HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-02-17, Page 16PAGE 16----CLINTON E S -RECORD, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1977 central huron chronicle (Iorrie york, editor Complete School sports round -up Basketball On Thursday February 10, Goderich Vikings wiped CHSS in all three games. Goderich Midgets defeated CHSS .64 - 12; Goderich Juniors won by a score of 54 - 23; and CHSS Redmen lost their game 80 - 29. " In the—Junior game Craig Gladding had 10 points and Joe Verberne had 8. Today CHSS Redmen host the Wingham team and tomorrow they host Mitchell. Shooting Students of both seices have been invited to participate in • .22 calibre target shooting. Skiing The downhill skiiers went on a trip to Talisman on 'Saturday February 12. Ev.eryone.enjoyed the day. Volleyball On Wednesday February 9, CHSS hosted Exeter, Goderich, Seaforth and Wingham. In their games, the Senior girl's team defeated Goderich 15 - 8 and 15 - 11, but were defeated by South Huron (Exeter) 15 - 10,and 15 - 10. The Junior girl's team defeated Exeter 15 - 1 and 15 - 9 but lost to Goderich 15 - 12 and 15 - 6. The girls go to, Exeter on --Wednesday, February 16 and also go to Goderich on • Mondlay February 21. Wrestling On Tuesday February 8, the CRSS wrestling team went to Goderich for a match with Stratford Northwestern and Goderich wrestling teams. Our Redmen were defeated by both schools. Individual wins went to Alex Harrett, Steve Campbell,' Jim Moon, and Steve Rosenlund. The CHSS wrestling team finished 7th in the Huron - Perth finals. Roy •Deveau placed 4th in the 98 pound class. Alex Harrett was third at 136 pounds, and Steve Rosenlund was fourth in the 168 pound class. Best of luck goes to Steve as he advances to the WOSSA competition in London tomorrow. Other members of this year's team were Jim McClure (106 lb. ), Ben Munnings (1.23 lb.) , Dave Clynick (157 lb.), Steve Campbell ' (168 lb:), Mike Denomme (178 lb.), Eric Street and Jim Moon (both 194 lb.) The team would like to thank Mr. Weber for his coaching and support all year. Just ask Annie! Dear Readers: I'm not sure precisely what it is that I do to deserve it, but eery so often I am blessed with a particularly artistic piece of correspondence which makes me feel proud and fortunate to have this sometimes demanding job. The folllowing letter is not one of those rarities, however. (when I received it, the thing was X-rated, but we managed to cut it down to PG -- thank heavens for editors). It's from Dr. P. Brain, famous head of the Univer- sity of Colorado's Depart- ment of Neurological Disorders (it won't take you long to discover why Dr. Brain is head -- excuse the pun -- of this department): Dear Annie: Due to the neurological problems of a dear comrade Your weekly `hottorscope' by Sally Soothsayer ' many mysteries and • problems for you. Persevere AIRES - Hi-, there Aires! as well as you can. You're going to have one ----of LIBRA - Poor Libra, other a fight with someone close to people tendto take advantage you. You are by nature a of your naivete ' and belligerent person. L (Stay gullibility. DON'T let anyone away from nie this week.) push you around. _Assert TAURUS - The reason you yourself! Be tough! Taurus people are under the . SCORPIO - Although people sign you are, is because most may tend to tease you this of you are as stubborn ,as a week, you must take a sen - bull! Don't try to antagonize sible course. Kick them in the Aires this week, or you'll knee (if you can reach). have a fractured body! SAGITTARIUS - Your GEMINI - 'Gemini people restless spirit will move you are very changeable. They to do crazy, zany things. Get a change their minds, good friend to lock you up! girlfriends, boyfriends, and The fate of the free world anything else that comes to depends on this. 'hand. Don't expect CAPRICORN , - I realize agreement from them on that you modest C and areoshyrs How ANYTHING! CANCER - The most sickening!'Try being mouthy, distinctive thing about you is rash and snobbish for a, your sense of humour! Manychange people believe that Arnold AQUARIUS - Oh dear old Horshack was bprn under this Aquarius, you seem to be the sign. Join the Sweathogs this °rou e `know-it-all" ,in every � best advice for you week. In your ear g p My LEO - You big old "galoot", is to "Put up or shut up" (heh, Leo! This week your personal heh, just joking fella.) warmth will "Light up" the PISCES - I often feel there halls of CHSS. If this is not the is something "fishy" about case for you, I suggest getting Pisces (excuse . the ine,x- "lit" with any method cusable pun). What I mean, is possible. that you're plain STRANGE. VIRGO - Sweet 'n' innocent Congratulations! You are the • Virgoi (as we are led to best -adjusted people at believe) this week will hold CHSS! of ours, who has alpha and meta brain waves that are diffusing into the center of the cerebellum, we have decided to co-ordinate your sagacious advice with our test results. We realize that this is a menial task for you; however, we need some confirmation of our superior intelligence.- We have suggested that he hurl his thorax into swirling fathoms of H2O (sea, ocean, lake, large body of water, river, creek, pond, toilet), but he has disregarded our guidance. In an attempt to pour some 1-12 SO4 down his esophagus, we were foiled by his con- traction of the pharynx. In desperation,* we half - hysterically suggested that he force a 2 x 6 rectangular object into any body orifice, .to which he might respond with an upward motion of a specific digit of the left hap d, in the form- of an un- mentionable gesture. Therefore you should be able to realize our problem. Any helpful suggestions you may offer would be greatly appreciated. Psychosomatically Yours, P. Brain, Ph. D., B.A., M.A., M.D. & Co. BE WISE WITH LIGHTING DON'T WASTE IT bllr'1�111 for all' your Electrical Needs 482;7062 HAROLD WISE LIMITED Dear Mr. Brain: Please don't take this advice too literally, but: "Sit on it secondary school news Prcfects defend themselves " 'r To the CHSS Student Body: by Alex Harrett & the CHSS Perfects In recognition of a recently published article in last week's Chronicle, it is ob- vious that some members of the student body are dissatisfied with the duties 5OMETTMES. I WONDER " WHY RARE. ' WE DERE ? ". I MEM, INTO WHAT GREAT uNUVERsAL PLAN DOES 440,114 350 FIT? '1 J ',4 and rights sustained by the Prefects. In the first place, every Prefect on staff is totally qualified and has the ability to carry out the duties assiwd to him, or her and are often called upon to go above and beyond the set guideline of duties., which incidentally, -is set by the faculty and administration. A Prefect must not only be able: to , endure long hours .at dances wit') great patience, but he must also be able to quickly, decipher and anyalyse situations on the spot, as to whether. someone is fighting or fooling. For the most part, a "small skirmish"- outside the school ' is outside the Prefects' jurisdiction for patrol • true, if a Prefect were present at the scene, he could have stepped in, unless he realized it wasn't going to turn into a serious problem. On the same note, a responsible student with any self -principles at all could . have done the same thing. Who am I.? I am a Grade 13 student who is often seen in the halls. 1 am a member of the wrestling team and I won my pound class in .a tournament in Listowel -about one. month '- ago. I also received a bronze medal ' on Friday Feb. 11 when I competed in Huron SOTW Perth. I was a member of the Senior Boys Volleyball team. I am a prefect and I play a very important role as a prefect. When I am not at school I am often found playing road hockey with "the boys" on Raglan Street. I am known for carrying a; large box Actually something like drugs,should be turned over to the police, however usually a polite but firm explanation along with confiscation of the drugs is usually sufficient for keeping the problem to a minimum. However, any real problem beyond our limitations is immediately turned over to the police. The purpose of the badges is as the insignia of the Prefects and in effect, the stamp of approval from the " administration. Therefore,. any Prefect wearing a button has thereby earned the right ' in doing so. The recognition of the badges by all ' is very important in :order for things to go smoothly . The Prefects have gained a ' lot of ground in the past couple of years, but ,they still haven't gained full control of 411 . situations, and can't until co-operation from other concerned students (as obviously there are) is shown. As for questioning the rights of any Prefect wearing a badge, this is immaterial, t eo le already know Then too, if we were to step , as mos p p into every situation where what is expected of us. If they someone wasn't "openly don't, they should. displaying friendship",In conclusion, before we one takes any further could do it two or three times anyone "` between every class. strides in trying to knock the In reference to the Prefect operation off keel, we 'HEARSAY - of the incorrect would appreciate your rumour of the case of beer conferring with -us in person, being found in the boys' rather than hiding behind the washroom, this is highly Chronicle and its Dear Annie indicative of the absurdity of Column. your source of information, + + 4 - as it is obviously impossible (Editor's Note) : I'd like to to "sneak" a case of beer past thank Alex and the Prefects the front door. Also, any beer for commenting on the that was found, in the demanding role 'of the washrooms was immediately Prefect. confiscated and disposed of, I would also like to echo off the school premises. their sentiments as far as the Drugs are obviously an question of anonymity is increasing problem at any concerned. As I have said before, I believe that the school or any place where there is a large gathering of soundest and most rational For the most opinions are those to which young people. the author is willing to sign part, drugs ,are out of the his or her name. - L.Y. Prefects' hands. around the halls, and for chasing some Grade 12 and 13 students for money about $3.20 each. • If you have not guessed who I am check the chronicle next" week, same place, same time. t Anstett Jeweliers LIMITED 11 ALBERT ST., CLINTON 482-3901 OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience. HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.; Friday nights 'till 9 p.m. • !''LA1SLE TO RISLE SAVINGS 1ON QUALITY FOODS CLOVER FARM AT V ANASTRA STORE HOURS: MONDAY TO THURSDAY 9 A.M. 6 P.M. FRIDAY 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. SATURDAY 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. SUNDAY 11 A.M. - 5 P.M. The Management Reserves the Right tO limit quantities to normal family regUirements - Prices Effective 'til closing, Saturday Feb. 19 "Famous for Quality" PRODUCE CANADA —EXTRA FANCY D'ANJnU 1.0/$9a PEARS CANADA FANCY 3 LB. RED DELICIOUS - APPLES --.,- $y: CANADA NO: 1 LARGE PO ATOES 88' AUNT JEMIMA - 32 OZ. SYRUP CUT FROM FRESH CANADIAN PORK FAMILY PACK "Famous for Quality" MEATS SCHNEIDER'S 4 VARIETIES PORK CHOPS WIENERS 69' LB. SCHNEIDER'S SLICED COOKED HAM SCH.NEIDER'S -4 VARIETIES - SELF -SERVE ROLLS 8 oz. SCHNEIDER'S —FARMER'S MARKET SAUSAGE SCHNEIDER'S SMOKED READY—TO—EAT COTTAGE si 75 ROLLS LB.• SCHNEIDER'S SLICED CLARK - 28 OZ. PORK & BEANS 594 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF BONELESS RUMP 1 59 ROASTS•LB GROCERY FEATURES 2'S LIPTON'S DRY GREEN GIANT—FANCY CUT- 14 OZ. ONION SOUP WAX BEANS GREEN BEANS, SUMMER SWEET PEAS 2/69 -3-COLOURS - 2'S SCOTT TOWEL$ 4 GOLD SEAL 1/2 LB. glib SOCKEYE- 40 994 SALMON_ 4 COLOURS PKG. OF 4 COTTONELLE TOILET ,29 TISSUE AUNT JEMIMA : 3 VARIETIES' PANCAKE MIX 9 694 SCOTT—ASSORTED 60'S NAPKINS PURINA I KG SEA NIP, CAT CHOW DAIRY CAT DINNERS 1. 48 OZ. FOODLAND RECONSTITUTED 59C APPLE 29JUICE NABISCO 500 G SHREDDIES CREAMETTES - 2 LB. SPAGHETTI oR MACARONI 49 Frozen Foods 65C HIGHLINER 24 OZ. FISH CAKES =-x.09 69v McCAIN REG CUT 7 LB. SUPER FRIES 394 LIBBY'S 19 OZ. ALPHAGETTI FIVE ROSES -10 LB. $1.89 1 89 BLUE BONNET - 3 LB. ALL-PURPOSE FLOUR MARGARINE $11 .09 _ - $1 .39 BLUE BONNET -.I LB. SOFT MARGARINE PAM—AEROSOL 13 OZ. VEGETABLE OIL - HABITANT—PEA OR VEGETABLE SOUPS. 140Z. '4 /$1 16 OZ. • SPRAY 'n WASH 49C 79C McCAIN VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE 19 OZ. DEEP 'N DELICIOUS ;1.69 CAKES $1.39 =ail 9.19 McCAIN 22 OZ. 69C PIZZA DELUXE SOMI SWEET ".2.5 OZ. ROLL ON �HIpITS-y-5* $ Sf~EN�T�D (�R UNSCENTED $ r�Os�r.. 9 O%. -CHOCOLA1ESECRET` DE 1.49 SUGAR CRISP CHIPS PS � . � � RANT . 2.19 .� McCAIN'S 2 LB. V PEAS PEAS & CARROTS 7r MIXED VEGETABLES 794 0