HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-11-25, Page 22Chestier nney,, Andy Scott* ufiell, 'aod Ar i l iat<1ag, 4'aka (l a aylor« tel; pix e +Cal'ter,p aye 'two piano accomp led) or a ' gg. a ions of .sa numbers« congratulat . young ale . on their » 1' i talent, and thanked tete: an behalf of the sdents, for the hour of fine +tertaCnment. (intended for last week) Mrs. Eric Luther of Hensall led the Sunday evening song service sponsored by the Christian Women:'s -Club and was accompanied at the piano by Mr. Luther. The Goderich Township omen's Institute volunteers were at the Home on Monday afternoon to assist with the old time music program. Gia n vsrie enjoyedb ► eve, One a ; included'vo al solos y rigor; all Coa d D Mc regor; a squire dance, and irh band tomboys: by eight ladies; a vocal duet by ;Mrs. Elsie Henderson and Norman Lear and a sing -a -.long. . The thirty celebrants were Presented With gifts from the Lodge and the ladies served lunch to 150 residents and guests. Mrs. Martha McNee who celebrates her 90th birthday on November 25 thauiked•the Rebekahs on behalf of - the residents. - elects new officers The Huron County Wingham. Second prize, a Canadian Council of the Blind wicker tray, went to Miss Blue Water ° Club held their Arnie Lammie of Hensen, and -closing meeting for 1970 at the third prize, a cudly brown Orange Hall Clinton, with a poodle, was won by Mrs. E. good number present. Burford of Stratford. The A raffle was held by the club. prizes were handmade by the The proceeds go to aid the blind. Over Seas Blind. First prize, ,A .new slate• of o fIcers was a- lady's purse,. went to Mrs. brought in for the new year; , Jaames Breckenridge of honorary president, Mr. George Cox, Clinton; - prtesident, Mrs. Gwen Wat- son, aatson, Clinton; vice-president, - Mr., Bert SoOthern; Clinton; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Donna Webster, Exeter; program cow r, Noss Rachel Johns:+, Clinton; and press reporter, Miss Amie Lammie, Hensall. - The meeting was adjourned and Louise Breckenridge conducted:a talent hour, with each member taking part. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. George Cox and Rachel Johnston. Yc'/`i°1"C. inq Father m y Ann. eda�rd, ;dungh eir o dh �,stll Kevin. e - Kelly soman of h'%r. and b+ alter • `C � M ... � 'i�'� decorated 1oAndle` and. ' .., ' t;Bt of got Oak lea . s Mr. and; bets QM�!�� anu�nxs: �+1Fd! o �� « • Warren o. R..,hlnn ao:+eempanied' by Mm,:oseph tierdman at the organ~tang ire is Love, Love One Another and We Ha ve..Onl C J`uBegun The bidei1 T in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a. satin gown with empire waist and long sleeves*, Her hoodedca .., ,... • � with train WAS trimmed with European lace. She ' carried a bouquet of yellow sweetheart ruses, and white daisies with trailing ivy, and wore a goldheartchain, gift of groom. A friend o f the bride, Pat Ball of Goderich, was matron of honor. The bridesmaids were sisters of the bride, Rose Thompson of. Hudson, Quebec and Martha Grace of Chatham. They were gowned alike in rust polyester satin and carried baskets of white daisiesgold mums and wore gold lockets gift of the bride. The g'r'oom worey a champagne colored tuxedo, ac- cented by asingle yellow rose. Best man was Ron Sowerby Ushers were Mike Kelly and Bruce Sheardown, all of Goderich. They wore dark brown tuxedos. The bride's mother wore a green polyester satin gown with coral, sweetheart roses. The groom -'s mother wore a fiowered:cbiffionsiress withyellow sweetheart roses. A _ buffet luncheon..and_dancing to the Maitland Sun - downers followed. at Sanford Valley Hall. For travelling to Florida the bride chose a three piece grey pinstripe suit with a yellow -rose corsage. Guests were present from Hudson, Quebec, Chatham, St.; "homas London, Zurich, Clinton and Goderich. Prior to the wedding the bride was honored at showers given by Ruth Beattie and Donna Harris; Pat Selland Becky Mcivor; and Betty MacDonald for the staff of Victoria and Grey. The couple are residing at 210 Keays Street, Apt. 2, Goderich. Yotd eJcR?iber rn ing Chrisca9, stockin ,,s of candies'.witb,proceed to Soto cancerresearch. The District Council will meet in Denmiller on November 10 and nominations for next year's officers were -held. The Foresters bowlers su�Pe�-� held on S.un day eveningNovember f# for those of r the. 8 top teams from the Western Ontario Bowling t Tournament bowling for the Dominion Finals held, in Clinton at theCrown Lanes Sunday afternoon. Personals Weekend visitors with Mr. • and Mrs. Paul Stevenson, David, Darren and Luanne, were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Braund and Tanya of Kit- chener; M. and Mrs. Mark Smith of Exeter visited Friday and Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Southgate and Jennifer. Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Little of Clinton also visited at the Southgate home on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fleming of . Maydoc visited over the weekend with Mr. Vi cited on andMrs. Wolf. rs. am ,O lure is spending f and Y and Tuesday at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto with the +H leadetsirom furan County. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Southgate • and Jennifer visited on with hi s . duT sister, Carol Ann Southgate of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Powley, Jason and Jonathan of Ottawa are spending this week withher parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, Sharon and Bob and also with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson. -iii,„�q 1 1 Jr •u. n •A �n H. �, .:.r,� rl 'b..v ✓v'.Ib *ATER,LAWR N E S r c+ MOST'MID P+ OIyy`i. x11 eDOR S' ICINLE tz4S 0.M., le:00 em. h 1 11:00 a«M« WAP Ser400 * *IMO! 11:30 a.m. 4010, cimintsa.. "THE LOVELIEST EVERT II►1 *NE W9RL t • SACRAMENT OF RAPTi ► WESLEY4,10,15 UNITED . ECH THE CHURCH THAT CARES • PEOPLE SERVING GOD THROUGH SERVING PEOPLE MINISTER JOHN S. OESTREICHER 4:1t. B.R.E. ORGANIST MISS CATHARINE POTTER CHOIR DIRECTOR MRS. WM. HEARN SUNDAY, NOVEMBER. 28, 1976 ADVENT 1 11:00 a:m. - WalI*ip S�e+rvlc 11:00 a.m. Sondsy Schaal and Nursery SERMON: R.S.V.P. CONFIRMATION RECEPTION OF NEW MEMBERS COFFEE HOUR +Guaranteed Granite +Cem'etery Lettering • +Buy Direct and save Commissions, s, BUS. PHONE 357-1910 RES. 357-1015 HOLMESV1LLE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1976 9:43 A.M. WORSHIP AND SUNDAY SCHOOL SERMON: R.S.V.P. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Custer 263 Princess Street REV. ARIE VANDEN BERG Services: 10:00 a.m-. and 2:30 p.m. The Church of the Back to God Hour every Sunday 4:30 p.m. CHLO DUE TO HIGH DEMAND, WE HAVE J ST ECE#VED ALIMITED -QUANTITY OF JULIETTE RADIOS, TAPE PLAYERS AND CLOCK RADIOS AT SPECTACULAR LOW PRICES. HURRY DOWN AND LOOK! OPTOMETRY_ esmoilimenimssmai JOHN LONGSTAFF, OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00 - 5:30 Wednesday. Saturday 9:00 - 12:00 Clinton 412-7010 Monday 9:00 - 5:30 BY APPOINTMENT R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST HAL HARTLEY Phone 4124693 EVERYONE WE -L -COME BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH EVERYONE OF US SHALL GIVE AN ACCOUNT OF HIMSELF TO GOD— ROM 14 12 -� PASTOR: BRIAN HARRISON It1:00 a.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:OOa.m. MORNINGGWORSHIP 7:30 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP • 6:00 p.m. FRIDAY WEDNESDAY .s p.m. PRAYER MEETING YOUNG EVERYONE WELCOME PEOPLE'S MEETING JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE — GUARANTEED IN VESTMENTS Clinton Office: 4124644 Res: 462.7265 ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1976 11:30 HOLY COMMUNION Kean—Gray Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gray are pleased to announce the marriage of their daughter, Glenda Jean to John Patrick, of -Mr.•. t award. Karn and the lite Margaret Karn_ of Guelph. The couple is,..-. presently residing in Kitchener. BOX 1033 212 JAMES ST. HELEN R. TENCH, I.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT TEL 402.9962 CLINTON ONTARIO BRYAN LAVIS INSURANCE General and Life Office: 10 King St. 412.9310 Residence: 300 High St. 412-7747 FELLOWSHIP BIBLE CHAPEL 162 MAPLE STREET 4424379 11 street west of Community Centre) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1976 9:45 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE oO a.m -SUNDAY SCHOOL and FAMILY BIBLE HOUR a:00 p.m. at the Chapel Speaker: GASTON JOLIN- QUEBEC' of the Oriental Missionary Society WILL SPEAK . SUNDAY, NOV. 28th PLUS "-THE !! of Petrotia . WILL SING COMING DEC EMBER , ,4,:5 REV. QUINTON J..EVEREST, Heard by Mills eachweek around thea HURON M CHAPEL AUBURN, NORM WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER II APPRAISER Prompt, Ceurt*ous, Efficient ANY TYPE, ,ANY SIZE. ANYWHERE Ws give ceratpi ete sale Me PROFIT BY EXPERIENCE Hie`tailed 235-1964 EXETER For Ai.' -Mases Aluminum Doors and Windows and AWNINGS and RAILINGS JERVIS SALES R:L. Jervis 60 Albert St. Clinton 4624390 . WIT I A VARIETY OF COLORS, S LES AND SHAPES TO CHOSE PROM --�. MANY NEW THIS YEAtt Whether it's* G M NUMENT *MARKER iNSCRIPTION • You are remembering a loved one LET Infrwmation0 goyemment pmgramst Dennis Toffieriiire one of Our representatives will be at The men's Hotel, SEAPORYN • en the 1st Thursday of each month 0'f you require financing to start. modernize or expand your business and are u labie to oblam it elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions or if you are interested in the FBOB management services of counsellcr and training or wish information on government programs riv ilabie for yoerc business, talk to OUT representative KARL C. LENTZ CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wingham, Ont. Tel: 357.1007 CALVARY PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 166 V.ttoria ,Street Pastor Wayne Lester 9 ” a . m.. Sunday School 7 00 p.m. Praye ir Servtc6 and,EvangNistic Ve v et -- 7 :00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Service ALL WELCOME ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -- REV. EDWIN. NELSON, CHARLES MERRILL ORGANIST P.O. Salt 3117 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1976 10a.m. Sunday School fora!" ages 10a.m. Worship Service ALL WELCOME FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HURON STREET CLINTON SPEAKER- JACK CHRISTI~aANS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1976 10 00 a.m Sunday School Classes for an ages 11 co a.m. Morning Worship Carteret Acca' 2011 Mala 'St.# Ex Al 1'HUift Y' a**RAO Itiesiffent dear *US 253412t • r� SPECIAL SERVICE AT 7:00 P.M. Everyone Welcome SAINT JOSEPH'S Catholic Church James St Phone 4*2 4446 Clanton SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1971 Mass Saturday • 00p m Sunday 11 OO a m Conic on Saturday 7 IS p m ALL WELCOME