HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-11-25, Page 13tt�er ey + ro t t t ve roads n itt replied he- did net Want tet'fit involved • , the issue,. but mid; .usually ma ee..1 e senior cil and sail. t if+elected . he Woul r f hely see 1 p to two years IfoWever et the present time he does not feel it is tsible. . Wilder said the 'township has built UP close to I; Miles of rooa: in the past tple.of years and added the op road.between Zurich atd a boundary line Mfinitely needs some at- tention t-tention, right.away. -�_ Wilderalso saidd ..he believed; a new tanker is ,very important to go out with the fire truck and the only' one available now is often out with the road crew Floyd fdousseau has served three years on council, Winning one election in that time. He agreed another tanker is necessary for fire protection. He- also said he std considered stepping up in ' council this year but his job will notallow him the time. Tony Bedard has been on- council for trio years' and is letting his name stand for another term. Donald, Geiger has never been on council but has' been involved with the recreation committee. He said he knew some people were opposed to the $15 they must pay to use the s Zurich arena and ex- pressed confidence that with some time the problem could be resolved. Gerald Shantz stated he felt etter communications on In fall r„ MiIder 4uggestedit might be a go+d idea for Hay total and do the same.. Jack Finney addressed the- ratepayers sabring he wished another two Yeats as reeve as he has enjoyed the last Mo. He said he felt a reeve should not let his council know what hefts thinking and that is the way he has played it. Ho also said it is More difficult being a reeve because the reeve is expectedto be polite. He informed the meeting he was against any redu+etion of persoaiel at County Council level and that he had stated this plainly while on the committee studying the possibilities. Mr, Tinney said he realized not enough money is being spent on recreation and he would like to see more. Joe Hoffman is the other candidate for the office of reeve. He stated he thought perhaps the mill rate should be raised for recreation or whatever the ratepayers desire. A ratepayer agreed saying if there is not enough money available to fix the roads properly and pay towards the arenas as well, then the taxes should be raised until the township can meet its obligations. Mr. Miller then asked for a show of hands asking how many people would like.. to have their taxes raised for o �r � o t aa<n r iwt .• be...t�.._ ���,� t ..�. rates of "inetake Camp In _oderlch townp, rnet with -washtPftounci in a special Meet lng:recent! ! to set uP an agment. aoW . him to expand .awaterworks system for the camp. The new stem,urea installed, wi.l have enPaeitY to service 400 lots in the camp, the maxiMurn permitted under township bylaw. Mr. Elliott told council he was in the process of wading through provincial red tapeta get the protect to the stage when construction can begin. The camp now has 250 sites in it and Mr. Elliott requested the mal meeting, at his own expense, to get his agreement with the township finalized as soon as possible. The agreement basically is an insurance measure required by the Ministry of the Environment. If for some reason the ministry requests the township _to step in and, operate the system in the future the agreement permits them to without specific permission. it is also a safeguard againsta problem that could develop that would make it impossible for �g to to rate a M s4 Mtn egg dem to enter into Cement anti , rote .econtract up, l ei has n+o expense (lived and can even regain any expense they incur operating the syse>rn sf they are requested to by the province. In their last regular meeting council.provisionally adopted the Lobb Jenkins drain andave the drain bylaw the third and final reading. They also passed a bylaw appointing Gordon Lobb as drainage com- tnissionerfor the drain. • In other business . council received requests for building permits Brom. Aired' McAlister for a house, Fred Vanderhaar for a house. Dave McKenzie for a house and R. Littlechild for a house addition and granted all the requests except McAlister's. Mervyn Batkin presented - council with six wolf pelts and was paid five dollars apiece for them. A sheep claim by Aart Jongejan� for $388 was paid, by council. COLOUR PORTRAIT OF YOUR CHILD "JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING," "Finished prints from a at ID's to wallet sizes brought back to the store several days beforeXhristmas". N© APPOINTMENT NECESSARY London's finest child photographer will be In our store to takepictures of your child. Receive colour portraits far superior to any you've previously etriienced . with Kodak's new professional colour film and ad- vanc.d lighting hnioues. Just come by our store= during the day and'hours listed below. Photographs of your child or calf#tdren wilt be taken in a full N professional sitting, limit' Oa* fir** gait per family. This is aur way of soya i n, you" to all our regular customers and "Weitz `' ; ell others. AGE LIMIT S YRS. - However, older children will be posed with pre-schoolers. Co in and see our collo ion of Holiday Evening dresses. Long .gown$ -an&Pa Dresses ideal for fashionable evening wear. $30. to $80. year A� TT (continued fm page;*) lra►u>r>rgr but rnOStofall we, are euriens as to hom she peaketh.'We. suggest _ guy and snip a locker., or leave a note by 1 grade l3lounge (moon 2O1). Please, whoever You are, don't let us fellows down* We will donate . our services to you. Grade 138054 near Grade 13 Degenerates: Par be it from me (to coin a phrase from a recent con- tributer) to raise a stink about my column becoming a dating service. But T wish to make it crystal clear that when I get a letter from heaven -knows - how -many over -aggressive males intent upoar} 'having their way with some lonely little thing fresh out of public school, I beg to intervene. Being the altruistic type, I hereby undertake to absorb the poor dear's problem. You will find the note with my address and phone number .it under?) the Duni ;le pnble in the e Slander* Annl ... ..._ FOR RUVE Dorothy Williams to represent Tuckersmith. Clinton on the Huron County Board of Education A retired elementary teacher, o mother, and a rural housewife 1 solicit your support on December 6. Dorothy Williams 482-3326 00eq.h4se Take a bite .... enjoy the taste of a good apple. Act now .... enjoy the knowledge that you've made possible, real substantial savings for yourself. Let me explain; you see I'm not talking about eating apples, but saving you money, big dollars, on your fertilizer bill next yea. At M.l. SMITH they have a program they put together every year at this time. A progror'in that saves -them and, You and 1 a lot of time and expense. My friend Doug at li. SMITH needs to know how much fertilizer will be required for next years growing season. He can order it now and have it ready for us when we need it. Saves him going crazy filling orders next year. 4111 do is figure out how much fertilizer ill require mid puce my BULK order now Because I've ordered it now 1 get it at this years Price. NOT NEXT YEARS. The nice thing is. MI SMITH stores BULK orders all Winter FREE. I save on the price•and it's ready when 1 need it. Now I'm not talking about just any fertilizer I'm talking about Aadtrsett's fertilizer very reasonably. And M.J. SMITH f ,:qtr 8-32-16. 16-16-16. �r because they have years of - And they are reol(y,nice guys. Always have, a .cup of coffee waiting for you there. It's real high Quality, but priced carry it. 6-24-24. 6-26-26, whatever I heed. Valso go there experience in the 10 -ming industry r la *ca. p e ...... yaw,. Ae ? /)W' /ail . fits Sr, r#001-/ y AO/ t's enty•. tt place le bey. We tar, • yav money