HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-11-11, Page 1Nf
201ear old= fest- rea:r� ,stWent at
versity !f:Guelph'Friday was name'
its►nding, all-round 4-11 member
20th annual Huron County 4-
tienient Night.
*Uri vins. of ItR 3 Auburn, receiv
' r" at. a ceremony 31"4 Cen
ndary Scb4001, Clinton,
rte. was awarded the Robert
rr citizenship trophy for out-
standing participa on in 4-H. home and.
community activities and Vincent Farm
,.quipment trophy for the highest score
in 4-H tractor club. He has completed 30
Len MacGregor, extension assistant
for Huron County with the ministry of
agriculture and food, co.ordinated the
event in which $1,043 in cash and.,cer-
ttificates, pins " and plaques were
awarded to the members of 30 clubs. Mr.
MacGregor reported there was 90
percent completion by the 368 club
members participating this year in the
485 projects.
Sharon Colclough, RR 1, " Clinton,
received the C.S. MacNaughton trophy
for having the highest 4-11 score in the
Clintan distil people li ed t t+0 their name and shorted: great community
spirit: last Monday,, when 'a re rd. of 232 donors braved the winter weather and
gave at the blood donor clInlc held at COSS. Here,. Roy Wheeler of Clinton
relaxes as Red Cross volunteers get him ready to give blood. (News -Record
photo) ; r
county --946 out of 1,00'1,. ,
The Warden's Novice Award went to
first-year .• member Run, Reierling of
Zurich with the highest score in the first
Other awards; .J.A. Anstett award for
SO let; to speak
Five cars stolen, all had keys left in
Five cars, all with .keys left in them,,
were stolen some time en Monday. All
but one of them havebeen recovered.
A car belonging to Kenneth Caldwell of
Raglan ,Street was taken for a joy ride. It
w.as returned the same da3f.
Craig Cox lost his car on Frederick
Street, at his home. It was recovered the
Russell wins
.e again!.
Ids <may
sound repetitious, but we are
glad to report that once again. Russell
*olton has brought home the World Hay
Championship to Huron County.
This is the fifth year in a row that the
RR 1,. Seaforth farmer received his
trophy at the Royal Agricultural Winter
Fair in Toronto.
Mr. Bolton, 75. has won the World Hay
Championship in 1972. 1973, 1974, 1975
and now,1976.
This makes it 13 times that the Hay
Crown ' ham been taken by a Huron
County c=
In 1971, ..ell Dallas of Brucefield
won the tit.4 for his third time, he also
won it in 1963 and 1969.
Robert Allen of Brucefield was the
Hay King in 1958 and 1962; Robert
Fotheringham was the winner in 1965
and 1966; and Wilber Keys of RR 4,
Seaforth brought home the title in 1964a
same day, in the Public School parking
Dave Corrie had his car stolen from
his home on Raglan Street. It was
recovered in the ditch on Matilda Street
with $300 daniage.
Jack Holmes lost his truck on East,
Street. It was recovered at Corrie's Car
Wash with damage to the truck roorand
$300 damage to a door at Corrie's Car
A 19 7,. 7�Oldsmobilem
obit+ was stolenfrom
lot of >e.rrOtO*.r!a
not been recovered yet.
Police Chief Lloyd' Westlake urges
people not of leave keys in their car,
even if the car is parked on your own
A parked car on Dunlop Street, owned
by Phyllis Lee, Clinton received $796
damages after it was sideswiped ,by a
vehicle driven by Terry Noble also of
Clinton. The Noble car received $150
damages. The accident occurred
November 1.
Another parked car on Princess Street
owned by Cheryl Potter, of Clinton
by Jim Fitzgerald
Today (November 1 Ith) we all stop to
remember those who have fallen in past
wars in the name of a free Canada, so if
you have a chance drop down to the
cenotaph and observe the minutes
silence, p ease .
+ + + .
Does anyone know whether tulips
planted in the middle of winter, or
perhaps next spring: will, bloom? The
received $150 damages to its left side
after it was struck by a hit and run
driver on November 3.
Two cars collided on Mary Street
causing $650 total damages on
November 4. A car driven by Charles F.
Barney received $150 damages in the
mishap and .a vehicle driven by Doug
Cantelon received $500 damages.
A collision took place at thein-
tersection of Victoria and Mary Streets
on Saturday,. November 6. _a
Ley ?` tt O4,0 td+p 4 of W'
veliicie driven by Dianne Verhoef of
Goderich when she was driving behind a
truck on Victoria Street. Mr. Pickett
proceeded through the intersection and
crossed into the•Verhoef vehicle.
Damage to the Pickett vehicle was $30
while damage to the Verhoef car was
Police Chief Westlake has issued a
warning. "All overnight parking must
cease. Tickets will be issued now. The
snowplows cannot operate properly if
cars are parked overnight in the street,':
he said. "
art Lions 401h bash
Paul Soles, a well-known Canadian
ctor and commentator, will be the main
attraction at the Clinton Lions Club 40th
Charter Anniversary celebration this
-Coming Saturday night at the Legion
Holl in Clinton.
The Lions, who, have served the
Clinton and district community for four
decades in a wide-rbnging area of ser-
vice projects, will have at least 200 Lions
.and friends, including many past
presidents and former members.
Noniinaijons open .tomorrow
Nominations for the December ,6
municipal elections open at 9 a.m.,
Friday morning, November 12.
This will be the last chance for anyone
wishing to be vocal and have a say about
how this town or area townships are run
Clinton Town Council needs six
councillors. one deptf reeve. one reeve
and a mayor. •
Township councils need three. Coun-
cillors, one deputy reeve and one reeve.
Bayfield and Hensen need a reeve and
three councillors each.
Nominations will also be open for
members of the Huron County School
Board,Separate Board and the Public
Utilities Commission.
For those people not available to vote
on December. 6. advance polls Will open
rather early..return of winter has caught
Slippery roads caused four accide_
in the
Clinton area Vast week and ser*
one person to hospital.
Gordon McDougall of Blyth was ad-
mitted to Clinton Public Hospital
after his car collided with a tractor
trailer on Highway four, one quarter
mile . outside of Clinton in -Hallett
Township. on Friday, November 5.
Driver Of the tractor trailer, David
Wright, London and his passenger
Ernest Taylor, Ilderton received minor
injuries but were not admitted to
Damage to the McDougall vehicle was
$150. while the tractor -trailer received
$4,000 damages. Mr. McDougall was
released from hospital the next day.
Darlene Ernpey of RR 2, Auburn also
received minor injuries after her car,
going north on Highway four; just out.
side the Clinton south limits veered into
the south ditch, struck a tree and rolled.
Her vehicle received $1,500 damages.
The accident occurred Thursday
November nr single car accident otat rred;
on'Highway fourrr,,just: north of t
Va uastran Road on Friday,Novembert
Agustave Burneau, Vanetta receiv
miter injuries utter his vehicle sr ervr
yours Dilly, and many others, without
*their bulbsdown,; and the way it looks
ttow, they won't get _ planted unless
there's a substantial improvement in the
Many of you faithful subscribers won't
be reading this trivia until Friday, as the
Post office is closed because of
.-Remembrance Day. The paper will go
on sale as usual though, in many local
stores on Wednesday night.
If you get a chance, drop up to the
Blyth Memorial Hall next Wednesday
night and take in the Passe Muraille's
061g37". We saw it herein Clinton several
ars ago, and it's an outstanding
production. We have tickets for sale here
nt the News-Rec � d office.
The Clinton firemen are battingthree
for three after three weekend arms.
Saturday at midnight they responded to
a false alarm; Sunday afternoon they
"re called to a furnace motor fire at
Griggs house on -(Queen Street, with
siaoke damage being recorded; and
morning, they Visited the Ken
on Highways where a
titer We* up. i o
Rd the fire out before
highest score, 4-41 beef clubs, Cat
Peel,' RR 1',� Auburn; Canadian Imperial
Ba* ofCommerce, Blyth -Auburn.
award: for highest -score 4-11,. dairy club
McLean trophy for champion 4 -
data showman, and Blatchford Feeds
trophyfor highest score in Judging
competition, Oscar Meier, RR 4,
Bru cels; RUM County Pork Producers
Association trophy for highest score in 4-
H swine club, John Van Vliet, RR 2,
Brussels; ' John Franken Memorial
trophy for highest score, 4-.H horse club,
Wendy'Tyndall, RR 1, Cliar ton.
Cliff McNeil trophy. champion 4-13
Holstein. calf, Vanda Storey, RR 1,
Dublin; Canadian Imperial Bank of
Commerce, Seaforth, champion 4-11 gilt,
John Blanchard, RR. 4, Walton; Bank of
Montreal award, highest score, 4-H
swine club, first year member, Terry
Smith RR 1, Walton, who also was
awarded Victoria and Grey Trust
Company award as champion swine
Rec. committee to study
A committee was selected at "the
Recreation committee's meeting held
last Thursday night to investigate other
municipalities who have surrounding
townships pay towards the recreation
costs of the town.
• Committee members Russ Archer,
Larry Reinhart, Percy Livermore and
Frank Cook will be talking to
municipalities such as St. Marys to learn
tow they charge the surrounding
townships on a fair basis.
In other recreation business, Mr.
Livermore. reporting ono preliminary
meeting with the PUC to discuss water
.;and sewage for the pool and arena, said
�� lae recreation committee may have to
..F u re
�y'�ita future,
�y�y.�y `amu ,
AV eu
� 8th .00
tb 'pay for the water and sewage ser-
The recreation committee has not
been charged in the past for water used
at the pool or arena.
Further• discussions between the two
bodies will take place before any major
decision will be made:
After a discussion with Larry Daw and
Bill Weber of the Clinton Jr. C.
Mustangs, the Recreation . Committee
at 11 a.m.. Saturday November 27 and
close at 8 p.m. the same day.
Town and Township candidates will be
holding candidate forums. Tuckersmith
already held theirs yesterday, Wed-
nesday, November 10. Clinton will be
holding a candidate forum on Wed-
nesday, November 24 at 8 p.m.
Hullett Township will be holding a
ratepayers meeting in the Londesboro
Community Hall on Monday, November
15 at 2 p.m.
A ratepayer's meeting for the
Township of Stanley will also be held
Monday, November I5 at 8 p.m. at the
Township Hall in Varna.
Goderich , Township residents can
attend a ratepayers meeting on Friday.
November 12 at the Holmesville Public
School at 8 pion.
Stippery roads foo
ander tr to ed
l drivers
into a ditch. striking a
vehicle recdivcd $225
agreed to schedule the Bantam Tour-
nament around the already scheduled
Jr. league games. The Friday, January
28th and Friday, February 4th games
will be played by the Mustangs at 9 p.m.,
instead- of 8 p.m. and the Sunday.
showman. Toronto DoMinionc $ an
award, Seaford!, . champion all*town
shoufman, and Murray Gaunt award,.
champion beef showman, Dave
Mewhinney, RR 1, Lucknow; ja,_.
Riddell trophy, cbampi n sheep
showman,arguerite Snell, RR i,
Clinton. . .
The Hur. Hereford Association. .
trophy and; award for champion
Hereford calf went to Margaret Pym,.
RR. 1, Centralia and to Ruth Alton, for
highest score excluding' score on
Hereford can. Stewart Procter award,
champion shorthorn steer, was
presented to Don Procter, RR 5,
Brussels, and to Ron Rowe, RR 2,
Brussels, for champion Shorthorn
heifer. The Old Mill award for highest
score in sheep club, Lyle Kinsman, RR 2-,
Kippen; Canadian Co-operative wool
growers award for champion fleece
(continued on page 2)
other towns
dressing rooms. They think it dulls their
"It may be psychological. The tile
sounds like cement and . the players
probably think it will dull the skates. But
the manufacturer said that it doesn't.
January 30 game will be played at 8:30-- We should get some information about
instead of 7 ; 30 p.m. The Committee have.
stipulated that the ice be free by 8 p.m.
for the Friday night games- and 7:30 for
the Sunday game.
The Committee also agreed to draw up
a contract with Goderich for Young
Canada .Week with Mustang hockey
representatives present".
Goderich has been negotiating with
other area arenas asking if Young
can be
Recreation -Committee. was under the
impression that ' Goderich had booked
the Clinton arena for the third week in
March, for Young Canada Werk.
The Junior's may be in the playoffs at
this time, and will need the advantage of
home ice. If Young Granada Week does
come to Clinton, the Rec. Committee has
decided that the games will be scheduled
around the junior playoff games.
The committee learned that hockey
players do not like the new tile in the
the tile and put it up in the dressing
rooms and let people know that the tile is
alright for skates," said Don Kay.
Carnival to fold
if no help comes
There will not be a Winter Carnival in
Clinton this winter unless more people
1 in
with r
t an
t 1 outw �.
v lun ee heS g
o t
,tltts WO -
the News-�ecord'bas lc�iti�ed
Ruth Lombardo of Clinton, who has
been chairman of the Carnival Com-
mittee for the past two years, said that
unless more people step forward at a
planned meeting next Wednesday;
November 17, at the Clinton Arena at 8
p.m., then the Carnival will fold.
She said that even with the help of
Mayor Don Symons, who is enthusiastic
about the Carnival, the workload is just
too much for a few people to bear.
Practical joke turns into 50 -year marriage
A "joke" turned into a 50 years of
marriage for Pert Gibbings and his wife
Vera. who celebrated their 50th wedding:
anniversary last Wednesday. November
"We met each other at a school con -
A single car accident occurred on
Highway eight, one mile south of the
Benmiller Road on Sunday, November 7.
A vehicle, driven by William R. Allen,
London went out of control and slid into a
guide post canting -MO damages to the
Allen vehicle. Mr. Allen was not injured.
cert at the Old Londesboro Hall when we
were in about grade eight." Mrs. Gib- .
bings said.
"Some time later, says Mr. Gibbings,
a buddy of mine. Bert Jervis and. I came
back in a Star Coupe one Sunday night
and picked up Vera for me and her
friend Dora. for Bert Jervis. It was just
for a joke," Mr. Gibbings said.
Mrs. Gibbings, the former Vera Irene
Shobbrook said "They just showed up
and picked us up. We didn't know
anything about it."
Mrs. Gibbings friend Dora Vodden
later became Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, Mrs.
Gibbings' sister-in-law.
The couple were married in the
Londesboro parsonage. November 3,
1926 with Dora Vodden. and Bert Shob-
brook standing up with theist. The newly
married couple took up residence in
Hullett Township where Mr: Gibbings
was a farmer. The couple lived in Huilett
for 49 years, until Mr. Gibbings retired,
and moved into town.
Mr. and Mrs. Gibbin0have twasons,
Bob and Bill both df Clinton and a
daughter. Mrs. Jack Andrews, London.
.,!YW--.,,g1so have 11 grandchildren and
one great-grandson, although he'""just n
little fellow, '• Mrs. Gibbirigs- wail":.-
The family of Mr. and Mrs. Gibbings
had a ' dinner for them at the Bedford
Hotel. in Goderich en Wednesday night.
Also at the dinner were their maid of
honour and best mail, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Shobbrook, (Dora Vedden).
"We had a real su rise et the dinner.
Our granddaughter, Arlene Andrews,
- who is studying law at the University of
Ottawa, was the first person we saw: She
had sent us a card saying how she
wished she could be with us on our an-
nivet~'ry, giving' us the impression she
wouldn't be there. Of course we never
expected her, but she flew in from
ttawa to be with us, ft Was a very nice
rise." Mrs. Gibbings said.
couple held an open house on
un 4a , io ember 7.
-..:n asked if'the 'had any advice for
i Married couples today,
' f
into le couple said,ry`You Mull
*way troin the ups and dons, in
Marriage they happen to everyone lust
0001 get'dlscouraeed".
,'Suit mask e slit; you get the one *30
love," Mr. Gibbingsadded.
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