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The Exeter Times, 1886-11-11, Page 5
t~ LOCAL BREVITIES, DANGEROUS DRUGS. A Chathatva firm ship 45,000 barrels of now 'i'o eosaitoL EFFr✓;.ar1JALLv' ALL apples from that district annually. 'noRluuLit Iraula's. The grain market in Luoan is very quiet ;t morose An improvement is looked for, St. Marys is likely to be connected with a brauoh of The 0. P. R. We are sorry to state, that. Dr .Volemau, of Seafort h., has been slightly indisposed of late. vol fioedester, N. V. Post-lexpress. Algontleman who has spent the summer abroad, sold to our reporter, that the thing that impressed him must of all was the num- ber of holidays one encounters abroad and IlitOTOStiftt* 4ttems. WORTH REMEMBERING, There is probably no better relaxing re- medyfor stiff joints, contracted cords, and painful congestion, than Hagyard's Yellow Oil: It cured Mrs. John Siddell, of Ontario, Out who was afilieted for years with con. tradiotion of the bronchial pipes and tight- ness of the chest. it is the great remedy for internal or external pain. We learn that he is recovering, the little anxiety the people display to the Joe Knigh stud. Mickey Jones have, sign- We would consider it a favor if any of our. conduct' of business plaits. "Men boast, ea with the Hamiltons. readers; or any person who knows an stem here," he said, "rlict they work for .years, 1343 on Your Ca tined. of news would tell us about it. without a day d;I; in Europe that would be Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly Mr. W. 1Vilsou;, 6th eon, of Tuokersmith. considered a crime." and surely develop() into Catarrh when you has a pear tree that blossomed is August and Mr. H. a. Warner, who was present at the can be cured. for 25 cents, A few applica now teras a second crop of pears well loaded, time, said, "'Chis is the first streamer in tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to About 200 head of cattle were shipped years that I leave not spent on the watee two boxes will cure ordinary, Catarrh. One from Liman Station, on Saturday last„ for 'been too bun:" to five boxes will care chronic Catarrh. the Eastern t arkets. t halm, I -suppose you have been adver- Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box: Try Ilse Hodg', has r&fittea the Royal Betel, 1 Using extensively'?" Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure --take no other—it in LuciaY` and it now compares favottibl' ""Not at all. We have. always iltoretofote will cure you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter witlh any it the village... closed our laboratory during July. August CELE SOOU!ltGL OI' ANIE111CA. filreumathsm, Neuralgia, Diphtheria, 'ivir. - Sell , License Inspector, for North and September, but this summer we have i Trio ono terrible blight of our cc ulitiy is Sciatica, Prolapsue, fJterei, Female Middlesex, is erecting a handsome brisik I kept it running day and night tosupplythe scrofula—from impure blood—it causes coo-' Weakness, residence at Clandibeyc, replacing the freesia, Which has been three dunes greater sumptiou and, many wasting, liege ring and The best and onlycertain remedy to relieve structure destroyed by fire last serlug. I than eves" ibefore in our history at this sea- fatal diseases. Burdock Blood Bitters curl it main of all kinds, o -latter of how long stand - The Reformer's of North Middilesex, meetr,sou," scrofula'if taken in time. lug. Instant relief guaranteed crtppes. Peel - i n convention, at Ailsa .Craig, on Tuesday* "How do you account for thisl" i Rev. Thomas Cook, rentor of Episcopal meet, 16th. Previous announcements c)'•ed ! "The increase has come from the 'universal church, at River Head, Lou Island, deriv- e/or the 9th. recognition of the excellence of our prepar- ed most wonderful results from Giles' Tuui- Wiartou is going to exempt Mr. Kerr, of ations. We have been nearly ten years be- ment Iodide Ammonia in Paralysis, Sold by :"Mitchell, from taxetiou, provided lie erects a fore the public and the sales .are constantly 0, LUTZ, Central Drug Store, tannery in that village, andl employes not l. increasen ry while our newspaper advertising Physic beats faith cure, because it hats. the inside trade. A CURE FOR CROUP. It is a valuable fact for mothers to know that there is no better or mote certain re- medy for croup than Hagyard's Yellow Oil used internally' and externally. This handy household remedy may be had of any drug - gait, She—Shell I sing to you Georee ? He— Yes. Sing me one of Mandelsobu's . songs without words, ItiSAVA tE Ol} COUNTt:tili'I'rI '8. GILBS' I,INIMONT IODIDE AMMONIA. The speediest and most certain medicine in the world. ALL FAMIL.iE S USE IT. Weak fleck, Enlarged. ;Joints, Paralysis. less than ten men. Me. Ed, Bloody, of Clinton., has handled a 'thousand barrels of apples tide fall. A doz. en oar loads have been skipped from that stationthis.. week, Thursday, November 1$01a, will be elbserv- ed as Thanksgiving p,ay ha Canada, lin 'ac- cordance with a proclantaatioea •of 'the Geyer - nor -General. Miss Curcelley, Fullerton., 'nihe taught two years at,Gould's school'Jr,ouse,ahas got a school in Zorra,'six miles out of St. Marys, for the coining year, at $400. A convention under the auspices of the Huron County Scott Act "Association has been called at Wiughaam ,arts 'f2ueidtty, I`,`a- vember 16ela at one o'clock le cm. Mrs. Moffett, of Clinton, has bought the farm of Mr. V. Roth' near Bayfield, con- taining fifty acres, with geed fr'atne house and barn, paying therefor like sum of $1,350 - It le 1,350Itis announced in the newspapers that numerous $10 counterieit seanak of Commerce is constantly ainsinislaiisg. Why, high scien- tific and medical ' authorities, now publicly concede that our Warner's safe cure is the only scientific specific' for kidney and liver diseases and for all the many diseases cans-, ed by them." "Have you evidence of this ?" "Albundance ! Only a few weeks ago Dr.' I. L.:Stepheus, of Lebnnon,,Ohio, a special- ist for the cure of narcotic, eto. habits told me that a number of eminent scientific. medical men had been experimenting for years, testing and analyzing all known re-, medics for the kidneys' and liver, for, as you maylbo aware, the excessive use of all narco- tics and stimulente destroy those organs, and until they can be rsestored to health the habits cannot be broken up ! Among thoinvestigators were such men as J. M. Han, M. D., President of the State Board of Health of Iowa, and Alexander Neil, M. D.,1 Professor of Surgery sin the College of Physicians and Surgeons and president of len Joints, 'Varicose Veins, Bites of Insects or SickHeadacme. No oil or grease; is clean and sweet ; will not soil. INFLASSSIATIoN OF, TSE BInines, BRIGHT"s Dinsesti, Diabetes, incontinence of Urine. Is the only Liniment in the world possessing al- terative powers. Can be taken internally; cures Cramps and Colic, Diarrhoea and Dys- entery. SOLD. BY ALL DR0a0ISTS. TRIAL BOTTLE 25o, Write Dr. Giles,box 3.482, N. Y, P. 0., who will give advice on all diseases free of Charge.. 1--"13 aware of unscrupulous dealers and coun- terfeits, The genuine has the name blown in the glass and fac eimilie of the discoverer's name over each cork. Cr1L'Es" Itupaovxn MANDBARE PILLS. SAFE Svns,EELIABLE and EFFRotervE. Do Note ij-RIPE. They ate composed entirely of wage table sub. stances, and can be taken at all seasons of the year without restriction as to diet or clothing For alhdisordersofthe Stomach, Liver, <Bowels To,allwl.o are euffering:from the e rs atad . &O• Pr ee, 25c. Per box. C. LUTZ, Agent indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, . Exeter Ontario carry decay, loss of iflanhood, &c, I will send a xeceipe that will cure you, FREE OP CHARGE. 'L'his great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary issionary in South America. Send a self -ad• dressed envelope to Ray, Josara T, INttkrr Station D. Nero Yo'rlaCtt ' As a purifier, Ayer's Sarsaparilla acts di= really and promptly. A single bottle will bills are afloat its editors •seldom handle the Academy of Medicine at Columbus who prove its merits. Many thousands of pee - have tLte such a large v d t there any notes of .. -free exhaustive inquiry, reporto flea have no fears of being metled. was no remedy known tesehoolsor to scienti.'I '1i3' the excise of a little timely care in clean - Mr. Thomas Hills, of Egmoudvdlie, sold fie. inquiry equal to Warner's safe cure. p' , sing the system by the use of this remedy. his fine "Clear Grit" carriage snare to Mr. "Are. many persons addicted to the use of? lfohu Cluness, of Parkhill, has a, snow Robert Wilson, of Wingleuxt., for $500- Mr. deadly drugs ?" apple tree that has borne two rope this Wilson has since re -sold. her to 'Hon. Frank, -"There are forty millions of people- in the .ease-. Smith, of Toronto, at a goad advance. world who use opium /trona, and there are A RADICAL CHANGE. The exports to foreign ,coauttries from the many hundreds of thousands in this country Daniel Sullivan, of Malcolm, Out., takes port of Kincardineandoutpost of Wingham wise are victims of morphine, opium quiuiuei pleasure in recommending Burdock Blood for the month of October, were $917,965, and and cocaine. They think they have no such, Bitters for dyspepsia. It cured him after exceeded those of any previous month in the habit about them—so'taany people are unl •years of tufferiug. From being a sceptic he history of the town. conscious victims of these habits. Thee' 'is now a confirmed believer in that medicine. Friday last being the anniversary of the shave pains and symptoms of what they pall! '•Cin anybody tell why popular subsetilp- Gunpowder Plot the occasion was,eclebrated cmalaria and other diseases, when in reality, lions are 'so very unpopular? by the holding of several :sorlees anti enter- it is the demand in the system for these tern Why Employ Doctors. tai meats, in the township of Biddulph, male drugs, a demaud.that is caused largely Cott Ilt.a doutor, for a 6 or 8 oz. bottle of Rmedicine $1—consult C. Lutz and he will! Mucl'l thereat rya. taken in the celebrations, by physicians' prescriptions which contain' tl f A ( rias just [let rho ooh d d d t f give you.a 12 oz. bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver need' 'ttrtle•are yearly saved from. dangerous fevers Th village o y mer Iue -so many augerous rugs, an strong spur a, tract for placing five electric lights on the .atnd one that must be answered .ur silencedi Care for $1° and a valuable recipe book free. streets. The stun to be paid $7.50 each or ,(n the kidneys and liver by wL• at. Dr. Ste- I The buzz saw has an off -hand way with, $890 for the year. This a very slight cost,' .phens says is the only kidney and liver spe- new acquaintances. and which, we believe, could quite 'easily be- .oific. He also says that moderate opium and Have you -Sick Eleadache,,bad taste in your. bourne by Exeter for a similar purpose. ' .ether drug eaters, iftthey sustainthe kidney mouth in the morning;' Do you stiffer from while Robt. Sturdy, of the 9th .concession: and liver vigor with.that great remedy, can Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliouaness ?` I+f so of West Wawanosh, was busy preparing for keep up these habirs,iu moderation." Dr. Carson's Bitters will cure you. Try it. the threshing machine a few days ago,he fell «well does not thisdiscovery give you a Your Druggist will refund money if' not sat - about fifteen feet from a scaffold, which ho' new revelation of the power of safe pure ?" isfactory. was erecting, breaking his leg a little above "No sir- for years.Thave tried to convince A. WIDE RANGE. , the ankle. One day recently a cow belonging 'to 'Trios., :human system originate in some disorder of Smith, of the 5th con., Grey, gave birth to a. the kidneys or liver, and hence. I have logic - calf,, nc even clays later the animal further, ally declared that if our specific were used. disci, guishcd herself by having another.„ over ninety per cent .of'these ailments would Both mother and calves are alive and doing ; disappear. The liver and kidneys seem to well.' absorb these poisons from the blood Burglars recently entered Mr. John Waisn'st and become depraved and diseased." grocery in St. Marys by breaking a wooden: ."When these eminent authorites thus pub - shutter off the cellar windows, and took $301 holy admit that there is no remedy like ours from the cash box. A young man who had' to enable the kidneys and liver to throw off been peddling sewing machine oil in the the frightly effects of all deadly drugs and .town, is suspected and has disappeared. : excessive use of stilnulents it is an isdinission The barn on the farm occupied by Mrs of its }'ower as great as any one could desire; .John Torrance, jr.. as tenant, in McGillivray,' 'for if through its influence alone the opium, was but ned with all the contents the other, morphine, quinine, cocaine and liquor habits .morning. The fire originated from the can be overcome, whet higher testimonial of :accidental over -turning of a lantern its specific power could be asked. for. 7" ;taken to the barn before daylight, t -"Yon really believe then, Mr. Warner, that The barn and stables belonging to Mr. ,the majority of diseases come from kidney ,Jolla Smith. of the 7th cou. of ?dorris, were' and liver complaints 7" ..consumed by fire the other night. The barn . "I do ! When yon see a person moping was a new one which was bn(!t last rammer, and groveling about, half dead and half and contained all his crops, The cause of alive. year after year. you may surely put eche fire is unknown. him down as having some kidney and .hver Mrs. McDonald, of Granton had the mis- trouble." :fortune one day lately to fall down au open j'The other day I was talking with Dr. .eellarwrty. She is about 75 years of age, and Fowler, the eminent oculist of this -city, who ;although tiy�bones were broken, she was said that halt the patients who came to him pretty badly cut about the heart and face, for tvee treatment were afflicted by advanced .and very severely shook up. kidney disease. Now,many people in mid. The granary of Mr. J. G. McLeod, east dle lite ,wonder why their eye sight becomes .1141f of lot 21, concession 8, East Nissouri, se poor. A thorough course of treatment was:brolcen into on 'Tuesday and a quantity with Warner's safe cure is what they need of oats stolen therefrom. Suspicion points more then a pair of eye glasses. The kid. strongly to a certain party in the neighbor- ney poison in the blood always attacks the hood. The building has been broken into weakest ipart of the body; with some it effects more than once before, the eyes ,; withothers the head with others Owners of cattle will bear iu mind that the stomach or the lungs, or rheumatic dis- neithcr cows, steers, or any ether kind of ordered followsand neuralgia tears them to horned stock, are allowed to run w;thin the pieces, or they lose the powers of ,fast, smell corpovation limits from Nov.1st to May 1st or become nnpotent in other functions of the in each and every year. The 'constable has body. What man would not give alis all to been instructed to see that the by-law is car- have the vigor of youth at oomeiand ?" tied entire the letter. "The intelligent physicians know that are tome Tbo last few nights have been Particularly these complaints ar,i but syrup , they bright and clan., giving people an excellent not of disease of the head, the eye or the .chance ef,observiug many shooting stars and stomach, or of virility, necessarily, but of meteors thenrave been visible. These are the kidney poison in the blood and they may frequent ,at This season of the year, more prevail and no pain occur in the kidneys." particularity between the middle nud latter end of the, present month. Mrs. Henry Parr, of Blora, a woman a weighing ee'ar 200 pounds, and standing five 1 1 t met with an accident fortunate came-, while washing clothes at to its power. For as Mr. Warner says, the teethingi is elaasa.ntao they taste aura en the river bank, slipped on a round stone and aisles aro constantly increasing, while the prescription of one of the oldest and best the the fell breakingone leg between the knee and newspaper advertising ruconstantly dimes, tphysiciansile by �illsdriiiniet�through- entitle ankle, tshiug, This speaks' in praise of R the extrtaordluary merits of his re )arirti us• out the world, Price twenty-five cents a hot - p ! tie. Be sure and ask for 'Alas, WINSLOW'S Local wee afugs may be quoted as rather Soornxua svnnr "and tato no other kind. quiet this weekt demand steady and eontin- Southam ton's Calamity. no.: s ; supply nowhere. Weddings searce, P y ' the public that neariy.allthe diseases of .the A. wide range of painful affections may be met with tiagyards Yellow Oil. James M. Lawson, of Woodyille, Ont., speaks of it'in high termsforrheumatism, lamebaok, sprains and many painful complaints too numerous to mention. It is used internally or exter- nally. Judgment was given Monday by the Supreme: Court in the case of Langtry vs. Dntnoulhn, dismissing the a>pealwith costs, CONSUMPTION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, hav- ing had placed in his hands uy an Fact Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy fo•'the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and ell throat and hang affections, also a posi- tive an,i, radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative: powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by tills nrstive and a' desire to relieve human sufferint, send free of charge, to all who desire a this recipe, in German, French or English, w„th full directions far preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper, W.A, Novas, 140 Power's Block,Iicchestes, Ainew sight for the Kingston Exhibition, within the city limits, has been procured from the Government by the corporation. Avoid the harsh, irritating, griping com- pounds so often sold as purgative medicines, and correct theirregularitres of the bowels by. the use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills, which are gentle, yet searching, in their action. The Ottawa authorities have been granted permission to deposit the city night soil on the new Experimental Farm. TRY IT. Two of the most troublesome complaints to relieve are asthma and whooping cough, Bat Hagy.ard's Pectoral Balsam seldom fails, either in those or oilier prevailing throat and lung troubles. All lea lets in medicine have this remedy for sale, Flees were flying from all public buildings at Ottawa yester day, in honor of the Prince ofGlsatles birthday. AnvacE To,;7Sovazna.—Aro you disturbed at night aml-broken of your rest by a etck child sulfating and crying with "rain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of It' is not strange that the enthusiasm sirs. Wiutovv's soothing Syrup” for Clhlldren B eething. Its value is incaleuluble. It will which Mr. Weeper displays in his apprecm. l r.iiieve the pour little sufferer immechataly. is• there is no mistake :.�° lend u )ou it moths Lion of his o+w>remedy, which resto.ed him t 1 to health where the doctors said he could not ,about it. ge/res I)yset2, and Diarrl oma, regulates the Scomach and Y.o,t•eis, stress Wind feat leer in teig i , live s(x niontlre, should 'become infectious. Colic, softens the Gnms,i'edticeo Inflammation, while; attending to ordinary duties, `1'he un- and that the entire world should pay tribute !Cod gives tone and ndCeneh gfi to the e°furle esystee but in view fatalities• none on the market; municipal topics, stir•ieg slightly, with pro. ipeets of an early boo,- ; all local interests centered on the tams collector ; bull dogs and shot guns at a premium. 'the St. Marys Argus says: --"A Blausbard farmer thought ho would be ahead of his neighbors and took it couple of toads of bar- ley to Exeter the other clay• The price 15115 so low tltn.t he refused to take it, and teamed his grain beak home Agree. The above is taken from the Tiple trod doctored to stilt The grain was very inferior, and the price offeredfor it was comparatively ,good. lint tLL''raYTn .i fl e' deeming it to be more profitable, took the grain home, arta it ' chopped, and feed to his stock. The very highest pride is paid at the Exeter market for good grain. The latest n avelty in horse flesh, is now on ekhibitiOu, at ;Doc. Cowan's stable, Exeter. We have not learned the value of animal, but it isp robably away up in the thousands. liver horseman within it radius of ton miles has already had An invitation to walk up the back street arid take a slew at this Nieto- motive, and hear its fine point* and re.miirk- able .foata told •iu the owner's well-known style, Oct Horseman, of heavy weight, re - peas having to hold his hat on during the brew° around the stable, at his visit. SctuTI:uASr1'TON, Oat., Nov 4.—This morn- ing about 445 it was ditaeovered that tete roof of the buildings known as the Rossie Block, was on fire. A gale was blowing, and in a few minutes the whole block was Oslo m!ts.e of flames. Owing to the town possessing no fire apparatus the flames continued to spread rapidly, and in less than four hears' time the whole street wits sweet for two and one: half blocks. Over fifty builclsegs were burnt„ I 'hic cal anti ty lucid has befallen the village of Sonihrt npwu is One that laiotrtl we're- rue sympathies ei the citiss towns nod villages throe ghout ttic c Province. -Potty families are, rendered hotiseless and hourel,•ss and indesti- tete circumstances. The near approach of winter makes the situation still more warm• lug and well calculated to appeal to the char- italic citizens of r)uterio, Pront it eu•caul tabulation of the losses it is found that they amount to over $60,000. 'Ilse high wind froiri off the !eke at the time swept the filo along as with the besoin of dtstruetioci, lutelf preventing the saving of either bonen; or contents in many oases, The insurance, unfortunately-, is merely a trille—somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,07:0 or $12,000. The old adage, that ho helps best who con- tributes quickest, shoifld be t©rmemberwl on th(s000aslon, THE KEY TO HEALTH. • a7nlocke mill the clogged avenues of the Bowels, DDidnoye and Liver, carry-. iiig off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Diliotlaness, Dys- pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Visien, Jaundice, Salt :Rheum, ! Erysipelas, Scrofula, fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaintsala to th happyinfluence,. of � c BLOOD $11PrEt 1. 11:mti131rinil A CO., Proprietors. 'Toronto. LOVELL'S GAZETTER AND HISTORY OF TSE DOMINION) OF CANADA, In Niale Voluvaes, Royal 87:o. f110 BE COMMENCED whenever a sufficient S unmber of subscribers ` is obtained to cover -cost of publication Subscription to the Nine Volumes $75 00, to the Province of Ontario or. to Quebec $12.50. to New Brunswickorto Nova Scotia $11.50,10 Manitoba or British Columbia $9.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North- west Territories $0.50. Each Province to have a Map. Please Send for Prosneetus. JO6N LOV eL L, Manager and Publisher Montreal, 4th August, 1880. aug8d&w3 QUEEN CITY TL WB: S P I:Rd 1...1ZSS 0 114 At Torontmachineryo, Every Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was used on all during a g the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the last three years. I'ti$se that you get Peerless. It is only atleby S,,t:°r 'LTY+t "' Uarri.s to CO., TO ,O "TO, FOit SALE BY JAS. P,CC.KABD. 0 CLD Millie aro se tre,btlr those who write i`A� to Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine, will receive free, full information about work which they can do, and live at home. that will pay them front $5 to $25 per day. Rome have earned over $50 in a day. Either sex, young or old. Capital not requir- edi You are started free, Those who start at once are aosolntuly sure of a snug little fo r- stune. AU is new. FOR SALE. A two-year old thoroughbred Jersey bull. Good animal and good pedigree. Terms liberal. Apply to WM. STACEY, Eirktou P.0, Ont. 6 Canvassers Wanted ! IMMEDIATELY IN THIS COUNTY TO SELL A PURELY CANADIAN BOOS, deicribing the wonders of our own country with thrilling incidents of travel and adven- ture. This Is by far the most saleable sub- scription book ever published in Canada. Not a book of scraps and clippings, but an original copywvrightwork,ricbly au profusely illustrat- ed. To energetic men who will promise to can- vass at least one township, we will offer the most liberal inducements. As we manufacture the book ourselves upon our own premises, we can afford to place it in the hands of canvass - ens at.a very low figure, while the retail prices places the work wit...in the reach of all classes. Applications for Territory, received at once. We want at least one man in every county in Canada.. Also the "New Home Parallel Bibles," rind Photograph Albums in over 300 var- • C. BLAC'KETT ROBINSON, 5 JORDAN ST., TORONTO . Publisher GR9ND OPENING OF SHOW ROOM, ON MONDAY & TUESDAY, ,_. OCTOBER 4 lint li Have pleasure in announcing to the Ladies that our MILLINERY AND MANTLE SHOWROOMS will be open for the Season on the above dates, when we will have on exhibition Paris, New York and London Styles of Bonnets, Hats and Trimmings. Also Berlin and London made Mantles and Jackets, and many novelties direct from the manufac- turers. On the same dates we will show a large assortment of Fine :French Dress -Goods, Plain and Stripe Pluth'es; Satins and Silks all colors. Mantle Cloths, Rosery Trim- mings, Mantle Ornaments, and full lines of Hosiery, Gloves, Etc, Our Gouts' Furnishing Department is Very Complete, and will etnlat•ace many novelties in fine Scotch ,Suitiugs, Over- coating, 'I'rowsering, Neckties, and fine Imparted Scotch Illiderware, Also full fines of Boots, Shoes anti Rubber's, from best manufacturers. Crockery and China, 'D and 'Tea, Setts imported direct eat a �p2P '+ :'" �ttio e `b''� � GO .�Cp � • Je `� • Ofi tie' I(� es �, 11 pia •Quo hyo ptti 2- 2. ,c,e5 W t,. ae, w to as e i.e' re �� ,Gh ow, �a, ���b e� c 4' � o� 1 ✓ civ i11 o,Oj ojPo��lb .. Q�a 5' ec c'• t?t'�ay�gti �{4 0-07 fey eao ,che afi a• o �oel 0 \� g;s, y4� S• r yea, "4 c) Cog av o o �� oz?' tot v� c'4c V" 00 0 0 oe ;Po goer° {�4ti� 4' �oro� cp. �fia z ce 44 4. <S , �,. g, 0 4tiff q, .6S'' 0 -0 �w�r,�l•`l�O e`y°' i� ¢aro 4q3 .��ysy�e manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxford. .Street,. late 538, Oxford Street, London. ter Purchasers should look to the Label on the Bones and Pots. If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. JAMES PICKARD WILL OFFER AS LONG AS THEY LAST Six Button Kid Gloves for 50c., Worth $1.00 28 Inch. Fine All Wool Grey Flannel for 25c., 28 Inch. Union Flannel - for 15c Line of Cloth Dress Goods for lOc., 12c, 15c., [worth a great deal more.] Good Overcoat for $5.00. ALSO A LARGE STOCK OF Better Goods at Hard Time Prices.. Good All Wool Blankets at Mill Prices. Every Department Conaplete and Goods Away Down to suit the times. P..ILL ' RO''ND ! ! NO' DAMAGED OR SHELF '- WORN GOODS IN THE ABOVE OFFERING. WIZARD OIL --AT SCARLETT'S DRUG STORE CARSON'S C:ATARR H cvR� —AT— $044t2AZ[TV'S DRUG STOHFJ WILL .14� DREW ` ; ' ' i L vN�, 1.,t. Intl � I It2111. fi ,19�IU 1p6�i '�l °' dtl� < 'alas ti AIl sh-7-----esseloare see easasse Dealer Undertake Furniture a: Lead of NwA S , l lsh i+ I ! 1 I have Just lecelvod �" Car �p ,y 111 lt, and lair. loner from potteries.A � � �-�• All the above goods must be offered at the Lowest Possible Prices. Ea-earA Most Hearty Invitation is en - tended to all Ladies and Gentlemen to conte end see the GRAND EXHIBITION OF NOVELTIES At Samwell & l'iokard's Foryour next SIXTY DAYS. It will be to our advantage to call on me before going elsewhere. REMEMBER THE PLACE ONE DOOR NORTH Or MoLsoNs BAN VITILLIAt324 XiZ '"