HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-12-9, Page 8Ni s 1i.A1> OB, l revitielt, a; `iti $9' 1;1,LLAIQa', AGENT FOE. . ' h W1�sl:IaJ1 ASS>:~i11AEO COAL, �. VANY. of Toronto •.area for tare 1'kIC1aNIXFIRE INS1.I11ANOPu;; COMPANT,atl.,o lclon, Begland, ti i;e I.BOYr'.L (lANADIAI , of Montreal, an dthe 13ztz'.t'ThrtEN/ 11UUz1k ASS 43Als0E 0Oat- PANT', of TAendon, England, estall)islre(1 ij3 Assets over $5,000,000 ; claims and bonuses .paid, over 510,000,000, ^IIDQ4L 11iiJVS.-Wesharkbe. happy to re• .dive at alt antes, from any ?rat of the oGototty, ltenns ttt ioeril news, such ds ac- vidente,or any interesting i,retident what aver, f7•orlt aur, of our subscribers Or read- ers generally for the purpose of public- ation. gtitc ( eier Junes. THURSDAY, DEC, $tb, 1886. TENCPNT4 perlruefor frstinsertioe, aril OUR 0 e;NTS per lime for each subsequent le ;ertioowill be char•gecl'to notices appearire i this column. LOCAL. HAPPENINGS. Mr, Thos, 4'r•iorshippetl,two ear loads of' cattle to the eastern tuarkets, otr Monday. i; Mr. Jas: Swenerton is the candidate of the Te aperanee aura Conservative party. A young hot1so Baron„ lug to Mr. Alex, Davie, rs seriously ill with distemper. The 1-liensall ice skating rine will be open- ed this week, The temperature Sunday night was 18 degrees belew zero, It is reported that 5,000 dear have been slaughtered in Muskoka district this season, Mr. E. Christie, has purchased several .American style Portland cutters. Who doubled the price of our childrens' school books ? The Mowat Government, Why were Scripture Readings put in our schools ? To satisfy Archbishop Lynch and serve es a stop forsoine s9uealer's mouth. Read '. laitton's advertisement. He is offering his splendid assortment of goods at the lowest possible prices. Municipal, and Parliamentary elections and local railway matters form the subjects of discussion on our streets. The firemen intend giving and entertain- en41t., shortly. They promise something }m*00 There is ice on the river several inches thick, and the 5101111 !boy has been making rise of it. What is your opinion on the Riel affair, Mr. Bishop ? The people of South Huron are anxiously awaiting an answer. Mr, IVnI, Bawden landed at London, England, on the 22nd ult. He will possibly arrive Moine by Christmas. The snow plow did good service on Friday last. Every street in town was cleared of snow to the depth of three feet. Tlie funeral sermon of the late Miss E. • Cann, was preached at 136thany, Sunday last, by the Rev. W. H. Gane. There was a good attendance. . The anniversary of the James-st Meth. church will be held on Sunday and Monday next, Rev. Mr. Webber takes a prominent part in the same, Large quantities of brick pass through the village daily, to be used in the erection of new residences for our farmer friends, of the adjoining townships. Vote for Mr. Jas. Swenerton, and secure better inforcement of the Scott Act. Mr. Bishop, has lent no helping hand to accom- plish the desired end. Mr. Bishop is one of Mr. Nowat's follow- ers, who sympathised with the French, over the hanging of the traitor Riel. All lovers of Canadian laws of justice should remem- ber this. A meting of tile ratepayers will be called in a few clays, to consider the advisability of inducing the C. P. R. to extend their pro- posed line to Exeter, and also to appoint a committee to enquire into the matter. In anticipation of the good time they are going to have, and the handsome presents they are going to receive, the next two weeks will appear to pass very slowly to the young people. The killers for Davis, the butcher, ex- perienced much difficulty in capturing from the field adjoining the slaughter house, a young heifer, the other day. The animal had to be lassoed. A communication from Mr. Chas. Senior, on 'lehalf of the trustees of the Exeter Public School, who voted for the resolution -giving reasons .for displacing the Scrip- ture Readings, is of interest to every rate- payer. Mr. A. Bishop, the Reform candidate for South Huron, for the Local Legislature was in town Tuesday testing the feelings, of his constituents. Mr. Bishop, as a man, is well enough, but as a representative of a' people, who believe that Riel was justly hanged, he is unfit. Business during the past few days has been very brisk, wood, grain, hay, pork, etc., being marketed in large quantities, and sold, in the majority of cases, with but little delay. Good wood brings 83.00 per cord, while hay is selling at from $9 to $10 per ton. A. Mr. Faulkner, of St. Marys, was in town last week, and read to us a letter lie had received from a friend in Dakota. The writer complains of extremly bad tinges and says, "there are more farms for sale out here than you can shake a stick at." This is Mr. Blake,s paradise Only two weeks from next Tuesday until the Ontario elections. When the time comes every loyal Canadian, who has the interests of the country at heart, should cast bis vote in favor of a supporter of Mr. Meredith. His platform is one which is commendable to all. If the young people of the village cannot secure sufficient membership to organize, a toboggan club, why not try snowshoeing. There is not a deal of expense connected with the latter, and the cost is within the scope of all. Many of the young men pos-, sess outfits. What do you say about this, N. D. H. ? Last week, I. J. Dearing met with an accident, which laid hien up for several days. He was wrestlrpng with another party and not having a guod:hold, slipped and fell, his opponent, who is a heavy per- son, falling on top of him. A slight dislo- cation was the result. Sunday, the 28th ult., was Advent Sun- day. The four weeks immediately preced- ing Christmas are collectively styled. Ad- vent, a term denoting approach or arrival,. and are so called in reference to the coming celebration of the birth of our Saviour. This year it fell on the earliest possible date which it can occur. The entertainment given in Drew's hall last evening, sunder the auspices of the ladies of the Main-st Meth. church was a grand success in every respect. At an early hour the hall was well filled, and as far as the programme was rendered at time of going to press it was highlypleasing to all. Time and space will not permit of an extended report. The. Bethany church and Sabbath school will bold their anniversary on Sunday and Tuesday -next. Sunday, sermons will be preached by Rev: Jas. Ford, of London, and on Tuesday, a tea will be served, after which, addresses will be delivered by several Rev'd gentlemen. A good time may be expected. ;Admission, 25c.; child- ren, not of the school, 15cts. Mr. Thomas. Handford; of Centralia, returned home from Manitoba on Friday last. Xie reportstimes lively out there, and feels confident that the Norquay Gov-' ernment will be elected Tom being well acquainted in Manitoba, can well form an opinion. He also affirms that matters for the Dominion look', romisin for Sir 1Tohti. It is a common expression of merehants that "business is so chill it will not pay to advertise,''What would `wst think of the working man who, when, work is scarce, would, not try all the harder to find it ? The ditty of the Merchant or `nanufacterer at such tines is to create ,Or by offering new and attractive styles, .b seekislb' Ilew l y , �' customers., and pitching beyond usual neigh,, borhoocl limits. He should, not sit clown. and wait for trade to come to him, but seek it on every sfde and through the use of every lawful instrumentality, When trade ie dull a mere aetitre exertion most be rnade° to`.seottre it than whole business is brisk, When times are fired; a and,nlonoy plentiful it requires but little effort to sell goods, ,there is not so much need of ad'yertls,ng at such.' threes, Banton Bros.. • fess making department reopened, Miss Wood, in charge. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 -Carson's Catarrh Cure at Scarlett's Drug store, giving immense satisfaction. Guarantees issued only at Scarlett's Drug 'Without exception the best and cheapest lines In Boots and Shoes we have as yet ,seen, can now be earl at C. Eaerett's, Chil- dreus Carriages, Express Wagons, Men and Women's Felt Boots, Men's Hand -Made Boots, also a good assortment of leen and women's Over -Shoes and Rubbers of every •description, also Harness, Trunks, Valises, .and 'Whips constantly on hand. Call and be convinced. Butter and eggs taken in ,exchange for goods. Also afirst•elass 13110k House for sale or to rent. Agents Wanted. Clement & Co., of 40 Wellington Street East, Toronto, or 81 St. Francois -Xavier ,Street, Montreal, want a General Agent. They are the exclusive owners of the Scho- field Patent Cake Griddle, the Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the • "Carver's Friend,") the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay -Eye -See Wire Curry comb, and other specialties. If you want to make money, write 'to them at once for an outfit, and to secure what territory you ,can handle. 'The Times for 1887. The renewing of subscriptions is almost hand. In order to double our large cir- culation, we will send the Trams to any ad- dress front now nnti118S8 for one dollar ; i is the largest and bestprinted dollar paper in Huron. We will club the city weeklies with the TIMES as usual at the following prices :-The Tlares and London Free Press, for $1.85; TIMES and London ddvertiser, $1, 85; TIrInis and Globe, ;1.85 ; TIMES and D fail, $1. 55, with the balance of 1886 thrown ,� yl in } Temperance Lecture. Dispite the stormy and excessive cold g last, goodly of Friday, a g y 'number were in attendance at the temper- .ance lecture in Drew's Hall. The lecturer, Rev. 1.r. Burgess, of Listowel, gave in a plain and concisive maAner, the benefits of temperance,its workings and the manner in which the promoters must work to ensure .success. Mr. Burgess, being a very fluent speaker, it is a pleasure to listen to him. •Grip's Comic Almanac. We have received from the Grip Printing arnd Publishing Co., of Toronto, a copy of their celebrated Canadian Comic Alnatnac .for 1887. It more than keeps up the repu- tation of this Annual, which has now reach- ed its eighth year,=the great variety of the illustrations, and the first-class ,character of the humorous matter, making it a decidedly attractive hook. Everybody will want it ; and its price will not be an obstacle. Though eight pages of matter have been ad- ded, it still sells at 10 cents, andmay be had from the publishers or at the bookstores. A Disagreeable Adventure. One day last week, three citizens of Exe- ter,went to Black Creek swamp for the pur- pose of'getting out' wood. The weather was stormy and: cold, and in order to make their horse comfortable they tied . it in an •old building. They walked a considerable distance in the :wood, and commenced oper- ations.. After working hard for some hours they Prepared for home, but upon making a start could find no trace of the footsteps •or trail by which they got there, the snow had filled them. They were in a dilemma ; their horse was at the road -side, here were they -possibly lost. Considerable deliber- ating was indulged in,, after whteh, the -three set out in different directions, in search of a clearance, and before many hun- dred yards had been trod two of the num- ber came upon the road, and without fur- ther consideration made a B-line for Exe- ter -a distance of five miles, leaving horse and its owner to fare as best they could. The owner of the horse who went in a northerly direction, discovered a clearance in the vicinity of mill, known as Brook's., He was totally lost for a time, and was al- most giving up in dispair. He discovered a house, and upon making enquiries learned that, by going back through the swamp be would have to travel but one mile and a quarter ; but to go by road the distance was about five miles, to where his horse stand, He followed the road, and with starlight in his eyes, found his horse, at 12 o'clock p. in. It is needless to say he was happy, although under ordinary circum stances he might feel chagrined. Nominations for municipal elections take Mlace on Monday 26thinst., and voting on onday, 2nd January. i`bw that.the winter season is here would it not be wise for the Mechanics' Institute to take some step towards establishing a pertnanent reading room, for, at least, the winter months, Such a move should be popular among the; philantlirophie elasses, as it would serve to keep many young men of the streets and out; of worse places dttr- ing the long evenings, and give them an opportunity rtunity testore their minds with use- ful-information, se- inLrfor etion. Almost everywzn this section of the Province has such an inStitn- Con, and it wottld require but very little sf'ort,to establish one here, ' Of course' the oil sent room is not sufficiently spai iotas, tat: one could easily be pr'oaured.. The eases crrrirleetetl. with tyle,; undertaking ;tropia&i- be Very light, and. the Institute. might make this a source of tnroLtt while doingla t'ast deal of good to the community. l et there be a, move Made. N;;r, Parsons,i' who resides at the 'ewer end of the village, picked from .his pile of reds the ether day, six znangolds which weighed 110 pounds, He wade an .exhibit of six at the Exeter fall fair, which downed the scales at 180. We have published items of heavyweight` anangohls, but we believe, Mr. Parsons' cape the climax. We worrki liketite bear of anybody who can produce' :larger or heavier lntulrgoids than those mentioned above, Seven years ago when Mr. Thos, Hand- ford ,Arab went to Manitoba, it took him 8 days to go from London, Out., to St. Vin- cent, Mau,, while hest week he made the same journey with 100 miles added, in three days. The cost seven years ago, was $37, while now the fare is reduced to something less than $27 ; and still the C. P. R is ruining the country incalculable. These factsshould dispel from the mind of eyery reasonable man such baso ideas. ESTRAY CATTLE. Strap:albite the premises of the undersign- ed 10210, con. 20, on or about the first of July, 1 spotted steer, rising3 years old; and 1 heifer, red and white, rising'2 years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pa y charges and take them away. HUGH LOVE, NOTICE. . SEALED TENDERS will be received by the uudelsiguecl, un to Friday, the 18th of Decem. her, 1886, at 7 o'clock, p, in„ fel-building a Town Hall, in the Village of Exeter.Plans and speoificatiorlscan be seen at Bissett Bro's Till Shop, ]txetcr, on or after 1'iiday tho 26th inst. Tenders 1aa3' state pried for either the whole work or for each part separately, M. EACR) TT, Exeter, 23rd Nov.,1886. Clerk, Exeter. TO ADYERT1SERS For a check for 820 we will print a ten -line advertisement in Ono Million issues of loading American Newspapers. This 1s at the rate of only one -filth of a cep t,a line, for 1,000 Circu- lation l The advertisement will be placed b afore Ono Million 'different newspaper pu1- ebasers:-or FrvE MXILrma READERS. 'feu lines will accomodate about 75 words. Ad- dress with copy of Adv. and check, or send 30 cents for Book of 150 pages. GEO, P. lIO W ELL & CO., 10 ,SPRUCE ST., NEw YORE. t.j?�•1� Notice to Contractors. ' TENDERS will be invited in a few days for the construction of the seetion on the Cape Breton Railway extending from .the Grand Narrows to Sydney, a distance of about 45 miles. Thianreliminary notice is given in order that Contrators desiring to tender for the work may have an opportunity to examine the location before the winter sets in. By order , A. P. BRADLEY, secretary. Dept, of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 26th Nov., 1886. Executor's Notice TO CREDITORS. In pursuance to Section 31 of Chapter 107, of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and the Sta- tutes amending the same, notice is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Marshall Pollick, late of the village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of Cctobor, A. D ., I886, aro re- quested to send by post, prepaid, or to deliver to John Snrallacombe, of the said village of Exeter, Gentleman, one of the Executors of the last Will andTestame::t of the said late Marshall Pollick, deceased, on or before the First Day of January next, (.t D, 1887), a state- ment of their names and addresses, and ale full uarticulars of their claims and of the so- curities (if any) held by them, and that after the said date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said testator, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and the Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof. to any person or persons of whose claims no- tice shall not ' ave been received by them at the time of sneb distribution MOSES McFADDEN, Solicitor for the Executors. Dated at Exeter this 25thday of November, A.D., 1886, S. C. HERSEY -HAS- Re-opened His Grocery, AND WILL IN FUTURE- -SELL FOR CASH. Hie Entire Stook Will Be Sold f 5 PER CENT. BELOW COST. Zurich Roller Flour, Bran, Shorts and Chop. ALWAYS ON HAND. -CALL AND SEE. Pure Liquors -FOR- MErOICZNAL- PrZI.POS,E' . --o o J. W. BROWNING The Dominion Laboratory Having been appointed by the Ontario Gov- ernnient, to sell WINES AND LIQUORS, under the Scott Act Law, has on hand a fair supply of the very best to be found on the market. I "ThoMEMnlitr Tarts i8 Tun ONLY Piton Lxossean To. SicLL.:. Also Vail Lines of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, &c., at ItEMAIU ABLY LOW PRICES. 3. VV'. 1311OWv'NliNG, DOMINION LABORA'T'ORY. Thhe Great Efl 11sli 1P're�crip>tlOn, A:, suoeessfiil Medicine need civet 80, year& iu' thousands of case§. ff t r Bitted S p "ermatorrhett:i Nettou9 'Weakness, 92b'Ya8 l»t 'b e1tL' 'Wea7eness,-.ti'mte , p t lj � and all diseases ennead by abuse 8serous indiscretion, or all over-exertion. i.rrx>rnj 1,1 n�iackaga5 Gatcrattteeet to Cllre w�lir.en others I eft Ask yeilX,Dreggfst for The Meal, Ee1ttlislt 1'reseelatlon, take '.no;. sitbstltnte, bite package Si. " ix$G, bv"Ipali. Write far Pamphlet, tddltess Euekai Cllremi'al 4 o,g tietroity I1 1i, to• Sold Exeter by I)ri 1, W. 1lrtitvnftzg and 0, Lutz, • P -AND--- P. NEW WEA A HAPPY YEAR, t Something of Great Weight J EAD ABOUT IT Any one who wants to purchase a Christ- mas Gift, -no Matter whether an elaborate article or a mere trifle, -can make the best selection and get the most favorable terms, by looking through my COMPLETE STOCK OF HOLIDAY GOODS ! ',,,Consisting of an endless variety of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY, SILVERWARE, NOVELTIES, ETC Carefully Selected and especially adapted to meet the wants of holiday shoppers. Popular Prices, Reasonable Prices, and Prices Within Your Means. My Specialy : To Please My Customers ; My Ain' : To Save Money For My Patrons ; My Intention : To Do Better 13y You Than Anyone Else. -NY STOOK or - LADIES' & GENTS' GOLD WATCHES will excel that of former years in both Style and Price. Come One and All. Our beautiful display is intended for everybody's enjoyment. No obligation to purchase. R. HICKS, Main-st., Exeter. 500 TITES Butter Wanted J. Matheson, EXETER N OETH, Our Stock is Well Assorted FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED ! GROCERIES ! ! 16 lbs. sugar 81.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c. to 75e. per lh. Boots & Shoes (All Style's) at Low Prices. A nicely assorted stock of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (Cheap.) Be.t Machine Oil GOc per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. ' A nice Tea Sett'of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good snit of ready-made clothing for 86. Ordered suits got up in Good Style. Our Dress Goods are harked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. AHouse and Lot, also a .1.4 arm for Sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. X -MAS, 1886 FITTON'S ESTABLISHMENT. As ie usual at this season of the year, we offer oar entire stock, which is more com- plete than at any other season, consisting of the very finest lines of Watches Clocks LANK EXETER WOOLLEN IVLILLS sp I +Fi'' r4IR$r 1250' All kinds of Yarns, Tweeds, Flaunels, Shirting, 4zc., AT A SMALL ADVANCT ON WROLPSALG,"'11IOBS. Manufacturing those goods ourselves, we are enabled to sell at Lowest Figures. PARTIES REQUIRING A GOOD BLANKET Would clo well to inspect our stock before purchasing elsewhere. We have a Full Assort - men On Hand. 250 pairs of all weights,and sizes. 100 pairs Horse 131aukots, different patterns, selling cheap, CORZ7WC07D WANTED. 1R. MUIR Prop. Subscribe for "The Times." vas In•.a N . •.1 ,.+xN .,,�. 1144 ' +.) (71,1 , quo,.? rwx p� l t } o N�- 8 J�.:H .� ,` .A^'�. R�.�'�'`�i„t'�' �...;f'•Ay'�^�" To any one sending in TWO New Subscriptions to the WEEKLY MAII- at One Dollar Each. No freight and no duty to pay. We have the Books on hand• ready, to be sent our. °�:) POPULAR It VN:Lt NOOKS OF 1{�,]L:lF.ERE'P,1'2;!'- 0v T1111 NEST AUTHORS 1. Jasper )lane's Secret. ANovel. 13y Miss M. E. BRAD7ON. illustrated. 2 0elelt lioweebank's Wile. A Novel. By Mi -ss Mu ocii. Illastratcd. 3. The Cricket on the Hearth. A Christ- mas .tory. 13y CHARLES D1011Ns. Illus- (1-atecl. 4. The Mystery of the Molly Tree. .A Novel. 13y' the author of "Dora 'Thorne." 111ustrated. 5. Gabriel's Marriage. A Novel. 13y Wtr.KIE COLLINS. Illustrated. 0. The Grey Woman. A Novel. By Mrs. GASKRLL. Illustrated. 7. Sleeping the 1Vletrlwind. A. Novel. By MARY CECIL HAY. 8. The herr to Ashley. A Novel. 13y Mrs. HENRY WOOD. 9. Antos 'Barton. A Novel. ByGEoaal ELtoT. 10. henry Arkell. A Novel. By Mrs, HENRY WOOD. 11. The Laurellinsh. A Novel. By Miss MULoc1. 12. Mildred Trevanion. A Novel. By " THE DUCHESS." 13. (raped Rack. A Novel. By HUGH CoNway. 14. Rack to the Old Home. A Novel. By MAUY CECIL HAY. Illustrated. 15. The Frozen Deep. A Novel. By WILKKIE CoLLINS. Illustrated. 10. lied Court Farm. A Novel. By Mrs. HENRY WOOD. Illustrated. 17. A golden Dawn. A Novel. By the author of "Dora Thorne." illustrated. 18. Dudley Carleton. A Novel. By Miss M. E. BRADDON. 19. Sister Rose. A Novel. By WILIKIE COLLIKS. 20. in the holidays. A. Novel. By MARY CECIL HAY. 21. The Morwiek Farm Mystery. A Novel. By WILrxE Coaajxs. Illustrated. 20..t Bride front the Sea. A Novel. By the author of "Dora Thorne:" Illustrated. 23. -4. fortune Hunter. A Novel. By ANNIE THOMAS. Illustratecl. 21. The Rtatrhford Bequest. A Novel. fly Howl CONWAY. Illustrated. `23. 1 iluecn Amongst Women. A Novel, By t110 author of "Dora Thorne." 26. The Falai Marriage. A Novel. By Miss 1L E. BRADDON. 27, The ltnihtsbridge Mystery. A Novel. By t:nA1ILEs READE. Illustrated. 2S. At110114 be RaIes. A Novel. By MARY CECIL HAY. Illustrated. 29. The 1l.ystcry at Blackwood Grange. A Novel. 13y Mrs. MAY AGNES 1� LEMIING. 30. The Cities of the New World. A description of all points of interest relating to every important city of, America, ]llns- trated with bird's-eye views' of each city described, 33. i'seful'1Cnowledgefor the. Pei#lion. a handy book of useful' information wp011, many and various subjects, Illustrated. MISCELLANEOUS. 30. The history and Mystery ofConnnou Things. This work tells alIabont the manu- facture of the common and familiar things which we see every day about us. It like- wise describes the oulturo of all kinds of foroignfruits, nuts, spices, etc. IIBustrated. 31. 1iauuers asad Customs In Par away Lands. a very interesting and instructive book of travels, describing the peculiar life, habits, planners,a�1d customs of 1110 people of foreign countrieb. Illustrated. FOR THE LADIES. 3 L Fancy Work for Home Adornment, containing instructions for making +fancy baskets,wall-pockets, brackets, needle -work, embroidery, etc., ete. ; profusely illustrated. 35. The Moine Cook Rook 1111(1 Fatuity Physic Ian. con taining hundreds of excellent cookingreceipts and hints to ]rousekeepere, also teing how to cure all an sof com- mon ailments by simple homon inedios- FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE,. 36. Famous Detective Stories. A col- lection of thrilling narratives of Detective experience, many of themwritten by actual members of the profession. We believe it to be the best collection of Detective stories ever published. 37. Sixteen Complete Stories by Popular Authors, embracing love, lnuuorous, and Detective stories, stories of society life, of adventure, of railway life, etc.: all very in- teresting. 38. School Dialogncs•'-- ec ,,ions mid Readings, a large and chola-Teelleclien for school exhibitions, and public and private entertainments. AMUSEMENTS., ' 39. Parlor Anntsemen ts, a new and large collection of Acting; Charades, Parlor Dramas, 'Shadow, Pantomimes, Gaines, Puzzles, etc., for social gatherings, public and private entertainments, and evenings at home. Illustrated. 40. Yankee Wit and 'rumor. A collec- tion of humorous;,stories, sketches, p001115, and. paragraphs, by the leading funny men of the American press. Illicstrated. The above 40 Books will be sent postpaid to: any address for,$1.20. Address The WOMAN'S WORK COMPANY, Toronto, Canada. We have arranged with the Publishers of these Books to present the whole Forty, postage prepaid, to any address in Canada or 'the United Stated, as a premium for sending Two New Subscribers to "The Weekly Mail" at One Dollar' Each. PNCE OP THIS YEAR FR EJ Address, "THE MAIL," Toronto, Canada. CARUNC'S sLOCK -TEE PLACE FOR - CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT. lid ,l A):Stle$S)04)41,1'Oh One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Che pest Stocks in Exeter. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in all the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS. -All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple Lines in Black Goods. Colored P1us11es in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress and Mantle Silks. :. GOOD ASSORTMENT AN D EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range. Flannels,•Blankets, Factory and 'White Cottons, Shirtin s coo„ all bought beforethe•advanco in prices and will, be sold.at Shirting s, POSSIBLE PRICES. If you wart Correct Goods at Correct Prices come to V se -watery, Silverware, C.A�R7 IST' ' : ` - C S Silver-plated 'VV`ar�, 7121as1cal rnstruments, &c. t9 ,i Croce y" L10goo. tpaent $s Cioraplept :, TRY OTJR 500T. TEA. Our Stuck is the Best ought in the Vilest r. and we are determtniul to close it nut It ackno wlsdlged by everyone that leas used It to be the, best in the 'Village for the money„ if possible rltiring the holiday season, so' Sample • Parcels, Free. g y CAr ]& TAKEYOUR CHOICE, t t f,. B��Tn�,�.�GCxS, ANDD Ar�L P�O�U(E TA1lI('i1T I +'XCIrAIq(i tr At prices which are lower than ever, All kinds of Clocks, ,Wateler and Jen el �OLIO eryrepaired It Lowost prices /� NV 1 f �. / eter1