HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-11-04, Page 18ONTARIO ,Itet Unit urch "Talent* Nigh urday, Novtniber 6. 197 •V• al :I. fron Adults 22 loverni iWs 4 - uton.,chil Children Will Puppet eatte Omer While mothers .45 MOANING market, an event for the entire farnily, Silent Auction, Flea Market Sewing, Christmas Novelties, Delicacies, Baking, Arleactte, Show and Lun- cheon, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. atardaY. November 6, Wesley Willis Church, Vic- toria St. Clinton. -44,45 THE BLYTH Pony Club is sponsoring a dance at Vanastra, Centre 'November 13. from 9 - 1 a.m. Music by The Music Makers. Lunch provided. Everyone welcome. For tickets. phone 524-8030, 524-6418 or 524- 2092.-44,45 IMPORTANT NOTICE IS NOW OPEN Drop in for the Burger of your choice. We're on Huron St., •just across from. Corrie's Red & White. Theatre Posse Meraille's 1837 The Farmer's Revolt Returns to the BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL evening at the , share-the-wealth,Centre RR. 5, Clinton 15- regular games af si: jack $200,-,mgAgo*LDoor prizes a many other special, AcitniSsion restricted to 1 years or over), n GOrtgltl.Cli Township ratepayers rneeting in Ifolinesville School 00 November 12. 1976 at 8:30 p.m., Colborne Township invited.,m44,45ar NEW BINGO Clinton Legion Hall, 8:30 1),,01. Nev. 5, 1976. Admission SI: fifteen regular games; $10 each. -Three share -the -wealth games. -One jackpot for $230. in 57 calls,or less; Consolation. One call and 510 added weekly if not - YR,011. Wm Prnkard. heard 0.00 ot- BINGO Nov. 9, 1976, Htlion Fish and Game Club, 8 p.m. Jackpot 561. in 61 calls. Six door prizes.-Afn THE LADIES' Auxiliary of the Hayfield Brownies, Cubs and Scouts are holding a Tupperware Party and Bake Sale November 16th at St. Andrew's United Church, Bayfield at 8 p.rn. Come one come all and bring a blend. Tupperware makes ideal Christmas gift.4.--45-46 BLOOD Donor Clinic - Central Huron Secondary School - Princess Street, Clinton, Monday, Nov. 8, 1976 from 1:30 - 3:30 and 5:30 - 8 p.m.--45nc FISH and game club Dart League. every Wednesday night at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome.-45ar OPEN RECEPTION For Mr. and Mrs. ALAN SLATER (nee Celeste (Joy) Cangao) at THE SHILLELAGH VANASTRA- Sat. Nov. 6,1976 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. Music By • Maitland Sundowners 'veryone Welcome Pl▪ oterr.7221 I ' ee 14. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 17 8:30 p.m. Tickets available at the News - Record, Clinton; Campbell's of Goderich, or reserve by calling S23-9646. 1 home style cooking! - 0114 VICKI'S COUNTRY STEAK HOUSE HIGHWAY NO. 4 NORTH OF CLINTON AT BASE LINE DRESSED ROAST PORK OR ROAST BEEF yip all the Trimmings 3.00 • Home-made Specials Every Day • Breaktast Served. • TAKE Out ORDERS NOW AvAitAstme nel 8Win• Prceeillow,t1ss Da In the, PrOgra Ra"0,t 4‘;10 am, VANASTRA Curling , Club LadleOpening Jitney, Nov, 9,1976 Pot Luck SOper'S poi. • Ogling at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome, Gait Bruwarldge Phone 482-7118-s--45ar ODIWELLOW and Rebekah Card party Thursday, Nov. 18,176 at 8:30 p.m. in Clinton Lodge Hall, Princess St. E. Ladies please bring lunch. Admission 75c. Everyone welcome. -45,46 DANCE to the music of Shannon. We are playing at the White Carnatien on November 13, 1976 101 a.m. Everyone welcome: -45,46 BLYTH Centre tor the Arts presents an evening of opera. Excerpts from the Masked Ball and several other operas in English. By the University of Western Ontario Opera Workshop. Blyth Memorial Hall, Friday November 26, 1976 - 8:30 p.m. Adults O. - students U. Tickets available ,from Mrs. M. Zabiocki, Mary's Sewing Centre and Clinton News - Record. -45,46,47 BAZAAR and tea at the White Carnation, Holmesville, Wednes ,,f ., -November 10, 1976 at 21 p.m. Sponsored by the U W of Holtnesville United Church. -45 CLINTON Chapter Order of the Eastern Star, Christmas Dance on Friday, NoVember 19, 1976 at the Clinton Legion Hall. Music by the Royalaires. Tickets available from members.--45,46,47ar *********** NOW PLAYING THURSDAY, NOV. 4 TO SATURDAY, NOV. 6 - Lincoln Green OPEN HOUSE Yr * RETURN ENGAGEMENT* t for Open Reception for Ed Godkin and Ida McClinchey (bridal couple) at the WHITE CARNATION HOLMESVILLE November 12, 1976 9:30 P.M. Friends and Relatives Welcome .2 INVITE' TOO TO A DANCE IN cEi.ElfRATIOISI OF THEIR - 2$ EDDING A YE Alri NIVOAIER 6$ 117 ett:lea.m. 1 WHITE CARNATION . _ WN Special ,2242244.444.4,,, David Peterson, Erie Peterson, Janet Amos and Terry Tweed take part in a scene from the original Theatre Passe liaaraille production of 1837: The Farmers' Revolt. A revival of the show dealing with the rev'olt of Western Ontario farmers against the Family Compact in 1837 will take place in Blyth Memorial Hall, Wednesday, Nov. 17 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets are available in Goderich at Campbell's, in Clinton at the News -Record or by calling 5234646. Passe Muraille back with best play Theatre Passe Muraille'S hit production 'of 1837: The Farmer's Revolt is returning to the area thismonth, The show originally toured the area in 1974 and left many people feeling it was the theatre's best production yet. It will return for a Milted number of performances including a stop November 17, at Myth Memorial Hall at 8 :30 p.m. The show deals with the trials of the pioneer farmers nf nntnrin in dealing with the small Toronto clique the "Family Compact" which controlled the government. Led by people such as Col. Anthony Van Egmond from Huron County, a rebellion was planned in Toronto in 1837. It was a failure but did Christmas mail deadlines set Greeting cards for distant Canadian points and the United States should be mailed no later than December 13 ' and parcels before December 3 if they are to reach their destination for Christmas. The deadline for local delivery is December 17, Postmaster General Jet1 Jacques Blais announCed recently. In making his an- nouncement, Mr. Blais urged Canadians to mail their cards and parcels abroad no later than the specified deadline and, if possible, to get them in the mail earlier. Greeting cards may not contain more than five words of written message to qualify for the lower third-class rate of 8 cents if they are to be mailed to destinations in Canada or the United States. Cards to tfiese points must be sealed. Greeting cards for delivery outside Canada and the United States must be un: sealed. They will be carried by air for 15 cents if under one, ounce or by surface for 10 cents. Correspondence in sealed envelopes for these destinations must bear 20 cents postage. Further details for over- seas mailing deadlines may be obtained at local post offices. Board names sereral people it• to siqff improremeni plan SMORGASBORD * * i Perc and Vera I * MONDAY. NOV.8 * * TO * * SATURDAY. NOV. 13 * *White Frost * * * RETURN ENGAGEMENT* ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL CLINTON f Gibbings i ii in honor of their 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 1 to be held at their home i 61 East St. Clinton f i . on i SUNDAY, NOV. 7, 1976 i from (.2 4:30 p.m. t NO GIftS. Ptsase i i 44.45 i . ,.! it •".1. **,o10,.....massA.....r.,••+a. sw.r..4.......1...r.,11 VILLAGE RESTAURANT BLYTH Family Feature This Weekend 5 P.M. FRIDAY TO'S P.M. SUNDAY • Fresh Homemade Soup or UMW* Juice * Grilled Red etrabill1411ene steak withOolort Rings • Creamy Whipped or trench crud goatees. • Vegetable at the day * Crisp telfislew and Tows * Rail & ttiattat COMPARE OUR PRICE At its regular November meeting the Huron County Board of Education named its representatives to the Staff Improvement Plan Com- mittees. Appointments are subject to finalization of salary negotiations. On the Secondary level the appointments were Clarence McDonald, Charles Rau. Dorothy Wallace and Marion Zinn. The Director of Education's appointment was J. W. Coulter who will serve as secretary. Appointed to the Elementary Committee were Jack Alexander, Harry Hayter, R: K. Peck, and Wilfred Shortreed. The Directors appointee, to serve as secretary, will be R. B. Allan. The appointments weS7e, brought in by the Chairman's Advisory Committee which azitet _ OPEN RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. BILL BLOK (net Kim Chuter) at . Clinton Leglim 11011 Friday. Nov. 12. 1976 - -Music from 9.1 W4U had been authorized at the October meeting to appoint the Board's representatives. In other business the Board accepted the resignation of Assistant Accountant L. J. McCabe who has accepted a new position as Assistant Deputy Clerk with the Town of Goderich. In his letter of resignation Mr. McCabe said that his decision to leave the Boards was "in no way determined by either dissatisfaction of job or co-workers, but rather a personal desire to accept a ie ePP Y b ortunit at hand." FOR KIPPEN UNITED CHURCH to be held at BRUCEFIELD CHURCH WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1976 bring about eventual government reforms. Tickets for the show are available in Goderich at Campbeirs. in Clinton at tIe News-Rcord or by t alb g 523-9646. AN ENTERTAINING IDEA Would your guests eniov an evening at •44*;:q i 14;,;7•1•NAT ,0rh Oen every evening until 9 p rn liIC ..- Lmi‘iii.Zir -.74m.elt ROAST CHICKEN with Dressing, giblet gravy. cranberry sauce. mashed potatoes or french fries. buttered green peas. The liabeve includes soup or Krim, salad, roll.. tea. or dine*. Dessert - cheese cake. ALL - $35O 1 FOR a• Debbie'sris, II Custard Cup 11 1 2 MILES SOUTH OF CLINTON ON HWY. 4 AT VANASTRA ROAD 482-9896 11 NEW WINTER HOURS Monday - Thursday 6 A.M. - [8:30 P.M. Friday 6 A.M. - 12 midnight; Saturday 9 A.M. - 12 midnightSunday 9 A.M.. 10 P.M. a. ____t____ CIIT A RIVE FIRM' '22 Programs subject to change without notice. Last Night NOV. 4 THURS. Retomnsended as ADULT ENTLiYAINMENT FROM 5 - 8 p.m. ADULTS S3.75 CHILDREN UNDER 12 51.75 PRESCHOOLERS FREE ADVANCE TICKETS PHONE 262-5042 CH.S.S. Prefect Work Day SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6 We'll do - Housecleaning, Gardening, Window Cleaning, Lown Raking, Sni/stiffing, etc... Call US a t 4 8 2 3 4 7 1 Between 9:00 it, 4:30 Rttgrnmerideci ADULT VJT[*TMNMTNT SMALL TOWN IN TEXAS .241124 CP 4,24 e. foedpwkikske '14iNstkiEN CL,UB OF CtINTON{ DRAW a' STAB — friday. Nov. II. 1978. Clinton Community Centre Auditorium DOORS OPIN 9 P.M. ONLY TICKET HOLDERS OVER 18 WILL 8E ADMITTED TO HALL (1.14,7:::::" $1000.00 in PRIZES EVEIN TICKET WILL SE DRAWN 1 $U. for First Ticket Drawn ( $25, for Every 25th Ticket Drawn 1 1 $500. for Lost ticket Drawn LUNCH .orwd RL f RESHMENTS Tickets: $5.00 Each 000 -1) • ATTENTION Showtime far Fri. & Sat. unknown NOV. 1O, 13 WED. - SAi. WED. -ReM 0412 0ti.: