The Exeter Times, 1886-10-14, Page 8INSURANCE, ', ifEl' alaaS 'klitN A.S8U114.11Dal .0411E PANT, of Toronto ; else for risked NIx F;0311 11161,111 #NOR O01XPa,l?'X', of Loudon. 4410,11d, the ll,OYAL CANADIAN, of Afontroal, ;ted y e rr,,roro1 • 1 7.15111,M;k11i141,11"tl ASSU.l3ANCF, OOAfs, xdN Y, ofTo Leaden, England. land, ostablialred Assets over $6000.0e0; claims and bonises a'aici, over $10,000,000. E PQA 7itJVS.-1f a shall be happy to re- ssfve at all 1 s, froze any part of the County, kerns sf local ?sews, antis ,zs ac, cldents,ou' airy interesting inolcietatwhat ever, from any of our subserTers or read- ers generally for the pterpose of public- ation, Pc c i, refer : ne, , THUIikiky OOP. 14th, 1886. TEN CENTS par line for ierstinsertion and ,OUft CAN`S per line for each subsequent in iertlon will be charged to uotioeti appearint a this column. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. Wizard oil -large size, 75cts.; small size, 35cts., at the Central drug store, C. Lutz, Banton Bros. ress making department reopened, Miss Wooer, in charge. Charges moderate, and satisfaction guaranteed. t 'Carson's Catarrh Cure at Scarlett's Drug store, giving immense satisfaction. Guarantees issued only at Scarlett's Drug tore, Wanted-immediately-auy quantity of i jet black lady's hair, for which the highest price will be paid. L J. Dearing, Exeter. English, French and American trusses, shoulder braces, abdominal supporters, child- ren's trusses, suitable for all sizes and ages. Our water -pal truss is the best fitting and most comfortable truss made, at the Central drug store, C. LOTz, Prop. Without exception, the best and cheapest lines in Boots and Shoes we have as yet seen, can now be had at C. Eaerett's, Chil• drens Carriages, Express Wagons, Boys' Bicycles of all sizes, Men'sHanci-made Boots; also harness, trunks, valises of every descrip- tion constantly on hand. Call and see them. Butter and Eggs taken in exchange for goods. Crnu r CxuRei-o-Annual harvest thanks, giving services :-11 a. m., morning prayer and sermon, by Rev. Robt. McCosh; by ams, 9, 45, 51; "Venite" Aldrich's; prop- er psalms, 65, Si and 144 ; first lesson, Deuteronomy, 8th chapter ; "Benedieite" to Ancient Chant ; second lesson, St. Luke, 12 chap. v. 15 to 21' ; "Jubilate" to Laws ; "Kyrie," Arnold's. 7 p. m., evening prayer and sermon, Rev. Robt. McCosh, Wing - ham; hymns, 322, 39 and 48; proper psalms, 175, 167 ; first lesson, Deuteronomy, chap. 16, to v. 12 ; "Magnificat" to Jones ; second lesson, 2 Corinthians, chap. 9; "Num Dimittis" to Iayes ; concluding hymn, 13. Offertory in aid of parish funds. Benedic- tion. Harvest decorations. Agents Wanted, Clement & Co., of 40 Wellington Street East, Toronto, or 81 St. Francois -Xavier Street, Montreal, want a General Agenf. They are the exclusive owners of the Scho- field Patent Cake Griddle, the Celebrated Emery Knife Sharpner (known as the "Carver's Friend,") the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay -Eye -See Wire Curry comb, and other specialties. If you want to make money, write to them at once for an outfit, and to secure what territory you can handle. Personal. Mr. Thos. Bissett, jr., has returned from his trip through Manitoba; the weather is reported fine, but everything dry. -Messrs. I. and T. Handford, left on Tuesday, for Manitoba. They will remain there for some weeks. 'The Champion Trace. Jno, Veal, the the holder of the cham- pionship medal, went to Winglham on Fri - .day last, to skate a second time in the championship race. The three, Cornyn, Feathers and Veal, entered. Veal got a good start, which he kept for many rounds, until his skate, becoming loose, caused him to fall. On this account he lost the race. Anniversary. The anniversary of the Main -at. Meth. Sunday school, will be held on Sunday and Monday, Oct. 17th and 18th. On Sunday .sermons will be preached, at 10.30, by Rev. 'W. S. Pascoe, and at 6.30, by,,Rev. Jas. 'Graham. At 2.30 p. m,, there will be a meeting of the Sunday school and congre- gation, in the body of the church, when addresses will be given by Prof. Bell Smith, of Alma College, St. Thomas. Ad- mission, 25cts.; children, not of the school, 15 cents. Chocked by an Apple. On Monday night last a valuable young heifer, belonging to Mr. Jas. Ramsay, Exeter North, broke into all orchard in the vicinity and was helping itself somewhat greedily to the fruit which lay on the ground, when a large sized apple became Us -tin her throat. The animal suffered ex- treme pain for sometime, until the neigh- bors who, were awakened by her frenzy, drove her to the owner, and upon reaching the stable, dropped dead, She was a good milch sow, valued at $35. Broken Shoulder, -' Mr. Jas. Garland, salesman at the Exeter salt block, met with an accident on Monday evening, which will necessitate a sus- pension from duties for some time. A farmer came to town after dark for a load of salt, and Mr. Garland thinking the moon euffiofently 'bright went to fill the order without a lantern, In order to gain ad niittanee to the salt, one is compelled to enter a small door at rear of building and ttnfasten Large doors from inside. `Mr. Gar- land had entered the small door, and while passing along an elevated platform in the dark, one of the boards, which had been 'moved, went down, allowing Mr. Garland to fall about 112 feet, and breakini a shout - der blade. The gentiernan outside heard the noise, and supposing something was wrong spoke to Mr. Garland;: but no. re- ponse. Ire repeated his call but without await.1e went to an hotel, secured help and when the iftjxµtryed mall wee' found, he wee insensible, Ile wee removed to his t'esfttence and `medical aid proeured, tlt'ertatinnent, A. literary and inusieal entertainment under the auspices of the Ladies' .Aid of the dnines•st. Churohi was held on Tuesday efr'g last, Miss.l3ryers, the celebrated ele- cu i0 t na � t, took l* a promialezhtpart, her roeita• tions and readings being of high order, and thoroughly interesting. The singing by our townpeople, whioh interspersed the readings, was choice, aril suffioiez}t to coin - pose a good programme. In fact it was one of the beat entertauuueuts our people have had for some time, and well worthn ad- mission d nhission fee of 25e,, notwithstanding that, it was free, The proceeds go to the parsonage fund. "Rift and Spray," This week we commence the publioation of our new serial "Rift and Spray, or Love and Vengeance among the Smugglers," the most fascinating ocean romance since the days of Cooper and Maryatt. This story is of extraordinary interest, and will be read by all; it has been specially prepared, and is of a nice length. It is printed in new type, which, with the true interest taken will prove eminently satisfactory. scribe now and secure the Tams for the balance of the year free, as well as lhaye the opportunity of reading the opening chapters of the story. slam to agents at apeoa prices. '`' who penaess so great in the �publication o1 th "a'hutrs that we 'ircuirn every spare cent Send ` along your subscriptions, ,and return 111? .receive 0 1 r a l • l e• ho r i reeding i do rt for ltr g 1 la has ever been heard of before. '• Subscribe direct through ns, Areviitlos, The roller slanting rink wee, open Satur- day evening, '`here wee a geed nttendauee, Masers, Wood Bios, shipllied a ear load of lambs to the illttlalo market Monday, The street sprinkler is itigafn,brought its. to use, after a long spell; of wet weather. Read Rauton Bros. change of advertise - limit in another colhlihlih. ' No change in .market reports this week, although considerable wheat has been mar- keted here during the past feat/ days. Reinainfler of this year t en Y free.9 new sub- scribers of the Tastes, .One dollar in cash pays to Jany. 1888. Send along the names.. Even your enemy cannot help seeing' and ?.4QQ;AL $Rk3Vf t t Sf. A,fatys paler etre eeetohne 18' 'dunri , September, "$ TWA year the marry rural fairs were 11 su000ssilll boyorrd e>wllootations; 1?iplhthetla is vohy provident, In St. Marys, and ether towu>a, ¥cz qdoatkis a ate reperled,. The trustees' of No. 7 Stephen, have eu- ., gagad loris h'laryMuSlaughliu ass teacher in 4their'Sohooi, fur tiro el}mina y'ayr, T1?sre re en .attempt being made to organ- ize a sort Of 'Salvation Army band, oi; the 14th eon„ Stephen, The Luoan 33, 13, C„ sulfered'defeat at the moroy,of the Parkhill Bine at the Ietter lags, last week. The gees* stbed 12 -lei; Tno. Coursey, while,tervhng as" a iuryma>a during the assizes at. London lastrweek remembering your advertisement if you p s s ant.advertieer.; A Glee Chfb is being organized . by ' the Snb- F[arvest Thanksgiving Service. There will be a Harvest Thanksgiving' Service in Christ Church, Exeter, on Sun- day next, Oct. 17th. The Rev. R. Mc - Cosh, Rector of Winglharn, will preach the sermons. The church will be decorated with fruit, flowers, autumn leaves, etc., by the ladies of the congregation. Morning service, at 11 o'clock a. hn., evening service at 7. In the afternoon at half past two, there will be a childrens' service consisting, of the Litany and hymns and an address to the children. Offertories at morning and evening services for parish funds, and at the childrens' service for the library of the Sunday, school. The childrens' missionary taxes will be gathered at the service in the afternoon. School Board Meeting. At a recent meeting of the Exeter S Board all the members being present chairman and secretary were instruct borrow the sum of $565 to pay tea salaries. John Grigg's account of $6.8 crayons, etc., was ordered to be paid; J. Allison's acct. of $45 for trees on s grounds. A list of truants was rea the secretary. W. Grigg, the chili and village constable were appointed to with the guilty truants. Mr. T. Gr was engaged for room No. 1, as teache 1837, at a salary of $700; Miss Vo for room No. 2, salary, $310 ; Miss McCallum, room No. 3, salary, $280 ; Gregory, room, 4, salary, $275 ; Miss ley, room, 5, salary, $265 ; Miss Gill, r 6, salary, $240 ; and Wm. A. Robinsoi salary, $180. From the Exeter Yost, Our doings noted in Old Exeter. issue of Sept. 27th contained the foll ing:- "The ""Over Faithful" city of Ex was the first to institute that grand glorious strength of Great Britain, volunteers. The 1st Rifles of Exe are literally the first volunteers of world. It is satisfactory, therefore, see by the Canadian "Exeter Times" t it is now intended to form a volunt company in the smart little town t bears our patronymic. Here is the I tice of the steps just taken" :- "Dr. Coleman, of Seder th, colonel of 33rd Battalion of Huron, was in town 1 week endeavouring to recruit the Exe company of volunteers. He says that E ter has young men who are possessed good loyal blood, and that a drat cla company should be established here. W understand a step in the -right direction taken, and, if possible, satisfatory level meats will come about." Programme. The following will be rendered at the S. Entertainment of Main-st. Church, Monday evening next, by Prof. Bell Smit of .Alma College, St. Thomas :- PART L "The Wreck of the Hesperus," Longfello Crayon Sketch. x' "Cuddle down," .dnderson "European Guides," Mark Twain "Deacon Goodheart." PART II. "Timothy Brown." , "How He Saved St: Michaels," Stansbury Crayon Sketch. "David Copperfield," Dickens "Charm" Frowbridge Crayon Sketch. PART M. "Too Late for the Train." "The Picket of the Potomac." Crayon Sketch. "How Reubenstein Played the Piano." This will positively be the most interest- ing and instructive entertainment that hae been given in Exeter, for some time. All go l See posters and programmes, chool , the ed to oilers' 0 for also chool d by rman deal egory, r for aper, Bella Miss Cro- oom, 11, as The ow- eter and the ter the to hat eer hat 10- het ast ter xe- of GS e was op- S. o h, w, • The Times for 1887. The renewing of subscriptions 18 almost at hand, and a word to our readers before renewing time will not be out of place. The Traits has recived many congratula- tory letters of late, an the improvement that has reeentjy taken place, which will rio doubt, be backed up by its many read- ers. We have at a great expellee ^ added new type; with which the entire paper this, week is printed. in order to double our large circulation, we will send the 'Txnllis to any address from now until 1888 for one dollar; it is the iargest and best printed dollar paper in Huron, We will creno the city weenies with the ` iente as ostial at the following1lrieeai-,LThe Tzsfts,and' Loh, don Pres Press, for $1.85; Tlratgs and LOn- don Aclverti'arer, $1.85; Tates and Cflobe, $L85; TIMES and Mail $1:85, with the balanee of 1886 thtowar in. Remember that all aubaeriptfona are to be paid to our- eel7es; we cannot afford the usual coinmis- young people of the village pect something good this The weather during the been most summerlike, the it does in July. Richard Henter, shipped from Centralia, on Saturday last, a car load of. stook, to Buffalo., A number' of our citizens attended the Essery sale at Centralia, ;on Tuesday. Sonle. thirty horses were sold, The Biddulph.Agricultural Society's fair will be held at Granton, ' to -day. This is always a first class rural fair. Jas. Ramsay, cyclist, of this office, rod 8 miles in forty minutes, on Monday ev lug by noon light. This is considered fas Several of our eitiizens attended the loy alists' meeting at.Clinton, on, Tuesday las A condensed report can be found in anothe column. A meeting of the Directors of the Agri cultural Society, will be held on Saturday, Persons having appeals, to make are re- quested to be present. In the report of the prize list last week, Mrs. Jas. Tom ought to have been checlited with second for nits and 1st and 2nd for gloves, instead of Chas. Monteith. We may ex- \vinter, past week has sun shining as e en - t. t. r Believe hi printer's ink. Advertise in the best newspaper, largely and well, and returns are sure. The stronger the adver- tising the larger the returns. Read Messrs. Trick & Currelley's adver. tisement, in another column. They have opehed their fall stock, which embraces everything, Rev. Mr. Fletcher preached to a large congregation in the Presbyterian church Sabbath evening last. Rev. Mr. Martin occupied Mr. Fletcher's pulpit, Thames Ro ad. Church. A stranger would be impressed with the fact that Exeter is a Scott Act town, when it is learned that there are three cider pressen in the place. One at the North, ie out 1, and in the centre. The usual number of cattle have been shipped from the depot during the week, by the several buyers. The neighU farmers have an eye to what pays bed Wm. Folland, Pickard & Spicer, and Howard, have carried off several pri for fowl at agricultural fairs this sea Exeter can produce about one dozen ex ive poultry dealers. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Main Methodist Church, purpose giving an e ailment on the evening of thansgiving d 'he promises to be a first-class liter east. The tax collector will soon be on ounds. Pay promptly and facilitate utes of the collector. The taxes have e payed and why not pay thein first st? Mr. Wm. Wood , has sold his "So loud" colt, to a gentleman in London, 200. She is a rangy beast, has plenty fe, and is a good roadster. She and ate were exhibited at the Western Fair. Mr. W. Bawden has disposed of a fa ntaining one hundred acres, being lot the 8th concession of the township ooke, Co. of Lambton, to 'a Mr. Munro or a large sum of money. The farm w ld through advertiseing irr the TIMES. Mr. Geo. Ferguson, of this place, tom nces'farming on' the premises recentl cated by Mr. Jas, Gullett, on the 3 nceasion of Usborne. Geo..:: has be ch experience in' farming and , being one at the S "1 oring t. zes, 80D. ten- -st. nter- ay. ary his the to as rrel for of a $ t f r d b la C 3 In 00 on Br fo 80 me va co mu 'nl 4, of e, vas caught typhoid fever; he bas reoaveredteroiq the attack,k r away on Out. 1st after oonsidera'ble s „ ping t. • Mr. T,esli° Youugston ,of Blanehu " kesed He was much respected neighborhood,. P d throngh,.l the Mr. J. Cheshire, of Thedford while out shooting ducks at the River'Seuble, the other day, accidentally; shot -himself in +the abdomen. It' .appears "the accident' occurred from slipping while it; the net of loading, The 14, he .RC1 T TER AND, EGG TA GG KEN 1 N EXCHANGE round is serious. During the three months ending Sept. three magisterial oases name" before.t magistrates of St. Marys; 43 before Police magistrate in ' Stratford; and ae before the Mitchell pollee magistrate. ,T fines imposed represented $465:18. Fro this it will be seen that fat, Maria is by f the moat orderly town in the county. The law" requires that those who h stray animals on their premises should 'ertiso them. Costs cite only be oolleot( from the time the advertisement; first appea in any paper. It is a matter whloll a gre tingled and often afterwards throw. them selves in for law cysts, On Sunday afteenocn, whirs Mr. J. Bi was driving the Rev. Mr. McDonagh, past of the Frontstreet Church, Strathroy, to a appointment at Mount Brydges, their hors was startled by. a pig running out from th roadside when about a mile out of the town Both were thrown violently out, Mr. Mo Donagh having his wrist brokeu, and Mr Bird had his collar -bone broken and other wise severely bruised. Several hundred people; witnessed, th baptism of three converts to the Mormo hurch. of St. Marys, Sunday afternoon last Two of the three were young girls while th ird.was an elderly gentleman. The atmos here was clear and ;warm and the water omfortable. _Thos ordeal has been in order uring several previous Sundays. Several (towns in, Canada are putting the leetric light in their places of business and n. the streets. The cost per light is about 5 cents per night,, and is cheaper than gas. y don't some enterprising citizen take old of the matter in Exeter- and give it a id? It would doubtless preve a . success. n enquiry would not be grit.9f.place. The Blanshard Fire Insurance Company s suffered ooneiderable lees of late. through es, which, if not incendiary, were at Istat iy suspicious, and"the .policy holders will ortly be' called .neonate liquidate a heavy sessment Thp,Msulkis„that not a few them arequitte.; c •t.,and .the company blamed for, eng lenient in dealing th claims. CASH GRQCERY 'a,cy cued- Staple G'rroGeries r Crockery awl, Glassware,. Lamp Goods, (* Our vANCY,14 ew'4PL1J OROC BIS re 1 Fi I?i' a all Fresh and Carefully 'Selected, ,cher al ip."rohasers can rel en gettinga ftrst•elass article from Us. y Our OR CICE1tY' AND GLASSWARE oosu rises everything at erns p in that lino of � eo newest f fi ...� ,and latest designs and ,prices are such as to please everybody. � Our LAMP GOODS are the finest that eau be procured in the market. T ; aro New, Colors, and if you cannot grasp the idea which we wish to convey 1 ' Milch, and of All C o ey to your Ilninds, we would invite you to look at onr windows, or step inside and see for yourselves, eyed if you do not wish to buy. Give us a call, and it will amply. repay,you. , the Ven m SF ave ail- ed re at • rd or 6, e 0 n e c th p a rl e 2 Wh b tr A ha fir ve ah as of is wi B014N... Esseer-ln Stephen, on the 10th 'inst., ,the wife of Robt. Essery; of•a daughter. BIoINTyRE. In Exeter North, on the 10th inst., the wife of, Alf. McIntyre, of a daughter. MARRIED. ' I Tromte-Oo0NELL-On Tuesday, Sept.' 28th, by the Rev. J. 13. Kennedy, of Thedford, Mr. Wm. II. Travis, to Mies Mina Cornell, both of Bosanquet. War§,or-:H, BaxoN At the parsonage, AilsaCraig, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. Mr. Thomas, Mr. John Watson of the 12th con., McGillivray,to Miss Elizabeth Hari - ton. of the llth concession. FIASRIs-JonNsroit"-Tn St. Mary's, Sept. 29 by the Rev. C ° reLauren, Mr. Reuben Harris, of Hibbert; to plias Mary, 4th dau- ghter of Mr.J'" ehnson of St. Mary.'.s. S1I Tw-JoHNsxo =At the' parsonage, by Rev. J. A. Ferguson, on Tuceday;' ith, Mr. W. H. Sinitii, of,Arkona, (late of ,MeGh4,li- vrayl-to Miss di'dry,,.A, Johnson,,ed�f West Williams. ' SWANSON BnowN-AC the' Windsor hotel, St. Marys, on the 30th u1t,; by Rev. A. Grant,'Robert Swanson,4 dfei St. Marys, to Miss Jennie Brown, of. Birr. DAWTON-WEsnrAN-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 6th inst., by the Rev. J. C. Stephenson, Mr. W. Dawton, to Miss L. Westman, all of Granton. DIED. A exx.-In Stephen, on the 11th inst., BelI- mire Amey, aged 23 years and 25 days. (Jumps.- In Hensall, on the 8th inst., James Childs, aged 4 years and 7 months. CoLQUao)N- In Fullerton, on the 3rd inst.,. Jane Colquhon, aged thirty-seven' yenta.II HALL -In St. Marys, on Saturday 9th, Clara, youngest daughter of Mrs. Robert Hall, l age 7 yrs. ' CnodxER.-In Exeter, on , the 10th inat., William R., son of Mr. Richard Croaker, aged 11 years and 7 months. Y' rd1 d industrious Young man we predict for 11i abounded success. Last week, Mr. Jno. Gill, ,bailiff, place upon our counter, two pears, which nleasur ed 13 inches one way rind 12 the other weighing one pound each, ' They are ,th largest we have seen, and Mr. Gill woul like to know who can show better or larger pears Mr. G. also used to grew `choice ap pies, or at least, the office, boys say so. D. ...Buchanan, son-in-law of Mr. Chas. Perkfift of Exeter, is e e of the `few, who successfully passed the' recent senior ma triculation examination of Toronto' Univer- sity. Mr. Bnchahatl is a student ;'of Knox College, and last session took up the work of two years, winning the creditable position of being'' highest in general proficiency iii .the aetontl year, and second highest 11 the third year class. bur Market 3s the best of any Within 30 miles. There ?,;pore grain bought oil' Exeter market incite day ;than is ' pin-chas ed in St. ' Marys t)r Parkhill, within ens week,This may seem like exaggeration, but it is .'nevertheloas, it "facto,. We have: several goon buyers here who have , the shrewdness to buy grail : properly: Met enfants report jrusinegs as beirly brick, and taking things generally, Meter is advatic• in in no stnull ` degree, Partners froth, l lttnshttrd, tTaborne T3idctttlp�ih, iMctli1. livray, Stephen and 'the a ortliar i town: s pa market tM'lelr grain here. SALE REGISTER. an Parties getting their sale bills printed at In this office will receive a notice similar to the following, free of charge :- 4 THURSDAY OCT. 21. -Farm Stock, Imple- ments &c. The property of Mrs, Ellen Morlock, lot 10, con.' 8, Stephen. Sale at r one o'clock, E. Bossenberry, sue. 0 d NOTICE. Ol, Canadian oder o W. 1F Yesttrs, hasmef Court hnattded me a cheek of 81000 for thebeneflt of heirs of the late lir. Lf L Boozier, he having been 'a member of tole court. ,10RN ECOCPEll, Executer, OTICi. , flr$} � ,) " OltwArilEtp FA..NSONS BLOCK Dil LMAGE'SICeo* KIRKTON. -FOR- Newest designs in dross goods, Ladies' jerseys, Mantel cloths,. Millinery, etc.; etc. GROCERIES AT ROCK -BOTTOM PRICES. A few pounds tea left, at 15cts. -A fine assortment of- Late Manager C. Eacrett's Boot and Shoe BOOTS AND SHOES may 14th 84. -FOR Ald, CLASSES AT - 446014 Wishes to announce. te the inhabitants of Exeter and v icanity, that he has opened out 1 B, : po an, pc , 't- in the Corner Store North of Samwel & Pickard's, whore he is Prepared to make all kinds 0:ordered work. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attendeci to. GEO. MANSON, CHEAP CASH STORE, KIRKTON. 13utter :Wanted Wiathesonx EXETER NORTH, Our Stook is Well Assorted FOR TRE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED ! We eanat,be undersold in Teas from 20c. to 7501 131* Boots & oes (All Styles) at Low Prices, , A nicely assorted stock of HARDWARE. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS • all' sizes, i? (Cheap.) 13eat Machine 011 60o per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. L" A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75. 4 good suit of ready-made clothing for $6. Ordered suits got up in Good Style, Our Dress Goods are marked down to the Lowest Notch. COTTONe-20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLAR. Moved to F Front the public at large that he b as moved from his old location, and henceforth his MONT4EAL TEA TORE e:ine door North of Drew's Block,)where he wil/ be found, as of old, with a large and • well as- sorted stook of entirely new goods, consisting of Ready-made Clothing, Tweed, Shirtings, English Corded and English Moleskins, .potton- Dress Goods, all desAaptions, Corsets, Ladies' Hose, Mus- lins, Lawns, And everytning usually kept iu a well -stocked General Store. I ani making Suecal Bates tO Close Out my Spring if Summer Goods To make roonitr new Fall and. Winter FA1VIILY GROCERIES Which am offering at Beek Bottom Rates niake this line a SPECIALTY.. -=1 FARIIPRODUCE TAREN/N EXCHANGE for GOODS. I would thank my old customers for their A House end Lot, also a earm for Sale. pa APPlY to an tronage, andhopo by strictly honest dealing custom and win manynew patrons. Call and JOHN MATHESON. lexaixin. goods and prices. fair nriceete merits, continuanee of your .13LIN;fi:S....13.LOCK -THE PLACE FOR -- CHEAPNESS, VARIETY AND EXTENT, an a*** a*** • One of the Largest, Newest, Best Assorted and Cheappst, Stocks in Exeter. Meltin Cloths, Habit Cloths, All -Wool Jeersey Cloths, French Dress Materials, in all the Newest Makes and Colors at Correct Prices. OUR BLACK DRESS GOODS. --All the Very Latest Novelties in Fanpy 13Iack Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, es well as alt Staple Lines in Black Goods. Colored Plushes in All Shades worn this season. Black, Dress end Mantle Silks. osiEnv rbeeitilig 'dirfetozs 01 th dee., ell benght before tlm advanee le prices and Will he sold et 'and I:rebore° aeticultural Vocietywi 1, be held At the Mentdon ammo, Exeter,. firi Sattirdey, vou, want CiStrbet Goods,' at Correct Prices,' come to pieties be present itt said Meeting, , „ VAR; 'POO 110: ,hhil04:0igh.ect fended, lend Of geed' kelt, arid in a tine titate of ''etyltiVatieil, 'There 16 6', leirieg 'Creek ritiihiner 00 Peat. It la ailkneW1Sdged by' eiieryOne that had uSed it to be thO beat in the Village tor the motley. MA, CALL SOLICITIJD. • 431 bi ot iL It to at al Fa Au tic Tri 13, Po vellr tar Opt One has to t eh 0 SS Bon lour Ne Ne day fax boin mid roe 0014( ' Gist reute Inft rateri