HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1976-10-07, Page 10cj
Ve and
er led the xeeti tg
the ' vemeflts,
at'belle to he
field Arena.
cad as Immediate
rel ort dans are already
elag made fpr the different
hake` teams 00W. It was
ided to plan for ice inthe
arena as soon after
h'vetnlr 1st as possible.
Mr. I3iekrist Was present to
inuire, about the :road to the
property where he is having a
house built. He is disap-
pointed ever this delay as he
had expected it to be ready by
this. tall. The Reeve assured
• him that they are taking care
of this matter and would
approach the property owner
about having the machinery
and such like moved off from
the ,road ll once, to speed
up the making :of a road,
• The Clerk `read letters of
thanks from Mrs. Lois Lance
and also from the Oakland
County, ' Michigan. Bicen-
tennial Committee for the
hospitality shown them when
they were over here.
Council is very pleased with
the money raised through.
donations for the new Public
Library in Bayfield. They
hope to start building soon so
it will be ready for use in the
spring. A letter was sent
asking for permission to use
the water from the Post
Office for the new building.
It was agreed to donate to
the Save Our Hospital fund, to
help pay the lawyer's fee to
save the Clinton Hospital.
;This was to; :e done on a pro-
An invitation had been
extended to council . mem-
bers, their wives and
husbands. to visit Oakland
County Michigan. for their
Bicentennial Harvest Ball,
October 23rd. In keeping with
year term
R►17.76. arnos of
alart to attendTM
crest Torr the
rpor tion of the Vilfage of
Bayfield, was draw by
dleifson and :preeAbated
Council's approval. It was
discussed and sggested
changes were to be prepared
and submitted to the artist-
It was decided that the
grader should be repaired at
once in preparation for winter
use. A drain to be pat in on
Cameron St. was also
discussed and to be looked
382 Dundas St. •
Woodstock, Ontario
Telephone 539-5601
out of town call collect
ii01111.11111111011W 411111111100,11111111111111111111.11111.111111.111.
broken off and som
pulled up and thrown I.
Mese are goin to
replaced and we certainly,
hope whoever is responsible,
for this - vandalism will gel
their kicks some other way
and preferably some other
We were all sorry to learn;
that Milvena Erickson Was
unable to be at the meeting as
she is 111 Speedy recovery
aptist church news
The regular Sundae Ser-
vices were held in the
Bayfield Baptist Church with
Pastor Brian Harrison
preaching for both services.
At the morning service,
Rev. Harrison had as his
theme "One Mere day with
the frogs," which is what
Pharoah said to Moses when
asked when he wanted God to
remove this plague . - To-
morrow. To -day, people
without Christ as their
Saviour keep saying "Ti-
morro*" .
After the service, the
Communion was shared by
those present. Miss Wendy
Greer was at the organ and
Mrs. Muriel Snider played the
It was announced that there
arespecial evangelical
services being held every
night this week in. Calvary
Baptist Church, Goderich and
the Bayfield members were
encouraged to attend.
It was also announced that
the ladies of the church will
be holding a Prayer Meeting
in the church -earl ''Tuesday
morning at ten o'clock.
Village student, honored
John McLeod received a
medal at the Goderich
District Collegiate Institute
last week.
This award was given to the
student who has been
recognized for his having
performed harder than would
normally be expected to
achieve his goal. Good work.
John, keep it up.
Historical plaques
to 'be unveiled
Oh Sunday, October IOth at
2 p.m. the Bayfield Historical
Society will unveil two in-
teresting historical plaques.
Reeve E.W. Oddleson will
Act as chairman. The first
plaque will be placed on the
Little Inn. The history of this
hotel will be given by Mrs.
Wm. Metcalf. Miss Ruth
Wallace, the present owner
will perform the unveiling.
and save
Rent r the pro
carpet cleaner . * -.
716 Wellington Strcret S.
.5 24-2440
we .got.
n idea for you!
Spend your leisure hours creatively
and enjoyably. The Ideas situp has a
war variety of hobby inn craft
materials .and kits. Alg h kits,
pillow kltt, rUgIdts 'F tar.
Immediately following at
the Albion Hotel, Mrs. Alma
Bassett will give its history.
Her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh l flcKay were for many
years the owners of this
historic inn. Murray and
Charles (Chuck) Robinson.
son and grandson of the
present owner, Mrs. Myrtle
Robinson will unveil the
The Bayfield Historical
Society will serve refresh-
ments at the conclusion of
these ceremonies. Everyone
is most welcome.
--Bayfield 1, 4-11
On Monday. Sept. 27 we
gathered for our first meeting
at the home of Mrs. Phoenix.
We elected our officers and
they are as follows: Joanne
Sturgeon, president; Patti
Greer. vice-president; Cheryl
Dunn, secretary; and Sheri
Phoenix, press reporter. We
were pleased to have 11 girls
answer the roll call for our
new club 'The Cereal Shelf.'
We had a lot of fun choosing
our club name and finally
came up with "the Bionic
Barley's." Mrs. Chapman led
a discussion on cereal and
their products from basic
Then we watched Mrs.
Phoenix demonstrate how to
measure flour, brown sugar
and shortening properly.
Talbot and Freida Hill
were chosen to -make Fry Pan
Cookies. They turned out
delicious and were soon gone.
We started with the 4H
pledge and ended with our
motto. By Sheri Phoenix
"Graduate -1 of the eighth class at the Pfrintmer Clinic are from left to right Mary Ann
Riehl Edith Bell, Doreen Diclde and instructor, Mrs. Therese Pfrimmer. (News -Record
Village social, personal notes
David Binnie and Jeff
Forrest of Mississauga spent
the weekend with Herbert
Gale at the Tank and Tummy'
Miss Valerie Merner, Miss
Joyce Mcllwain spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mars.
Norm Valliere. DeeDee and
Mr. Ray Schell spent the
weekend at Guelph attending
a Gideon Retreat. He spent
Sunday night with his
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. A.T. Freeman in
Woodstock and accompanied
them to Norwich to attend the
45th Wedding.Anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Thompsop, who are long time
Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Reg. Smith in Durham. -
Recent, guests Iii
Telephone Convention in
Thunder Bay recently.
Mr. and Mrs. W -.D. Phoenix
and family visited with their
parents in London, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Makins accompanied their
daughter and son-in-law
Brenda and Dennis Miskie of
Goderich to the Toronto
airport last week. Mr. and
Mrs. Miskie have gone on a
three week tour of Europe.
Mr. and Mrs. Makins at-
tended the Plowing Match on
their return trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Westlake of London spent
part of the weekend With his
parent, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Westlake in honour of Mrs.
Westlake's birthday.
Miss Catherine Westlake
from Toronto was at home for
the Goderich District
Mix, Collegiate Institute coin
Elva Metcalf were Mr. and " rnencernent to receive her
Mrs. C.D. Harper of Ottawa
and Miss Mary Monaghan
from .White Rock, B.C.
Mr. and Mrs.Boyce Wiltse
from Dundas visited with. Mr.
and Mrs. Pere. Johnston on
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. P. Johnston
spent four days at the
honour graduation diploma
for Grade XIII. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Talbot
and Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Talbot went to London Friday
eveningfor the hockey game
between the London Knights
Jr. A. team and the Niagara
Falls Jr. A. team. They were
Holmesville II 4-H
elect season's officers
The first meeting of our
club, of the fall project "The
Cereal Shelf" was held at the
home of Mary Brand on
September 20. The leaders
are Mary and Diana Brand,
and seven members attended
and answered the roll call.
They are: Sylvia Forbes,
Marie Brand. Jackie Brand,
Irene Heykoop, Mary Brand,
Diana Brand and Nancy
Our , elected officers are:
president. Jackie Brand:
vice-president, Sylvia For-
bes ; secretary, Irene
Heykoop: press reporter,
Nancy Heykoop.
The club nickname which
' our club agreed upon - is
"Sylvia's Brand• of Heykoop
muffins." Mary and Diana
led the discussion, and
everyone joined in. Diana
demonstrated measuring
techniques and was helped by
several members, and then
everyone helped make frypan
cookies with Mary super-
vising. They were easily
made acid quickly eaten as
they were very delicious.
The next meeting will be at
Brands on" September 27. The
meeting was closed with the
motto. by Nancy Heykoop
lou, ` ;off", heritage Se.
ion d stricts under reading .on
ertage Act• now a by-law.
, ..gra( ate
'row rimmer
The three members of the
Therese C. Pfrinuner Clinic
technique of deep muscle
therapy graduated Oct. 1.
Mary Ann i:le►1, massage
therapist, of Pompano Beach.
Florida; Doreen Dickte, NA,
of Saulte Ste. Marie, Ont. and
Edith Bell, RN, of London
Ont. were members of the
three week course. This most
recent graduation makes 21
deep muscle therapists.
all very pleased that the
Knights won.
Mrs. James .S. Smith and
Mrs. Harry Bolger from
Brussels spent Tuesday with
Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitz-
simmons, Terry and Kelso.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Chapman. Sault Ste. Marie,
Ont., were over -night guests
Wednesday with Mr. and
Mrs. R. Roy Fitzsimons,
Terry and Kelso, and at-
tended the International
Plowing Match.
Mrs. Pearl Shaddick,
Hensall and Miss Elvera
Churchill from Toronto were
dinner guests with the Fit-
zsimons family on Thursday.
Guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Bert Barwick on the weekend
included Mrs. Barwick's
sister and brother-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. John McGill from
Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Cook, Pert Albert, Mr. -and
Mrs. Godfrey and daughters
Judith and Janet from
Dungannon and Mr. Marshal
Bell of Goderich.
Mrs. Maude Weston was
pleased to be one of two
librarians chosen to attend
the county librarians con-
ference of Ontario, This was
one week of sessions and was
held at the Ontario Gover-
nmental Staff Development
Centre at Kampenfelt Bay on
Lake Simcoe.
Guests with Mrs. Maude
Weston on the weekend were
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Parker
of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Pruss
from London were at their
cottage here for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Helka and Mr. and Mrs.
George Betteriy, all of New
Sarum, visited last week with
Mrs. B. Turner. They also
called . 'on Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Turner.
Fali Fashion
The -students comment,
that they have seen .many
people' helped considerably
by deep muscle therapy. Mra.
Pfrirnmer treated. a
Newfoundland dog - p'vIng
that even animals can be
helped with her technique of
deep muscle cher 4py. The
students said they are
pleased with what they have
seen and learned. "-
Re istrat on successful
Registration for the
Brownies, Cubs and Scouts
was held last Thursday
evening with a good number
signing up in each,group, with
more expected to come in as
the program gets under way.
The Brownies will meet
each Wednesday evening at
the Municipal Building
between 6:30 and 8 p.m.
The Cubs meet every
Saturday horning also at the ,at 5654544. .
Muinicipa,l Building, between
10 and 11:30p.m.
Ths Scouts will be meeting
at St. Andrews United Church
on Wednesday evening
between 6:30 and 8 p.m.
Hockey registration
meanwhile, will continue and
applications are available at
the Bayfield Building Centre,
or contact Mrs. Robert Snell
Senior Citizens
welcome, guests
The Senior Citizens Ever -
Young Club met Thursday
night in the Municipal
Building. Forty-four mem-
bers and their guests sat
down to a bountiful pot luck
Followiing supper, Esther
Makins chaired a short
meeting. The membership
fees remain the same as last
year, $2 per person. There is
to be a zone meeting in
Saltford Hall on October 14th.
Registration at 9:30.
Everyone is welcome and is
to bring their own box lunch.
A talk on nutrition will be
given in Bayfield Town Hall
Tr.y Diamonds
Open evencngs
Fri Evenengs
on October 19th at 2 p.m. and
everyone is urged to attend.
Happy Birthday was sung
to Mrs. Duggan and Mrs.
Carter. Mrs. Makins donated
an afghan which she had
made. Tickets will be sold at
541.00 for this afghan.
Following the meeting, a
few games of euchre were
enjoyed by most of those
present. while other mem-
hers chose to visit. This was*
very enjoyable evening for
the Ever Young Club of
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Join at the Woollen ape in an Old Fashioned.
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See our showing of
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Mrs. Gieeria Hiprn to our
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