The Exeter Times, 1886-12-9, Page 1"GAL, H. DICISON, Barrister, S9i1 oitorof SuprcinoCourt,NotaryP addle Oopveytu eer, "Qoreiniseioner, d%o,Diene, to Loan. 0 M oiu ,eauson's I31oek,EXoter. MoEADDN, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Eto., EXETER, ONT, Ofceganlwell'sBlock hall sold shies,) pnfiTAL. (J CARTWRIGRT & SON, Dentists, Having fut'uishocl fine Dental Rooms on JAMES -ST., 2 Doors tl st of Central Hotel, Exeter, Ont., we tial vleasure in in forming the public that we ark epaz'ed to execute all branches of the den, profession with Ease au i Skill. ()bargee Ma rate and Terms Gash. KINSMAN,DENTIST.i�.D.S H� Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vitalized Air, or by using the Now Local Aineet he. do on the gums; makes Gold F Iliegs and all other dental work the best possible. Rooms Upstairs in SAMwi LL's BLocr, East side of, Main -Strout, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLUTZ, M. D., Omceat hiscesidence Exeter • T W. BROWNING M. D., M. 0 ei • P. S,Gradeeto ViotoriaUniversity.00ice and)residence,Doit:eionLaboratOly, Exeter DR. HYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. T. Carling's store, Exeter. FIR. J. A. ROLLINS, M. C. Y. S AJ0. Ofllee, Main St.Exeter,Ont. Bosiden oe houserecoutly occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq, DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 165 (vl"oen's Avenue, London, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the Eye, bad sight, au fl the pres- ervation of vision. : diseases of the Ear, im- pairedhoaring, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common cense of zupai-ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli. 'ray:Townships: Sales conducted atnzoderate -Rtes. Office—At Post -office, Crediton, Ont. HEW TO THE LINT, LET THE CHIPS, FALL WHERE T TEY VOL, XIV. NO 16. EXETER, ONTARIO, THUB,SDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1886. I IV/PORTANT NOTICE 5 . IKE. J. DEARING TRECFC'TRA CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, Would respeotfully inform the public) that he has removed to his NEW SHOP, (Ono Door Borth of Carling's Block), where is prepared, with far superior facilitios, to do Anything in the Hair Dressing Line. It you wish to got any Hair Goods canon Ike J. Dearing, at the Central Barber Shop, where lie manufactures Hair Work so natural that You Would Not Ii new It from, the Original Hair, Buell as the Langtry and Parisian Banes, Saratoga Waves, and the Genuine WttterWavo,Swituhss,Toopios,0urls,Puffs and Wigs. Before going elsewhere, give him a call, at his— TONSORIAL PARLORS, ONE noon NOIT1 OZ' OARLING's 131,0015. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE M I)-- COLLECTINO ASSOCIATION C)I+ CANAD,A. HEAD OFFICE, -- HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLISHED ],$84. Ts an Assoo.ation of business and professsion- 1 a men, haying for its object the COLLEO- TION O1! DEBTS ; and to prevent its members from making bad debts by furniubing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become mens iors,by remitting 57.00 to our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will rec.ive by re- turn mail full pa.rtioulars, certificate and mem- bership, &o, Send for testimonials. J. BIDWELL MILLS & CO., Managers, Hamilton. WARNING.—Alilnarties are warned against having anything to do with R. Faulkner,hailing from St. Marys, he having been discharged. New Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW Wouul respectfully inform the inhabitants of the surrounding townships that he has op - JOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the ened a A ew Pump Factory in Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne J. SOUTHUOTT'S OLD STAND, and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. VETERINARY. T1ENNE nary Su Veterinary to, have op for the trey Domestic M.instreet T & TENNENT, Veteri- geons, Graduates of the Ontario College, Toron- ened an office tment of all Animals, on Exotor. Calls from a dig _. 2"` -tame promptly attendedto:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c alway on hand: MONEY TO LOAN. 1\jfONEYTOLOAN ON REALES :ILL. tate for theHuron ez ErieLoan •'- Sav- ingsSociety. Low rateeofinteresi. Apply to John epacktr. n,Exeter. li ilONEY.TOercont.accorLOAN AT 6totermsAN D 6I .LVV p- Private Funds. Apply to B. V.ELLIOT, August15,'85" Solicitor, Emote' , ONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6:1 - per cent, zpercent, 525,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, MONEY TO LOAN. --Persons wishing to borrow money will take no. ticethat Iam now leaning County Funds at 6 per cent. WM. HOLMES, Co. Treasurer, Treasurer's Office, Goderich,) September 27th, 1886.) INSURANCE. fr J. SUTHERLAND, Hensen, . • Ont., Conveyancer, Commissioner, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Liceuses, All business transacted strict- ly confidential A call solicited. Office ; at the Post Office. TEE WATERLOO 'MUTUAL TELE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - • WATERLOO, ONT. This come env has been over Eighteen yonrs in successful operation in. Western On- tario,andcontiliues to insure againstloss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merchandise,Man- ufaotories,and all other descriptions oflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Cash System. During the past tett years this Company has issued 57,006 Policies. covering property to the amount of 840,872,038 ; and paid inloss- e s atone $709,7552,00 AssetS, $116,100.00', consisting of. Cash n dank, GovernmentDeposit, tine the unass- esaocl Premium Notes on handancl in force, J, W WALDEN M D. Presider t C , NI. TAYLOR, Secretary. J.fi.• Huellu:s,Inspector. CHAS. SNELL Agontfor Exeter laud vicinity. THE ktoLmni1 ilay OF CANADA. The Royal Mail, Passenger and .e'reigbt Route between Canada and Gloat Britain and direct reuto between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Baia dos Cha- leur, also NeW BrunsWiok, Nova Scotia, Island I Breton, E. s n Cape leiO'wf01111t1rand, Bernlnda, and Jania,ica. New and elegant Pullman Buffet Sleeping and Day Cake run en throughRxprose trains', Paseengorsfor Great Britain or fho Conti- nent by leaving Toronto at 8,30 a, in. Thera- day will join outward mail steamer at Bali- fax a, m. Saturday. Superior Elevator Warehouse and Dook ae- eommociatiou at llitlifak tor; shipment of grain and genovel merchandise. Yearn of experience have proved the /LITER - COLONIAL. in connection with stoameltip Tines to anti from London, Liverpool end Glasgow to Halifax, to bo the quiekost freight rotate between Cadada and Great Britain, Information as to Passenger anti Freight rates can ho had on application to It hitT B.14t)ObZI;; p� Vcstern Freightft ass o nSer Agent Pe/sainHene3tocl, !ork t. Toronto- D,1'O'T'CTNC7 P, Chief Superfntendon t. tb 1,413:, iov18,1886. ttaLlwaY 0 MAIN -ST., EXETER, OPE. FOST-OFFICE. Where he will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells and Cisterns contracted far at reason- able prices, and work executed with despatch. SATISFACTION GU &BANTEED. JOHN SWALLOW. S. LAURANCE'S Spectacles & Eye -glasses Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only ones recommended by the President and. Vice -President's of the IYIedical Associations of Canada, and all the leading oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other louses fail to give, Beware of imitations, as they are in the market. B. Laurance's Spec. Moles and Eye -glasses ato marked. B.L. with- out which it -outwbich none are genuine,—audpebbles aro stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any pods stamped Pebble-glass—or by any simil- r arity in n sin e.—DR, I3RO WNINb, SOLE AGENT FOR ESETER, • CENTRAL DRUC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Wivan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at the Centrad Drug Store Exeter J. LUTZ. E i �- MPS Farnily G DREW'S OCA BL . Teas, Sugal's, Syrups,, C',ofee, Dasl goo0(t Roller Flour, t17ated Cornmeal, New B1ickwheat Potn Eo11o(L Oats, Split Petted, Pot Barley, I;vice, &e. TOBACCOS AND CIGARS. 'Pry a packet of Compressed Yeast. at the Lowest Possible I Sell for Cash e Pirioes, consistent with quality, tTickets to or from the Old Country, at Lowest Batet. R)zTti8hlnEa 111Yi Ann'ateei Drew's Block., South Store The Flag the Sign. CAPTAIN' G Cf-tGE ` N • TRUSSES ! E$'TTBAY OATTLE. 1-IRISTIAN LAWYER, manatee- I turor of all hinds of Trusses ; Residence: Itannae's Mills, Flay, wnoro hewill nttonci`to the waits of any who inay require his services, Why pay from 515,00 to 525 00 farts same ar tiolo which lie cute furnishout or 55, 0 and which is as good if not better and warranted I to fit with comfort;' Remember, Double Trusaos, 65.00 ; Single Trusses, 82.50. All com- municatious addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich P. O., Out, Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out Boot aAd Shoe Shop in the UOrnler Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. Sowed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eaerett's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. Lots, Lots, Lots, POR SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, & FARM LAND FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would °do well to con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, EXETER, Special Lines BEFORE X -MAS, —AT— LMAGE'S KIRKTON. Men's Underclothing, Cross -cut Saws, Axes and Handles, Felt Boots, Overshoes, Groceries. Compare these lines with others before buying. "NEVER UNDERSOLD," OUR MOTTO. NOTIO Take a note of the fact that T. DEARING, of the Montreal General Store Has just received a Complete Stock of IGOODS — W o�Y��n'+� ��di Which lie intends selling at NEAR E COST FOR CASH., h He will still be found in (j•E0. I{EbIP1 a OLD STAND, (One Door North of Drew's Block), where be is prepaaecl to supply the publie —with— Ready.intle (Nothing, Tsveosi , Shirt- ings, Dress Goods of all descriptions, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Red end Grey Flannels, Gents' and Ladies Under - Weal'. SIX ORGANS F , FOR SAL VERY CHEAP. -A, Meet VA int ot'' Ladies' and and Children's Boots ots S r 1 oes Also a Vino and Well Assorted Stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES TEAS 1 A WAGON 'LOAD 1 I inalco -lits lino a SI.'rCIALTSY, „w. :L+,altall'nonoorT'nitux i.t7yXOIt,ttoLi forCxuond. Id1aS'l' PRICT PAID FOR EGGS. ITiG 00A1:1 -r OIL ALWAYS Oft tIAND, T. DAR LQ04E IREYIT ES, l i blkell ie to h ye 11 tobognah olab, aha. ofllsz's axe .ejected. Er i weglis troal Satnxtlay izus ohrialplas will he here, Small boye''ave commenced the practice of "hanging" on sleli hs. We expect to hear of eo,ine liw,s being broken, •troters' lists throvcllout the. county are being pa epare4 very rr)pidly, so that they can , be used for the Prequel -al geue,rlal elections. Mr Wm. Williams, town clerk of • St. Marys, returned home last' week, after, en. .fOi1N b>'FIITJ5 &SONS joyingtry a two,nionths' tour in the old colla - 'Publishers and Feep)rtetors St, Maryi,tes are agitating for' a snow plows As usual the stone town is in the rear of other places. Tile authorities .would do well to visit Ifirkton, and get eonre new ideas, Mr. W,11, Oliver, of St. Marys, the voting man, who injured bis spine last summer by a fallfrom a hammock is recovering, pined to the surprise of all. The tramps aro making for winter quarters in the various County Gaols. In the spring they will emerge rojuvinated and invigor- atedto reopen .the campaign, gull the charit- able disposed ane prey upon the hen roosts of the land. Mr. John Hackney, of the boundary, Us - bolus, has purchased the 50 acre farm of Mr, John Crawford, for the Burn of $2,500. Kr, Crawford, whose health has been failing for some time, intends retiring from farming. It is stated that the executors of the estate ofthe late llobert Bell, of Eippen, have sold the entire property to Mr. Andrew Bell, for $14,000 ; the property consists of 200 acres of land and a grist and saw mills; the land is of good quality, bat the mine are old, Winghamites ;voted Monday -on two by. laws—one to provide for the right -of way for the 0. P. B. branch into Wingham, not ex- ceeding 88,000, and the other to provide 3,000, the assistanee promised Gray, Young 111 Sperling to establish salt works. Both ere carried. While George, a little sou of stir. Robt. can, of the Huron road, Goderioh, was as- isting his father in driving a colt into the table. he received a severe kick iu the face, nd' cut hisicheek so badly that medical as- atanee had to be procured. A dector was wiled and inserted three stitches in the ound. The "Ajax" Dan of the firm of MoGilli- uddybrothers, who publish a paper named he Signal, at Goderich, is rather inclined to he belief that. Ananias Cameron, of West Huron, will have a hard row to hoe if Mr. Doherty, the organ manufacturer of Clinton, accepts the Liberal. • Conservative nomination. -am The name of the woman who was killed on Sirkton. ^ the G. T. It. the other day by falling into an Strayed r �.' t yoQf ozntlzoizremfaosotJ'olinS,zaskator, lot 10, con,3, olophen, on tee eloventt of No vember, TI'iuee heifers, ono, twoyears old, v1.111(.11,3: ono, two year Old, light -fled With white star in lace ; and ono white yetsrlin , An persongiving anyq wherabots, will- bu tably rewarded., their Jc FIN PIOISs`ATOii PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned otlora for sale, hie property en Sinicoe-st„ being Lote 48 and 44, containing two-thirds of e,n core. Time are erected upon the p,eznisee, e.frame lio.ise with kiteben, and a fr;lme stable 18x26. Also a good well. This. propertyis suitable' for a retired•farmer, and will be sold Cheap. For further particulars eppJ Y to RICHARD YOUNG, ' Exeter, P. 0. Publications Received. FRANK LP,SLII:'S PtsPUI,An MONTHLY Ron Dncnnznlo.—In these days, when out- door sports are so generally cultivated, many will read,: the article, "Why we Canoe," by W. P, Stephens, in the December number of FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY, and. some at least will be tempted to try en amusement so exhilarating and, attractive.; "Persian and Turkish Tobacco" have their votaries too, who will indorse Mr. Oscauyan's: praises. The Sketch of the Centenarian' Chemist Chevreul, on whom our Harvard has just conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, will be read with interest. The article on'. the American Sparrow hawk is fall of inter just now, as showing how easily it could. be tamed and used instead of a scarecrow to keep off grain -devouring birds. A venture- some young lady, Miss Taylor, tells of, what she beheld at one of the "Great Thirsty Dances" among the Indians, till lits horrors over -powered her. E. McCann goes into -the byways of life and tells of "Eccentric) Re- cluses" in a charming way. "The Treatment of Criminals," with a careful account of the Elmira Reformat"ry,•ie an article to bo read and stubied carefully. "A winter in Jama- ica" is a sketch of West India travel, very prettily told, and like the other articles in the number, well and attractively illustrated. Arthur Dudley Vinton tells the story of "North American Earthquakes." "The Fisher -girl of Grand Menem," "Two Inspir- ations," "Shadow or Substance?" and other stories in this magazine, justify its title of the Popular Monthly." Dashwood. On Thursday and: Friday last, a severe storm visited this place and surrounding country, considerable snow fell, and the wind blew furiously, but to -day (Monday) we are again favored with the genial rays of the sun, and the merry jingle of the sleigh - bells enlivening business, and things gener- ally. ACCIDENT.—One day last month, a 20 months old child of Mr. Menno Vincent; of the Bronson Line, Hay, met with a serious accident. Mrs. Vincent, who was engaged in household duties, heard a scream, and on going out was horrified to find the child lying on his face Weltering in blood. It seems that a horse had come up from the field and kicked the child, cutting his left cheek completely through, and otherwise injuring his head and face. Although it is wonderful how the little fellow escaped death, we are happy to state that he is still ry , . comb well and almost recovered. Stephen Council. All the members present. Minutes of the previous meeting read and signed. Parties indebted to Township Engineer are request- ed to pay over to C. Prouty before next 'Mondaj otherwise 10 per cent will be 'ad- ded. The D. R. 0. for the municipal elec- tions for 1887, are : W. Baker, C. Brown, C. Prouty, W. Thompson. P. McKenzie, 3. 13. Hodgins and J. W. Watson. The place for holding the elections are : S. house No. 1 No.. 5 ; town hall ; W. Holt's kitchen ; F. Heitzinan's ; S. houses 10 and 8. Re- solved that after signing the following orders, the council adjourn to meet Monday, 13th inst.—F. Desherdecur, error in road work, $4 ; Mr. Moriock, tile drain along road, $31 R. 8sty,set, tile drain along road, $3 A. Small, c7tch at hall, $3 ; G. Falser, ditching, 50 cts ; (4. 1lorlocl:, culvert and ditch, $7 ; 1'. Schrader repairing S. B., $6.25 ; M. Smith, repairing scraper, $3 95, error in school rate 65 cts ; R. Barry, work on S. B., $6S 60 ; I. McPherson, error in 'statute labor, $2 50; .T. McKeever ; error in den tax, $1 ; A. McKinnin, culvert, $4.- 50 ; ', Barry, ditch,. $2 ; T. Essery, rep. culvert, 15 con., $3 ; S. Sanders, gravel, $S 85 ; W. Bruner, gravel, $19 92 ; J. Mc- Intosh, ditch, 22nd con., $39 ; J. Wilson, culvert, 2nd con., .$3 ; W. Penhale, culvert, 2nd con., $2 ; S. Finkbincr, work, C. ,R., $3 60 ; 11. Snell, rep. bridge over Sauble, Exeter, 8. R., $5 ; W. Ford, work S. 13. $13, and other• accounts to the amount of $459 94. Zurich. (Crowded out last week.) Bunn—Mrs. Smith, of the Babylon Line, is considered.: seriously ill. ---Rev? Neidofl'es left for his new field of labor, in Newstaclt, on Tuesday morning, the Rev. gentleman occupied the pulpit of the Lutheran church here for the last four years with great satisfaction, the good work he has done, all the many 1 friends which he has ]Bade, speaks well) for him, and we hope that the congrega- tion at Nowstadt will give Mr. Neidoeffer a reception and tj'elcome that a non of itis learning and talent should receive.— Pig -sticking and sausage -snaking are all the go at Present. The porkers have to take it. —Another_ tanner in town.—Mr. G tlieb lYturner killed fifteen pigs Tues- day, and Avelastweek, Mr. M, takes tate lead 'for quantitythis trip.—Out dod ; at present, school is too ovel'clo , present, although the teachers, Mr. Frank Ores- weller and Miss'Shreffer este doing their duty to the satisfectio of the trustees i and Inspector. They have an average over ver onoo hundred and has been A 1. �, �s.----Business twenty scholars, --Business 1 the last few days, , the good sleighing brought tire people out, our merchants. q the; .mos oriel. �i their �i, i:tl mit tlir. , arc, opening g y ail have the best "so they gay:" Tho ,f �� 13 for d.,0 r till LS $ from �h , � I�f.i,a .ion � sltbscribe. BRIEFS.—Mr. Alex. Kirk and family are now enjoying the comforts of their new house.—The cow nuisance has be- gun in earnest. As soon as a load of hay comes it is at once besieged by a horde of hungry bovineswho' are only kept at bay by the vigorous use • of a whip or pitchfork. A sleigh stopping on the street is cleaned out in short order, with perhaps the exception of a buffalo -robe or crowbar or some other indigestible ar- ticle. How long shall these things be ? —The many friends of MissJ'ennie Irvine, of Bathgate, Dakota, whither, she went a year ago last spring, learn with pleasure of her recent marriage with Mr. Fuller- ton, photographer, of the sauce place. Mr. F. is to be congratulated on securing the hand and heart of such an amiable intelligent christian young woman.—From a scene of joy we pass to one of sadness. Death has once more invaded our com- munity.and left, a hearthstone desolate. On Saturday night last, Master T6uintie Dickie yielded up his breath and passed peacefully beyond the bourne, and on Monday his remains were laid to rest. Deceased left itis hone about a month ago o]1 a visit, in the enjoyment of all the health and vigor of youth, little dreaming that that visit would be his 1ast but such it proved to be. Feeling unwell, he returned home, hearing in his system the germ of some deadly disease, the symptoms of which were apparent to all his friends. Drugs were administer- ed, kind care bestowed, and every ef- fort made to save his young life, but all to no avail. Lower and lower he sank. Throb, throb, throb beat the death-watch in the shattered wall. Gone, gone for- ever ! The second death in the family within a short time, his twin brother, Willie Charlie, having died but a few months ago. Attractive, gentle, and possessed with intelligence above the or- dinary, he was a general favorite with all who knew him, and his early demise is much regretted by a wide circle of friends. Though young, he had chosen his life's profession, viz: that of a hunter, and gave promise of being a capital mouser. Poor esti de b. • o • Locals. R. Hicks is offering immense bargains in the jesi'ellery line, during Christmas holi- days. See advertisement. The roller rink will be open on Monday,, Wednesday and Saturday eyenings, and Tuesday and Saturday afthernoons of each week, during the season. WANTED.—Good general servant, will pay good girl 66 per month, that will make her- self generally useful and is kind to children. Apply to MRs. J. R. JAYNES, Exeter. Those who have strayed oattle about their premises should have them advertised as the law requires. This is a matter which a great many neglect, and often render them- selves liable for law casts. The TIMES is the beat paper to advertise them in. Daily News Berlin, Nov. 27.----A crowded ed house greeted Signor Basco, the renown l magician at the town hall last oveniva. It is nearly twelve years ago that Bosco, wife has always been a fotorite, first appeared here; and again seven years ago, he mice more visited us and drew immense audiences et each oceneion. Since which hehas travel- led in thirty-six states and territorioa meet- ing with universal suecess and is now on hie third tour in Canada, having recently re. turned from California. The audiences were delighted with liis skill in performing feats of illusion that bordoel on the marvelous, lie was loudly applauded by the large audien- ces, as soon as they recovered suffietently from their astonishment at the atartifug, re- sult produced to express, their approbation. At the conclusion 100 gifts were distributed. Many of the gifts were costly, and it was it matter of surprise bow the Signor could af- afford to distribute a larger sum in 'gifts than the entertainment footed up to Among the principle presents received, woo Mrs. Allet'ir, 2 vases; Miss Edith Shores, silver butter dish; Mrs. 1 siipple, silver castor; J. Slsarlaeh, bag of flour ; l;iyznan, silver cool Mrs, Messer, a large album ; Mr.lialsor, half-dozen silver apoone ;. Clasper I3enetaher,, accoi'dhtn, &o. Tho gifts, this eve, will be more costly their those el the opening night, Among; the zntntber aro enclosed a full jewel- led gold Baso lady's watch, articles of silver, albums, jewellery, &e, Them is no doubt Bosco will have crowded bongos while he militias. Will exhibit 1iDrew's hall i it day, Stititrdey and 'S.Eontlay nett, Seo bilis, open cattle guard near St. Marys was Mrs. Calhoun. The coroner dill not think an in- quest necessary, as he considered it a plain case of accidental death. The woman was a former resident of St. Marys, but is believed to haye been Hying of late in London. Saturday evening, about 6 o'clock, Mr. E. A. Young, fireman ou the G. T. R., at Strat- ford, was found dead in hie room at his boarding house, corner Nile and Douro streets, with his throat cat from ear to ear and an open razor in his hand. No reason can be assigned for the act other than that he has been sick for some time and was very des- pondent.` A certain farmer residing in Clinton, tells that he noticed a swallow banging suspend- ed from a rafter iu his barn, and as he could not see any reason, for it hanging there, he took the trouble of climbing up to find out. The bird had apparently, been building its nest, and in using a horse hair by some means it had coiled around the swallow's neck, and strangled it. A few days since, a son of Mr. W. Stevens, of Hallett, met with a painful accident through the thoughtlesness of a schoolmate. Some of the children were out in the echooi- yard, when one of them threw a stone at another. Instead of hitting the one in- tended for, it struck young Stevens on the forehead, cutting open Ins skull and inflict- ing a wound that it will take some time to heal up. A circular has been issued by the Finance Departmene at Ottawa to the postmaster at post office saving banks notifying them that in future the limits highest i its of deposits al- lowed will bo 0300, and that special per- mits to deposit a larger sum will not be granted by the Department. If depositors have say6300 on deposit and draw out 5200, they will not be permitted to deposit up to 5300 during that year. A paragraph in the Educational Weekly states : "We are requested by the Educa- tion Department to state that it is the inten- tion to prepare papers for the nest entrance examination to high schools containing a greater number of questions than candidates will be required to answer, thus giving them a choice of eight or ten o the paper. Also to make a correeiion in tr .circular sent out some time ago in which it was stated that candidates would be required to submit drawing books Nos. 4 and 5 to the exam- iners ; it shonid have read four or five. The following advertisement appears in the Goderich Star. "Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of On- tario at its next session for au Act to incor- porate a Railway Company to construct a railway from the town of Woodstock, in the County of Oxford, via., the to RR St. Marys in the County of Perth and the Village of Exeter, in the County of Huron, to a point on Lake Huron at the town of Goderich in the said County of Huron. It is reported that a party of swindlers are working in the county. They represent themselves as general agent of a pretended Stove , Pipe Shelf Company, of Hamilton, taking orders and appointing local agents. These orders are very carefully worded, got up expressly to deceive. Any person sign- ing one of these orders' will find themselves to receive a 100 agreeing of th ego sh elves to py 6125 for the same, and to settle by cash or note irninelliately on deli vor9, which will ll be the next day' These shelves can be got at any hard -ware store for 25 cants each. DEATH of MR. T. Coor1R -Mr, Thomas. Cooper, (who has resided in Clinton for near- ly thirty years,) died on Wednesday evening. Mr. Cooper has been suffering for some time with erysipelas, but nothing serious was an- ticipated, and he was able to go down town last week, bat catching cold, he was again compelled to remain indoors. Friends who visited him on Wednesday, found him in good spirits, and expected shortly to see liini oat again, and the announeoment of his death came litre a thunderbolt. At about S p, in. he got up and sat in an easy chair, regifesting Mrs, Cooper to fetch hint n newspaper to road; while site was gong he fell back in the chair and expired without speaking a word, just as she re-entered the room. Ho was, possibly, as widely known as any man in the town, having carried on the hotel business Macro for a number of yoars,bat more reoeritly t conducted an extensive grocery trade, being head of the firm of :l Cooper Se Son. 'lite Was a than of considerable intellectual force, kind..hearted, and enjoyed the confidence ' of his fellows, and liacl; taken an active part in .ill o public aftalrs,bontg a.m;mbor of tiro tetra council at the time of his death, and having' also tilled the dace of Doputy.licnvo, ill political affairs be was a supporter of Sir Soho A, Macdonald, , and tvioldod' consider - aide iutiaonce. Ere belonged td. "both the l Orange and Masonic Soact£es, eeeupying in the former the'oM00 of Co, Treasures, o. waz 4G yoa]'s of age, , ,