HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-10-28, Page 53•
step toward the
In amine
ence en
other fore
So says a statement
from, the 17 Department
of tli4sPO tion;sPeelal-
tY Ine
line cruncb
for nearly 60 per cent of
all the liquid fuel Con-
sumed In the linked States
and the more than 102
inluion automobiles regis-
teked the na-
tion account for approxi -
nudely halt of transpor- •
tation's Wel use.
,-- •
Obviously, increasing
the Pel eiliciencle of our
cars Will CO a "Ong way
toward decreasing our de-
mand tor petroleum and
easing the inflationary
pressure excited by that
President Ford has es-
tablished the goal of in-
creasing the fuel elltelencY
of the 1980 model cars by
40 per cent over 1974 mod-
els. Our research indicates
that the President's goal
is entirely reasonable and
that the" goal can be
reached by the manufac-
turers through improved
technology, engine resis-
ing and a relatively lim- •
ited marketing shift to
smaller cars. Indeed, the
average fuel economy of
1975 model automobiles
has already brought about
a 115 per cent improve-
ment over 1974 models —
O.P3-tiation now.
rangethe long
inesilcenerrilY supplies and
Immo g. automobile fuel
is like praying
bile flames lick
rough the roof of the
President iird Struck
at the heart of the Matter
when delivering his ad-
dress on the econ0MY lut
October he asked all of us
to reduce our driving by
5 per cent in the effort to
both curb inflation and to
ease the energy demand.
Actuitily, the President's
request Was a, modest one.
Qur studies inrikete the
average car owner could
reduce his driving by 10
per cent lcifir*104.4f4f4u1Y,,.. sr
*fleeting his job or living Ye
be greetlY reduced
bY better PltW*Ing and
0 our daily rou-
Double gpi save
Although the typical car
seats four persons, its ur-
ban work trip occupancy
averages only 1.4 persons.
This statistic tops all
others in supporting- the
charge of wasta4fmtlner--
rkleucY in the national
transportation system.
Raising the occupancy
rate nationwide to an av-
erage or even two persons
per autairoilaile would save
an extraordinary five bil-
lion gallons of gasoline a
Than, One,"
The reducgon in Meuse
of fuel that a concerted
national carpooling effort
constbring- about would
COPY ease a nutfor
nary pressure on
economy. Mdttional
goals( that carpooling can
help achieve are:reduction.
SIM 10 billion
/1 that average car
owner, new driving 13,000
miles a year, would cut
his driving by 10 per cent
he Would save some 100
gallons of fuel =malt,
And, if the 100 million -
plus cars on the road each
achieved similar reduc-
tions, the savings would
exceed 10 billion gallons
of gasoline a year with
the very significant sav-
ings in fuel cost of $5
The plain truth is that
most of us too pasually
and too wastefully use our
automobiles at needless
cost to ourselva.s and to
the disadvantage of our
society. Many trips are
made for purposes of du-
bious value. And the num-
ber of worthwhile trips
auro FACTS
We at the Department
of Transportation have
/ Placed top priority on
encouraging Peater na-
tionwide Partleipation in
carpooling. Our theme:
"Double, Up ,Ametica —
Two Can Ride Cheaper
or urbanalr pollution and
an easing Of traffic con -
MOM on the streets and
highways in and around
our cities.
Slew down
Bow we drive should
rank with where and when
we drive in any considera-
Ma of the ways a driver
can. save fuel. Just how
much - can. be saved by
argoing excessive speed
wit/ vary from car to car,
but tests indicate that a
25 per cent improvement
in fuel economy is a rea-
sonable expectation when
highway driving is re-
duced from 70 to 50 miles
per hour. ,
Another way to conserve
gasoline is to make sure
-eV vehicles are properly
maintained. For example,
the 11.8. Environmental
Protection Agency reports
"%ming ali automobile
tuned up can, on the aVer-
age, improve fuel econ-
omy silt Per cent as com-
pared to anzmitnet1 auto."
The agency added grossly
maladjusted and under-
mairibined vehicles can
waste 20 per cent or more
An estimated 3.8 billion
gallons of fuel could be
saved annually through
proper engine mainte-
could (leigror etWilt7
ki delivering his eco-
nomic address to the na-
tion last October, Ped -
dent Pbrd said, "Inflation,
our public enemy number
1, will — unless it is
whipped — destroy our
country, our homes, our
liberties, our property, and
finally our national pride
— as surely as any well -
armed erieMr."
That is the dimension
of the challenge we face.
Such simple things as how,
when and where we drive
will go a long way toward
determining how we shall
meet that chat
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Faulty. Equipment Can't Do The Right
An out of date heating system
squanders precious fuel and cash.
Let us update your present heating
system with a CLARE HECLA heavy
duty Oil or Gas Fired Furnace.
The New Clare Hada Oil or Gas Fired
Low Boy is the basic unit for your total
home comfort system.
This multi -rated unit covers a wide range of
homes. The New Styling completely conceals the
Burner -Control assembly- in a vestibule section
to fit unobtrusively into the basement or Will*
room settiim. The Entire Casing its fabricated
from zinc tlad heavy gauge steel and finished in
oven -baked enamel providing double protection
against bisement dampness:
The Heavy Gauge Drum Type prime heat exchanger is followed by a wrap-around Secon-
dary Heat Exchanger. Mt -het gases flovitornpletely around the "Cyclonic Radiator"
Wore entering the flue squeezing the maximum heat front your fuel. The Heavy Duty
Clare With carry the le Year Clare Guarantee on the Heat Exchanger. Th. Clare Single
Port Burner with "-Timm Itetentkm" is a "Time -Proven" unit that provides trouble free
operation with high efficiencies.