HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-11-11, Page 8Clinton Lions Club
Clinton, Ontario, Canada
The Clinton Lions Club has completed 40 years of Service
to Clinton and district, and the members, former Members,
and friends, will mark the occasion with a celebirati+cn► in
Canadian Legion Hall, Clinton. this Saturday evening.
November 13.
Following a reception at 6:39 p.m., dinner will be served
by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary, and a otOgiratn of speeches
and entertainment will take place. Highlight of the en-
tertainment portion of the evening will be an address by
Paul Soles, a well-known CBC commentator.
Then the evening will be "topped off" by an informal
Among the 200 people expected at the affair will be
representatives of the Charter Member group. most living
past presidents, and representatives of 25 Lions Clubs in the
immediate area.
Dignitaries of Lions, International expected will include
Past District Governor Grant Chisholm, Lucknow ;Deputy
District Governor Ted Heimpel, Mitchell; and Deputy
District Governor Jack Merrier, Bayfield.
Commenting on Clinton Lions Club's forty years of ser-
vice to the community, President Hugh Flynn expressed the
sincere thanks and appreciation of. the members of the Club
to those who have loyally supported the Club's efforts over
the years.
The gathering will pay tribute Saturday evening to H. M.
"Monty" Monteith, now residing in Kitchener, who, in
addition to having the honour of b.eing a Charter Member,
also is the oldest lining Past President. - The second
president of the Club, he served in that capacity in 1937-38
succeeding the Charter President, the late Frank Fingland,
who later became a County Judge. The popular "Monty"
was manager of the Clinton Branch of the Bank of Montreal.
Antoine "Red" Garon, a Past President of Clinton Lions
Club, is the oldest living 'member with exactly 40 years of
service. He just "missed" being a Charter Member. having
been initiated in the autumn cif 1936 and serving con-
Stewart G. Middleton is also one of the older members,
having served 23 years continuously since 1943.
Jens O. Andersen
Richmond S. Atkey
Desmond Cassidy
D. John Cochrane
Dia W. Cornish
Maynard F. Carrie
Edward A. Davies
John Dilto.n
Ricluird : Dixon
Kenneth Dupee
Charles W. Fee
%Villiam G. Fleischauer
Hugh Flynn
Murray Garrett
Antoine Garon +
Larry D. Gibbings
Gordon Flarkes
Earl B. J. Hilderley
Dennis Hutton
Harvey C. Johnston
Donald A. Kay
Clinton Lions CIub Purchased the Old Mary
Street Rink, Operated It For .Years So shot Kids
Would Have A Place To Skate And Play Hocked
The early fifties -witnessed one Of the
CLINTON LIONS CLUB'S most valuable
services to the community when the
members literally prevented the com-
munity from being without a skating rink
Clinton Lions Club had its, beginnings in the depths of "The
Great Depression" when the support of a service club was
abundantly needed in the community. That was in the spring
of 1936.
Lionism had entered Canada from the United States in 1922
with the organization of the Windsor Lions Club.
Lions International Organizer Vern Lachance, Ottawa,
arrived in Clinton in the spring of 1036 and set about to
organize a new Lions Club here. An organizational meeting
was held in Harry Bartliff's Restaurant on March 23 with 26
interested business and professional men lined up.
The sponsoring group. Goderich Lions Club, was well
represented at the meeting. with County Judge Thomas M.
Costello -as the chief speaker.
Later, on April 30, 1976, Lions' District Governor Reid
Murdoch, Toronto, formally presented the charter to Charter
President Frank Fingland. Ever since, the charter has
"watchedover" all meetings of the club.
Objectives Set Out
Objectives of the new Clinton Lions Club were set out as
(l) Assistance for underprivileged children;
(2) Sports for children under 16 years of age;
(3). Improvements to the community wherever needed and
Subsequently. in the summer of 1936, a frolic and street
dance were held with a net profit of $177.77 as a starter. A band
concert and outdoor dance raised 8205.27.
A Charter member, Dr. Harry McIntyre, conducted free
dental examination of public school children and announced
that 83 per cent of the children needed dental attention. The
Club subsequently paid 8114.80 for dental work.
There followed a long series of community projects
organized and paid for by the active young club.
President: Hugh Flynn
Past President: Eugene A. McAdam
1st Vice -President: John T. Wise
2nd Vice -President: Harold Wise
Secretary: Patrick A. Newington
Treasurer: Earl P. J. Hllderley
Directors: Gordon Harkes, Richard J. Dixon, Budd E.
Lion Tamer: Edward A. Davies
Tall Twister: Kenneth Dupee
Song Leader: E. Beecher Menzies
Bulletin Editor: Charles W. Fee
Greeter: J. Stewart Taylor
Pianist: Florence Symons - Although not a member, she
has done a. tremendous job for many years.
40th Charter Night Committee
Chairman: E. Beecher Menzies
Vice -Chairman: Leonard H. Theedom
Secretary: Richmond S. Atkey
Treasurer: Earl P. J. Hilderley
Assistant Treasurer: Anthony T. J. Van Zon
Club President: Hugh Flynn
Budd E. Kuehl
George M. Lavis
Bryan Marriage
Eugene A. McAdam
E. Beecher Menzies
Harry G. Merriman
Stewart G. Middleton
Elwood Mitchell
Joseph H. Murphy
William J. Mutch
Patrick A. Newington
1)r. Frank M. Newland
Rev. John Oestreicher
Walter J. Palmer
(,Tenn E. Price (Zone Chairman)
Cameron C. Proctor
1. Stewart Taylor
Leonard H. Theedom
Anthony T. J. Van Zon
Harold Wise
John T. Wise
+ (Antoine Garon is oldest in point of service. having been a
continuous member since- fall of 1936 just after club was
for the use of the younger generation.
The Lions learned that a new owner of the
old Clinton arena on Mary Street at
Orange, was. planning to turn the building
into a cement block manufacturing plant.
With the late Frank Fingland as the
energetic chairman of the Club's com-
mittee, rather than see the building become
a factory. the Club decided to purchase the
rink and operate it. Price was 84.000. That
was "a lot of money.. 24 years ago. And it
was only the beginning of funds spent to
encourage skating.
The Lions carried on the operation of the
rink with the late J. Howard Brunsdon
doing a yeoman and self-sacrificing
voluntary job as manager, with the
assistance of various working Lions
operating in nightly shifts. His grandson.
John Dixon. is now a valued member of the
present-day Lions Club.
By 1952, artificial ice for the arena was
the big project. In May of that year. a drive
for 530.000 to install artificial ice got under
The Lions themselves led off. At a
memorable meeting of the Club in May
1,952. with the late Frank Fingland as
chairman. they subscribed more than
56,000 as individuals. By the end of the
year, donations to the artificial ice fund
totalled S22.142. The artificial Yee plant was
officially opened on January 28. 1953. with
the then professional hockey star. Howie
Meeker; as guest speaker.
Free skating was provided for school
children: figure skating flourished.
Then in 1967, when a new arena was
needed, Clinton Lipns again stepped in with
a 55.000 donation toward the present arena
and community centre in Agricultural
Past Presidents
+ 1936-37
+ 1938-39
+ 1939-40
+ • 1940-41
+ 1941-42
+ 19.45-46
+ 1946-17
+ 1947-48
+ 194849
+ 1949-50
+ 1960-61
+ 1963-64
9- 1964-65
+ 1970-71
1 + Deceased)
E rank Fingland
H. M. Slonteith, Kitchener
, Harold t . L as son
F redo rick 0. Ford
F rank B. Pennebaker
tL . L. 11 kite
Kenneth G. Waters. Toronto
James (. Shearer. Brig,bt
F. ra in J. "Dick" Jacob, Clinton
John A. Sutter
C ary l b% . Draper
V. iliiam F . Perdue
J. George Mc Lay
(li:ford H. E pps
Hugh R. Haa kins
Lorne J. Broin, ( Linton
George B. Beattie. 4.lin'ton
Dr. Robert M. AIdis. London
Roy ce S. Macaulay , Clinton
Kenneth B. S1cRae. London
Joseph H. Slurphy. Clinton
J. Ross Aliddleton, Bayfield
Russell E. Holmes, Clinton
E. Beeches Menzies,. Clinton
Sliteheal Sic Adam
Herbert Bridle. Bayfield
J. Stewart Taylor, Clinton
John A. Scruton
Leslie Ball
W. Duff Thompson. Clinton
Kenneth G. Flett. Clinton
Maynard F. Carrie. (Itffton
Donald C. Colquhoun. Clinton
F da and A. Da'. ies, Clinton
A. Laurie (oiquhoun
George Si. La% is. Clinton
Antoine Garon, Clinton
Glenn E. Price. Clinton
Harry G. Merriman. Clinton
Harney C. Howard. F!mu ood
Eugene A. S1c Adam. Clinton
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