HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1977-01-20, Page 5Farmers told to beware it as Ontario weather colder . Ontario's weather is getting colder, and iiVith that trend we're also experiencing sharper temperature shifts, accbrding to Terry Gillespie of the University of Guelph. He told a meeting of about 200 farmers that studies of the past indicate that when the climate is in a warn period - gts'it has been for the past 40 years - the ,temperature. also tends to be steadier. ak When the climate shifts into a colder period - and there is /111. evidence of such a shift • during the past few years - the temperature bounces up and down More draniatically, (V, He tdld the farmers that • weather forecasters - an he used to be one in.Montreal - are reasonably accurate for long-term trends and for • large land areas. .,But for the individual farm "you can beat the weather forecaster every time by keeping an. eye on winds and the sky and using folk lore." That's because the weather forecaster is working QD a scale that will show a front of a system as aline that,can be two counties wide, he said. "We simply can't say what will happen on your in- dividual farm within that line," he said. He said the weathegmar) is better at "forecasting the movement of large-scale weather , systems covering thousands of acres such as the high pressure cells that control periods of dry weather." From our early files (continued from page 4) The newly elected mem- -hers of the town council net On Monday morning, ac- cording to law, for its inaugural .meeting. The Mayor presided, with Clerk Coats in his' usual place, and all the aldermen were in place with their best bibs and tuckers on and settled down to start the year with a resolution to d� everything for the interests.. of the ratepa yers. The council then went into committee of the whole arid the following committees were slated, the first named being subsequently appointed chairman: finance - Stevenson, Combe and Overbury; street - A. 41)McKenzie, Ford, Combe; fire and water - Ford, Overbury, t; A. McKenzie; charity - T. McKenzie, Stevenson; property and electric light - Combe, T. McKenzie, 'Stevenson; Bylaws - Over- bury. Thos. McKenzie, Combe; officers, etc. Jackson, Ford, A. McKenzie, Overbury, Combe; court of revision - Jackson, Ford, A. McKen-zie, Stevenson, Combe; park-- Jackson, Overbury, Stevenson, Combe, A. McKenzie. Evening parties are still all the go, and_many enjoyable hours are being spent in teas, games and little private dances. Mrs. Jas. Fair, jr., entertained a few friends last Friday evening. Miss Eva Shaw a number of friends Wednesday • evening, and Mrs. W. Brydone on Thur- sday night those who have honor of an invitation to the At Home to be given by Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McTaggart in the town hall, next Tuesday evening, are looking forward to the event with much ex- pectancy and pleasure. The fourth assembly by the New Century club will be given in the town hall on Friday night, February 7. . • 100 YEARS AGO., • January 18,1877 The first meeting of the council elect for this town, .was held on Monday, at 11 a.m.. After handing in their declarations of qualification, all of the members were duly sworn in. The Councillors then. took their seats, the Mayor in the chair. Minutes of ,last meeting read and adopted. Messrs. Corbett, Sheppard, Menzies, Matheson, , and the Reeve, were appointed to strike Standing Committees for the year after which the Coun.dil adjourned till 7:30 p.m. One day last week, while Mr. Arthur Cantelon was standing .on a barrel, it slipped, throwing him down. on the ice, and fracturing his thigh. Mr. Cantelon is an old man, and the accident will be the more severe on that ac- count. Up to the present, this has been one of the most pleasant winters experienced for a long time. Since sleighing first in, it has steadily remained, there being frequent 'additions of snow to keep it in good order. True, the weather has been oc- casionally severe and sfor- my, but taking it all together, the winter thus far, compares very favourably with any of previous years. • The good • sleighing has proved quite acceptable so farmers and those having much teaming to do, as a very large quantity of wood, logs, etc., has been brought in. People may consider, themselves fortunate, should the weather be as fine generally towards the end of the winter as it has been since the beginning. On Saturday last, the land on which the bending factory lately stood, on Victoria Street, belonging to Mr. W. 7. Holmes, was sold by auction. and realized the sum of $450 cash. This was considered a fair price. At the Same tire a quarter acre lot at the ex. treme western limit of the town, at present under .a three -year's lease, the tenant to pay taxes and fence it, was sold for $4l., This was thought a very good .price, as the purclfaser will have no benefit from it for three years. r-• Volunteers needed for Bluewater Centre • CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1977.m -PAG 1,, A The, Volunteer Services +,,,,,I,, Depiitment of Bluewater ' '`,' . . Centre needs the assistance and particularly ,of dwsoeoAr mennovcTewi sook working. kl orandexperience mi woodworkingnge.ntwomenawholi n Don Andrews, wish it would quit snowing. The banks in front of Mr. Andrews' home are so have Probably more than anyone else in the area, the residents of Vinegar hill, In fact, they can Just about touch the TV cable wire from the top of the ten:.foot bank. large now, the family can't look out of the font windows of the house or use the front door. yclashs afhor_ (News-R'eCorciphotd) . - dicapped adults is .scheduled -II , . to begin January 24th at 5:30 Hydro -CA UrE start bontratt negotiations held twice weekly, Monday ‘-i-i- miri , p.m. to7:00 p.m., and will be , • s. • . Local 1000 of the Canadian Union of Public Employees has_ commenced contract negotiations with Ontario Hydro. The current collective agreement, covering 13,500 employees.of the corporation, expires March 31, 1977. Both the union and Hydro have agreed to adhere to -a news blackout throughout the three-month period: The union's agenda in- cludes proposals for reduced hours of work; impro'vements . 480 in the pension plan, vacation, and health plan, and a wage increase, the amount of which has not been specified. ., Talks are being held at Toronto's Plaza II Hotel where six sub -committees are meeting along ,with the master bargaining com- mittee chaired by Jack MacPonald, the union's first vice-president. Both pqrties have agreed to a rigid timetable in an effort rizehrs fine markets._ of fine foods TOSHIBA "OWNING ONE IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME" ER727BTWH A deluxe oven with a built-in defrost cycle. Features 600 watt output. 0.9 cu. ft. capacity. Twenty -minute illuminated timer. Cabinet finished in white enamel. RE6.•529.95 ONE.ONLY! CLEARANCE $498.9°. One Only Clearance! - CANDLE MICROWAVE -r 0 7 Galbraith Radio & TV 1 Rattenbury St. lEast, Clinton , 482.3841 .s, PREPARED' MEATS • NEW FARMERS MARKET SCHNEIDERS SAUSAGE lb.$11 39 TENDER & DELICIOUS CHUCK SCHNEIDERS COOKED VAC. PACKED PORTION HAM STEAK 1:09. BLADE ROAST - 6 oz PKG • 35 SHORT RIB ROAST 1 lb PKG Sol TENDER FLAVOURFUL CHUCK SCHNEIDERS SLICED to streamline negotiations. The subcommittees will have four weeks in which to complete their Work, and the main bargaining committee will be returning to the membership for a vote im- mediately following the expiry of the contract. Should the need arise, provision has been made for the inclusion of a conciliation officer from the Ministry of Labour towards the middle of March and Tuesday evenings„ Volunteers are needed to 'cassist the supervisor in teaching woodworking skills to residents in the fully equipped shop. Volunteers will .be given a basic orientation to Mental Retardation and the function of the Centre: If you would like to help with the wood- working class, please call the Volunteer Se a ewater n is 524- Co-ord nator 0 f rvi Cen 7331 CC S tre The B 1 u h er THINGS ARE HAPPENING AT Gamester Advertising NEED SOME FRESH IDEAS? GAMESTER - ADVERTISING SERVICE LIMITED See. . . for. . . 4',L,A-.1.Y‘• Calendars • Adv. Specialties Book Watches • Balloons • Lighters Rulers • Yardsticks • Ball Point Pens • Truck Decals • Peivcils • Labels* Decals • Car emblems • Ashtrays Playing Cards e "Magnetic: Signs" Flags Pennants. Safety Awards SERVICE THAT YOU CAN DEPEND ON Offices & Showrooms (Opp. Post °Hike) 108 S. Christina St., Sarnia PHI PHIL GAMESTER 15 BACK COVERING HURON COUNTY TEL. (519) 337-9520 . P.O. B0)(666, SARNIA' AGENT NEEDED — SEE CLASSIFIEDS, NO. 19 iG iNEIDERS CANADA 'A' GRADE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED FULLY AGED FOR TENDERNESS super special ZEHRS GRADE 'A' CREAMERY BUTTER Ib 98c super special FRESH FROM THE TROPICS FINE QUALITY BANANAS Ib THIS PAGE OF SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT ZEHRS GODERICH • SCHNEIDERS CANADA "A" GRADE BEEF SALE!! from the Chuck, SIDE BACON ENDS SCHNEIDERS VAC. PACK •.9 VARIETIES CHUNK LUNCH MEATS SCHNEIDERS MINI -SIZE SAUSAGES SMOKIES SCHNE1DER$ (LIVER RING) WHITE PUDDING RING 98 c SHORT GRAINED CHUCK 1°" PKGS 89c CROSS. RIB ROAST PRIDE OF CANADA SMOKED PRESSED FULLY PORK SHOULDER COOKED, BURNSMNBREAKFAST STRIPS_ 1. lb. PKG othei. cuts, TENDER QUICK EASY TO PREPARE CUBE STEAK _ FOR STEWS OR SOUPS 'from the Hip, LEAN YOUNVAND TENDER 78c ROUNDsTEAKROAST4049 ROUND STEAK lb $1.49 lb.8 Ib. .$.1 09 BONELESS -NO WASTE CHUCK POT ROAST „3$1.79 lb. DELICIOUS CHUCK SHOULDER OR • $1.09 BLADE. STEAK lb ,t1 from the RIO lb 78 THE GOURMET CUT STANDING RIB ROAST __ NO WASTE - BONELES CENTRE CUT • FOR STEWS OR BROILING , e2.97 ROLLED RIB ROAST MEAT NECK BONES lb lb $1 68 — 9.58 BEEF SHANK 'b DOC RIB STEAK „STEAK idigialoliP BONES 8, FULL OR HALF -CUT- ' BONELESS ROAST OR STEAK SIRLOIN TIP Ib • 111 78 98, BONELESS OR BONE IN RUMP AST EYE lb -113•si .49 c LEAN YOUNG ROAST . zE ROUND2.29 from the Loin, CHOICEST SHORT CUT LOIN lb si 48' • PORTERHOUSE STEAK WITH ZEHRS SPECIAL TRIM - LOIN • T.BONE STEAK Ib SPECIAL PRICES INIFFECT TILL CLOSING SATURDAY, JANUARY 22 special FRESH MEDIUM GROUND BEEF 3 FRESH VARIETIES . WESTONS COOKIES T1IN4 °TilE Ib. 25c Dimon& ECONOMICAL BRAISING .RIBS 16 69e IDEAL FOR BKNG - IfEIN SIRLOIN AK • WE RNO BONE LOIN STEAK TO THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS special NUTRITIOUS & TENDER BONELESS 68CSTEWING I $TRA1NED FRUITS, VEG. OR JUICES GERBER BABY FOOD McCAINS FROZEN STRAIGHT CUT FRENCH FRIES super special WITTICHS ENRICHED SLICED WHITE . SANDWICH BREAD REG • PRICE , 4 112 ot 211, BAG Ib. 98c ORANGE FLAVOURED CRYSTALS , 89c RISE 'IP SHINE STOKELY RED OR NEW ORLEANS STYLE 23c KIDNEY BEANS.: 14 07,, special SCHNEIDERS ALL BEEF OR RED HOT WIENERS • FOUR 3 1/4 oz SNYDER FANCY GREEN OR WAX 69c SEASONED BEANS 24 !PAVE S for super special SCHNEIDERS SPREADABLE FINE QUALITY SOFT MARGARINE 14 dr Ib 1/68 Ib 168 NEW YORK STRIP 1 lb. 78 PKG. c lb $1 .68 Ib '1E58 Special SCHNEIDERS BROKEN SLICES COOKED HAM mak SHIRRIFF - 8 FLAVOURS ir , JELLY POWDERS 6 oz PKG lb V/89 88c 3 oz 4 269CAMP BEANS WITH PORK _ s1 t forHABITANT SOUPS_ Isuper specialWESTCANE PaRRANULATED WHITE SUGAR 1 Ib TUBS for FALCO IMPORTED DULCHI DAM SKIM 0F1,2', PARTLY SgIMMED PLUS ' LIQUIIIFOR DISHES CHEESE SLICES - 59C FRESH MILK __°3E;T_OSB;°94U_G-$1.18-SIINLIGHT DETERGENT89c BRICK, COLBY OR FARMERS C „„ REGULAR OR WINTERFRESH SCHNEIDERS CHEESE!.),71.-zu COLGATE TOOTHPASTEn71_99 28 ot for 1 14 or 3 for$11 c for 99 2 Kq SCHNEIDERS CHEESE MOZZARELLA super special SCHNEIDERS COOKED FRO/EN LEGS OR BREASTS SCHNEIDERS CHICKEN NIIISONS FRO/EN EASIY TREATS FROSTSICLES • 12 .39 214 S2-48 FRESH PRODUCE B.C. FANCY GOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES 3 BAG 89 super speciaL• `- U.S. NO. 1 • SWEET SEEDLESS NAVEL. ORANGES SIZE 88's c GILLETTE • PKG OF 2 DISPOSABLE RAZORpc Idr super special c SIONS CINNAMON BUTTERHORNS PIAIN Oil SUGAR & CINNAIVION WESTONS Off -NUTS ,PKG OF 12 PKG (n 1'K G Of 12 super special SCHNEIDERS CRISPYCRUST PURE AR 9c 69c -59c ONTARIO NO 1 TENDER, CARROTS ONIA1110,NO 1141111 5(11( 1! -COOKING .ONIONS."" 2 lb IIN I AMU VII I 2 lb RAGS2' SWEET PARSNIPS super special EINE MIAIITY CANADA NO 1 GRADE ' 1 Ib PKOS • f or 89C for 89 2 lb BAC 59C CLOVER LEAF FINE QUALITY PINK SALMON ROYALE 4 COLOURS FACIAL TISSUES ioos 2for 99c ROYALE TOWELSsuer special 2 ROLL PKG 99c Kum KOTEX SUPER OR PLUS SANITARY' NAPKINS_ JUMBO SIZE FOR YOUR LAUNDRY TIDE - COLOUR PRINT • 4 COLOURS TATOES BOX WE ARE CONVENIENTLY LOCATED IN - Fergus, Elmira, New Hamburg, Hanover, Kincardine, Goderich and Orangeville. PI US 71 1 ()CATIONS IN K I TCHINF Et WATER( 0 0 (,UF 1 PH AND CAM8FilOrri 48 s