HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-10-21, Page 12i{^�It:r�� yh i4«'uz•,9, :;l�t�Ri"r�NY.P.'ii i:"��i lSi�477:i}:irllnY:d++e�,.F':rMu ktl100 Hermans 1en'a .rear, X4$2.9351.-32Li'n HOUSES for rent. Phone 482-327 -39t far ADS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED Af TER 12 O'CLOCK FOR THAT VGEt WS PAPER I.ARTICLES FOR SALE 10 PERCENT Discount on all Sulky Wheels in stock at Don's Bicycle Repairs. 305 COntario Street. Clinton. This sale lasts until; October 31, 1970. Phone 482- '9941.--43.44 3M. PHOTOCOPIER. Phone 482- - '784.-43x QUEENsize bedroom suite. automatic washer and dryer, dishwasher. stereo. coffee table. Welding. equipment. Phone 482- 9917.-43 BABY clothes. ages 0 - 12 mon- ths; mesh playpen; walker: swing-o-matic; tub and sitter; jolly jumper; baby sleigh; wicker cradle (antique); used sewing machine. all in very good condition. Phone 482-3030.--43x RCA 23" B & W console TV, in excellent condition. Phone 262- 5580.--43 24" APARTMENT size electric stove. Sid: `Phone 482-3766.-43x BRUNSWICK air hockey game, app. 26" x 52", quantity of mixed - clothing. some new. Phone 432- 3651. -43 TANK and pressure system for sale; also some bird cages. Phone 262-2393. -43x HOUSE PLANT helpers - special. soils. pots. fertilizers,etc. Fall bulbs have arrived: Preferred Pet Foods, collars, leads and grooming aids etc. Durst Farm and Garden Centre. 22 Isaac St.. Clinton. Open daily, including Wednesday 8 .a.m. - 6 p.m.,--43tfar LADY'S teal blue leather coat. size 18. good condition.Phone 482- 9407. -43 ONE White tractor: two 36 ft. semi -trailers. Phone Blyth 523- 9478. -43x 30 NEW hydraulic cylinders. These are standard 2 way agricultural cylinders with 3" barrel and 8" stroke, with ad- justable stop, 555. without stop, $50. Central Machining, Phone 482-3523.-41-44 CHOICE lean beef by the side ready for freezer. government inspected. farmer's prices . Prank Falconer. 48 2.9128 . -42.43ar ELECTROHOME Color TV and ELECTROHOME Stereo A Beautiful Line° now showing call the Et"ectrohome Store BRUCEFIELD PHONE 482-3232 u BEEF FOR YOUR FREEZER Custom killing, curing, and smoking. Wespecialize in cutting and wrapping the way you like it. HURON COUNTY REEF H NDS...s 1.0 5 is. SIDES ..; 8 5c LB. FRONTS ....6 5+c LB. Cut, wrapped and frozen PORK SIDES.... 7 5c Lis. MitY MARKET Fromm, 1 R L RT1CLES FOR' SALE ONE tape deck for sale. Phgne 482-338;.-43nc EMMERSON Low Bay console black and white TV. Excellent condition. 350. or best offer; Sanyo tape recorder. 350. Phone 565.5343.--43.44 CHINA cabinet, oak inlayed with walnut, excellent condition. Price 375. Phone 482-9670.--43 -- 24". 4 BURNER. electric stove,`4 years old, excellent condition. Phone482-7042 after 6 p.m. -43.44 `-BOY'S skates Bauer size 5, good condition.. Phone between 5 and 6 p.m. 48.2-3887.-43 ONE pair lined green drapes to fit area 16'f' x 6'10". Phone 482- 9291.-43 1973 TRIUMPH Tiger 750 CC low mileage. Phone 482-7933.-43,44 THREE antique wood burning stoves. Phone 482.3279 after. 5 p.m. -43,44 HOCKEY equipment for sale; shirt, kneepads. gloves, pants. shoulder pads. elbow pads. socks, fits. ages 10-12 years. $30. Phone 482-9849.-43 25" GENERAL Electric walnut colour console with built in bar, 60 day warranty $199. 20" RCA portable B & W TV and stand. in good condition. 60 day warranty 360. 23" Westinghouse B&W walnut console, picture tube in good condition. 30 day warranty S39. 23" Zenith B&W walnut console, works tike new. with excellent picture. 90 day warranty $99. Nordmende stereo with dual changer. AM -FM stereo and short wave radio. Completely overhauled. 60 day warranty 899. Electrohome stereo in walnut cabinet. 100 percentsolid state completely overhauled and with new FM tuner. 60 day warranty $139.-43ar PICK your own spys, $4 per bushel. Also windfalls $2. bushel. In your own container. Phone 482- 7525. Stewart Middleton. -42,43 PEARS - Macintosh, Courtland. Wayne, Red Delicious. Northern Spy apples. Fresh apple cider. Potatoes, spanish and cooking onions, fresh honey and maple syrup. Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Phone 524-8037.--41tfar APPLES -Macintosh. Cortland, Delicious. Ida Reds. Northern Spies in short supply so come -soon. excellent quality. bring containers - open daily. Ross Middleton's OrchardS,1 mile east of Bayfield. north of river.--42tf POP SHOPPE - special discounts for purchases of four or more cases of pop for church groups. stags. receptions. dances. sales. etc. Call Harry at 482-3012 or 482- 7584.-40tfar APPLES, cooking and eating. phone 482-3214. McClymont Orchards, 1 mile south of Var- na. -42.43 trEAvY roosters for sale. ready for the oven. Phone 236-4868.--41- 44 CHOICE 'A` HEREFORD BEEF HINDS LB. 9 9c SIDES Lf3. 79c FRONTS LB- 59c WHOLE REEF LB.7 7c CUT, ° , WRAPPED-- AND QUICK FROZEN AT NO EXTRA CHARGE GRADE `A' ?ORK L . E OR HALF ► 9c HAMBURG 1.11. LOS - Le. 5 9c SAUSAGE 25 LB. LOTS Le. 69c REEF LIVER i`i La. LOTS La. 3 5c PORK CHOPS ts Ls, LDT Lo.ll 1.2 RIPLEY AA.R CQNST1WCTION ' equipment ler arerit,. wgr. trowel. Small .mixer, pump, wheelbarrows, good plywood Carols and: wedges. Phone 23,544a5fAinn. to Fri. mer 4 p.m . Weekends any"titne,1,6ttn FORMAL B.E AJ S - Dress up! GO formal. We gave the complete Wedding Service "at Campbell's Men's Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Camp- bell's Ltd. )-I4tfn POWER TOOLS uµ JS OLS RENT Now including; impact wrench, Belt Sander. Shop vacuum clearer, hammer Drills (es" bit), Chain saws. Rug Shampooer. REASONABLE RATES INQUIRE AT <Baton Home Hardware 4 ALBERT ST. 482 7023. tin 2A. ARTICLES WANTED FURNITURE, glass. china. clocks, bells. brass, copper. Will buy for cash or sell by auction. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. Phone 524-9064. -lilt fn WANTED to buy pianos, write or can Gingerich Box 34. Komoka 472.1994. -19tfn KNAPPS will buy outright. complete household; estates or single pieces of furniture. Best price paid or will sell by auction. Do not hesitate to call us. 67 Main Street. Seaforth. phone 527- 1336.-t in WE- ARE now handling lots Or part tots of furniture and ap- pliances. If you have articles to sell privately or by auction contact Rathwell's Auction Service. Phone 482-3120_-32tfn WANTED storm windows : tense . t x73"; two 35' x56"; three 2S" x 48"; Phone Bud Robinson, _583-5005 during le day. --43 WANTED the following hockey equipment. Shirt, knee pads, gloves. Pants. shoulder pads, elbow pads. socks to fit 15 year old boy. Phope 4829849. '-43 WE BUY any antique or household items. singly. or in complete household lots; or sell_ by public auction in our new modern . auction- "rooms. We speeialite in estates. NORM WHITING AUCTIONEERING, C E AND APPRAISAL SERY. I E 63 Main St. Exeter. Phone 235- 1964.--29t"fn 3. CARS. TRUCKS FOR SALE 1972 TOYOTA Celica, very good condition. Phone 523-9645.-42tf 1952. PLYMOUTH in good run- ning condition. low mileage. Phone 482-3831.-43 '68 FORD van. Phone 482- 3383.--43nc 1969 FORD Falcon with 302 engine. In very good condition. phone 482-9719 after 5 p.m. or weekends.-43tfnc 1950 FORD truck, original con- dition runs well: Phone 482-7993 after 6 p.m. or weekends. 1974 Ford Club wagon 8 passenger V8 automatic power steering. power brakes. tinted windows. high output heater. auxiliary heater. new tires, new paint, un- dercoated. Will certify. Phone 482-7993 after 6 p.m. or weekends. -43 311 PET STOCK GERMAN Shepherd dog. female 6 months, has had shots. good with children, $25.00. Phone 482- 3236. -43 A- FOR SALE FULL LINE OF LIVESTOCK FEED - Bulk or bag delivery. Farm fencing, hardware. Spotton cattle insecticide. grain aerators. Health aids, rodent control products. Your PURINA Dealer - Durst Farm and Garden Centre. 22 Isaac St., Clinton. Open daily. including Wednesdays - 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 482-9333.-40tfar 1- CUSTOM WORK= CUSTOM corn combining. 28-30 inch rows. Phone 262-5322 or 262- 5325.-43,44 CUSTOM corn picking, 2 row. Phone 524-6432.-43 SILO filling, picking corn and plowing. Phone 482-7116 Dennis Smith. -41-44 CUSTOM Silo filling:, will supply two tractors. Phone Henry Reinink 523-9202 Blyth or 482-9948 Clinton.-38tfnar C - WANTED We are interested in buying -- RED CLOVER and ALFALFA SEED at attractive prices. For in- formation phone 482-9219 VARNA FEED MILL 43.44 Clinton livestock Exchange FRI. EVENINGS 7:30 FOR INFORMATION , OR CONSIGNMENTS CALL LEO GLAVIN 234.4284 -HOGS. CATTLE. CALVES. DAIRY COWS & FEEDER CAtTLE D - LIVESTOCK REGISTERED Holstein bull. nine months aild from a red seal certificate of long time production cow. For more in- formation phone 482-7274.-42.43 r HeosaiI livestock Sales SALES EVERY THURSDAY AT t- Plat AR classes Of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS vices* elierm loketreittes 4.241111 *Sw t1 east.. arm 1 me*M NOTICE **esti Re: tk Pork Producer's Marketing Yard Effiective Matto Weber ts. yard Is Open y 2'- 12 eclock 1' o* lei`k rid Wedrtesda ATE p ani >4tai7 b tty +1N o f 3 lreem. Itetity frame, 11/2 belts. , dining t fjify rooms Ontario t gas' heat. 1'23 On .. io S SUMO. MO. stew 4 liedeeellt split levet, brick veneer, family rooms 2 fireplaces electric at.. Ceitie!etely rugged, Saunta, 2 bath*, .attached garage. mortgage available* Four bedroom 1e storey with extra lot, payed drive and double garago. NI new rugs on main float t% ltett rounds,s heat. Let usshow Vou this fine home. Must be seen to be appreciated. 344 Victoria Street, Price Reduced. SALESMEN Hal Hartley 43x'2-3693 Gordon Charter 482-9654 annimaa ONE BEDROOM apartment available in Vanastra suitable for elderly couple or single respectable woman. •Utilities included. Share clean bathroom. R, creational facilities available. Phone 482-9425. --36tf n SPACIOUS three bedroom town house. parking and recreational facilities available, utilities in- cluded $180.00 per % month, in Vanastra. informatidn at D Bldg. Unit 8. apply after 6 p.m. Phone 482-3085.-40tfar MODERN 2 bedroom apartment wired for washer and dryer. broadloom. private front and rear entrance. close to down town. Phone 4823819 after 6 p.m. -42 1. VACANCIES coming available tor retired people upstairs in the Holiday Home. Clinton, Mrs. C. Van Damine. 482-3685.-42 lowspossummor Iexar4�r i,. Chapman ReaLty Limited Real Estate - General Insurance - Property' Management t>; The Square - GODERICH 524-9662 oa 524-6542 Enjoy rural atmosphere in this 11 storey house with 1 acre. 3 or 4 bedrooms newly remodelled family room modern kitchen. located 3 miles from . Bayfield. Asking 531°500. 99 Village Store Located in Holyrood - near Wingham - includes 3 bedroom modernized house. post office with substantial extra income. and gas pumps. 'This is a busy general store. Priced Reasonably. Owner will consider taking back first mortgage. 92 Building Lot Located on .West Street opposite town offices. Lot approximately $2 by 1,32, Choice Location for retail store or office building. 90 Live by the Lake 3 bedroom furnished cottage. overlooking Lake Huron. Located about five mites north of Goderich. Share in new drilled well. Easily converted to year round use. Pricereduced to S19.400. • Business Opportunity Thriving restaurant business immediately north of Clinton on No. 4 Highway. On targe ,plated tot - .excellent parking, - seats 60 people. Gas ' pumps. Includes modern 3 bedroom apartment. 86 Building. Lot Attractive one acre budding lot on Highway 21 immediately South of Bayfield. Water available to the property and features bush at the rear. 100 Low Cost Housing Bendix Paramount mobile home, 12 x 68, 3 bedroom, located in Meneset Park close to Goderich. At- tractive setting. fully skirted. and includes frig and stove, storage shed and TV tower. . 95 Recreation Property 26 acres wooded property located near Bayfield. Close to Pine Lake Camp. Ideal country building lot. Income Properties Large red brick 21 storey house containing 4 apartments ail rented. Live in one and have good income from the others. Ideal location one short block from the Square. 72 Brick well constrti..eed 2 storey house with finished attic. Presently three apartments. Choice corner 101 location in good residential area. Cut your living costs by having monthly income. 73 Lovely 100 year old brick 21,42 storey house 'made into six apartments. Five furnished. Choice residential area close to the Square. Enloy a monthly income. Excellent condition inside and out. - of water heating. 64 Farms - 300 acres in one block. Excellent cash crop or stock farm. 260 acres level all tile drained - balance pasture with spring. creek and some bush. Large bank barn with upright and bunk silos. Good house. This farm IS in.. -a high heat unit area:. Located 5 miles ironic Lake Huron in the Arte ertey district. 3 300 acres level cropland near Lake Huron `North of Goderich. 200 acres the drained and balance in grass. This is first class crop Rend and priced right. mien *then for year consideration ALEXANDER CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED BERNICE GLENN, Dwnga ore. Tel. 529.4 DON ABERHART. hex Cees.. S 721 VALERIEE COWBELL, ' Liv 1. Alma, tel. ED JESSOP 182 Wily St. Tel. 521.7 SHHCLAGH SULLY 44 Ci 4 '!l.t` . tel 524524,ftSt amitot RR 2,.L.. t, Till. 5244 ii14 AU"- ONTARIO U-ONTi RI 1 FINANCIAL CONSULTANTS LTD. We, specialize in arranging and buying First & Second Mortgages. Any amount. BOX 349. NEW.HAMBURG 1,642.3110 KITCHENER 1-743.5361 EVEREST Lauckner MLS REALTOR Winterized home. aluminum siding, electric.heat. landscaped lot 80' x 150'; asphalt drive, 1 yr. old; living room 11° x 15'; dining kitchen area 11' x 18'; three bedrooms; 4 pc. bath; carpeted; tool shed. Canadiana home. Owner transferred from hospital to London, would consider ex- change. Lakefront cottage in Bayfield, 3 bedrooms. living room, modern kitchen. fireplace. 3 piece bath. electric heat. Main Street commercial property with 3 bedrooms, L- shaped dining -living room area, large modern kitchen, 4 piece bath. landscaped treed lot. 14 acres, development property in Bayfield village with access to lake. Real good tots in . Bayfield with water privileges. 103 acres with 1200 ft. of rake front. Very suitable for trailer or development property. Lot 7 miles north of Grand Bend, hwy 21, 80 x 250 with water rights. Plea call - ADAM FLOWERS BAYFIELD 565-2813 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Member of M.L.S. BENNIILLER t acre building lot with water rights. Overlooking Maitland River 41 miles from Goderich. FOUR BEDROOM COUNTRY HOME 139,500 Home in Goderich township, two storey brick, new roof. large family kitchen with dining room. Trees and pond, situated on 314 acres. Good future potential. BAYFIELD VILLAGE Brick ranch style home. now under construction. 3 bedrooms, attached garage. treed lot, just - off Hwy. 21. situated on crescent. BAYFIELD Custom built, all electric home, 2 bedrooms. large picture window, sundeck, living room, dining room. Great for those retirement years. Maintenance free. GODERICH Quality constructed two storey brick home, 5 bedroom. separate dining room. large living room. 2 rustic fireplaces. plus one bedroom self-cotltained apart- ment. with many, many extras. CLINTON Fieldstone and brick ranch, excellent condition, 4 bedroom. large living room with bow window, Fieldstone fireplace. continental kitchen. combined diniiig room, attached garage. Tastefully decorated throughout with luxury broadloom. Call now for appointment to view. - INCOME PROPERTY Two storey side by side complex. footer good size bedrooms, large hying rooms, separate entrances. Can be purchased together or separately. OVERLOOKING THE RIVER 3 bedroom home, family size, kitchen wall decorated. garage ltd workshop, 5 minutes from •-VANST*A storey horns 'qualifies for 93 i1,. ntorfgage only MIA anent addition. PHONE SAMWAYS S 3337 Member 01 HURON COUNTY REAL ESTATE BOAR METROPOLITAN HAMILTON REAL ESTATE BOARD,. BAYFIELD VILLAGE Custom built lOmt1*t. trees and mature tandSC luxury appointments "thro but priced holow roPto value. LS �I d room with palneellld waif+, and wall to wall broad* good sized bedrooms wit wardrobes, tiled bathrottt laundry room. Maty extras as deep well and heated plus owner will hold toed fest mortgage with reduced it ►tart rate. BAYFIELD VILLAGE Family home on large lot, newly landscaped and new septic system. Three large bedrooms with room for a fourth. New decorator tiled bathroom. panelled living room with fireplace. loads of storage and eating area in kitchen. Huge open basement allowing far remodelling potential. This borne is close to Square and priced in low 30's. All offers considered els vendor leaving. area. BAYFiELD VILLAGE Older family,_. home filled with possibilities for expansion and alteration. Separate area could be included as family room or den. Main house has three bedrooms, living room, dinidg room, kitchen and a 3 pc. and a 2 pc. bath, -new wiring. septi system and furnace. Extra large tot with 2 car driveshed, vendor's trustee wilillold a large first at a reduced rate with your down payment. SUBURBAN BAYFIELD Three bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen with loads of cupboards. panoramic views over lake, natural fireplace and broadloomed. Fully winterized and well landscaped. - CLINTON Three bedroom home with double living room. dining room and kitchen on main floor. Newly decorated throughout and so clean you could move right in and relax. Furniture and aluminum* utility included, as well as new furnace and aluminum siding which has been just installed two weeks. A most attractive home weeks. With 53,000 down we can arrange a mortgage to suit your budget. -CLINTON INCOME Two separate self contained apts. Both with modern kitchens snd • bathrooms. Large airy rooms with beautiful oak floors and tastefully decorated throughput separate utilities. Professional a man such as a Doctor or Lawyer could live upstairs and convert main floor to off offices. or ive-In one and rent the otlapay mortgage. Try 53.000 down. Early possession. GODERICH Family home, tastefully decorated throughout. Livingroom, dining roots. 3 bedrooms. and targe sun ream. This home has a new furnace and many extras. Cenrally located with good financing available. BAYFIELD BUILDING LOTS & FARMS One -three quarter acre" lot on high ground with mature trees and water available. Good lot with many trees and two storey barn good enough to in- corporate into part of a new home. On high ground with water available from several sources. Seven large lots to choose from in south Bayfield all with water available ' and all bordering on existing roads, and meeting all requirements for building. Large farm of 117 acres, rolling scenic land with spring and frontage on Bayfield River suitable for country club, etc. BUSINESSES Thriving restaurant -tavern with huge clientele all year catering, banquets and meeting as well as entertainment. Busiest service station between Grand Bend and Goderich. Fixtures included. stock extra.' Large gallonage and good future potential. - Long established televisi service • buildi=ng with all fixture* and equipment • good cent. 1 location. LET KERN SELL YOUR HOME PLEASE CALL ANYTIME • Mit* ah