HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-12-16, Page 8SHRANCH, . • ).H.N.11/ ELL101`, AGENT EGA .31-4 nit) sylefir.SRitSt1ANc1 eo.' • PANY. otTorente, ; also for the letiff,INIX. 'VIRE eNs'esRANQFcomPe NY, or ou10 n, England, the LOYKI .4 CANADIAN, of Montreal', at' a an) LIST. ASS Lrlf ANO NCOU, PANS!, of '1,oedini, smelana, esfeleished isees, Aseets over $(1,000.000 ; claims and bounsos paid,. • „ safettit. , loeA. TRUR8DA-Y, 10(11, 1880, -1,)e 1.03Plry to re- Jelve at all Omes, fr&m, any 'part ot the. County, items (.4.,f peat newss neh <is ite'. eidents,Or any i,q'eA!sti.ttg ineident what 'everfrom any of Our pt(iscribere or read - 'Ors generally for the 'purpose of 7m1die- atfon. TEN ()Ewe's oeeline tor :ars t insertion anf• • 011.11 OSINTS per lino tor each eu b se quen t i lettion will be charged to aoticee appearim a this column. Reformation, to a large audience. The ttraut throughout was most suecessful. a•nsl, of iftope, rho monthly meeting ' of to JUIrleSit Meth, 8. 8. Band of, Hope occurred TneedaSe evening., .A, good programme eves rendered, amongst whieh. being, an address be' ROY. Mr. •Webber. , There was a very large at- tendance, and the ybung people apparently eujOyed the entertainment. Presentation, :Mr. 1). A. Ross, who has eilleient the choir of the .1.11ain-et, church. dm past tow years, was made the recipient of a beautiful silver seevice, one evening last week. Mr. Ross was taken by serprise, but after ree•cining himself thanked the e, = p, les wlio were connected with Or sentation. • Sth�j Ocylluoil, '°1,411 the ariemhers preeent. Minutes of lastmeeting read tied signed, , 411 unsigned bY,laws were ordered to be eigned. ...ktoYe4 by If. Either, eeo. by D, French, that all taxes not paid by 8111 Jam, 1887, shall be charged per cent up to Jan,, Jan., from 15th Jan. to 15th Peb., 1 per cent will be waged, but that all taxes be paul by said ly lead last date end that the Collector hand. in 'leg the roll at said time. A nuthber of (nacre Were •giveu for purpose a paying up the,Coun! cillors and Officials, but as they will ,appear Kt the nomination meeting, in the Auditor's report, it is not 'necessary that they be M- e pre- sorted here. C. Peotery,*Clerk, AnniversarY- The aneiversary serviees of the dames-st Methodist church were hold on Sunday zuld Monday last. ' On Sueday, sermons were preathed by Rev. Geo. Webber, a for- mer pastor of the thurch, and on Monday, the Rev. gentleman delivered one of his popular hetet es, "The Morning Star of the LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A large steefi of holey Ovals ,suitable for .Xmas presents for Young or old it Cone. test Drug Store, C. Lrerz. Ralholl Bros, • reas Making department 1 eeoPeeed, Miss Wood; in charge: Charges moderate, and satisfaction ;guaranteed. Wearson'e Catarrh Cure at Searlett's Drug store, giving immense satisfaction. Guarantees issued Only at 8ear1ett's SE)eng tore. full assortmeet of Christmas and New. Years cards, --latest design and at low prices, at the Central Drug Store, C. Lutz, Prop. Withoet exception tile bast and eheepest lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen, ems now -be had at C. Eacrett's. Cllil- drcns Carriages, Express Wagons, Men and Women's Felt Boots, Men's Haud-Made Beets, also a good assortment of men and women's Over -Shoes and Rubbers of every description, also Harness, Trunks, Valises, and Whips constantly on hand. Call and be convinced. Butter g and eggs taken in exchange for goods. Also a first class Bieck House for sale or to rent. Agents Wanted. Clement & Co., of 40 Wellington Street East, Toronto, or Si St. Francois -Xavier Street, Montreal, want a General Agent. They are the exclusive owners of the Scho- field' Patent Cake Griddle, the Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the "Carver's Friend,") the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay -Eye -See Wire Curry comb, and other specialties. If you want to make money, write to them at once for an outfit, aud to secure what territory you • can handle. The Times for 1887. The renewing of subscriptions is almost es hand. In order to double our large cir- ' ciliation, we will send the Timm to any ad- dress from now until 1888 for one dollar; i is the largest and best printed dollar paper in Huron. We will club the city weeklies with the TIMES as -usual at the following prices •:---The TIMES and London Free Press, for $1..85; TIMES and London Advertiser, $1, .85; TietEs and Globe, $1.S5; TImES and Mail, $1. S5, with the balance of 1886 thrown in: Concert, . The younifa,die's of the Main-st Meth- odist church gave a musical entertainment in Drew's Hall, Wednesday evening of last -week. The programme was a long one, anil choice, and rendered throughout to the sat- isfaction of many, while a great proportion of .it to a few of the fastidious, seemed ridic- ulous and out of place. The visitors from Clinton who took part in the programme as- sisted Much in pleasing our peopfe while the local talent did well, indeed. We have not epa,ce to particularize, suffice it to say that the affair was well worth price of admission, :15ets. The proceeds amounted to over $30. At the (sem:lesion of the entertainmeut the participants were given an oyster supper by the young ladies at, the residence of 3tEr. C. Eacrett • Personal. • Mr. R. Sta./dale, formerly of Exeter, has returned home from Michigan, where he has been reSiding for some time. He will remain home until spring. -Mrs. A. F. • Manning, (nee Miss Horn,) formerly of Exeter but now of Snow Flake Man., is spending a' few weeks with her parents here. --Messrs. Prior and Oke shipped from Exeter etation on Monday last, a car -load of cattle to the Windsor market. -H. A. L. White, of St Marys, was in town on Mon, day mid , Tuesday. He is assisting Mr. Swenerton in the election campaign. --Revs David Ryan preached two sermons' in the , Main -t. Meth. church, on Sunday last. -Rev. Mr. Martin will deliver a serinon pertaining to thth elections, taking facts from the bible, in the Presbyterian church, next Sabbath ,oyening. Te perance Lecture. Again on Thursday evening the Rev. Mr. 'Burgess gave another 01 )118 popular lectures on Temperance. He dealt principally with Liquor and Labor, and showed how that labor was injured by liquor, giving amongst others things as an illustration -on the one hand a brewery where there are a hundred 111111c15 impleyecl, and an enorrnous capital invested, and on the other hand, a factory with inuch smaller capital, where three times as many hands receive ,cmployment. The discourse throughout was highly pleas - mg and impressive, and we feel esstired that the people in attendance were greatly benetitted thereby: At the conclusion , of the lecture, T. -1.0,v, Mr. Burgess said that, he hod received from a gentleman in Exeter, a letter, requesting him not to urge the tem. 1100111100 question in the present crisis in this Riding.' The Rev. gentleman was indig- nent and said thist 110.1:v6111d hot be true to his prineiples if he refrained from it, He wuld that. inatters 'presented a different face eince his hest ; that he did not belieVe in forming a third party, but if a temper, awe: man Wore brought out --no matter by whom -it was their duty to vete prin. ciple not party ; anit ri ca -se neither party , aey ae brosight out a temperance 1000 tbeit theY this th ,might vote as their political feelings dietate, thee, The revolt wee eireuletud lien that The :Rove Mr. Burgess WAS a,r.POry emersery, paid eiresee itsle y Tories, with Tory Money, • This question 011 Ivo and ting asked of thrs leaturer, the 'chairmen, Rams ba,:kev. Mr. Martin, icro-.!e) rind said that gr, Tbi, 15 had been broiedit by the Seett vessNet Association of Mayon, and paid out of nattits tiefvely; 'and filet he was 0 party to 110 f.4)31,:' 'ging Irzni ; tied that no pereon coed ttir'eus 511 11110 (Mie Martin) of being a, Tory. feel /mere(t thet the temperance �a. A l'Currow :Eacape. Cue day ltiSt week, a horse belonging to a farmer, which was tied in front of Trines Office, met with a slight mishap, which, if it had Itob been relieved when it was, results would have been serious. The animal hay big been left standing too long, had becteue 'about holy bonds of inatriniony to Miss Georgina restieso, 1101 111 juMping.,..and learing got itself prostrate ot a 'tie post, with 'three ; bogs eutirely raised from the ground: .. For- tunately, the post had a ilat head., for had it been otherwise, the beast would, most assuredly, heve been ruptured. ••••• , :Zurich. llniEvsL-liNestion is 1.).e topic of eculyee- setion:-A • schoonerwas Stranded about '2 miles froth. Beyfrold,' in the Gale of last week, She was ladentwithore' frOni Lake Superior, there were nine mon on beard, •• who • we hauled to shore on a rope stretched fro the boat to shore, ahnest exhaustedS It is a wonder.liow they held: out se well, aa the boat Stranded about midnight and Was not seen until aborif,9 o'clock next moreing:- Remember the echooltkcietiOnc teext weeler,-.. all are invited to Coree.-eMood"s1.001•11g ;again= bilsinessgood.---Withoet doubt, 'Mt Sam. Min'ner wes, 011 TeesdaY, made the happiest young ' man on the Bronson: Liie1y the Rev.' Win. Terrance, of Htheall, he was united in 10 111 Accident. , On Thursday last, while Mr, .0-S B: Hos- kin was 'troughing at the new' JameS-st.- Methedist parsonage, he Met with an acci- dent which, under siniilisr circumstances, others have received severe 'aocidents. 111 appears he was standing upon a ladder at a height of 1S feet, when by some means the lacIder Slipped and he fell to the ground, the ladder falling on him. His 'Ihribs 'Were considerably bruised and barked, 'and one busos ankles sprained. He was off several days in consequence. Upset. • On 'Tuesday, while Messrs. J. N. Hooper and Jas. Walters were driving down the London road, and when they got opposite the Heilman cider factory the horse becone g frightened at the rumiing of water d 11 ceeck, jumped into the ditch precip mg the occupa,nts of the buggy into several feet of water. The horse was slightly 'cut and the buggy somewhat injured. jellies says he has not received suth "ducking,-" for a nuiThier of years, and does not wish a repitition of the same for as many more. Afresh horse was procured and they contin- lied on their jorney. Coinicil Meeting. The council met by order of the -reeve at the Market House, Dec. 10th. All present, ex-eept Mr. Hoskin. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Moved by W. G. Bissett, sec. by D. Johns, that orders be granted for the following sums viz :---Albert Bissest, $3 for labor; John Keyes, $1 do.; Thos. Bissett, $9 do.; J. N. Howard, $20 cedar posts : A. Allen, $29.12 for stone ; M. Eacrett, $5 service sec' eldest daughter of Mr, Just Mil lick, of the Broneon Line, both Sam and. Annie are Well knoWn in Zurich and viehittY, and if goad .wiiihee will ensure. thm ea happy wedded life; they have onrs.-A. B ishop addressed a full on Wednesday eVeh- ffig. ACCIDENT. -A, melancholy aceident 00- mirred in the Canty of Essex, last Friday, Dee. 10th., whent.Mr. Charles WaShburn, of the 1 Oth Seim Ifsberee, was almost instantly killed. There are cOnflicting accounts as to. the manner' in which he met, hiS delith ; but it seenis the team he .Was drivine•beceme work unmanageable:and' dragged some dis- tance on the groundw , hen his hm ead dae in conta•Ct.with-a,Stick,of timber of some kind, and death' weiS almost instantaneous. His remains; were 'brought home On :Saturday, and Sunday after/mail Were 'interred ite- the Kirkton eemetery. The bereaved family , , have the sympathy of the entire neighber-. oivii hood in the,sad bereavement. How timer. tain is life • Bo for 1101 by - Mr Co. $44 ere par Dos Das for and M. fun( sett Cre .colle --C of H Joh' ed t cil Mos, Join and p011 tena Carr Mr. Mon expli On n the c .1•eeve ard of Health ; Jas. Dignan, $0.95 a blapk-smithing ; Jas. Balsdon, $15.00 ';Jas. Taylor; $1.25 do ; John Stanla 50 do.; Lewis Dickson, $2 for advise re law, &c.; J. P. Clarke $1 for rent paid s. Fa,nson for B. of meeting ; Fire No. 2, $]51 for services ; Jas.' Pickard, .15 for charitable purposes, &c.-; Jas. ech, $1.97 for charities, and $108 for t salary ; $5.70 for wood for Mrs. Clark; Drew, $40 for rent of Court room ; J. vn, 61.70 for rep. wheel -barrow; W ds, $1.25 labor; Bissett Bros., $22. new street lamps and rep, old, oi $1.40 cert. acct.; Dr. :Lutz, $5 servi H. 0. ; and Mrs. Cann, $2.25 taxes led. -Carried. Moved by W. G. 13 , seconded by J. Pickard, that ech be allowed until the 2d-th inst., ct balance of taxes end return his ro curried. The annual report of the Boa ealth was read, and on motion of is,. seconded by J, Pickard, was Orde o be ffied mai the thanks of this eou tendered for their service. ••••-Carrie ed.by W. G. Bissett, seconded , by is, that Isaac Dearing; A. E. Tennen H. Samsvell, .be refunded $2 each -1 tax collected, they • being bona fide nts in this village. When collected...-. led. The clerk.Was instructed to ask Durand to coMe 'to. Exeter as semi aftej. day as he can do so, to give certain mations regarding plan of Town Hall. lotion of ePickard, .sec. by. D. johns, ouncil adjourned until. cell of the of BraeFs-The Christmas seasonis athand, as the following announcements fo.r the Us - borne circuit will show: -Dee. 14th, Bethany church and 8. S. anniversary;' Rev. Mr. Turk, of Goderich, will deliver a lecture entitled "The World's Leaders," in the Elimville church, on behalf of the choir ; Dec. 24th and 25th., a Christmas tree at Freewill and Sunshine respectively • Dec. 9th• and 101111., church anniversary? at'Elim- ville. Two or three first class lectures are - expected before spring. --On Wednesday eVening, Dec. 15th.,'a meeting of the S. S. .A. was held, the situation discussed, and a plan of action de.cided,.On.-Rev. W. H. Gone exthanged pulpits with the Rev. Mr. Ford, of London, last Sunday. Mr. H. Boyd, of McGillivray, the other day sold his Clydesdale horse "Highland ec't. Laddie" to Messrs. Alexander and Shirley, of la- Adelaide, for the sum of 82,000. ke, m. 55 les ees re- is - Ir. to 11. rcl D. r- 11 - D. t, or ---,LIND- A HAPPY NE1,4/ YEAR, is BLARKEHTS EAKS1,33 - ,AT EXETER WOOLLEN 1VIIL •'ac) 134xxi.s. [250. . . An. kinds of Yaw., ,Tweeds, Flannels, Shillings . AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE PRICES. .1\juufaetttiliPg these geods onrSelves', we are enabled to sell at.Loweet Figures. 'PARTIES REQUIRING A Goop BLANKET would do won, to inspect our stook before purchasiug elsewhere. We have . Assort. • • men On Hand. 250 1/eirs 01a11 weights and sizes. 100 pairs Horse Blauket0, different Comlywoo3D Tp:a7)tte.i.als,...selling cheap, .• Somethg of a.1704t..17:0g1.1.t. IEJ)-„A,Bour Any one who wants to purchase a Christ- MaS.Gift,-she matter whether an .elaborate artiele Or a:inere triffe,Hcan Make , the best selection and got ±110 mOst fasioreble, terms, by lookineethroueh my ' COMPLETE STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS! •"Consisting Of an Mull* variety of WATCIPIS, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SI;OERWARE, NOVELTIES, ETC Carefnlly Selected and especielly adapted to meet the wants of holiday shoppers: Popular Priee,s, Reasonable Prices, and Prices•Within Yostr Means. Specialy : To Please My Customers ; My Aim : To Save Money For My Patrons ; My Intention.: To Do Better By You Than Anyone Else. ' -MY STOCK OF - LADIES' & GENTS' GOLD WATCHES will excel that of former years in both Style and Price. I Come One and All. Our beautiful display, t is ffitedlled for everybody's eejoyment. No obligation to purchase. , , IR,. HICKS, Main-st., Exeter. t500 TXTBS . Butter •Wanted WatIlescm, EXETER N TH, Our Stock is Well Assortepl. POR THE SEASPN'S T.BADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED ! GROCERIES ! 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20e. to 75c. per lb. NOTICE. • Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices, SEALED TENDERS will be received by the undersigned, up to Thursday, the 23rd. of De- cember. J888,at 7 o'clock., p.m., for building 11, Town'Hall, in the Village of Exeter. Plans and . . , , ca ions can be seen at Btssett Bro's ,Tin Shop, Exeter,ou 017 (((ter Friday, the 26th inst. Tenders may state urice for eitheir the whole work or for each part separately. .The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, M. E ACRE TT, Exeter, Nov. 03r0, 1885. Clerk.', Exeter. TO ADVERTISERS For a check for 020 we will print a ten -line advertisement in One _Million issues of leading Anaerican Newspapers, Phis is at the rate of only one-flf th of a ecu t line, for 1,000 Circu- lation / T he advertisement will be placed b efore One Million different newspaper pat - chasers :-or Ftvp, Mimi! oN READERS. Ten lines will accomodate about 75 words. ad- dress with copy of A.d.y. and cheek, or send 30 cents for Book of 150 pages. GEO.2.R0 wELL & 00,, 10 SPRUCE bT., NEW YORE. --- Brevities. Don't miss seeing Ranton Bros, change adIfv. you -weint a bargain read G. A. Hynd man's change of adv. Read J. W. 13rowning,'s change of adv. -Rabbit hunting is at present popular with the local sports. Messrs. Wood Bros. shipped alarge drove of lambs to Buffalo last week. Divisicar•Com•t was held het on Monday. 'There was a good full docket. Mr. Jesse ffockin, Sboe-maker, of Hen- sel), has made an assignment, Q old isffit it ? But you get red hot bar- gains,for cash, at Ranton Bros. Next week and Christmas be he) e. We would like to have all back subscrip- tions paid before the openingeof tile NeW- year. Till ofter the elettions hard cash will speak, every forenoon and afterrioon, at Renton Bros' Store -both sidee cordially in- vited to take part. It cost the people of Ontario $3,200to have the Bible bitchered by Mr, Mowat' s re- visers. MAIN -ST Menromse CJIBncE-Subject next Sunday sermons : Morning, Bi -each epee breach. • Evening, thiprofited hearers. Income voters cannot be deprived of the privilege of voting, for the'Legislatere on the 28t11, whether they shall' have paid their taxes before that day or 'not, Winters which begin vigorously einly 10 Ilia tiorison are apt to be very mild in Jane- ebruary. There may be comfort in Ought for people who dread cold wee - young ladies of the james-st, 'Meth, niteed giving a bazaar and concert dnesdey afternoon and evening next, limente and oysters will be served, somethine• new here and everybod sbould attend. For fell particulars see posters. , Bosco, the magician, .gave three of his popular entertairtmente in Drew's Hell lest week. Ho is a very clever illusionist, per- forming hie tricks splendidly and to the 441- 31.0 t of 60!Ith: ife roe will be.fe Tie', true te „facto sileptispe, greacd with' fair fi11l33111000 their 011)111iJ1100. and search hails( liend to , „emu fs,,712,1jorthri, th e .t.,,sinpet•an (;X; ,0(11). fie wt.t.ff at all: HIS entertainments' are fedi sement 48 well ns. a leading beim', the distelluition of eostly gifts. /foil's as -they did in 1 88 tied ',vote for I see te ditelte. . ' • CYCtil S. C HERSEY -HAS- Re-opened His Grocery, AND,W1LL 111 FUTURE- -SELL FOR CASH. His Entire Stock Will Be sold 25 PER CENT. BELOW COST. Zurich Roller Flour, Bran, Shorts and Chop. ALWAYS ON HAND. AvCALL AND SEE. , - IcEmp)s Family Grocery DRE'W'S BLOCK. '.teas, Sugars, Syrttps, Coffee, Daslivood Roller Flour, (eltatenulated Cortnneal, New ilittelcwIteat Flour, Rolled Oats, SplitPeaS, Pot Barley, Rice, tte. TOBACC9$ AND ' EG../.118. • Try a peeket of Compressed Yeast. I ScIl for Cash at the Loweat Possible Prices, cohsistent with quality, IlseiT`Tickets to or from the Old Country, au Loweet Bates, Emmen:mu TEE Awnless', Drew's Block Pouth Sterol The Flag the i:or,t,11. t C 1 AIN' Grop/N"4 zvvir ‘.744 4 .Yr 2 11 011 g g, • A nicely assorted stock of FIARDWA_PF FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, te (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60n Per Gal. coAr, on, AS LOW AS THE Lowpr.r. Irc• A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good,.suit. of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got -up in Good Style. Our Dress,Goods ate marked down lo Ike . Lowest Notch: COTTON -L-20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. WHouse and Lot, also a .12 arm for Sale. Applyto 'JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. 11. S ie usual at this season of the year, we offer our entire stools, Seidel's 10 more com- plete than at any other season, consisting of the yety fineet lines of Wa-tehes, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware) Silver -plat ed Ware, Musical Instruments, &c. lir' Stook is the Best Bolted in the West and eve are deteimined to close it out if possible during tlae holiday season, eo CALL F, A It Ts'y (V. TATO', 'MDR. CHOICE, At juices, whiell 000 lover than evet, All 14,0e'r1sof ClockWatches and jeWel- fork I-len:tired at LoWest Priees, set • • , , R. 7IR, Prop.. Subscribe for "The 'limes." anaagamil 40 ii.gVNkT B007193 • c , GTTIE-W'aMitAT • To any one sending in TWO New Subscriptions to the WEEKLY MAIL. at One' Dollar Each. No freight and no duty to pay. We have the Books on hand ready to be sent out. • 29 IPOIT'11.31.411111 NOVELS 13Y THE BEST AUTHORS 1. Jasper Pantos Secret. A Novel. By Miss M. li.BaAbnoN. illustrated, 2. Joint Itowerbank's Wife. A, Novel. By ,Miss Mi./LOOK. Illustrated. tr:t. ca'rife Crieket 011. the ifearth. A Christ - Inas story. By cuAni.Es Dion:FiNs. 1103(8- 'E'Le Mystery or the pully Tree. Nnod;80t11..atlelt. the author of 'Dora Thorne." wroixiGacanonrofts eLi'e.lIsNitrrtage. A Novel. By Mustrated• , 1111•08'. GIStscistiLrie,y iITT/i)/sile?anicct.A. . By 71\ IlAtte41)8Elguil211.01..1,,..4V1.i'l„r"viltd. A. N°1131. 8. The Tieir to ArtMiey. A Novel. By Mrs. Berney 1Voon, • ELLI.A.mos Parton. .A. Novel. By G.n0Ron 10, Nenry Arisen. A Novel, By Mrs. HENRY 1VOOD. flui ()Toll ca 0. .17, a e I Push. A Novel. By Miss 12. Mildred Trevatnion, A Novel. By "'1'ne Dimness." 13. Called. Dock. A. Novel. By Htfon CONWAY. 11. 1101tek to the Old Home. -A. Novel. By -Keay Cum. Der. Illustrated. 15. The Frozen Deep. A Novel. By WILKIE Comsiers, Illustrated. 16. Red Court Fa*1 A Novel. I3y Mrs 1111115511WOOD.' ///ustrqed. • 17. A Gol4en DIEWIli A Novel. By the author cif "Dora Thorne." Illustrated.. ' 18. Dudley Carleon. A Novel. By Miss M. E. BRADDON. ' 19. Sister nose. A Novel. by lirruciu COLLINS. 20, Ink the 'Holidays. A Novel. By MARY CECIL HAY. 21. The, Morwick Farm Mystery. A Novel. By Wiresee Comae -s. /illustrated. 22. A Bride from the Sea. A Nov]. By the author of "Dora Thorne." //bastrated. . 23. A. Fortune Planter. .A Novel. By ANNIE TIRLIIAS. Illustrated. 211. The PlatelitOrd 'Bequest, A Novel. By lityclyi CONWAY. Illustrated. 2.1. A Queen Amongst. Women. A Novei. By the author of "Dora Thorne." 23. The Fatal Marriage. 4.. Novel. 33y Miss IL E. BnAnnoN. 27. ,The truightsloridge Mystery. A Novel. ,,,By o'neer.es Risene. Illustrated, 28. Among the Itnins. A Novol. By MAHi Cum DAY. Illustrated. 29. Tile Mystery ht illackwood Grange. A. Novel. By .IVira. 111Ay Acixin BOWIES OE 111EIFIEMENC113. , 32. Ithn Cities of the New World. A description of all points of interest relating to every important city of America, illus- trated with bird's-eye views of each city described. 83. 'Useful Aiiikowledge tor the Minion, a handy book of useful information upon numy and various Subjects. Illustrated. AllISCELLA NV:01U§. Piptory a nd Myst cry o &mamma Things. This work tells all about Ole manu- facture of the C0111111011 and familiar things whiph we see every day about us. It like- wise describes the culture of all kinds of foreign fruits, nuts, spices, etc. II/astral/A. 31. :Manners and Custonts in Far Away lands. a very interesting and instructive book of travels, describing the peculiar life, • habits, manners, and customs of the people of:foreign countricS. Illustrated, FOR "'ELIE LAIBIES. 31. Fancy Work for.lionie Adorninent, containingeinstructions- for inakinaslfaney baskets:Wall-pockets, brackets,needle.work, embroidery, etc:, etc.; profusely illustrated. 35. The Dome Cook Book and Fandity Physician, containinghundreds of excellent - cooking receipts and hints to houseireoPera, also telling how to cure ii1.1,tiaunerof00111- 10003i- on ailmenta by simple o remedies!' FOR THE YO1UNG PEOPLE'. 33. F111110114 Detective Stories. .A. col- lection of thrilling narratives ot Detective experience, many of thma written by actual members of the profession. N-Ve believe it to be the best collection of f)etective stories ever published. 37. Sixteen Complete Stories hy Popular Authors, embracing love, littmorous, and Detective stories, stories of society life, of adventure, of railway life, etc'. ; all very in- teresting. • 18. School Dialogue. , itecilathins and iteadin3ls,0 largetandisfae:se collection for school exhibitions.,_5 public and private entertainments. AMUSEMENTS.' 39. Parlor Amusements, anew and large collection of Acting Charades, Parlor Dramas, Shadow Pantomimes, Games, Puzzles, etc., for social gatherings, public and private entertainments, and evenings at home. Illustrated. 10. Yankee Wit and Mantor. tion of humorous stories, sketeeesepoteris, aed paragraphs, by the lenaing funny men of the American press. Illustrated. The above 40 Books will be sent postpaid to any address for $1.20. Address The WOMAN'S WORK COMPANY, Toronto, Canada. tC')-E.TM. ir..72§TMC?"17,461,7_111.4 2F.AM2ER.. We have arranged with the Publishers of these Books to present the whole Forty, postage prepaid, to any address in Canada or the United Stated, as a premium for...sending Two New Subscriber to "The Weekly Mail" at One Dollar Each. . 01-1 THIS 7ZZA.12, EIEt Address, "THE MAIL," Toronto, Canada. -CARLINC'S BLOCK • .:•.taTiTi.4.••LAGE ..0(1.4s,1 P 4' Y AND :F..),(77- '4)1, One of the Largest, Newest, ,Best Assorted and Chea,pps Stocks in Ex0ter. 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