HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-11-25, Page 124 4 U A I*010011311**1011 11" 4, efl 1„ Vers as Ann Landers As for Annle'sI I e Would suggest that you consider r surname, dinen "Slanders" Why, of course, 15-0. thezr ith� does not o a solemn ism Item of nstead the Chronicle humour. dnoi tbe seaso sheS all,losing However, we must assure 141°you thlt. upon reesWAlg--.4, in in letter Watch is in earnest (We „ Da get a few of those) we trent it in an earnest matter. per It only so happens that99.9 e news percent of the letter; we school0.„a_ot receive are obviously be uzed *5* for fabricated AND obviously certain writers and artists to humorous: So what's wrong display their °Woo but with that? perverted talents. The "Dear Your suggestion that we Annie" column ,is Just alt print "sch001 news" is - outlet forthe_writer tddisplaY ridiculous. What do you think ' talent; 1 am sure that only we- have been printing, the one person writes the column Globe and Mail financial and doesn't use any letters report or something? Last put. in, the box -because the week 1 personally wrote a Column has so many report on the Centennial of outrageous stories. our High School. Is this then The same goes for the to be labelled useless? "Super Student". Why can In Conclusion, I can ap- you not take the space used predate your wish (and your for the silly ,,Larticle - and- tight) to speak out on what publish some school news? 1 you feel. I only object when it hope that you take this letter puts down people who are as. constructiVe.criticism and working hard by THEIR own not think of it as being vin-, choice. dietive „ No one makes a writer or Signed. Anona...Anona... artist contribute to the whatever. newspaper. It is the spirit of + + co-operation which Makes- it Rear Rea. 'tk Cane -together, tlind InstkoS How do You expect me to ti be the editor of take your letter as "Con- the Chronicle. structivecriticism" when you What I am not proud of are have just called my paper miss students who do not "an outlet for certain writers have the interest or concerti' and artists to aisPlaY their to write for the Chronicle, or • obvious but perverted who do not even have the talent"!!! - , option to sign their names If this isn't rude! to their, own opinions! thoughtless slander, I don't The Editor. to A'rtilltICRTISE, IRE TOLLS wan Alt t. A; Li$. eGAO! To the electors of Huliett McKillop 4364 Seciforth Vote HENDERSON Having been nominated for Trustee to represent Huilett, McKIliop and Seaforth on the Huron County Board of Education, having past experience on the Board and interest in Education, I ask you for your support on December 6. JOHN E. HENDERSON For information Phone 527-0435 wELLwfE . . wouLDN'T 8€ HAI/IN& wEeKs LI re THIS U r»oPE STEPPED OP THEIR ARTI 571c TALENT sfl)gAw CART000 FoR THE CiiRoNi cLEiatva "DtrtyWo rig19 iopens tonight After two and a half months of rigorous rehearsals, the CHSS Drama Club proudly presents "Dirty Work At the Crossroads". This three -act play is set in the 18901S -(called the "gay" nineties - no pun ust ask Dear Annie: I'm a grade 13 guy and I have the hots far this grade nine chick (the rest of the guys In grade 13 guess her to be built such that she could be met with a great amount of respect). Tell me, Annie, what should I do to get the attention of this girl. My nick nameis—are you ready for this --Robert Redford.- - • I'm very modest and would like to meet this young feline. Annie, what should I do? Sickened Heart Dear Sickle (alias Mr. Redford): You over -sexed hypocrite! Since when does the way a girl is "built" (as though she were a coffee table) have anything to do with respect? As for your "modesty", chump. I think a. better nickname would be Muhammad Ali. You grade 13 guys are all alike (if you want proof, keep reading). • Annie Slanders to You are cordially Inv' ited to a preview of our exciting new Christmas Toy and Gift selection on display during our CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE No Obligation to Purchase Friday Evening, November 26 • 7 p.m. to 9.p.m. * Free coffee and donuts Candy canes for children Chicken welcome when accompanied by an adult • SANTA WILL BE HERE * intended) As you might gather from the title, this play is a melodrama, it is clearly meant to be actedlp the hilts. It is the story of an innocent lovely maiden and the vile • me.. Dear Annie: The grade 13 guys are ecstatic over the recent letter in your column about a grade nine girl who has the hots for one of us adorable grade 13 gusts. We all would like to know who she is, and to meet her, (continued on page 13) + How about a night at the opera? You can see four excerpts --from operas at the Blyth Memorial Hall on November 28 at8:30 P.m. No, You don't need to talk to the commissioner of official languages to help decode Italian. The University of Western Ontario's opera workshop have arranged for the operas to be sung in English! Comeone, come all. Our apologies to the Marketing students and Mrs. McLay for incorrectly reporting details of their activities. Another holiday Friday!! unscrupulous villain who wishes to steal her love. That is all I am going, totellyou, asi far asothepplotiiisveeneented.*ip, To find how the story prOgresses, you will have to see "Dirty Work At the Crossroads" this Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 25, 26 and 2? of November in the CHSS Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. We urge you to try to make it to CHSS on one of those nights. Tickets (both advance and at the door) are $2.50 for adults and $1.00 for students. Support your drama club this week! We will do our best to produce a good show for both the community and for our own student body. Come to "Dirty Work At the Crossroads"! Friday November 26 will be a holiday for us - not so for the staff (beh,heh-) due to a Professional Development Day. ,4Have a good weekend and don't oven think about "Monday" (whatever that is) M locitersmithi for the • in M.St WO will strive to fulfill this onfidence. Reeve - Enda-SO:Wry ...,Dgiputy Reeve - Bob.EeIi wirocoporArzergworgotwormairarr • ke% V1/4 kti NOVEMBER SPECIAL Free Case Poisiter Music MAIN STREET. SEAFORTH hs svorydting is gift Items for the assitiss is Gs fully, kensosicas to MUS. kWITH PURCHASE OF_ALGUITAR it OPEN EVERY DAY 41, EXCEPT WEDNESDAYS Kft PHONE 527-J0053 • • It FPOIARNOESVENING DEMONSTRATION OP ORGANS OR 11.1/4 brag zelf 241( OE :Mar :dr zittr magtrIeratit VOTE L013B FOR MAYOR * Nine years experience on Council. * No axe to grind with anyone. * Will try to hold the line on Taxes. * Desires to work to benefit the citizens or Town. * Interested in growth and development as economy will allow. If you need a ride to the polis on Election Day December 6-- Call 482-7004 OA! BOUGHT FROM THE HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE ALL CANADA GRADE A $ 1.79 La. • SIRLOIN TIP ROAST *1.69 Ls. *1.69 LB. PRIME RIR ROAST s 1.49 LB. $1.49 LB. BONELESS RUMP ROAST $ 1.49 Ls. $1.39 LB. BONELESS PORK ROAST '1.29 LB.. $ 1 . 29 LB. HOMEMADE FARMERS SAUSAGE T BONE STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK WING STEAK PORK CHOPS PORK LOINS (12 LBS. OR OVER) EATS PREPARED o oo OCES SING CUSTOM KI MAKE'S - STORE IfOlift$i, $ tm. UPS KILLING DAYS: BEEP • MONDAYS OGS WEDNESDAY