HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-12-23, Page 36MIKWIZIO" COPONG avapawati,3 Helix" xOgralt to Or `aacsu i may fur the club the an, meeting• ►li csterha ► ° lr<ad b `- guessing contest won Phyiis y+ Watkins e green motesI Wright anld S .reading ,"Are * blame" and a cora# shopping' "is it wa Ping la Clinton or all. }Iaret teda re and. on by.Edith en :gave, really to rrisoan of rth slop ieriich'"• The next Meeting will be held at Gladys " Van. Egmond's. Those on program and lunch. are andra- * Westerhaut• Edith ',lrigbt id,, and Margaret Wright. The roll call is to be answered with "one of your Christmas I „-presents;" The meeting closed and a lovelylunch was served. tR1tGYOUR PAVJY HIRE 'feel and Welfare Minister Marc Lalonde has announced that the 865,000 Canad a Pension Plan beneficiaries . will receive increases of 8.2 per cent starting ill IantiarY,197. The increase, calculated on the past,, year's rise in the_ cost of living as measured by the Consumer Price Index, will apply to all persons in receipt of Canada Pension Plan benefits as of December 31. 1976. The increases will be reflected in the January -cheques. The maximum retirement pension effective January, 1977, will be $173.61 per month. The maximum disability pension payable in 1977 will be 5175.05 per monll . while benefits for disabled contributors' children and orphans of deceased con- tributors will be $44.84 per mornth. Maximum monthlY surviving, spouses' pensions will 'be $109.941 for persons under age 55 and 504.17 for sj,ouses 65 oraider. Of the estimated 865,000 persons who will be in receipt of Canada Pension Plan benefits at the end of December, some 539,100 will be retirement pensioners; 135,000 will be surviving spouses, and 61,200 will be disability pensioners. Another 117,700 benefits relate to children who are receiving benefits as orphans or children of disabled con• iributor. s. limited. Reservations S10. per couple. Includes en- tertainment food. favours. HOLIDAY DINING LOUNGE SCHEDULE New Year's Eve Day — Lunctleon 12 - 2 p.m. New Year's Day 2 Sittings by Reservation only. Beef or Turkey Dinner — 54.95. 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. As the old year comes to. o close we say thanks for your patronage. By Bertha. MtcGreg!Or Mr. Charles. Mickle. Hamilton, is spending his Christmas vacation with his mother, Mrs. Laird Mickle and other relatives. Mrs. Laird Mickle, Mrs; Florence Joynt and Chrrles Mickle were guests Dec. 24th and Christmas ' morning with the forr,ier's daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Collins and Sarah in Kitchener. They joined the rest of the Mickle family at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and family in Waterloo for the afternoon, dinner and evening. Mrs. Jack Corbett, who recently underwent surgery on her hand in Victoria Hospital, London. returned to her home_ Mr. and Mrs. M Corbett and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Archer were recent visitors with relatives at Eimvale. ilowpng (continued from page 6) Downs, the first-half leaders, trail with 3. Linda Cooper continues to sweep the division taking the high single.. triple and average with 269.747. and 211. Other singles were: Rena Bolkman, 263: Linda Cooper. 240; Becky McCabe. 232 ; Barb Howson, 249, and 8,renda Brooks. 239. Wednesday 2:00 pm - Senior Citizens Card Party in the Arena Auditorium. Thursday 8:00 PM - Queen Crowning at C.H.S S. Auditorium sponsored by Lions Club 9:00 PM - Las Vegas Night at the arena auditorium. Sponsored by Kinsmen and Kinettes. 7:00 PM - Broomball at the arena Friday 8:00 PM - Torchtite parade at the arena. Sponsored by: Clinton Snowmobile Club. 9:00 PM - Hospitality Night at the arena auditorium. 7:00 PM .- Girls hockey at the arena. Saturday - 3:00 PM - Championship broorball 8. hockey at the arena. 1:00 PM - Parade. forming at the Legion to the arena. For further details contact J. Reid. 2:30 PM - Children's afternoon at C.H.S.S. auditorium. Fun fall the Whale family. 6:30 PM - Family skate night at the arena. 9:00 PM - Dance at the Arena Auditorium. Fair Board. Sponsored by Legion & Lions. Tickets available from members. Sunday 8 AM - Pancake,Breakfast at the arena. 1 PM - Snowmobile Poker Rally from the arena. 2 PM - 4 PM - Figure Skating programme 11 • M m- 3{t Come get the feeling at _w Program subject to change. Admission most events -- adults 81.00, tband under 50c. For further information and details contact R. Lombardo O$'2-3i� t.O C. Nitlaafns at Armorer:p.m.r Jan. 26 Bingo - Legion Ladies Bingo SPORTS '& RECREATION LIMITED VARNA 262-5809 HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM T*4E STAFF ,.OF THE Park Theatre AND Mustang Drive -In ONE SHOW Il PM *NULL COURSE SMORGASBORD EVERY SUNDAY" ADULTS CHILDREN PRE SCHOOLERS 5349 s L99 FREE Re.Opening Suday, Jan. 16 For iefereisties4eittlitaing lea lits. Patties, W$ii ais et sitaissts_.. NEW yE.AR'SDAY For an elegant dinner: at the Candlelight Restaurant and' Tavern. Management of the Candlelight has made up an extra special menu to make Your New Year'S Day dinner a real treat for the whore family ichildreh'S portions available emrequest.) Open New Years Day till. S p.m. IflD.. RECUPERATE FOR 2 HRS. IN PEAT E ON SAT. SEND YOUR CIULOREF TO THE MATINEE 1:3* to 3:3e. ti guilder sf the $jgSt, lestest, and Beefiest hrgS iw the ilagi! HOLIDAY QRS: • p ,3 11 cm. • 12 MIDNIGHT It` Yeses + m 7 Sr ~f rIrY1l'Alia.iiis+:Ctl.in. + ► ne c *USIBESS AS USUAL