HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-02-24, Page 13a. 11. Cheerio Club The Cheerio Club met on Wednesday, February 16 at the home of Mary Robinson. Mary welcomed all and opened the meeting in prayer followed by a reading. The minutes of the last meeting and the financial report were read by secretary -treasurer Jewel Cowan. Roll call was answered by eight members and three visitors, Vi Burns, Hazel Reid and Mpry `Clark.• The draw, donated by Mary Robinson was won by Jewel Cowan. The.March meeting will be held at the home of Dora Shobbrook. Roll call is to be answered with something Irish. The February program was a contest conducted by Tri Duizer. Name the sport was won by Dora Shobbrook. Tri Duizer gave a few readings followed by a contest of making words out of r Valentine's Day run by Mary Robinson. The contest was won by first high, Jewel Cowan with second, Dora Shobbrook, and low, Hazel Reid. The meeting closed, and some card games. were • played followed by lunch served by Mary Robinson and Tri Duizer. 410 Personals Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee on a new grandson, Christopher David, born to Mr. and Mrs. David Lee, Blyth, on February 18 in St. Marys Hospital, Kit- chener. A brother for Jason. Sheldon Mustard of Stratford returned to his home on Sunday after spending the last two weeks with .his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee, while his parents holidayed in Palm Beach, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hulley, returned home after spending the last two and a half weeks holidaying at Lakeland, Florida, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Addison. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Rad- ford, Port Colborne, visited on Saturday evening, with his uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook. Mrs. Ross Millson, Patricia, Darren, Sarah and John, Woodstock visited with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook on Sunday, while Ross visited his mother in Seaforth Community Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thom- pson spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hamilton, Moorefield. Remember the WI card, party Friday night, February 25, at 8:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee - visited on Saturday with Mrs. David Lee at St. Marys Hospital, Kitchener. Goderich Twp. rec. news By Audrey Middleton • Goderich Township Recreation council met at the A township office, Holmesville on the new meeting date, the third Wednesday, this month being Wed., Feb. 16. Township reeve Gerry Ginn presided for the election of officers. Those elected to the head posts were: chairman, Grant Stirling; vice chair- • man, Doug Yeo and secretary, Joe Fritzley. Other • members of the board are Arnold Bell, Gerry Bornath, Hazel McCreath, Gerry Ginn, Marion Powell, Dianna Brand, and Audrey Middleton as press reporter. Local artist, Mr. A.B. Van Der Ende from the Porters Hill district was a special guest at the meeting. He had been previously. . f asked to incorporate ideas. from the winning .children's crest contest for drafting an official township crest. . He presented five excellent proposed sketches and ex- plained the significance of each. After some enthusiastic deliberations, the field was narrowed to two. Mr. Van Der Ende will present the final 11) proposed crest next month. This crest is going to be unique and one we will all be.. • proud to wear or use as a letterhead etc. - In the correspondence a letter was received from the Bayfield Community Centre Board asking for a 4110 representative to sit in on their meetings. Grant Stirling was appointed to do so. 1► The first township dance of the year will be held March 12, at White Carnation with Desjardines Orchestra at $8 a couple. Residents will note that date, Mar. 12, is not far away and an early decision on tickets is advised. Tickets - will be ' available. from chairman Grant Stirling 482- 9954 or any other member on the board. Anyone is welcome to`., join the neighbours and friends for an evening of fun. Poor weather conditions forced some postponed hockey sessions during _the past month. About 12 boys take part. More boys could be accommodated and would be welcome to join. Phone Bill Steenstra 482-3.145.. if .._you're interested. About a dozen boys, mainly from the village,_ play volleyball on Wednesday nights 7:30-8:30` under Doug Yeo's supervision. Despite the bad weather the craft group will persevere again on Monday nights at the school. Needlepoint training and rug hooking will be on the agenda. Also a township quilt is now being assembled and will be set up in the township office for willing quilters very soon. Phone Gerry Bornath 482-7461 or Hazel McCreath 524-7436 if you're itching to get started. There was some very en- couraging news about parks and softball - but more news of that probably next month. Please note: There will be no hockey on Saturday.March 5 (Bayfield Skatathon). On the last Saturday in February (26th) there will be a township skating party 1:30 - 3 p.m. at the Bayfield arena. Everyone is cordially invited. good feeble ocanes wrtti Come get the feeling at 1.11.3 L L y G ULLI SPORTS 4 RECREATION LIMITED VARNA 262-5809 Dig in and fill up was the Order of the noon hour at St. Joseph's Separate School, Clinton as - staff and students celebrated th'e traditional Shrove Tuesday with a meal of pancakes. The big eaters pictured above are 1 to r, Sharon Bos, Lynn Anthony and Andrea Carlan. (News -Record photo) Vanastra man wins $500 Larry McAuley of Vanastra was the lucky winner of the $500 first prize last Saturday night at the Intermediate 'C' stag and draw. Mr. McAuley held ticket No. 440! 4. "H& RElock -has seventeen reasons why. you should let them prepare your income tax return" Reason Number Three: They know that everyone's tax situation is different — so they take the time that's necessary to understand your situation completely. That way they help you take advantage of all the law allows. H & R Block could help save you money. 30 ISAAC ST.- CLINTON OPEN MON., TUES., THURS., FRI. 10-5:30 SAT. 10-1 • PHONE 402.3686 Other $25 winners were: Gerry Lobb, Bruce Miller, John McKenzie, Annie Taylor, Don MacDonald, Wayne McFadden, Don Gautreau, Don Cudmore, Jack Hart, Brian Kennedy, John Leppington, Robert Van Damme, Lloyd Butler, Jim Moon, Walter Edward, Ken Caldwell, Scott Parks, Reg Cudmore and Doug Smith all of Clinton, while Mike Cummings of Goderich was also a winner. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, Onn Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure have returned home from ap10 day trip to Texas, sponsored by the , Cattlemen's Association. Mr. Nelson McClure returned home the past Monday from University Hospital London. • We are plea'sed to report he is steadily improving. Mrs. -John Thompson, Mrs. Sam McClure and Mr. Clarence Bennett travelled to Toronto on Sunday, when Mr. Bennett returned to his home there, after spending the past• month visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Jim, Sheila, Sharon and Bob and with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Terence Hunter of Colborne Township. A number of people from the area attended the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Bert McClure (nee Dorothy Scarrow) in Seaforth on Saturday evening. Miss .Rose Carovillano of Malton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Paul Stevenson David, Darren, 1 and Luanne. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Dimaline, Peter and David visited .on Sunday with Mr. .Carl Uhler of Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith, Chris pnd Julie of Exeter visited Qn'Saturday with, Mr. and. Mrs.Paul Southgate and Jennifer. Court Constantine Court Constantine L 1842 held their mettin& on ThursdEiy evening February 10th in the hall. Business discussed was ; a committee of Marjorie Anderson and Olave Little are making plans for a spring dance; plans are being made to have a dessert euchre in spring; the youth committee are planning a family dance at the hall in the spring holiday break. A tobogganing party is being held this Sunday Feb. 27th at Ed Darravies Hill from 2 to 4' followed by pancake supper at the hall JOHN BLAIR The company I represent insures one out of five persons in Canada and the U:S. Don't you want to do busine-s with a leader, too? 9 Percival St., Clinton , 482-7703 Whet!!. le Ii ture is now. fine markets... of fine foods pmDUCOE COUNTRY. FRESH CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PRINCE EDWARD !SJAND POTATOES 101b. BAG super specal- EXTRA SAV/NGS! PLUMP PINK OR WHITE FLORIDA GRAPEFRUIT:,. CALIFORNIA NO. 1 TENDER CARRO-TSBU PRODUCE OF U.S. NO. 1 CRISP RED RADISHES BU PRODUCE OF U.S. NO. 1 MILD 8 for 1 NCHES21 o89c 4 NCHES 469 GREEN ONIONS_ BUNCHES HONEY DEW DRINK 4..69 super special WESTCANE PURE WHITE .SUGAR 2 Kg' BAG - c 8 super special CANADA 'A' GRADE LARGE EGGS DOZ. SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS - 3 VARIETIES , 99 MINi-SIZZLERS SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS SLICED, COOKED C CORNED BEEF 2oRPKGS_ SPECIAL! SWIFTS PREMIUM SKINLESS WIENERS SPECIAL! KITCHENER PACKERS SUMMER SAUSAGE 1.19• GRADE 'A' BEEF CHUCK CROSS- CUT RIB ROAST __ $$` POLISH SAUSAGE98 MINUTE FRY STRIPS!1IO8 SCHNEIDERS SLICED • 14 VARIETIES LUNCHEON MEATS SWIFTS FULLY COOKED 1,4 OR 1'2 SUGAR PLUM HAM SWIFTS PREMIUM 60, PKC 44c e$1.69 98` 88` ,e 98° s, SLICED COOKED HAM: _.� SCHNEIDERS • 3 VARIETIES SLICED BOLOGNA. SCHNEIDERS CRYOVAC 64 or 99c CHUNK BOLOGNA- SCHNEIOERS FAMILY PACK BEEF• PATTIES_ WE RESERVE 1 HE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS • 16 oz PKG 21b CTN ■0 1 SPECIAL PRICES IN EFFECT FROM WEDNESDAY 9 A.M. TILL CLOSING, SATURDAY FEB. 26 super special FROM CANADIAN STEER BEEF GRADE 'A' CHUCK BLADE ROAST BLADE BONE REMOVED Ib. super special FROM CANADIAN STEER BEEF GRADE 'A' CHUCK SHORT RIB `ROAST) super special ZEHRS QUALITY FRESHLY MINCED MEDIUM GROUND BEEF super special SCHNEIDERS Ib. 1 SIDE BAGON$136 ENDS kG ■ super special DUNCAN HINES 3 TASTY VARIETIES MOIST & EASY CAKE MIXES super special FINE QUALITY - SALAD DRESSING 13 5 oz KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP super special McCAINS FRESH FROZEN FANCY GREEN PEAS super special �a11ANA, CHOCOLATE, COCOANUT OR LEMON FARMHOUSE CREAM PIES super special SCHNEIDERS FROZEN COOKED BUCKET OF CHICKEN -2 Ih. .32 or 2.1b `BAG 12 or c ZEHRS BRAND WHOLE KERNEL CORN _ ZEHRS SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER READY CUT MACARONI OR SPAGHETTI LANCIA PASTA BRAVO PLAIN, MEAT OR MUSHROOM SPAGHETTI SAUCE BATHROOM TISSUE 4 COLOURS • DELSEY BOUTIQUE: FOR YOUR LAUNDRY SUNLIGHT DETERGENT GAY LEA TASTY ONION CHIP DIP NEILSONS FROZEN REFRESHING DREAMSICLES PLAIN OR SUGAR & CINNAMON WESTO-NS DO -NUTS PENATEN GENTLE BABY SHAMPOO PENATEN BABY OIL PENATEN BABY POWDER • PENATEN - BABY CREAM _ DR BALIAROS 5 VARIETIES 12 -oz 2torl9C lib 79c.. 2h79c 28 oz 85C 2 ROLL PKG 5 5 C SPECIAL! ZEHRS OWN BEANS WITH PORK 14 °L for SPECIAL! NESTLES HOT CHOCOLATE _ _ z3 _ - ■ 79 SPECIAL! 09 GLAD THE STRONG ONES GARBAGEBAGS._ oFG» • ■ SPECIAL! 101b $4,39 WITTICHS FRESH PKG 5 CTN OF ="_49` HAM & WIENER ROLLS 12 SPECIAL! 9 99c WESTONS SLICED 89c SANDWICH BREAD. °r for SPECIAL! ZEHRS CANADIAN CHEDDAR$17 MILD CHEESE ■ . C PKG OF 12 59c 450 nil $1.59 Boz $1.29 CHAMPION DOG FOOD STRAINID FRUITS, VEGETABLES. JUICES GERBER BABY FOOD RUPERT FROZEN HOMESTYLE FISH CAKES BLUEWATER FROZEN THRIFT PACK FISH & CHIPS 6 or 255oz- 8or99c $2.89 2fOi9c REG PRICE 23c 4 1/2 oz 2forgv PAPER TOWELS 32 or $1.49 12 oz PKGS SPECIAL! 7 ZEHRS CANADIAN CHEDDAR MEDIUM . CHEESE , ■ 7 SPECIAL! 87 ZEHRS CANADIAN CHEDDAR TANGY OLD CHEESE_ Ib ■ SPECIAL! - - SCOTT • 4 COLOURS KRAFT PARJ(AY: SOFT MARGARINE - Illi TUB 69c SCIHVFIDERS •SHORTINING CRISPY FLAKE SKIM 0'R 2". PARTIY SKIMMED FRESH MILK 3($t 8" m Ib PKGS 2 for 1 DEPOSIT $1 M1 8 PLUS 2 ROLL PKG_9 Fitt zehrs fine markets... of fine foods WE AFTE CONVENIEN7LV LOCATED IN -- Fergus, Elr» Irl , 11l a �v Ham burg, . Hanover, K,n card n „i, oderich and Orangeville. PLUS -24 LOCA'14MIiITCHENEFI WATERLOO, GUELPH AND CAMBRIDGE c <KKKKK