HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-03-24, Page 3•
Clinton firemen had half a dozen hoses pouring thousands of gallons of water on
a major fire at Blake's Welding and Machine Shop last Monday afternoon.
Manning three of the hoses are Jack Peck, standing left, Jack Carter kneeling,
and Paul Draper. (News -Record photo)
Wingharn trustee almost loses seat
Wingham school,. board trustee Jack
Alexander's seat on the Huron County
Board of Education was placed. in
jeopardy last week after he
missed his third consecutive regular
board meeting. Mr. Alexander has been
vacationing in Texas bnd was absent for
the January, February and March
meetings of the board.
'At the January meeting the board
reviewed Mr. Alexander's absenteeism
and voted to grant him permission to
miss twck meetings and to deduct his pay
for those meetings.
The move was not necessary ac-
cording to trustee R.J. Elliott who asked
that the board re -open discussion on the
subject, rescind their original .motion
and pass another,. granting Mr.
Alexander permission to be absent from
the three meetings. It is the third year in
five as a trustee that Alexander
vacationed for the two month peri.
Mr. Elliott cited the Education Act
'which states that a board member who
misses three consecutive regular board
meetings without the board's permission
shall vacate his seat and also states that
a board member is granted a leave of
absence for two consecutive regular
meetings without the board's per-
mission. Another section of the act states
that the board may deduct a reasonable
sum from the allowance of a member for
meetings missed.
The Blyth trustee said that a board
member does not require a leave of
absence to miss two meetings and added
that he felt that 100 percent of Mr.
Alexander's allowance is not a
reasonable deduction for the time
• Stop the presses ! Goderich arena, Exeter
It looms up there with the day you go to the dentist; the
By Chris Zdeb town hall receive 'rants
day you go to the h9spital for an operation; the day you
• get your report card. Moving day.
You never realize how much junk you've collected until
tit comes time to try and fit it all in four cardboard boxes.
After four months of living in the same apartment, the
time has come to move to new quarters. There's nothing
like an upcoming moving day to stir remembrances of
old friendships, preferably ones with muscles, to help
with the moving.
Of course, if the move includes carrying the like of a
very heavy sofa up six flights of stairs, you're better off
looking to newer friendships for a hand.
Prior to that great day of days, you find smaller pieces
of furniture making their exit. The surprise is greater
when you share an apartment with a roommate who had
half furnished the living abode and who is likewise taking
the odd thing away from here or there.
You walk into the living room, and find the light's not
as bright as it used to be, because instead of standing on a
table, the lamp now sits on the floor, due to moving. They
always did say it was better for you to try and read the
newspaper while lying on the floor - more business for the
You walk into the dining room and find the dining
room chairs gone. The table's still there, so if you've•ever
planned on having a buffet dinner, now's the time.
You get a little frustrated in having to eat your break-
fast cereal balanced precariously on your knees when the
table finally does go, but after three major milk spills"'
over your jeans,.you should have your act together well
enough. You -never know when your great opportunity to
become a juggler will come knocking at the door.
And for people with bad backs, who have had to sleep
on soft beds, there's nothing like a night on the old floor.
At this stage of the game, you, should just about be ready
to move out altogether, because other than your tooth-
brush, there's not much else to move.
This is my fourth move in ten months, and while feeling
more experienced than the first time, it's still one of
those things you naturally try to avoid, no matter how
much nomadic blood runs through your veins.
But, there will probably be &number of residents in the
apartment building who won't bother soaking a hankie to
see me go.
At the TOP OF THE LIST are the people who were
rudely awakened by one heavy-footed reporter running
through the halls in answer to the fire siren in the middle
of the night.
Perhaps they can gain solace in the thought that one
day soon a whole new slew of poor fools will be subjected
to the same rude awakening.
Weal for Eastten
Laura Secord Buttercream Easter Eggs
with the yellow yolk centres. Delicious.
Easter Candies from
And ... be sure to see our
own selection of
"Easter Novelties"
Bakry ss ‘Resrauranr
48 ALBEIT ST. CLINTON 983-8787
A Huron County arena is The Exeter and District
among those receiving Heritage Foundation is to
special Wintario help to receive a grant up to $19,730
correct unsafe conditions. towards the costs of restoring
Culture and Recreation the historic Exeter Town
Minister Robert Welch said a Hall.
grant up to $230,774 is to go to
the Goderich Community
Centre and Recreation
Board. It is among the latest
six projects announced" in
Huron County which have
been approved from the
proceeds of the Ontario
Lottery. The. grants total
$256,241 with amounts
ranging from $230,774 to $188.
The grant up to $230,774 will
be mad, to the Goderich
Community Centre and
Recreation Board to assist in
the costs of renovations to the
arena including the
replacement of the roof as
required by the Ministry of
To date in 1977, the ministry
"""ffas-,allotted $19.3 million to
more than 970 groups and
projects across the province.
A grant of $5,000 is to be
made to the Jubilee '3'
Committee in Goderich to
assist in the costs of
organizing and planning the
150th Anniversay of the Town
of Goderich.
The Blue Water Rest Home
in Zurich, Ontario will
receive a grant of $450 to
assist in the purchase of a
pool table and shuffleboard.
A grant of $279 will be made
to the Wingham Minor
Hockey Association to aid in
the purchase of hockey
The Lake Huron Zone
Recreation Association in
Goderich is to receive a grant
of $188 to aid in the purchase
of a slide projector and a
program recorder.,
The Radius Loudspeakers e.ceed the presently accepted
standards in their price range.
Their accuracy, balance of sound and power handling
ability make them a stand -out choice.
Please come in for a listen.
• Warranty -� Ten Years
• Power Required --15 to 75 Watts
Iii (Ontario Street;
Stratford 271•2960
Director of education John Cochrane
said the board would have to make a
decision on the matter or Mr. Alexan-
der's seat would have to be deemed
vacant. He said the' Wingham trustee
had planned to beat the January
meeting and miss only February and
March sessions. A storm delayed the
January, meeting, however, and Mr.
Alexander had started his vacation by.
the time the rescheduled meeting took
place. •
Colborne trustee Shirley Hazlitt said
she was not so concerned with Mr.
Alexander missing the meetings as she
was with the businesslheld up due to his
departure. She said his absence from
committee meetings may delay board
business adding that his allowance for
the • months he missed should be
•deducted as, first decided.
Board .chirman Herb Turkheim said
that quite often board members are
absent due toR sickness and pointed out
that the member's allowance is an
honorarium based on a year's service to
the board.
Ashfield Trustee Eugene Frayne said
that sickness and vacation could not be
compared, adding he felt that a year's
service to the board was 12 months not-
nine. He asked if the people of Wingham
knew Mr. Alexander missed. the time
and if they knew they were not being
represented at two or three board
meetings a year.
Stanley twp.
(continued from page 1)
a second house may be built on a far-
ming operation run by a father and son,
or father -daughter, where either one or
the two would reside in the new dwelling.
Fear was expressed over what should
happen to these houses once the farm is
sold or the operators decide to move.
Should the building be levelled to the
ground, or should non-agricultural
residents be allowed to move in?
"If you don't allow severances for
retired farmers, they will stay longer on
their farms and will not be able to
produce what a younger one could if
given the.chance," said Elmer Harding,
of the Huron County planning board.
The problem of severances remains to
be resolved in the course of the
,remaining workshops.
All present at the workshop favoured
the preservation of the township's
Not puppet....
(continued from page 1)
due . to the market con-
ditions," Hill said.
The program would award
farmers an average price
between the fair and actual
"The legislation that was
'passed was inadequate, gave
the farmers no bargaining
role in developing the plan,
and was controlled by the
Herb Turkheim said he felt the people
of Wingham knew about Mr. Alexan-
der's absence and snowed their approval
of his performance by electing him to
another term on the board. He said the
Wingham trustee faced some good
competition. in the election and was
voted in at the top of the polls.
"They must be satisfied with him,"
said Turkheim.
Under board policy adopted in.1975 the
chairman's advisory board is cl*arged
with the task of keeping a record of
attendance of board metnbers at, regular
board meetings and reviewing the
records to decider on any deduction of
allowance. Mr. Elliott claimed that the
policy gives the task of deciding what
percentage of allowance' Alexander
should be docked to the committee and
means the board should not have been
Shirley Hazlitt said that under the
resolution the • advisory committee was
given the responsibility but suggested
"it hasn't been doing its job". She said
the committee should review the per-
formance ofevery board member
regularly and asked that it do the review
now paying particular attention to
Alexander's absenteeism.
Elliott said the only way he would
consider that motion is if all members
were treated the same. The board
recognized the need for performance
review and passed the motion.
natural beauty, especially the. Bayfield
River Valley, and greater restrictions
put on a farmer's ability to remove wood
Wood lots should be preserved to
prevent wind and water erosion of
farmland and present penalties for
removing a wood lot should be raised to
be more of a deterrent.
At present, farmers are able to claim a
tax deduction on their woodlots, up to 20
acres in size.
Whatever stand the township took on
agriculture in drafting its secondary
plan, care must be taken that problems
will not be set that will plague children
and . grandchildren, in future years,
Varna farmer Gordon . Hill told the
The next workshop on recreation in the
township will be held in Varna Township
Hall next Tuesday March 29.
government, with farmers
not given much to say," he
The NDP's support of the
farm organisations had some
effect on his decision to run as
a party nominee but by no
means the only one. He cited
the property tax issue as
"Since 1949, the govern-
ment has promised to correct
the inadequacy of the farm
tax system," Hill said, but so
far 'matters haven't been
really improved.
The Progressive Con-
servatives , have been in
power too long and need to
play an -,4 opposition role he
said, adding, that he hoped to
contribute to its downfall by
agreeing to run in ,the next
1. Flax Futures for 1977 continue at an
attractWe level.
2. Flax Plantings in our area have continued to _
grow. .
3. Input Cost for seed, fertilizer and spray Tess
than $20.00 per acre as of March 31, 1977.
4..A _market is available immediately for all
Ontario grown flax.
5. Quick unload as compared with other cash
6. Forward selling available (ask Manager for
7. Storage available (ask Manager for details)
8. Contracts available (ask Manager for details)
9. Crop insurance for flax is available in 1977
(See your Agent for details)
Don't delay because interest in this seed is high.
To avoid disappointment call today.
For seed
Milverton, Ontario
phone 595.49141
please contact:
Lucknow, Ontario
phone 528.2026
I Atilt
by :..catty Hamilton
Mail your problems .to"'oTml;,
pact" c -o this paper. All let-
ters will be answered .provided
-a stamped addressed envelope,
is enclosed. Some of general
interest will be published.
Letters must be signed but we
will NOT reveal your identity.'
A news release sent to us by
the Ministry of Consumer and
Commercial Relations in-
formed us about a campaign
that has been launched to
assist consumers in dealing
with car repair problems.
Here is the gist of a new
sticker being distributed from
automobile licence offices:
If your car warranty still
applies, review it carefully.
Determine exactly who pays
for what.
Check your owners manual.
You may find the solution to
your problem right there.
Be as specific as possible
when describing the problem
to your serviceman. Don't be
afraid to ask questions.
Ask for an estimate before
proceeding with major
repairs. Make sure all work is
authorized by you --- never
sign a blank work order.
Get full details on repair
work warranties (parts and
Clinton Community
Credit Union
Good Dividends
Convenient office hours
70 Ontario
took up cross-country
skiing this year and purchased
a pair of skis. I only used them
a few times when one broke.
When I returned it•to the store
I got no satisfaction from the
owner who says that there is
no guarantee against
b,eakage for any sporting
goods made of wood, including
baseball bats, hockey sticks as
well as skis.
• This may be so but I contend
that they should last a lot
longer than just a few short
Is there any way you can
help me get either a refund or
a new pair of skis?
If the breakage was due to
faulty workmanship or
material there is usually such
a thing as a manufacuturers'
guarantee. Suggest you return
the broken ski to them along
with a detailed covering
& Son
T. Prycle Ltd.
District Representative t
Don Denomme
6_62.1 --
appointments _anytime
I'm an elderly widow who
lives alone and I'm sick and
tired of the amount of "junk
mail" that manages to find it s
way with great regularity into
my mail box.
1 admit I do like to receive
mail, but not this kind, and
I'm wondering if you people
know of any way that I can put
a stop to it?
I enjoy "IMPACT" and I.
thank you for any advice you
may have.
Yes, there is a way! Drop a
note to . the: CANADIAN
ASSOCIATION, 130, Merton
St. Toronto. M4S lA4 and
advise them that you want a
form to have your name
removed from mailing lists.
Then all you do is to corn-
lete and return the form and
the CDMMA will then advise
their member companies
Bali & Match
.+111 I