HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-10-28, Page 324 , ' ' • athet1rttscel4t e 00;110P:eau erg with At Meter to detm*e t p 'stneflt fl grav a ure e jcgulator is adjuSte4 gu1atOr- .0V.X battery to or maY result ng whirlik, wilt startiftg dotoctiVO igOltiofl Ostetnst readings. it WW1 condlOon ry troubles .11 winterMoSt he 0 worn r • plugs 04 be reasen ter the 0 the incidence Ot har4- appears doubtful have the taxiing comptS repotted mechanic test it toe Weak direct proportion to the removes bY Oar oWners c -- barge ei in over eventOalli thehatterk Starter aud: generatOr; Chances are it yOUr Car calY a IMO Or twO, old. *erre litnbs in cells. Also, be sure he nts be okay. oweVer. ake Mire YoUr servieeman reMOVe5 an corrOsiOn Itkat Might ealSt on either Starter Or ge)leratOr connections mot that they are all securely fastened. 0 you car is over Moran old - brushes and coMMut.ator better, have the generator d Woke at. brus_ Ites,Vedilre't*generitt* eitiCienCY and Can result in a siOnivartOyvittgittattety. Yourgar Igo been driven the distributor - has been, marc `tha4 10,000 MUM State -A good inechant0 is hard to that once you've found a serviced you% probably save tin& les a truisthAnown by garage it's better to trust it ytairself a 10 0 trouble by anyonewbo everowned a car. with small repairs first having the mechanic Instam lioWever, car owners can 'Then, if these jobs are Per- nCW • points* condenser (hi increase the odds in faVor of formed satisfactorily and engines, that use them) sad their finding a compete, within the it price, you making ,. whatever ad repair mancan trust it with something jusunents, are necessary. - The Federal consumer major. ImProperly operating affairs department in ts Another wise precaution is distributors are a major monthly bulletin, Consumer to note your odometer caused startingdifficulty. . Contact, advises car owners reading when taking yoUr car Again, if your car is to 'ask to see the ,meclianic's in for repairs . ComPare, this reasoOly new, chances are certificate of qualification figure with the mileage on you, worn *aye to worry before authong a garage your car when it is returfled. about cell conditiofl. to undeany repairs. This will show whether the 'However, better Keep in mind Journeyman mechanics mechanic road-tested your that a weak coil can not only across Canada can qualify for car. cause startiagfailure but also rtake ' the Red Seal interprovincial A reliable mechanic will certificate if they score at give you anestimate ot repair least 70 per cent on an costs before he begins work examination set by the on your car. However, an Interprovincial Standards Co. estimate is just that — an - ordinating Committee. estimate. Once a mechanic The Red Seal, which is he into the body of yoUr car attached-- to the provincial he may find additional certificate of qualification, problems. not only shows that a The departMent also mechanic taltes his trade suggests that you make clear seriously but also that he to the mechanic that be is to meets national standards, undertake no major repairs which in some cases are on your vehicle without higher thanprovincial ones., autherization by phone or in The bulletin also advises writing. See us. for the best ingot *COLLISION WORK *BODY wpm( "W•tre Your toes best friend" SAYFIEL00).,,C1. TON 4$23$ tMlacest11. Lab -1$ Equipment) festal* * RADIATORS for on makes of CARS, TRUCKS, and TRACTORS * BOILING *REPAIRING * RErCORING WE CARRY COMPUTE titt101 AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLIES OKUIDING CLL. AUTOMOTIVE PAINTS fRAM FILTERS CASCO REBUILT PARTS • CH A MPION SP ARK - PLUGS •• GUAR ANTEED PARTS IGNITION • VICTOR GASKETS • MANY MANY, NAME BRAND ITEMS -AV