HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-11-04, Page 30to t, mister Yf fi responded to eM da ► bring etio ,. ►ro' de a „_.xiita y, rconti butory plan. coveringall + omm ihes. The new l+egisltitian IS hinged to tha. federal Stabilization Pia which rants fanners up to 90 percent of the average of the last five years"' prices on certain named commodities. +Ober commodities under the Federal Plan can be designated for a price guarantee of up to 90 percent in - any, one year pending thee. decision of the Federal Government after taking into consideration the existing market price and the effect that the price would have on producers and future production. Under the proposed legislation the Province will add another five per cent on to the Federal Plan guaranteeing 95 per cent on named commodities under the Federal. Plan which must be supported to a level of at lea ' 90 per cent. But for any commodity that ;.is not covered to the 90 per cent level •by Ottawa, the Ontario .Plan ,willtsimply add another ve per cent et that :last live years' average,market price of that i ommodity - to the prevailing market price. For all commodities the Ontario Plan supports the difference between 90 per cent of the five year average price and 95 per cent of the five year average price. This is satisfactory for commodities named under the Federal Stabilization es `? supl evel Must be 95 per cent of he. five year averageprice adjusted forchanges la some input coats.. In some coin. modities where over production is feared, producers may not want a support level that is t" . thigh. All in all we in the Liberal Party are pleased that: the__ a rogram is to be voluntary and that, farmers are to contribute. APart from support level for unnamed or undesignated cornmoditi1es under the Federal Plan we are..leased ' that all com- m odit es' are to be covered and that~ there is provision for consultation with harm organizationsand an. op- portunity for the Federal Government to share the cost. As I indicated previously I would like to see some amendments to the ball and if approved then f feel We have taken a major step forward to bringingsome kind of stability to the agriculture industry in Ontario and . the assurance to the consumer of an adequate supply of hight quality fodd at reasonable prices. When introducing the Family Law Reform Acta 1976, the Attorney General, the Honourable Rose McMurtry said that the existing common and statute law has failed to keep pace with the challenges of modern family life. He said that the new Bill sweeps away the ramshackle structures of the law governing matrimonial property and support obligations in a marriage breakdown situation. The bill contains new rights available ilyy ho �anci ke) public wet ere for cumof, law claim. support right + f do erg - only east two years bill comprises five cohabitation F ;1 rts, each dealing with Part three Of theFamily distinct though related Reform Act, 197a, provides subject rea% rules for insuring that the Part One deals with thematrimonial home is not division of family assets dealt with by one spouse so as between the spouses where to deprive they other or the the Marriage breakdown -children of a borne. This part The basic rule in that ::� rovides security for the occurs..,�,p is that family assets will be divided equally between the spouses, Family assets which comprise property owned by either or both spouses, the things that a family use together as a family, would be shared . equally by the ..uses on a marriage break- down regardless who had bought the property and irrespective of which spouse held legal title. Part two concerns the obligations of spouses to support each other and their children, whether born within or outside -of marriage, and of children to support their parents in accordance with the needs and capacity of each party. This part also creates a limited obligation of •;"one common law spouse to support the other. Where two persons lived together as if married, one person frequently becomes dep.eident on the other. especially if there is a child of the union. If one of these two people is no long r self- sufficient, it is reasonable to look to the other to assist in restoring him or her to financial independence. . Mr. McMurtry said it was more desirable to place a support obligation on corn - members at the family by requiring that both spouses join in any sale or mortgage of .the matrimonial home. The family'sright to shelter is protected against the unilateral .act of either husbandor wife. Provision i s on is also made for either spouse to obtain an order to exclusive. possession of the home and its contents, where financial support alone would be inadequate. Part Four of the Bill per- mits spouses to enter into comprehensive marriage contracts covering . their respective rights to property, support, custody . and education of children and any other matters arising during their marriage or on an eventual marriage break- ifown.. A marriage contract could prevail over any of the provisions of the Act 'except where it limited a spousO's rights in the matrimoni home or reduced a spouse io dependence ' on welfare or included provisions contrary to the best interests of the children of the marriage. The last part of the Bill, Mr. McMurtry said, contains many amendments to statute and abrogation of the common law consequential mon law spouses than have,a u ...n,,,thie previous four parts. large number of persons. whd Part V abolishes the last are living common law, vestiges of the inferior status Bargain Month is here! Now you can put phones in every roo in your home. Installation is free! You can install Contempra or extension phone in any or every room' of your home and the installation is free*. Only the monthly rental charge applies. All over Ontano and Quebec. people are rushing to take advantage of this incredible offer. Now is the tune for you. too, to change that ordinary phone for a Contempra and get that extension for the basement Order one. Order ten. tnstaflatron is still free But hurry! Bargain Month ends November 26th. Call your Bell Canada Business Office. today. Save up to $11.00. ''Glias atter ar appIet tea oxt1rg :uproot revntes cavy r atk°in ChaittO'le*Q a wt tte>EIj3' anY`.4*» iter members Malcolm of will z , oft ! y, o n fel Pallett, 1''ef efla° i Bili - t a+ les,: in law of the cnarr ed'wernan and Completes the work begun in the Fanifly Law Reform Act. 1975. The Family Law Reform Act of 1975 is incorporated as part of this Act. Mr. McMurtry advised that his Ministry has prepared a pamphlet and an information booklet explaining the bill and these documents will be distributed freely as widely as passible across the Province. CARPET DIRTY Do it yourself and save Rent the pro d . Carpet C'.'ane. CARPET CARE "E 21* Wellington Street S. Goderich 524-2440 Notice is hereby by given to they Municipal Electors of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron that the period, during Which; nomination papers may he filed' In the office of the clerk for the purpose of municipal eledions will commence on Nov. 12, 1976 at the hour of 9 o'clock,, and Ouse en Nov. 15, . 1976 at the hour of 5 o'clock for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the officals) of . Mayor 2. Reeve 3. Deputy Reeve 4. Councillor 5. Public Utilities Commissioner for the Tow. n of Clinton; of which all Electors are hereby required to take notice govern overn themselves accordingly,.. and further take notice that and... the manner in which said nominations shall be filed is set forth in section 34 of The Municipal Elections Act which provides that: How nominated 34.— (t) A person may be nominated as a candidate for an office by filing in the office of the clerk, during the normal l office hours of the clerk within the period in which nominations a may be filed, a nomination parr in prescribed form which: (a) shall be signed by at least ten electors whose names are entered in the _polling lists of electors entitled-to•vote in an election to such office; (b) ,shall state the name, occultation and address of the person nominated in such manner as will identify him and the office for which he is nominated: (2) No nomination is valid unless there is filed with the nomination paper a consent in writing to the nomination and a declaration of qualification in the prescribed form by the person nominated. (5) Each candidate for election to an office shall be nominated by -a separate nomination paper, but an elector may sign the nomination papers of different candidates. (6) After a nomination paper is filed with the clerk it shalt remain in the possession of the Clerk. (7) The onus is on the person nominated for election to an office to fife a bona fide, nomination paper. If a greater number of candidates than required to fill the said offices, are nominated and make the required declaration, notice of the time for the holding of the poli, including the advance poll and notice of the last day for making applications for a certificate to vote by proxy will be given forthwith. Given under my hand this i.st day of November, 1976. ..._ C.C. Proctor Returning Officer Next time you're in town, call on , the Commerce manager.. Ask him about the 'Commerce Farm Services he has for cattlemen, to cover short and intermediate term financing. And while you're at it, ask him about the other c °amerce Forrn Services he has. After all„ that's why the Commerce has Commerce Farm Services —to help you with the business of farming. CANADIAN SNIPER IAL BANK OF �M R E 4 1