HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-12-16, Page 14ii*Z>.1.4': • .0 4 Wrer.K., playing from the .„television. t 1 Iust can't dec�rat� a rlstmas treewithout the strains of champagne muslc In the backgrounc __Offence *Olk remains unpopular all year kintill Christmas tree *Witting time. Actually, tern a little glad I won't be there for the great event this year because for the first time in at least 15 year*, 140ffenCe won't be 144),109.1n ourlivingi room. Yes, there will be no cbatrIPeign: rnt1.41c thIS year because MY FATHER DIDN'T BOTHER TO GET THE iv; TER40, FIX,E. If I reminded him once, I've reminded him a thousand tin* to get it fixed. Oh well„ the morel dwell onthesubject the morerelleved`kam that I WOWtbe in charge of the production this year. - At one time, decorating the tree brought all kinds, of offers to help; sister, brother and other sister all came running to help. The last few years, however, the only help I've gotten was from_littleMichelle, the six.year-old baby of ,the family. Nothing personal against "the kid" but when she stands on tip toes she can barely reach the second level of tree boughs. Well, let the family find somebody else to stand on thekitchen stool and try to hand the decorations on the upper tree branch without hanging 'themselves in the PrOcessl ! I The ti' al thing that made Christmas tree,, decora ng a little less glamorous than usual ts-7. the trance of the artificial Christmas tree. We' f. ht that aspect of Christmas from coming in r as Lomas possible, but when my father yelled, timber as he felled the fast pine tree in the backyard, the death knell was sounded for real Christmas trees in our house. That . first lartificial" Christmas, one kid Would spray some pine scented air freshener into the air and the rest of us would gather around for . a sniff of the good old days. We Weren't getting high or anything, but the smell of. a "plastic tree" just doesn't identify with Christmas. As I write these criticisms, -.i know In my heart that my family will forgive me. When I go home the nigh'it. before Christmas, I know they won't slam the front door in my face. - They may greet me arms loaded with tinsel and decorations and a bare artificial tree in tow, but they won't slam the front door in my face. I've yet to decide which is the lesser of two evils. By Mary Chessell L.O.L. 1035 held its annual meeting on Dec. 6 with a dinner at Hully Gully. returning to the Orange Hall foriile. election_ of officers for the next two years. - The following is a list of the new officers: Brother Ron Taylor, Past Master; Brother Bob Webster, Master; Brother Barry Taylor. Deputey Master; Brother Eric Chuter, rec. seeretary; Brother Brian McAsh, asst. secretary; Brother Bill Dowson, treasurer; Brother Bob Hayter, financial secretary ;Brother Louis Taylor, Chaplain: Brother Doug McAsh 1st Lecturer; Brother Allan Hayter - 2nd Lecturer; Brother Don Taylor - Marshall; Brother Watson _ Webster - Asst. Marshall; Brother Thilia Roy - 1st Committeeman; Brother Keith Stephenson - Tylor. The L.O.L. - sponsored card parties will resume on Jan. 14, 1977. The arena will soon be open for skating. • At itsDecember meeting On Consent forms will he sent Monday the Huron County home With the students Board of Education passed a outlining tbe grogram, costs recommendation approving a and the responsibility or the request from Bruce Shaw. school Principal at l'eaterth District The Beard approved the 111111 $009l,. that the...4000 request keeping in mind that undertake a swimmirtg swimming instruction had Puo,gMin atVanastraforyer - been approved for elemen- roe Physical Education tary school pupils by a 1975 Classes. motion. The request was approved hv the Board added a rider In 'other business at Quite, respensiva: maneuverabte A partarrnanna Cat - bt, coats teat than raid ?imagine ItAss Oen you bolt Pio Opttat *venting talltettlly than e340 Cobitle nt gittynu flatted an a hatuatful reattedshrn With it.t.tus Wirtuse STOP snswainliflit, for the best in Parts, Stipikire. Act:amorist. %va • noting that tile program be Monday's meeting the Board carried provided4Ithatno one approved payment of the is denied credit in Physical general insurance coverage Education for lack of par- renewal through the Frank ticipation in the program". Cowan Company Ltd, for the According to an outline submitted by Mr. Shaw the program would begin on Wildex employee Monday. January 17. Each student will be given two hours of instruction per week for six weeks. The costs are to be borne by the students and the Physical Education budgetat ale school. Classes are to be held on Monday and Wednesday, and each, lesson would be ap- proxiMately one hour in length. • T BE Give th Colour T The Wit -Rex Employees Recreation Club held a car rally on Sat. Nov. 6. It was open not only to employees, but also tiiinvited guests. It was organized by the employees and was 50 miles long. Tho winners were Ed and Sandy McGillivray, RR 6, Goderieli. Year November 1. 106 to NoVeMber 1$77 at a premium PntniSti2,021.01., At the (Weber 16 meeting of the Board, the large in- crease .in premium cost relative to fire insurance policy renewal was. discussed and it was agreed_ that the - Superintendent of Business Affairs, R.B. Dunlop, should discuss the matter with the insurance consultant who had previously been retained by the Board. In making his recom- mendation to the Board that the premhun- payment be s hold ear rally Secottd place went to Dennis Hutton and Steve Ribbings from Clinton. Third place was taken by Rick Foster and Ian Clarke, both employees of Wil-Dex in Clinton. Another rally is planned for the near future. PILE! • can enjoy ... ogers M�jestic y ROGERS MAJESTIC 16" MODULAR 4 COLOIJR4V- top per Cent Solid State. Both featuring Modular 4 circuitry .k for dependable colour pictures of remarkable, natural itnality, sharpness and brilliaitce. Also feature automatic colour control, automatic Eno tuning, lighted channel selector, easy -roll casters, front -mounted speaker. THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY SATURDAY* DEC. I6-111 3 DAYS ONLYI ALL SMALL LANCES -1O HURON STftEET, 0440 14 on, • t involvement ai granted to rageon herprope e Co!, Lucien Baitimr, * McAlpine. David dr-Ows. approved, Mr thii1op noted that the consultant 414 not feel that the. Board *--could better itself at this time With respect to the current in- surance market without running a Certain amount of risk. "His advice would be," Mr. Dunlop noted, "to live with the existing renewal for this year and give consideration to a possible reassessment of the situation in August of 1977". * c • ed nh for membors. heirown oung people between the agesof 11 and20-are invited to attend an organizational meeting of the Hotro_n5?un HURON BUSINESS MACHINES Santa aaust Headquart00 ers for metirilittYPewritfilt.- Manual*. SOAP &padIb1ts., Adding Machines Calculators; Printing, Oisplay, Pocket SALES - REPAIRS,- .RENTALS 113 °Merle Street, CLINTON, Oat Phone: 412-73341 At the wedge, we have that special something to make your Christmas gift -giving easier. We can help you select a sensational fashion gift that will make her Christmas dreams come true. Unique one -of -a - kind fashicn gifts. See our con - O temporary collection of sweaters and O sweater sets. the latest look for the festive season. Blouses. in all the latest shades and designs. Jumpsuits. Loungewear. Knits. Scarves to com- plement. By all the fauuus makers. • For your holiday - parties. see our dazzling collection of evening dresses. modestly priced: We gift wrap for Men_ And, we're now open 'tit 9 p.m. daily O until Christmas Eite. • • • • l• 4' a trip for two to Florida. Enter at the wedge - one ticket with every $5.00 purchase. 482