The Exeter Times, 1886-11-25, Page 8' 14s6'41.".0n, 'Rl` L+',Sri' l+�TILIQ'll� A,OENT FOR e -.4' TEE WESTERN ERNASSURANCE (IQI PANY..ofTorontn.:: also for thePS(klNXX irIi i INSURANCE COIGfPANV,.ot l,ontlan,, 17ttglee;d, the"ROYAL CANADIAN. of Montreal, milt the EternSFI EaIP,IR;X. L,II''el ASSURANCE QQAI- RANe,of London, England, eetahliehed 1847. Assets over $5,040,000; giafine end bonuses ]said, aver $10,000,000, LO0411 N'WS.—We shall be ha pp to re- asive at all times, from any part of the County, items etflocal news, such as ao- cicfents,or any interesting incident what ever., from any of our subscribers or read- ers generally for the purpose of public- ation. l "Ctei' iliies.. THURSDAY, NOV. 25th, 1886. TENOENTS parti !°tor tlrstinsertioh, aua OU,R CENTS per line tor each Balmier -meet le rertton will be charged to notices ap t,eerini a tilts column, Un71-S1. MpruOlazs' '45mi clz---Subscore o£ ]text Sunday sortuous : Morning, 10:301 A. Model Couple. Evening, 6;30, '!.isle 'Christianity. W ,. S. PASColt;. Pastor, `J1he singing of the quartette of Male: voices at the eon/sett Thanksgiving evening was something to be appreciated. We vette tare to say, that after a little more practice, they rwill surpass anything of the kind' ever oganized hese., ; Notwithstanding the blizzard on '.'!!ares day last, a uuntbet' of local sports "set out," but could feud nothing more than trees and stumps to fire at. The sportsman of this ofhee reports minor gismo as moderately plentiful. Auniversary services of James Street Methodist Church, .Exeter, on the 12th and 13th, Two sermons will be preached on Sun- day, and'a lecture on Monday evening, by Rev. G. Webber. Annual meeting of Liberal Conservative Association, of Exeter, in Fauson's block„ to -night at 8 o'clock, for the election of officers and the selection of delegates to attend the Convention at Hensall, ou Mon- Mon- day next. A fall attendance is requested. The Lord Bishop of Huron will preach in LOCAL HAPPENIN S. I Christ church, .Exeter, on Sunday next, Nov. 28th•(Advent Sunday) at both men - Personal. H. A. L. White, of St. Marys, was in town on Tuesday ; he says St. Marys is bound to have connection with the C. P. R. —Mr. Wall Andrews joined hands with Jessie, eldest daughter of Mr. John Gould, of Exeter. A number of friends from God - oriole .attended the wedding. Storm. Thursday last, a tatting blizzard from the south-west and west swept along the streets of Exeter, causing much discomfort to those who were forced to face it, and to a great degree impeded the usual outside sport. Red noses were quite prevalent and things gen- erally presented a wintry aspect. The vel- ocity of the wind was 60 miles per hour, but 1 no damage was done to buildings. Band of Hope. The monthly meeting of the above sooy., in conriectiou with Main-st. Meth. church, will be held ou Friday evening next. A programme, which gives' promise of eclip- sing anything previously presented, will be rendered. And amongst others, Rev, W. S. Pascoe will deliver an address ou "The house that Jack built." All are invited to attend. A collection will be taken up. The Times for 1887. The renewing of subscriptions is almost at hand. In order to double our large cir- culation, we will send the Timm to any ad- <lress from now until 1888 for one dollar ; i is the largest and best printed dollar paper in Huron. We will club the city weeklies with the TIMES as usual at the following prices :—The Timm and London Free Press, for $1.S5; 'hates and London Advertiser, $1, S5; TIMES and Globe, $1.35 ; TIMIEs and Mail, $1. S5, with the balance of 1886 thrown in Village Council. The council met by order of the reeve at the Market House, on the 22nd Nov. The reeve, deputy reeve and Mr. Hoskin pre- sent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. By-law No. 14, to appoint deputy returning officers polling places, &c., was duly react and passed, on motion on W. Hoskin, seconded by W. G. Bissett. Moved by W. G. Bissett, second- ed by W. Hoskin, that the clerk advertise for tenders for building Town Herll, in both local papers, for three weeks and in the London Free Press semi weekly, for two weeks, and circulate 25 notices of the same. —Carried. Moved by W. 0, Bissett, sec. by W. Hoskin, that an order for $50 be granted in aid of the suffering from the Southanption fire. --Carriers. The council adjourned until call of the reeve. Brevities. Read S. C. Hersey's change of advertise- ment in another cohunn. A choice lot of Plymouth Rock chicks for sale. Apply to W. (4. Bissett. It is said that the trials in connection ,with the hotel raids a couple of weeks ago, will shortly take place. You can get the assortment and the value right, in boots and shoes, at Jas. Pickards. Mr. Geo. Lewis preached to a very atten- tive audience, at Stanlake's Milli meeting house on Sunday last. Pickard's is the place to buy your over shoes, rubbers, etc. The roads at present are in a very muddy state; but nevertheless, trade is good and grain corning in rapidly. A large stock of Fancy Goods, suitable for Xmas presents for young or old at Cen- tral Drug Store, C. LU1z. Hunting was indulged in to a great extent on Thursday last, but little, captur- ing done. The Parkhill Gazette says that Exeter council has contracted for five electric lights at a cost of $390 per year. Our con- frere has been dreaming. Worth Remembering—Ladies don't for get it—James Pickard's stock of fur caps, capes, setts sec., are going cheap—give him a call. We direct the attention of our village readers to our communication column, and ask that a careful perusal be given the ar- ticles pertaining to railway matters. They are of interest to all. The annual Conservative convention, (for .Provincial purposes) for South Huron, will he held ixnthe village of Hensall, Monday next, Nov. 29. A full attendance is re- quested. See adv. in another column. A union service was held in the Presby- terian church, on Thursday morning last, and a sermon was preached by the Rev. J. Graham. The collection amounted to $50.- 00, which goes to the poor. A musical entertaintnent was given in the Main-st. church, on Thursday evening last, eThanksgiving day,) ,order the auspices of the Ladies' Aid. A vary large was efficien- tly rendered to a large and appreciative audience. Rev. Mr.. Martin, B. A., delivered the third of his series of lectures on "Infidelity .and Free -Thought,' on Sunday evening alt. The attendance was exceptionally large, and the utmost interest manifested The lectures, so far, are highly spoken of by those who have Heard them. 11 concert, under the auspices of the toirng People's Christian Association, was given in the James-st church on the evening of Thanksgiving day. A very large crowd wag present, and the programme being of a highly interesting character, made the a£ - fair most successfuh A. team belonging to a Mr. Glanville, of Step!hoir, made a dash for liberty while in Eester on Monday. They ran down Main- st, ataa, lively rate, and upon nearing. Pick• arcs ffi'stote, were captured by Jas. Taylor, just in time to prevent serroiis damage being done ta' several rigs which were in front of .trite $tor$. si ing and evening services. He will also preach at the afternoon services, in Hensall, at 3 p. m. On Saturday last our town presented an animated appearanee and things generally seemed to buzz. The grain buyers report having purchased more grain than on any previous day this year, the months of Jan - nary and February included. Farmers froin north, south, east and west, Blanshard, Biddulph, McGillivray ; and in fact from the distances of ten and twelve miles on all sides, were here. Merchants too, wore a sprightly look. May it continue. Here is a little paragraph which we repro- duce from one of our exchanges for perusal by those merchants who are not slow in denouncing any parties who may go to the cities to make purchases of dry goods, furniture, or groceries, but who themselves do the very self same thing—and save no money by the transaction either. Our coterie says :—Remember when those agents of the city printing offices solicit your work and say they can do it cheaper and better than the local offices can, they simply falsify. In this office there are the finest linen and other papers, the finest inks and the newest faces of type with which to execute letter heads, envelopes, cards, notes of hand, bill heads, etc., in a style we guarantee cannot he excelled by any print- ing office in the Dominion. Leave your orders for printing with the town news- papers who are always working for the town's interests. On the 29th inst., the play "Uncle Tom's Cabin" will be given in Drew's Opera House, by Abbey's Company.1he TorontoontoWorld says :—"Nearly every seat in the Toronto Opera House was occupied last night at the performance of that old -tine drama, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," by Abbey's Com- pany, comprising thirty-four people. The donkeys, bloodhounds and pony lent an air of realism to the play, which, with the act- ing of the company generally and the drol- leries of the two Topsys and two Marks served to give a pleasing' presentation. Little Nonie, the clever child actress, who p ays the part of Eva with as much ease as though she had been on the stage for many years, delighted the audience. Miss Emma Tucker and Miss Sadie Clinton as the Topsys, Mr. George Dorsey as Uncle Tom, and Mr. Wm. Lanigan as St. Clair are- also worthy of notice." Tickets are on sale at Lutz's drug store, and Kemp's grocery, where plan of hall can be seen. The inaugural meeting of the joint com- mittee appointed to take steps in securing for St.. Marys a connection with the Cana- dian Pacific Railway, was held in the town hall, a few evenings ago. Mr. H. A. L. White was elected chairman, and Mr. Jas. Chalmers, jr., secretary. Several plans were proposed and discussed for securing the connection desired and the secretary was instructed to communicate with the authorities of Brantford, Woodstock and Embro, advisingthetn that a joint committee for securing better railway facilities had been appointed by the council and citizens of St. Marys, and to enquire if any scheme or propositions had been made to the Cana- dian Pacific company to further the object in view. A comnunicatinn has been re- ceived from the "Executive Railway Com- mittee" of Clinton, requesting united anal, prompt action in the matter. The citizens of Exeter had better bestir themselves or another town will step in and take our chances. No lady should purchase a boot till ex- amining Jas. Pickard's stock. Pickard's for felt boots. Just gaze on our six buttoned kid for 50 cts. ,James Pickard. Renton Bros. . ress making department reopened, Miss Wood, in charge. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. /TO -Carson's Catarrh Cure at Scarlett's Drug store, giving immense satisfaction. Guarantees issued only at Scarlett's Drug tore. English, French and American trusses, shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, child- ren's trusses, suitable for all sizes and ages. Oor water -pad truss is the best fitting and most comfortable tress made, at the Central drug store, C. LUTz, Prop. tion the best and ch • Without excep , cheapest lines in Boots and Shoes we have es yet seen, can now be had at C. Eacrett's. Chil- drens Carriages, Express Wagons, Men and Women's Felt Boots, Men's Haud-Made Boots, also a good assortment of Men and Women's Over -Shoes and Rubbers of every description, also Harness. Trunks, Valises, and Whips constantly on band. Call and he convinced. Butter and eggs taken in ex- change for goods. Also a first-class Brick House for sale or to rent. Agents Wanted, Clement & Co., of 40 Wellington Street East, Toronto, or 81 St. Francois -Xavier Street, Montreal,' want a General Agent. They are the exclusive owners of the Scho- field Patent Cake Griddle, the Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the "Carver's Friend,") the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay -Eye -See Wire Curry comb, and other specialties. If you want to make money, write to them at once for err' outfit, and to secure what territory you •can handle; BnuesELs, Out., Nov, 21.—Burglars enter- ed the residence of I)r T. G. Helmer early this morning by getting through the kitchen window, and while the inmates were asleep proceeded to rifle the drawers and every plaea where Vale might be kept. While the burglars were to the Doctor's room Mrs. Holmes itwoke, hut was so startled that abs bad not pewee to arouse her husband: After the burglars got through Mrs. Holmes awoke the I)oetor, who immediately .proeeeded to follow the robber, but was Met by hirn in this half and ahreateuedif he made any resist - mice, it would not be well for him, at the bolr aametime holding a revolver a )1 er to his else. The robber secured two good watches and two chains. After finishing hid work he cooly partook of refreshments in the pantry And Made hie sectsfie. ma*r ES. 8t,114ary4 is prepared to give 060,000 in order po secure ceeneetion With tho 0, P, It, Fanners es a geuorel rule hey() ' completed fail ploughing with the •exeeptlon of the tor, nip fields, • It is said that a monster Reform demon- stration will be bold to St, Marys, shortly, to be addressed by Ron. E, Blake. The Grand Trunk has gaol sled Qportsmen the privilege of taking one dog free of charge eu the trams, Mr. J. W, Call, of Mitohell, signifies leis iuteutiou of still being, a candidate for the Local Holiest of South Perth, • The ooutity Treasurer's sale of lands will take place at the Court Houeo, Goaerioh, ou the 30th inst., at sloven o'clock a. in. The Jumbo steer, "General Pickard," has Rained 80 pounds in about 4 weeks. George will put flesh on hint if any person eau. Sir John Macdonald and Thompsou, Faster, White and Meredith will address the electors of Stratford this afternoon and even- ing. Mr. Gell the candidate for the South Rid- ing of Perth, for Provincial' purposes, will hold meetings throughout the hiding, as 80011 05 possible. Mr. J. E. Davis, of the. Mitchell Advocate' fell into a cellar the other .clay. He was considerably shaken up. His weight caused a trap door to give. Messrs. Weir, of St. Marys, a few days ago shipped their famous lot of cattle, consisting of 2$ head, to the British market. During the past three months there was no less than one hundred and forty-nine cars of gtaiu shipped from Clinton, containing a total of 81,174 bushels. The date of the Ontario elections lias beau changed. Nominations and polling take place one day earlier -21st and 28th of Deo - ember, 1886. Mr. Joshua Challenger, Huron Road, has pnrohased n farm of 102 sores ou the 8th ooucessiou of Elmo, within one mile of At- wood. Price, $5,000. Mr. W. F. Murphy, formerly of St. Marys, is now stenographer in the office of the the chief clerk of the South Western Rail- way Association at Chicago. Alice are so unmerou3 anti tame iu the 1(ethocliet Church, Exeter, that they will actually ran upon the laps of the ladies. lu some instances they are very tantalizing. 'Ube Exeter collector announces that he has waited upon the citizens, and asks, per poster, that those who have not paid their teas, shall do so before a certain date. Stratford' intends applying to the Ontario Legislature Inc an Act empowering the city to extend the time for the redemption of the G. T. 11. bonus debentures to 30 or 40 years The feature in the next Dominion election will be that the civil servants of the Domiu- iou (post office, custom house, inland re- venue, weights and measures, `etc.) will have i03. The Irish leetarers say that the Irish people are all poor. There is one man in the world who desputes this, He says"the capital of Ireland is always Dublin." Open the door, please It is rumored that Mr. W. Doherty, of the Organ Factory, wilt oe brought out as a can- didate either for the Local or Dominion House, in the West Riding of Huron in the Conservative interest. One day last week while Mr. E. Follick, of Exeter North, was driving along the London Road, the shafts of the wagon became de- tached. which allowed the vehicle to run into the ditch. No serious damage resulted. St. Marys is to hate n snow plow. The stone town is throe or four yea's behind. Exeter iu this respect as it is in many others. St. Marys papers are still growling about the town being allowed to run at large. Mr. J. C. Harstone, who has been head master of the Seaforth Sigh School for seY- eral years past, has resigned that position to accept the head mastership of the Lindsay High School, to which is attached the salary of $1,400. A number of bogus twenty-five cent pieces are afloat throughaut the country, The ring of the metal is clear, glass evidently beiug introduced iu the make up of the coin. The imitations are excellent. It is suppos- ed that they are the make of the St. Tho- mas counterfeiters. No sooner had the outbreak of typhoid fever in Stratford. from which the niece of John Lloyd, flour and feed merchant, died, been suppressed by timely means than it is again rumored that anothor family named Lloyd (no relation to the former) are pros- trated with the dangerous malady. Considerable interest is maifested in the approaching investigation into the Stratford school difficulty, in which the Principal of the Coileciate Institute and a few ratepayers are particularly interested. J. Geo. Hodgins, L. L. D., Deputy Minister of Education, is expected to be present to conduct the pro- ceedings. A fire occurred at the Herald building, Stratford, having originated in A. L, Weir's fancy store, at the rear of which is the press room of the paper, of which the new proprie- tor is F. H. Newton, formerly of Peterboro'. Little damage was done ; $100 loss to the Herald, $200 to Mr. Web-, and 5100 to the building, which is owued by A. J. McPhear- son. The fiftieth anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession to the throne of Great Britain falls on June next, and groat preparations are being made throughout the country to y ro aerie/ celebrate the occasion. We hope that Exeter will fall into line, and show its ad- miration for our beloved Sovereign, and the thankfulness of her people that Victoria has so long been spared to rule the des- tenios of an Empire on which the sun never sets. . A number of friends of Cooper's Metho- dist chnrch, Blanshntd, including the pas- tor, Rev. E, A. Fear, met at the residence of Mr. D. Creighton, on Monday evening and presented his daughter, Miss Addie Creighton, with an address and a very hands some piece of silver. Miss Creighton has been organist of the church for a couple of years, and on the eve of her marriage her many friends tools that opportunity of ac- knowledging her services. An attempt was made early Saturday morning to burn the driving hose and stable of M. Y. McLean, editor of the Sea. forth Expositor, by means of coal oil, with which the front doer had, been saturated, but the tillainous attempt did not succeed. The only reason that can be assigned for the outrage is that the Expositor peblised an article strongly condemning a similar out- rage perpetrated upon Mr, James Wanless, Police Magistrate for South Huron, Monday evening. Why will farmers, who are so cautions and particular in purchasing goods from. mer- chants whom they know, May so freely and unguardedly from pedlars whom they never saw before ? They all do it, tnneh as, they dread the idea of being bitten by a fellow - mom Renee the squealing ,about "iietnt- esque Canada," the groaning about toasty tea, and the execrations of sundry knowing Mies who have been "dono" by the dealer in shoddy dear. ,Jtistnuw thel'ural parts are swarming with oily -tongued gentry, who. have all sorts of wonders at fabulous prides, and tt is fair to prophesy that, iu nine oases out of ten, the purchaser will have the worst side of the bargain. Some of onr readers can testify to the oiliness of the shoddy enfh btsinoas. It fs ulwn s a nrer to deal with rez ousiblc lona: incl!, NEW , P 4AT1SE x NTS ESTRAY CATTLE. EJ Strayed Leta the premises of the urelersign,' ed lot 1 t, sou, 20, .on or shook tiro first of xn.iy, 1 spotted, steer, risi tge years old; ails! 1 !heifer, rets and white, rising. yea3•aold. 'J.'bo oavller is requested to peeveproemty,uay obarres and take them away. 141/04I LOW, PROPERTY FOR SALE. The undersigned ot1e):s for Bale, lllii property on Sixuooe•et„ being Lots 48 end 44, containing two-third8 of an acre, There are erected upon the p::etnisos, afrante boats with Ititeben, anal a fronts etabls 18x20, Also a good well. This propertyte suitable for a retired farmer, and will be sold O1 (rep, For further particulars apply to RICFIet.'RD TOTING, P. 0 NOTICE. STALED TENDERS will be reooiv d bythe uudetsigned, uu to Friday, the lath of 1)eoout. bor, 1886, at 7 o'clock, p.10., for building a Town 17a11. iu the Village of Exeter, Plans and specifications eau be seen at Bissett .lire's Tint Shop, Iixatir•,on or after Friday, the 28th inst, Tenders may state price for Dither the whole work or for each part sop,tratoly. M. EACItN12'T, Exeter, 23rd Nov.,1886. Clerk, Exeter. CONS ERVATIVE CONVENTION ! South Huron. The annual meeting of the South Huron Con- servative Assooittiou,for Provincial purposes, will be held in the Village of Beneall, on Mon- day, November 29th, 1886, at 1:80 o'clock, p. na. Amongst the other important business before the convention will be that of selecting a can• didato to contest the coming election. It is ab- solutely necessary that every municipality should send delegates to this convention. G. E. JAOEsoN, 1). H. RITCHIE, Secretary. l President. N.B.—The South Riding of Huron for Pro- vincial purposes, consists of the townships of Stephen, Usborne, Hay, Stanley, Tucker. smith, East -half of Goderiob Township, the villape of Bayfield, ofd the towns of Seaforth and,J: xeto r. Entrance F°txamin ation. The Examination for Entrance to High Schools, will be held at EXETER AND GODERICH, —oN-- TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, & THURSDAY, Dec. 21st, 22nd, & 23rd, Beginning at 9 o'clock. There will bo no formal paper on Orthoouy at this Examination. Canrlidatesare expected to bring Drawing Books No. 4 or No. 5. intending candidates are requested to send their names to H. I. Stinug, 13. A., Godericb, or to the undersigned, before the 1st of Dec- ember. JOHN E. TOM, Inspector Public Schools. Executor's Notice TO CREDITORS. In pursuance to Section 34 of Chapter 107. of the Revised Statutes of Ontario, and the Sta- tutes amending the same, notice is herrby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Marshall Pollick, late of the village of Exeter, in the County or Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the 7th day of Cctober, A . D., I856, are re- quested to sews by best, prepaid, or to deliver to John Smallacombe, of the said village of Exeter, Gentleman, one of the Executors of rho last Will an d Testament of the said late Marshall Pollick, deceased, son or before the First Day o1 January next, (A D, 1887), a state- ment of their names and addresses, and the full particulars of their claims and of the se- curities (if any) held by them, and that after the said date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of tho said testator, amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they have then notice, and the Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any person or persons of whose claims no- tice shallnot ' ave been received by them at the time of such distribution. MOSES McFADDEN, Solicitor for the Executors. Dated at Exeter this 25th day of November, A.D., 1886, NOTICE. Tho Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron, will meetin the Town Hall in the Village of Brussels, on WEDNESDAY, the first day of DECEMBER next, at three o'clock p. in. PETER ADAMSON, Co. Clerk. Nov.lbth,1886. l2-ins.1 ESTRAY CATTLE. Came on the premises of the under signed, lot 15,North Boundary, Stephen, on or about the first of Nov.. a young 'steer. The owner may have the sane by proving property and paying expenses. JOHN FOR]), TO ADVERTISERS For check for $20 we will print a ten -line advertisement in One Million issues of leading American Newspapers, 'Chia is at the rate of only one-fifth of a conte line, for 1,000 Circu- lation 1 The advertisement will be placed before One Million different newspaper pur- chasers :—or Frvn MILLION READERS. 'Ten lines will accomodate about 75 words. Ad- dress with copy of Adv. and check, or send 80 cents for Book of 150 pages. GEO. P. RO WELL & 10 SPRDOE tT., NEW YORE. TRUSSES ! l`fH.RISTIAN LAWYER, man nfae- 44J turerof all kinds of Trusses; Residence: Rannre's Mills, Bay, will be at the Central Hotel, Exeter, °Very Saturday, to attend to the wants of any who may require his services, Why pay from 815.00 to 52500 for the same ar- ticle which he can furnish you Inc 55.00, and which is as good if not better and warranted to fit with comfort? Remember, Double Trusses, $5.00 • Single Trusses, 52.50, All com- munications addressed to CHRISTIAN LAWYER, Zurich P. O., Ont. S. HERSEY is Re -opened file Grocery, Y AND WILL IN FUTURE- -BELL FOil CASH Ills Entire Stock Will Be Sold BELOW COST. 2SPFIi,CEiyT. B Zurich. Roller Flour, Bran, Shorts and Chop. ALVAIS ON T?ANt . ar0A,LL AND SEE. BLANK Tax-----,-- EXETER I WOOLLEN E MILLS r WO . � N L� 250 ! l'merI S. 250 All kinds of Yarns, Tweeds, Flannels,, Shirtings, AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE PRAMS. Manttfeettlriug those geode ourselves, we are enabled to sell at Lowest Figures. PARTIES REQUIRING A GOOD BLANKET Would clq well to inspect our stook before purchasing elsewhere, We have a Full Assort, men On Hand, 250 pairs of all weights and sizes. 100 pair's Horse Blankets, different patterns, selling cheap, OQ13,DW002D ySJS1",TT3517D. R. MUIR, Prop. 500 TUBS NOV., DEQ/. 1886 Butter Wanted Before Elections Dec. 28, J.Matheson., —YOU CAN BUY AT— EXETER NOLTH, Our Stock is Well Assorted FOR THE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED ! GROCERIES!! 16 lbs. sugar $1.00 ; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20c. to 75e. per lb. Boots & Shoes (All Styles) at Low Prices. .A. nicely assorted stook of H.A:R•DWA_RT-�'. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes, (Cheap.) Best Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. ea" A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. A good snit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up i11 Good Style. Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTON -20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. A House and Lot, also a Parra for Sale. Apply to JOHN MATHESON. HAY P. 0. NO OE Take a note of the fact that T. DEARING, of the Montreal General Store Has just received a Complete Stock of WINTER DRY - GOODS Which he intends selling at NEAR COST FOR CASH. He will still bo found in GEO. KEMP'S OLD STAND, (One Door North of Drew's Block), where be is prepaaed to supply the public —with— Ready-made fllnthingf, Tweeds, Shirt- ings, Dress Goods of all descriptions, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Red and Grey Flannels, Gents' and Ladies Under- wear. SIX ORGANS POR SALE, VERY CHEAP. —A LARGE VARIETY OI'— Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes Also a Fine and Well Assorted Stock of CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES TEAS ! A WAGON LOAD la -I make this line a SPEOIALTY. l FARMPRODCCE TAKENIN EXCHANGE for GOODS. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR EGGS. COAL OIL ALWAYS ON HAND. T. DEARING. D'ULMAGE'S . KIRKTON. . 7 lbs. Japan Tea for - $1.00 • 4 lbs. Extra Japan Tea, $1.00 1 18 lbs. Sugar, $1.00 24 lbs. Baking Soda, $1.00 24 lbs. Rice, $1.00 14 lbs. Raisins, $1.00 —AND— IN DRY -GOODS, EVEN CLOSER PRICES. Good Price Paid for Butter c@ Eggs. (04)* % SOU Wishes to announce to the inhabitants of Exeter and vicinity, that he has opened out Boa! ani Skog Shop in the corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, where he is prepared to make all kinds o: ordered work. r Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, Late Manager C. Eacrott's Boot and Shoe Establishment. May 14th 84. Lots, Lots lots • Tron SALE. 500 Village Lots For sale at Reasonable Prices. Situation good ; fronting good wide streets ; also a number of HOUSES, a FARM LAND FOR SALE. Parties desiring Land or Houses would do well to .con- sult the undersigned, Terms to suit purchaser. I. CARLING, ExE rER. CARLING'S BLOCK —THE PLACE FOR— CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT, • 0 00 One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheapest' Stocks in Exeter. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, .French Dress Materials, -e ur all the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS.—All the Very Latest Novelties in Fancy Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, as well as all Staple. Lines in Black Goods. Colored Plashes in All Shades' worn this season. Black, Dress and Mantle Silks. IT O S X SI ! GOOD ASSORTMENT AND EXTRA CHEAP. Mantle Cloths, grand range. Flannels. Blankets, Factory and White Cottons, Shirtings, &d., all bought before the advance in prices and will be sold at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. If you want Correct Goods at Correct Prices, home to I CA::RLZN. , t ret Our Cxocsr�r O©par �� is +Co rz,pl®f‘., T11Y O1fl 500T. TEA. 11• is aeknovtlsclgod by everyone` that has used it to be the beet in tbo Village for the money. Sample Pinola, Free. t BUTTER, • EGGS, AND ALL PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE., OA CALL S LICIWRD. • I. `CARLING, Maili.St , Exeter i