HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1886-11-11, Page 11/EGAL . H• DICKSON, Barrister, Soil-. J • citor o[ Sopronte Court, Notary Public Couveyaineer, 'Joinmissioutr. 45ce. Money to roan. 04n:eiu tsaitsou's 131ook,8Ixoter•. McFADDEN, Oarristcr, Solicitor, Convayancor, Etc., EXETER, - • ONT. 0dice sannvoli'aBlock (ilail'sold oCl)eo.) DENTAL. C. CARTWRIGHT & SON 1D M7~, I T 1 S. T S 1 Wo beg to inform the public that we have Removed. our 1 %fitalRoosts front Main•st to •JAMES-ST:wn doors east of Central kletel, -�. Exeter, oat, I1N ▪ MAN., DENTIST ..i,1.D.8 Extracts Teeth without pain, by. giving Vitalized Air, or by acing 0.1014(M Local Anseatho- tic on the gulps; makes Gold Filings. and all other dental w ork the best possible,Rooms :Upstairs in SADiwEtL's BL',00re,. Past side of Main -Street, Exeter, Ont. MEDICAL CLUTZ, M. D., • 08iepathiarosic1ence Exeter, T W. BROWNING M. 'D., Nl. (3 PJ . P. tf,,(araduate ViotoriaUniveraity.Omce aadlresidenoe,Don:;rionLaboratorv, Exeter lR. rlYNDMAN, coroner for the a / County of Huren. , Office, opposite Mr. I. Carling's store, Exeter. DR. J. A. ROLLINS, M.C. Y. S O. O Moe, Main St.Axeter,Ont. Residen ce Iiousereoently occupied by P. McPhillips, 'Bag. DR. WOODRUFF, Permanently located in No. 185 'Queen's Avenue, London, a few doors east of Post Office. Special attention given to diseases of the`Eye,bad sight, and the pres- ervation of vision : diseases of the at, nn paired hearing, and discharges from the ear; diseases of the Throat, chronic inflammation being a frequent cause of deafness ; diseases of the Nose, catarrh being a common cause of tupai •ed hearing. AUCTIONEERS. HENRY EILBER, Licensed Auc- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and MoGllli- rray:Townships. Sales conducted at moderate :assts. 0 Mice -At Post•offioe, Crediton, Out. 013N "TILL, Auctioneer for the Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne .cud the Village of Exeter. A11 sales promptly atteuclott, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales arranged at this office. ..- VETERINARY. TETA N T & TFNNENT, Veteri- nary Surgeons, Graduates of the Ontario V•eterivar3 • College, Toren to, hMVO Oh :t rS enee an office forth,- tree tment o f all Domestic Animals, on rr.instreet Exeter. Calls from a dis tante prompt's, attended bo:- Medicine for Horses Cattle,&c. always on hand MONEY TO LOAN. mameneseessmanssesessevestassw "HEW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." VOL. XIV, NO, 12, EXETER, O1,TTA.RIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 11, 1886, 1,1? nx AW11ITr',:r ,Otilt nada' y'ervYel t ,aetthieVe4cheonoLaoeue80erelaywell filled, and every part of the township was represented. Ile chair was well filled by Mr. Johnston, of Blanshard, who is a' large man both physically and mentally, and added greatly to the evening's enjoyment. It would not be right to particularize, we have only to say that the singing of Dr, and H. Brown, Miss Johnston, Mr. H. "F, Sharp, Mr. T. Andrew and Mr. Walker, was highly appreciated by the audience, as shown by the repeated enchores. The in- strumental music rendered by Mr. and Miss Steacy, of Lmnley, with flute and organ, and Mr. Wren, of Chiselhurst, with the violin, took the audience by storm. The recitations and readings ay Messrs. T. An- drew, E, Liddicott, J. Johns, and Inspector Tom, who very kindly came a long distance to help in the entertainment, were very Taxes Costa Total ' ggood, and Master Charlie Andrew gave a first-rate recitation, which pleased the Audi- enee immensely. Miss Naomi Bennett ,played the organ accompaniment for some of the singers in a very creditable, manner. Altogether the concert was far in advance of any ever given in this neighborhood be- fore, and �lr, ,Holman deserves great credit. b t G lemon, , for the rare treat he provided, and should. 44 W Il' E 3 37 1 OS yj' be encouraged by this success to provide 45 d 3 3/ LOS g p Langford, another such a treat in the future. We 46 d 3 i7 1 03 'prophecy that the school house will be liter 47 3 3? 1 OS ally packed, especially if Mr. Alf. Harrison 39 Brooks. is expected with his donkey. Five years 40 d ago nothing would take at a concert like a good dialogue,but a change has' taken place as shown on Friday night. Nothing was ap- preciated like the music and singing. In days gone by, a chairman was a nuisance,. but now, a good one like Mr. Johnston, who quickly observes the likes and dislikes of 1.23 O , the audience, and acts accordingly, adds 1.23 greatly to the evening's fun. 44 k 1 g h y BRIEFS. -Mr.. William Martin left for the 44 f Old Country, on Monday last. We wish 3.20 him a pleasant trip.• vThe hummers attend 1.40 , the bar -rooms pretty r`eguiarly now, in order to get the drinks from those engaged in. election business: Now that a Police Mag- istrate has been appointed, it is the duty- of every lover of right to, do all he can to sup- press the sale of liquor. -Miss Edith .Smith work Mtsa Jamieson under sutts M J has gone to Exeter, for three months; to. 13.1 i B 1 1 M' C 1 learn the dressmaking. -Mr. B.. Tucker has 4,65 y p become a resident of this village. -Over- 1/10 9.4S fill t W shoes, overcoat=, and gloves, were aired on 14.72 Iv 1 M W bb Sunday last. 1 The sleigh bells will soon be. 14,72 out. -A majority of farmers made the hest << of last week's fine weather, and took up } " 640 their turnips, but others clo not seem to ex- pect winter for a week yet, and have their roots still to get -The revival services. con- ducted here for the past month, .have_beeu fairly attended, and several have chosen, like Moses of old, rather to suffer affliction with the people cf God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season, having respect to the recompense of the reward. It is as- c4r t t I 1 tE th h h' ` tonisliiug how many .men and women of in - a --FOR telligence trifle with the offers of salvation, ' 1 t 1 o th d el h f to A and leave to the mercy . of a 'nolnent the cares of an eternity. How shallye escape if ye neglect so great salvation ' Elimiville. EN•1'EnTduNmENT.-The ratepayers of $. 4 No. 5, sibsel'ibed enough to put chase ,:4 bell for the school house, .and with the bell camp the necessity for a belfry, for which no money had been subscribed. Mr. Hol- man thought an easy way to raise the money would be to have a concert, and some weeks ago he called a few together to consider the question. They decided tohave za concert on or about the 5th of November. After that nothing was heard about it until the bilis were posted up. the programme I MPORTAI' T NOTICES . IKE. J. DEAR.I NG OF THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, Would res ectt p ul]yin;oro the' public that ho bas removed to leis NEW SHOT', (Ono Door Nor of lin''s 1 tlr Ont t ;, hock), whom is prepared, with far superior facilities, to do Anything in the Hair Dressing Line. It you wish to get any Eair Goods, Call on lice T. bearing, at the Central Barber Shop, where he manufaotui es Hair Work so natural that You Would Not Know It from rho Original Flair. Such as the Langtry and Parisian Banns, Saratoga Waves, and the Genuine Water Wave,Swftohes,Toopies,Ourls,Puffs anal; Wigs. Before going elsewhere, give hint a oa11, at his- TONSOIIAL PARLORS, :ONE DOOR. Noierrs 01. °AALINo's DLOOE. THE MERCHANTS' PROTECTIVE AND -- COLLECTING ASSOCIATIO. N OF CANADA. HEAD OFFICE, - HAMILTON, ONT. ESTABLISHED 1884. 1's an Assoc.ation of business and professsion• 1 al men, having for its object the COLLEC- TION OF DEBTS ; and to prevent its members, from making bad debts by furnishing them with lists of parties who do not pay. Merchants and others having accounts to collect, wishing to become me'n'ors,byremitting $7.00 to our Managers, Hamilton, Ont., will rec .ive by re- turn mail full pertioulars, certificate and menr. harslhip, rte, Sond for testimonials. J. BIDWELL MILLS de CO., Managers, Hamilton. WABNINO.-Alltrarties are warned against having anything to do with R. Faulkner,hailing from St. Marys, he having been discharged. New P um p Factory JOh N SWALLOW Wou.d respectfully inform the inhabitants of the surrounding townships thathe has op- ened a A ew Pump Factory in J. SOUTHCOTT`S (LD STAND, JUAIN•ST., EEETEn, OPP. POST -OFFICE. Where' he will keep on hand all Miners of Pumps, which lie will sell at moderate prices REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Wells and cistorns contracted for atreasOn- able prices, and work executed with despatch. SATISIFACTION GU fIRANTEED. JOHN SWALLOW. 'ONEY TO LO.A'N ON REAL ES tate for•theHuron s iirieLoan .c Set. 1ngs•1 soiety, Low rates ofinteresi. Apply to To l,n ipe kinan,Pxoter• \, Oel '•s'CO LOAN AT 6 AND 6i p ceut.a000rding toternrs. Private Fends. At'1'to 13 V.ELLIOT, Augusti5,'85' Solicitor. Exetei i TONE/ TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6:I 1YJ1- percent, $25,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.H DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter, ONEY TO LOAN. --Persons wishing to borrow money will take no- tice that Ism now leaning County Funds at 0 per cent. WM. HOLLIES, Co. Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Goderich,) Septeniber'17t11,18*.) INSU1RANCE. J. SUTHERLAND, Hansell, T. Ont., Conveyancer, Conunissiouer,Fire and Life •Insurance Agent, and Issuer of Mar- riage Licenses. All business transacted strict- ly' ennfidentlaL .& call solicited. Office.; at the Post Office. TILE WATERLOO 'MUTUAL TILE INSURANCE CO. Established in 1863. HEAD OFFICE - WATERLOO, ONT. This eoml.auv has bean over Eighteen years in successful operation in Western On- to insure againstloss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merchandise,lf.an ufactor es,aud all other descriptions oflinsnr•- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on the .Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,000 Policies.• covering property to the auaount of $40,872,088; and Haid in loss es alone: 709,732,00 AssetS, 8176,100.00, consisting of Cash n dank, Government Deposit,and the unass- nssed Premium Notes on handandin force: 3, W \Atnetru D. Preside t. C. h1. TAxron, Secretary. 3. ft . Hvouns, Inspector. CHAS. SNELL Agontfor Exeter Lind'vicinity. T}1J 1 Rftiltvay . roe n�a OF CANADA, • The Royal Mail, Passenger enol i'reight Route between Canada and Great Bs Rain and direct route between the West and all points ou the Lotvor St. Lawrence and Baie dos Chu,. o Deurets Nova, Scotia New Brunswick . N , IP. E. Island gape Breton, Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jalilnatea. New and elegant Penman Bunt Sleeping, and Day Cars rim on through Express trains, Passengers for Great Britain or the Conti- inont by leaving Toronto at 8.30 a. m, Thurs. day will join outward mail steamer at Hall - fax a, m; Saturday. superior tlevator warehouse and Doak ac- commodation at Halifax for shipment of grain and ge neral merchandise. Years of experience have proved the INTIM- COLONIAL in counection'with 'stoamallip Tures to and fro,n London, Liverpool and Glasgow to Halifax, to be the quickest freight route between Cadad,c incl Groat Britain, information as to Passenger and I'rolobt rates can be had on appllaatfou to D (MT B, IT;)ODTE, Weptern ]a'reigl,t&Passon8or Agent RosSin house Block, York 81. Toronto. D. PO 1' i`INGEB, Chief yttporintenciorat. i zlltway 0 to L1'.1':, NOV 13,1885. T.6 ] A.. S U R E R' S S .A.L ] J ( of the French settlement, left oil Wecl- nesday, for the Michigan lumber 'woods. -Mr. Hartlieb, `of Dashwood, delivered r sonic vest' handsome family Bibles tis; F' n hi, T A F week. OF LANIDS Coi my of Huron j� y virtue of a warrant, bearing, date the sixteenth day of August, to wit. :1) 1856 under the hand of the Warden of the of C maty of Huron and having the seal of the said corporation thereto attached, directed to me and corn. maucling me to levy upon the following lands for the arrears of taxes due thereon to- gether with the costs, I hereby give notice that unless. the said :taxes and costs be soon- er paid I shall proceed to sell the said lands or so much thereof es may be necessary to discharge the same, at the Caurt House, in the town of Goderich,. on Tuesday the thir- tieth day of November, in the year of our Lord 1886, commencing at eleven o'clock in TOWNSHIP OF ASIIFIELD. Lot or part of lot Con. or Street Acres Patd. or unpatd. Fi. half of N. half of 4 2, E. D. 50 1'atd. $9.95 51.25 511 25 S. half of VV. half of 10 2, E, D. 50 rF 4 93 1 12 6.05 the forenoon, Dashwood. It. II. FAed, who for the past 2 years has been engaged as head" book keeper at East Sagurnw, for J. T. Bell clic Cols 'Wholesale Commission Houses, of E. Saginaw, Alpena, and Lansing, Mich..,, haSI:esigned his position, and will arrive this week, wizen he• will take the position of. his brother W. A. Fried in the. Dash wook roller mills, who quite recently lost his arm. VILLAGE OF PORT ALBERT, IN ASHFIELD. 19 Collwl'ne-st. East i 7 London Road East I 1 William-st. East e mgtou-st. ast k o •I o do 4 Sydenham-st. East i Patented 0 3.27 1.08 unplatented 3.05 1.08 3.05 1.08 4.35 4.13 4.13 4.45 4.45 4.95 4.45 1.19 1.19 Granton. BW TI L'E fieri SOCINTY.-Directors' meeting at the Ontario House. Mem• ars resen . eo- Anson treasurer; Wm. iddleton, president; Samuel Gun- nip , vice -resident; Ernest Walter Wallis, John Jermyn, James Moved byWalter Wallis, sec. by Ernest Langford, that the prize granted to A. Brethour, for two year old filly or gelding (draught,) bo wi.tiheld as rule 1 was broken, and not entered in the class for which the prize, was awarded,_ -Car- ried. On motion, the president, Jas. Brooks and Samuel Gunning, were instructed to make such arrangements as they would deem expedient for a piece o landon which to hold the annual fair. - Moved by John Jermyn, sec. by Sara: l Gunning, that the following specials be granted. -Carried :.-Miss Jamieson, em- broidery on linen; Miss Hyde, gent's shirt, hand made; Eliza Pidd, macrame ; Brethour, straw rat; Miss Creighton, em- broidery on worsted; Miss Jamieson, pair filled blankets; Mrs. , m. Beg, arasene work, lamp mat (wool;) Miss Webb, hair cross; Miss Creighton, darning ou mat; Miss Jamieson, coverlicl; Mrs. W. Begg, Kinsington painting. W. E. LANGFORD, V. S., Secretary. . at u ' 19 1.00 19 1.00 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE. C Bridge End PIace 4 °i 59 do VILLAGE OF BAYFIELD. 39 40 385 386 East part of 5 Range N, Susan-st. ac 51 1 i. CC VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. 270 { C VILLAGE OF WRONETER. 3 Main-st. South 1/5 6 Queen-st. North North half of 8 Centre-st. East 5 Gibson-st. 6 clo 27 Halls. Survey North part of 39 do County Treasurer's Office, Goderich, August 16th, 1886) 9.41 1.25 10.66 7.27 1.20 8.47 1.03 1.03 1.01 1.01 1.08 1.03 2.26 2.26 1.45 1.45 4.28 2.43 3.71 1.09 4.80 1.33 1.12 1.25 1.37 1.:3, 1.18 1.16 14.50 5.77 10.73 16.09 16.09 8.26 7.56 CC CC WM. HOLMES Treasurer, Co. of Huron. reLiuors Zurich, Mr. E. J. Hardy, harness -maker, Enrich begs o no rnow ec a nis sincere thanks to his numerous customers for their oaast)lberal pat- ronage, and hopes by consistent dealing t0 merita.con continuance o_• a same. o also begs to annonncs that he hat now ou band the largest and bast assortment of light and heavy harness to be found in the township, • tiled 4'•o nice'vssrietyoftrunksandvalises, In sorsa b• larikets be has a splendid variety which were bought at rock•bottom primes, for cash, Ind' he will um/be undersold by any dealer' in the Province. Tho finest assortment of goat skin robes ever before shown in the village, equal to any city dealer, and which,beiug pur- chased at a rare bargain• -will be' sold re - ma kably cheap. Any ora in r eed of anything in this lino will clo well to give E. J. a call, and by so doing save money. A. splendid var- iety of whin s, brushes, currycombs and sleigh hells, not equalled by any dealer. Call grid be convinced that Hardy'sis the caeapost spot in town -E. 3, HARDY, A WA.ni nn .-One of our young men, who is in the habit of loafing around the corner of. J. & E. Merner's Store, was ar- raigned before Magistrate Buchanan, at Hensall, last Saturday afternoon, for in decency, andinsulting MissesBossenberry and Millick, on the Sunday evening pre- vious. Lawyer Collins acted for plaintiff, andlawyerElliot, of Zurich, for defendant. The case was dismissed in favor of the ladies, our young , friend having to pay costs and expenses of court, amounting in toabout elevenvillage all o dollars. Our vi l e Constable deseives credit for the manner in which he has searched the matter out, and it is to be hoped that he has rid us of a nuisance. Ladies were never safe in going along. the street at evening, invari- ably being insulted by young men, who make it a practice of hanging around! It is to be hoped that nothing, of this kind will happen again. Bnfers.-While Mr. Beck, of Hensall, was nearing the grist mill with a load of barrels, he got a little too near the end of the crossing, land wasprecipitated with his load to the ditch ; luckily no bones were broken. -The lecture on Germany and America, in the town hall, on Saturday evening, was not very well attended ; Mr. Happel' sr., was ' the lecturer ; iris fine lecture, on Wednesday evening, was bet- terin case attended. -What would we do a fire should break out in town ; the fire engine and hose are laying in the engine house in rather a dilapidated state, and by all appearances would be useless in case they were called out ; who is responsible Presbytery of Huron. The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis Church, Clinton, on Tuesday, Nov. 9. Dr. Ure, of Goderich, in the chair. There was a full meeting of members. The following are the chief items ofbusiness :- callto the Rev. Mr. Pritchard, of Manchester, was presented from Forest congregation,- in the Presbytery of Sarnia. The Rev. My. Lockheacl, of Parkhill, appeared in the interest of the Presbytery of Sarnia, dele- gates also appeared in behalf of Manchester and Smith's Hill congregations. These having been heard and Mr. Pritchard hay ing signified his acceptance of the call, the Presbytery agreed to loose him from his present charge, and appointed the Rev. Mr. Ramsay to declare the same vacant, on the Third Sabbath of the present month. Mr. Ramsay, was also appointed moderator of the session during the congrega- tion's vacancy. Mr. Martin, of Exeter, re- ported that along'with Mr. Bishop, M. P. P., he had proceeded to Grand Bend and Corbett, and had held a meeting in each place, organizing a congregation at Corbett, to he placed under the pastoral charge of Rev. /Mr. Carriere. Mr. P. McEachron, Teacher of Bayfield, appea.ed before the Presbytery askingthat he be certified to KnoxCollege, as desired to enter the ministery. The Presbytery agreed, after examination, to certify him. Mr. Calvert) complained eaed to Presbytery the e resolution passed at last meeting anent his case. The Presbytery passed a resolution declaring that in refusing to entertain his application to be received as a minister of the Presbyterian church, they did not thereby. imply that they had entered into the merits of the charge laid against him. After other items of business (not of pubic interest) thepresbytery adjourned. . Lam.. -LACE'S SpectaclesEye-glasses Dr. Drowning has the Sole Agency in Exeter, for the above lenses. They are the only onesreoommondodbp the President and Vico-President's of the Medical Associations of Canada, and all the ]ea -ling oculists of the age. They have a world-wide reputation for giving that aid to vision which all other lenses fail to give. Beware of imitations, as they are m the market. B. Laurance's Spec- tacles and Eye -glasses are marked B.L., with- out which none aro genuine, -and pebbles are stamped Pebbles. Do not be deceived by any goods stamped Pebble -glass -or by any simil• laxity in name. -Dir. BI'O WNIN&, SoLE AGLIM POR EXETER. CENTRAL DRUG RE A full stock of all, kinds of Dye -stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand, Winan's Condition Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefullY. prepared ared at the Central Drug Store Exeter C. LUTZ. DREW'S Qpora iiinso ALWA'S AHEAD. First to Introddsie the Cash System. A BENNFIT TO ALt. NEW GROCERIES, NEW TEAS, NEW VALENCIA RAISINS, THE FIRST 01' TILE SEASON. Tobaccos', Cigars Oranges, Lemons, Nets. A Large Assortment of new Candies. Roller Flour, Graham Flour, Rolled Oats, New Canted Salmon, Mackerel, Lobster. New Season Groceries, -0 0- el, - J, W. BROWNING, -or- The Dominion Laboratory Having been appointed by the Ontario GQy- ernment, to sell WINES AND LIOTJORS, ruder the Scott. Act Law, has on hand a fair supply of the very best to be funnd on the market. �'I�.E1rESIIIER TIIIS I9. TIIa n.ILT PLACE LICENSED To SELL. Also full Linea of PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, &o.,, at RRMABI{ABLY Low MOSS. J. W. BROWNING, DODIINION LABORATORY- -THE - CANADIAN P4cIIc RAILWAY. THE GREATEST CORPORATION ON EARTH. TEE MOST DIRECT- . -AND BEST EQUIPPED Bonen sETWEE N MONTREAL, QUEBEC, TORONTO, OTTAWA, KINGSTON, DETROIT, BOSTON, CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, 3cc. T�OOar ! ZOOS Excursion to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, and SAN FRANCISCO, for $90.00, tick- ets good for Seven Months. 'Tel -Before purchasing your tickets else- where, ,call:,on . W. J. CARLING, C. P. R. AGENT. CARLING'S STORE, EXETER. ithere rte one to look after i1? � - r should be delta. •Messrs. D. ah"and 'P. Kochuins killed a fine big fox on G Merner's farm Bronson it Big o1ar'sworih,fEaisio. Y ▪ 2 lbs. Tea. 21bs, Soda. P-1 0'' 2 brs. Electric ec lc soap 2 pack. Yeast Cake c/1 1 lb. Starch. 1 box of Matches. t;C3 1 Gents Boa Tie. 0 3 lugs Tobacco. n plugs 1 6 Pia o Plates. (� dog .Clothes Pins U J CALL AND INSPECT GOODS. r Sell asCheap . Cheapest will S WORTH I as theI wr OLLAR A a you to bey from mc. pay Y W � Xt Itir7 tort a' OC,:Flr1�Ta'l.'ICI�L!C!S A7 LOWEST RATES � S v Rorrtonrber, r �� CtPP. KE MP, �� /��//�� toislom dr , 'D( 1, illi U� P $ STORE Cash thooery Drew's Block, South Store �j STORE ' 'a_M� line last Saturda y .--Snow started to fall Saturday, 4 p. in., and by Sunday niorit ing the'grotmd was covered to a depth of ten. inches ; a number of sleighs were out Monday. -Roads are very slushy and Muddy at resentthis vea t herw 1 l Bake the fanners rush intheir 1 0t cru .-Re- member the tea rnccting in the Lake tlr' Church, to-mrrow Fri - View Methodist Ch uic 0 , o ( day) evening ; a good time is expected.. Rev. Mr. Godfrey, of Hensall, and others will: deliver speeches. Ccme one, come all; and enjoy yourselves. Ticket, 25cts., children,' half price.-•"TLl+ils" from now until Jan'y. 1888, for one dollar. Stib- scribe at once. -Our olcl friend Mr. J. l . Wing, was in town hast ween. -Our mer- chants speak very fair of business for this t; for a full "account," at year • look out Y New Years. -Messrs. Ehncs and Williams are still working in their grist mill, night and day ; this speaks well of our energetic ai clYi g millers. --Mr. John Foster is still obliged to keep his hand in a sling, although he is doing favorably: -Mr. Fred. Hess is building a handsome cottage, one lot 'north of Lutheran patsonage.--Divine service wiis helcl iirthe R. C. church, French set - t1 inent, last week, by Rev. Father Kelly, incumbent. --Mr. Peter Becleotir, Farquhar. ANOTHER QLD SETTLER Gorm.-In'Os- borne, and the 2nd lust., in her 84th year, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Charles Monteith, departed this life, Margaret Calder, relict of the late David Millar, Esq., who died in the year 1870, on the homestead, Lot 21, Concession 3, No•rth Thames Road. Deceased with her 'husband, were among the earliest in the township of Usboriie, and passed. through . the hardships and vicissitudes attendant in pioneer life. Their large family of eight Children, which, with the. exception of one, I'Irs. Robt. Foulley, of Hilisbur have attained man and woman's state, are enjoying excellent health and are all Christiannen and women, which goes to show that parental caro was nota waste in their case. The parents were most exemplary and con- sistent Christians, and connected, during their lives, with the Presbyterian denom- irnati)n, as are their offspring,. Deceased was born in theyear 1803 inForfarshire, Scotland and was married to Mr. Millar in 1824 After living together in Scot --- land, until 1853, they emigrated to .Can ada, and came straightway to Lot 21, Con 3, North Thames Road, where they resicl- until Mr. Millar's demise,' In the course of a few months she moved to her son-in- law's, whore her spirit passed }eacefully away as above stated, after a severe ill- ness of three days' duration. Their two sons, James, of Exeter, and David, of Hensall, and their daughters, Mrs. Chas. Monteitls, Usboi'lie ; Mrs, Jas. Ilanisay, Exeter ; Mrs. Jas. Hackney, Mrs: Alex. Hackney, and Mrs, Robb. Monteith, of l5sbor•ne, have always lived in the neigh- borhood, and are well-to-do. Her re- mains were followed to the grave, on Fri- day last, by a large nnmlber of friends and acquaintances. PAW. %.11'.. Fletcher, pastor of Thames Road Presbyterian Church conducted the religious sor iees , at the funeral: Alex. Reed, a highly respected and old set- tler, residing near Goderich, was accidentally killed Friday evening while working in afield on his farm; The horses ran away, throwing him in front ofthewagon. Mr, Reid sustain- ing such injnries as to cause his death a short time afterward. About 500 head of live stook left Ailsa Craig for the Eastern market last week, and it is expected that fully 1,200 will be snipped thie week, ,Already 65 oars have been order- ed, whichwill leave in three trains.. Among the shippers are Mr. Scott, of Galt ; Messrs. Stewart & Shipley, of Ailsa Craig ; Wiser & son, A. C. Stewart and others. Large quantities of iron ore have been found incorporated with the clay loath soli on the farm of John X. Logan, of Thorn - dale, The farm embraces all of lot 18, in concession 13, of London township; Th eex- tent oithe veins and the purity of the qual- ity of the ore combine to attract the attention of speculators, several of whom visited there on Saturday last. The temperance men: of Howick meet; at Goderich, on the 3rd inst., when temperance men will be selected for the coming muni- cipal elections, and other business of import- ance will he disou4sed. Aspirants for politi- cal and municipal honors will watch keenly the deliberations of the august assemblage,, so That tney can adopt a platform in the future to suit the emergency of time. Doctors Graham, of, 'Dorchester Station, and Campbell, of Belmont, performed a .dif- ficult operation Thursday on a three year old son of Mr. Kelsea, section foreman of the C. P. R., at Moseley, by successfully remov- ing a button from:the throat and directing it from the opening of the stomach into the receptacle. Thelad', was planed under chloroform and is now in a fair way of re- covery. The batten 'vas about the size of a 25 cent piece. Mr. Thomas Clarke held an extensive ane tion sale of stock at' the farm of Mr. John Gibson, on the fifth concession: of London township, on the 3rd inst., when a number of thoroughbred cattle were diseased of at prices. One thoroughbred imported cow brought $325 ; Mr. Fisher, of Goderich; paid 1 f r a im orted ball and HuLain S3 0 a u p ghm fi> of St. 1Flarys, gave ,100 fora seven onths'good old chalfe Su, Tperintendent of the G and Think has issued a circular to agents and other em- ployes of the road calling attention to the melancholy accident which happened at Ber- lin on Oot. 2, by which a boy name 1 Green was killed and oue named McDonald seri- ously: injured. . Agents and other employes are ordbred to take determined action a gawst allowing boys about the yards,cars; and pre- mises, and to warn their parents that legal proceedings will be taken against any boys found trespassing on property of cotnpatiy with the view of avoiding such calamitou accidents as the one referred to. An interesting case was tried at Nailer- ton Assizes, the other day ,before Judge O'Connor. One McIntosh, a blacksmith, of Southampton, applied for an injunction to re- strain his neighbor Harrison from keeping bees. III appears that Mr. Harrison has 1 about eighty ht hives of hoes and that the in- sects were flying all over the neighborhood and wore alleged to be a great nuisance, es- pecially to the plaintiff, flying ai)out his ;hop and stinging customers' horses. They were Also very troublesome when making pre- serves, swarming around McIntosh's kitchen in largo numbers. The jury decided that the bees were a nuisance enol that the plain- tiff was entitled to an injunction. Judge O'Connor said ,it was a novel ease end he aouldnot grant the injunction, but reserve it for argument in full const,