The Exeter Times, 1886-10-14, Page 5Affairs ipl North Middlesex.. o Ito gaitz. Of MO iriiest'?. ,Sher --.A, few weeks ago I noticed yoµ stated that the Reformers were prepared to raise the religions cry iI! Neet1i Muddle - sox next time, no wetter who the Tories brought out. .At the time I tho ht your. assertion Wee, but 1 hove been let suf. ficiently into party secrets, since then, to know that you spoke only too truly. The Reformers had it Convention eoine time ago, to nominate a candidate. The Convention adjourned without doing so. The object of the delay is, 1 believe, to catch the Tories. If air. Coughlin is their man, their M. L. kJ Shipley is to be the Reform candidate; but should the Conservatives bring out a Protestant then the Reformers are to run an Irish Catholic, in the person of Mr, John Flannigan of Clandoboye, Last election the principal cry was that wo were to vote against Mr. (Coughlin, because he was a Catholic and for Mr. Shipley, because he was a Protestant. Now, itAppearsthat the leaders of the party in le riding are prepared to stultify theinsely s, their record and principles of 1 'r $S2tl urn nolopartyde if a sofmond ' It. The rank tiild fit are e to to lairs up the latter, are guilty of partiality to feathers the opposite cry, if it is thought necessary and blankets. At last ib was decided that for the party benefit. Have the Reform Pete should bivouac with Sim that night and 'etc arta Sim 09 151,1rnting.. clontronto. Bach u2 tial '$ort siitp igI ,14 or tie 1{ve Iwo wquid.be sports, whom we rnay,sall Pete and Sinn Gn'nll Q00401on.a whorl, there is a smell oaf game in the air, these two lire sepecabie eol?epateions, and seem to take ten. qualified pleasure In the obese. A short Unto sine, it was masted around' that du.olts were seen very plentifully in the neighborhood of a oertalle creek ; in fact that they were so numerous, that to °scope the rigors of the coming winter they would willingly saorafioo, all claim to this mortal coil for a safe sholter in anybody's oven. This savory bit of news set the boys akimbo, their rest became dis. Curbed and !eyeteeth, and nothing short of a Sir John Macdonald, ayeem, ai'odbyLa1Y l eedenulii, ar4vc4 in I ingaton o?l l3atur4ay you14,14,91.14„4w slays' Rats to hts, blster < Maixy forget that tits liitir and' `eealll ne I cleansing, Exte islvtlnseelAyor's ga}xYiger haspxoyou titot.it is sloe hest cleeneing agent for th,e hair—that it prevents aucl removes dandruf, cools anti soothes silo scalp, ahct stimulates the. lints to renewed growth, A WORD: OI' V7; BLANATIO 1 • The liver 'secretes bileto xneve the bgwels;• the kicluoys seprote i}rano to carry off uric acid, which would poisoz3'tbo blond; thQ sto,, wool secretes gastrin juice to digest or dis- solve the food, tate, Burdock Blood hitless tuna Upon those organs and pnrifiee the blood by eleanaing all the secretions of tho. system, warlike expeditionto the happy hunting Aeeulior virtue in Ayer'e Saraspatilla,, is, ground would satisfy the remorseless gnaw- p in appetite of Pete and Sim. ,&eeordin 1 that while it cleanses and purges the band ng p k Y from all corruptions and impurities, and of ever was attack as ould two Re- sembled, e thereby roots out disease, it invigorates the That an attack should be made, whole system,and a es oneagain. was unanimous, but the time and mangerm k young again. were matters for discussion. Finally, it was HONESTY ;TETE I3ES',C POLICY resolved that the brigade should bo on the An honest medicine is the noblest work //tarot' at an early hour on a certain morning, of man, anci;tye can assure our readers that but Che difficulty that not remained unsolved Dr Fowler's Extract. of Wild Strawberry is ll0 t011l reliable, 1 0 1 b but al o t infallible was Y e s s nkr to c ho > m who should sound the tool' in at so early euro Cholera morbus, Dysentery, Canker of au hour, as both Pete and Sim especially the Stomach and bowels, and the various. Summer Complaints, whose attacks aro often sudden and fatal, The Marquis Tseng left Marseilles on Sunday on his return to Pekin. Richard Fuller, Church St., Toronto, under the reeommenclation of the City Treasurer, who had experienced the benefit of Giles' Liniment and Pills in being cured of rheu- matism, procured a supply, Ile suffered from rheumatic goat, commenced with sore.. nese of the muscles of the knee -joint, after- wards pain and swelling of the instep and ankles, and lameness of the musoles of the. right foot, Was unable to walk. Kidneys were also affected, Doctor Giles' Liniment Iodide Ammonia gave immediate relief. Sold by C. Lutz, Central Drag Store. CERTAIN CURE A Cyan ron CuoLEn.t Monnus.—A posi- ve euro for this dangerous complaint and f party of the present day, no principles or platform to go to the people on, that they must depend on such dodges, as this for electing their man ? Why not squarely select the strongest man, and run him on the square political issues of the day ? If the Reforms party have no record or princi. pies strong enough to do that, then surely it is time for the party to cease to exist. Mr. Shipley was a good man, who car ried our banner nobly. Why not trust flim again ? Tlien the party would hilt be dragged in the mire. But if the party has one set of principles for 1882 and an oppo- site set for 1887, then 1 am sure a good many will leave the ranks' for a party that apparently, with all their faults, do not • descend to such paltry dodging as I have stated. How in the name of conscience, eau the Reformers, be now asked to support a Catholic, when before theeereere urged to vote against Coughlin, solely on account of his religion ? I tell you, Mr. Editor, a good many honest men will not stand that kind of thing. f Truly yours, A Protestant Reformer. Lieury, Oct. 8th, 1886. Kirkton. Binh s.—Farmers are taking advantage of the fine weather, and are busy saving the root and vegetable crop.—Miss Page, of St. Marys, has just been vis?ting at the Methodist parsonage.—The success of the Fair on Friday last ought to encourage the directors to take steps towards erecting a new and commodious hall as the olcl one is entirely inadequate to meet the requirements of the occasion.—The usual complaints of a good many dissatisfied exhibitors have been heard. In a few instances there were good ground for complaint but in the great ma- jority there was not. Some people are so blinded by self that they can see no excels lency in ny thing but their own and are grieved if hey don't get first prize'on every- thing they'exhibit. The difficulty would be obviated by the exercise of a little com- mon sense. -Money -sellers were conspicuous- ly absent from the fair, the Society having passed a resolution prohibiting them from the grounds and appointing an officer to look after each, if they put in an appear- ance.—Ladies ! if you want a new frock or anything in that line, Miss Sterritt who has just opened a dress -snaking establish- ment in the village, will be glad to have you call on her.—The following changes may be expected to 'take place shortly:— Mr. Alexe� c.irk will take possession of his handsome', e vhouse just built this summer, and now nearly completed; Mr. P. O'Brien of the 3rd line, Blanshard, will take pos- session of the house vacated by Mr. Kirk; Mr. James Marshall, of the eth line, steps into the place vacated by Mr. O'Brien, h e having leased that farm for a number of years . Mr. Sanntel Shiermoves to the place vacated by Mr. Marshall, he having pur- chased that farm from Mr. Robert Beatty; while Mr.— well perhaps we had better pause just here for a little, but our word fo. it, the house vacated by Mr. Shier can- not, judging from present lappearances, be very long without a tenant. Watch. -- Mr. Walter Pearson with his wife and family have become residents of this neighborhood, having purchased Mr. David Kirk'.s farm. We welcome then to our midst.—We aie sorry to record this week the death by diph- theria,of Miss MaryDawson, which lI ss s sad event took place on Monday afternoon last. On Tuesday her remains were interred in the Presbyterian cemetery. The ['bereaved fam- ily have the sympathy of the community. —An unusual number of drunks were seen on fair day. Of course they were all imported stock.—B. J. Roadhouse, of the Spruce Carriage Works, has been a very successful prize-winner at the various shows where his work has been exhibited this fall. --A barbed wire fence is a most barbarous thing to have along the side- walk. This statement can be corrobor- ated by a couple of cronies who had im- bibed rather much of the "devil's tea," and were on Friday night endeavoring arm in arm to steer a steady course east- ward.—Is there to be a new creamery built in Kirkton ? It looks a little that way at present. On Tuesday' afternoon last a meeting of the farmers of Blanshard and Usborne, was held in the Millet() con- sider the advisability of building a cheese factory or creamery. The meeting was addressed by J. W. Hanna, of the Sea - i • rth Creamery, who appears to have cv y confidence in creameries, .and who en- de'v red to inspire the same confidence in those who were present. Several farmers expressed themselves as favorable to a cream ery in preference to a cheese factory, while one only favored the latter. Mr. Hanna offered to build a creamery and conduct it himself if assurred of patronage. Nothing definite was -clone in the matter, but wo may expect to hear more about it yet. Mr. H. Fled Sharp, of St. Marys. the oon. servative candidate for the Commons, attend- ed the Kirkton fair, het Friday, Mr. Sharp through his genial mariner inade the no. quaintance of a great many people, and the impression left was yery satisfactory. Mr. Sharp is a shrewd gentleman and his election is almost curtain. ;Farmers report the market in St. Marys as being very dull, and the prices low. There is only one buyer and he has everything his own way. Ono° in acouple of days a load of grain Can be seen upon the market square, The stone town is not surely going back, Exeter might spare one of her buyers. Commencing with the first of the month, wo Ile We enjoyed the finest of. weather, now the local prophet, Mr, Chas. dower predicta that it' will last for three orfour weeks longer. roe some reasons we would wish to see his predielious prove One, bot the scarcity of water throughout the country would make a three or fent d8's rain.acoeptable,: beat the alarm in the morning. Accordingly, Pete repaired to Sim's tent, and after several hours passed in discussing the manouvres of the following day, and building castles of dank pie in the air, all retired and sought the aid of morpheus to quell the sudden up -rising of excited nerves, caused by gastronomic anticipations of the coming fray. Just as sweet repose was getting inite beat work, and tb register pointed to forty knots an hour, Pee sounded a sadden alarm, and. Sim, in- wardly regretting that ho had enlisted, pro. ended to consult the dial. When lo 1 as if in scornful mockery of their worldly project,. the old clock stood as it were, with his thumb to his nose and his fore finger pointing to the figure 3. This was hollow mookery indeed and Sim boat a hasty retreat, and again sought refuge in sleep, but that much sought individual had just gone off for a holiday, hanging on the door a card rending "bac again at 6 a. m." However, in spite of al these hardships, an hours' repose was slyly pilfered, but by this time the nervous tem- perature registered so high that bcth Pet and Sim dreamt of stacks of dead ducks, and having hundreds of women engage making pie crust. At 6 a. in. the brigade moved with a flank movement to the oast ward, and on arriving at the appointed place it was resolved to split the battalion, one half making a detour to the north and th tive for all acute or chronic forms of Bowel Com- plaint ingideut to Summer and Fall, is found in Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry; k to be procured from any druggist. The late Abbe Liszt's partially written v "Method for the Piano" will be completed by his biographer. Fraulein Lina Ramann, Pete Kohoway's Pills.—Indigestion and Liver Complaints.—The digestion cannot be long d or seriously disordered without the derang- ment being perceptible on the countenance, These Pills prevent both unpleasant cense. gaenees; they improve the appetite, and with the increase of desire for food, they aug- ment the powers of digestion and assimilation' in the stomach. Holloway's Pills deal most satisfactorily with deranged or diseased con- ditions of the many organs engaged in ex- tracting nourishment for our bodies from our various diets—as the Liver, stomach and bowels, over all of which they exercise the meet salutary control. By restoring at an early stage of this malady to these purifying and laxative pills, the dyspeptic is speedily restored to health and strength, and his sallowness gradually vanishes. OF VITAL IMPORTANCE It is just as.essential that the human body should have pure plood, as that a tree ea plant should have sap to nourish and invigor ate its growth. Nearly all our our bodily ills nitro from unhealthy blood, Burdock Blood Bitters purifies this fountain of life, and regulates all the vital organs to a healthy, action. J. W. Rollins, Emerson, has sent to the Montreal Star office a monster po- tato. It weighs 28 ounces, and is larger than the majority of turnips. A Profitable Life. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good in this world .as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone, We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Headache, Kiduey or Urinary Troubles, to call in at C, Lutz's and buy a bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Recipe Book $1.001 Have you Sick Headache, bad taste in your mouth in tho morning ? Do you suffer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion or Biliousness ? If so Dr. Carson's Bitters will ' cure you. Try it. Your Druggist will refund money if not sat- isfactory. An Ottawa despatch says : Mr. Meredith esptured the hearts of his audience on Friday last, and on all sides one hears of the favor- able impression ho made here. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED • Not by any sacred remedy, but by proper healthful exercise and the judicious use of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypo- phesphites, containing tho healing and strength giving virtues of these two valuable specifies in their fullest form. Prescribed universally by Physicians. Take no other. other to the south. Now just here a sorrow. ful scene might have been depicted, had the excursionists been thoughtful enough to have taken along an artist for the purpose, but in the absence of such a perquisite, I shall ask the reader to bear with me while I rudely sketch the outline. Pete and Sim stood (in mutual recognition of each others valued qualities) gaziog into each others face, while the big hot tears might be seen falling thick and fast and scorching the grass at their feet. No doubt each had gloomy forebodings of the uncertainties of the chase, and the dread probabilities of a deadly encounter with some fierce denizen of the forest, or some other mishap consequent on the excitement that would snre to follow the seeing of a duck or squirrel. After gazing at each ocher for a few minutes, each stringing his nerves to their utmost tension io be ready for the com- ing struggle, Pete exclaimed "I'll see you later" while Sim burst forth, with all the ardor of a new convert, "If you get there before 1 do tell them I am coming too." Then the separation was complete, and each steer- ed the appointed course into the dent@ for- est to follow the devious windings o this sedgy streamlet whithersoever nature marked its channel. It will be impossible to split our imagination so let us follow Sim for a few moments as he stealthily picks his way over logs and brush as warily as a Zulu seek- ing his prey. As be steals along eager to catch a glimpse of that wonderful duck, which, if measured according to Sim's expectation just now, would rival Jumbo himself, a rustling in the branches overhead, betokens the near presence of something formidable, while at the same time a silent spectator might have seen Sim's hat raise visibly and his right hand clutch nervously the shoot- ing iron in the neighborhood of the trigger. Bang ! down conies an old she squirrel; which, had it not been for Sim's deadly aim would have been in a few moments happy in the bosom of a small family of young, while Sim gives a chuckle of exultation, pulls off part of its tail as a "moinentum" and then quietly 1 wends his way with pulse decreasing and temperature down a notch or two. A few rods more and what ? No, never, yes, a fact, a deck 1 NOW thought Sim, I'll kneel down (not a usual thing for him) and take a cool deliberate aim. The aim was cool enough you may bet, at that hour in the morning, but no one will vouch for the deliberation of it, the both barrels are cooked, the wrong eye is squinted, the fingers clutched nervously. Bang ! bang ! the contents of oue barrel somewhat in the direction of the coveted duck, and the other at an angle of forty. five degrees into the air, and the duck oh ! was it sick ? ask of the winds that far around with dead leaves strewed the creek. Game - less and temperature do ,vu to the ague point. Sim retreats his weary steps, inwardly vow- ing that the next time he shoots at a dunk, he will squint both eyes and go it blind. Let us return to Pete, how goes it with him tho while ? His expectations, wariness and temperature, were equally as high ss Sim's, but meets with leen adventure, and the only A 0 A R D. To all who are suffering from the errors and tndiseretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of Manhood, &e, I will send a receipe flint will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a mis- sionary in South America. Send a solf-ad- dressed envelope to Itnv. TosEPrt T. INMAN Station D, New York Cit A NATIONAL EVIL There is no question but that Dyspepsia is the national disease of our country, and when complicated with diseases of the Liver and Kidneys is the cense of untold misery. Burdoek'Blood Bitters will almost invariably cure the worst cases known. Fifty-five horses, purchased in Ontario for for the British army, arrived on Sunday in Montreal, whence they will be shipped to episode happening to mar his fe]icity, was London by the steamer Carmona. the foot that his duet had four legs and hair on its back, and while attempting to bag it, ducked himself in the pond and openly avowed himself a believer in cool morning Be on Your Guard. Don't allow a cold in rhe Bead to slowly and surely develope into Catarrh when you eau be cured for 25 cents. • A few appliea- baths. Now these two Nimrods yie with tions will cure incipient Catarrh. One to each other in their attempts to give the 'two boxes will cure ordinary Catarrh. One public the biggest stretcher relative to their to fi,yq hnvac ever to be remembered duok hunt. --nese. FREE TRADE: The reduction of internal revenue and the taking off of royeuuo stamps from Proprie- tary Medicines, uo doubt has largely benefit ted the consumers, as well as relieving the burden of home manufacturers; " Especially is this the ease with Green's August Flower and Bosehee's German, Syrup, as the redac- tion of thirty-six. cents per dozen, has been added to increase the size of the bottles con- taining these remediee,;thereby giving one. fifth more mediuiue in the 75 cent Size. The August Ptotaer for Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint, and the German Syrup for Cough and Lung troubles, have perhaps, the largest sale of any medicines in the world, The advautage of increased size ' of the bottles will be greatly appreciated by the idols and afflicted, in every town and village in etviliaed countries. Sample bottles for 10 cents remain the same size. An American schooner has been seized' by a iiuseian cruiser in the Artie region Mr::il- legally trading in Russian ports.' IN SEASON It is now in season to warn our readers against the sudden attack of Cholera, Cramp ()olio and the various Bowel Complaints in- cident to the season of ripe fruit, vegetables, etc, D. Fowler's s Mated of WildStrawberry its the grand specific for those troubles, will cure chronic Catarrh. Sold by all dealers at 25c. per box. Try Dr. Chases Catarrh Cure—take no other—it will cure you. C. Lutz, sole agent for Exeter CONSUMPIION CURED. An old physician, retired from practice, have fug had placed in his Bands by'a n i s,St Indian missiouary tlr e formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis; Catarrh, ;Asthma and r 11 throat and icing' afleetions also aposf- tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Norvotts Complaints, after having tested its, wonderful curative powers in' thonsanils of cases, has foltithis duty toni,iko it known to his suffering fellows. Actuateciby tele ib cove and a desire to relieve human timbering, I wi:l send free of oharge to all who desire lt,•this recipe in Gorman, French or Bnsiish, with 11111 dlroctiousfar preparing' and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stain��ii, handl, this N a er,W,A,NoYEs,140I?owere73look Iicahsster ' Y AOvaon 00latotintnns,--Aro you disturbed at night and broken of pour neat by a sick child sutforin and crying with, Pain of Cutting Teeth? If soten dat"once arid ge6 alitittle of "11irs.t'Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chililren Teething, Its value is, incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. ,uenendupoh it, mothers; there is no nsistake aboutit. It mires 13ysentery and Diarrhoea, repnlates the Stomach and Bowels, Cures Wind Celia, settees the Gems, rode dee Inflammation, and gives tone acid energy to thewvliole eystdtn, Ai Window's Soothing Syrup for children teething it pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female phyeiaians and nurses In the, United States, and; is for sale by all druggists through= out thoworld, ',tied twenty.fipedente it hot. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Tiro speediest and most certain meciioitao in the world. ALL IfAMIL.LES USE IT. Weak Back, Etzlargecl ;Joints, Paralysis, .klheumatisin, Neuralgia, Diphtheri'e, Sciatica, Prolapsus, ULiteral, Female \Vealcness, The best and only certain remedy to relieve nein f al p ue kinds, l k t is matter n • ttr th stand- ing. s long s e d ill I how 6 g irsbahtioliut ^ua^i, r t toed •' ,e ' v - p z sof s btof len Joints, Varicose Veins, IIitos of Insects o: Sick Headache No oil or a'rortse; is clean and sweet ; will not soil. ItireateneeTioer 0r THE II.IDNEYs, 00IGxxT'9 Dinspsn, Diabetes. incontinence of Urine: Is the only Liniment in the world possessing a i- terative powers. Can be taken internally; eures Cramps and Colic, Diarrhoea and Dys• ontery. soLDBr ALL DRUGGISTS.. TRIAL Borras. 25c. Write Dr. Giles,box 8,482, N. Y. P. U., who will give advice on all diseases free of charge. r 'Bowaro of unscrupulous dealers and coun- terfeits, The genuine has the name blown in the glass and foo snuffle of the discoverer's name over, each cork, GILES' IMPUGN -ND MeenRAZE Pleas. ,$AFP Suno,IenaLtnx aii.dErrEOTIVE. Do NOT Gnrill They aro composed entirely of vete table sub, stances, and naube taken atoll sea5005 of the year without restriction as to diet or clothing For alldisordeie 01 the Stomach, Liver, Bowels &c. Price, 250. per box. C, LUTZ, Agent Exeter Ontario ' LOVELL'S GAZETTER, An HISTORY or THE DOMINION OF CANADA, In Niiio Volumes, Ziopal 8vo. TO 1311 COMMENCED whenever a sufliciont number of subscribers is obtained to cover cost of publication. Subscription to the Nine Volumes 575 00, to the Province of Ontario or to Quebec 512.50, to Now Brunswick or to Nova Scotia $11.50, to Manitoba or British Columbia 50.50, to Prince Edward Island or to North- west Territories $9,50. Each Province to have a Map. Please Send for Prospectus. JOHN LOV ELG manager and Publisher Montreal, 4th August, 1886. aug8d&wS 0*L D fields are sc,ue,buc those who write to Stinson & Co., Portland, Mame, will receive free, full information about work which they can do, and live at home, that will pay them from 55 to .825 per day. Some have earned over n50 in a day. Either sex, young or old. Capital not requir- ed. You aro started free. " Those who start itt once are absolutely sure of a sung little fo r - tune. Allis new. PREM AZZ'S WORM POWDERb. Are pleasant to 61:e. c'ontnin their own Purgative. Is . ,_ .t ,.c:11 .-ireetaat Eitroyer of wars... ,a6.:_i:dr.,n m Adults, Wanted Immediately ! CANVASSEIRS IN THIS COUNTY Fon THE NEW HOME BIBLE A illosr C CsPREHnnsIvr.. FAMILY BIOLE. containing the Revised and Authorized Ver- sions of both the Old and New Tostnments, ar- rangod in p••rrallel eolmnns. It also contains n, complete cyclopceclia of Itiblical knowloctge, 350 additional features, and nearly 2500 illus tra- tions. The largest, cheapest anfl most ele- gantly bound Family Bible over published. The demand unparalleled, rvery intelligent person wanting a copy, Some agents are making:8i5OEto 510o weekly. Our agent Mo- CnnE, sold w bU0 worth in two Townshins dur- ing his first few weeks' work. Another agent reports 17 Bibles sold last week. Experience is not necessary. Send to the solo publisher for descriptive i tlSe CllC71a1 and liberal terms. I'ibles in over 100 varieties. Also a line of Standard. Subscription Boohs and chomp Photo- graph Albums, C. 13LACKETT ROBINSON, JORDAN ST., TORONTO.. Publisher. G89N!E}tQ OF SHOW ROOM, ON MON DAY & TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th&tk Have pleasure in announcing . to the Ladies that our MILLINERY AND^ MANTLE SHOWROOMS will be open for the Season on the above dates, when we will have on exhibition : Paris, New York and London Styles of Bonnets, Hats and:'eirrnnings.' Also Berlin and London made Mantles and Jackets, and tmanly, novelties direct from the nnanufac- iiret's, On the same dates we will show a large assortment of Hite French Dress -Goods, Plain twit Stripe Missiles, Satins and Silks all coleus, Mant'e Cloths, `Rosery Trim- tniings, I13I tale ornaments, and full lines of Hosiery, Cxloves Etc. Our Gents • Furnishing Department is Very Complete, and will otribrace many novelties :in fine Scotch. Suitiugs, Over. coating, 'L`rowsoriu •, Neckties, and fine Imparted Scotch `Uiiidet•wai'e. Also full ftp 1 lines of :Boots, Shoes and Rnbhers, from beet tnanafaotitrers. Crockery attd China,' Dinner I and Tea Setts, imported direct from potteries.' All the above yoocds nme't'be offered at the Lowest :Possible 'Prices.' A Most Hearty �" In vltatton is clyr tended to all Ladies and Gentlemen to. e0ltte and see the BRAND t'XHIBIt/oN OF NOVJ'LrIEi$ tin. Ae onto and ask for ' 11fns, 'tresrower r , Soe,ham, Seate"andtake no ether lifna. 1 At Saerrwell C Pickard's 4 Have just opened their Fall -and )iVinter aslefa of Consisting of some of the Finest Pattern Goods to be had anywhere. —101 YOU wxs — A Suit ms,de from these goods in the Latest Styles AND AT EXCEEDING LOW RATES, GIVE -;- US -:• .A -:- CA.LT C. SOUTH CQT T and 80N the Exeter Clothiers, S, QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS - R.�Mss OIL At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the Last three years. .'See that you get Peerless. It is only madeby S,E .MU L g OCIPILS & CO., TORONTO. FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. WI%ARD C)IL ---AT SCARLETT'S DRUG STORE OARSON'S CATARRH CURE —AT— DRUG STORE! B 4 U BUY YOUR Hardware, Tinware,Stove, Etc --CALL ON— r,IssFT:r BRO'S E X E T E g, YOU WILL LOSE NOTHING BY SO DOING. ((oo)) Coal Oil, Lamps, and Lamp Trimmings, ALWAYS ON HAND. ((oo)) EITETROUGHING lfj , SPECIALITY. IMPORTANT TO V.151110.B.S... TO THE FAIR You should make it a point to call and see GE _TNOI_ZADPS n , Recently Refitted Grocery Store, HE HAS ON HAND AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Choice Fresh Groceries, Fruits, Confectionery, , Biscuits, Tobaccoes Pipes and (3iga sor ,,n e , any all of which he offers to the public Cheapfor�a l► , , Lrtsh, He has also famished ed at the rear of his G'or.er_ yn 3rittET.CLASE E Where he isre aced to p pserve up the delicious bivalves., Cooked or Raw, on theShortest Notice and at All Hour . Oysters For Sale by the . start. G. Ai YfttlOW; PREM AZZ'S WORM POWDERb. Are pleasant to 61:e. c'ontnin their own Purgative. Is . ,_ .t ,.c:11 .-ireetaat Eitroyer of wars... ,a6.:_i:dr.,n m Adults, Wanted Immediately ! CANVASSEIRS IN THIS COUNTY Fon THE NEW HOME BIBLE A illosr C CsPREHnnsIvr.. FAMILY BIOLE. containing the Revised and Authorized Ver- sions of both the Old and New Tostnments, ar- rangod in p••rrallel eolmnns. It also contains n, complete cyclopceclia of Itiblical knowloctge, 350 additional features, and nearly 2500 illus tra- tions. The largest, cheapest anfl most ele- gantly bound Family Bible over published. The demand unparalleled, rvery intelligent person wanting a copy, Some agents are making:8i5OEto 510o weekly. Our agent Mo- CnnE, sold w bU0 worth in two Townshins dur- ing his first few weeks' work. Another agent reports 17 Bibles sold last week. Experience is not necessary. Send to the solo publisher for descriptive i tlSe CllC71a1 and liberal terms. I'ibles in over 100 varieties. Also a line of Standard. Subscription Boohs and chomp Photo- graph Albums, C. 13LACKETT ROBINSON, JORDAN ST., TORONTO.. Publisher. G89N!E}tQ OF SHOW ROOM, ON MON DAY & TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4th&tk Have pleasure in announcing . to the Ladies that our MILLINERY AND^ MANTLE SHOWROOMS will be open for the Season on the above dates, when we will have on exhibition : Paris, New York and London Styles of Bonnets, Hats and:'eirrnnings.' Also Berlin and London made Mantles and Jackets, and tmanly, novelties direct from the nnanufac- iiret's, On the same dates we will show a large assortment of Hite French Dress -Goods, Plain twit Stripe Missiles, Satins and Silks all coleus, Mant'e Cloths, `Rosery Trim- tniings, I13I tale ornaments, and full lines of Hosiery, Cxloves Etc. Our Gents • Furnishing Department is Very Complete, and will otribrace many novelties :in fine Scotch. Suitiugs, Over. coating, 'L`rowsoriu •, Neckties, and fine Imparted Scotch `Uiiidet•wai'e. Also full ftp 1 lines of :Boots, Shoes and Rnbhers, from beet tnanafaotitrers. Crockery attd China,' Dinner I and Tea Setts, imported direct from potteries.' All the above yoocds nme't'be offered at the Lowest :Possible 'Prices.' A Most Hearty �" In vltatton is clyr tended to all Ladies and Gentlemen to. e0ltte and see the BRAND t'XHIBIt/oN OF NOVJ'LrIEi$ tin. Ae onto and ask for ' 11fns, 'tresrower r , Soe,ham, Seate"andtake no ether lifna. 1 At Saerrwell C Pickard's 4 Have just opened their Fall -and )iVinter aslefa of Consisting of some of the Finest Pattern Goods to be had anywhere. —101 YOU wxs — A Suit ms,de from these goods in the Latest Styles AND AT EXCEEDING LOW RATES, GIVE -;- US -:• .A -:- CA.LT C. SOUTH CQT T and 80N the Exeter Clothiers, S, QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS - R.�Mss OIL At Toronto. Every Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the Exhibition. It has been awarded SIX GOLD MEDAL during the Last three years. .'See that you get Peerless. It is only madeby S,E .MU L g OCIPILS & CO., TORONTO. FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. WI%ARD C)IL ---AT SCARLETT'S DRUG STORE OARSON'S CATARRH CURE —AT— DRUG STORE! B 4 U BUY YOUR Hardware, Tinware,Stove, Etc --CALL ON— r,IssFT:r BRO'S E X E T E g, YOU WILL LOSE NOTHING BY SO DOING. ((oo)) Coal Oil, Lamps, and Lamp Trimmings, ALWAYS ON HAND. ((oo)) EITETROUGHING lfj , SPECIALITY. IMPORTANT TO V.151110.B.S... TO THE FAIR You should make it a point to call and see GE _TNOI_ZADPS n , Recently Refitted Grocery Store, HE HAS ON HAND AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK OF Choice Fresh Groceries, Fruits, Confectionery, , Biscuits, Tobaccoes Pipes and (3iga sor ,,n e , any all of which he offers to the public Cheapfor�a l► , , Lrtsh, He has also famished ed at the rear of his G'or.er_ yn 3rittET.CLASE E Where he isre aced to p pserve up the delicious bivalves., Cooked or Raw, on theShortest Notice and at All Hour . Oysters For Sale by the . start. G. Ai