The Exeter Times, 1886-12-9, Page 5SCRIPTURE SELECTIONS, Soule rAC1$ 1119p4411I)XNO Srlll `A17yIfi1No 001,f• eteeet 9 elee 'Nue eeeetRteelet e ACOUletese r e`Coesepi—eneenU in MONSelfte ee ASSIMI ,f) sr E111 e1Ilenir :1t—Orreei r en 7 O. At0'r11,A, TIQN OP TU 1�XAi 1 . 040 t (MO' of .illall, The Globe of to -day oontaine a let - 1 or from the Rev. Prinoillal Caven and another from Rev, Pr. Dewart, regarding the way in which the S.eripture lessons were pre- political reasons, why tat tote time, lust at pared. I am happy to bo able to agree in I the. approaehiug Ontario elections ? We their statement eo far as to find nothing in laony that airy su0h considerations or intlu- them that I need controvert. Nevertheless, e were brought 1 there aro two ways of telling a story, and wheu the subject is one for which the bar raters have largely to trust to memory, and eoncerniug which they may feel differently, we need not be eurprioed to find a different color given to ,)tie story, and this is perfect consistency t' ith truth and honor. 1 am not 1 tures trying osoh to ? remove tis he theHoly Cl e r berm - infallible, am w bu i nknow the inter in this mattero of England, nor the Aletbodicts, nor the not wvrittu in the interests of the Opp is or Cou re ation- am one l Presbyterians, nor Baptists g g 1 have f Y 1 nt.a •nine t Government. v -- e1 at petitioned the 1t e sitiou to the r important of Minister of Education to have the Soriptures l with malarial fever. He teetifiee to a mire oUject in view, viz .--The instru0fion of our j alists, beoause they have pe 110 Protestant youth iu the most mp Ie froth Burdook Blood Bitters, after physicians' all subjects, their claty to Clod and man; and rpll a power the that is oblie 1pl osed to the Scripturoa and otllor medicines failed, The New York "Times'" Waehington dis- patch says the President has been improving in health since Saturday. He will be all right in a day or two, . Aly horse stepped on a rolling stone, sprained her off hind leg, badly swollen, Giles Liniment Iodide Ammonia aired her. leen pees BY U. LUTZ, Central Drug Store. The Devitt lectern at Montreal netted $850, of whish $50Q was handed to Mr, De- vitt, the rest goal � to the Laud League laud. Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and surety develops into Catarrh when ,yea can be cured for 25 cents. A few app S4ripture' RQ ,doings. To the Uttar of the Exeter Timm, Ste.—Fault Las boon found by eartele parties with the trustees of Exeter t;3e1iool Boa}•d, for remavillg the Beek that has oeon laced In the •sehogl by the h1inister ot Edit, nation, knewn as Scripture andReadings,uNOT fTTAlCs L11Lb I7, cin in each cdepeetrriont of Exeter p d,I ,vas nearly used up with 4 eleavy colli,scho Placing HolySeri)turee. Wo' red 1Ia • Wive a re of the 1 I frcnn tvltiolt I got n0 relief until T tried Wive been reported. to Have dons this for yard's Pgotoal Balsam, 'I found it a suis' ()Mimi reasons. Some say, if not for euro, `1'ltore is. nothing like e t' says Bclwtixd °attains, Ranson, Oilt, i e of Calffo011fa for the year is '1'ha v ntag estimated at 10,500,000 gallons, A Living QueStiOrt. Qo1artaN—'Is this life worth living?' An._ Zl'f11MelIt matt onaa steer --'It all depends ttpon the liver?' I1 or inactive it pauses a dull, 1ot43h, Removes all Bunches, Cures Lame: torpid 1 a , leuguid feeling. Dr. Chase's Liverb Cure nese in Cattle, Spinal Meningitis, Found - gives health and buoy, anoy, Sold . y er, Weak Limbs, Sprung Knees, Spate Lute. PotlrestpkgIstexaS, Mrs, Graney, wife of llev. I . Graney, of Gaeanogne, formerly of the Thames Road,.. is of a visit et preemie et her mothe1'8, MrB. P. eleKey, Willow Greve,. 3rd con„ Bien - shard. Mrs. Greoey's 'ninny fr'iellde are ploe ed to see her one° snore. ROMAN A T TQ OURS ' Q? STOOL encto bear. Tho trustees of Exeter School Beard, were totally ignorant of the fact of the book being used in the school to within four Jaye of a Board meet- ing, and as 3400)1 as we were made acquaint- ed with the fact stops wore token at °nee to k that are have it removed. We ask who is 1 t 7t LZE Iia' 4 � UD. „ T1 THP EVIDENCE OF A JUSTICE. In, Itingbono, Quitter, Windgalls. QUEEN OIT At. Tore*, T11 ere Barre/ Guaranteed• 'Alla, oil r/lid used on ell machinery awing tk Exbii)itiou. It #las been awarded ,Sit, QQLD MELAD during the last three years. r r$ee that you get Peerless. It is only adeby 1.]S d1i.%.i. �drli•d+�i,•frt! ,'}fQ.,. FOL SALE 13Y 345. PICKARD. Esquire Pelton, of Grass Lake itliglur~au, No stable should be without it. •,Satlroad� jnstloo of the peace, Was given tip to d10 Miningttnd Express Companies all use Giles Liulment,and in the• great racing stables o Belmont andLorillard it has achieved wond dors. One trial will convince, , Write DB.GILES,Box 3183.N.leP. O., who will, without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sala by all druggists at 50c. and $1,00 bottle and in quarte at $2.50, in which there is great saving, The Liniment in white -wrappers is for family use; that in yellow for cattle, f1ILES' IODIDE AMMONIA HOJRSE, AND CATTLE POWDERS. Used by all tae lending horsemen on Jerom Park, llleetwood, Beach, SheepBhead Bay au Bnll'sliead. Never cliesapointeare Tonic, Ae terative slid Diuretic, Destroy Worms: Curl Indigestion, Colic, Beta, Sore Throat, catarrh, Penuche-, Pink -eye and Rheumatism. Tile d08o 10 Small and the power is great. Th e powders are Guaranteed and Purchaser e Milling to Obtain a Cure llioney Refunded. Sold by all druggists at 25;eta. per bee. it is because I have found the lloman Uatho lie clergy throwing every °heteoie in the way, that I have felt palled upon to criticize from time to• time the administration of our De- partment of 'Education, This I would feel bound to do under any Government, .But it is alleged that there has been uo inteeferaneo by the clergy in the preparation of the Scripture lessons. Mr. Editior, 1 wish I could believe that, It is, as the Globe's correspondents say, true. 1, that it was in response to the request of the Protestant Churches that the book was prepared ; 2, that the representatives of these churches approved generally ot the use of selections, andisomo proposed to read every ehaoter and verse in the Bible ; 3, that the proof of the selections was carefully revised by seven of ns, and so far may be said to have the ap- proval of the churches. But tbere are other facts which must be remembered, and since it seems necessary to lay the matter before the public I will refer to a few things which go to justify the position I take. 1. When the deputations met with the Hon. Mr. Ross, he showed, them a letter from ArchbishopLynch, showing that .he had been consulted as well as we, and had and for this, and uo other reason, we are opposed to having euything but the Bible, so that when pupfle hear a passage react they know it is the pure word of God, es we, who are Protestants, are led to believe ; and not a few verses here and a few there, because some say the Bible in its entirety, is not fit to be placed in our public schools. We say, here, if it is not fit for schools it is not fit for churches. Hence our opposition. By pub- lishing this, we merely wish to inform the public.. that our action in displacing the Soripture Readings, was prompted by prin- ciple, and that alone, which we will endeavor to verify at annual meeting. Yours truly,t Cis. Saxton, Trustee. FREE TRADE. The reduction of internal mollies and the taking off of reyeune stamps from Proprie- tary Mediciues, no doubt haselargely ben efit- ted the consumers, as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers. Especially ib this the case with Green's August Flower and Boschee's German Syrup, as the redue- ion of thirty-six cents per dozen, has been so fur cemented to the use of the bunk, added to increase the size of the bottled con- Perhapslbir. Rose will publish the letter. 1 taining these remedies, thereby giving one - 2. "That the issue of a daily calendar of fifth more medicine in the 75 Dent size. eaclings wmlid have carried out the aim of I Tho August Flower for Dyspepsia and Liver the Conference" (See memorandum from t188 ,) bynw 1 ch'arraninittee of n arrangement the Bible and 1886,) by Teatemeut would have been in the hands of the pupils. The majority, however, favored the preparation of a book of selections, though some of us still thought that the Bible would be used by the children, as parents and trustees woulti prefer a cheap Bible to a costly book of selections. 3. That the deputations were taken by surprise when Mr. Ross informed them that he did not intend that the lessons should be read by the children, but to. them, by the teacher ;hat, seeing their disappoint- ment, he pro iced further to consider the matter. 4 That the Minister of Education avow- edly assumed. tate whole responsibility of preparing and issuing the book. And some others did not wish to assume the responsi- bility, acting as we wore for others, but Mr. Ross said, "1 have no fear of the denomin• ations ; I will aettme the entire respousi- bility, ." Oa tires understanding iuistected, and, .as requested, pe r in his undertaking. 5.. That when the Revising Committee met with Mr, Marling, and found that cer- tain words, pSeses, verses and whole pas- sages had bean clanged or omitted, they discussed the expediency of doing this, and only by a vote of four to three agreed tothese changes. Otte instance Of this was in refer- ence to Genesis, chapter, exxix., verses, 7 to 17, which passage is omitted in the Scrip- ture selection'. It was argued by the the majority that such passages secreld not be 1 h' t f hu -,.e boys and Complaiut, and the German Syrup for Coug and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world. The advantage of increased size of the bottles will bo greatly appreciated by the sick and afflicted, in every town and village is civilized countries. Sample bottles for 10 eats remain the same size. MARRIED. t tions will cure incipient Catarrh• One o LUTI,Agent, EXETER, ONT. two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One to five boxes will cure chronic Catarrh, Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other -1t will euro you. C. Lutz. sole agent for Exeter A FOURFOLD WORLL. Burdock Blood Bitters act at the same time upon the liver, the bowels. the kidneys and the skin, relieving or oaring in every case. d. ref endo Wnrrauted satisfactory or money The report of the Central Fair Board (Hamilton) shows receipts, $15,354 82 ; ex- eenditurc; $14,028.30 ; balance on hand, $1,326 40. Purge out the hn king distemper that un- dermines health, and constitutional vigor will return. Those who suffer from an en- feebled and disordered state of the system, should take Ayer's Sarsaparilla to cleanse the blood and restore vitality. Oou1Tlcr•.—VirooDLEY—In Fullartou, by ltev. I.Caswell, ou the 24th ult., Mr. James Courtiers, of Brandon, Manitoba, to Miss Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. James Wood- ley, of Fullerton. Aer.INsoN—SImercNs.—At the residence of Mrs. Haynes, the bride's sister, Wellborn, on Wednesday, 24th Nov., by the Rev. J. W. Priug, Mr. Thomas P. Atkinson, to Miss Annie Simmons. All of the town- ship of Blansharcl. DAVIDSON—F1ENCtt.—At�Lfba11, ou the 17th nit., by the Rev. John Campbell, William Davidson, of Blansllard, to Miss Georgina 11. French, of London, township. J08DAN--DAvIDs°N,--lu elothowell, by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton, on the 24tH ult., ItI•. Samuel Jordan, jr., to Miss Martha, eldest daughter of James Davidson, Esq., all of Fullerton. H. tiuS—AIvI11—Iu Hibbert, by the Rev. J. Caswell, on the 1st inst., Mr- John Harris, Fullerton, to Miss Elizabeth E. Muir, of Rodgerville. A 0 A RID. To all who are suffering from the e rs and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early cleeay, loss of Manhood, &c, I will send a receipe the evillcure yon, FREE OE CHANGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a self -ad. dressed envelope to Itnv, rosErlt T. bNarna LOVELL'S GAZETTER AND HISTORY OP TIE DOMINION OF °CANADA, In Nine Volumes, Royal Soo. , x a sufficient o BE COMMENCED whenever over ion 'a obtained t Tn umber of subscribers Dost of uublioatlou Subscription to the Nine. Volumes 475 00, to the Province of Ontario or to Qdebeo 412,50, to New Brunswick or to Nova Scotia 511.50, to Manitoba or British Columbia 49.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North- west Territories :0.50. Each Province to have a Map. Please Sand for Prospectus. V ELL, Manager and Puldislter 1tlontreal, 4th August, 1886. aug8d&w3 Station D. New Yo leCit UNSAFE: "I never feel safe to be without Hagyard's Yellow Oil ; for sore throats, colds, swollen glands sec., is has not failed to give relief, and for my cbildruu ii is 90 easy to adminis- ter." Mrs. Henry Dobbs, Berridale, P. 0. Ont. submit The Burmese rebels are rapidly ting to the British, and the Deceits are be- coming more quite, Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your mouth in the morning 8 Do ,you stiffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biiioueness? If so -' Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try it. Your Druggist will i efund money if not sat- isfactory. M. Floquet has been entrusted with the formation of the new French Cabinet, and he is now engaged in the task. How of teu do we hear of the sadden fatal termination of a case of Droop, when a young life might have been been saved by the STRAY CATTLis.—Strayed into prompt use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Kelp a bottle of it cn hand, for instant use. SEARCHING FOR PROOF. There is to trouble in ascertaining f1 om any druggist the true virtues of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, for all painful and inflammatory tro)bles, rhstunatisnl, neuralgia, lumbago, frost bites, burns, bruises, sprains, contracted cords, stfC0 0SUMPTIONtins and CU1tED. soreness. An old physician, retired from practice, bay. ing ha,i placed in his hands ay an East Indian missionary theforinula of a simple vegetable remedy for tho speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and 011 throat and lung affections, a1s0 a posi- tive and radical cure for N eryouS Debility and all Nervous Complaints, attar having tested its wouderful curative powers in thousands of arses, has feltit his duty to !mike it known to • fforiu^fellows. Actuateclby tti:sn'tive a OIL fields era so tre,but those lyho write )Vi to 31105011 & Co„ Portland, Maine, will receive free, full information about work which they cin do, and live at home, that will pay them from 45 to 525 per day. Some havo earned over 450 in a day. Either sex, young or old. capital not requir- ed. You are started free. 'Those who start at once are aosolutely sure c,f a snug little fo r- tuue. Allis new. read iu a mixec sc oo ° that ewere 0 the premises of the tinderscguod, - girls, It was urged in,repiy thy read in our churches beifers,— hes and Sabbath SchoolCon. 111, Hibbert, on or about July last, two Schools 0710 yearling and one two year old. But the majority carried The owner may have she same by proving pro - their pt offence. to Io tort and paying eaPeuses. their pout. in this comie'biion Mr, Marling 1 y JOHN SWAN, sive.. explained that if the reading of the r tions were to be made compulsory, they sbonld not be such as to offend the Roman Catholics who in the Eastern part of the province attended the Public schools, and what the that such passages as these were En, 11160, Roman Catholic authorities objected to as eneo'cCraIDrek,a.nl., for the Purpose of uominatm^ "immoral," indecent and not proper to be fit and. pr Der eputy ons too ill Chet, offices icenit 1)1111/bye read. The siolulimmto thea passed•tat 1 for the year 1887. anti, at 12 o'clock, tmottslil a resolution to the effect that it noon, on the salve day, for the purposes of no- wonld be better wholly to omit any passage rebutting e5ofnl t n.nd roPet persons 10 year, 11ilo oiti- haying anything in it really objectionable more than the requisite u no and it osod and the same will bejo than to make the charges prop mutilate God's Word. Perhaps Mr Ross will give the public this resolution in full. 6. I was no party to the removal of the references which indicated from what part of Scripture the selection was taken. I have never learned, who removed thein, and I regret ranch that that was done. 7. The regulations were not submitted to the deputations, nor to the sub committee ; although their substance was stated, they were never approved by the representatives of the Churches, for the Minister' of Educa- tion did not ask our appoval of them. 8. When, through Mr. Ross' kind cour- tesy,I received a presentation copy of the selections, I wrote him privately, stating my dissatisfaction in regard to some things. (1 -til Chise111urst1'. t1. Oi•IINATION.—Take notice that .L y a meeting of the ratepayers 01 the Town• ship of Hay willbe hold pursu Int to the Statute in th at behalf. on MONDAZ, 26'ru DAY or DR- ' the Town Ball, Zuriot, at 10 it umber are ed atdh poll demanded,1pinand a clesiro to relieve human suilet•tni, pen - ed ci the HONDA places t1 33,1 oto the towvn- 1 send free of charge, to ail who desire .t, this ship, on MONDAY, t 9 3110 DAx the Dore n o , recipe in German,Fronch or English, with full imputing at 0 O'clock in forenoon, 1 axing and using. i+ent b1' e maildixectiousfcr prep ori. g mall by dulclressing,with stamp, uauuugg this panel*,W.A Noxes,140Powor'sBlocic,Bccltcater, N. F A STRANGE CASE. Mi•. Robert TL1ssiek, of Coulson, Out.; has recently recovered from a remarkable dis- ease -a tumor of the spleen with dropsy, The tumor estimated to weigh about six pounds. His medical counsel gave him no hope, but Burdock Blood Bitters cured him. Miss Booth' of the Salvation Army, will be married to Capt. Clibboru in Paris in Jan- uary. tool, u� and ending at 5 o'clock in 3i'OSTE1t, Clerk. Hay 4Dec.10th, 1880, ]MARKET REPORTS. ( Corrected at5 o'clockp.m. Wednesday. Pall\Vno81 ... ... ... ... c 75 to 75 Spring Wuoat... ••• ... .. 0 56 to 0 73 0 40 to 53 Barley U 28 to 1 Oats 700 to 725 Clover Seed ... ... ... ... 1 75 to 2 00 Trmotby -'• ..' 0 18 to 0 50 Peas •'• "' .. 0 .58 to 0 60 Corn ', .. -. ... 0 16 to 6 10 Eggs 16 to 0 1G Butter tl0 to 5 55 Flour perbbl. - 30 to 0 40 But I fraulcly confess that Other n1a. ars Potatoes,perbushol ... ... .,. 40 to 0 50 which have occurred theca havo convinced Applcs,pere pr b .. ••. 0 10 to 0 5i to 0 00 me that there is more ground for dissatisfac- O1IOO psi 1b •• "' 0 07 to 07 tion with the volume, the marine)' of his pre 1 Turkey per lb 0 20 to 0 030 5 parntion and the regulation for its use than Dtlelcapespr •-. ... 0 20 to 0 07 or100 . 0 0 to 0 50 40 I at td n3ible. . The Churches had asked om it, iCiogn Grose Pt 4 00 to 5 00 shouldht d4beliead or proper selections children Baef be read intelligently by eel '•• C F7 that thus they might become farnilier with the Word of God ; and that iu addition lessons ou Scripture history sbould be pre- pared. lnstoad of giving us this, the depart- 000nt Stave regulations for devotional exon cites which it is compulsory to opentllo school with the Lord's Prayer, end colso it with reading a selection and prayer, theesole0tion being rend without comment of explanation, providing that the Ten Commandments be repented at least once a week when required by the trustees. This and no more. 'While, therefore, 1 can rejoice wiitli Dr. Canon and Dr. Dewart, that now theP tare is thus read in n greater number of Schools than formerly, and' hope that good may thus be done. I still feel that, in order to'avesid giving offence to the Roman Oatho- deprived of d 0 Ti �„ lie clergy (not the ilei),,) we aro p the privilege of giving to our ohildeen '!such religious nstrictien as their parents clothe." This the lady seOU'ros to tis, but the regula- tions prevent it being gndoYaretc., ,Torn Lams. Dundas, Nov. 27. Flidee venlig, ••• "' "• dross •• Sheepskins each .• Oaifskine " 0 ja to 0 17 Woo) per lb " 000 to 0 10 aayperton ••• '•• " 8 50 to 0 50 Deio1snerbuBu •.. " 2 50 to J 5 Wood per cord . 500to6Oe '„ 600to700 0 50 to nsnt0070 FOR SALL. A. two-year old thoroughbred. Jersey bull. Good, a111mt 1 and good pedigree. Term s liberal. Apply to WIt. STACEY, Eirlttnn P. 0, Ont. Canvassers Wanted ! IMMEDIATELY IN THIS COUNTY '1'0 B1LL yob e•4 ebs es, ► 'v�• 4- �'.,•2 .e4r P' !. ea, 3 ;v9 6o. b0Ga, r 4° este oa wpm �$���e et�$^v�go ti „pt. o e G,g, eco. ,S�o e 4 qo �oS ywv` titi` tibe end? 0°t , Manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Street, late 593, Oxford Street, London. gg' Purchasers should look to the Label on the' Boxes and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. JAMES PICKARD '9112 Man LazD,P) WILL OFFER. AS LONG- AS THEY LAST Six Button Kid Gloves for 50c., Worth $1.00 28 Inch. Fine All Wool Grey Flannel for 250. for 15c. 28 Inch. Union Flannel Line of Cloth Dress Goods for 10c., 12c., 15c., [worth a -great deal more.] Good Overcoat for $5.00. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Better Goods at Hard Time Prices. Good All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. Every Department Complete and Goods Away Down to suit the times. A PP)BELO CANADIAN 1300Ti, describing the wonders of oto own country with thrilling incidents of travel aucl adven- ture. This is by far the most saloarllo seb- scription boot: ever published in Canada. Not a book of scraps and clippings, but an original cnpywtightwork,richly au profusely illustrar- ed. To energetic men who will promise ell oftorcnn- vase at least one township, the most liberal inducements. Asweomanufacture the book ourselves upon our own premises, we can afford to place it in the bands of while the retail prices et a very low figure, places the work wit.,in the reach of all classes. Applications for Territory, received at once. We want at least ono man in every county in Canada. Alsn the "New Home Parallel Bibles," incl Photograph Albums in over 300 var- ieties. ADVICE 00 btoamens.—Aro you disterbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering anti crying with pain of Cuttine Teeth? ,Lf so send at once and get a, bottle of "Mrs.Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Tootling. Its value is incalculable. It will olieve the poor little sufferer immediately. oueucl upon it, mothers : there is no mistake about it. 1t cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Ceti 6,soften 8 the fin s, reduce sInfiaminn tion , tend gives tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the Prescription of ono of the oldest and best t011111143 physicitbflS 0.11(1 nurses in 111e United tintttheand. wel 1d, 1,'tee twenty-five e ill gists coutehiot t- tie. Be sure and ask for "NIBS. WVINSLOW'S SOOTHING Spoto "and take 110 other kind. C4!PAN P RAILWAY, . good 'Dm C itSlilflptiv'8. .Cod Ltvdr 010 with r)Ittlsiort nt Scott's r, C)t 17llphtlsf)1tt,tea, is It most 1V0,11a1if„1l'f,�ali(!s& It the not 01)11, gives str30gtll alit £beth bat heals the irritation of the thront anti 10053. Palatable as nide and in all wastill Refuses, both ler adults and children, is a lbarvel00s Med mut artotlieihe', TIHE Gu1JAT.SST CO1W11IRATION ON EARTH. Tan MOST DInILOT --••• —.ARO BEST lesmiePEI) hoax] —r3Tw1EN- 10NT11AL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, NTO s lI OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, 130 KANSAS CITYCHICAG�,ta.ST. LOUIS, (I no O E:yoursioil to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, .incl SAN I`Ii,ANCISCO, for $90.00, tick ets good for Seven 1'.totlths, trer,llefoec ptttellasinl your tielects else'. where, call. On I W. ,7Ii.L IT'G r. ', , C. h), R. llriTtN1", fl,f ig'f,INd';3 ST0111i . 10 15f1lxtt, WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA DROPSY 1 INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING 1 JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALTSTOMACH, 1 ,RHEUM, .� THE STOM 1 HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE SkIN, Arid ere s 3ecl es -er ax sez e sflrg frbzh d3soianrd txvlRs7p1VL , 1 STOMACH, •bOWELRORZC01A, Ti MILBURN & CO,, anrlta '111 . C. BLACKETT ROBINSON, 5 3011DAN So., TORONTO Publislter GRAD 0111111G OI' SHOW ROOM ®,LLY It 0 ITSTD!! NO DAMAGED OR SHELF - WORN IN THE ABOVE OFFERING. GOODS «'IIAPi) C)IL -- --AT SOA )LETT'S DRUG- STORE c SON9S TAP 11. C A .. ��:� DRUG MONDAY TUESDAY, MOB Thi) &5Gh Samwoll,Pickari Have pleasure in announcing to the Ladies that our MILLINERY AND MANTLE SHOWROOMS will be open for the Season on the above dates, when We will have on exhibition Paris, New York and London. Styles of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. Also Berlin and London made Mantles and Jackets, and many novelties direct front the manufac- turers, On the seine clat04 we will show a large assortment of 111 ie French Dress -Goods, Plain and Stripe Plnshcs, Satins find Silks all colors, leftentle Cloths, Rosery 'Crim- minggt4, Mantle Ornaments, 'anti ftdl tines of Hosiery, Gloves, F,to, Our Geots' Furnishilig Department is Very Complete, , and.cwill lt enlrs ee meny novelties in fine Seot0li Stnitings, Over. coating, Trowseriug, Neckties, and line. Imparted Scotch Underwire. Also fall fines of boots, Shoes and Rubbers, 'from best ntanttfaeturers. Crockery and China, Dinner sail Tea Setts, importeddirect from potteries. All the above goods must be offered at the Lowest Possible Prises. K4PA Most Hearty Invitation is ex- tended to t1 • , Gentlemen 11 Go to t,s t 7r1.1 tenclr,cl to all I,< lel sea the ttT come GRAND EMOTION OF NOVELTIES At Stilwell Gtr; Pie,kard's, si s9' ORE! WILLIA.WIDREW lin s c l4 weenie. };l 4 fe eeetelteee eseeteeettee ieereseM t 11 tem.,s. u ,G Is' / 'et lee / \ .w1t,t i''ila i ° :�w,R �/'� 'Mu . •y�6,'."`.d,c"�rtM`•`�,• cki'�y �t f . ,,..v,:`.�,�":.. . �.. �1., if .. !Le " .` 1' ;: 'tire Dealer and Undertake' have SUSt 1 �eoeived a Car Load of New Stylish rtiroitl and. l 61z. For the text SIXTY DANS It Will be to your advant06 to call oil mo before going elsewhere, REMEMBER QP% TN IA Cl . O 1)00g N' OiT.t 'MOLSOiS LANA, t�i,�Y J� Hwy q�e