HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-12-2, Page 11411Gf.14. T XL DICKSON. t BArri840, J.-4•. Olt Or Of SaPreme Ou 1sTot4ry °olive/Weer, QoMnl1sei0i4r. afonev. to Ecoen. 0 Lue Qin Oanson's Eloole,Elooter. Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc., EXETER, - • ONT. 0 Milo qatuwell'aBlock flail old oilloe,) - DENTAL. C„ CARTWRIGHT 86 SON X) MD N'XISTS I, We beg to inform the public that we have ReMovet iir Dental Beanie from Main-st to Jimes ST;, two doors east of Contra/ Hotel, -Exeter,lilt, fl K1NS1VIAN,DENTIST.L.D.S L.L, Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vitalized Air, or by using the N ew Imeal Anaist he - tie on the gums; makes Gold Pilings and all other dental work the best possible. Boona Upstaire in SAMwELL'a BLemt, East side of 'Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MED10.6.L (sl LUTZ, M. D., • OmoeathiaosiAence Exeter T W. BROWNING M. 0„ M. tiT • p• S,Graduate Vietoriatrniversity.Ofilce .an tiresjdenCeDOEflfiiOD Laborator v. Exe ter TR FiYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron, Office, opposite Mr. I.. Carling's store,9fixeter. J. A. ROLLINS, M.O. S. o. office, Main St.Exeter,Ont.Resiclen tiouserecently occupied by P. McPhillips, Esq. DR. WOODRUFF,. Permanently located in No. 185 Qneen's Avenue, London, a few doors east of Post office. Special attention given to disease's of the Eye, bad sight, an ci the pres- ervation of vision diseases of the Ear, im- paired hearing, and dietharges from the Oal,; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases •of the Nose, eatarrh being a commofl cause of mpiti hearing, AUCTIONEERS. ENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- • tioneer Tor flay, Stephen, aud McGilli- Tray:Townships. ss les conducted at moderate :u.tes. 0 ilice-At Post-offiee,Oreditou, Out. TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the P3 Townships of stephen, Hay and Usborne and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arrnaigocl wt this,office. :VETERINARY. TEN''F 7.i 't & TENNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College, Toren. -to, have op ened all office for the treat tinent of all Domestic Animals, on Mainstreet Exeter. Calls from a dis ..-..... ••••--49*--.••••• tance prompt'y attended to:- Medicine for Horses CattleAo alway on hand: ......................... _ _ MONEY TO LOAN. 1VrONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ES 1.11_ tate forth e Huron Sr Erie oan ., Sav. in gsiecidty. Low rates ofintereei. Applyto, xohn'egad mien ,Exeter . yrONE" TO LOAN AT 6 AND 63.- -- ii_ percen tatccording totorms. Private Funds. Apply to B. V .ELLIOT , A.ugust15, '85' Solieitor, Esetei , 1V...rONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6.?.: L.. .0er oent, $25,000 Private Fonda. Best Loa niuk Companies represented. L.H DICESON, Barrister. Exeter, -x/1- ONEY TO LOAN. --Person wishing to borrow money will take no. tine that I ana now loaning County Funds at 11 per cent. WM. HOLMES, (3o. Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Goderich.) September 27th,1886.) INSURANCE . 91 J. SUTHERLAND, Hensall, (int., Conveyancer, Commissioner, Fire and Life Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. All business transacted strict- ly confidential A call solicited, Office ; at the Post Office. THE WATERLOO • MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Estfahlished in 1863. tliEAD OFFICE -• WATERLOO, ONT. This,ebnisanv has been over Eighteen years im successful operation iu Western On- dario,andsentinues to insure againstloss or damage Irs Fire ,Builclings,Mercnandise ,man - u faetories,and ali otherdescriptionsoflinsur- ablii property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the Premium Note or Gash System. Miring .the past ten years this ‘,Compriny has issued 57,096 Policiescovering property to the amount of $40,872,038 ; and paid in loss - 08 alene$709,732,00 A.ssetS, 81/6,100.00. consisting of Cash n dtnll, GovernmentDeposit, an d the unass- essed Premium Notes on hand and in force. J, Wsnonw M D. Presidei t. 0. 51. TAynon, Secretary. 3. B . Proon s , nspector. GEAS. SNELL Agentfor Exeter and N•icinitir, eim*MONIIMMINIMIL THE OF CANADA. , The Royal Mail, Passenger and ereight Route between Canada and Great Bsitais and direct route between the West and all points on the Lower St. Lawrence and Ba.ie des Cha• lour, a leo New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P. E. Island Cape Breton, Newfound Itand# Bermuda, and Jamaica. New and elegant Pullman Thiffet Sleeping and Day Cars ran on through Express traine: Passengers fejt Cheat Britain or the 'ponti.- tient by leaving Toronto et 8i0 a. re.' Thurti day Will join outward 'mail 'steamer at Hali- fax a, ins Saturday. • Superior Lievator Witrebeniee and Dock itc. Coin modation at I/ allfax.for :shipment of grain and getieral Merehandi Se. "Votive Of experience have proved the INTER- 'itIOLONIAL In Connection With ahnitnsliip lines to and frota London, Liverpool and illastpoiv to Halifax, to be the lel...eat f might toute between Cadada n,nel Great Britain, 'information as to' Becceonger and, Vreight rates elm be lb eal on" applfstititm 10 xteOp, MUT B: MOODIE, , • Western Freight l& PartSdn ger Agent ISesain lieute Block, Yerk Si. 'LorCbtd. P0Te,t11611111, Otilef Superintendent.. 1la11ve:3, f to N,11 No 18,1888, The Bishop of Huron preached tWe VePY deep and Impressive sertnOrni, in Christ Clturch, hereon 8lIndV last. At knth eepeeially 171rtvhicoe se vtieleniel'ali.evilll eY114:X°trrpaTV scotea(ticl i red f W3xe re - A Reformer who was standing on the street, pa Monday, asked what attraction pisietle,rtehi4ipt "Why,(1.'1awssoy a,cncaonlwejo- i).%e,a , tive Convention !" was the reply of is 1 that inammeli as a keener interest is about "A8(g:TitaetnTher of the School Board suggests " RENS( TO TI1E LINIL, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHEIIE THEY KA.Y." 'VOL. XIV. NO 15. EXETER, ONTARIO, TliI,TRSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 2 1886 coHN WHITE & so" to be taken in such matters, that the meet- ) s publiozej.,„ ,o,d proprieto, S11011111 be held in it public hall. The sngfAbility be acted upon.estion is 4 good oue, and 'will in 'all pro f MPORTANT NOTICE S IKE,J. DEARING OF THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, Would respeetfully inform the public that be has removed to ins NEW SHOP,. (One Door North of Oarliug'a I gook), where as prepared. With far superioAfacilities, to do Anything in tho Rair Dressing Line. 14 you wish to get any Hair Goods call ou ike 5. Dearing, at the Central Barber Shop, where he manufactures Hair Work so natural that You Would Not N.' now It from the Original Hair, Snub aa the Langtry and Parisian Banes, Saratoga Waves, arid the Genuine Water Wave,Switches,Toopies,Curls ,Puffs and Wigs. Before going elsewhere, give him a call, at his - TONSORIAL PARLOUS, ONE DOOR EORTH 0 CABLINWR BLOCK. THE 11IE11CHANTS' • PROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATION CANAbA.- HEAD OFFICE, --- HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1SS4. Is an Assoc.atien or business and professsion. al men, having for its object the COLLEC- TION OF DEBTS; and to prevent its members from makingbali debts by farniohing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become mem Iors, by remitting $7.00 to our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will roc Ave by re- turn mail full particulars, cortificate and mem. bersbip, &e, Send for testimonials. J. BIDWELL MILLS & 00., Managers, Hamilton, WARNING-Allloarties ft.ro warned against having anything to do with R. Faullmer,hailing from Si. Marys, he having been discharged. New Pump Factory JOHN SWALLOW Weu.d respectfully inform the inha bitants of the surrounding townships that he has op- ened a N ew Pump Factory in J...,BOUTHOOTT'S OLD STAND, MAy*ST., EXETEn, OPp. poST-OPPIOE. Where he -will keep on hand all kinds of Pumps, which he will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells and Cisterns contracted for at reason- able prices, and work executed with despatch. SATISPACTYON (SU IHANTEED. JOHN SWALLOW. LAICTIR.ANCE'S 8pectac1es a, Eye -glasses Dr. Browning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only ones recommended by the President and Vico-President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, ansi all the leading oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aicl. to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as tbey are in the inaiket. .13. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with- out which none are gennine,-and pebbles are stamped Pebbles. De not be deceived by any goods stamped Pebble -glass -or by any Blinn. iarity in n am e. -DR. BRO WNINt,, Somo A Mail' 1,012 EXETER, CENTRAL D IJC STORE A full stock of all kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's Condition. Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at e Central Drug) Store Exeter C. LUTZ. KEMP'S Family Grocery DREW'S nLocic. Teas, Sugars, Syrups, Coffee, , Dashwood Itolier Flour, Granulated Cornmeal, Xew .13ueloyheat Flour, Rolled Oats, Split Peas, Pot Barley, Rice, Zte. TOBACCOS AND CEGAItS. Try a pack( t of CotnpressedYeaat. I Sell for Cash at the Lowest Possiblti Prices, consistent with quality: ----- t-V-Ticicets to or from the Old Conntry, at Lowest Rates, Titus:mime tun snoness, Drew's Block, South Store The Flag' the 8ign., CAPTAIN' norm ItEIP IN SUB AN Chl • Tn` RIC'EST ILLI.410 1', AGENT toll 4)Axy 2 • INSUPANOF, COMPANY,or London, Ilogland, the ROYAL (3ANADIA.N. of Montreal, arc' the 131111'ISli A3S0/1ANOTil 0 OM.- PANT, of 1,0edeu, 'Ragland, established 147, Assets over $5,000,000 ; claims and bonuses 1 paid, over $10,000.000, 1,.....IMORM.,11••••••311. ,wa emenoommn,....n•Wwww.,T. L 0 OA L &,1178.--W e shall ret happy to re- J.:ive at all times, from, any part of the County,m ltes qt local news, such. .is ac- cidents,or any laterestino incident what ever, from (my of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the. purpose of public- ation. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. A large stock of Fancy Goods, suitable for Xmas presents for young or olcl Can- tral Drug Store, O. Lutz. Renton Bros. • res S Making department . . _ reopened, Miss Wood, in charge. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. •rtl'Carson's Catarrh. Cure at Scarlett's Drug store giying, immense satisfaction. Guarantees 'issued only at Scarlett's. Drug tore. English , French and Ameriean trusses, shoulder 1;races, abdominal semporters, child- ren's trusses, suitable for all sixes and ages. Our water -pad truss is the best fitting and most comfortable truss made, at the Central drug store, C. Idarz, Prop. .A grand concert in Drew's hall on Wed- nesday evening, Dec. 8th, 1880, for the benefit of the Main-st. chnrch. Following is the program: PART L Ouclurstas. 3./IESSES. GIDLEY, EACRETT & COMPANY. FIVE MINUTES ADDRESS BY CHAIRIYIAN REV. W. 8. PASCOE. VIOLIN SOLO .... "Millie Waltz." Moss E. EACRETT. VOCOPHONE BAND -cynic DRILL BY COMPANY, CLINTON DUETT, (Selected) lthr.ssics. SENIOR AND GUNDY. BASS SOLO "Alone on the Sea" Mit. A. HOLLOWAY. ORCHESTRA SOPRANO SoLO (Selected) MISS M. EACRETT MOUTH ORGAN' BAND BY COMPANY, CLINTON. GLEE GLEE CLUB. SOLO "White Wings" Ma. W. HARLAND. QUAILTETTE.. : . ',Come Rise" MESSRS. HOLLOWAY, JACKSON, SMITH AND HARLAND. PART 11. ORCHESTRA... Sono "Return White Wings." MR. L. SMITH. INSTRUMENTAL. . (Selected) MR. C. EACRETT & COMPANY. DUETT . (Selected) /VIISSES PICKARD 6: VERITY. VOCOPHO.NE BAND BASS SOLO (Selected). Mr. G. B• HOSKIN QUARTETTE.. . "Kings HighWay".. (Sacred) MESSRS. HOLLOWAY, JACKSON, SMITH AND Hatirstscri. ORCHESTRA Sono "New Dude" Ma. J. JACKSON. GLEE GLEE CLUB MOUTH ORGAN BAND DUETT, "Allow tn e to move a vote of Thanks" MESSRS. bcAELETT & HOSKINS. Doors open at 7:30 o'clock. Adinission, 15 cents. Agents Wanted. Clement ca Co., of 40 Wellington Street I East, Toronto, or 81 St. Francois -Xavier Street, Montreal, want a General Agent. They are the exclusive owners of the Scho- field Patent Cake Griddle, the Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the "Carver's Friend,") the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay -Eye -See Wire Curry comb, and other specialties. If you want to make money, write to them at once for an outfit, and to secure what territory you can handle. The Times for 1887. The renewing of subscriptions is almost .4,6 hand. In order to double our large eft - ciliation, we will send the TIMES to any ad- dress from now until 1888 for one dollar; i is the largest and best printed dollar paper in Huron. We will club the city weeklies with the TiatEs as usual at the following prices :-The Timm and London Free Press, for $1..85; Titans and London Advertiser, $1, 85; TIMES and Globe, $1.85 ; TIMES and Ma,!, $1.95, with the balance of 1885 thrown in -- Baud of Hope. The Band of Hope meeting on Friday evening last was successful beyond expecta- tion. The spacious basement of the Main- st. Methodist church was filled to overflow- ing, extra benehes having to be used. The programme, which embraced almost every- thing of a literary, character, Was rendered most satisfactorily, a leading feature being the address by the pastor of the ehurch, on "The House that Jack Punt." This was especially pleasing to the young, while the older folk could not help enjoying it. A large collection was taken in aid of the poor. The promoter of the Associaticim • Mr. R. •Selcion, deserves theutmost praise for the interest Ise has taken in the yoang of the eliureh, supplying them monthly With intertainments Of this charneter. - Attempted •Sttlieldo.. Late Mt Saturday night or early &inlay Morning, a horse belongingto leretniala Hainan, of the London Road, 'South, done mate losing its life froth sttangillatiem The, animal was catefifily tied; with a retie halter aroinid its neck, (as has been the' petietice with the owner for some time,) but during the night get it front leg eute,ugled with the mooring, end when 'discovered, Was coMpletely eXhatisted and ahimet chok- ed to death; its boad,,aci well, being litnised to a .great extent. Vetermart,Tennent. was enteinoftedi and the animal, with ,thandi,dib 'acuity, Was biroUght, as it Wetei out of: ft semi -dead state. This addanother in- stance to .the many warnings giVen. itgainst 'Using neck hatters for tying animals - especially herees, personal, exits of Mr, G. B, Heskin, foreman of Fick - Mr. and Mrs, Hoskin, of Stmthroy, nar- ard's stove and tin. emporium, spent Sunday in town. SadOen paatu. Again death viaitsthis community .and, selects as its victim,laize, A,, second daughter of Robt. Cann, Esq., of Usborne: On Monday afternoon the yenng lady • wae in pod, health -save complaining of ash& pain in the side -and seemed unsually cheerful, eat down to tea, and ate heartily; but a few 'hours afterward complained of feeling slightly unwell and while walking. across it room, dropped upon the floor, e,nd in a very fens . minutes . expired. Medical aid was called, but could de .noth- ing. Death was totallyunexpected,and the demise, of a young lady who posseased .sterling qualities as she did, has east a gloom throughout the neighborhood. She had attained the age of 29 years' and has. always enjoyed comparatively good health. Heart disease is said to have • been the cause. The funeral,which took -place yester- day, was largely attended.. Her • remains. were interred in the Exeter cemetery. -- eolith-4d meetings. - On Thursday last, dose on to 200 Con- servatives of Exeter, were, present in Fus- sell's Hall to appoint delegates to the Con- vention held On Monday last, and the elec- tion of Akers. The chair was occupied by Dr. Rollins, the Pees., who, after mak- ing a few remarks as to the glowing state of allairs, called upon persons in the audience, responses beiz,ig rapidly made. .Messrs. J. awr E. Tom, l T. B. Carling, gave stirring addresses, in which many of Mowat's wrong doings, were brought out. A number of delegates were appointed to attend Conven- tion at Heiman, after which, .the meeting closed. Upon the same evening the Reformers held a meeting in Samwell's Hall, for the purpose selectinc, delegates to attend Con- vention, which was held yesterday; in Hen- sall. There was a goosi attendance, and all seemed full of animation and determination. Several very impressive addresses were delivered by prominent gentlemen of the party, dealing principally with questions of the hour. After the delegates had. been chosen, as follows :-Messrs. Browning, Ranton, Clarke, Perkins, .Saniwell, mid Witwer, the meeting closed. - -- Exeter School Board. Exeter, Nov. 26, '85. --The Exeter School Board met in the See'y's office at 7.30 p. m. All the members present, Minutes of ' for- mer meeting read and approved. Moved by Mr, Verity, see. by J. :Ben, that acct. of Mr. Geo. Hinds of $17 for fixing chimneys and whiting in school house, be paid. -Car- ried. Moved by C. Senior, eft. by W. H. Verity,' that J. Allison; be paid the sum of $45 for ornamentAttrees planted on school grounds. -Carried. ' Moved • by W. H. Verity, see by C. Senior, that Mr. T. B. Carling be auditor. -Carried. Moved by C. Senior, see. by J. Bell, that the annual meeting be held in the School House and that Mr. M Eacrett be returning officer. - Carried. The report of Mr. Tom, School Inspector, was read and on motiou by W. H. Verity, sec. by W. Grigg, was adopted. Moved by W. H. Verity, sec. by W. Grigg, that the Sec. order the maps, men - timed in the Inspector's report, for use in the school -Carried. Moved by C. senior, sec. by W. Grigg, that the book, known as scripture reading, and authorized by the minister of Education for use in High and Public Schools, be removed from the Exeter Public School and that the 13ible be put in its place. -Carried. Moved by W. H. Verity, sec. by W. Grigg, that we adjourn. -Carried. Jsm. RANTON, Seey. Mr. A. MeDonell has purchased a mare which is said to have a mile record of 2:35. Some men in town are se penurous that they keep everything they get hold of, ex- noPt'the ten eminnandments. Who borrow- ed our Ontario Statutes of MO.? We hoar‘that the young men, of the town are about forming a Conservative club and readlng room. Go in boys, you shall have our assistance. Several communications were crowded opt last week for want of space ; but those that are of importance, receive a place in this shiegssurea. Tin markethas been booming for the past few days, in a manner that causes the neighboring towns to dread the name, of Ilx;ateeil:t'unentr will be administered in the Presbyterian ehurch next Sunday' 'morning, ancl preparatory serviee to -night and to -mor- row morning A Miss Hooper, while walking down Main- st., on Sunday last got one of her feet fast in a hole in the sidewalk, near the bridge ; with diffioulty she released herself. Remember the Concert to be given in Drew's Hall, on Dec. 8th„ underthe auspices of the young ladies of the l‘lain-st. Methodist Church. on go, I go; E'verybody go. The Ladies' Aisl Society of the James-st. INIethodist Church, intend haviug a Bazaar and Coneert on Dec. 22nd. Full particul- ars later. Now that the sleighing is good, those farm- ers who are indebted to us and have agreed to bring wood, had better embrace the oppor- tunity, It will not last alifetime. Furious driving is again being indulged in and we believe, if snob is continued, the enforce the village by-law pertaining thereto. A pair of kid gloves have been left here, and the owner had better call for them be- fore our devil renders them useless, as they are doing good service on the wood -pile. The Conservatives nominated their man for South Huron, (Provincial purposes) on Monday hist, and the Reformers made their choice yesterday. Already the gong is striking and subjects for our municipal parliamen; brought to light. From the present appearance of the cloud a storm is certain. The "Clarion" published by the Windsor publishing iCo.,came to hand last week printed in red. ink, in commemoration of its 1st anniversary. Dr. Coleman was the selection of the Conservative Convention, held at Heusall, Monday, to contest the South Riding of Huron for the Local Legislature. Neatly every town in Ontario supports a foot -ball club, and we see no reasou why Exeter 'should lag behind. Stir up boys ; it will only cost you price of ball and a little exertion. While a young man from the adjoining township, was passing down Main-st., on Tuesday, a pad of water was accidentally thrown on him by the dressmakers. He said. it was rather a cold day for a &sower bath. We have received from Om -Ilea & Co., Toronto,one of their celebrated cake Griddles which has had a fair trial. We would heart- tily recommend the article to every house- hold. Agents who are seeking for something that will command a ready sale would do well to correspond with Clement & Co., Toronto. See local elsewhere. The many friends of Miss Aggie Hender- son, of Goderich, formerly of Exeter, will be pleased to learn that she has secured a school near Toronto, in which she will teach next year, at a salary of $400. Miss Henderson, some months ago, acquired a second class Professional certificate Merchants in town are preparing for the holiday trade, which will commence at once. In passing along tbe street one connot help but direct his attention to the artistic:ally arranged windows of the various merchants. The parties who did the tritnming are cer- tainly deserving of much praise. On Friday evening, the members of the bible class of the Presbyterian church, re- paired to the manse, where several hours were very pleasantly spent. Where such a wartn and friendly feeling exists between the pastor and congregation, the progress of that church is assuredly of the most pleasing naTtiere.congregation of the James-st. Meth- odist Church, hold their anniversary ser- vices, on the 12th and 1381i inst. Rev. Geo. Webber, a former pastor will preach two sermons on Sunday, and deliver a lec- ture entitled "The Morning Star of the Reformation," on Monday evening. For farther particulars, see posters. If it is of any interest to our advertisers we are happy to state that the circulation of the TIMES has been increased 200 during the past two months, as many as 42 addi- tions having been secured at one office. It is our intention to acid as many more before the new year sets in, when we shall be able to boast of an exceptionally good local eh-. ciliation. As age rolls on, so shall the Trims continue to improve. A Temperance mass meeting will be held in Drew's Hall, Exeter, on Thursday and Friday evenings, Dec. 2nd and 3rd„ Rev. Mr. Bergess, will deliver temperance ad. dresses, .in which, he will not only refer to the Temperance question in general, but will also discuss the best means for enforc- ing the Scott Act in this county. Oppo- nents of the Act are cordially invited to be present and take part in the disenSsion, Lecture to commence at :7:30 o'clock, A collection to defray expenses. If once, we have been asked this question half -a -dozen times :-"When are the author ities going to try the cases of supposed violation of the Scott Act filed against the hotel keepers of Exeter. We have heard nothing more than that the Inspeetor Was enquiring of persons in town, about a Intll in which to hear tostimeny relative' to the same. We believe, hoWeYer,"that the mat- ter has 'seen postramed-poSsibly tintitafthi• the elections. The thirty 'days ' soon have , elanaed The Abbey Co.' played the old and faverii e play of "Uncle Tom's 'Cabin," in Di -Avis a.% on ".rtiesitt=ty evening, The spaeions hall Was completely filled, the number being eatiMated at 1200. 'The play Was appreciated hysonte, (which' it eertainly ought to be. if, properly acted4 while °there Were in uelf dis. gusted owim to thie being' cousiderahle• vulgarity. The part Of Eva was played hy a little girl, and very cleverly done, she coin, pletely winning the hearts of the audience, Tite screaming of Topsy of 'the clzponents, almost raised the roof, but her acts were appreefated by a portion of. the andience. The procession which took place ih the after- noon, was fairly good, and witnessed by a great, many peoph.i. Brevities. The collector says, "Pay your taxes. The apple season is past and packers are unhappy. County Council of Huron convened at Brus- sels, yesterday. There promises to be a lively time at the school trustee elections, on the 29th inst. 'Sy,t°•lrrintedro.ors are being put in place for the Farmers within two miles of St. Marys marketed grain here yesterday. Hurrah for the Clinton Vocophone band and G rand Concert, in Drew's Hall, on Dee. Sth, 1886. December is here, and in a few weeks we shall enjoy the festivities of the holiday sea - 5011. le ice on the river WRS frozen over on Saturday last, not in condition for skating ti The story, "Rift and Spray," say many of our readers is a good one, being whole- some as well as interesting. Saturday evening snow began to fall, and continued until last evening. Sleighing is very good and business brisk. Only three weeks until Christmas. Mer- chants who want a large holiday trade, shonicl advertise now. This is row/ $011.3011. A person starts out 01151 thle morning with a buggy, but is com- pelled to return with a cutter. Mazi-r-Sr Mr.eurOoisT Cnuram-Slibj e410t of next Sundaysermons ; Morning, lo: "Christ's plai ce n the world to -day and to- morrow." Evening, 6.30, "A faith cure." The roller rink will be open on Monday, 'Wednesday and Saturday evenings, and Tuesday and Saturday afternoons of each week, during the season. A meeting of the South Huron Scott Act: association, will be held in the Methodist/ church, HenSall, to -morrow, (Friday), at 10 o'clock, ans., for the traneaction of inn portant business. 1V1r. Wm. 13 Fotheringham of Blanshard, recently eold It filly four And a half months old, Sired by his imported cart .stallion, "Suecess," to Mr. a moicay, of the same townsh fp, for the handsome sum o/$245. On Sunday morning last While Mts, Goo, SentWell was proceedMg to aura, she slipped ancl fell upon the ley Sidewalk, spraining her mottle badly. She was eenveys erl to her horn° in a carriast. An old sowing machine used by Bissett Bios., as a sign and which has steed upon the edge of their verandah for seine time,' fell to the gronnd, a feW days ago, alighting on it stone crossing opposite the store, It was eompletely demolished: Vortntritely,no one happened to be crossing the street at the time, for had the machine stitch; any- one results would certainly have been seri, ens, John Mutes, moults the loss of his trade mark. .Gthi shotswere heard en Friday in inces- sant sueceseion andopinions. were rifo as to the cause. One good grit said it sorinded.. like the bursting of one of Moies editorials, While others Manned it Was the sports at target practice. It turned out to be a William-st. resident endeavoring to shoot tom cat at, airs:age of 5 yards, He succeed- ed. ....41•11•••• Hensel!. The Fansville Methodist Church Re -opening Service will be held on Sunday first, Dec, 5th, tit whieh the Nov. 5, E . Ho we M. A., of S ea- foetli, will eoncluct the morning servico. in tbeatternonn addresees will be delivered to the fiahhath School, ancl in the evening the Re\ . IVIr,Crodivey,,citHensali, will preach. Special collections at the close of each service m aid of Church and S. School Funds. 'On tllonclay, evening following, the Annual Tea will be hold, when add r esses will be delivered by the Revs. Briclg,eman, Godfrey and others, Doors open ot o'olock ; tea served. at 7 o'clook. An excel- lent °hair Nvill be in attendance on both sal). bath and Monday eveniug, Admission for adults, 28cts ; Children urnler 12, lOcts. A. cor- dial invitation is extended to tin to be present. By order of committee, WM. 0 ALD WELL. P.R.G3Ps.-The snow fall of Sunday and Monday has made fairly good. sleighing, which is the first we have had 11.5 this neigri- hbaor;litiolgocli.-InvOrcouv.ebdust.neersys nut leini ot.epacat-itrfitiligacietiales past few weeks. -Mr. Wm. Colwell, car. riage and,wagon-maker has moved into his large brick residence, which he recently erected on King -street., -Mr. .R. Mortison, who has been carrying on tVe Mercantile bliSiness in Bayfield, kW the past twenty years, has' moved into our village, ansi, leas- ed the large brick Week owned by Mr. Marshall:and recently °coupled by Messrs. Jackson Bros. Mr. Morrison comes highly recommended, aucl will no doubt. Suceeed 111 attaining a fair share of patronage. --Mr. H. E. Huston, agent of the British North American Life Insurance. Company, has moved. from Centralia, to our villa.,ee.-Mr. James :Redmond, of British Columbia, formerly of the township of Hay, returned home this week on a visit. He looks hale and hearty. -The convention of the Con- servatives of the South Riding of Huron was hell here on .Monday afternoon of this week, hi. Reynold's hall, for the purpose of electing a candidate to contest the aforesaid South Riding, in the interests of the great Conservative patty. The ineeting.NVRS very largely attended and mach enthusiasm was manifested, a number of short and excellent addresses were also made concerning the great questions and issues of the clay. Dr. Coleman, of Seaforth, was the ' unanimous choice or nominee of the convention. -His Lordshin, Bishop Baldwin preached a very excellent and impressive sermon in St. Paul's church here, on Sabbath afternoon last. The church was crowded on the oc- casion. -On Wednesday afternoon of le.st week, a very pleasing event took eace at the residence of Mr. J. R. Evans of this munely, the ina.rriage -of .Mr. R. 'McIntyre, grocer, of this place, -to Miss Mary Evans. The ceremony was performed •by the Rev... 0. H. Bridgman of St. Paul's church, in the presence of a large number of the relatives and friends of the contracting parties, and we join with their many friends n wishing them much joy and happiness. Farquhar. , Edilru.STofrafI m ---I3* Dobserve in the last issue of your journal a communication loom Mr. Hay, in reply to Justice, in which he affirms, "Mr. Gardiner did promise me the office and also gave me to understand that he was post- master and that he wonlal,use his influence to get me appointed. This I can prove." I emphatically deny:the whole of this state- ment. I will endeavor to give a statement "Of the bargain I made with him, notwith- standing the assertion he makes, "that I ani incapable of the position I am endeavoring to retain." After I bought Mr. Clarke's store fromJames Gardiner, sr., Mr. Hay came and wanted to purchase it from me, that WaS no July 1883. I &dined to sell. Re said, he would call again perhaps I would change my mind. He called in two weeks, I said I would not sell at present. He made two or three subsequent calls, and pressed me to sell. He meale particular inquires about the agreements with Messrs. Clarke and Gard'r. I gave him a hill statement of all the trams le, tions, and also about the P. 0. I said that I would give'him the same answer Mr. Clark gave to me; namely,. that it was:a , Govern- ment appointment Which I could not control. He then asked my price, 'should 1, think of selling; I said$2,500. He requested to get the first chance when.1 was ree.dyto sell.. I gave him the promise. This all took place before Mt. Clarke left the store. Iu.Angust, 1884, the stateof my health wasisuch, that I was advised to sell, I went to Mr. Hay and ful- 1 filled my promise, as there were others look- ing after the store. Mr. Hay came me0w,- 1 panied by Mr. Stewart, and 1 offered to 1 sell. We agreed for $2,400. Mr. Stewart ' proposed going to Exeter to have the writ- ings executed, but Mr. Hay Objected, statL ing that' he could draw the writings himself. There were several reserves, among , which, was the desk, and'ease for holding the P. 0. matter, whieh I hasi made to order, fot the special purpose, he claims it was purehased with the store, aud denies its reservation. The 1'. 0. never was -mentioned during Our agreement, that I can remember, and I am positively sure it 'never WM premised, nor is it mentioned in tile writings. The Offices to whieh he refers, were, the Clerkship ;of Us - borne, and. the Secretaryship, °V , the Insur- ance Company. ' The clerkship I told him did not think he could tget,; but 1 prcnnised, my infinence for, the seoretaryahip„ but found from 'his conduct that' would not bejiistifted,in fulfilling my 7/5.0- 0 Mile. So far as the 'aecusation of injuring • hie business is danderneits t giVe it ami un7 qualified datral aid all in my. power assist hiin as long as he woaltd permit ine to ab so. I., have fitted Isp the on the corner for iny orrn,.nnd the public enlyen-,, ienee„,the'Insuranee. Jlr11lbaiug in, it, hut hail no .inientlon Of injuring Mr, .11ay there-'": hy. leonsider theimildingwas.stiitedfor the , acentntubdation of any legitimate buSitiess' and if anyone thinks he can Sxicceed in the Same line of business4ith Mr. Ray "it is no Limit of mine. Thad it to ,erti.;,• and I ten - skier 1 have aright' to liVe as well as otheVs. I have now told the truth, the' whole truth, end nothingluit'the truth, d will Say no more, traYbils ansaid lie can prove ae-- ensatiomi is my wish that he tic sol -, I1 51113 COnvic' toilhy 'credible proof., then I.' Will aihnit that I ani 'truly %Alit for my position, llont ,n ratcruliar, Nov. 110th 1896.,