The Exeter Times, 1887-1-13, Page 1LEGAL. �„ DICISi7N, 3arrisier, Soil. v. oitorgflinpretne Court,lti"otaryl�ubfjc Conveyancer, :Imam issioner, dee. tasonoy to Froau. Ofhsel i'inraou'sOloolc,Exoter, Mo.I•t .DD1 N • Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc. EXETER, ONT. Off eeclantwell's$letek Hall soldoffice.) DENTAL. ARTWRIGHT 4: SON Dentists, k.. - ''laving furnished Rue Denta f,eAMaama last et Cen6 al Roel, B Doors Ont., we take pleasure' in informing the public `that we: are prcpared to execute all . branehoe of the dental profession with + Ease and Skill sAModerato and Torres Gash.. 111-Kr INSMAN,Df+;N'I'IST..u.D.S • Glia " no: Teeth without pain, -PI' 'Vitalized Ai n • S 1 {, 1, t by 1 ie t : � ; a,ot ftp N ow Local Aninstho- r•- • ti.r, Ile urns' makes Gold tktR1440 FlY}�',•„;(a and all `other dental U word the best possible. Rooms petairs in SaaxwELI s Btocir, East side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL x ri. LUTZ, M. D.,' NJ,ce r e Exeter Oft] athis seinen a ISxet r T W. BitpWNING M. 0., M. U • P. 8 Graduate Vietori•atniversit .O aloe y d axed re ate silence DotL'.rionLa or x v. Exeter 1 b t -LIR. EiXNDMAN, coronet' for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. • 1. Carling's store, Exeter. DR. 'J. A.ROLLINS, M.'0, Y. S . d O. cillos;klain St.Exeter,Ont.Rosi en .ce housereoently occupied by P, McPhillips, Esq. A R. WOODRUFF, I D . Permanently located: in ' No 185 1 Qneen'a Avenue, London, a few doors � t east of Post Office. Special attention given to 7 diseases of the Eye, bad sight, and the pees- ervation of vision : diseases of the Ear, im- paired ]rearing, and disnharges from the, ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of dearness; diseasesk of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of f ropy.' -ad hearing. — AUCTIONEERS.' ' ; T.TENRY EILBL+'R, Licensed. Auc- tioneer,tor Hay, Stephen, and McGi11i- rray:Townships. Sn.leseonductod at moderate :area. OlIloe—At Post-oifiee,Crediton, Ont. ,,o OE{N GILL,' Auctioneer for the e o •n J Townships of Ste then "Lia and Ueb x e and the Village of: .Exeter. ,All sales .promrstly attended, and satisfaction 'guaranteed. Sales arranged at this, office. VETERINARY. P riiENNENT & TENI.YENT, Veteri. - -IL nary Surgeons; Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary;(, college, Toron.. to, have op erred' an office lox. the tree, tment o f all Domestic Animals, on Mainstreet Exeter. Calls from a dis •� � --,- tance promnt'y attended. to:- Medic'''o for Bones Cattle,&o alway;on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. ONEY TO LOAN ON iil;Al:i �b ,'" bate fortheKuron x¢,ErieLoan s- Say - gsSociety, Low rates ofipteresi. Applyto fags rehn inaekniair. Exetea.,: . , 1 ONEY TO `LOAN AT 6 AND 6:1- .1.11 pereent.accorlling totems. Private Funds Apply to F � It .'V.ELLIOT ; August l5,'85'• Solicitor. Exeter , ,/ ONEY TO Ld N' -AT 6 AND 61 percent, $25.000 Private Funds. Best" Loaning Companies represented. L.B DICKSON, Barrister. Exeter, tice..hatIam tice (1 per Treasurer's TO LOAN. ONRY --Persons o- wishing to borrowmoue ywill take no- now loaning County Funds at cent. - WM. HOLMES, Co. Treasurer. Offic� Goderich,) Septenrbbr.27th,1886.) .44.44,410•144- INStTitAN()E. 91 J. SUTHERLAND, Hensel'; • . Ont., Conveyancer, Commissioner; Fire and Life Insuranoe,Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. All basiness transacted strict- lyconfrdentiaL A call solicited. Wilde; at the Post Office. .., HE FIRE HEAD This Fears in tario,andsontiuues'to damage ifactories,and able property. nation Dash System. During las issued ,o the is alone AssetS, n.isank, issedPremiumNotesonhandandinforce. Vii, WALDr•.Nl11 Secretary. 3N]ILL 0en WATERLOO "MUTUAL INS'CHANCE CO. Established in 1863. OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. coml.anv has'been over Eighteen successful operation in Western On- insure against'oss or by Lrire ,Buildings ,Merchandise,Man- all otherdesoriptions oflinsur- Intending insurers have the of insuring on the Premium Note or the past ton years. this Company 57,096 Policies. covering property. amount of 840,872,088; and paid in loss - $709,7 52,00 $176,100.0,0, consisting of Cash Government' Deposit, and the uuass- J, D. Presidel t. C. K. PAYSoxi, J. B. Iluauas,1nspector. CEAS. Agentfor Exeter and vicinity', 444411444414144014,14.4. [n11fliltvy THE„ f 1 i OF C .ar ,ADA, The Royal Mall, Passenger' and a'reiglrt route between Canada and Groat Britain and liroct route between the West and all points er the Lower Si. Lawrence and Bale dos Cha - our, also . Brunswick, Nova Scotia, le�v , P. E. Island Cape Breton, Jewfollncl land, Bermuda, and Jamaica. Now and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping 4 nd Day Care run On through Express trains. Passeugersfoi• Great Britain or 11ie Conti- ont byleaving Toronto at8.30 a. m. Thera, steamer at Hall- will join ont.vard marl IX all a, ill. Sttttir'rlay. o: Superior Elevator warehouse and Dock ao- onimodatron at Halifax for shipment of grain I� fid general morebandfse, Years of experience have proved the INTI'lll- tOLONIAL in aoutreeticin with steamship 'ties to soil from hoodoo, Liverpool and 1 dasaow to EIalifaxi to be the quickest Iroight onto bet•tvoon Cattalo and Great Britain. Information as to Passenger anti"Freight Stas can he had on application to BCCE t'C73.MOODIE, �: 'Western Freight 8c Passenger Agent n 1'ussin House Block, York Si. Toronto. J D,POT'rINGE , Chief Superintendent. Oh `i 1 /.. to %l..4 4M4OW: alf�vay c � HEw TO THE LINE, LET THE ;C ZIPS FALL WERE THEY 11 AY." VOL. XIV. NO 20. EXETER, ONTARIO THURSDAY MORNING • " � JANUARY 13, 188.7. 1, .aOlfly wHIT,I it50Nfi ubliahairs anal T'rojirietors MPORI'ANTNOTICES TRUSSES": St. Marys. >IkiIS'J'IAN LAIV,YER. rxlauufan •• I{YyrENIAI.---A.large coni an- of friends Rulers- a ` comparty Rulers—4,E, d,,, ,LPrta, I. 1 S. of ,lhxeter, rover of l�' and r , LOVELL'S ' % all ,nu1t, of, relatives Trusses Ire r ees r u a > rl nee..l mboilu G ��11�1mn�. A�Z:i A..{i� ��r� HISTORY' 111 0310 hUIl- was in r %+� Itanule's ATMs, t b Y stows lectin "old friend's Satin,' f 1h, lay, whore howill attend to the ,clued asS©tYlbled at the " '" b . g on Satan g� CANADA, d 1 ened on DOMINION OF CANADA c.h he can furnish you lot $50, and °Yellinrr Y ,the fifth rest to witness thelat��e rattenelance 1' TUB Wants of tiny who may require his services, residence 0 Mi fay ilieiUollegrate Tustttttte o 1 1 tiVuy pay t,•om x.15.00 to 625 ao for the same aur- (Jtphn Fulton ETibbert, on Wednesday Monday sJitTt a staff o£ tai e teachers and a t1e1C {Ylli ` a b In Nino Yet/ones, I2oa ai 9vo. w itch is ea Rood, if not better and warranted I t i' b with oom et t ? niat•rl'ioe of his 41r1 t 1 st tl tl ' k f Iieurouahor pe of scholars.—The ilrgus 0 BE COMi40ICNCED whenever a sufficient Windber of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of uublioatlon Subscription to the Nine Volumes $75 O0, to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec i'i12,50, to New Bruuswiek o, to Nova Soo is $11.50, to Manitoba or British Columbia $9,50 to Trine Edward earl Island: or to North- west Territories' 69,50. 7:ach Province to have a Map. Please Send for Prospectu JOhN IOVCL L, , Double o t rrr . uses ,.6.00' Single:^� �_ Mr. �n 1n r '1 �A stew ix 1 rel i ... oBruce, i suit bo 6 r ,, , All coot u4c, son of Mr: riudrew � between a Hog (go) and a muni t d ince sr also of )Iib rax (re) -a i�Pxr s is attr at• m siren b t 2k Y a cr a u a,r 4 sway 1 .' OS C . 1S Wee r xU tt'r 11 London 4 �, r' Y a t - 1 ,rh to tend b , ou ions ad resod to O , b k t. ' CHRISTIAN LAWYER Or g ?amens WV 1i. Gane, of+ The ev' from various surroundnn villagesa Zurich 1 , O., Ont, G . 4, l;Iunville, tied thenupbial sequently business 'booming—mainly, coo - knot to the satisfaction of all present q Y t siness is 10- Th e bride was supported byher sister oceu i d th Rev. W. S. Pascoe, of Exeter, church � 1 occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church i s'r ices oil as , and" e a Thomas. `Che wedding presents were very favorable impression on his. hearers re- r� up� �a I, �/� . sA►rPSA3�� NTr i4 ..rod the groom bb ,b om by his brother at botl c v' Sunday last, 1" left numerous and beautiful. The contracting wishes to announce to inhabitants f Manager and Publisher the o parties have th Montreal, 410 August, 1886, aug8dikw8 Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out know them, b their sterling q e best wishes of all who be THE MERCHANTS' ROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ET ING ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. . CFAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, ONT. EsTAi LIs1l:1? 1884. I's an Aesoo atiou of business and professston• L a men, havinn for its object the CULLEC- L'1:ON Q[ I)EBTO; and to prevent: its members rom making bad debts by furnishing them vith lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants nd others havin'b'accounts to eolleot, wishing o become mem,',}ers, by remitting. $7,00 to our Ianagors,Hami' ton, Ont., will roe .ive by re - urn mail full particulars, certificate and mem. ership, rto, Send for testimonials. ' J. BIDWELL MILLS d 00., Managers,' Hamilton. WARNING „Alllnarties are warned against aving anyythingtb do with It. Faulkner,hailing rom St. Marys, he having been discharged. ew Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW Would, respectfully inform the inhabitants t, the eurroundin' townships thathe has op- nen a hew Pump,•Factory in J. SO'UTHUQTT'S OLD STAND, MAIN -ST., EXETER, OPP. POST -OFFICE. /here he will keep on hand all kinds of umps, which heewill sell at moderate' prices REPAIRING A. SPECIALTY. Wells and Cisterns contracted fell' at reason- able prices, and work executed with despatch.. SATISFACTION GU -'1B tNTEED. JOHN SWALLOW. B. LA; .algCM' S - Spectacles 8e • Eye -glasses - Mr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above.lenses. They are the only ones reemnnrended by the President and Vice -President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, aria all the leading oculists of the age. They Wive a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations. as 1IJ .MAGE'S Boni and Shoe Shop go highly respected for ualities. Our best wishes, with them for long and happy life. Lucan, IN�9TALLATION 08' OFFICERS—At a meeting --- hi the corner Store North of Samwel of theLueaen Lodgge; No. 70, 1. 0. 0.F., on Plokard'n 'Tuesday evemng last, the followin officers where fie' g. warelected ••- g e 1 . -tiro. W. Endicot N. G. Bro. W. Gibson, V. G. ;Bro. W. E. Stanley, ; Bro. R.4Ii. Collins, R. S. ; H. Col- lins., O. G. Bro. E. Jennings, I. G. ; 13ro. A. G0odacl'e, Treas. • CONSERyATive. CLua--A meeting was held in the council, chambers on Thursday last, for the purpose of organizing a Young Men's Conservative Club. The following officers were elected :-Mr. L. Stanley, President ; Mr, J. Jackson, V. P. ; Mr. R. Collins, Sec., A. S. O'Neil, Treas. The meeting adjourned until Thursday evening, the 13th. Bum-Fs—Messrs. Parker and Stewardson have opened` the skating rink. They de- serve creclit -for the excellent shape they have the ice in. -Invitations are out for a Masonic ball to be held in the Town hall, on the 20th inst.--Mr. A. C. Reid, athlete, left on Wednesday last for, Chicago, where he intends to reside. He was accompanied by Mr. C. Currie, heavy weight athlete, of Parkhill -Mr. J. Quigley, of Clinton, is visiting :friends in town. -Mr. Frank Quig- ley, of Toronto, is spending his holidays in town. is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. eci p allay. Repairing promptly attended to. r � n y GEO. MANSON • f Late Manager 0. Eacrett's Boot and `Shoe Establishment. May 1.4111 84. Lots, Lots, Lots, FOR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets; also a number of HOUSES FARMLAND 1 � FOR SALE, Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING EXETER. -4000 Hollbrooke, Manitoba. Z'o the Editor of the Exeter limes. Christmas Day. on an Indian Reserve in the Great North West. How the few white peoplh act and enjoy themselvef. Christmas comes but oneea year • And wits it brings us very good cheer. Old Song, Six. --The. white people on the Bears Tree Reserve, resolved that this year, Christmas Day should be regarded as a family gather- ing. The idea of having a Christmas tree foreaul'xted-Itself--iu-. tier -fruitful -brain- of garding Itis abilities as a preacher. -We are' blessed with an unlimited supply of the "beautiful" just at present, and the town snow shovel is "non-oom-at-'bus, -The "Knights o' Lincoln Green" turned out en ma a s.o n' d q bursalast, to paythe last Y r.t trk- bute of respect to the remains of their Bro. Jas. Clarke. 1-0414-4 Zurich. A public meeting was held in the town hall, Zurich, on' Monday Jan. 10, for the n purpose; of considering the advisability of at- tempting to secure additional railway facili- ties. Dr. Buchanan in the chair. The meeting was strongly in favor of C. P. R. - connection competing as it would with the by G. T. R., and a committee consisting of H. m Happel, E. Bossenberry, S. Hardy, D. S. Faust and' J. Williams was appointed to d take steps in the matter and colnmunicate. O with committees'froin other places interest- ed. F. Cresweller was elected Secretary of 0 committee. BRiEFs.-Mr. Isaac Moritz, is honie-front v Dakota; � a, to spend the winter mo'iitlta with his friends. Ike. speaks well of Dakota, and o intends going buck in the spring. -Amongst is, the visitors here at Xmas: was, Mr. A. G. ti Dyer, of Exeter, Mr. Barry Sipple,; of .Lon- s don, Mr. Meno Geiger, of Seaforth, Miss Fried, of Dashwood, Mr. T. Deichert, of h Hamburg, Mr. Henry Deichert, of. P Credi- ton:—Mr. Hardy, of Hamburg, i,,a at pre- t sent visiting his brothers, Messrs. .S,..and s E. J, Hardy. -Miss Susie Sipple left Tues' G day, to spend a few mouths with her sisters, Mrs. Camp= and Miss L. Sipple, Detroit- m Now the. Xmas season` is over, our mer- clhants are making big -preparations for the th spring trade. Look out for unusually good as bargains in springg goods. fu ALtzosT A CONRLAORATION.-A short time after the men. had left their work at o the flax mill on Friday morning, the srnell ac of burning oil was sntoled by Mr.Robert th Bengough, who has charge of the engine in. A the Drill, he returned to the premises, and as found thata lamp,whioh was hung directly over two barrels of machine oil, had • burst g and, had he been a few minutes later Ja the mill would have been in flames. But with great presence' of mind he start rlr the ado To the Qonservative As$ociatioll for the $Quth, Riding of F liar ►lit, lieoeivpd too late for last istup. To. t1'Ie, Editor of the Exeter !['irises. Sin:--Willyuu allow me a space in your columns to make an explanation which T think is duo to the Conservative party in re- gard to the position I have taken in the late, local election, In the first plane Mr. Slven- erton on the platform at Henson, openly avowed himself an independent candidate, a prohibitory teetotaler, a Scott Act man and strongly in favor of its rigid enforcement. He .publicly stated in Bruoefielct that ifMr- M, Y, McLean, the editor of the Huron Ex- positor was the nominee of the Reform party, ho would have voted for and supported him. Either all this _was a deception unbecoming ii publlo rnama3k he was honest in his state- ments, Knowing Mr. Swenorton, T must ae- o pt the latter alternative, I am sure no person can bo mistaken: in my pinion, as I have ne•ror lost, an opportunity in public to testify my strong disapproval of prohibitory laws. While w �' ale in favor of temperance as much as any one in Iiuron,'I shall oppose au y laws which attempts to force sumptuary leg- islation of that kind down p with the aid of co peoples' threats netabi s e and ignorant police magistrates. I am strongly opposed to the employers liability 'act or as now known es the faotories act. We as Liberal rCionservatives have struggled and fought for a national policy to encourage the investingS of capital in manufacturing pursuits. It seems to me intolerable that the sn called Conservative party in the local legislature should use their l e t torr i nfluen qg to hamper o r and. p discourage the carrying out of that olio b enacting an act of parliament which if enforced (as all rigliteous laws should be) wauld-consign every owner of a factory in Ontario to prison for twelse months. This s not what should be expected from Liberal Conservatives. It has always been a cardi- al principle of the Liberal Conservative arty that every individual in a community should be allowed to worship God'as their onsoience dictated, and it is only by carry - ng out this principle in. its integrity we can e on, friendly terms with neighbors in a ixed population composed of different de- ominations;' I therefore disown, emphatically iaown, any sympathy , with the IIIail and ther professed Conservative papers:which are lighted the torch of sectarian strife. sic any honest man what claim Mr. Swener- on had to my support ? By his promised ore for Mr. M. Y. McLean he admitted the barges against the presenta,government of orruptiou and extravagance were not true, therefore, only appealed to Conserve - yes who believed in enforced teetotal ab- tineneo and. the temperance sentiments of the Reform party, who laughed with. scorn is futile efforts to draw them from their arty allegiance. I may add, gentlemen, hat I ant still au old fashioned Liberal Con- ervative, a supporter of the. present Liberal oyernment of the Dominion, successfully aided as it is by the wise hand of a states - an who,knows no distinction between reeds or races, and has done so much for e material prosperity of this Dominion. I k from my old Conservative friends a caro - 1 perusal of this. letter, and if :