BII1TEI3.e. the Indians, learning their druggists and general dealers in the land. language among and adopting their habits. Price, 75 els.,, Iarge bottles, T. Sulam a CO.y Prodders. Toronto. SEND 255 CENTS GRiP OFFICE, Toronto, AND RECEIVE THE Christmas and Election Nos. of Grip And the paper (Grip) to 1st Feb., '87. OR SEND $1, And receive the CHRISTMAS and ELEC- TION Nos., and the P..per to July let, '87, ineludin'g choice of the two Premium Plates, "Leading Conseivativea" or "Leading Re- formers." Address, The Grip Printing and Publishing Co,, 26 and 28 Front Street West. Toronto. —FOR THE -- QU �'EiN CI`'Y OYra WORKS 1' At Toronto, • Every Barrel (xuaranteed, Tirie. Oil wts used on 1'11 rneehiuery bluing 11 Exhibition. ' It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the last three years. faeSee that yeu;get Pcorless.It is.onty adoby SAPMtVzzi 1Obrs.S& Co., V., TOROisT O 5 FOR SALE BY JAS. PIOKARID. —TSE— Dexter': Condition Powder:, SOLD ONLY AT Scarlett's Drug Store, EXETER. e; 4, fi�0 �aj`� t� :1#1.60::?std1e• y' e°. ty, do ,�4 �a`oa5° of . e b v e�s Z. � 54 ,` r2a• eb4 ,tide:dmt't. as ° `b:.4,:i..* ,e. ,bG 6 e, is°t�. yetitro9' 05.to9Ic°,C,fit °s ANO 4� O \O ,6.0 \.„,e2" 4e, 0. 4 >aa'ttCo • Off' 99 4iy9 int° 6+ 0300 GN a 4° eSe' b ' S' *V m aw �1ti t Z.G ea te' • �tbe, gag b v's°' .• $1' .any 9'�- '41e 1•Sw V��,geN�t�5.�+fi Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 583, Oxford Street, London. sal -Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and 'Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.' JAMES PICgARD WILL OFFER AS LONG AS THEY LAST Six Button Kid Gloves for 50c., Worth $1.00 28 Inch. Fine All Wool Grey Flannel for 25c. 28 Inch. Union Flannel - for 15c. Line of Cloth Dress Goods for IOc., 12c., 15c., [worth a great deal more.] Cood Overcoat for $5.00. i�nta ALSO A. LAi GE STOOK OF Better- Goods at Hard Time Prices. Good All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. Every Department Colnplette and Goods Away Down to suit the times. E '' 30 DAYS NO SainollPickarti Have decided to reduce the following lines for the next 30 days, in order that every person may have extra value for the Christ- mas and New Years' holidays ; Dress Goods Millinery Yr Mantles, Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves, Collars, 'Ties, Scarfs, Small -wares [of every description. ---ALSO A--+ CHOICE LOT OF FURS ! --IN— Ladies' Jackets, Fur Setts, Fur Caps, Collarettes, Fur Triol min gs, &o. We have constantly 00 band a first-class agsor•tt lent of Scotch, English, F Oi ch, and Comedian veteda Oa Two JAB which we ate prepared to give extra value. UNDERCLOTHING A SPECIALITY, A No, 1 Snit for 70 contig Overcoats and Ready-made Clothing at rockltottorn prices. GROCERIES1 Our steels of groceries are Fresh and New for Christmas. a Cia11 and GetQuotations. RAI.1LY M0"CT ND DAMAGED OR SHELF - WORN GOODS IN THE ABOVE OFFERING. DREW 41. Furniture Dealer and Under as e I have Just raceivod a Cmr Load of New Stylish Fu nitf I and rtlr. SMC.. •+•'�\.... �r•�'q• .+.1...,1 � -J�� A moi...: '. _.. ... ,a. For the next SIXTY 1)AY S. It will be to your advatlt. to call on me before going elsewhere. REME31If31 R THE PLACE ONE v�lr)ooRpNTORTH+�01' wMoLLsoIrs BANK �V/ XLLXr ,rl�4�, '.A✓i0 .