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The Exeter Times, 1886-11-11, Page 8
'.,j ,. I , : I I I I I ,� �i , , I , 1 � . I , � I I ,., ,� : , I I 11 � . I d , I � , � I I 11 �! , ! ,� , I , " I . I I I 1 . . I , I . a 1. "'---...,.,,,,....-,,., -.-.. m try RaadJtts, k'ialittu]'s Chang, of of ads �_ _ „'� S - _, 1 change s ,e zu the oih rale AT$ISM. l 1101iN, ��- �__�_ Cade �" d, t, RX -48T3 al[. o£ ththeti Ito hcen mac Lady captctut :tnd I �-� s aunonnve<i � R _,I Ftalvattair Azm �{Iiov. 14{r Dlatzrile ,snug 141oDoNAatt,- Ou thH 7th irzst,, tllo �vifo ' of R ,I "zt+'If his series I)tstcacl of these beim* Y d rs'Freethou rht 0 in lectures an "Int]dsi. J,gltn Mc> ol,aid, on tine 15th coir", 'iJIO - a iiia piping times b ", he Preshyteriat, l,vray, of it son. # + � ,MT Church) ori Sabbath evenii,n ;� D7 of $saps, thcy ztra the ieeittg tir n „ •' a last;. IJro cart- McCAnTY,-Lon the 7th liter., Clts nife Of as stove. pipe. a xtes of pipe f rapt ttzan was large 'and a Tntztos 11ZoCart , at ,tile South k3otitiilar ~ SAI' rPi N M I ppreciatiVe anal Y ? �* Yet can >, rapt ;at£erztiau; was i>}�td to the speitker. tQPUeu, of n .dltu . er "' Y+ F X. Dj 1 t,ct, itis assorttttealt arta the Hs tack £ar his text ,. _ .l Ize ght:. , ' ` f>t ��[ / ! ....,. , ve mallp f to re, value rig in. boas iu las hpatt tk . fool hath said , _. �.-_-_- .•�..,,.,-.. . _ �► V V v./ IL �,, �" j�,� ��pp! seine a aft tautes, f7ovzt attY port of tPae l'io and shoes, at Jas, 1, This l zers is no God 1'sainzs IS' M.ARfiIE -�' '^ ' '` Ivl 1 � �,, CuttnCy, it rat: of Go4a& �tcivs kaI•,is. ( I?. 2hrs is the 1;ibip's .o • -�rC1*3,% aver, tsar ait� znteres4'irr svtala its aa, Atheist. Piuzoil of 'tlie- -- - �'-- - -- I .r. 1 J p iac,ldent wheat The fine weather, at this late there o ' The question to=night ts, At'a lj�c�r1x Gz4 zs - At'rrilttt : ater' ^ • eve, , a a'tz prt o our sobscrtbers cr ria season of vrdencss zn thQ world of: town, Dakota yRoot, r Water; .� f 1 d the year, is the titents of +_ mind ? T propos t a Sup,pnie ou,hs 27th alt. b `�^-rt ws,rJalteraGGy per Clic ptcr�noge of Nttbtic Thia ]s v betterai remark, li P e o examine some of i Rev. A, 4, Banntnta , y the All' aflllC�S O taCiala. earl Indian aumuier: evidences, i t tees n, Mr. Ja"Ies i%rolcs �F1111$z TFvoecl$ i Y ()Mutt of desia i • of Clark, ,aakata forni'orl of S y ' ' 'PI I,W nels STl r ---� _� _ in", est in a forma, tv ' �1, i'his,ml-gll ' to E Y t. Morys, to AT A SMALL ! 1 t11] "' '- ---- - -� _ . hlr, l; urgusou vas sxatiiineci on Sridati Tres idesfn a 1s . llah dao AnvANCT ON 1VgOI , tLG.; y �e list, Uttt action Was e Y k' 1 Usszgti nut• , gtztox of 71fr. .Telt¢ Catllta, of 11a t WHOLE, PIiIGIS, `([ # M of cosi 1 Atter' the world exhibits works St. 11 aryl: u afaatlnm t ^: "i'LQj lti�j a lafszzetl until a future gt • Therefore) World Noz.#,1-IZrrr,n g Itosc goods ourselves, the ar f#. date is^belt tits designer- By design • t has had tk At St, Bary$, on the: l e onabled to sell at Low c cuss, we believe, wn]] be o 3 gi as meant the s had u1t , : Uy the Rex. IP oth pA est I iguros. -,.. ventilated at Goderich, f an end, and'tho choice.an p election ether Brounat� Mp. l?ou RTI''S' REgUIRTNCa .,�Tt3I7k1�DAY, T{}y. 11th, 18$6. d application of Michael Notan,,,to.S.taie, ftiinth:. ltl do wall to ins cto � GOOD 1�LA1� !, - - Worth Reirtenlatriu - means to accomplish that en of h1r. t' ,cla,tglite?' met p t our stook: before zu • KET --'- d• This may Ta nes•Z�P11,x; Gare'of IJ t Qxt Iitcnd, Z, 1 tchaan eJsotxhare d,NXDENTS et i dres dont for Uo seen in tl,c. self. Y owme, A parts of all 'weights; Wit iz.av" —�� eights ,incl rnzos a. full Assox - ` -� w� a nclor tvorl.t in the JorinaTgh -rz rrr rail= -IC 0 Assort - j tiistiasertlon, alit b t Jzymes Piclttrds stork of Ea harvest field, T g Stntfu oil X Q .a ra Her .OT1It will be p"r ltrt" for each subs" r caps, he maker of tie hi 3rd �iust, at'ille e,,s : pant rns, scit , p o Blaal,ats, c,tf%ro t ca es hinder had iesrdonca -of Elis brit autohoap, rat :4thin ohl til chaff t;'dfo lrotioes appears nn a P ,setts Vit;, are $cine.choalt--give hits Ali end ill viers^, and chose and father, by the ne les ======__- === nntn,�� 1 t ilii must to accomplish,it. I1, doin,tspltecl eldestdau=hterOf. r Gilpin. Mary 7a, coR��voo>I __A_Z 7'•1-'1-'p n ratites s had a knotvlecl�e o£ ai b a lie 6 i, �Vnr. Jeffoty, to 1Ir, R• M C IUIR, Fx' --- � _ BIr. Itobt. Elaton> oxine nearly losing it litho, dual Rola Jahuston. nit of Stnt!n; " ,P ©p.. ' �o�r��1(�t��* l thnrau,= Srndat rale idea of ail the inaterials•whiah enteipd into �_,_ 1.bhbretl calf on its inasufacture, T -�� -' ' - ^" - I— _ r +1��, c +..,,., _ ,]tact been eating Y pili. it Naw in natt►re: the find __ AILD. V y - exrigtly the earns evidences of dessign. ('lila it'Irr,r,nu.-ln :J R a�ion Bros, • ress tnalcnlg department timely efforts of V. S anti choked. Th gray be ;;sen in exann'na rue, WIDanted EYS r1. xwo enetl, Miss Wood,iu ahtrtge, Chair =es snit Sweet, saved the of the human o the separate org'nus Mnrgnret, rs1}et of tl , ot, the 2nd lut,j } pp tial laud , tc l,tto 'David Mrilar•(/jr�-rt ,,�moderate, and satisfagteon guaranteed: Y (e s) �'he e ,e, ad we. have the most perfect optical it,a. ,gent Esq,, at the residence of Cltae: Monteith, Carson's Catarrh Cure tit Spt4rlett'a i `�athetaug of young folks of th�yitla e ear,structed in accordance of the Tlaanzcs Itond, raged g4 0 '� '�'• took place ill Eanson's e with the hidden O'lTnt tx -Iu Limeric r z Y ars. —_ '��' •- 1.I2rtig stars, giving ,immense satisfaction. Ha11, oureada # laws of liglrt," Its position in 1 , on the Atli inet: Mrs ;L1. `' r Guarantees issued oral , eyeninn y the burly, O'Brien, aged 75 years, ' Y tine hi it is Yrtat•ded b _ +� } 0 • t trete, Y at �gttrlett s Drug f a, yhei e a Eery lnoars enjoyment Was and him, upon the only ' kind' r 8 t`. Itad. The atiair was Y the of hinge tr--hich H11, Bo kine aged, 7, on the 8th i¢st., Mr, a-s� English, French, .and American trusses" getter' up for the tallows rt to mogp izz all directions, p d, 7u yearn, t' PRIG OUR C*1EL'I' ]'LAN j AZ1ss"s l7tston and .Terkel, wlio have left "Insoles lay wh]ol, its o oras, the I1XE Z E O FLANNELS, I shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, Ohitci- I for their respectivennd ri T$� 7'RTCk; OUR GREY COT ren a trusses, suitable for a}, srzoe rand awe.., is Perfect lenses through Which 1•. move it, SALE RF,G STLj ,, TONS, '.homes, tght sunk as -- ©j ' { PRICE: OUR GREY DRE Qos water. g n the i :nerve lit ills bodyYurtzes• etti., TMck is �K el a ESS -GOODS, most ecznfurtabie truss the hest fitting a d on Saturday evening last, while a atieh im ressionzs susceptible o R g tltsir sale U}II * ASSQred made, At the Central stranger was fn the act of Stepping p ,all show des>s,*,I. This is this office will receive e Printed At Folt;: THE SeAeox' AND B drug stare, C. Lvrz, Prap. tbn Pp g into his oizly a fraction of the wonderful evicts a g, frets of a notice similar to the . S. TRADE, R CONVTiTCFD g9Y, Itis horse became frightened and , in the eye, nes followiu charge LOW 1'1;ICES STILL , ' Without exception, the bean and cheapest made a sadde , lid a of .[hat its maker htid tr know. &2,um Az, Nov, 13Tx -- L MAINTAINS ! THAT WE C i n jump and ran g f the dualities of tile, -mate ` i* -Real estate, ou the : (iR { D . ANN4T BE UNDER30C linos. to l DOW and Shaer we have As yet person clan to t,, a`Vay, xtals of pramiasa, p,nrt, of farm jot it QOF' 7T'S d;! & The tvhzch the eye ra composed, curl of the light Stephen, Hy, E]lbsr sou, 5, 16 lbs. su ar 1. . seen, c»u now be liacl at C. Eaorett's, Chfl• g s buggy and befere the which it was prepared or. g o+ , aue. Sal' g 00 , I3 lbs: ivlzite sugar, 1. diens Carriages., l+,sprsga �Va�ous, lioya' animal had ante to do darna�e be said of ever The same may clock. a at Qne Wean ' g ' $l ` -SII'' YOU ' Bieye 1pa of all sizes, Mrn'sHand,madeT Bots. p e , it ryas air# FnlDsr, Nov.12TIi,-F sr " to can't be undersold in Teas from 2 -'" P Y organ of the burl . Oa, 7 WANT— _ much is this the case that one anthorfillssa the pr, art of m stock, rmplelnentc, , 750, per lb: •� also harness, trn¢ks. valises of every deacrip Mr. $u h &o. t p p Y Samuel Sato A` $Q o tion,constantly on hand.,. Call and see them. a volume on the evidences of design in t lot 5, con. 11 t henson, eQ p Lli ' 'tj Q Hugh $oplthis, a comparatively hand. If the human hod g he , owusbip, of dlcGz]e tS 44 SI108$'(A St Ig$ T -t ' Butter and Ggs;a taken in exchange for cauda, , ge3 man who has resided at rile lower end Y does not' dhow Sale rat one o glogk, YTAY. � . ? a� LfIW pP1cE$. T$AT WILL LO4 the fnteIlf ent ado tation of means ,to an H 1,ilher; nuc. A nicely assorted stock of g NEAT of the village, az "Cottletown" for many end; nothing of the kind can be fotuid fI AND REFI' YOUR I27' ee sent,$ Co.nts , of 40 Wellington Street Years' rues found dead Ili his residence on the most uigemous works of "rale n XARSEI' REI'DR . Street, Montreal l $1 St, Sunda last, It is riot known TS• FORI�s, SCYTHES ' F. Call and k7xnmine our S is'seeu again iu ills adaptation of one o • •, took rest y own on what day to another n, D�ggn PatlCYrreetedat5o!eloekti:nn, tVednesda ES and GLASS -a11 a#ze,i. 11 Stnest, z1ioutreaI, . want a General Agent. he. died or front lvltat ai m all annuals. a ae a , Y, (Cheap, Beat ix1'OC 1, They are tine exclusive Owners, of the Soho- alone. � (p) If the ado• spring Wueat,,. .. Q fsB to ) Mach Oil 600 per Gal. er> es Cheap 6r Th Ever, lment. Ae lived mach of an animal is des,, ned to eat Rosh Y 72 COAT, OIL AS LOW AS + .,., field Patent Calve one. Oar10 ,,, • 0 50, to 0 70 THE, ],OWE Griddle, the Celebrated the teeth claws, ��c,, are there to Pr are Uwts ... ,-, 0 4o to u5 Will ' I1 Emery Ktnife Sharpener {knolvn as the A detegtfve, with the assistance of P C?over Seca .. U `'S to. Yq A slice Tea Sett of 44Pieee o give you As Mnel, or it, Again it is:seen in t,ze adaptation of the Tlovel • s, $..,76. More than `anyone• ' "Carver's Friend,") :the Emery stables Gill itind Creech, of Exet colt organs of aarutais to their instincts. ••: 7 00 to 7 26 A good suit of ready. Sharpener, the Jay-$ys-See W e Curry search o Y clothing for $g, alae for BUTTER AND EGGS. er, merle a The bee has an instinct to built; ne lls tin 1 Peas 1 175 co 2 UU Ordered snits of u comp, and other specialties, Tf you wart se the hotels And Premises. LrdeI Y pre axes the and Corn • 0' 98 to 0 50 g p rat Good Style. •� D�ry it's bud P e wax. We might thus ldggs 0 5s to 0 0C ,Our Dress Goods are Remember .LJ " 4. to make money, write to them i once for NMSs fotntcl in some of tine out-baildin's. go oil through all animals a Sutter ^ . - 0 14 to tI 15 /7l8/kBlt down #o U 111a e s an outfit, and to secure what territory you Exciter high, and in a few g adaptatious of air, light, '.. � through the Ploaz•pdrbbl " 16 to 0 10 thO LOWest Notch. Rf can handle, a large exo}vd conhr a, g , Rc., to sustain t,zis Potatoos,per btishel . .; •' � 00 to 5 65 COTTON 20 YARDS FOR ONE D NE UNDERSOLD .ii ' mutates life, to the millions of systems of planets dp les,pt,r bag _ o eg•bted but behaved and stars whore order reigns, and we are pp Personal. -- comparatively wall. Deese Porlespr b o t AHouse anti Lot, also a i++arm or Sale,* o 0 40 1., forced to exclaim : «hat mind ! ° 0 50 r Geese $crib. .. 0 05 to 0 06 Apply to le, ErAh � �p H, F: Sher and TVtn A grand literary entertainment will' be wisdom ! does this great Universe display. %urkey-ler lb ciNt Q P Graham, o£ St. ( given in the Main-st. \Isth. church, on of ilii nx• ui Ducks per r .. 0 05 to Os Marys, were in town on Friday last,- Tt is indeed absurd to ggive even a synopsis Cbiokensperpr •, 0 36 to 0 45 JOIN Y Thursday evening, Nav, 1Sth g pant from r w gn in a shoat lee- Beet'dressedperloo ' 0 25 to 0 35 MATHESON. Wishes to announce t ' Mr, and Mrs. Ready, of St, 11larys, spent ivfn Da (Thanks- tare. 2 ... 5 50 to 0 25 crt to the inhab]tanta of giving F) A splendid programme has (?The second argument is the one llihesroubg, .. 5 00.I boa 00' HAY P. O, t. Sunday Mr. aur,, Airs. Hayes. -.?Hiss been which is called the Cosmalogicnl. 5tatecl S " Exetezandvicrnitv,tIiathehasopenedo Elston, xvho has beer, visiting friends in pre aced and these wishing formally it is : That every effect must hal*e ... " ' to 6 00 out p, droesod , , 0 0O to 7 a0 NOT treat; slionld ,attend. a M I Refreshments will the world must ,z3K G h°apskiva each ~��--�— -- town for some time, left for her home in be provided during a cause. The,world .is an effect.. Therefore CYoolkias 0 b0 to C 57 )VTichiQau Y have had itis acie oats cause. ;,,lay pa zooii 0 50 to 0 7c p , yesterday. . Mr. Chas. Treble,, one, tome a11: r g the evening, Come That the word is rtn eitect, i, c•,, g not self- ... $ 10 to U 17 (tp,ansner Man "' Customs officer, Fort Erie, is s end- To commence at 7:30. existent and eternal, ,,s proved b . sou to 0 75 . P Arltnigsion, 15cts, that all Its parts ztiis dapendantyattiilein fact t. �oodlisr cord U so to U 75 11 I 0i AA� ShOP .Q �,h g a few days t�itli his slate;, Mrs. Trick. 2 50 to 3 0o ,._ __ _-• After the lintels hail been raided an from its parts. Agan, of es and rr r.�-. Take a note of the fact that T. DEARING, `� able, and a whole cannot essentially differ Qixr N.[arke'hs, aI?ert3 sola. Tuesday, an hostler was heard to remark, Prove that plants and animals be an in the Lai 2}el 8tor4 Noxtb.of_ Sn nweI Y geology of the & Pickard'$, where he is Mr. John Ryau, has sold leis property on that he ~vislzed his battle of medicine within ti couiparativei short began to tie Ttil supply of wheat on tliia 'marltet d¢r- 1 re aced i�Iain-st, to Mr. Jas. Lang 'which lie had t ' The tlztrci iPa at Y ort pperiod. (3) lug the pest few days bas been abo Mon (� all kind p, of lianztoba Procured for his lea, from a tvhneh 1l th• a nt is the C1161oglcal, agerage of Iasi tseelt's about all H� Ge%iBr� f (� tore s o, ordered work, P t in�zlce formerly of Rodgerville, receivin Y, .S,, returned. Is tIiere. not suffnoisnt <<'olved at the e3zstence of C;od' is in- tits. f supply,, prices ale thezelor m the s:ery tclea of sutli a $tencly at fib to 72 0, the best samples, Has just received;a Complete Stock of Sewed a gaacTsuut. AIr. Lang will reside here in medical skill in town to,aIleviate the Being. And 70 for medium., .,Lilo, inferior ;ural ' ' ed W01'Ii a S C future,. leaving his property in the North- of this individual * The S Pains This, idea is unite ,. al and therefore spring from n p�T�1 �S j� p C2alit . T Y get niazi's constitution,. and d must the 1 demands A few eon to less. Barley' is S101120- future, WINTER - j ¢`�y }'�j Repairing west tinder the management of his i may be somethin= re ulnar what slow at present and is worth 40 to 55 BR �i'00D p iring prolUl7i,I erten himself into trouble for practicing out of After explaluiii this Y ded to, V 1:ir. Ryan, will move to Hensaii, wherehe a carrespondiiig to this ,,ilea, teats. 'Che rlenzand for oats ig standy, end 11 life line. g argument, the Iecturs the prices offered rare 2i to intends selling at , C has secixred a situation in the Patterson The . Bible closed with the assertion that a great .deal are eu}l nit 7 . its. • Fowls i �' Q; �ZAN SO , Society .meeting held zn NE R ioCOST FOR N:' mills. yV Y , break-up i preaeut owing to the recent C ASa. Late Manager While we regret to lose 12r. Ran James-st, church, .on Tuesday evening,: lyes' 1 st ated bs the folloitvfne ori rrzoriil life; P 'n the -weather. He will still .be found GE C• rnerett's Boot and Shot, 've heartily welcome Mr, T;aug, poorly attended. The addressee given o` remain izsn Y ep cclote :—� T _ STAND 0.'�1 P'S OL11 D Esta, no, msnt. says the Bis of Saskatc,i- ySeott;'s En?ulsion of Pure'— prepared to where he is p Door North'o£ Drew's Btoe]t), Revs- Robinson, and Graham, of Exeter, del] ht,to a toira ago listening with great Cort Liver oil, MAY 14tH 8¢, Ti, a Tiines for 1887.1 Kermed g y I heard from emission- , supply the public y, Crediton and 13ridgetnan, of Ary m North Canada. IIs said that so ypopinosphztes, -with-- j the xenewing of subgeziptions, is almost HeasaZl, were hiblil I or Ltinry Trott3les and W"ting Disease:. Re dv Made ! ,.t hand• Ili order to double our large. cir- struetive, each dna inter Years before then, an humble mission e i , lotbiltg,, Tweedsg and in- was txavellm Y Dzt. J._SrarozrAun,. New Or,saus La says : .rage, Dress Gnods o° 5ttirt- �tSL j11 cula#ion„we wzll:send the Tlatxs to an ad issuer hagw,,th ills question at' backwoods, gg throaalt fireCa,radian "Scott'sEuinlsiottis the finest r ; all dseorl boll �oSI3s lost his wa of the kind ever brought to p s, '0 � • Any The their was oecupred b 1 was rejoiced at the si lnt afft P eparetiou COrset,�, Ladies, Hose, and Gr dress from now until 1SS8 for one dollar; it Rev. Mr, .Martin. ,The otiicera war g ht: Sa Y+ but present. sy Y the ,Y g of a my ;notice, In Flannels, Genfs' And -Ladies U , is tine Iargest And haat printed dollar paper ed, and colIecters appointed for ni Ii g , glimmer. ries, a the Lugs and other wasting e elect- g on re it to his sur. diseases, the may consider it our most .Telia• ntlet- 7n $axon• We �viIl club the City weekIfes 'year: prise he found a lure con re atfon of Agent- ��In n' erfeot! ale ant and' a . wear.'"�"a'�' the ensuing settlers .gaihered round a fire,, istening to ble a e p y g ti 00 wish the T>a<,Es as usual at the following, The Sacred Concert able form. sere, S'£X ORGANS FOR SALE, VERY Village Lei, an able discourse . 7'o the horror of the tFllir A L ❑A Gg p� v S prices ;-TheEsand,London Fzee Press, these columns, under thtan{ices o ed in mzsps>ave that tliund the man was trying F ' For $1, 35; TiarEs andLoudanddvertiaer; $I, Young PeopIss' Christian to xo REE TRADE, rr A LARGE VARIETI op_ 0 For sale at Reasonabl S5; TlnrEs and GloLe P f the ao eters t uo God, no hea- The reduction of internal rereuue L ' ` kS PZ'1049S. yen, no hell dies and CiIdre's IttlatIOn balance T86,th and the James-st Association, of a Y A murmur of taking.offofrerenae atom a fro and. the Boots �jj y b°•Cod; fronting Methodist Church orator went through the attdienzce as ills tory Mertictnes; no do P m OPrie- d Shoe$ wide good. PIatG, $1.95, with the balance of1S8G-thrower given on the ev , will y orator ceased. Cls S�i'eetS ' iii• 'g of Thalnks- zein Y, and said : Y Tl,e missionary stood 'up ted the eosumers, asbt 11 rasa ally benefit- Also a Fine end Well Assorted Stock of ; also a I11iraber of Thursday November 18th, g g es bI friends I am riot going to burden of home manufacturer .relieving the p$QTOE �, cervices o{ make a long speech fo you, fol I ant tired is this tibe onsta with Gr FAMILY ;GROCERIE YA Village Council Sir J• W. Fetherstoa and wear g• Especially S �'�! Sf ,Q �'i A�p� r organist of the story. y ; but e will :tell yeti a "little Ana $o9ekee's Gerznazt �� �n s �z<gust Plower w d1 ,ijf,� ,',jAN The council met pursuant to ad'ourxl- Queen's Avenue M'ethodfst Church; London, on t 1, a banks £cake ago l was a "little tion of Schee =sG J P, as the redue- t "I 'Dent, on the stb inat.seeTEAS 1 FOR SALE 1 has ured,; also these of Rev, W. H2 the river not far from added to increase the s* dozen, 'has been WAGON LOAD All present, sate t here: I heard a cry k e of the bottle,, con I make t Mr. Johns. The minutes of:. P P Quante, and oilier soloists together with my horror, I saw a c tnoedidriess and "ta :ta,nzng these remedies, thereby this are Q �P�aIA P'�r '. the revious these of the, Exeter drifting down 'fifth more medicine i Y giving nue- FAxarPno LTY„� tles desirin L meeting wars read and confirmed, Moved posed of the Male Giee Club the stream and nearing the rn ids, n .the DQOE TAxENINExoaA. g axis !)r corn was a single marlin the boat. p there mlis'4uguat P'Goroer'for Dyspepsia5 cent size: voE forG0Oj)S, ROUSeS WOUId d0 Y J: Pickard seconded b fallowing : -1st. Tenor; 3, tfine he w°old .near t I1' a' short Complafnt,.and the Gorman Ana Liver HIGHEST PRICE P W@I! t0 COiI- b ' Y W. Hoskin, Senior F. Ruse. tad. Tr. j. gone. He :saw his he water -fall and, be and Lung;troublea srrnan Sin p for Cough AID FOR EGGS. suit the undersi 21. that the whole number of feet frontage Snell, 1st, 3iass; D. Roes' It°gs, Ed. s den er and I heard eaIe,cf an ed, on Main -at:, stated in agreemement ,With 2nd: Bass him scream-' gg , haYe perhaps, the' largest OOAI, OIL ALWAYS 0 Ed. Roberts. 0 God, >f I must lose my advanta8e ofincreased in the world. The N HAND; ( 1 e�'?YL5 t0 S Mr; J. N. Seward, he purchased' according ro ram W Gundy,. Ed. $arwood, life, have: mercy on Illy soul l' . lim will ased Eliz$ of the bot rn 1 suit Purchaser. P g ince. Admission . y See arta the water and reached the canon: aMi i Ica T D to agreement, far town hall site and that ticket of 2$85-6 or : P sed . I begreatlY appreciated by the sick ,tad EA.RIN` I Lb the course dragged it to ]and azid saved him. I ated rn ever town CAR,LIRTGy the reeve be authorized to negotiate for Chas. Zingazd wasY and village fn TO eta, at tiie door. man whom I heard when:he thought no civilized r countries. m AW payment the same. arrested at Centra. One was near, yin to God u have: p1 bottles !br !0 ExETEa. Carried. Moved by lia, on Tuesday, Pra g , J. Pickard, sec. b W. } Y, by Detective Schram. mercy on hfs soul, is the man wiio has Y G. Bissett that the has been acting in a very harsh wa IieIie ESTRAY CATTLE. reeve and treasurer be authorized to borrow his wi£e and family, i% just addressed you, and has told you, :heCARLING I a sufficient amount to pay For town hall site oat of da and ed them yes there is neither God, nor heaven; y, and has turned Cham nor hell.” Came into the premises of the undersigned, to be repaid by tclwn hall debentures Mrs• Li went to gned, Lot 25, Nortli Eastoundarp Osborne, about PS , i 'LIDC Carried. Moved b r don, and her husband went after Lon- It is a Bifnd the 3rd of September, three11 1> W. Y G' Dissett, sac Sunday, fnteuding to force her her an i The owner cera have the same b ariing iieifers,----'�. HE .PLACtRtj FO Y Hoskin, that this council` adjourn Their daughter, who ]ive per and paying expenses. y proyin R to return. Nevada, N, 4V,, NOV,ov 5, /tie g p1e��� aintil call, of reeve: -Carried, Frank James, SAMUEL gpgTOtT, N� (J l)11, s there, contrive the sx-train robber, received the following {' 4lj IET Y AAID T to keep her mo8her out of sight, letter yesterday, coniafning'four new ba¢ I, Lumlay, f EX TEN k}resitles, arcl returned unsuccessful. g ,and Ling- bill, a :- 1, TO A, D V E f1 T r 1'ztl.arti's for felt knots, times' threaten ed his wifea lifTe.e has at 1 E RS _ "St. Joe j'[ ----:..,._.._ ____ . It was `'1+xANx JaMxs,' Eg , Ma', Nov, 3. A list of Qt10a newspapers divided in£ -A court of ilia I. O.� F. has been inatitut• deemed wise to lock him . accept the entice Q. -Dear sir,.-l'Iease STAIJ,sS AND SECTIO o f� ed Mete: answer a charge of belt$' and he wii ed as a on anphoation-h'1;1tx; NS will bg sent Ilute 'Frisco train memento of. the To those who wi.nt their a dye. E' ° n sane before "Yours truly, robber%ra ( t Squire'J. $: ,5m th gin Y n{ October 25, we aazr offarno better me etiseng to pay x:/ qP Iv`o lady should purchase a boot till ex- been twice Y, Jrvr Cfrrznrzxhs,"' and e8'ertiV,e work drum for thorou h One: Of the Lar �` ,Smyth, on the It)th. He hast Tlie enciosuro couazatad of four un than the gra "$WeSt. Beat • wmutin�r'Jaa.Pitkattl's:Stock. Ice rn Goderieh jai], lits .relatives )National 73ntik no signed`'OfOu S leetLocal;tiat, Various, sections i !it ASSOIted tieemirigit unsafe for him to be tea made for the Mer- No. Y• ga`�'ELL fir CoStOCIZS and Chea, eat Phe liquor• confiscated on p n slits' atui planters) National.: I3anit in Exeter. s wspaperrlctverEisiugi uroau, ilfeltint CIoths, Hab' Tuesday, was at ]arae, al, count . '' , Shot zo Spruce�etreet, New York zt Cloths g ?ilacsd in the lock-up, for safe keeping. "-- ..�,. �_�_ Y Phe xtotea•wore nue $2p a,td ,: r , li 4Yool Jeersey Cloths three $10 hid the latter of whieI, hail riot t PRUPERr �� `" rile 1r7�etvest Makes Hench Dress Largs droves of cattle have been 'shipped. Y FQR SA and Colors at Co MatexeaIs, in all Usborne Council, been'detaehed�from each other. The letter Correct from here during _ , was writtetz is evidently �F++: OUR ,,BLACI{ DRESS GO011S:- g the past week. Y a disguised :hand The antler Materia All the Ver ard'a is t}, ,,E place to buy Council met to -day, was mailed on Nov signed offer is and Mon Y Latest No i'itk incl 3,. Mina Ager Data. on Simco”-st sf°rsnle,his ro nanng.Goods as veltnes in Fancy shoes,ru,sbeis, ctrl 3' :Your over present.. ' Miizutes of th All th+� mPznbers sell, 'of the 'Ex Express g am ., borngLots 43 a p norty well as.all Staple Y 131aa1t Diene 11 P Com air two-thirds of an acrtr. 'p ud ¢4, containing Colored Plashes i plc Trines in Black G}o . read and signed: a prevlotts meeting the despatch, and said 'the Y wan shown' the 4"re A} a erected a on n All Shades war ods. I 11Pearl e Muir's adv in another solum directors premises, a acre, hoose ante kitchen f' n this sensori. Bl, n Moved by 7`, HaIIA, seconded b . lready following up the clue e . were a frame amble asx20: A oa o poli ick, Dress and Silks. Ifyau ars in need of blankets for `= that the'abllettozs' 1> yH,Horney, it ; but he did not ontained' in nrnperty,e euitabie for n. retired S°°d well. This Mantle Srllte. winter knoWwhethertleemoney awil7b"sold-Chap, For urt,iefarmer, and ' give`h'im a salt, , tied. curl be accepted, Car. stolen on Oct. 25 contained that received O .9 X .X ZL I t Moved by R• apply to I nrttcula. I '!�" Just gam `& our' six buttoned _lticl fur ,that A kiY Prank James<or not: He would' asset. r- it,IC.IAitD Y0ZTi4C} GOOD 50 tis. .Tames i'ickard. Shier Cazmichael"receive , however, as soon as Possible. ( nil ASSOlivZ`XEi Nor Y Gardiner seconded UY J: taixt ' relief. Carried, $u, 00 for two theories }n regard to the, aflairHe had It------- ....Exeter, P. 0 AND L7'�D�'i�A UI3EAP: ' The Exeter council, at their Meeting, on Moved by J Shisl real robberbradsent illslettex Tile T U ' 3lantle Cloths, grand ran lVIcflda3; ovonin b Gar'dzner, the , etondsd by R pinion upon Jame to errs- f S7 gp, Flannels; B]anlre r�r granted $O to the Sort£11 , t after hearing s and put ths'de£ee FI1iY &c„ all bought before ts, raetotY and tiVhi g the coni- the wrong trail, es else s t,res on CHRISTIAN LAWYEI; g ore the advance in prices to Cottons, Shirtfn g amptau sufferers. plaints i f John Irvine tniid other oma other zealou furor of au„tin , nlAnnfac P os earl will b6 s6id rat g ' gravel pi£s, to the s owning dotectzre really thou ht ti s Tzannte'g dg of Trusges i;eai , r The prosliyteriaii clituch clroh an Yn affect that mins g int Jim Coin. 'Flat” Mills, Fiat', will be s donee„ LOWEST •r anti, the') g stantute labor Parties de g and Frank, James were one , 1, tax6ter, ever t b2to Gentrai PO S SxI?i LFi , P paster, teak part at all e„tertainzn rub over the rev.. same. tad Ilse wantsoi n,vy'lvhontturdaYrtrtattonr7totho I�ICiFis. Chiselhutst ant at causing deutans tp both gravel" gravel W,ypray tram X15.0 y require his Sol -vices, �f VOi1 6Vd1rt C last evening, be it resolved, that l and lAnd, _, -'--••••...- ticir, .which he o r ?o .y25 0a for the same ar- 2 x eCtr Goods c'i t lereafter Sir ;John A. Tv which le a z itutiish ,You, for : 5. s. CotleCt Prices Snow f6Tl on Sunday and Monde in AS rix an outer , the Path cclonaId, Zlotr t astocd if U66 Nett s 0t, anti s C0111e 10 y, ti0 ills Y parties talon, �I'lzom ,rya b11, o $t wttli ttonifnl't T' "r and warranted depth of ten inches gra the troin any pit fret to g gravel `• " Ia5 , Hots: Thos. Whits rruss6s:5Trusses-02 Itemezu!aor- Ievsl: "ihe ra township Pu as Meredith and W. at: mu .06,, Single I+russ"s , r , .Double I. C A quixed to Iotik after rP eg; be , w }1 visittfes£ nlcatzonsnadreisgd2•s0 -At1 tom -r RT�Y ground is cantpletely>jaretliis tnarx,iit °h thr�ae antler. day $uzozi, oit'Pri- to'�O�• g arges and prevent said ihatr Y next, Illtl'i' i:nst., art} oRnfsz'rarr LAWYER x",Q' �iE�?Z�"t+33' :. , he turnip, crap is something extra thislaznt rcl ,cause " of tont- at D addressing a nleetin Zu d' 0 ,anal that a clines to Dun at 1:30 __ " ls: b.,17nt. .P10t �, fall: Several farmers repo&b q )6 bushes to printed tri,, tlr t;tat effecct be' ermh p m., and at 030d. TRY UttI3 GOor , e statute to lists tiitd yU �,� l 1 / p • ,PEA. . th Acres] a 's p m', Train will be lieIcl over o Y. It is atknowlmRod b eve that a by-law be drafted confirniiri until after eveztul rat. I�211II1 Y very taint has used into 1?riaai , al t3ustiu .of g ilio rating, for the t ED) be the bast nn the v' P A}mn "Cpileg+e, St. sante,-CUtliecl. Sample PArcels village far this ,, ' COtnmadatIOa Of"vishora,. ae A14onral tneatingof the _> Free, inOnn,�„ 'fork, ill c6rnduct services Ili tiie : f3tx tiotjali tTse cttuticil !` t}nalHaiisnll snit IStlareholcl"z i' z1lloatned; to The rat b"ldlonM Cam nny.:.CLtmiterl. :sof i3UT ER st, llatla, church, ties£ St'tn £he 1stSaturcla inD atned frozn'M ONDAY,thoVir',, � Itoill.bo r l�iG�rs lVlattt rrieet Y oCemlDe;: afterseveral ruse` > tskalia, oYNr3Ynnaltt,rt,.xfl 1i'°'NIS (15) iD,i i AND ALL i flay snaruuir Cts altsetiee, lirsii ocloslta,rn s_ , -elle hnuraf-., b pR(3DU(� i and avonning. a G`'. W, 7d:o ,ar,trr' Clc rlc. krnbr with rat Hoclg,rlg ail, zn t rrf (tb) $hI{EN IN E? C E Usborne, Nov, 6th, ' them the point of tt olfE,n'snl) fro, }iuron, curl, fez' n Iy4,ri,,liag" dam- HAIQGI+I. of them deer s tail winch one 0160 t V ei tore and for the the pit, 0 a of �" � �- Y ray 7 n wan hick aayrlatTror liasttess that may lezzaliv, "dmt��`�I 1 t F A-�� s ,L.1. e: pert ts' ave tltc Ml ' lucky lfr4nlearl �Vt button said, eottug. t • d 5,,7, J ACX86N, !I �.r' $ot , & Prea r r i% I .... t ter, �- ...tuv�, _ -. .. , _ -