HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-10-28, Page 17set CO Was
HWY Lear On
*Lovett on
,... They . also played
.he of�rlh5�
or,. Buanan and Jack
Tamblyn Meted the war*
shippeta. Ushers were
Edward Riley, Tom Pollard,
Steven Bromley, Ken
#'!ollarde Dennis Fothergill
and Darrell Shobbrook,
&loyd Pipe and Lorne
Hunking greeted the
congregation for the evening
service when another ex-
cellent attendance was
present to -hear Father Hardy
of St. Joseph's Catholic
Church, ; Clinton as guest.
• s Father. Hardy spoke. on the
subject of "areas we share".
He " based bis thoughts on
Mark 8:31-38. He said he felt
we could meet these different
The Town and Country
Four of Seaforth were the
guest musicians for the
evening. This quartet sang
three numbers which con-
tributed much to the service.
The group consists of Ken
Campbell, Marlin Vincent,
Bill Campbell and George
The Londesboro choir led in
the music for the service with
Louise Lovett on the organ
and Gail Lear on the piano.
The ushers were Glen
Johnston, David Lear, Ken
Pollard, Calvin Lovett and
Ken Hulley.
The flowers on the
memorial stand were placed
in loving memory of Jack
Medd by his family. The
flowers on the memorial
cupboard were placed in
loving memory of William
Hamilton by his family and
flowers were placed on the
piano in loving memory of
Mrs. William Gourley.
Following the service a
reception was held in the
church hall with the UCW
serving coffee and refresh-
ments under the direction of
Mrs. John Radford, social
convenor, +-d her com-
During the reception, the
Town and Country Four sang
a number of songs much to
the enjoyment of those
present. `
Aimwell Unit
The October meeting of the
Aimwell Unit was held at the
home of Margaret Good with
4 the leader, Joan Whyte in
charge. Roll call was an-
swered by bringing and
displaying a hobby. There
on .5 year term
382 Dundas St.
Woodstock, Ontario
Telephone 539-5601
out 01 town cilt coma.
;AcAf AnAttT
it at g , on mittee
t Piorenoe
and Shirety.
*nit ChriSticnas
is to be on Sunday,
Dembcr 12 with a Pot rock
supper. The next meeting will
be Novelfiber 22 at tite home
of Marjorie Duizer. Christ-
mas hoepit , favou o will be
The program committee
had a Thanksgiving worship
service which consisted of
readings interspersed with
Thanksgiving hymns.
Special speaker was Harold
Vodden of Blyth, who spoke
on his lite with his seeing eye
dog; Chipper. Lunch was
served by Fern McClure,
Joan Whyte and Vi Burns.
The . first Londesboro Cub
pack held their regular
meeting on Tuesday evening
and welcomed nine new Cubs
into their pack.
Those being invested -were
Robbie Adams, Robbie
Radford, David Whyte, David
Stevenson, Paul Plunkett,
Michael Vincent, Jamie
Daer, Stephen Dale, and
Jeffrey Popp. Cubrnaster
Stan McDonald presented the
new Cubs with their scarves
and the whole pack gave
them a welcome with the
Grand Howl. Parents of the
new Cubs were present to
witness the ceremony.
Activity leader, Wayne
Hulley conducted the games
and recreation -and the Green
Pack with siker Bradley
Lyon, conducted the opening
and closing ceremony.
-Huller' ge AP and AM
held their annual ladies` night
on October 20 in Londesboro
Hall when 69 sat down to a
lovely hot beef dinner catered
to by the UCW ladies. John
Jewitt, W.M. was master of
Rev. Harold Snell asked the
grace and after the dinner, a
aait itigetrientr John
him for a very lnforntaa
Mra. Harold Longrnan Is
under Doctor's care for
Miss Pat Stackhouse bad
the . misfortune to sprain her
foot on 'hursday while
playing soccer at sehool.
Friends hope she will soon be
better. •
Mrs. Beth Knox returned
home on Thursday night,
October 21 from enjoying a
three week' vacation with Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Van Alien
and Mrs. Blanche Duerr at
Orange County, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Arte Duizer
returned hole an Wednesday
night from spending the past
six weeks visiting relatives in
Holland. Their daughter
Janet. Hunking returned with
them having joined them for
three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Evans of Weyburn,
Saskatchewan visited this
past week with Rev.
McDonald at the manse.
Sunday dinner guests with
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Good
were Mr. and Mrs. Art Colson
and Mrs. Robert Jamieson,
Clinton and Mr, and Mrs.
John Lyons and Sara;•Sandrs -
Popp and Kathy. Visiting in
the evening were Mr. and
Mrs. Fred. Youngblutt of
Valerie Miller of Clinton
visited on Wednesday with
her grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Shobbrook.
Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Shaddick were Mr.
and Mrs. Charles, Walkoin
and Cynthia of Munro, Mr.
and Mrs. Doug Ward and
Miss Ruth Shaddick of
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sinclair
and Mr. and . Mrs. Frank
Roberton, Seaforth visited
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe on
Sunday dinner guests with
try iii
'Chit ►mi lead:'
weekend with -
r, and Mrs. Jack' amblyn.
M.r. - and Mrs. ° George
Addison, Seaforth visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Huhey and family. All of
the above visitors attended
the anniversary services at
the United Church.
On Sunday,October 17,
Mrs. Alice Davidson and Mr.
and Mrs. Lorne Hunking
visited with Rev. and Mrs.
Kennard at Drayton.
Those attending Auburn.
WI. as guests an Tuesday,
October 19, were Alice
Buchanan, Addie Honking;,
Nona Pipe, Margaret Taylor,
Beryl Reid, Hazel Reid, Mary
Robinson, Hatti Wood and
Dora Shobbrook.
Rev. McDonald, Madelyn
and Gold Sewers, Betty
Konarski and Kevin Hulley
attended the banquet and
reunion of camp councillors
at Camp Menesetung on
Saturday evening.
WI Card Party
The Women's Institute held
their first card party of the
season on. Friday night,
October 22 with five tables in
Winners were: ladies' high,
Alice Buchanan; lone hands,
Delores Howatt low, Gloria.
McEwing; mens high, Bert
Shobbrook; lone bands, Ted
Foergillw ;low( ttiBurns.
There will be another in two
weeks, November 5. In
charge will be Mrs. Leitch,
Gay Daterna, Florence
Cartwright and Joan Mid-
Miss Edythe Beacom and
Mrs. Laura Lyon visited on
Monday in Toronto with Mrs.
Townsend and Dorothy. ,
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It's been a hectic week for Brucefield people, and especially
for those hard working people at the United Church which.
continued to mark the year long Centennial of the Church,
with three events=iastweek. Last Wednesday night they had
a largely attended beef barbecue in the church. and then
last Sunday, two overflow crowds attended the special
church services which actually mark the date. Here Bill
Gibson of Bonsai! and Mabel Garrow of Clinton try out the
beef. (Expositor photo)
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