Clinton News-Record, 1976-11-25, Page 10e ms were.ie o( the • orn • It !VON/ tay,repres ...,:,"aa e person:at notes M. end Mrs. Norm Talbot spent Wednesday afternoon Woodstock visiting their daughter, Mrs. Nancy Barta Ind -family and also an uncle Mr. andMrft. ToM Workman - Friends of Mrs. Berthina Hammond will be pleased to know she has moved from her house in the village to an apartment in the Senior Citizens building. M. Ray Schell Mended a Hearing -aid Clinic in Tillsonburg last 'Tuesday and also visited friends there. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Talbot,' Debbie, Wendy and Lisa spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Southwell in London. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gale of the Tank and TummyRestaurant spent Tuesday at their cabin the Collingwood area. Mr. john Bigelow of Collingwood visited the area on the weekend and attended the service at the Bayfield Baptist Church Sunday morning. The village is beginning to have a Christmassy look. Same of the homes and businesses have coloured lights and decorations up and with the snow it certainly is very pretty. The Bayfield Pee Wees will openthe season Friday night, Nov. 26 at 8 p.m. when they will meet Milverton in the Bayfield Arena. stk ptist •Tt;ia At the Bayfield Baptist nrch Sunday the regular services were held With Rev. Brian Harrison in charge. In the morning service be took his :text from the hook of Numbers, ellapter 35. This passage concerns the SIX cities of refuge God ordered the Hebrew people to build when they reached the Promised land. Novi, Christ is our "city of refuge' and we are safe in our "Refuge."' Sunday afternoon a Sunday School teachers meeting was held at the Church to arrange the Christmas schedule. The Sunday School Concert is to be held Saturday, Dec. 11 ati. p.m., with alt parents and children invited. The annual Church family supper will beheld on Friday. Dec. 17th at 6:30 p.m. This will be a pot luck supper with a gift exchange etc. Sunday Dec. 19th at 7 o'clock there will be a special music program arranged by the music committee of the Church. They hope every one interested will keep these dates in mind. Baptist WMS collects clothing flie regular meeting of the Barfield 13.W.IVI.1. was held in the church basement, Tuesday evening with the president, Mrs. Muriel Snider presiding. The meeting opened with a Hymn and prayer by the president. Psalm 27 was read in unison followed by another hymn. In the absence of the secretary, the minutes Were read and adopted by Mrs. Phyllis Nicholson. The business included the used clothing collected for the New 'Tribes Mission which is to be delivered. to Mr. R. Alcock in Goderich. Phyllis Nicholson will take the various items to Huronview for their special residents buying spree, The circle of • Which Smoke Detector shoild yoo boy? the CENTURION guano/dud for 3 roars by Canadian General -Electric e pidted the CENTURION, to sell because 1. It bas a dual kmization Chamber. It adjusts to your homes atmosphereend is highly sensitive 10 changes irs the "products of cornbustiete level 2. It is made in both AC and VantrY Models. The Unity lasts about. year. (the unit *mils a warning buy for of loaf days as a low battery indicator) 3. It is roimfiarid slim. There is no need fo "s4loarta4011° doting installation A. It la toarant*ed f.r 3 yoirs W Conadion G*eral Elie* At Moder listiery-Medet $444.°8 552.50 Prayer was followed by Mrs. Diana Harrison with a lovely solo - Open my eyes that I may see - The special speaker for the evening. was Mrs.. Mina Talbot who read Ezekial 22 verse 30, and said that what the world needs is more praying mothers. She asked - As mothers of today do we really know how to pray? Many times in the Bible it says God used women to change tithlgs. She said God still needs women to work and .•• what you think (continued from page4) ween 70 cents to 80 cents out of every operating dollar. This _being a fact of utility operation, makes it quite obvious that what a utility pays Ontario Hydro for power must have a profound affect on the rate charges to householders and businesses in a community. Public Utilities historically operate at or near the break even point. Surpluses arepot allowed - to accumulate, therefore any drastievhabges in the cost of power, cost of labour, or the cost of capital must be immediately taken nto account with rapid im- • ant Ellen Via porter* Smirth. let ORIIIITIe * • fifLOODEETIOONORNGS . fro"1114WW$011.44::14:7" ** cshosf�r . leDouw~W 110114 Yin Orin pray, if all won't= worked and prayed, they could move nations. She closed with a poem - Are all the children in? The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Mary Keys. The quilt committee took' over and quilt patches were sewed. A lovely lunch was served. The next meeting is to be Dec. 7th at the home of Mrs. Janet Talbot. It will be the Christmas meeting with an exchange °Ismail gifts. plementation of rate changes. As a result it is evident that a Municipal Hydro operating In our volatile and changing economy must impose rate changes frequently in keeping with the rapid changes in the cost of power, labour and material, which are so evident to us all in the mid 1970s. Yours sincerely, G. L. Burley. O.M.E.A. Director, Toronto - Smite Spanking: punishment in- flicted on one end to impress the other. • Sound Thoughts Lead To Sound Decisions MO* -STORE GROCERIES. * FRESH VEGETABLES * FRESH MEATS * FRESH BARING From Trapnell% Worry. ivory Friday * AGENTS FOR GRAND BEND DRY CEAERS=17sTuesday ,sio OPEN: MON. TUES. THURS. &SAM 9-6 FRL tva PAT & WYNN GRAHAM HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF A CHRISTMAS PARTY? BRING IT TO . _ A Christmas Ideal GIVE HER WOOLS THE NATURAL CHOICE OUR REPOPDUCED PINE Abe little Inn FOR RESERVATIONS CALL SIIS.2611 ARGYLE MR COOLED ENGINES SERVICE - SALES PARTS 4.5-2$04 OPEN YEAR ROUND - druis Ttea6uke6 -MAIN STREET — sumo, ONTARIO Antiques, Gifts -Old and New Furniture and CollectilRes Mon., Tues. & Wed. -- 12 to 12 Thurs., Fri & Sat. 12101 a.m. Sunday — 12 to 7:30 FLOYD, MARY SAINAYNE WELCOME YOU TO THE "ALBION HOTEL" BOOIC YOUR CHRISTMAS PARTIES NOW VISIT THE ENJOY A DELIGHTFUL MEAL IN OUR PLEASANT OLD COUNTRY DINING LOUNGE. ANTER DINNER' HAVE AN ENJOYABLE ,_...-VENING Di OUR DISCO LOUNGE. OPEN: TUES. Hors SAT. 12 neen tam. Sun. 12 nom - Ili p.m. Coyle_ ANO we cue aiRtsrma5 Gwts WS, 2676 Tido tits soak ruts to isyfitid this